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Mr. W.B. Munson
News reached here Monday night of the death of Mr. W.B. Munson, who lived about ten miles south of Livingston on the Liberty road. We failed to learn the particulars of his death, only that he had been sick just a few days.
Mr. Munson was one of Polk County's best citizens and had many friends over the county who will regret to learn of his death. This writer knew this man to be a true and honorable gentleman in every way, for several years ago we knew him when we worked at the sawmill and he was loved and honored by all who knew him.
He leaves a number of relatives to mourn his loss, and the "Enterprise" joins the many friends of the family to offer condolence. The remains were laid to rest in the Bluewater cemetery, Tuesday.
W.L. West .........Editor and Proprietor.........Telephone No. 39.
Polk County Enterprise VOL. XII No. 46, on Thurs. August 5th, 1916
Jeptha Malone Mullins
J. M. Mullins Buried Big Sandy cemetery Friday
Funeral services were held for Jeptha Malone Mullins, (known to his friends as "Loan") from tthe First Baptist Church of Livingston, Friday afternoon, June 15th with Dr. W. B. Wadsworth officiating, assisted by Rev. R. G. Commander of Houston. Interment followed in Big Sandy cemetery with Trinity Lodge No. 14 A.F. & A.M. in charge.
Mr Mullins was born in Hardin County August 4, 1866 and passed away at the family residence on June 14th, 1951 after a long illness.
Mr. Mullins came to Polk County at an early age and spent the remainder of his life here.
He moved to Livingston in 1921 and was engaged in farming as long as his health permitted.
Mr. Mullins was a faithful Christian, a devoted husband and father and a true neighbor.
He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Livingston and of Masonic Lodge No. 14 A.F. & A.M.
Survivors are his wife: Mrs Callie Mullins, 5 sons, A. P. and W. T. Mullins of Henderson, T. W. Mullins of Liberty, Clay Mullins of Sour Lake, and Bert Mullins of Camden, Tennessee, 4 daughters, Mrs. H. D. Townley and Mrs. R. M. Taylor of Houston, Mrs Pearl Overstreet of Livingston and Mrs. W. W. Mason of Vallego, Calif. 2 brothers, Lige Mullins of Warren and Shay Mullins of Segno, 2 sisters, Mrs. J. W. Ballard of Saratoga, and Mrs. Sallie Williford of Segno, 26 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.
Pallbearers were: Alfred, Herman, and Tommie Mullins, Lonnie and L. C. Butler and Roy Taylor, grandsons of the deceased.
Mrs. Laura Medearis
Funeral Is Held For Mrs. Laura Medearis
Funeral services for Mrs. Laura Medearis, 77, were held at the Church Of Christ at Segno Monday With Robert Walters officiating. Burial was in the Magnolia cemetery near Segno.
Mrs. Medearis died at the Livingston Hospital Sunday. She was a member of the Church of Christ.
She is survived by two children, Jimmy Medearis and Mrs. Annie Moye; two brothers, Willie and Buddy Isaacs and one sister Mrs. Mattie Cain.
Pace Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements.
(Laura Isaacks Medearis died in 1944)
Oliver Cleveland McNiel (sp) died at the family residence Jan. 26, 1946, folowing a long illness. Mr. McNiel was born in Angelina County July 15, 1860, and had been a resident of Polk County for the past 13 years, moving to Livingston in 1943. He was a member of the Church of Christ. He was married
in Nacogdoches in 1880 to Miss Julia Ann Clinton.
Services were held in the chapel of the Pace Funeral Home at 1 p.m., Sunday afternoon with the Rev. James V. Curlee, minister of the Church of Christ at Cleveland, officiating.
Serving as pallbearers were Elmer McNiel, Johnnie McNiel, Edward McNiel, Luther Alford, A. J. Hutchinson and Glen Busby. Interment was in the Peebles cemetery.
Surviving Mr. McNiel are his wife, Mrs. Julia Ann McNiel; two sons, Jake and Vernon McNiel all of Livingston; and a foster son, Jack Runnells of Nederland; 25 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren. He has four grandsons who were unable to attend the last rites because of being in service overseas.
Mrs. Liney Collins McMillan
Mrs. L. C. McMillan Buried Saturday At Menard Chapel
Funeral services for Mrs. Liney Collins McMillan, aged 69, who died at the local hospital in Livingston Thursday evening, June 26th, were held from the chaple of the Pace Funeral Home Saturday morning at 11 o'clock with Rev. Frank Harper, pastor of the Baptist Church of Warren officiating, assisted by Re. Robert Walters of Livingston. Interment followed in the Menard Chapel cemetery. Mrs, McMillan was born in Polk Counry August 24, 1882, and lived all her life in this County until 12 years ago when the family moved to Warren.
Mrs. McMillan was a member of the Baptist Church. SHe devoted her time and energies to her church and family, but always had time to be a good neighbor and was loved for her many deeds of kindness and unselfishness.
She is survived by her hubsband, John McMillan of Warren; 4 sons, Troy of Warren, Edmond of Livingston, Allen of Ariola, and Jerald of Houston; 1 foster son, Billy Wilkinson of Warren; 5 sisters, Mrs. Charlie Carroll of Segno, Mrs John Curry, Mrs. Kirb Moye, and Mrs. J. C. Tolar, all three of Livingston, and Mrs. Jett Murphy fo Liberty; 5 brothers, Richard Collins of Rye, Edgar of Apple Springs, Ely of Votaw, Willis of Winnie and Gabe of Port Arthur; 8 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.
Pallbearers were Melvin and Clayton McMillan, Truman Grimes, C. J. McMillan, and L.V. and L.C. Bailey.
James Robert Martin
Funeral Services Held
For James R. Martin
Funeral services for James Robert Martin, 75, were held at the Bold Springs Church Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock with Rev. W. B. Wadsworth officiating. Mr. Martin died Monday at his home on Route 2 following a brief illness.
Interment was in Bold Springs cemetery following the funeral service. His nephews served as pallbearers.
Mr. Martin was born in Alabama, but had lived at his home in Polk county for 30 years. He was a member of the Baptist Church.
Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. A. W. Watts, Mrs. Nolan Phillips, both of Livingston, and Mrs. J. W. Turner of Port Arthur; three sons Dan, Fred and Robert Martin, all of Livingston; three brothers, Haywood, Steve and Dan Martin; and one sister, Mrs. Mary Willis of Bevins.
Pace Funeral Home was in charge of funeral arrangements.
Polk County Enterprise, Feb. 20, 1941.
(James Robert Martin b. Dec. 24, 1865; d. Feb. 17, 1941.)
Mrs. Carrie Thomas Martin
Funeral services for Mrs. Carrie Thomas Martin, 64, of Elwood, were held at Bold Springs at 3 o’clock last Thursday afternoon, Rev. W. B. Wadsworth, pastor of the First Baptist Chuirch of Livingston, officiating. Death occurred the previous day and was due to pneumonia, which followed an attack of influenza.
Mrs. Martin was born at Blacksville, South Carolina, August 22, 1871, and came to Texas when she was only four years old. She lived at Montgomery until 1913, when she moved to Polk County. Her marriage to J. R. Martin took place February 28, 1890 (Jan. 29, 1890. Marriage Records, Montgomery Co., TX). She was a member of the Baptist Church.
Mrs. Martin is survived by her husband, J. R. Martin; three daughters, Mrs. John Turner of Port Arthur, Mrs. Weldon Watts and Mrs. Nolan Phillips, both of Livingston; three sons, Fred and Robert of Livingston and D. T. Martin of Houston; three sisters, Mrs. R. N. Hughes of Livingston, Mrs. J. M. Smith of Rayburn, and Mrs. Maggie Murphy of Houston; two brothers, D. A. Thomas of Livingston; and C. P. Thomas of Conroe.
From The Polk County Enterprise.
(Carrie Martin b. August 22, 1871; d. December 25, 1935; buried Bold Springs cemetery.)
Roland Ward Jones Sr.
R.W. Jones, 70, Dies at Livingston
LIVINGSTON -- Roland Ward Jones Sr., 70, a cattleman and groceryman in Livingston for 55 years, died at 5 pm Sunday in Polk County Hospital after a long illness.
He was a Mason and a member of the Presbyterian Church.
Funeral services will be in the First Presbyterian Church in Livingston at 2 PM Monday, with Rev. Franklin H. Stebbing, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Forest Hill cemetery.
Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Edna Munfell Jones of Livingston; three daughters, Mrs. L. P. Jones and Mrs Margaret Jones Smith both of Houston, and Mrs. L. T. Stampfli of Chico, Calif; a son, Roland Ward Jones Jr. of Livingston; two sisters, Mrs. R. O. Parrish of Anahuac and Mrs. Sam Hill of Houston; two brothers, A. S. Jones of Anahuac and Turner Jones of Livingston, and 10 grandchildren.
(Dated Dec. 12, 1955)
Mrs. Carrie M. Jones
Pioneer Woman is Dead at Smithfield
Mrs. Carrie M. Jones Dies After a Short Illness at age of 78.
Mrs. Carrie M. Jones, 78 years of age, a pioneer citizen of Polk County, died Monday, February 2 at Smithfield at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lelia La Follette. She had been sick only a short time, hence her death came as a shock to her relatives and friends.
Funeral services were conducted at the home February 3 by Rev. P. P. Dawson, pastor of the Presbyterian churches at Livingston and New Willard. Burial was at the family cemetery near Smithfield, in the presence of many friends and relatives.
Mrs. Jones is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Virginia Munson, Mrs. Lelia La Follette, and Mrs. Pearl Wiggins, 12 grandchildren and six great - grandchildren.
Born at Smithfield
Mrs. Jones was born at Smithfield July 18, 1852. She had lived in this county practically all her life and at the time of her death was living on the same estate where she had been born.
Her father, Capt. John F. Carr, and her mother came to Texas from Memphis, Tennessee in the early days when Texas was still a republic. So Mrs. Jones learned from her parents much about pioneer life in Texas and heard stories of Gen. Sam Houston, Burnett, Austin and other statesmen with whom her father was personally acquainted.
Taught by Private Teachers
She was educated chiefly by private teachers on the plantation, also attending, for a time, a school conducted for girls on Galveston Bay, by Mrs. A. G. A. Beazley.
September 3, 1874 she was married
to Robert B. Jones. They had eight children, four of whom died in infancy. The eldest son, Robert, died in 1903. Mr. Jones died a little over two years ago.
Mrs. Jones was a devoted Christian. In the early part of her life she was a Methodist; several years ago, the Methodist church at Smithfield having ceased to exist, she joined the Presbyterian church. It is said she was known for the large number of kind and charitable acts which she unostentatiously performed.
Rev. Samuel C. Johnson
Rev. Samuel C. Johnson of Burke, Texas died February 10, 1900. Could prayers, tears and loving attention have lengthened his days, he would yet be among us; but we can only bow our heads in humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well.
He was born near Evergreen, Conceuh County, Alabama, November 10, 1821. His father was a prosperous farmer of that county. His parents were both pious. He was converted at seventeen; and united with the Baptist Church, and soon began preaching. He left the academy of his home county and entered Howard College, Marion, Alabama, where he prepared for the ministry.
On leaving school, he entered the Mexican War and remained in Texas and Mexico till war closed. Returning, he engaged in ministerial work in West Florida. Here his labors were successful; and many warm friends were made. Affectionately remembered among them, till his last day, were Thomas and Christiana Barnes, and Porter and Barnetta Everette.
He was married
August 14, 1838 to Miss Mary Stanley Thompson of Georgia, who was then visiting the above friends, at Orange Hill, Florida. She was the daughter of a devout Methodist Exhorter, said to be "full of faith and the Holy Goast". His name is notably used in the History of Methodism in Georgia. Here he was engaged in active and successful ministerial work and also taught large schools; but frequently sacrificed splendid schools in order to press the Lord's work. His heat went earnestly out after the salvation on souls, yet with pure and noble motives, for a greater part of his life, he combined teaching and other secular pursuits with preaching. His thus dividing his time seemed not to please the Lord. He never suffered him to prosper any length of time.
He was a man of broad culture, his learning covering a wide range of subjects. In his young days he was considered a natural linquist. He had a strong intellect, an extraordinary memory, was a natural orator, had an unusually strong and rotunant voice, was ___iotly an extemporaneous speaker, in his active days, he found no difficulty in speaking or preaching upon nearly any subject, without a moments preparation. Eternity alone will reveal the good he accomplished, through these long years of service. Only God and his immediate family, know the sacrifices he made to preach to the poor.
Despite his business engagements, whole years have passed without finding him hardly a sabbath at home, preaching both Saturday and Sunday, and his Churches being widely distant from each other, often times more than half a week was spent in filling these appointments. It was his deepest enjoyment to go into new fields of labor. As long as he was able, he would go in to destitute places, establish Churches, accept new calls without consideration of earthly reward. Laboring for his Redeemer, was to him a glorious priviledge. His service was freely, loving and uncompromisingly given. Not even in the privacy of the home was he ever heard to utter a word of complaint regarding this work. Heat and rain, distance and feebleness were cheerfully endured by him. He was one of the organizers and first moderator of Elim Association of Florida. The same was true of Shelby County Association of Texas. In early life he had many controversies with anti-Missionary Baptist, which led him earnestly study election and predestination. In 1870, he believed God gave him special light on the subject. And thousands were delighted to hear these original ideas. Years after his removal to Texas, at the age of 73, he yeilded to the earnest solicitations of friends and ministers and wrote a book on the sugject, which many have expressed themselves as being satisfied and well pleased. Others have said, "It is a light and blessing to mankind."
The wife before mentioned lived to be the Mother of 12 children, seven survived her, five of whom are still living; all are zealous Christians, his eldest son, his namesake has been an earnest preacher seventeen years.
He was married
again in 1865. This faithful companion, with four of the ten children given to them, survive him. All claim Christ as their Savior, except the youngest, and we believe that earnest prayers of the father for him will ere long be answered.
Being liberal in his views of Christianity, he had many warm friends in other denominations. His kindness, unselfishness, and self sacrificing spirit will never be forgotten by those who mourn his death. This kindness extended not to dear ones, friends and acquaintances, but to strangers, travelers, widows, and orphans, the lowly and needy of earth; yes down through the brute creation. Under the heaviest affliction, his perfect submission to the will of God and his abiding faith and consecration caused him recently to exclaim: "I have not found so great faith, no not in this life." His Heart yearning to be filled with all the goodness of God, Eph. 3:14-20Gal. 2:20; 6:14 Mat. 16:24, 25, he was thus lifted up not only spiritually, but physically also, and felt that he would be spared to preach several years longer. Only last summer he went on a long missionary tour, to destitute fields. Soon after his return, he wrote praising God-for-strength-to-travel-about-500-miles and preach about 40 sermons, resulting in the settlement of difficulties between brethren and salvation of souls. Then added: "The burden of my prayers is first for the salvation of my kindred friends, my heart like a great river overflows, and covers all the human family." In another deeply letter of about the same time, his explanations through-out were: "Praise the Lord!" "Hallelujah"
--Though not dead; but gone to be with the Lord, Awaiting his final and Glorious reward.