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Kansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Kansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 1611

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Date: Friday, 1 January 2016, at 9:27 a.m.

Archived Marriage Records


1982 Ottawa Herald Obituaries, Ottawa, Kansas

Ackmann, Wilhelm "Bill" 12/20/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Adams, Edith 11/8/82 Ruhamah Cem.
Adams, Esther Alice 10/4/82 Ruhamah Cem.
Adcock, (see Helen Campbel) 4/20/82
Adcock, (see Helen Campbell) 4/19/82
Alban, Bonnie 6/1/82 of Escondido, CA
Alexander, (see Mable Pape) 9/27/82
Allan, Richard 4/17/82 Melvern Cem.; KS
Allen, Madge (Glaspie) 11/8/82 Hope Cem.
Alterman, Erich Ludwig 6/1/82 Pleasanton Cem.; KS
Alwes, (see Lena Fredeen) 3/17/82
Alwes, (see Lena Fredeen) 3/16/82
Anderson, (see Jane Cassie) 2/18/82
Anderson, Walter Franklin 11/4/82 of Ottawa, Ks
Anderson, Walter Franklin 11/5/82 Union Cem.; Osage City, KS
Anderson, Wayne 10/29/82 Stanton Cem.; Ks
Angleton, Ray 9/9/82 Highland Cem.
Antone, George W. 12/15/82 Highland Cem.
Antone, George W. 12/14/82 of Ottawa, KS
Arb, Jeffery Dean 5/15/82 Melvern Cem.; KS
Armstrong, (see Effie Jones) 2/12/82
Arnold, Nettie Evalyn 12/7/82 Sowers Union Cem.; Centropolis
Babcock, Frances Thankful 9/30/82 Peoria Cem.
Bachelor, James Lloyd 8/30/82 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Bacon, John Alvin Jr. 12/29/82 of Ottawa, KS
Baer, Fred C. 9/17/82 of La Mesa, CA
Baer, Mildred (Stevens) 12/7/82 of San Diego, CA
Ball, Lucy J. (Noble) 12/24/82 Waverly Cem.; KS
Barkley, Charles Frederick 9/3/82 Highland Cem.
Barnes, Lonnie 8/2/82 Highland Cem.
Barnes, Robert William 5/11/82 Wellsville Cem.
Bartlett, Esther Faye 4/7/82 Glendale Cem.; Waverly, KS
Barton, Ruth E. (Eischenberger) 11/4/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Basel, Mertie B. 12/2/82 Mt. Zion Cem.; Vassar, Ks
Basel, Victor O. 7/26/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Bates, Estella Pearl (Smith) 10/4/82 Highland Cem.
Bates, Sophia (Carnes) 1/18/82 Wellsville Cem.
Baumgarner, John William Jr. 4/6/82 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Beckwith, Charles S. 2/26/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Beggs, James Willard 4/12/82 Girard Cem.; KS
Behn, Hobard Lewis 11/1/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Bell, Forrest "Bud" 12/11/82 Wellsville Cem.
Bennett, Jane (Davis) 12/13/82 Highland Cem.
Berry, Lee Roy II 5/3/82 Highland Cem.
Bicking, Orville R. 5/11/82 LaHarpe Cem.; KS
Bigler, Grace B. 8/5/82 buried at Belleview, WA
Bird, Louise Elizabeth (Dawson) 6/10/82 Highland Cem.
Bird, Louise Elizabeth (Dawson) 6/8/82 Highland Cem.
Bishop, Charles Garet 12/29/82
Bishop, William Charles 12/13/82 Buffalo Cem.; KS
Black, Marian Harriet (Gwin) 12/31/82 Lane Cem.
Blackburn, Rosa L. (Moore) 8/23/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Blair, Herbert H. 8/9/82 Highland Cem.
Blandz, (see Clara Breedlove) 2/8/82
Bliss, Ernest Henry 2/15/82 of Colorado
Boden, (see Margaret Langendoerfer)12/7/82
Boden, (see Margaret Langendoerfer)12/6/82
Bolen, Vera L. (Herr) 6/18/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Bollweg, Clyde W. "Chub" 9/30/82 Highland Cem.
Bolton, Edward 1/14/82 of Greer, SC
Bonar, (see Esther Schmitt) 3/10/82
Bond, (see Gladys Spegal) 11/24/82
Boyd, Ivan L. 3/19/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Boyke, Paul Linn Jr. 4/26/82 Hope Cem.
Bradley, Howard R. 2/12/82 of Manhattan, KS
Brake, Abraham; Rev. 2/27/82 murdered in Lebanon
Brecheisen, Harvey G. 12/29/82
Brecheisen, Harvey George 12/28/82 Clearfield Cem.; Eudora, Ks
Brecheisen, Irene Ethel 9/1/82 Deay Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Breedlove, Clara F. (Blandz) 2/8/82 Highland Park Cem.; Kansas City, KS
Breithaupt, May 4/29/82 of Ottawa, KS
Breithaupt, May Viola 4/30/82 Clearfield Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Brenizer, Marvin Gene 12/24/82 of Wellsville, KS
Breuer, Theodore F. 8/2/82 Prairie View Cem.; Waverly, KS
Briggs, Elisabeth 3/12/82 of Deer Park, TX
Briles, Nelson Edward 3/1/82 Highland Cem.
Britton, Elsie May 3/25/82 formerly of Waverly, KS
Britton, Elsie May 3/26/82 Waverly Cem.; Ks
Britton, Vallis (Seyler) 6/2/82
Brockus, Dorothy Ellen 4/6/82 Richmond Cem.
Broderson, William E. 1/29/82 Lyndon Cem.; KS
Broers, Otis L. 12/2/82 Wellsville Cem.
Brown, Clare Wesley 5/4/82 Silver Lake Cem.; KS
Browning, Elizabeth (Drake) 1/11/82 Highland Cem.
Bryan, Robert C. 12/1/82 Highland Cem.
Bryant, Willa 8/28/82 of Ottawa, KS
Bryant, Willa 8/30/82 Highland Cem.
Buckels, Dr. Larry Joe 4/27/82 of Tucson, AZ
Buhler, William 1/21/82 Clearfield Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Bulson, Harold Leon 5/19/82 Evergreen Mound Cem.
Bures, Peter D. "Pete" 12/1/82 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio
Burgoon, Forrest 3/16/82 Walnut Creek Cem.
Burgoon, Forrest Scott 3/17/82 Walnut Creek Cem.
Burk, Kenneth E. 11/29/82 Stony Point Cem.
Burrichter, Leon Edward 7/26/82 Princeton Cem.
Butler, Julia Elizabeth 2/8/82 of Wichita, KS
Butterfield, Rose Katherine 12/22/82 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Cade, Van C. 12/8/82 Curry Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Cade, Velma (Neal) 3/16/82 of Grayslake, IL
Cain, (see Thelma Skilling) 9/17/82
Calvin, (see Vida Hannaman) 1/27/82
Campbell, Basel W. 1/7/82 Highland Cem.
Campbell, Frank "Drummy" 11/16/82 Melvern Cem.; KS
Campbell, George Elmer 6/28/82 of Grants Pass, OR
Campbell, Helen M. (Adcock) 4/19/82 of Ottawa, KS
Campbell, Helen M. (Adcock) 4/20/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Canfield, Joseph E. 10/9/82 Cherry Mound Cem.
Caple, Ernest James 10/25/82 Central Cem.
Carey, Edna Pearl 9/18/82 Highland Cem.
Carey, Richard M. 12/27/82 Highland Cem.
Carnes, (see Sophia Bates) 1/18/82
Carpenter, Irma Moline 2/25/82 Forest Lawn Mem'l Park; Cypress, CA
Carr, Lloyd C. 2/12/82 Highland Cem.
Carter, (see Opal Wyatt) 10/13/82
Carter, Donna Lee 6/4/82 Mt. Hope Cem.; Topeka, KS
Cassity, Willmer Robert "Buck" 12/21/82 Pleasantview Cem.; Glenloch, KS
Cathcart, Bertha A. (Kullman) 1/13/82 of Davenport, IA
Caudill, Lena P. 1/28/82 Wellsville Ce.
Caylor, Alice 6/9/82 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Chalender, Clarence E. "Pat" 3/8/82 Rock Creek Cem.; Wellsville, KS
Chambers, Anita Belle (Fritts) 6/10/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Chambers, J. Wayne 7/16/82 Valley View Cem.; Finney Co., Ks
Chase, Bernadette Theresa 12/27/82 Ruhamah Cem.
Christensen, John Hans 6/29/82 Lyndon Cem.; KS
Clark, (see Donna Carter) 6/4/82
Clark, Cora E. 8/17/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Clark, Cora E. 8/18/82
Clark, Mary Faye 10/28/82 Highland Cem.
Clark, Nancy 8/18/82 Key West Cem.; Coffey Co., KS
Clark, Nancy Ann 8/19/82 Princeton Cem.
Clark, Viva (Runyan) 10/22/82 Sowers Union Cem.; Centropolis, KS
Clemmons, (see Maxine Marchbanks) 8/16/82
Coe, Cassie Jane (Anderson) 2/18/82 Peoria Cem.
Coe, Mayme V. (Scott) 8/9/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Coffman, Elda Flo 8/25/82 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Cole, Merle Edward 3/3/82 Lane Cem.
Coleman, Richard 9/14/82 of Gravois Mills, MO
Collins, Dorothy June 11/18/82 Richmond Cem.
Collins, Marcia (Hull) 2/15/82 Oakwood Cem.
Collins, Willard Eugene "Gene" 5/4/82 Richmond Cem.
Collins, Williard "Gene" 5/3/82 of Ottawa, KS
Comstock, Grace (Simpson) 7/1/82
Conger, James Edward 2/23/82 Worden Cem.; KS
Conkle, (see Velma Friesen) 4/19/82
Coombes, (see Barbara Tripp) 4/29/82
Corbin, (see Addie Field) 7/12/82
Cox, Clifford 9/20/82 of Ardmore, OK
Cox, Clifford Lee 9/21/82 Wellsville Cem.
Cox, Ora Clement 5/7/82 Wellsville Cem.
Craig, Donald H. 12/10/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Craig, Vivian E. 5/3/82 Wellsville Cem.
Crick, Gladys 8/18/82 Richmond Cem.
Crist, Keil H. 10/28/82 Bethel Cem.; Anderson County
Crouch, (see Wilma L. 10/19/82
Crow, Ruth V. (Little) 12/20/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Cuadra, Nabor J. 10/28/82 of Levittown, PA
Curtis, Dean E. 9/21/82 Ruhamah Cem.
Curtis, Dean E. 9/20/82 Ruhamah Cem.
Cyre, Lena C. 2/8/82 Highland Cem.
Daigh, (see Laverne Eigenmann) 5/20/82
Daum, Myrtle Eva 2/9/82 Sunset Cem.; Manhattan, KS
Davis, (see Jane Bennett) 12/13/82
Davis, Walter R. Jr. 10/28/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Dawson, (see Louise Bird) 6/8/82
Dawson, (see Louise Bird) 6/10/82
Dean, Bertha E. 4/26/82 of Ft. Collins, CO
Dean, Bertha M. 2/12/82 McPherson Cem.; KS
Dean, Bertha M. 2/11/82 of McPherson, KS
DeCat, (see Marie Stansbury) 2/2/82
DeLong, Orrin 10/26/82 of Harveyville, KS
Dennison, Dean 8/20/82 of Hesperia, CA
Denny, (see Reba Unruh) 6/8/82
Denzler, John Joseph Jr. 3/29/82 Mem'l Park Cem.; Topeka, KS
Deskins, Celia 12/30/82 Sutton Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
DeVore, James G. "Shine" 5/26/82 Highland Cem.
DeWeese, Elmer G. 5/3/82 Wellsville Cem.
Dial, (see Mabel Edgerton) 6/10/82
Dickinson, Hazel L. (Reed) 3/1/82 Highland Cem.
Diestelhorst, Letha Lela 1/20/82 buried at Greensburg, KS
Dietrich, Francis F. 11/12/82 Resthaven Cem.; Wichita, KS
Dietrich, Francis F. 11/13/82 Resthaven Cem.; Wichita, KS
Disque, Fred H. 5/24/82 of Ottawa, KS
Disque, Fred H. 5/25/82 Highland Cem.
Dodder, Pearl Anna 5/10/82 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Dodson, Russell E. 1/25/82 Memory Gardens Cem; Richmond, MO
Doman, Harold Leon 11/9/82 Lane Cem.
Drake, (see Elizabeth Browning) 1/11/82
Eberhart, (see Ruth Mahone) 12/14/82
Eberhart, (see Ruth Mahoney) 12/15/82
Eberly, Hazel Mae 2/5/82 Sutton Cem.
Eberly, Rebecca Ellen 9/16/82 Appanoose Cem.
Edgar, Wilma L. (Crouch) 10/19/82 Highland Cem.
Edgerton, Mabel A. 6/11/82 Antioch Cem.; KS
Edgerton, Mabel A. (Dial) 6/10/82 of Ottawa, KS
Edwards, Eli Lee 5/3/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Egidy, William J. 9/16/82 St. Johns Cem.; Anderson Co., KS
Eigenmann, Laverne (Daigh) 5/20/82
Eischenberger, (see Ruth Barton) 11/4/82
Elder, Helen R. 11/15/82 Hope Cem.
English, Etta 6/1/82 Valley Brook Cem.; Overbrook, KS
Ewing, George F. 3/22/82 of tomah, WI
Farrell, Doris M. 2/15/82 Wellsville Cem.
Feemster, Florence 1/29/82 of Burden, KS
Ferguson, Russell Henry 1/13/82 Highland Cem.
Ferguson, Russell Henry 1/12/82 of Wichita, KS
Fiehler, John Donald "Peck" 1/4/82 Wellsville Cem.
Fiehler, Margaret Diane 11/12/82 Wellsville Cem.
Field, Addie H. 7/12/82 of Mound City, MO
Fields, Jessie Andrew 6/8/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Finch, LeRoy Joe 8/16/82 Ruhamah Cem.
Finch, Nellie (Seeley) 2/1/82 of Hawthorne, CA
Firestone, Mable Fern 6/30/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Fishburn, Josephine Marie 9/27/82 Appanoose Cem.
Forbes, Andrew 6/21/82 Carbondale Cem.; KS
Foulkrod, Mary R. 10/4/82 Mem'l Park Cem.; Kansas City
Fowler, Marion 4/2/82 Baldwin Cem.; KS
Fowler, Robert Ray 12/24/82 of Berryton, KS
Fox, Joyce (Haskin) 4/19/82 Highland Cem.
Fredeen, Lena (Alwes) 3/17/82 Highland Cem.
Fredeen, Lena (Alwes) 3/16/82 of Shawnee, KS
Frederick, (see Pearl Melton) 10/27/82
Freese, Olen W. 7/13/82 of El Campo, TX
Friesen, Velma Atta (Conkle) 4/19/82 Key West Cem.; Coffey Co., KS
Frink, James Merrill 4/8/82 Wellsville Cem.
Frisby, Cassie G. 8/26/82 Highland Cem.
Fritts, (see Anita Chambers) 6/10/82
Frye, Maurice Raymond 5/14/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Gadelman, Berdie 2/24/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Gadelman, Helen Corrine 9/9/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Gardner, Patsy Sue 4/26/82 Highland Cem.
Garrett, Leona 3/31/82 Richmond Cem.
Garrison, (see Florence Langford) 11/4/82
Gaynor, (see Lureta roark) 4/15/82
Geiss, George Henry 10/18/82 Worden Cem.; KS
Gelencher, Joseph J. 12/21/82 buried at Oakdale, LA
Gerhard, Roy A. 4/21/82 Highland Cem.
Gilliland, (see Alma Peck) 3/1/82
Gilliland, Mabel Ann 4/12/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Glasgow, Jennie L. (Marconett) 7/26/82 Sunset Hills Cem.; Edwardsville, IL
Glaspie, (see Madge Allen 11/8/82
Goble, (see Janice Harris) 11/20/82
Golden, Myrtle L. (Todd) 3/15/82 Wellsville Cem.
Gonce, Loral E. 1/4/82 Greenwood Cem.
Goodman, Willis C. 2/22/82 Highland Cem.
Gossage, Ola 12/21/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Gottstein, (see Erma Hoskinson) 1/29/82
Gottstein, John Roy 3/11/82 Deay Cem.; Eudora, KS
Gould, George 5/3/82 of Ottawa, KS
Gould, George W. 5/4/82 Hope Cem.
Graffham, (see Edna Graves) 2/15/82
Graham, Estella (Swearingen) 2/12/82 Highland Cem.
Graham, Oscar William 5/24/82 Highland Cem.
Graham, Torrance L. 12/14/82 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Gravenstein, Walter M. 12/10/82 buried at Manhattan, KS
Gravenstein, Walter M. 12/11/82 Valley View Cem.; Manhattan, Ks
Graves, Edna J. (Graffham) 2/15/82 Greenwood Cem.
Greathouse, Waco R. 7/1/82 of Waverly, KS
Green, Charles Lee 3/26/82 Blue Springs Cem.; MO
Green, Earl James "Jug" 3/8/82 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Green, Harry P. 4/21/82 Richmond Cem.
Green, Raymond 3/5/82 Gardner Cem.; KS
Greenup, Harry E. 12/17/82 Peoria Cem.
Grigsby, Paul J. Jr. 12/9/82 Clearfield Cem.; Eudora, KS
Grimes, Harry 12/6/82 Green Valley Cem.; Osawatomie, KS
Grogan, James C. 11/23/82 Greenwood Cem.; Clay Center, KS
Guenther, Walter F. 2/26/82 Zion Lutheran Cem.; Linn, KS
Guinn, Merle F. 8/5/82 of Wellsville, KS
Guinn, Merle Francis 8/6/82 Wellsville Cem.
Gwin, (see Marian Black) 12/31/82
Haines, Darwin Lee Jr. 5/7/82 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Hamerman, (see Bessie Hoadley) 7/6/82
Hannaman, Vida V. (Calvin) 1/27/82 Prairie Lawn Cem.; Peabody, KS
Hansen, (see Bertha Johnsen) 9/25/82
Happy, Helen Marniece 8/23/82 Highland Cem.
Harder, Otie (Thomas) 11/16/82 Highland Cem.
Harder, Otie (Thomas) 11/15/82 of Ottawa, KS
Harder, R. Osgood 8/30/82 Highland Cem.
Hardy, Myra (Moore) 9/30/82 Highland Cem.
Harkins, Mike R. 7/6/82 Princeton Cem.
Harper, Merry (Latimer) 7/20/82 of Salem, AR
Harrah, Florence Mearle (Overton) 1/13/82 Highland Cem.
Harris, Janice D. (Goble) 11/20/82 Glendale Cem.; Waverly, KS
Harris, Ora Arthur 9/28/82 Halstead Cem.; KS
Hart, Fern (Laird) 11/30/82 of Ottawa, KS
Haskin, (see Joyce Fox) 4/19/82
Hayward, Glen A. 2/22/82 Highland Cem.
Heminger, Bert C. 8/9/82 Highland Cem.
Hensiek, (see Frieda Liggett) 11/29/82
Herr, (see Vera Bolen) 6/18/82
Hetrick, Earl E. 3/16/82 Patton Cem.; Anderson Co., KS
Hetzel, Arthur J. 4/26/82 Waverly Cem.; KS
Hewitt, (see Donna Stone) 7/26/82
Hiatt, Della Elizabeth 5/24/82 Pleasanton Cem.; KS
Hiatt, LeRoy Franklin 6/26/82 Pleasant Valley Cem.; Johnson Co.,
Hicks, Alta S. "Pat" (Prock) 10/4/82 Highland Cem.
Higginbottom, Mary M. 7/30/82 Highland Cem.
Higgins, (see Mae Lily) 7/1/82
Higgins, Blanche L. 4/21/82 Cottonwood Cem.; Emporia, KS
Hill, Irma M. (Reed) 10/20/82 Princeton Cem.
Hill, Mrs. James L. 2/10/82
Hinderliter, D. Carl 10/25/82 Highland Cem.
Hjort, Roger W. 11/26/82 Fairlawn Cem.; Hutchinson, KS
Hoadley, Bessie (Hamerman) 7/6/82 of Ottawa, KS
Hoadley, Bessie Hamerman 7/7/82 Highland Cem.
Hodgson, Arthur Kenneth 11/16/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Hoffman, Flora Roccina (Parker) 12/7/82 Highland Cem.
Hollon, James Ernest "Ernie" 2/27/82 Sutton Cem.
Hollon, James Ernest "Ernie" 2/26/82 Sutton Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Holmes, Helen L. 3/22/82 Highland Cem.
Holmes, Mary Ise 6/29/82 of Hayward, CA
Honeycutt, Carl H. 7/23/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Honn, Cecil Nancy 5/24/82 Richmond Cem.
Honn, George v. 7/26/82 Richmond Cem.
Honn, Marion L. 10/2/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Honn, Marion L. "Dutch" 10/6/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Hoopes, Dale A. 3/31/82 Worden Cem.; KS
Hornberger, Albert Louis 4/13/82 Worden Cem.; KS
Hornbuckle, Sterling Price 11/11/82 Louisburg Cem.; Ks
Hoskinson, Emra O. 1/29/82 Vinland Cem.; KS
Hoss, Myrtle E. (Seneff) 7/19/82 Highland Cem.
Hotchkiss, Robert J. 3/15/82 Prairie City Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Howard, Dean C. 4/19/82 Highland Cem.
Howard, Murl B. 9/28/82 of Bartlesville, OK
Howell, Barbara Ann 6/5/82 Pleasant Valley Cem.; Johnson Co.,
Hower, Charles Lynn 10/23/82 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Hudelson, (see Frances Wheeler) 8/2/82
Hughes, Brenda Kay 11/2/82 of Waverly, KS
Hull, (see Marcia Collins) 2/15/82
Hume, Maude Elizabeth 1/18/82 Highland Cem.
Humerickhouse, Harold E. 3/29/82 McPherson Cem.; KS
Humphreys, Donald K. 7/23/82 Pleasant View Cem.; Osage Co., KS
Humphreys, Donald K. 7/22/82 of Waverly, KS
Hunsaker, Lloyd Eugene 8/25/82 of Kearns, UT
Hyland, Nellie 9/7/82 of Long Beach, CA
Hyland, Nellie Blanch 9/10/82 of Long Beach, CA
Ingram, Roy 9/27/82 of Oklahoma City, OK
Jackson, Georgia D. (Kelley) 5/14/82 Stanton Cem.; KS
Jackson, Tessie Deamie 6/15/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
James, Elmer L. 5/25/82 Waverly Cem.; KS
Johanning, Alvin F. 2/23/82 St. John's Cem.; Worden, KS
Johanning, Selma Bertha 8/10/82 St. Johns Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Johnsen, Bertha H. (Hansen) 9/25/82 Highland Cem.
Johnson, Karl F. 2/22/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Johnson, Richard "Rick" 11/1/82 Overbrook Cem.; Ks
Jones, Bettye J. 4/17/82 Antioch Cem.; Miami Co., KS
Jones, Bettye J. (McDaniel) 4/16/82 Antioch Cem.; Miami Co., KS
Jones, Carl V. 3/27/82 of Port Aransas, TX
Jones, Carl Virgil 3/29/82 Stanton Cem.
Jones, Effie M. (Armstrong) 2/12/82 Pleasant Hill Cem.
Jones, Glenn H. 4/27/82 of Gravois Mills, MO
Jones, Harry Richard 7/31/82 of Glendale, CA
Jones, John Bennett 6/1/82 Lane Cem.
Jones, Russell Bethell 7/20/82 Central Cem.
Jones, William 1/4/82 Wellsville Cem.
Judd, (see Ruth Watkins) 11/16/82
Karnes, Dorothy Ida 5/10/82 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Keene, Dorothy Marie 9/13/82 of Wellsville, KS
Keene, Dorothy Marie (Brophy) 9/14/82 Catholic Cem.; Edgarton, KS
Keller, John W. 6/14/82 Highland Cem.
Kelley, (see Georgia Jackson) 5/14/82
Kelley, Agnes V. (Lane) 4/28/82 Highland Cem.
Kelley, Agnes Virginia (Lane) 4/27/82 of Ottawa, KS
Kelly, (see Martha Kiniry) 4/21/82
Keltz, Robert Wayne 4/16/82 of Tulsa, OK
Kennedy, Mary (Mulvaney) 4/7/82 buried at Englewood, CA
Kerr, Mabel A. 7/12/82 Wellsville Cem.
Kiniry, Martha (Kelly) 4/21/82 Lane Cem.
Kirven, Julian 7/9/82 Highland Cem.
Knight, Howard O. C. 6/22/82 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Knight, Jack J. 3/19/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Kraft, Linda K. 4/9/82 Walnut Hill Cem.; Kingman, KS
Kramer, Maxine B. 8/13/82 Melvern Cem.; KS
Kullman, (see Bertha Cathcart) 1/13/82
Kunard, Ellen Susanna (Young) 10/14/82 Highland Cem.
Kunard, Hershel William 4/24/82 Highland Cem.
Lackey, Sadie Ailene 8/17/82 Melvern Cem.; KS
Laird, (see Fern Hart) 11/30/82
Lane, (see Agnes Kelley) 4/27/82
Lane, (see Agnes Kelley) 4/28/82
Lang, Robert K. 4/16/82 of Greeley, KS
Langendoerfer, Margaret C. (Boden) 12/6/82 of Pomona, KS
Langendoerfer, Margaret C. (Boden) 12/7/82 Fairview Cem.; Burlington, CO
Langford, Florence (Garrison) 11/4/82 Belle Plaine Cem.; KS
Latimer, (see Merry Harper) 7/20/82
Law, Mildred Gladys 3/29/82 Evergreen Mound Cem.
Lee, Shirley Adoline 4/5/82 Stoney Point Cem.; Vinland, KS
Lehmer, (see Lucille Stadler) 11/4/82
LeMaster, (see Grace Tipton) 1/21/82
Lewis, Alvie F. 12/13/82 Wellsville Cem.
Lewis, Darren 12/21/82 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Lewis, Darren 12/20/82 of Quenemo, KS
Lewis, Violet G. 4/1/82 of Waverly, KS
Lewis, Violet G. 4/2/82 Waverly Cem.; KS
Lickteig, Alta I. 6/16/82 St. Johns Cem.; Anderson Co., KS
Lickteig, August Herman "Gus" 6/16/82 St. Boniface Cem.; Anderson Co., KS
Liggett, Frieda (Hensiek) 11/29/82 Highland Cem.
Lily, Mae Harriet (Higgins) 7/1/82 Greenwood Cem.
Litsch, (see Emma Mardick) 2/8/82
Little, (see Ruth Crow) 12/20/82
Livingston, Winnie Roberta 3/15/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Lofgreen, Dr. Victor J. 6/14/82 Highland Cem.
Logan, (see Juanita Russell) 10/4/81
Logan, (see Juanita Russell) 10/1/82
Logan, John Lysle 12/17/82 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Loper, Christopher H. 5/3/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Lucas, Wilda Eugenia 8/19/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Maddex, Ruby L. 11/29/82 Greenwood Cem.
Mader, Victor William 1/21/82 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
MaGrath, Patrick William 10/27/82 formerly of Williamsburg, KS
MaGrath, Patrick William 10/28/82 St. Patrick's Cem.; Emerald
Mahone, Ruth (Eberhart) 12/14/82 of Lees Summit, MO
Mahoney, Ruth (Eberhart) 12/15/82 Highland Cem.
Majors, Dessie D. 8/30/82 Simpsonville Cem.; Longview, TX
Manning, Christopher L. 12/1/82 Oaklawn Mem'l Gard.; Olathe, KS
Marchbanks, Maxine L. (Clemmons) 8/16/82 Wellsville Cem.
Marconett, (see Jennie Glasgow) 7/26/82
Mardick, Emma Margaret Litsch 2/8/82 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
Martin, Bessie May 4/21/82 Princeton Cem.
Martin, Erma K. (Thompson) 4/13/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Martin, Lillian Irene 3/23/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Martin, Marvin F. 9/29/82 Agricola Cem.; KS
Martinez, Andres 2/26/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Maxwell, Mildred P. 9/1/82 Rose Hills Mem'l Park; Downey, CA
McAdoo, Amanda J. 5/17/82 of El Dorado, KS
McCann, Harvey Edward 7/22/82 Evergreen Mound Cem.
McCann, Teresa Lynn 5/28/82 Woodlawn Cem.
McCloud, (see Debra Nancarrow) 12/20/82
McCloud, (see Debra Nancarrow) 12/18/82
McConnell, Amelita L. (Wilson) 7/29/82 Olathe Cem.; KS
McCroan, Beulah (Stuteville) 10/5/82 Aubry Cem.
McDaniel, (see Bettye Jones) 4/16/82
McGregor, Ila Ada 6/16/82 of Homasassa, FL
McGrew, Jennie Dean 5/10/82 of Ottawa, KS
McGrew, Jennie Dean 5/11/82 Woodlawn Cem.
McIntosh, George Emerson 8/24/82 Roselawn Cem.
McLellan, (see Nellie Reed) 1/27/82
McMillan, Dean I. 2/25/82 Pleasant View Cem.; Osage Co., KS
McWilliams, Jessie Viola 12/28/82 Eskridge Cem.; KS
Mealman, Fred 1/5/82
Mealman, Fred A. 1/6/82 Highland Cem.
Means, Ruth (Tulloss) 11/18/82 Highland Cem.
Means, Ruth (Tulloss) 11/17/82 of Coral Gables, FL
Melton, Pearl E. (Frederick) 10/27/82 Greenwood Cem.; Simpson, KS
Meyer, Frank H. Jr. 8/19/82 Sacred Heart Cem.; Baileyville, KS
Michael, Esther 6/30/82 Wellsville Cem.
Milburn, Cyril Lloyd 4/28/82 Hesper Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Millard, Decatur Clarke 4/1/82 Greenlawn Cem.; Kansas City, MO
Miller, Alvin R. 4/20/82 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Miller, Roy A. 5/13/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Mills, (see Sue Redenbaugh) 10/7/82
Miskimon, Bertha Ellen (Tunnell) 5/11/82 Mount Olivet Cem.
Mitchell, Byron H. 11/8/82 Clearfield Cem.; Douglas County
Mitchell, John D. 9/20/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Mitchell, Marjorie B. 5/24/82 Highland Cem.
Mitchell, Roberta 12/21/82 of Waxahachie, TX
Moherman, Lester 12/21/82 Wellsville Cem.
Moore, (see Myra Hardy) 9/30/82
Moore, (see Nona Morton) 11/10/82
Moore, (see Rosa Blackburn) 8/23/82
Moran, Elizabeth Ann 9/17/82 Earlton Cem.; KS
Morgan, Leonard A. 9/16/82 of Houston, TX
Morrison, Lee O. 4/2/82 Highland Cem.; Iola, KS
Morton, Nona E. (Moore) 11/10/82 Highland Cem.
Moss, Elmer L. 10/18/82 Wellsville Cem.
Muckey, Andrew Jacob "Jake" 5/19/82 Pleasant Grove Cem.; Douglas Co., K
Mulvaney, (see Mary Kennedy) 4/7/82
Mumma, Connie D. (Schroeder) 1/5/82 Highland Cem.
Murdock, Kenneth P. 1/18/82 of Phoenix, AZ
Nancarrow, Debra K. (McCloud) 12/20/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Nancarrow, Debra K. (McCloud) 12/18/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Nauman, Clarence Gilbert 11/3/82 Highland Cem.
Neal, (see Velma Cade) 3/16/82
Neff, (see Emma Payn) 6/21/82
Nelson, Ollie G. 7/20/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Newman, Edward 8/12/82 of Seale, AL
Nichols, (see Sherri Salas) 4/23/82
Nichols, Alta C. (Tennis) 8/6/82 Highland Cem.
Nicoli, Lee 3/1/82 Resurrection Cem.; Lenexa, KS
Nilges, Barbara K. 9/15/82 St. Boniface Cem.; Anderson Co., KS
Noble, (see Lucy Ball) 12/24/82
Oehrle, Raymond W. 8/27/82 Highland Union Cem.; Douglas Co., K
Okerberg, Lena 4/30/82 of Ottawa, KS
Okerberg, Lena A. 5/1/82 Highland Cem.
Osborne, Emma 6/11/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Oshel, (see Frances Turner) 10/19/82
Overholt, Jim 1/29/82 of Ft. Collins, CO
Overstreet, Merle Goldie 8/23/82 Richmond Cem.
Overton, (see Florence Harrah) 1/13/82
Page, Marion (Stratton) 12/30/82 of Mt. Vernon, NH
Pape, Mable B. (Alexander) 9/27/82 Mem'l Park; Topeka, KS
Parker, (see Flora Hoffman) 12/7/82
Parks, F. Hobart 5/20/82 Highland Cem.
Parsons, Earl 8/17/82 Vassar Cem.; KS
Patton, Grace S. (Stevenson) 1/14/82 Berea Cem.
Payn, Emma L. (Neff) 6/21/82 Highland Cem.
Peck, Alma Lenora (Gilliland) 3/1/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Peine, Gregory John 7/10/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Peine, Gregory John 7/9/82 of Ottawa, KS
Peine, Gregory John 7/12/82
Peters, Wanda 11/15/82 Princeton Cem.
Pettiecord, Nathan LeRoy 11/10/82 Roselawn Memorial Gardens
Phares, Anna Pauline (Rager) 11/8/82 Osawatomie Cem.; Ks
Phillips, Ella May 9/9/82 Hope Cem.
Phillips, Kent 11/2/82 Waverly Cem.; KS
Platt, Deanna 9/9/82 Mem'l Park Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Porter, Margaret (Price) 11/8/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Potter, Amanda Nicole 12/1/82 of El Dorado, KS
Potts, Jere J. "J.J." 7/22/82 Mt. Moriah Terr. Park; K.C., MO
Price, (see Margaret Porter) 11/8/82
Price, Raymond E. 6/18/82 of Baldwin, KS
Price, Raymond Emery 6/21/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Prock, (see Alta Hicks) 10/4/82
Proulx, Robert W. 5/24/82 Holy Sepulchre Cem.; Omaha, NE
Rager, (see Anna Phares) 11/8/82
Ramey, Charles 10/20/82 of Tucson, AZ
Randel, Cyril Adam 7/28/82 Oaklawn Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Randel, Margaret L. (Rea) 12/31/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Rea, (see Margaret Randel) 12/31/82
Reavis, James Frank 10/23/82 Wellsville Cem.
Record, Gary R. 10/1/82 Highland Cem.
Redenbaugh, Sue Ann 10/8/82 Highland Cem.
Redenbaugh, Sue Ann (Mills) 10/7/82 of Ottawa, KS
Redmond, Roscoe R. 3/22/82 Highland Cem.
Redmond, Roscoe R. 3/20/82 of Ottawa, KS
Reed, (see Hazel Dickinson) 3/1/82
Reed, (see Irma Hill) 10/20/82
Reed, Daisy A. (Stevenson) 6/14/82 Richmond Cem.
Reed, Nellie E. (McLellan) 1/27/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Reeder, Harvey C. 5/1/82 Sutton Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Reedy, Cynthia Kay 6/7/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Reedy, David Shannon 6/7/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Reedy, William Lee 6/7/82 Mount Hope Cem.
Reusch, Wesley A. 11/15/82 of San Diego, CA
Revey, Edward 4/9/82 Wellsville Cem.
Rew, Harvey R. 6/9/82 Wellsville Cem.
Riebe, Lucy Lois 11/26/82 Welda Cem.; KS
Riffey, Vernia E. 3/29/82 Westphalia Cem.; Ks
Rioth, Mattie Elizabeth 5/10/82 Wilsey Cem.; KS
Roark, Lureta (Gaynor) 4/15/82 of Banning, Ca
Roberts, Elsie Marie 5/25/82 Princeton Cem.
Rockers, Daniel "Booster" 6/24/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Rockers, Daniel W. 6/23/82 of Pomona, KS
Rockhold, Arthur 8/7/82 Sowers Union Cem.; Centropolis
Rodgers, John Howard 9/15/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Rodriguez, Leocardio A. 8/12/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Rodriguez, Leocardio A. 8/11/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Rogers, Mae 8/16/82 Gardner Cem.; KS
Rogers, Mrs. John 8/6/82 Oak Park Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Rogers, Myrtle 8/7/82 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Rose, Orville 12/13/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Roseberry, Georgia M. (Simmons) 6/28/82 Stanton Cem.; KS
Ross, Charley Walter 10/13/82 Cadmus Cem.; KS
Ross, G. Murray 4/30/82 Greenwood Cem.; Newton, KS
Roush, Wilma Jean 7/15/82 Colony Cem.; KS
Rumford, Alton Leroy 6/28/82 Highland Cem.
Runyan, (see Viva Clark) 10/22/82
Russell, Juanita Marie (Logan) 10/1/82 of San Saba, TX
Russell, Juanita Marie (Logan) 10/4/82 Pleasant Valley Cem.; Miami County
Salas, Sherri Dennise 4/22/82 of Ligonier, IN
Salas, Sherri Dennise (Nichols) 4/23/82
Schmitt, Esther A. (Bonar) 3/10/82 Pleasant Hill Cem.
Schmitt, Ewald 3/12/82 Highland Cem.
Schroeder, (see Connie Mumma) 1/5/82
Schupp, Ernest W. Bolivar 2/5/82 of Sonra, CA
Scott, (see Mayme Coe) 8/9/82
Seeley, (see Nellie Finch) 2/1/82
Seneff, (see Myrtle Hoss) 7/19/82
Seyler, (see Vallis Britton) 6/2/82
Seymour, Quincy K. 3/22/82 Highland Cem.
Shablin, Volley A. 8/10/82 Mem'l Park Cem.; Kansas City, MO
Shader, George C. 10/18/82 Hope Cem.
Shamblin, Valley A. 8/9/82 of Wellsville, KS
Shaw, Nettie E. 12/27/82 Richland Cem.; Ks
Shay, Retus A. 9/18/82 of Edgerton, KS
Shay, Retus A. 9/20/82 St. Columbine Cem.; Johnson Co., KS
Sheeds, Gene 4/17/82 of Kansas City, KS
Sheldon, Herbert Allen 8/23/82 of Phoenix, Az
Shepley, Otto Dale 4/22/82 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Sherouse, Simon Christopher 4/21/82 buried at Pensacola, FL
Shisler, Jesse C. 1/7/82 Highridge Cem.; Stanberry, MO
Shoemaker, Ora Lee 8/5/82 Appanoose Cem.
Shuey, Ferguson A. 10/6/82 Highland Cem.
Shumate, Samuel Allen 7/6/82 Mem'l Park Cem.; Kansas City, MO
Sigler, Alfred Oscar 4/2/82 Richmond Cem.
Simmons, (see Georgia Roseberry) 6/27/82
Sims, Edward D. 11/22/82 Wellsville Cem.
Sizer, Mabel 2/17/82 Sutton Cem.
Skilling, Thelma (Cain) 9/17/82 Highland Cem.
Slemp, Elizabeth Matilda 4/20/82 of Tarkio, MO
Small, George 3/11/82 of Ottawa, KS
Small, George Clayton 3/12/82 Hope Cem.
Small, Thelma Lucille 5/7/82 of Ottawa, KS
Small, Thelma Lucille 5/8/82 Hope Cem.
Smith, (see Estella Bates) 10/4/82
Smith, Frank Lewis 4/2/82 Highland Cem.; Iola, KS
Smith, Joe R. 6/22/82 Princeton Cem.
Smith, Lois Elayne (Thorsland) 1/20/82 Greenwood Cem.
Smith, Willard D. 10/26/82 Richmond Cem.
Smithers, John George 7/12/82 Kincaid Cem.; KS
Snethen, Earl Clifford 5/26/82 Cloverdale Mem'l Park; Boise, ID
Snook, John Earl 1/18/82 Maple Hill Cem.; Kansas City, KS
Somers, Mrs. Will 10/29/82 Fall Creek Cem.; Tonganoxie, KS
Spealman, George W. 3/19/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Spegal, Gladys (Bond) 11/24/82 Highland Cem.
Spencer, Jesse D. Jr. 6/7/82 Chapel Hill Mem'l Gard.; K.C., KS
Spotts, Helen Esther 10/30/82 White Chapel Mem'l; Wichita, KS
Stadler, Lucille (Lehmer) 11/4/82 Parker Cem.; KS
Stansbury, Earl Leslie 5/10/82 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Stansbury, Marie R. (DeCat) 2/2/82 Highland Cem.
Stanturf, Donna Alice 12/21/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Stevens, (see Mildred Baer) 12/7/82
Stevens, Misty Nadine 12/6/82 Highland Cem.
Stevenson, (see Daisy Reed) 6/14/82
Stevenson, (see Grace Patton) 1/14/82
Stevenson, Jessie Mae 5/27/82 Lane Cem.
Steward, Bertha A. 7/12/82 Sowers Union Cem.; Centropolis
Stewart, Anna Bell 4/20/82 of Novato, CA
Stewart, George W. 4/8/82 of Ottawa, KS
Stewart, George William 4/9/82 Highland Cem.
Stone, Donna Marie (Hewitt) 7/26/82 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Stoneking, Peter "Pete" Francis 1/9/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Stratton, (see Marion Page) 12/30/82
Strom, Carl Oscar 5/17/82 White Chapel Cem.; Wichita, KS
Stuteville, (see Beulah McCroan) 10/5/82
Sullivan, Lena Annie 5/18/82 Rock Creek Cem.; Osage Co., KS
Sulouff, Frank E. 11/1/82 Garnett Cem.; Ks
Swearingen, (see Estella Graham) 2/12/82
Swinney, Fleetwood 4/26/82 Princeton Cem.
Tawney, Bessie L. 2/27/82 Princeton Cem.
Tennis, (see Alta Nichols) 8/6/82
Terrell, Thomas L. 12/8/82 Sowers Union Cem.; Centropolis
Thomas, (see Margaret Weidner) 12/15/82
Thomas, (see Otie Harder) 11/15/82
Thomas, (see Otie Harder) 11/16/82
Thomas, C. E. 7/22/82 of Wellsville, KS
Thomas, Charles Edwin 7/23/82 Wellsville Cem.
Thomas, Ronald Lee Jr. 8/30/82 Oakwood Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Thompson, (see Erma Martin) 4/13/82
Thorsland, (see Lois Smith) 1/20/82
Tice, Larence N. 4/30/82 of Ottawa, KS
Tice, Larence N. 5/1/82 Highland Cem.
Tipton, Grace (LeMaster) 1/21/82 of Sepulveda, CA
Tipton, Nelson F. 9/20/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Todd, (see Myrtle Golden) 3/15/82
Todd, Merle T. 3/10/82 Prairie City Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Tomson, Millard 2/5/82 of Phoenix, AZ
Tripp, Barbara (Coombes) 4/29/82 of Middleboro, MA
Troyer, Earl E. 3/1/82 Wellsville Cem.
True, Virgil Lewis 9/2/82 of Lincoln, NE
Tucker Howard O. 10/9/82 Peoria Cem.
Tulloss, (see Ruth Means) 11/17/82
Tulloss, (see Ruth Means) 11/18/82
Tunnell, (see Bertha Miskimon) 5/11/82
Turner, Frances G. (Oshel) 10/19/82 Sutton Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Turner, Raymond Edward 9/4/82 Mount Calvary Cem.
Turner, Raymond Edward 9/3/82 of Ottawa, KS
Tyson, Evert E. 2/19/82 Highland Cem.
Tyson, Norma Jean 4/30/82 Scranton Cem.; KS
Ulses, Ellis A. 3/3/82 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
Unruh, Reba (Denny) 6/8/82 Highland Cem.
Unruh, Reba (Denny) 6/7/82 of Ottawa, KS
Vancil, David E. 3/1/82 of Norton, KS
Vick, W. E. "Ed" 12/13/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Vogel, Sophie L. 3/22/82 Mt. Hope Cem.; Topeka, KS
Wadkins, Calvin Ben 2/11/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Wadkins, Russell C. 5/14/82 Woodlawn Cem.
Wafford, Ernest W. 5/14/82 of Shawnee, KS
Walker, Gardner Peyton Jr. 5/13/82 Clifton Cem.; VA
Waller, Martin "Marty" L. 12/3/82 of Chicago, KS
Walmsley, Edward Raymond 9/7/82 of Kansas City, MO
Walmsley, William G. "Boogie" 5/14/82 buried in Arkansas
Walter, Mark Lee 2/15/82 Princeton Cem.
Ware, Prudence E. 7/23/82 Princeton Cem.
Washburn, Faye E. 6/21/82 of Waverly, KS
Watkins, Mary Louise 4/30/82 Highland Cem.
Watkins, Mary Louise 5/1/82 of Ottawa, KS
Watkins, Ruth (Judd) 11/16/82 Hope Cem.
Watt, John Melvinn; Dr. 3/3/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
Watts, Chester Wright 5/7/82 Ft. Collins Cem.; CO
Waymire, Albert C. 7/28/82 Highland Cem.
Weedman, Esther Belle 1/19/82 Highland Cem.
Weidner, Margaret (Thomas) 12/15/82 of Ottawa, KS
Weidner, Margaret Helen 12/16/82 Highland Cem.
Welborn, Thomas W. 7/6/82 Garnett Cem.; KS
West, Helen A. 1/5/82 Hubbel Hill Cem.; Tonganoxie, KS
Wheeler, Frances (Hudelson) 8/2/82 of Glendale, CA
Whirley, Robert L. 3/22/82 Peoria Cem.
White, Mrs. C. E. 1/5/82 buried at Natchez, MS
Wiggins, Effie Mae 1/22/82 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Wiley, James W. 10/28/82 of Lees Summit, MO
Williams, Herbert 3/1/82 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Wilson, (see Amelita McConnell) 7/29/82
Wilson, Anna Ellen 10/18/82 Prairie Home Cem.; Topeka, KS
Wilson, J. Joyce; Rev. 10/14/82 Iola Cem.; KS
Wilson, Roy 12/28/82 of Paola, KS
Wingfield, Anna 10/12/82 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Winters, Howard Ervin 12/28/82 Highland Cem.
Winters, Howard Ervin 12/27/82 Princeton Cem.
Wiscombe, (see Irma Carpenter) 2/25/82
Wolken, Martin John 3/15/82 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio, KS
Wyatt, Opal (Carter) 10/13/82 Highland Cem.
Wyatt, Opal H. 10/12/82 of Homewood, KS
Yates, Mrs. Arthur 8/16/82 Maple Hill Cem.; Kansas City, KS
Yates, Paul W. 12/1/82 Glendale Cem.; Waverly, KS
Yerkes, Edna Bernice 7/12/82 Oaklawn Mem'l Gard.; Olathe, KS
Young, (see Ellen Kunard) 10/14/82
Young, Mary Fredonia 6/7/82 Mount Hope Cem.

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