U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Genellete Thompson, 81, of Eagle Rock, died Sunday, April 20, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. at Rising Mount Zion Baptist Church. Arrangements are being handled by Eagle Rock Chapel of Botetourt Funeral Home.
David "Flea" Howard Higgins, 41, of Clifton Forge, died Tuesday, June 3, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Nicely Funeral Home chapel.
Leonard D. Gillis, 55, of Covington, died Monday, June 2, 2003. A memorial service will be conducted at Grace Lutheran Church in Hockessin, Delaware, Saturday at 2 p.m.
Linwood Back "Lucille" Long, 94, died Wednesday, June 4, 2003. A graveside service will be conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. in Alleghany Memorial Park. Arritt Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Terril Maxine Young "Teri" Riddle, 70, of Clifton Forge, died Wednesday, June 4, 2003. A memorial service will be conducted Friday at 6 p.m. in Iron Gate Baptist Church. Nicely Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Carrie Montgomery Johnson, 92, of Eagle Rock, died Thursday, June 5, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Eagle Rock cemetery.
Mary Esther Boggs, 62, died Thursday, June 5, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Loving Funeral Home.
Howard Franklin Bazarre, 84, of Clifton Forge, died Thursday, June 5, 2003. A memorial service will be conducted at a later date for the immediate family. Nicely Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Sarah Agnes Botkins Crosier, 54, died Thursday, July 24, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Oakey's South Chapel, Roanoke.
Leonard Leroy Bess, 69, of Covington, died Thursday, July 24, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Nicely Funeral Home.
Sidney T. Martin, 81, of Burnsville, died Thursday, July 24, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. in the McLaughlin Funeral Home chapel.
Louis Lee "Joe" Crump 65, of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., died Tuesday, July 29, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. at St. James United Methodist Church in White Sulphur Springs. Shanklin Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Katheryn Ann Tyree, 23, of 1015 Cliftwood Circle, Clifton Forge, died Tuesday morning, July 29, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Friday at 11 a.m. in the Nicely Funeral Home chapel.
Gerald Reinhardt Reid, 59, died Wednesday, July 18, 2003. A memorial service was conducted Saturday at Heritage Presbyterian Church. Brookside-Cypress Creek Funerals and Cremations handled the arrangements.
James Vincent Hamm, 59, of Roanoke, died Tuesday, July 29, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Nicely Funeral Home.
Floyd L. "June" Creek, 86, of Clifton Forge, died Sunday, August 3, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the McLaughlin Funeral Home chapel.
B. Dayton Dixon, 60, of Greenlawn Drive, died Sunday, August 3, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Arritt Funeral Home chapel.
Robert David Pennington, 38, died Friday, August 1, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Arritt Funeral Home.
Betty Blanche Sweeney, 77, of Beckley, W.Va., died Friday, August 1, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. in the Rose and Queensberry Peace chapel, Beckley.
Dr. Kenneth Thomas Calder, M.D., 85, of Tiverton, R.I., died Wednesday, April 23, 2003. A graveside service will be conducted Sunday at 3 p.m. at Warm Springs cemetery.
Oma W. Bradford, 83, died Tuesday, August 5, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Shanklin Funeral Home, White Sulphur Springs.
Larry Kent Crizer, 68, died Monday, August 4, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. in the Arritt Funeral Home chapel.
Robert David Pennington, 39, died Friday, August 1, 2003. A funeral service was conducted today at 11 a.m. at Roane Memorial Gardens in Rockwood, Tenn. Arrangements by Davis Funeral Home, Tenn.
Debra Tyree Agner, of Forrest Avenue, died Sunday, September 28, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the Loving Funeral Home chapel.
Alevia Clark, of Pal Beach, Fla., died Saturday, September 27, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Loving Funeral Home.
Ronald LeRoy "Ronnie" Potter Jr., of Longview Drive, Harrisonburg, died Sunday, September 28, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Loving Funeral Home.
Emory Randolp "Randy" Smith, 64, of Lexington, died Sunday, September 28, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. in Parrish Court United Methodist Church. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Arritt Funeral Home.
Edith Catherine Dressler Vanness, 87, died Monday, September 29, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Loving Funeral Home.
Barbara Burgiss "B.B." Zollinger, of Warm Springs, died Sunday, September 28, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by McLaughlin Funeral Home in Hot Springs.
Kathleen Alderman, 86, of White Sulphur Springs, W.Va., died Thursday, November 20, 2003. Funeral service Monday at 11 a.m. at Eakle Chapel United Methodist Church. Shanklin Funeral Home.
Stirel M. "Pip" Paxton, of Richmond, died Thursday, November 20, 2003. Family will receive friends Monday from 7-9 p.m. at Nelson Funeral Home in Richmond.
William John Tolley, 57, of 103 Sammy's Road, Covington, died Thursday, November 20, 2003. Funeral arrangements incomplete, handled by Arritt Funeral Home.
Edith Hite Gaddy, 95, formerly of Clifton Forge, died Sunday, November 23, 2003. A graveside funeral service will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Mountain View cemetery. Nicely Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Frank Watkins Ginger, of Clifton Forge, died Saturday, November 22, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. from the graveside in Cedar Hill cemetery. Arritt Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Pauline Wimmer Mandeville, 92, of Clifton Forge, died Sunday, November 23, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. in the Nicely Funeral Home chapel.
Ralph Marshall Unroe Sr., 71, of Clifton Forge, died Monday, November 24, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the Nicely Funeral Home chapel.
Dorothy "Dot" Wallace, formerly of Covington, died Saturday, November 22, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Beatrice Redman Wolfe, 93, of Cherokee Trail, died Friday, November 21, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Tuesday at 11 a.m. in the Arritt Funeral Home chapel.
Teresa "Tracy" Winge Belcher, 36 of Vinton, died Monday, October 6, 2003. A memorial service will be conducted Thursday at 7 p.m. at Simpson-Tharp Funeral Home.
Claudine Fridley Carter, formerly of Hugh Street, died Wednesday, October 8, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and are being handled by Arritt Funeral Home.
Randolph E. Nicely, 51, of Bay City, Texas, died Saturday, October 4, 2003. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.
Carrie Smith Snead, 86, of Covington, died Thursday, December 18, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Saturday at 3 p.m. in the Arritt Funeral Home chapel.
Gladys Agnor Via, of Covington, died Wednesday, December 17, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Arritt Funeral Home chapel.
Mary Lynwood Hamilton Dean, 86, of Clifton Forge, died Tuesday, December 16, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Central United Methodist Church. Nicely Funeral Home is handling the arrangments.
Emily Gordon Honts, 80, of Fincastle, died Tuesday, December 9, 2003. A celebration of her life will be held at the Botetourt County Museum in Fincastle, Saturday from 1-4 p.m. Botetourt Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Effie Irene Wilhelm Campbell, 87, of Covington, died Tuesday, December 16, 2003. A funeral service will be conducted Friday at 1 p.m. in the Arritt Funeral Home chapel.