U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
January 5, 1899 SYLVESTER SHAW DEAD - In the early hours of yesterday morning, at 1:20 o'clock, the soul of SYLVESTER SHAW, the seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. James SHAW, took its flight from this world of sin and sorrow to the realms above, where all is joy. The parents are grief stricken and to them the entire community and circle of friends in which they were, extend the deepest sympathy, and quote the joyful promises of the Saviour as a consolation for their loss. The funeral will take place this afternoon at the grave, in St. Paul's Cemetery, at 1 o'clock.
January 5, 1899 Tuesday night late, at the residence of MR. L.C. W. Page, in Webster avenue, Park View, Miss ELIZA JAVINS, aged 72 years, departed this life. For thirty five years, this lady has been in the Page family in the capacity of nurse and came here from England with MR. Page many years ago. She was greatly beloved by the members of the family with whom she had been associated so long, as was evidenced by the badge of mourning attached to MR. Page's office door yesterday. Her funeral will be conducted from the residence by the Rev. J. B. Funsten, of Trinity Church at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
January 5, 1899 MR. W.S. RIDDICK dies from a Paralytic Stroke Suffolk, Va., Jan 4 -- MR. EDWARD SUMNER RIDDICK, a former Suffolk Merchant, who was later in business at Roanoke, Va., is dead. The end came at 11:10 o'clock this morning at the home of his sister, Mrs. R.H. Morgan, on Clay Street. The deceased had been unconscious for several days. He suffered a stroke of paralysis and his mind was also affected. The funeral will take place at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Main Street Methodist Church. The pastor rev. W. T. Green, will conduct it. The deceased leaves two sisters, Mrs. Morgan and Miss ettie Riddick, a wife who was Miss Nellie Cutchin and one son, Sumner, about 5 years old. MR. Riddick's first wife was Miss Lucy Faulcon, from which union there was no issue.
January 5, 1899 The friends of MR. H. C. PERCY in this city will regret to learn of his death in New York. December 28th ultimo, from an illness he had suffered for over a year. MR. Percy was born in Watertown, Conn. but came to Norfolk shortly after the close of the late Civil War, and was for sometime engaged as a teacher. When the Home Savings Bank was organized here, he was elected cashier, which position he retained until its failure in November, 1888. In December of that year, after a residence in Norfolk for about 20 years, he moved to Niagara Falls, and was cashier of a bank there for two years. Thence he went to Brooklyn and was connected with a building and loan association of that city. Afterwards, he was elected treasurer of "The Large Fire company," in New York City, which position he held at the time of his demise. He is survived by a widow and an only son, MR. Richard T. Percy of New York and a sister Mrs. Bassett, wife of Jared Barrett, of Hampden Plains. His funeral and burial took place at Watertown, December 30th
January 5, 1899 Mrs. MARY E. SUMNER, a highly respected lady, relict of the late Mills SUMNER, died at the residence of her son, MR. George S. Sumner, No 41 Clay street, at 11:25 o'clock last night, aged 59 years. The deceased was a native of North Carolina, but had resided in Norfolk for several years. Her remains will be taken to her former home, near Union, N.C. where the funeral will be solemnized Friday afternoon, and the interment will be in the family burial enclosure.
January 5, 1899 MR. ROBERT CARMMERLIN died at his home, No. 240 Church street, at an early hour Tuesday morning after a lingering illness. The funeral was held from the residence at 2:30 p.m. yesterday and was conducted by Rev. Edward Mack, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The interment was in Elmwood Cemetery.
January 12, 1899 Yesterday morning at 6:20 o'clock, near Paradise Creek, MR. WILLIAM W. BOLDING died, in the 38th year of his life. The deceased had been not long since, by a commission of Norfolk county magistrates, adjudged insane and his removal to the State hospital had been ordered. He had engaged in merchantile pursuits for several years, groceries and liquors being the commodities in which he dealt. He had friends who will be grieved to hear of his demise. His funeral will take place from his late residence (Wyatt's old place) Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
January 12, 1899 Was Jesse Dozier Drowned? A colored man named JESSE DOZIER living near Mount Pleasant, in Norfolk county, on the Osmondson farm, has been missing since last Saturday, and it is thought that he was drowned that day in the Albemarle and chesapeake canal. Dozier left Great Bridge in a skiff on Saturday afternoon with the intention of going home, it is said. he had been drinking quite freely. Shortly afterward the skiff was found adrift in the canal. It contained a basket of provisions which Dozier had purchased at Great Bridge and a bottle of whiskey half consumed.
January 12, 1899 Yesterday morning, at 3 o'clock, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Thomas Lawless, No 419 Second street, Mrs. ANN REILLY departed this life. The deceased lady had reached the ripe old age of 80 years, a half a century or more having been spent in this city which she loved so well. Mrs. Reilly was an aunt of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Hon. Joseph T. LAWLESS, who has been notified of the visit of the death angel.
January 14, 1899 MAYNARD L. MACHEN DEAD - Last night, at 9:40 o'clock, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sawyer, 1204 Washington street, the ten-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Machen, Maynard L., passed away. About two months ago the little fellow came to Portsmouth from his home on Claiborne Avenue, Brambleton, to visit Mrs. Sawyer, who is his aunt, and to whom he was devotedly attached. Soon after he came he was attacked with heart trouble, and suffered greatly up to the moment of his death. His parents were with him at the last moment; in fact, they closed their home in Brambleton, so that they could be at his bedside all through his illness. He was a bright promising boy, and those who knew him feel deeply pained at his early death.
January 17, 1899 MR. JAMES E. CROWDER, well known and for many years a resident of Norfolk, departed this life at his home, No. 116 Bond street, Brambleton Ward, at 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning, after a protracted illness, in the 67th year of his age. The deceased was a native of Petersburg, and a man of sterling qualities of head and heart, and was greatly esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. He was a member of Columbia Conclave, No 7, Heptasophs, or S. W. M., and held the position of Past Archon at the time of his demise. He has also represented his conclave in the grand body. He was an ardent Heptasoph, and a useful member of the order, being thoroughly acquainted with its history and teachings. The funeral will take place from his late residence, at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Buried in Elmwood Cemetery.
January 17, 1899 Mrs. DIANA E. BURGESS, relict of the late, W. B. Burgess, died at her home, No 108 Brewer street, at 2:45 a.m. yesterday. The immediate cause of her demise was an attack of la grippe. She was in the 69th year of her age, and is survived by several children, all grown. The funeral will be held from her residence at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
January 17, 1899 The obsequies of Mrs. TAKLA B. FRANK, wife of MR. Samuel Frank, whose death occurred suddenly at her home, No. 431 East Main street, at an early hour Sunday morning, was held from the residence at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, in the presence of an assemblage of sorrowing friends that filled the house to its utmost capacity. The impressive Hebrew service was conducted by Rev. Dr. B. Eberson, of Ohef Sholom Temple, Rev. H. Benmoshe, of the Cumberland street Synagogue, being present. The elegant cloth casket was literally covered with the rarest flowers, while the floral tributes generally were both numerous and beautiful. The interment was in Hebrew Cemetery. Following were the pall-bearers" Messrs. Isaac Hofheimer, J.W. Spagat, S. Westheimer, S. Hamburger, M. Frankfort, A. Ries, Frank Dusch, Edward Hirschler, I. B. Lowenberg, D. Adelsdorf and H. Kaufman.
January 17, 1899 The Funeral of MR. JOHN W. JENKINS whose demise occurred at his home, No 96, Chapel street, Sunday night, was held from the residence at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. Father John Doherty of St. Mary's Catholic church. The remains were laid to rest in Elmwood Cemetery.
January 8, 1899 Death of MR. ROBERT COMMELIN -- This gentleman, who died in this City at 241 church Street, January 3rd, was at one time a member of the New York Stock Exchange, and was well known in financial circles in that city. He was a native of Scotland. His father Mr. John Commelin, was for fifty years an official of the British Linen Company Bank of Dumfries, entering the establishment in 1811 and continuing in its employment until retired on a pension in 1861. MR. Commelin was for some years after his arrival in New York, connected with the banking house of Martland, Phelps & Co., of that city, as cashier until he resigned to go into the banking business for himself at 44 Wall street. About two years ago on account of ill health be came South with the hope of his restoration, and resided in this city about twelve months previous to his death. He leaves a wife and a daughter.
January 8, 1899 MR. EMMET PARKER. BROWN died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. Annie G. LeCompte, No. 507 South Park avenue, at 3:15 p.m. Friday. The funeral will be held from the house at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
January 7, 1899 Another Sudden Death JOHN W. ACKERLY, a Well-Known Citizen Expires without a Struggle. MR. JOHN ACKERLY, foreman of the Portsmouth Star composing-room, knocked off work yesterday afternoon and went to his home, No. 106 London Street, and sat down for awhile and began playing with his nephew and nieces, after which he picked up a paper and commenced reading. Soon afterward, about 6 o'clock, he laid down on the sofa and expired without a struggle. He had been feeling unwell for several days and went to a doctor, who prescribed for him. Nothing serious was thought of it and his death was quite a surprise. He was unmarried and resided with a widow of his brother. He has a brother named H.S. Ackerly, who lives in Richmond. Dr. McMurran and Carr were called in , but could e of no service. They pronounced his death the result of acute indigestion. The deceased gentleman was well and favorably known in this city where he has been for several years. He was of a genial disposition, a thoroughly competent typo, and a true and steadfast friend. He will be greatly missed by those who were drawn to him by the close ties of kinship and friendship.
January 7, 1899 Sad Death of this highly Esteemed Young Lady Mrs. ROSALIE UPSHUR, wife of MR. Walter S. UPSHUR, of this city, died yesterday morning in Fredericksburg. In the death of Mrs. UPSHUR Norfolk loses one of its noblest and brightest young women, one who in every walk of life was greatly beloved; a leader in social circles that was a delight and pleasure to many admirers, a friend whenever a friend was needed, a woman whose young life was full of good deeds and charities and one whose beautiful Christian character was so happily blended with every feature of her daily walk in life that the mention of her name was the synonym of love and praise and the embodiment of all the virtues which combine to make a woman. SAD VISIT INDEED The news of the death of Mrs. UPSHUR cast a gloom over the city, where she has spent her young life and where she was greatly beloved. About three weeks ago she left here on a visit to her friend, Miss Hurkampf of Fredericksburg. Shortly after her arrival in that city she was taken sick and never recovered. Everything that loving hands could do or skilled physicians suggest was done, but without avail and at 6:10 yesterday morning her spirit passed quietly and peacefully away to the God who gave it. surrounded by husband, mother and friends, she yielded to the great summons and with a smile bade adieu to her loved ones. DAUGHTER OF MAJOR SELDEN, Mrs. UPSHUR was in the prime of young womanhood, being about twenty eight years of age. She was a daughter of the late Major Miles SELDON, who was one of the most prominent citizens of Norfolk. She is survived by her husband and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth T. SELDEN and three sisters and two brothers, Mrs. Baxter of Elizabeth city, N.C.; Misses May and Pattie Selden, of this city, and Messrs. Arthur T. Selden of Baltimore and John Selden of Holyoke, Mass. The remains will be brought here for interment. The funeral will take place Sunday, the time and place, to be announced later. FUNERAL OF MRS. UPSHUR The funeral of Mrs. Walter S. UPSHUR will take place from St. Mary's Catholic Church this morning at 9:30 o'clock. Mrs. UPSHUR's remains arrived here yesterday and were removed to her husband's residence, No. 265 Bute street. Accompanying the body were MR. UPSHUR, Mrs. Selden, MR. and Miss Hurkamp. MR. UPSHUR has the sympathy of the community in his sad bereavement. Only expressions of regret were heard yesterday concerning the death of this lovely young woman. She was greatly beloved and a gloom has been cast over the circles in which she moved.