U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
January 18, 1819 - Departed this life on the 8th inst. at his residence in Hampton, DOCTOR GEORGE McINTIRE, in the 34th year of his age-- Dr. McIntire was a native of Scotland, and came to the United States at an early period of his life, he settled in Hampton, where he fell a victim to too great a zeal in his profession. To do justice to his memory lies beyond the writer's abilities: what indeed can be said of him equal to his merit? He was learned, generous, , affectionate and humane. He was a friend to the widow, and a father to the orphan. His attendance, his medicine, and his purse was never withheld from the afflicted. He was a man of the most easy politeness and exquisite sensibility -- In a word, he possessed a warm and an honest heart. He has left the present generation of Elizabeth city county to regret him as a physician and a friend, and an affectionate wife with two children to mourn the loss of the best of husbands and fathers.
January 18, 1819 - Died -- On Wednesday evening, Mrs. JANE FINDLEY, of this Borough. It was not more than half an hour before her death that she was, to appearance, in perfect health. An awful lesson this to the sons and daughters of mortality. Mrs. F. was a widow, advance in years and has left a large and amiable family of children to lament the sad event of her decease.
January 18, 1819 - Died -- On Wednesday morning, the 23d inst. at an advanced age, Mr. JOHN LOWNDS, China Store Keeper, for many years an inhabitant of this borough.
March 12, 1824 - Died on Tuesday last, after a short illness, at the residence of Wills Cowper, Esquire, in Nansemond County, Mrs. ORZZIE GRAY, relict of James Gray, Esquire, of Southampton County. The venerable subject of this notice, has left a few, a very few, of the companions of south, to mourn her loss, or to attest those qualities of the head and heart which mad her a distinguished favorite -- The surviving friends, formed in the meridian and decline of life, well feel and acknowledge this afflicting bereavement; but the family and relatives have sustained a loss which they alone can feel and appreciate.
January 14, 1845 Died, yesterday, at the residence of Mr. J. M. Forest, Mr. MOSES McCLENNAN, in the 24th year of his age, after an illness of 24 hours. The friends and acquaintances of the deceased, and those of Mr. J. M. Forest, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, this morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence of Mr. J.M. Forest, on Church Street.
January 14, 1845 DIED at Suffolk, Nansemond County, on the 1st inst., after a brief but painful illness of bilious pleurisy, MARY ADALINE BARNES, wife of Nathaniel WRIGHT, Esq, in the 29th year of her age. "A kind neighbor, an affectionate wife, and an exemplary Christian, her loss will long be felt by the community in which she resided." "Thou are gone before us, sister -- yet we have no tears to shed, For we trust that thou art numbered with the blessed, holy dead, And in that 'continuing city," to which we may fail to come, Hast found through faith in Christ our Lord, a welcome and a home"
January 14, 1845 Died, yesterday morning, after a short illness Mr. JOHN PEIRCE, formerly of Baltimore and for the last then years a resident of Norfolk.
January 15, 1845 Deaths/Obituary It is wisdom in man to profit by the dispensations of Providence, but it is a lamentable fact, that the more frequent those dispensations, the further removed, is the majority of mankind "from laying them to heart, and learning useful lessons thereby. It is ours to tell of a late work of God in removing from our Earth to Heaven, and from the embrace of relatives and friends, to the society of angels and the spirits of the just made perfect, Mrs. REBECCA PHILLIPS, consort of Elijah Philips, of Elizabeth City County, Va. -- Mrs. Phillips had reached her 64th year, 35 of which, she had spent in fellowship with the Methodist Episcopal Church. It was the Church of her choice; she loved and adhered to it's doctrines and discipline. She made religion her every day business, and in that, left to her children, and husband an example worthy of imitation. Were I to seek to pass an encomium {sp} upon the character and memory of this departed Saint, I'd say, She lived and died a Christian.
January 16, 1845 Died on the 7th of December, of Consumption, at her late residence, Mount Pleasant, near Suffolk, Va. EUPHEMIA, wife of James DANIEL, in the 52nd year of her age.
January 17, 1845 Died on Wednesday 15th inst. after an illness, MARTHA PARKER, infant daughter of Mallory R. and Fanny R. TODD.
January 21, 1845 Departed this life, on Friday night, at his farm on Tanner's Creek, Mr. JAMES FREEMAN, aged 44 years. The disease which terminated his existence was Apoplexy, beneath the stroke of which, after a brief struggle of 24 hours, he yielded up is spirit to him who gave it. He was for many years a respectable and industrious mechanic of this Borough; was a good citizen, affectionate in his family and kind, benevolent and just in all his transactions and intercourse with his fellow men; fully practicing his profession as a Christian, which he had long ago made in his connection with the Methodist E. Church. He has left a wife and nine children, who have, by this act of Providence, sustained an irreparable loss.
January 21, 1845 Died yesterday morning, HENRY CLAY, infant son of Charles G. and Georgette A. WILLIAMS, aged one year. The friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend the funeral this afternoon, at 4 o'clock, from his father's residence on Bermuda Street.
January 21, 1845 Died, in Northampton County on Sunday, the 12 inst., ARTHUR S. only son of JOHN A. SIMKINS, aged near 5 years. Bereft of a mother's fond and fostering care, while yet an infant in the nurse's arms, this fair little pledge of connubial love was permitted to live and linger, and gather about him, all the concentrated hopes of an only surviving parent. Born of a consumptive mother, whose vital energies were fast sinking beneath that indomitable scourge of our race; he brought into the world an inheritance of sorrow, and too soon, evinced that precocity of intellect and sweetness of temper, so often attendant upon physical rottenness within. 'Tis painful, to watch the winning ways of innocent childhood -- to witness the kindling affections, and hourly awakened hopes that spring up around the parent's heart, when the beholder knows, that a premature blight, and certain ruin await them. Yet how often it is thus! The very charms and graces that endear us to the frail and sickly child seem but the sad harbinger of grief and sorrow for it's loss. An who shall estimate that loss? None but they who have borne the withering stroke, can realize the anguish that wrings a father's heart beneath it. But is there no balm -- no solace to the bleeding spirit, when this, softest -- purest -- and holiest of human ties is severed? Yes. In that sacred volume, where the means of salvation are proclaimed to a lost and fallen world -- in the example of Christ himself, who held up "little children" as an emblem of the purity expected from the "people of God," there is surely enough of Divine promise, to dry up the falling tear, and heal the wounds of a torn and bleeding bosom.
January 29, 1845 On Sunday, evening, Mrs. MARY SHARP, the relict of the late Cool. M. SHARP, in the 60th year of her age.
January 29, 1845 Died, on the morning of the 20th instant, of Consumption, in the 25th year of her age, Mrs. ELIZABETH PORTER LUKE. She made a profession of Religion at an early age, (in her 15th year,) and united herself with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and gave abundant evidence by her modest, pious and exemplary life that her profession was sincere. The death of this truly amiable young lady, shows to the world the complete triumph of the Christian in the hour of dissolution. During the last hour of her life she was asked by a near and dear female friend "if her mind was at ease, and her way was clear." -- She answered with her him eyes brightening at the happy thought, "yes, perfectly my way is clear and all is well." During the slow but sure progress of her disease, she was frequently in company with her female friends, visited the grave yards, and when there she would often with the utmost serenity and composure, speak of her approaching dissolution. but Elizabeth is gone -- those who knew her best loved her most, no more will the recipients of her charities on earth be gladdened by her visits -- no more will her friends and acquaintances enjoy her society or be benefited by her examples and precepts but they must ever cherish her memory and endeavor to profit by the recollection, And when their summons death shall come, Their earthly ties to sever; In that blest place a Heavenly home They'll Join in joy forever.
January 29, 1845 At a meeting of the Young Men of Hampton, assembled at the Court House, on the 25th inst., pursuant to previous notice, to express their sorrow at the death of ROBERT MURRAY GETTY, who departed this life on the 24th of January, 1845. On motion of Mr. Henry R. Jennings, Mr. Jesse P. Hope was called to the chair and Mr. Ogilvie Young was requested to act as Secretary. The object of the meeting was explained by the Chair, and the following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to remove from among us, our friend and associate, ROBERT MURRAY GETTY, we, who are left to mourn his loss, in a meeting to express our sorrow at the sad event, unanimously. Resolve, That we sympathize with his bereaved parents and relatives, in the death of our deceased friend, whose opening virtues gave promise of a rich harvest of usefulness; and as a heart-felt tribute of respect to his memory, that we will wear crape on the left arm for the usual term of thirty days. We further Resolve, that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Newspapers of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and that a copy be sent by the officers of this meeting to his family. Signed: Jesse P. Hope, Chairman Ogilvie Young, Secretary.
January 30, 1845 Died near New Haven, on the 23 inst., Mrs. REBECCA LOUISA MERWIN, in the 24th year of her age, wife of Mr. John W. Merwin, of the firm of S.O. Merwin & Co., of this place. Mrs. Merwin was the subject of deep serious impressions, two years ago in this Borough. -- And we are happy to learn, that the feeble hope of an interest in Christ then entertained by her, brightened on her death-bed, and lighted her way in the dark valley to the kingdom of God -- "And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should loose nothing; but should raise it up again at the last day."
January 31, 1845 Departed this life, in Northampton County, North Carolina, on the 26th instant, Mr. LEMUEL CROSS, in the 42nd year of his age. In all the relations of life the deceased was kind, gentle and unassuming. He was a humane master, a generous and charitable neighbor. He possessed many of those Christian virtues which adorn our nature. No widowed heart is, wrung with anguish at his death, but the silent tear of sympathy alone was shed over the narrow cell which guards his peaceful dust.