U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Sept. 10, 1894 - Mr. JAMES A. McCOY of Berkley, died Sunday night at 11 o'clock at the Retreat for the Sick in Norfolk. At the time of his death Mr. McCoy was 55 years of age and leaves a widow and five sons, nearly all of them whom are grown. Mr. McCoy was chief clerk in the ordinance department, Navy Yard, and a consistent member of St. James Episcopal Church, Berkley. Time and place of funeral not yet determined.
Sept. 10, 1894 - We learn with deep regret of the death of Mrs. DAISY MARSHALL, the wife of captain Richard marshall, of Lee street, Berkley. The deceased leaves one child and a host of friends, who will learn with sorrow of her death. The funeral will take place tomorrow from the Chestnut Street M.E. Church.
Sept. 11, 1894 - A telegram from Booklyn, received last night, announced the death of Dr. CHARLES H. WILLIAMSON. Dr. Williamson has been in failing health for some time. Of late years, he has been a resident of Panama, where he held the positon of surgeon of the panama Railroad Company, Pacific Mail Steamship Company, and Southern Pacific Steamship Company. Owing to failing health, he returned to this country about a month ago and went to the St. John's Hospital for treatment. Dr. Williamson was the eldest son of the late Dr. Thomas Williamson, U.S.N., of Portsmouth. At the beginning of the war he was surgeon on the United States receiving ship Pennsylvania, and when virginia, his native State, seceded from the Union, he entered the Confederate service and served throughout the war with distinction. His remains will be brought to Portsmouth for interment. The funeral will take place from Trinity Episcopal church Thursday at 4 o'clock.
Sept. 11, 1894 - Miss ROSA LEE BUNKLEY - who is well known to many of our readers, having but recently returned to her home from a visit to this city, died quite suddenly at her home Saturday and was buried yesterday, the funeral services being conducted from ben's church, near Smithfield. She was the eldest daughter of W. G. Bunkley and Mary Grice Bunkley.
Sept. 17, 1894 - Monday. JOSEPH HARRISON, porter for Page and Pannill, and rooming at Mr. Page's house, was found dead in the office at 25 Granby Street this morning. Mr. Page missed him at the house this morning and went to the club for breakfast, afterwards to his office, where he found the porter dead on the floor. The negro had been suffering with heart trouble and was being attended by Dr. Webster. It is thought he was attacked after going to sleep and died without a sturggle. A coroner's jury viewed the body this forenoon and returned a verdict to the above effect.
Sept. 17, 1894 - Monday.We announce with deep regret the death of Mrs. REBECCA J. HAMMOND, of 514 County street, who died Sunday, at 11:30 o'clock a.m., after a long illness, borne with Christian fortitude. The deceased was in the 59th year of age and was a consistent member of the Episcopal Church.
Sept. 17, 1894 - Monday.Mrs. IRENE HARRISON, an old resident of this city, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. William Alexander, 321 Harrision street, Saturday evening, after a protacted illness. She had reached the age of 78 years.
Sept. 20, 1894 - Thurs. A LADY FALLS DEAD. Mrs. Bain on Arising for the Morning Breathes Her Last. The Suddenness of Her Demise a Shock to the Commnity and More So to Those in Her Household - She was a Consistent Christian. -- The community was shocked this morning to learn the death of Mrs. FAUSTINA M. R. BAIN, relict of the late David A. Bain, at her residence, 405 Middle street, at 6 o'clock this morning. A shadow has been cast over the city and her many friends by this sudden and wholly unexpected death. Mrs. Bain was born in Isle of Wight county and was in her 64th year. She had been for 42 years a resident of this city, and was a consstent and earnest member of the Monumental M.E. Church. Mrs. Bain had been in excellent health for some time and was looking unusually well. She had just gotten up for the morning, and without a moment's warning fell to the floor and died in a very few minutes. She leaves several children, all of whom are grown.
February 3, 1897 Ports Star Mr. GEORGE K. BROOKS, a generally known and esteemed citizen, died at 7:50 o'clock last night at his residence, 416 Glasgow street, of a complication of diseases. He was in the 74th year of his age. He leaves a widow and two children, George A. Brooks, city auditor and captain of the Old Dominion Guard, and Mrs. Ella Barton. Mr. Brooks was born in Mathews County, Oct 22, 1822. he came to this city about 1840 and was apprenticed to Willoughby Butler, a contractor and builder, and eventually became butler's superintendent. Of late years he has been employed as a shipjoiner in the construction department of the Navy yard. He was at work in the yard until two weeks ago, when he was taken sick. Mr. Brooks had a long been a member of Old dominion lodge, I.O.O.F., and was also a member of Monumental church. His funeral will be held from this church, Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
February 5, 1897 Funeral of George K. Brooks The funeral of the late George K. Brooks, took place from Monumental Church at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Rev. L. B. Betty officiated, and the interment was in Oak Grove cemetery. The pall-bearers were N.F. Richardson, Henry Lindsay, R. D. Cutherill, James H. Sammons, Geo. A. G. Scott, J.P. Minter, robert Murden, Jr., D. W. Whitehurst, Jas. H. Ballentine and W. J. Richardson.
February 4, 1897 Ports Star [Norfolk] Miss SOPHRONIA STEVENS died at 6 o'clock yesterday evening at the home of her sister, Mrs. William SIBLEY, in Front Street, Atlantic City. She was in the 73rd year of her age. Miss Stevens was a sister of the late Mrs. Thomas SCOTT, of this city, of the late Mrs. Henry BOWDEN, mother of the Hon. George E. Bowden, and of the late Richard Stevens. Miss Stevens was a life-long sufferer and had been unable to walk since her 8th year. She bore her affliction, however, with fortitude, and in her life gave an edifying example of forbearance, meekness and Christian resignaton. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock this afternoon, the interment being in this city.
January 26, 1898 Ports Star: Miss IDA A. GODWIN died at6:20 o'clock last evening at her home at 710 Middle street. She had been in failing health for some months and had of late kept her bed, but her family did not suspect that the end was near. In fact Miss Godwin's condition did not appear to be any worse yesterday afternoon than it has for several days past, and only a few minutes before her death she asked that her supper be sent to her room. Almost immediately afterwards, it was noticed that her respiratory organs had apparently become paralyzed, and the family was hastily summoned to the bedside. The end came quickly and apparently without pain. Miss Godwin was the daughter of the late Henry B. and Virginia Godwin, and was a superintendent of the Portsmouth Street Railway. She leaves also several sisters. She was a consistent member of the court Street Baptist church. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The funeral of MISS IDA A. GODWIN was held aat 3 o'clock this afternoon from the Court Street Baptist Church, the interment being in Cedar Grove cemetery. The impressive obsequies were conducted by Dr. A. E. Owen, and were largely attended. The pall-bearers were messrs. Crawford Brooks, Eugene Brooks, R. F. Brooks, Sidney Sherwood,
Smith Sherwood, C. S. Sherwood, John White and A. J. Phillips.
January 31, 1898 Ports Star MRS. INDIA EVERETT CRUMP wife of Wm. P. Crump, died at 9 o'clock this morning at her home in Glasgow street, Scottsville, aged 28 years. Mrs. Crump came to this section about eight months ago from Northampton county, North Carolina. She was a member of Calvary Baptist Church, from which her funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
January 31, 1898 Ports Star MR. HENRY FLEMMING a well known citizen, died shortly after 1 oclock this morning at his residence, No 721 Bart street, after a lingering illness. Mr. Flemming was a native of Princess Anne County, where he was born 65 years ago, but has resided in this city [Ports.] for 50 years. He was a carpenter. A widow and two children, Mr. Thomas Flemming and Mrs. James Culpepper, also an only brother, Mr. Caleb Flemming, survive him. The deceased was a member of Old Dominion Lodge, I.O.O.F. and was an Arcanumite. The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock on the evening of the 30th. The funeral of the late HENRY FLEMMING was conducted at 3 p.m. yesterday from his late residence, No 721 Bart street, the Rev. R. T. Waterfield, pastor of Owens Memorial church, and the Rev. J. W. Mitchell, of South Street Baptist Church, officiating. The interment in Cedar Grove cemetery was largely attended, te pall-bearers being Messrs. Joseph Cooke, J.S. Hart, James Peterson, J. Walter Goodson, W.H. Bassett, Joseph Owen, Z. Shackelford and Mr. Taylor.
February 8, 1898 Mr. W. H. Stokes received a telegram this morning announcing the critical illness of Mr. JAMES T. HAMMILL in Macon, Ga. Mr. Hammill left here on the 17th of January on his southern trip, and has been as far south as New Orleans. he has been far from well, however, during all this time, after reaching Macon, Ga., was stricken down with pneumonia. The telegram received conveyed the unwelcome information that Mr. Hammill's drecovery is doubtful.
February 10, 1898 The remains of the late JAMES T. HAMMILL, whose death occurred in Macon, Ga., Monday night, will arrive here at 5:50 o'clock this evening in charge of Mr. E.J. W. Revelle, a relative. The body will be taken to the residence of Mr. William H. Stokes, cousin of the deceased, at Crawford and Queen streets, where it will remain until 11 o'clock tomorrow, when the funeral will be held from Court Street Presbyterian Church. The Baltimore Sun this morning says of the deceased: "Mr. James T. Hammill, of 830 West North avenue, died suddenly of heart disease late Monday night at Macon, Ga. Mr. Hammill was born in Baltimore 42 years ago and made this city his home, although he had not spent much of his time here for the last 14 years, being in the employ of a New York firm and travelling through the South. He was known everywhere from Baltimore to New Orleans, and probably had as many friends as any travelling salesman in the country. He was unmarried. His body will be buried at Portsmouth, Va., tomorrow."
February 11, 1898 The funeral of the late James T. Hammill took place at 11 o'clock this morning. The remains were romoved from the residence of William H. Stokes, Crawford and Queen Streets, where they had remained over night, to the Court Street Presbyterian Church, where funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. W. Allison. There were many beautiful floral offerings. The interment took place in Oak Grove cemetery. The pallbearers were F. D. Gill, W. B. F. Wright, E. S. Burgess, P. C. Trugion, P. O'Conner, Alex. Walton, W. G. Parker and Geroge P. Jenkins.
September 28, 1898 - Between 5 and 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon JULIUS CROCKER, a light colored man, and a well-known restaurant employee, committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart in the lower front room of his residence, No 702 King Street, between
Green and Effingham streets [Portsmouth] From the surroundings Crocker had made every preparation for his taking off. He had gotten out his freshly laundered under clothing, which he evidently wished to be buried in, and carefully spread it out on his bed and made other final preparations. His little son was in the room with him at the time. Crocker then procured his revolver and seating himself on a chair, placed the muzzle of the weapon opposite his heart and fired. He died instantly and his head fell over and rested on the back of the chair. The sound of the shot at once brought the family into the room, but as all was over no assistance was necessary. Deceased had no clothing on, except his undershirt, drawers and stockings. Immediately after the occurrence, Captain Tynan was phoned for and soon appeared with Officer Brittingham. Coroner Holloday was notified and the following jury of inquest was summoned by High Constable Anderton; C.W. King, Foreman; G.M. Reynolds, C.N. Ashton, E.L. Dashiells, C.E. Porter and V. C. Tabb. At the close of the examination the jury rendered a verdict to the effect that the deceased came to his death from a gunshot wound inflicted by his own hand. It is said that domestic trouble is thought to have prompted Crocker to take his life. He was for many years connected with the St. Elmo Hotel, the Peabody and Captain Sawyer's ferry restaurant. He was about 37 years of age and leaves a wife and several children. He came here from Southampton county, where he was born and raised. Crocker once before attempted to commit suicide.