U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
September 5, 1849 -- Yesterday afternoon, after an illness of eight hours, Mr. WILLIAM M. CHILDRESS, in the 28th year of his age, son of Francis Childress, Esq., of Richmond. We learn that his remains will be carried to Richmond this morning, in the Steamer Curtis Peck, for interment.
September 8, 1849 -- Departed this life, in Prince George County, Maryland, at the residence of John Conthee Esq. U.S.N. on Monday night, Sept 2nd, Mrs. LYDIA A. NASH, consort of Doctor Thomas Nash of this city. She had many years of great suffering having passed through many formidable diseases. But her death may be attributed to an attack of Cholera, which she had in June last, from the debilitating effects of which she never rallied. She leaves an affectionate husband and five children to whom no mother could be more devoted, to experience the lacerating pain of earthly separation. In the midst of such deep grief however, they have the sweet reflection, that their mother, who was as long a sufferer here, is now rejoicing in the presence of God, for she died full of faith and of the Holy Ghost. Her remains were brought home in the Osceola, on Thursday morning and interred in the family grave at Herbertsville.
September 9, 1849 -- Early on Tuesday morning, 28th inst., at his residence, Belleview, Prince George County, Md., Mr. LOYD M. LOWE, in the eighty second year of his age, leaving a wife, five children and many grand children to lament the loss of an affectionate husband and parent. - For more than thirty years, he had been a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. After a protracted illness of many months, this venerable man has gone to his rest. He leaves behind him a name justly held in high estimation by his friends and neighbors, for fidelity in all the concerns and relations of life. Gifted with a vigorous intellect and disposed to social enjoyments, he contributed in no small degree to the gratification of all who sought his society - while his hospitality greeted them with an untiring welcome. He was favored with the full use of his mental faculties to the last, and during the latter part of his life, he conversed freely and very delightfully upon those topics on which his mind was now more and more fixed. His hope was in Christ and in Him alone. He continued in this state of mind until he died. His end was peace. He left the world relying solely on the merits of Christ with acceptance for God. [Alexandria Gazette of Thursday.] "The subject of the above notice was known to this community as the father of the late Rev. Enoch M. Lowe, some years since, the Pastor of Christ Church in this city."
September 11, 1849 - In Portsmouth, on Sunday afternoon, at half past 3 o'clock, Mrs. SOPHIA RUTTER, in the 80th year of her age.
September 11, 1849 - On the 8th instant, Miss MATILDA DOBBS, in the 36th year of her age. Her afflictions were long and severe, but they only served to try her patience, and to prepare her soul for a "far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory." She submitted with unusual patience to the will of her Heavenly Father, and meekly kissed the rod by which she was so severely smitten. She had been for 18 years a consistent member of the Methodist E. Church, in this place. In death she was triumphant.
September 18, 1849 -- In the city of Richmond on Friday last, after a brief illness, at the age of 24 years, Mrs. CAROLINE S. WOODWARD, consort of Mr. Joseph Woodward, and youngest daughter of the late Abraham Watts, deceased, of Portsmouth. But a few years ago, this estimable lady, young, cheerful, interesting and but recently married, and blessed in no ordinary degree with the comeliness of personal beauty, was afflicted with the loss of her sight, by the supervention of a disease affecting the nerves of the eye. To this calamity, so distressing to her companion and friends, and so sad a deprivation to herself, she submitted with becoming resignation. It rendered her an object of deeper interest to all who were acquainted with her, and caused all the endearing affections of the family circle to entwine more closely around her, and to be cherished with a deeper solicitude. The intelligence of her death which reached her friends in Portsmouth the day after the sad event, brought with it a pang which none can realize but those who experience it. But she is gone, and grief cannot restore her to the disconsolate! She has paid the last debt! And while the grave claims all that is mortal, let the consoling hope be indulged that her immortal spirit is at rest in Heaven. Her remains were brought to Portsmouth by Saturday's boat, and followed to the family burying lot in the town Cemetery, Sunday, by a large procession of friends and acquaintances.
September 18, 1849 -- Yesterday afternoon, at half past 12 o'clock, after a protracted illness, Mrs. PEGGY MILLER. Her friends and acquaintances are invited to attend her funeral, at Christ Church this morning at 9 o'clock.
September 28, 1849 -- Departed this life, at the residence of her daughter, in Norfolk County, on Tuesday 25th inst., Mrs. HANNAH WHITEHURST, in the 82d year of her age.
September 28, 1849 -- In Smithfield, Isle of Wight Co, Va., on the 23d inst., Mrs. ANN R. TUCKER, Consort of Mr. Jas H. Tucker, and eldest and last surviving daughter of the late Capt. Mallory TODD, in the 71st year of her age.
October 5, 1849 - On Friday, Sept 28th at the Sweet Springs of Virginia, JOSEPH B. MINTON, of Portsmouth, in the 38th year of his age. We cannot be feel that we owe a duty to our deceased and beloved friend, our long acquaintance and mutual association for many years, induces us to give a few brief lines in respect and in remembrance of our esteemed friend Joseph B. Minton. His kind, pleasing and generous disposition was such as to deserve the praise, respect and esteem of his friends and acquaintances in the pleasure of residing for many years. The genuine excellence of his general deportment, has won for him a name and a standing that will last until time is no more. May that gracious Lord and Savior bless him. The season of his ethereal mildness is gone, 'ere the return of the odours of the flowering spring, and the ministering angel of humanity has come to change his earthly pilgrimage to mingle with the loveliest flowers in the garden of that just, kind and righteous God. The greatest blessing lent to poor humanity, is the remembrance of Eden and Heaven, and God grant our esteemed and beloved friend, Joseph B. Minton, will receive a Heavenly home, in that just, righteous and holy Kingdom from whence no traveler returns, this is the sincere prayer of his devoted friend. C.H.H.
October 13, 1849 - Mrs. ISABELLA, the wife of John G. H. HATTON, died yesterday morning about 6 o'clock. In the afflictions of this lady the Christian's faith and hope have been fully tested. Prostrate on the bed of sickness for months past, the insidious destroyer, Consumption, making slow but sure progress; no murmur nor complaint, but patient resignation to the divine will, marked each day's experience. Her sufferings at times were intense - but in the midst of all - the sweet low toned prayer, "Enable me oh father, to discern thy hand" - was heard at the mercy seat, and the sincerity, calmness and confidence of the heart stayed upon Jesus, gave unerring indications that the mind was in perfect peace. In all the relations of life she was exemplary, and her many virtues are deeply graven on the hearts of those who knew her best. But eulogy at best, is the tribute of partial affection - we forbear - a fond husband and three children of tender years are the immediate mourners by this event; while near relatives and dear friends add their sympathies. But our loss is her gain. The funeral will take place at the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Sunday, at 11 o'clock a.m. at which time the friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend.
October 17, 1849 - In Portsmouth, on Sunday, the 14th instant, Capt. Wm. TEE. He was a native of St. Mary's County, Md., and had nearly attained his 91st year. During the late war with Great Britain he was employed in the Navy of the U. States, with the pay of a Sailing Master. The duty assigned him was that of Chief Pilot of the fleet, (which consisted of the Constellation Frigates, two schrs, sixteen gun boats, barges & c.) During the whole war he attended faithfully to his duties. He was the pilot on all important excursions undertaken with martial intentions; "in the pool or at sea;" in the expansive Chesapeake, in the James, Potomac, York and all other of the waters within the Capes of Virginia, all of whose shoals, bars, &c., he knew so well how to avoid. He superintended the sinking of wrecks in the channel near the mouth of the Western Branch, to keep the enemy from approaching the towns, and after the war he was employed by the Government to lift them, and take them out of the way of navigation. From the time when the first Light Boat was fixed near Craney Island Flats, he has been more. During his illness, [near five years,] this well attended light has been superintended by his son, and general satisfaction has been given. Capt. TEE was well known to this whole community, he was by all esteemed as a worthy upright man. On Sunday morning he called his family together, wife, children, and friends, and bid them all a long farewell. The humble writer of this intended tribute of respect to "the noblest work of God," was present soon after he breathed his last, when were assembled many of the family, all of whom seemed to exclaim "This is the deepest of our woes, For this these tears our cheeks bedew, This is of love the final close, Oh! God, the fondest last adieu."
January 27, 1852 Departed this life, at the family residence, in Norfolk County, on Tuesday, the 20th inst., at the age of 54 years, Mrs. AGNES J. PEED, consort of the Rev. Robert PEED, formerly of Portsmouth. It were vain in a simple obituary to attempt a sketch of the virtues which adorned the life and character of this estimable Lady. None could appreciate them without knowing her, none could know her without appreciating them. Her soul was the seat of piety; her heart the fountain of benevolence, from which living streams of charity gushed forth, where ever an object was to be found. The poor of her neighborhood will long cherish and bless her memory; for they have lost a friend. The social circle laments these of one who was an ornament in it's midst. One of the highest beacons of religion no longer reflects the light upon the church; and the family alter which was cheered by her presence is desolated by her death. For many years, she was an active and exemplary member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Her last hours, like the tenor of her life; were calm and peaceful, her faith strong and confiding. In view of the closing scene, her quivering lips uttered the glorious and pervading hope "that soon she should meet loved ones departed, and above all, enjoy the presence of her Savior." With this hope and without a struggle, she resigned her spirit.
January 27, 1852 In Princess Anne County, Va., on Thursday, the 22d inst., in the 69th year of his age, Rev. HORATIO E. HALL, formerly a resident of City.
January 27, 1852 In Edenton, on the 22d instant., JOSEPH B. only son of T.L. and Eliza F. SKINNER, age 2 yrs.
January 30, 1852 Died, on Thursday morning, the 22d inst., at the residence of her Father, in Hampton, Miss MARY JANE HOLCROFT, aged 18 years. She had been for several months a consistent member of the Hampton Baptist Church, and her amiability won the regard of all who knew her. She died exulting in the hope of eternal life. " Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee, Since God was thy ransom, thy guardian, thy guide; He gave thee, He took thee, and He will restore thee, And death hath no sting since the Savior has died."