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Miscellaneous Bertie County, North Carolina Marriages

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SURNAME             FIRST NAME    SURNAME             FIRST NAME      DAY     MONTH        YEAR      COUNTY
=======             ==========    =======             ==========      ===     =====        ====      ======
ABINGTON            Littlebury    MOORE               Sarah           4       May          1790      Bertie County
ACREE               William       SKINNER             Ferebee         12      March        1791      Bertie County
ALEXANDER           Martha        ASKEW               Aaron           7       May          1805      Bertie County
ALEXANDER           Rachel        OUTLAW              Joshua          26      March        1805      Bertie County
ASKEW               Aaron         ALEXANDER           Martha          7       May          1805      Bertie County
ASKEW               John          DUNNING             Mary            17      August       1790      Bertie County
ATKINSON            Priscilla     MOORE               Joseph          29      October      1790      Bertie County
AVERIT              Henry         MONTGOMERY          Sarah           9       May          1792      Bertie County
BAKER               John          CHERRY              Martha          17      September    1790      Bertie County
BAKER               William       BROWN               Polly           7       December     1805      Bertie County
BARKSDALE           William       SUMMER              Christian       7       April        1788      Bertie County
BARNECASTLE         Martha        BOWEN               Nathaniel       29      August       1797      Bertie County
BARNES              Amelia        TURNER              John B.         29      December     1789      Bertie County
BARTLETT            Rebecca       BLOUNT              Jesse           28      February     1788      Bertie County
BASONAN             John          WESTON              Mary            17      January      1789      Bertie County
BASS                Jacob         LASSITER            Mary            8       September    1789      Bertie County
BELL                Bright        COBB                Mourning        22      February     1800      Bertie County
BENTLEY             Francis       MALONE              Drury           19      July         1788      Bertie County
BEST                Henry         MORRIS              Mickey          17      January      1789      Bertie County
BLACK               Samuel        HARDY               Elizabeth       10      October      1765      Bertie County
BLOUNT              Jesse         BARTLETT            Rebecca         28      February     1788      Bertie County
BLOUNT              John          MILBURN             Elizabeth       13      January      1790      Bertie County
BOND                Mary          JERNAGAN            Arthur          25      February     1790      Bertie County
BOND                Rhoda         BOND                Thomas          30      December     1790      Bertie County
BOND                Thomas        BOND                Rhoda           30      December     1790      Bertie County
BOSWELL             Charles       SOWARD              Margaret        7       October      1790      Bertie County
BOSWELL             Winifred      HARDY               Lamb            23      August       1790      Bertie County
BOWEN               Nathaniel     BARNECASTLE         Martha          29      August       1797      Bertie County
BOYCE               Elizabeth     DUNNING             Charles         8       December     1783      Bertie County
BOYCE               Hardy         HUBBARD             Mary            13      August       1790      Bertie County
BOYCE               William       LAMB                Judith          3       May          1787      Bertie County
BRANCH              Burwell       MORGAN              Nancy           15      October      1788      Bertie County
BRIDGER             Robert        MONTGOMERY          Margaret        2       November     1786      Bertie County
BRINKLEY            Eli           GASKINS             Sally           26      November     1788      Bertie County
BRITAIN             Daniel        OUTLAW              Sarah           3       May          1803      Bertie County
BRITAIN             Nancy         MIZELL              Hezekiah        8       May          1805      Bertie County
BRITT               Ann           WILDER              Absolem         8       July         1779      Bertie County
BRITT               Betsy         LAWRENCE            Seth            8       February     1796      Bertie County
BRITT               Jesse         COOK                Sarah           30      July         1793      Bertie County
BRITT               Josiah        FLOYD               Priscilla       1       February     1797      Bertie County
BRITT               Loving        MORRIS              James           7       November     1791      Bertie County
BRITT               Martha        WHITE               King            22      January      1788      Bertie County
BRITT               Patience      WHITE               Stephen         13      February     1795      Bertie County
BRITT               Sarah         THOMAS              John            26      November     1800      Bertie County
BRITT               Thomas        KING                Martha          2       March        1793      Bertie County
BRITTON             Richard O.    SPIVEY              Margaret E.     10      November     1830      Bertie County
BROGDON             Timothy       MC HENRY            Sarah           18      August       1791      Bertie County
BROWN               Moren         HOPKINS             Alexander       10      February     1796      Bertie County
BROWN               Polly         BAKER               William         7       December     1805      Bertie County
BRYAN               Rachel        WHITEFIELD          William         6       November     1741      Bertie County
BUNCH               Micajah       HOLDEN              Levina          8       April        1791      Bertie County
BUTLER              Elizabeth     COFFIELD            Jethro          25      April        1788      Bertie County
BYNUM               Abner         COOPER              Milly           13      August       1790      Bertie County
CARNEY              Josiah        POWER               Sarah           19      August       1789      Bertie County
CASTELAW            John          MITCHELL            Penelope        30      November     1785      Bertie County
CASTELLAW           William       MITCHELL            Sarah           31      March        1784      Bertie County
CHERRY              Bethiah       JACOBS              Samuel          3       November     1788      Bertie County
CHERRY              Martha        BAKER               John            17      September    1790      Bertie County
CHERRY              Mary          WARREN              James           21      June         1788      Bertie County
CLARK               Christopher   TURNER              Hannah          17      January      1773      Bertie County
COBB                Frances       HOPKINS             Daniel          20      November     1793      Bertie County
COBB                Happy         DAVIS               Smith           5       January      1790      Bertie County
COBB                Mourning      BELL                Bright          22      February     1800      Bertie County
COBB                Nathan        MITCHELL            Winny           9       August       1779      Bertie County
COFFIELD            Jethro        BUTLER              Elizabeth       25      April        1788      Bertie County
COFFIELD            Josiah        SPEIGHT             Lydia           28      August       1790      Bertie County
COOK                Benjamin      HOPKINS             Winnifred       25      April        1774      Bertie County
COOK                Sarah         BRITT               Jesse           30      July         1793      Bertie County
COOPER              Milly         BYNUM               Abner           13      August       1790      Bertie County
COTTLE              William       GLISSON             Elizabeth       25      August       1790      Bertie County
CRANK               Elizabeth     SEAY                James           26      July         1788      Bertie County
CULLEN              Winnifred     TROTMAN             Thomas          3       March        1788      Bertie County
CULLIFER            Nathaniel     MILLER              Nelly           30      May          1834      Bertie County
DAVIDSON            David         HINSON              Elenor          25      March        1788      Bertie County
DAVIS               Annis         HARRELL             Henry           10      March        1788      Bertie County
DAVIS               Smith         COBB                Happy           5       January      1790      Bertie County
DEMSEY              William       MILLER              Ann             25      July         1781      Bertie County
DUNNING             Anne          HARMAN              Nicholas        3       November     1802      Bertie County
DUNNING             Charles       BOYCE               Elizabeth       8       December     1783      Bertie County
DUNNING             Delitha       STALLINGS           John            19      September    1789      Bertie County
DUNNING             Elizabeth     JONES               John            23      January      1798      Bertie County
DUNNING             Mary          ASKEW               John            17      August       1790      Bertie County
DUNNING             Minnie        HOLDER              Shadrack        4       February     1799      Bertie County
DUNNING             Uriah         EARLY               Ann             17      May          1790      Bertie County
EARLY               Ann           DUNNING             Uriah           17      May          1790      Bertie County
EARLY               Thomas        MITCHELL            Betsy           25      September    1821      Bertie County
ELIZABETH           Mary          LASSITER            John            22      April        1790      Bertie County
EVANS               Penny         PRIVOTE             Noah            6       September    1790      Bertie County
FARMER              Judy          HARMAN              Stephen         26      October      1790      Bertie County
FLOYD               Priscilla     BRITT               Josiah          1       February     1797      Bertie County
FORT                John          TURNER              Martha          30      December     1774      Bertie County
GARDNER             Patience      JAMES               Emanuel         19      January      1788      Bertie County
GASKINS             Bettie        HARDY               James           30      September    1788      Bertie County
GASKINS             Sally         BRINKLEY            Eli             26      November     1788      Bertie County
GLISSON             Elizabeth     COTTLE              William         25      August       1790      Bertie County
GRANSBERRY          James         MOORE               Penelope        18      May          1790      Bertie County
HARDY               Elizabeth     BLACK               Samuel          10      October      1765      Bertie County
HARDY               James         GASKINS             Bettie          30      September    1788      Bertie County
HARDY               Lamb          BOSWELL             Winifred        23      August       1790      Bertie County
HARMAN              Nicholas      DUNNING             Anne            3       November     1802      Bertie County
HARMAN              Stephen       FARMER              Judy            26      October      1790      Bertie County
HARRELL             Gring         KITTRELL            Elizabeth       23      August       1790      Bertie County
HARRELL             Henry         DAVIS               Annis           10      March        1788      Bertie County
HARRISON            Reuben        MITCHELL            Ann             18      May          1790      Bertie County
HAYSE               Sarah         PAGE                Solomon         16      May          1786      Bertie County
HIGGS               Sally         VANN                Edward          7       February     1788      Bertie County
HINSON              Elenor        DAVIDSON            David           25      March        1788      Bertie County
HINTON              William       TURNER              Ann             7       March        1770      Bertie County
HOLDEN              Levina        BUNCH               Micajah         8       April        1791      Bertie County
HOLDER              Aggie         MITCHELL            George          20      December     1830      Bertie County
HOLDER              Shadrack      DUNNING             Minnie          4       February     1799      Bertie County
HOLLADAY            Asia          JONES               William         23      January      1790      Bertie County
HOOKS               Charles       HUNTER              Ann             15      November     1796      Bertie County
HOPKINS             Alexander     BROWN               Moren           10      February     1796      Bertie County
HOPKINS             Daniel        COBB                Frances         20      November     1793      Bertie County
HOPKINS             John          STEWART             Janet           25      April        1774      Bertie County
HOPKINS             Winnifred     COOK                Benjamin        25      April        1774      Bertie County
HORNBY              James         WHITE               Penelope        22      September    1788      Bertie County
HOWELL              James         SWAIN               Susanna         10      September    1788      Bertie County
HUBBARD             Mary          BOYCE               Hardy           13      August       1790      Bertie County
HUBBELL             Walter        VENTURES            Mary            22      May          1790      Bertie County
HUNDLEY             Mary          WEAVER              John B.         26      March        1788      Bertie County
HUNTER              Ann           HOOKS               Charles         15      November     1796      Bertie County
JACOBS              Samuel        CHERRY              Bethiah         3       November     1788      Bertie County
JAMES               Benjamin      JAMES               Kesiah          1       November     1788      Bertie County
JAMES               Emanuel       GARDNER             Patience        19      January      1788      Bertie County
JAMES               Kesiah        JAMES               Benjamin        1       November     1788      Bertie County
JENKINS             Samuel        PENNY               Mary            15      December     1788      Bertie County
JERNAGAN            Arthur        BOND                Mary            25      February     1790      Bertie County
JONES               Jesse         MONK                Linah           21      July         1788      Bertie County
JONES               John          DUNNING             Elizabeth       23      January      1798      Bertie County
JONES               Sarah         WALTON              William                 December     1783      Bertie County
JONES               William       HOLLADAY            Asia            23      January      1790      Bertie County
KEATER              William       WILKINSON           Kediah          8       July         1789      Bertie County
KEEN                Penelope      STANDLEY            William         25      May          1790      Bertie County
KING                Henry         WORLEY              Sarah           10      February     1789      Bertie County
KING                Martha        BRITT               Thomas          2       March        1793      Bertie County
KINSEY              James         TURNER              Martha          7       April        1787      Bertie County
KITTRELL            Elizabeth     HARRELL             Gring           23      August       1790      Bertie County
KITTRELL            Mary          LEGGETT             Alexander       2       February     1788      Bertie County
LAMB                Judith        BOYCE               William         3       May          1787      Bertie County
LASSITER            John          ELIZABETH           Mary            22      April        1790      Bertie County
LASSITER            Mary          BASS                Jacob           8       September    1789      Bertie County
LASSITER            Sarah (widow) STANDLEY            David           10      June         1788      Bertie County
LAWRENCE            Seth          BRITT               Betsy           8       February     1796      Bertie County
LEGGETT             Alexander     KITTRELL            Mary            2       February     1788      Bertie County
MALONE              Drury         BENTLEY             Francis         19      July         1788      Bertie County
MANSFIELD           Martha        MILLER              Riddick         15      November     1832      Bertie County
MC HENRY            Sarah         BROGDON             Timothy         18      August       1791      Bertie County
MILBURN             Elizabeth     BLOUNT              John            13      January      1790      Bertie County
MILLEN              Mary          TURNER              William         11      October      1780      Bertie County
MILLER              Ann           DEMSEY              William         25      July         1781      Bertie County
MILLER              John          RAY                 Penny           30      January      1821      Bertie County
MILLER              Nelly         CULLIFER            Nathaniel       30      May          1834      Bertie County
MILLER              Riddick       MANSFIELD           Martha          15      November     1832      Bertie County
MILLER              Winnie        MIZELL              John            9       November     1789      Bertie County
MINTON              Benjamin      REED                Alice           15      February     1790      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Ann           HARRISON            Reuben          18      May          1790      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Betsy         EARLY               Thomas          25      September    1821      Bertie County
MITCHELL            George        HOLDER              Aggie           20      December     1830      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Mary          TODD                James           19      June         1828      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Milly         OVERTON             James           26      November     1788      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Penelope      CASTELAW            John            30      November     1785      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Rhoda         MORRIS              William         22      November     1790      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Sarah         CASTELLAW           William         31      March        1784      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Winnifred     WESTON              Amos            23      September    1780      Bertie County
MITCHELL            Winny         COBB                Nathan          9       August       1779      Bertie County
MIZELL              Hezekiah      BRITAIN             Nancy           8       May          1805      Bertie County
MIZELL              John          MILLER              Winnie          9       November     1789      Bertie County
MONK                Linah         JONES               Jesse           21      July         1788      Bertie County
MONTGOMERY          Elizabeth     PAGE                Joshua          9       October      1787      Bertie County
MONTGOMERY          Margaret      BRIDGER             Robert          2       November     1786      Bertie County
MONTGOMERY          Sarah         AVERIT              Henry           9       May          1792      Bertie County
MOORE               Joseph        ATKINSON            Priscilla       29      October      1790      Bertie County
MOORE               Penelope      GRANSBERRY          James           18      May          1790      Bertie County
MOORE               Sarah         ABINGTON            Littlebury      4       May          1790      Bertie County
MORGAN              Nancy         BRANCH              Burwell         15      October      1788      Bertie County
MORRIS              James         BRITT               Loving          7       November     1791      Bertie County
MORRIS              Mickey        BEST                Henry           17      January      1789      Bertie County
MORRIS              William       MITCHELL            Rhoda           22      November     1790      Bertie County
MORRIS              Winifred      TODD                Samuel          28      November     1789      Bertie County
NEWBORN             Thomas        SPARKMAN            Elizabeth       7       October      1788      Bertie County
OLIVER              John          WATFORD             Molly           27      February     1788      Bertie County
OUTLAW              Joshua        ALEXANDER           Rachel          26      March        1805      Bertie County
OUTLAW              Sarah         BRITAIN             Daniel          3       May          1803      Bertie County
OVERTON             Asa           TART                Patsy           26      December     1789      Bertie County
OVERTON             James         MITCHELL            Milly           26      November     1788      Bertie County
OWENS               Beline        PAGE                Nathan          28      July         1798      Bertie County
PAGE                Joshua        MONTGOMERY          Elizabeth       9       October      1787      Bertie County
PAGE                Nathan        OWENS               Beline          28      July         1798      Bertie County
PAGE                Solomon       HAYSE               Sarah           16      May          1786      Bertie County
PENNY               Mary          JENKINS             Samuel          15      December     1788      Bertie County
POWER               Sarah         CARNEY              Josiah          19      August       1789      Bertie County
PRIVOTE             Noah          EVANS               Penny           6       September    1790      Bertie County
RASOR               Josiah        SUTTON              Elizabeth       27      March        1788      Bertie County
RAY                 Penny         MILLER              John            30      January      1821      Bertie County
REED                Alice         MINTON              Benjamin        15      February     1790      Bertie County
ROSCOE              Peter         SMITHWICK           Ann             24      June         1788      Bertie County
RYAN                Sarah         SANDERSON           Richard         19      January      1790      Bertie County
SANDERSON           Richard       RYAN                Sarah           19      January      1790      Bertie County
SAVAGE              Rachel        SMITH               William         23      May          1789      Bertie County
SEAY                James         CRANK               Elizabeth       26      July         1788      Bertie County
SHOLAR              Easter        WHITACRE            Whitwell        26      April        1790      Bertie County
SHOLAR              Nancy         SHOLAR              Thomas          4       January      1790      Bertie County
SHOLAR              Thomas        SHOLAR              Nancy           4       January      1790      Bertie County
SKINNER             Ferebee       ACREE               William         12      March        1791      Bertie County
SMITH               William       SAVAGE              Rachel          23      May          1789      Bertie County
SMITH               William       WOOD                Wally           10      February     1790      Bertie County
SMITH               William       WOOD                Willy           10      February     1790      Bertie County
SMITHWICK           Ann           ROSCOE              Peter           24      June         1788      Bertie County
SOWARD              Margaret      BOSWELL             Charles         7       October      1790      Bertie County
SPARKMAN            Elizabeth     NEWBORN             Thomas          7       October      1788      Bertie County
SPEIGHT             Lydia         COFFIELD            Josiah          28      August       1790      Bertie County
SPIVEY              Margaret E.   BRITTON             Richard O.      10      November     1830      Bertie County
STALLINGS           John          DUNNING             Delitha         19      September    1789      Bertie County
STANDLEY            David         LASSITER            Sarah (widow)   10      June         1788      Bertie County
STANDLEY            Mary          THOMAS              James           6       September    1790      Bertie County
STANDLEY            William       KEEN                Penelope        25      May          1790      Bertie County
STEWART             Janet         HOPKINS             John            25      April        1774      Bertie County
SUMMER              Christian     BARKSDALE           William         7       April        1788      Bertie County
SUTTON              Elizabeth     RASOR               Josiah          27      March        1788      Bertie County
SWAIN               Susanna       HOWELL              James           10      September    1788      Bertie County
TADLOCK             Absalom       TURNER              Sarah           19      August       1780      Bertie County
TADLOCK             Martha        WALLER              Byron           27      May          1834      Bertie County
TART                Patsy         OVERTON             Asa             26      December     1789      Bertie County
THOMAS              James         STANDLEY            Mary            6       September    1790      Bertie County
THOMAS              John          BRITT               Sarah           26      November     1800      Bertie County
THOMPSON            David         TURNER              Mary            12      November     1774      Bertie County
TODD                James         MITCHELL            Mary            19      June         1828      Bertie County
TODD                Samuel        MORRIS              Winifred        28      November     1789      Bertie County
TROTMAN             Thomas        CULLEN              Winnifred       3       March        1788      Bertie County
TURNER              Ann           HINTON              William         7       March        1770      Bertie County
TURNER              Hannah        CLARK               Christopher     17      January      1773      Bertie County
TURNER              John B.       BARNES              Amelia          29      December     1789      Bertie County
TURNER              Martha        FORT                John            30      December     1774      Bertie County
TURNER              Martha        KINSEY              James           7       April        1787      Bertie County
TURNER              Mary          THOMPSON            David           12      November     1774      Bertie County
TURNER              Sarah         TADLOCK             Absalom         19      August       1780      Bertie County
TURNER              William       MILLEN              Mary            11      October      1780      Bertie County
VANN                Edward        HIGGS               Sally           7       February     1788      Bertie County
VENTURES            Mary          HUBBELL             Walter          22      May          1790      Bertie County
WALLER              Byron         TADLOCK             Martha          27      May          1834      Bertie County
WALTON              William       JONES               Sarah                   December     1783      Bertie County
WARREN              James         CHERRY              Mary            21      June         1788      Bertie County
WATFORD             Molly         OLIVER              John            27      February     1788      Bertie County
WEAVER              John B.       HUNDLEY             Mary            26      March        1788      Bertie County
WESTON              Amos          MITCHELL            Winnifred       23      September    1780      Bertie County
WESTON              Mary          BASONAN             John            17      January      1789      Bertie County
WHITACRE            Whitwell      SHOLAR              Easter          26      April        1790      Bertie County
WHITE               King          BRITT               Martha          22      January      1788      Bertie County
WHITE               Penelope      HORNBY              James           22      September    1788      Bertie County
WHITE               Stephen       BRITT               Patience        13      February     1795      Bertie County
WHITEFIELD          William       BRYAN               Rachel          6       November     1741      Bertie County
WILDER              Absolem       BRITT               Ann             8       July         1779      Bertie County
WILKINSON           Kediah        KEATER              William         8       July         1789      Bertie County
WOOD                Wally         SMITH               William         10      February     1790      Bertie County
WOOD                Willy         SMITH               William         10      February     1790      Bertie County
WORLEY              Sarah         KING                Henry           10      February     1789      Bertie County
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