U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Various Early South Carolina Newspapers
Departed this life, on the 21st inst., Mrs. Sarah A. AXSON, daughter of Mr. Job PALMER, in the 52nd year of her age. (Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 25 Feb 1837)
Died in St. John's Berkley, on the 6th inst., J. Sanford BARKER, of this city, in the 72nd year of his age.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 19 Nov 1842)
Died...The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Esther BELLAMY are invited to attend her funeral from the house of Thomas BLACKWOOD, Pitt Street, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock.
(Source: The Southern Patriots, Issue - 28 Feb 1821)
Died in this city, on the 10th inst., Joseph BELLINGER, Esq., in the 58th year of his age.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 23 Jan 1830)
Died on Tuesday, the 7th inst., William Henry, infant son of Hon. Thomas BENNETT.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 18 Dec 1841)
At Calcutta, on the 26th of March last, Thomas BENNETT, Jr., of this city.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 28 Jun 1845)
Died in this city, on the 16th ult., at the advanced age of 78 years, 5 months, Mrs. Ann Hayes BENNETT, relict of the late Thomas BENNETT.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 17 Jul 1830)
Died in this city, on the 26th ult., Mrs. Mary BRISBANE, relict of the late William BRISBANE, Esq., in the 71st year of her age.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 17 May 1845)
On Friday afternoon, the 22d inst., at his summer residence, Pineville, St. Stevens, Daniel BROUGHTON, Esq., planter of St. John's Berkley, in the 45th year of his age.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 30 Jul 1836)
In this town, on Monday, the 20th ult., Miss Elizabeth BROUGHTON, in the 53rd year of her age. She was a native of St. James, Goose Creek.
(Source: Greenville Mountaineer - Issue 31 Nov 1834)
Departed this life, on the 30th August, Mr. Thomas BROUGHTON, only son of Philip Porcher BROUGHTON, Esq., of St. John's Berkley, deceased, in the 19th year of his age - returned from Yale College...[eulogy]
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 15 Sept 1827)
Died in this city, on the 4th inst., the Rev. Arthur BUIST, in the 44th year of his age...s/o the Rev. Dr. BUIST, formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city and President of Charleston College.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 01 Jan 1843)
Died on the 29th ult., Mary Elizabeth BUIST, only daughter of the Rev. E. T. BUIST, aged 10 months, 4 days.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 14 May 1836)
Died in this city, on the 15th inst., Dr. Henry BUIST, aged 25 years.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 25 Dec 1830)
Death of the Rev. James F. BUIST, May 13th, a native of Charleston SC, born 29th Sept. 1839. His parents died when he was quite young and he was taken in charge by his uncle, Rev. E. T. BUIST, D.D., who was pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and one of his brothers was a pastor in same denomination, the late Rev. E. H. BUIST of Cheraw. Another brother is the Rev. Arthur BUIST, of Blackville.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of SC, Issue - 20 May 1886)
Died on the morning of the 12th inst., Thomas Young Simons, the youngest son of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur BUIST. (Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 16 Jul 1836)
Died on the 23rd ult., John Bainbridge, aged 3 years, 19 days. And on the 4th inst., Stephen Thomas, aged 18 days - Both children of James M. and Ann T. CALDWELL. These were grandchildren of Mr. John ROBINSON.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 23 Dec 1843)
Died in this city, on Sunday evening the 9th inst., Thomas CHAPMAN, late Cashier of the Bank of SC, aged 44 years, and 7 months.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 22 Apr 1843)
Died in this city, Feb. 17th, the Rev. Daniel COBIA...a native of Charleston...minister in the Protestant Episcopal Church...aged 25 years, 4 months and 26 days.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of SC 1835-1865, Issue - 10 Feb 1837)
Departed this life, on the morning of the 1st inst., at her residence in King-street, Mrs. Margaret COCHRAN, aged 73 years, a native of Argyleshire, Scotland.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of SC 1835-1865, Issue - 20 May 1837)
Died at Lebanon Springs, New York, on the 22d ult., Hon. William CRAFTS, of Charleston.
(Source: Columbia Telescope & S.C. State Journal, Issue - 10 Oct 1826)
Mrs. Caroline Sanders DORRILL, wife of the late Augustus DORRILL, of Charleston, died on the morning of May 3d 1885 in Barnwell SC. She died in her 62nd year, was baptized into the fellowship of the First Baptist Church of Charleston SC by Dr. BRANTLEY, Sr., J. F. BUIST.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from Baptist Newspapers of SC, Issue - 21 May 1885)
On Tuesday, died the Honorable Thomas DRAYTON, Esq., one of the members of his Majesty's Council for this Province. (Source: The South Carolina Gazette, Issue - 08-15 Nov 1760, submitted by Jerri Lynne)
Died on the 6th inst., Mr. John James FOWLER, at the early ade of 20 years and 3 months...[eulogy]
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 17 Feb 1827)
Died in this city, on the 15th inst., Mr. John FREER.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 25 Feb 1832)
Died...The friends and acquaintances of the late Mr. James FUTERELL, of Miss FUTERELL and Dr. James RAMSEY and also the members of the South Carolina Society, are invited to attend the funeral of the former from the residence of Dr. RAMSEY, No. 74, Broad Street, this afternoon at 6 o'clock.
(Source: The Southern Patriots, Issue - 07 Jul 1824)
Died on the 19th Oct., in the 40th year, Capt. James GEDDES, a native of this place.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 13 Dec 1836)
In London, William GIFFORD, Esq., transiator of Juvenal and for many years editor of the Quarterly Review...
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 24 Mar 1827)
On the night of the 27th ultimo, Benjamin J. GRIMBALL, eldest son of P. C. GRIMBALL, of John's Island, in the 19th year of his age.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 11 Aug 1838)
Another Revolutionary patriot has descended to the tomb, Major James HAMILTON, Sen., the father of Gen. HAMILTON, expired at the residence of his son-in-law Judge PRIOLEAU, in this city on Tuesday night last, in the 83d year of his age. He was the oldest surviving officer of the Continental Army of the War of the Revolution. Charleston Courier, 28th ult. (Source: The Greenville Mountaineer, Issue - 20 Jul 1833)
Death of Gen. Robert Y. HAYNE. - - Gen. HAYNE died at Asheville, NC on Tuesday, the 24th of Sept. after an illness of about a week...[eulogy]. (Source: SC Temperance Advocate, [Columbia Newspaper])
Died in this city, Maj. Robert M. HEAD, a revolutionary officer who for some time commanded the escort of General LAFAYETTE.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 19 May 1827)
Died at Ashepoo, on the 1st inst., Edward Pinckney, youngest son of Daniel S. and Caroline R. HENDERSON of Walterborough, aged 2 months, 4 days.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 10 May 1845)
Departed this life on the 5th of April last, in the 85th year of her age, Mrs. Margaret HOLMES, a native of Ireland, but for the last 40 years of her life a member of this community… member of the Second Presbyterian Church.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 17 Jun 1837)
Died in this city, on the 3d inst., Mrs. Mary HUGER, aged 85 years, 4 months and 6 days.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 11 Nov 1837)
In New York, after a long illness, Wm. Elliot HUGER, aged 27 years, son of the Hon. Judge HUGER, of Charleston. (Source: The Greenville Mountaineer, Issue - 20 Jul 1833)
Died in this city, Dr. Matthew IRVINE, an aged and respected physician and an active Whig of the revolution.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 08 Sept 1827)
In Philadelphia, on the 1st inst., Mrs. Alice IZARD, widow of the late Ralph IZARD, Esq., of SC, in the 87th year of her age. (Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 14 Apr 1832)
Died in James Island, near this city, on Friday inst., Mrs. Mary LAWTON, aged 92 years.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 17 Feb 1837)
Died in this city, on the 14th ult., Miss Harriet LEE, daughter of William LEE, Esq..
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 04 May 1833)
Departed this life on the morning of the 7th inst., Mrs. Mary A. LEE, late consort of Mr. Joseph T. LEE, of this city.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 16 May 1835)
Departed this life, on the 22nd Sept. in Charleston, at the residence of Col. Robert HOWARD, Miss Sarah D. LEE, in the 54th year of her age, youngest daughter of Col. William LEE, of this city.
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 08 Oct 1842)
Death of Mrs. Sarah LEGARE, relict of Joseph LEGARE, Esq., of St. Jame's Santee, who died on Friday morning last, in the 75th year of her age...[eulogy]
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 26 Feb 1828)
Departed this transitory life, on March 4th, at her residence on John's Island, Mrs. Ann Eliza LEGARE, consort of Thomas LEGARE, Esq., aged 61 years...[eulogy]
(Source: Marriage and Death Notices from the Charleston Observer 1827-1845, Issue - 31 Mar 1838)