Search Archived Marriage Records
HOPKINS, daughter of Harrison and Lila (Romans) Hopkins, born: July 21 1888 died: March 27 1965; married
: Henry ROBINSON, 12 children: Sons: Nollie, Arnold and Dickie; 5 girls: Dorsey, Lurla, Ola, Sharlene and Ocie; 4 children deceased. Member of the Greasy Creek Church of Old Regular Baptist.
COLE, Martha, daughter of the late George and Abby (VanDike) Cole; born: April 1 1899 at Grundy, Virginia; died: at age 66 yrs and 10 months of age; married
: Logan RIFE, 1918; 6 children; 4 deceased, she leaves her husband, Logan, daughters: Ruby Grayson, Kansas City, MO; and Ruth Halring, Baltimore, MD. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church for 35 years.
TACKETT, Ben born: June 15 1884 died: February 13 1966; married
: Martha Tackett; 12 children, 2 deceased, leaving: Ella Burga, Price, Kentucky; Jim Tackett, Ligon, Kentucky; Millie Moore, Hi Hat, Kentucky; Viola Barley, Orkney, Kentucky; Hannah Meade, Detroit, Michigan; Fanna Newsome, High Hat, Kentucky; Mary Hall, Weeksbury, Kentucky; Mae Howell, Detroit, Mich. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
BRYANT, Webster born: May 29 1932 died: August 31 1965 son of the late Monroe and Letha Bryant, married
: Edna HAMILTON; 10 children, also leaves, one brother, and 6 sisters . Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church. Written by his daughter, Bethel Bryant
JOHNSON, Draxie, daughter of G.F. and Mary (Mullins) Johnson born: April 12 1905 died: September 7 1966 married
: John BRANHAM, 1921; 3 children, James died: 1942, Georgia, T. T., also leaves, one brother and 5 half brothers; and 3 half sisters; 5 brothers deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church. Written by daughter, Georgia Damron
BRYANT, Elizabeth, born: November 2 1900 died: Jan 23 1965; daughter of Rev. Lewis and Polly Jane (Hamilton) Bryant; married
: Robert HOLLIFIED, Oct 2 1916; 9 children, 2 deceased; 5 boys: Curt, Lewis, Thomas, Ary, Bert, all of Ritchie, Kentucky; and Samuel, Teaberry, Kentucky; and Juanita Shelton, Ritchie; sisters, Mary Alice, and Emma Hamilton, Teaberry, Kentucky; 2 living brothers, Mark, Yeager, Kentucky and John Wess Teaberry, Kentucky. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
PARSONS, Darcus born: May 9 1870 died: December 31 1965 married
: Rev. Isaac PARSONS; 14 children, 4 boys and 2 girls deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
NEWSOM, Peter died: February 18th at the Pikeville Methodist Hospital at the age of 85, a resident of the North Mayo Trail, Pikeville, Kentucky son of David and Dicie (Roberts) Newsom of Caney Creek; he had several brothers and sisters who were deceased, he was a retail merchant, later owned and operated a sawmill and lumber yard, restaruant, and grocery store; married
: Spicy MOORE; children, Mrs. George Wisecarver, D. R. Newsom both of Pikeville, one son, Milburn Newsom deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
DAMRON, George W. "Bud" born: February 16 1885 died: Oct 15 1965; 1st married
: Husley KENNEY died: 1952; 4 girls one boy; 2nd married
: Linna MARRS; no children, he had 5 stepchildren. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
HUGHES, Julia Belle born: April 6 1905 Floyd Co., Kentucky died: February 5 1965, daughter of Daniel and Cyndia Hughes; married
: Earnest MILLER died: April 28 1953; 7 boys girls: Leander, Warren, David and Oscar, Jackson; Bernie, Ironton, Ohio; Robert, Dundee, Michigan; Earnest Miller, Jr, Hopkinsville, Kentucky; Alice Rose, Beaver; Anna Grace Adams, Charlestown, SC; Nancy Bragg, Carnegie, PA; brothers: Joe, Martin, Kentucky; Jack, Johnson Co., Kentucky; Estill, New Salem, Michigan; sisters: Ecie Nemamaker, Martin, Kentucky; Della Bailey, Stockbridge, Mich. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
HALL, Anna born: July 14 1909 died: Jan 2 1966; daughter of Monroe and Betsy Hall; married
: Charles HALL, November 19 1929; 3 boys, Bobby, Charles Ray and Frank and one daughter, Georgiann. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
TUTTLE, Lester born: Oct 26 1905 Floyd County, Kentucky died: March 12 1966 son of Joe and Florence Tuttle; he leaves his mother, Florence, Beaver, Ohio, a wife, Rachell Tuttle, Beaver, Ohio, 9 children, Inez Riley, Virgie Warren, Betty Florence Warren, and Kanawa Tuttle all of Michigan; cabe, Orange, TX; Sherman, Springfield, Ohio; Alma, Joseph, and Sherry at home; 3 children deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
MARTAIN, Clara of Drift, Kentucky daughter of Alex L. and Melvina (Turner) Martain born: April 2 1899 died: December 23 1965; married
: Harold B. FLACK; one girl, Emma. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
SMILEY, Lizzie daughter of Alex and Sarah (Akers) Smiley born: February 7 1909 died: April 22 1965 Pikeville; brothers and sisters: Jason, Ivory, Miller, Orville, George, Mattie, Stella, Hulda and Varney; married
: Med AKERS Jan 10 1938; 2 girls: Offie Gean and Josephine both at home, she leaves, her husband, 2 girls, one brother, Varney Smiley, Prestonsburg, Kentucky; one half sister, Vleria Casebolt, Pikeville, Kentucky. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
THORNSBERRY, Liza daughter of Miles and Clerenda (Hall) Thornsberry born: May 12 1884 died: Jan 9 1966; married
: Lumb BATES, 1902; 8 children, Curt, Rosco, Isedor, ellis, Everett, Clerinda, Olga, and Sada; 3 living brothers 3 deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
ESTEPP, Josephine born: September 15 1880 died: June 4 1965; married
: George ESTEPP, 1898; 13 children, 4 deceased, Bill and George, Michigan; Wilbur, Lige, and Jody Estepp, Hite, Kentucky; Elizabeth Stone, Manton, Kentucky; Sarah Vanover, Printer, Kentucky; Lutie Estepp, Minnie, Kentucky; Maggie Hall, McDowell, Kentucky. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
HALL, Taney born: November 20 1888 died: December 2 1965; married
: Fed Hall, Jan 13 1903; 12 children, 6 deceased, leaving, 3 boys, John Elisha, and Noah, 3 girls, Nancy, Melvina and Pearl. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church. Written by daughter, Nancy Newsome
SLONE, Billy born: February 7 1884 died: Oct 18 1965 son of Reese and Nancy (Johnson) Slone; married
: Nancy WATSON born: June 22 1882 died: February 7 1960 daughter of Henry and Rosanna Watson; 10 children, 2 died in infancy and one girl, Rosa Noble died: 1963; leaving, 2 sons, 5 girls, 2 sisters. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
JOHNSON, Ben born: April 8 1887 Floyd Co., Kentucky died: Jan 8 1966 son of Ben and Nancy Jane (Johnson) Johnson; married
: Sarah Ellen JOHNSON, August 14 1908 daughter of D. R. and Sarah Johnson; 6 boys 6 girls; one son, Eddie Johnson and one girl, Dallie Johnson deceased, he leaves his wife, 5 girls and 5 boys: Della Hall, Dixie Tackett, Maggie Collins, Redah Little, Marie Lay, all of Wales, Kentucky; and 5 sons: Corbin, Estil and Sterling of Wales, Kentucky; Homer of Melvin; Carl Reo Johnson of Ypsilanti, Michigan; 2 brothers, Banner, Ashland, Kentucky; and Willard, of Wales, Kentucky; a sister, Cordelia Tackett of Virgie, Kentucky; a half brother, Isom Hall of Jonancy; a half sister, Bessie Hall of Jonancy. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
LITTLE, Louenda "Aunt Lou" born: Jan 6 1876 Knott Co., Kentucky daughter of Moses and Polly Little married
: Joe JOHNSON, 1896; 10 children, one boy 2 girls deceased; leaving, Ollie Orsborn, Ligon, Kentucky; Henry, Cleveland, Ohio; Andy, Chillicothe, Ohio; Myra Newsome, Pocatello, Idaho; Edna Glover, Martinsville, IN: Haily Jones, Barberton, Ohio. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
HAMILTON, Melvin born: March 7 1922 died: March 26 1966 son of Sill and Millie Jane (Akers) Hamilton; married
: Oacie Viola MARTIN, May 28 1946; 8 children: Melvin, Jr., Paul Richard deceased, Gary, Larry, Glenna Joy, Cora Jane, John Randell, and Timothy James, also leaves, 7 sisters: Emma Tackett, Harold, Kentucky; Mary Conley, Lexington, Kentucky; Victoria Hall, Ironton, Ohio, Martha Newson, Grethel, Kentucky; Ella Hall, Oak Hill, Ohio; Judy Stake, Mansfield, Ohio; and Melvina Hamilton, Galveston, Kentucky; Melvin served in the U.S. Army. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
CAUDILL, Calvin son of Wilburn and Elizabeth Caudill born: December 26 1905 died: July 21 1965; married
: Frances SLONE; 10 children, 4 deceased, leaving: Ula Yates, Detroit, Michigan; Bula Cross, Columbus, Ohio; Dortha Hall, Wales, Kentucky; Betty and Elizabeth Caudill, Melvin, Kentucky; and one son, Johnnie Caudill, Columbus, Ohio. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
COLE, Pricie daughter of Albert and Adeline Cole and sister of Elbert Cole; born: December 19 1889 died: at age 75 yrs and 9 mos; married
: George HALL, 1908 son of Ned and Sally Hall; 13 children, 5 deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church. Written by son, Vondall Hall
HALL, Johnnie son of James H. and Rebecca (Fautch) Hall, born: May 8 1894 died: July 19 1964; married
: Wonie Hall, 1914; 8 children, 2 boys and 6 girls, one girl died in infancy; leaving, Harold Hall, Lackey, Kentucky; Homer, Dayton, Ohio; Ada Martin, Dayton, Ohio; Zelda Tuttle, Topmost, Kentucky; Elva Watson, Pippapasses, Kentucky; Florence Mosley, Mousie, Kentucky; Noe Slone, Fletcher, Ohio, 3 brothers, Tige, George, and Willie, one sister, Anna O. Slone. Buried at the Conley cemetery. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
HALL, Melvin born: Oct 21 1883, Letcher Co., son of Richard and Amy (Tackett) Hall; married
: Belle LITTLE, April 24 1902; 12 children, 6 deceased; 2nd married
: Minnie E. BURKE, August 16 1926; 7 children, also leaves, 2 sisters, Nan and Alice. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
SLONE, Lema born: September 21 1898 died: Jan 27 1965; son of bill and Jane Slone; married
: Meldia MOSLEY, June 14 1914; 5 girls 6 boys, 2 boys deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
SLONE, M. D. born: Oct 26 1879 Raven, Kentucky; died: Jan 2 1964 married
: Mary Elizabeth MAGGARD, daughter of Samuel and Jane (McClain) Maggard, on Thanksgiving, 1901; 11 children, 3 died in infancy, leaving, Virgie, Chicago, IL; Mable and Inez Smith, Hampton, Virginia; Lethi Allen, Milan, IN: Eunice Wade, Palm Beach, FL; Lydia, Paul, and Betty Jarrell, Raven, Kentucky. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
HOPKINS, Joe born: December 5 1902 died: August 13 1966; son of Henry and Pricy (Compton) Hopkins; married
: Minnie Hopkins, June 22 1922; one boy one girl, Ray, Huntington, West Virginia and Gladys Brown, Wharton, West Virginia, 3 brothers, Fred, Henry, Jr, and James Lindsey; 3 sisters, Fannie Swiney, Maudie Robinson, and Lexie Smith. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
WILSON, John son of Jack and Mary (Estep) Wilson; born: Lawrence Co., Kentucky March 3 1888 died: November 4 1965; married
: Ada Wilson, Jan 19 1925; he leaves his wife, two girls, Mrs. Ludie McFaddon, Stone, Kentucky; Charlene Maddox, Martin, Kentucky and one son, Raymond, VanCooven, Washington; 2 brothers, Jack and Roland; 2 sisters, Dixie Simps and Marie Felton, Ashland, Kentucky. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
BURKE, Susaner born: November 3 1884 died: June 10 1966 in an automobile accident daughter of Scott and Rhada (Johnson) Burke; married
: Willie HALL; 2 sons, Ballard, Halo, Kentucky; Scott, Wheelwright, Kentucky; 2nd married
: Sisaro ANDERSON; one girl, Sessie Johnson. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
POTTER, Shirlene born: July 12 1935 at McDowell, Kentucky; died: December 6 1964 daughter of Clarence and Sarah B. (Smith) Potter; 2 sisters, Ruby K. Newin, Paintsville, Kentucky; Arminda (Dolly) Slone, Allen, Kentucky; one brother; Clarence Potter, Jr., McDowell, Kentucky; one infant brother deceased.
WILLIAMS, Felix Tan born: Jan 30 1893 died: August 26 1965 son of James and Sintho (Case) Williams; married
: Tonie MOORE, 1911; 6 boys 6 girls, one son, Oakley deceased, leaving, Edward, Bayclif, Texas; Noah, Minnie, Kentucky; Clifford, McDowell, Kentucky; Willie D., McDowell, Kentucky; and James Albert, Cleveland, Ohio; girls: Oma Warrens, Wayland, Kentucky; Mona Hughes, Cleveland, Ohio; Novel Slone, McDowell, Kentucky; Aileen Tackett, Price, Kentucky; Emma Lee Storie, Cleveland, Ohio; Bonnie B. Sanders, Cleveland, Ohio; 9 brothers and 5 sisters, 4 brothers and 2 sisters deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
WHITE, Sarah "Sallie" daughter of Ambress and Pline (Goforth) White born: September 2 1878 died: April 23 1966; married
: Mr. RILEY died: 1919; 4 boys 5 girls, one son and one girl deceased. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.
ROSE, W. G., the youngest of 3 sons of Rev. John E. Rose and the brother of Rev. H. N. Rose and Samuel G. Rose; he had 6 sisters and 3 brothers, all deceased except Sarah A. Rose; born: November 13 1866 died: July 22 1951. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church. Written by, Rev. H. N. Rose the son of John C. Rose
SHORT, Joshua, was born: September 26 1880 died: May 31 1951, the son of Alex Short; married
: Viva BOLLING; 2 girls one boy, after Viva's death he married
: Martildia HENSLEY. Member of the Old Regular Baptist Church.