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Miscellaneous Chowan County, North Carolina Marriages - 7

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GROOM                               BRIDE                             BOND DATE    BONDSMAN/WITNESS
=====                               =====                             =========    ================
GALLOWAY, George                    NIXON, Mattie L.                  11/12/1857   Married by Francis Hillard 11/12/1857, James N. Floyd, 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
GALS, Miles Jr.                     VALE, Martha                      8/6/1745     James Craven, Jno. Alston, Zach. Chancey, Edmund Hatch
GARDNER, Henry                      BADHAM, Mary                      3/13/1787    James Hayes and Lott Brewster
GARDNER, Henry                      EDWARDS, Catherine                6/8/1802     Richard Humphrey and Wm. Norfleet
GARRETT, Daniel                     HAUGHTON, Esther                  2/19/1756    Thomas Burkit, Thomas Ming, Thomas Jones
GARRETT, Evarard                    HURDLE, Sarah                     8/3/1763     Richard Garrett and Thomas Jones
GARRETT, Everard                    SPEIGHT, Leah                     1/30/1758    Thomas Jones,
GARRETT, James                      COTREL (widow), Ruth              12/17/1773   Thomas Garrett Sr., John Ellis, Alexr. Gallatly
GARRETT, Jesse                      BLANCHARD, Rachel                 1/30/1756    Timothy Walton, Thomas Jones, Miles Cale
GARRETT, John                       BENBURY, Bridgott                 10/19/1756   John Halsey and William Benbury
GARRETT, Lemuel                     BRINN, Deliah                     5/18/1821    James Bacchus and Henry Wills
GASKINES, William                   ROBERTSON (widow), Sarah          4/12/1774    John Rombough, William Craig, Clemt. Hall
GASKINS, Isaiah R.                  SMITH, Harriett                   7/10/1838    Richard Smith and T.T. Hathaway
GASKINS, Lorenzo                    LASSITER, Deborah                 10/25/1831   John Proctor and Edmund Hoskins
GASKINS, William A. (of Bertie Co.) BUNCH, Lydia                      1/22/1855    Married by Jno. B. Webb (mg), 1/25/1855, Peter F. White and 
                                                                                   Wm. Skinner
GASKINS, William T.                 WEBB, Alice S.                    8/25/1865    Married 8/31/1865 by Jno. B. Webb
GASSER, John                        HOSKINS, Mary                     10/29/1785   Lott Brewster
GEORGE, Issac                       RHODES, Mary                      12/16/1786   Michael McKiel and Lott Brewster
GEORGE, Phillip                     RIDDICK, Deborah                  7/25/1795    Dominque Murer and Wm. Norfleet
GIBSON, Jonathan                    KINGHAM, Sarah                    9/9/1755     John Bennett and Thomas Jones
GILBERT, Oliver F.                  SIMPSON, Martha V.                5/4/1868     Married by D.V. Etheridge 5/5/1868, Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of 
                                                                                   Timothy and Eliza; Bride is dau. of Richard D. and Sally Ann)
GILES, Jerimiah                     PHELPS, Charlotte                 3/7/1825     Joseph M. Haughton and Henry Wills
GILLIAM, Julian                     HOSKINS, Elizabeth D.             12/12/1860   George Gilliam, Married by Henry A. Skinner (MG) 12/12/1860
GODFREY, Joseph G.                  HAUGHTON, Margaret M.             1/29/1844    Charles G. Haughton and T.T. Hathaway
GOELET, John B.                     SMITH, Jane Y.                    11/25/1830   Robert Heath and Edmund Hoskins
GOLDSMITH, Daniel                   DUNSTON, Ellenor                  4/20/1753    John Vail and William Halsey
GOMIZE, Hozin                       BOON, Hannah                      8/17/1815    James R. Bent and Wm. Norfleet
GONSALES, Josef                     PHELPS, Julia Ann                 8/28/1820    Thomas J. Charlton and Henry Wills
GOODWIN, Abner                      WARD, Marina                      8/21/1813    Elisha Hurdle and Wm. Norfleet
GOODWIN, Benj. P.                   SMALL, Sarah J.                   1/9/1861     Married by D.V. Etheridge 1/10/1861, John D. Parrish and Wm. Skinner
GOODWIN, Caleb                      HINTON, Prisscilla                10/14/1786   Thomas Jones
GOODWIN, Emariah                    BUTT, Miley                       12/13/1860   Married by Jas. D. Wynn (JP), 12/13/1860, Samuel Bateman and Wm. Skinner
GOODWIN, Exum                       BUNCH, Priscilla                  10/9/1852    Married by Jno. B. Webb, (MG), 10/14/1852, William Bunch and Wm. Skinner
GOODWIN, Gabriel                    CHAPPELL, Lydia                   5/3/1849     Ambrose Perry and W.H. Wilder
GOODWIN, Harvey P.                  EVANS, Elizabeth Mary             1/9/1841     Zachaiah Evans, Sr.
GOODWIN, Issac                      MITCHELL, Mary                    1/4/1821     Baker Boyce and Henry Wills
GOODWIN, Jacob                      WILLIAMSON, Mary                  2/1/1815     James Williamson, Mills Hill, Wm. Norfleet
GOODWIN, James                      FIFE, Sarah                       7/17/1851    Married by Wm. Bratton (jp), 7/17/1851, Elliot Floyd, Wm. Skinner
GOODWIN, James                      JORDAN, Sophia                    1/1/1850     Richard Woodard
GOODWIN, James                      SATTERFIELD, Catherine            4/19/1836    Thomas Evans and Edm. Hoskins
GOODWIN, John                       HALSEY, Achsia                    1/22/1852    Married by Wm. Bratten (JP), 1/22/1852, Timothy Mitchell, Wm Skinner
GOODWIN, John                       NORRISS, Elizabeth                1/24/1799    Thomas Story and Wm. Norfleet
GOODWIN, John A.                    SMALL, Martha L.                  8/11/1841    Sandford E. Goodwin
GOODWIN, John E.                    PERRY, Mary Ann                   4/4/1853     Married by D.V/ Etheridge 4/7/1853, Charles E. Robinson, Wm. Skinner
GOODWIN, John M.                    SMALL, Henrietta P.               1/17/1865    Baker F. Elliot, Married by Jno. B. Webb on 1/19/1865
GOODWIN, Lemuel                     BONNER, Charity                   2/23/1834    George Bonner and Edm. Hoskins
GOODWIN, Lewis                      GREGORY, Sarah                    12/26/1805   Benjamin Gregory and Wm. Norfleet
GOODWIN, Miles                      COCHRAIN, Elizabeth               11/22/1844   Miles Goodwin and T.T. Hathaway
GOODWIN, Paletar                    JONES, Elizabeth                  7/31/1846    Wm. H. Wilder
GOODWIN, Richard                    McGUIRE, Fanny                    10/14/1806   Levi Jones and Wm. Norfleet
GOODWIN, Richard                    WHITE, Christian                  8/20/1839    Benj. Bateman
GOODWIN, Sandford E.                SMALL, Penelope                   3/27/1839    Caleb Goodwin and T.T. Hathaway
GOODWIN, Stephen                    BOYCE, Judy                       7/14/1845    Theophilus Goodwin and T.T. Hathaway
GOODWIN, Thomas                     FERRY, Jane                       1/28/1828    William BIRUM and Edm. Hoskins
GOODWIN, William H.                 BUNCH, Margaret Ann               3/16/1863    Married by Jno. B. Webb (JP), 3/19/1863, Thomas Harrell, Wm. Skinner
GOODWIN, Williamson                 WHITE, Mary                       12/24/1850   Jerimiah Evans and Wm. Skinner
GORDON, George                      STANDLEY, Mary G.                 12/3/1845    George Gordon and T.T. Hathaway
GORDON, Thomas                      LILES, Mary                       2/13/1788    ??? Savage
GORHAM, Hesekiah                    HASSELL, Ann                      3/21/1792    Benjamin Hassell and Jos. Blount
GORHAM, James                       STANDIN, Deborah                  3/14/1820    Wm. H. Cheshire and Henry Wills
GRANBY, Josiah T.                   SAWYER, Sarah Ann                 1/16/1826    Jacob N. Parker and Henry Wills
GRANDY, George                      LANE, Sarah                       8/30/1787    Richard Reeves and Jos. Blount
GRANGER, Thomas L.                  DUFFY, Rhoda                      8/24/1818    Joseph Sutton, Leml. Reed, William Norfleet
GRANTHAN, John                      STANDIN, Mary                     1/25/1815    Lemuel Sutton and Henry Mills
GRAY, Isaac                         WARD, Mary                        3/31/1800    John Proctor, Wm. Norfleet
GRAY, James                         WARD, Milley                      2/26/1820    Henry Wills
GRAYSTOCK, Thomas                   JOSEPH, Mary                      8/6/1792     Henry Rodny and Jos. Blount
GREEN, Constant C.                  WHITE, Elizabeth S.               6/23/1835    Gilbert Elliot and Edm. Hoskins
GREEN, Edward                       GORDON, Elizabeth                 10/15/1827   Wm. Grimes
GREEN, James G.                     BOND, Cordelia F.                 1/19/1865    Married by Henry A. Skinner (MG), 1/19/1865, J.W. Sands, Wm. Skinner
GREEN, John                         WOODWARD, Milly                   6/3/1811     Uriah Hudson
GREEN, Samuel                       EVANS, Mary                       1/25/1855    Married by R. Dillard (JP) on ??, Quinton Hollowell, Wm. Skinner
GREGORIE, Thomas                    BENTON, Mary                      7/4/1767     Rev. Daniel Earl and Thomas Jones
GREGORY, Benjamin                   STALLINGS, Margaret               10/29/1838   Nicholas Stallings and Jno. Bush
GREGORY, Benjamin                   WARD, Mary                        11/6/1812    Allen Ward
GREGORY, Edmond                     NORCOM, Elizabeth                 8/3/1803      
GREGORY, Frederick C.               NIXON, Mary                       10/26/1837   Saml. T. Bond
GREGORY, Harry J.                   HALL, Emma                        3/14/1868    Married by Wm. J. Norfleet 3/18/1868, Wm. Skinner, clk. (Groom is son 
                                                                                   of Issa Gregoryand Serena Harvey; Bride is dau. of Penny Hall)
GREGORY, Henry                      COFFIELD, Elsthia                 8/27/1868    Married by Joseph A. Beebe 8/28/1868, William Skinner. (Groom is son 
                                                                                   of Mills Spruce and Fanny Gregory; Bride is dau. of Anthony and Grace)
GREGORY, Jenkins                    PARKS, Sarah                      9/8/1800     Edward Welch and Elizabeth Gurley
GREGORY, Johohn                     WHITEMAN, Mary                    12/29/1831   Wm. McNider and Edm Hoskins
GREGORY, Lemuel                     CULLENS, Patsey                   12/27/1819   Benjamin Gregory and Wm. Norfleet
GREGORY, Lemuel                     LILLY, Mary                       8/29/1825    William Bush and Henry Wills
GREGORY, Luke                       HAUGHTON, Elizabeth               11/29/1779   Jer. Haughton
GREGORY, Mackey                     GREGORY, Martha                   3/20/1827    Samuel Charlton and Henry Wills
GREGORY, Matthias                   JORDAN, Penelope                  7/23/1840    Daniel Hollowell
GREGORY, Nathan                     PERRY, Providence                 12/28/1826   William McNeider and Henry Wills
GREGORY, Thomas                     HOSKINS, Elizabeth B.             3/16/1853    Married by Jas. L. Spencer (MG), 3/17/1853, A.W. Clayton, Wm. Skinner
GREGORY, William                    CREECY, Winifred                  4/21/1812    Richard H. Blount and Jas. Norfleet
GREGORY, William                    FRAZIER, Elizabeth                2/11/1799    Nathl. Howcott, Wm. Norfleet
GREGORY, Wilson                     NIXSON, Caroline                  6/14/1867    Married by Joseph A. Beebe 6/19/1867, Wm. Skinner clk. (Groom is son of 
                                                                                   Mills Spence and Fanny Gregory; Bride is dau. of Myles and Sabara Nixson)
GRIFFIN, Brinkley                   NEWBY, Charity                    10/29/1798   Moses Hobbs and Wm. B. Norfleet
GRIFFIN, Exum                       GOODWIN, Leah                     11/2/1846    Amos Perry and T.T. Hathaway
GRIFFIN, Exum                       MITCHEL, Lavinia                  11/22/1830   Willis Evans and Edm. Hoskins
GRIFFIN, George B.                  BOYCE, Harriet E.                 7/6/1864     Married by D.V. Etheridge on 7/8/1864, Jacob D. Boyce, Wm. Skinner
GRIFFIN, Humphrey                   BYRUM, Sophia                     [blank]      Married by D.V. Etheridge 3/12/1868, Wm. Skinner. (Groom is son of 
                                                                                   Nathaniel and Easter [Twine] Griffin; Bride is dau. of Jesse and Martha [Topping])
GRIFFIN, Humphrey                   WHITE, Absell                     1/2/1798     Nicholas Stallings and Wm. E. Norfleet
GRIFFIN, Isah                       GRIFFIN, Elizabeth                1/1/1831     Abner Hollowell and Edm. Hoskins
GRIFFIN, James                      DURDEN, Elizabeth                 12/27/1777   Willis Griffin and Thomas Vail
GRIFFIN, Johathan                   BIRUM, Mary                       8/23/1823    Gidion Byrum and Henry Wills
GRIFFIN, Nathaniel                  TWINE, Elizabeth                  1/3/1827     Abner Hollowell and Henry Wills
GRIFFIN, Nathaniel                  TWINE, Esther                     12/2/1830    Abner Hollowell and Edm. Hoskins
GRIFFIN, Simson                     BYRUM, Rachel                     4/4/1826     Gideon Byrum and Henry Wills
GRIFFIN, Simson                     HOBBS, Penninsh                   11/1/1810    Silas White and Wm. Norfleet. (Bride is dau of Moses Hobbs and Emily Walton)
GRIFFIN, William                    FREEMAN, Elizabeth                12/24/1807   King Luten and Wm. Norfleet
GROSHON, Peter                      WILLIAMS, Elizabeth               11/31/1784   Benjamin Hardison and Thmas Long (note 31 day in November)
GROVES, Richard                     WAFF, Kesiah                      7/8/1779     Robert Sanderlin
GUILES, John                        GRIFFIN, Sarah                    5/21/1859    Married 5/22/1859 by Silas White (jp), Wm. Skinner
GUSSUM, Hercules                    BOND, Nelly                       1/9/1867     Married by Francis Hilliard (mg) 1/9/1867, Lewis Gustus, Wm. Skinner
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