Archived Marriage Records
1990 Ottawa Herald Obituaries, Ottawa, Kansas
Adkins, (see Elva Ball) 9/4/90
Adkinson, (see Bonnie Divonne) 11/6/90
Albright, Francis Boyd 9/1/90 Highland Cem.
Albright, Francis Boyd 9/3/90 Highland Cem.
Albright, Francis Boyd 8/31/90 of Ottawa
Alcorn, (see Roxie Crocker) 5/10/90
Alcorn, (see Roxie Crocker) 5/10/90
Alderson, Carol L. 1/31/90 of San Diego, CA
Alderson, Carol L. 1/31/90 of San Diego, CA
Aldridge, Virginia (Baker) 9/10/90 Union Cem.; Centropolis
Alexander, Ruby (Head) 2/5/90 of Las Cruces, NM
Alford, Donald G. 9/14/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Alonzo, (see Refugio Cruces) 4/2/90
Altic, Beverly June (Rodgers) 1/27/90 Highland Cem.
Anderson, (see Ethel Forbes) 10/12/90
Anderson, (see Gladys Detwiler) 3/20/90
Anderson, Edward C. 6/18/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Anderson, Frank F. 8/23/90 Central Cem.
Anderson, Leatha Belle 6/28/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Anderson, Lula Bell (Eggers) 11/9/90 Evergreen Cem.; Osborn, MO
Anderson, Ralph Walter Sr. 6/26/90 Peoria Cem.
Arb, Earl E. 2/19/90 Melvern Cem.; KS
Arellano, (see Maria Jave-Cruz) 8/20/90
Armstrong, (see Beulah Keith) 10/8/90
Arnett, Earl Kenneth 3/29/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Bartlesville, OK
Arnett, Philip M. 8/4/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Arnett, Philip M. 8/3/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Arnold, (see Pauline Hay) 1/31/90
Arnold, (see Pauline Hay) 1/31/90
Arnold, Daniel W. "D.W." 10/18/90 of Ottawa
Arnold, Daniel W. "D.W." 10/17/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Ashburn, (see Esther Willey) 9/5/90
Atchison, (see Nita Sechrest) 12/28/90
Aul, (see Evelyn Stottlemire) 3/12/90
Austin, (see Dorris Booth) 12/27/90
Babb, George A. 1/22/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Baker, (see Virginia Aldridge) 9/10/90
Baker, Dorothy Marie 1/8/90 ashes scattered in Pacific Ocean
Baker, Karen (Kyster) 3/30/90 of Richardson, TX
Baker, Karen E. Barnes (Kyster) 3/29/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Baker, Karen E. Barnes (Kyster) 3/30/90 of Richardson, TX
Baker, Nilo Lee 11/10/90 Highland Cem.
Baker, Nilo Lee 11/9/90 of Ottawa
Baldwin, Thelma Loretta (Johnson) 3/12/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Balero, Zelma "Missy" Adeline(Shaw)4/23/90 St. Louis Cem.; Castroville, TX
Ball, Elva A. (Adkins) 9/4/90 Pleasant Valley Cem.
Barlow, Eleanor R. (Sellers) 6/20/90 Highland Cem.
Barnes, (see Karen Baker) 3/30/90
Barnes, (see Karen Baker) 3/30/90
Barnes, Brett Mathew 3/27/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Barnes, Nathan Mark 3/27/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Barnthouse, Paul Philip 1/18/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Barter, Morton Jr. 7/10/90 Resurrection Cem.; Lenexa, KS
Bartz, (see Donna Johnson) 11/26/90
Baum, Clyde Melvin 11/12/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Baxter, Neal B. 11/20/90 of Mesa, AZ
Beam, Burl Shum 10/1/90 of Ottawa
Beam, Burl Shum 10/3/90 Highland Cem.
Bean, Harry 7/26/90 of San Bernardino, CA
Bearch, (see Mamie Jordan) 9/19/90
Beardmore, William Keith 12/18/90 of Gardiner, WA
Beauchamp, Opal Esther (Fowler) 7/12/90 Highland Cem.
Beauchamp, Opal Esther (Fowler) 7/11/90 of Ottawa
Bechtle, Ruth E. (Heidner) 12/3/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Bedford, (see Rose Gish) 8/16/90
Bedford, (see Rose Gish) 8/15/90
Beebe, (see Bettymarie DeBower) 9/28/90
Bell, Helen A. (Clark) 11/23/90 Union Cem.; Centropolis
Beller, Sarah "Beth" (Lantz) 2/9/90 Princeton Cem.
Bennett, Morris 1/13/90 of Independence, MO
Bergsma, Silas S. 5/29/90 Highland Cem.
Bergsma, Silas S. 5/30/90
Betts, Donald McPherson 11/5/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Bidleman, Roberta (Painter) 1/5/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Biederman, Esther (Reddington) 1/2/90 Highland Cem.
Bishop, (see Dimples Woodrum) 4/25/90
Bishop, (see Dimples Woodrum) 4/25/90
Bishop, Harold Wayne 7/12/90
Bishop, Harold Wayne 7/11/90 of Ottawa
Black, James Easom 6/15/90 of Ottawa
Black, James Easom 6/16/90 Highland Cem.
Blair, (see Elnora Kuehn) 9/11/90
Blakely, Gladys Sneed (Severs) 4/13/90 Osborne Mem'l Park Cem.; Joplin, MO
Bliss, Lyle A. 5/10/90 Highland Cem.
Bliss, Lyle A. 5/10/90 Highland Cem.
Bodenhamer, Hylas Luther 2/21/90 Greeley Cem.; KS
Bond, Beverly Jean (Yohe) 4/4/90 Highland Cem.
Bond, Everett A. 8/10/90 Chapel Hill Cem.; Kansas City, KS
Bond, Harvey M. 12/17/90 Washington Creek Cem.; Globe, KS
Bonewitz, Ralph 8/16/90 Sunrise Cem.; Manhattan, KS
Booth, Dorris O. (Austin) 12/27/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Kansas City, KS
Boucek, William 12/26/90 Highland Cem.
Bowman, (see Lula Harris) 2/19/90
Boyer, Helen E. 9/24/90 Mont Ida Cem.; KS
Bramble, (see Golda Sizemore) 1/5/90
Branning, (see Winona Shirley) 8/18/90
Branson, (see Doris True) 8/29/90
Bray, (see Hazel Tregemba) 7/2/90
Brewer, Ross E. 3/21/90 of Rosebury, OR
Bright, (see Freda Chappelle) 7/3/90
Brooks, John Alfred 7/16/90 of Lenexa, KS
Brooks, John Alfred 7/25/90 Pleasant Hill Cem.
Brooks, Thomas E. 5/22/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Brooks, Thomas E. 5/22/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Brown, Floyd "Jack" 2/13/90 Greenlawn Mem. Chapel; Bakersfield,
Brubaker, Theren 4/20/90 of Clay Center, KS
Brubaker, Theren 4/20/90 of Clay Center, KS
Bruner, Earl F. 5/11/90 Princeton Cem.
Bruner, Earl F. 5/10/90 Princeton Cem.
Bruner, Earl F. 5/10/90 Princeton Cem.
Bruner, Earl F. 5/11/90 Princeton Cem.
Bryan, Wilma F. (Hutchinson) 8/8/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Bryant, Alma Ann (McClendon) 2/15/90 Mem'l Park Cem; Lawrence, KS
Buckles, Margie Lucille (Thayer) 10/24/90 Highland Cem.
Bulmer, Maurice M. 12/31/90 of Denver, CO
Burbank, Lawrence S. 5/17/90 Wellsville Cem.
Burbank, Lawrence S. 5/17/90 Wellsville Cem.
Bures, Lambert 1/16/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio, KS
Burgoon, Fern May (Huyett) 9/7/90 buried at Lane
Burke, Loren Joseph "Joe" 12/1/90 Piedmont Cem.; Topeka, KS
Burke, Mary L. (Redding) 1/27/90 Hamilton Cem.; Ks
Burlingham, Charles E. 2/8/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Burnett, (see Hazel Porter) 1/30/90
Burnham, (see Mae Sargent) 10/15/90
Burns, Gordon Ernest 7/25/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Burns, Tamara Lyn (Ybarra) 8/24/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Bush, Wayne H. 12/17/90 Central Cem.
Cain, Richard Lyle 12/11/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Topeka, KS
Cain, Robert Ross 11/21/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Calderwood, Allison Hugh 7/21/90 Oaklawn Cem.; Olathe, KS
Caldwell, (see Avis Kountz) 9/17/90
Cammarn, (see Margaret Weaver) 11/20/90
Camp, (see Erma Smith) 12/5/90
Canfield, Eileen (Kellerman) 12/14/90 Cherry Mound Cem.; Westphalia, KS
Cannon, William H. "Bill" 2/19/90 Mt. Hope Cem.; Humboldt, KS
Caple, (see Dora Duvall) 4/9/90
Carey, Harry Clifford "Fat" 9/14/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Carpenter, (see Nellie Karns) 10/19/90
Carpenter, Clarence R. "Bus" 4/9/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Carrell, (see Mable Marks) 11/9/90
Chambers, Chester Benjamin 1/25/90 Central Cem.
Channon, Hazel M. 5/30/90 of Kansas City, KS
Chappelle, Freda (Bright) 7/3/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Kansas City, MO
Chase, Jonathan Charles 5/24/90 Ruhamah Cem.
Chase, Jonathan Charles 5/24/90 Ruhamah Cem.
Chase, Jonathan Charles 5/23/90 of Rantoul, KS
Chase, Jonathan Charles 5/23/90 of Rantoul, KS
Chavez, Kathryn (Moser) 9/6/90 Highland Cem.
Christie, Esther Joy (Moody) 10/29/90 Prairie City Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Christie, Velma N. 2/7/90 Pleasant Valley Cem.; Miami Co., KS
Chronister, Everett K. 12/5/90 Union Cem.; Abilene, KS
Claerhout, Maurice D. 7/13/90 Resurrection Cem.; Lenexa, KS
Clark, (see Helen Bell) 11/23/90
Clark, (see Ruth Jones) 2/16/90
Clark, F. M. 10/1/90 DeSoto Cem.; KS
Clark, Lewis 7/25/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Clary, Donald S. 11/16/90 Sunset Cem.; Manhattan, KS
Claussen, Dwayne N. 6/25/90 of Ottawa
Clay, Kevin Troy 12/24/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Chanute, KS
Cloon, (see Erma Smithey) 9/29/90
Coffman, Albert E. 11/26/90 Hearty Oak Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Coffman, Harley 1/5/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Colby, (see Eleanor Peterson) 6/23/90
Cole, Charley 4/26/90 Paola Cem.; KS
Cole, Charley 4/26/90 Paola Cem.; KS
Cole, John Allen 6/13/90 of Rantoul
Cole, John Allen 6/14/90 Lane Cem.
Collins, (see Vivian Seabolt) 12/31/90
Coltrane, Ralph W. 4/21/90 Highland Cem.
Compton, Robert O. "Bob" 5/4/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Compton, Robert O. "Bob" 5/4/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Cook, Brittani Rose (Johnson) 6/27/90 Greenwood Cem.
Cook, Everett John "Cookie" 7/28/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Cook, Everett John "Cookie" 7/27/90 of Pomona
Cooper, (see Mary Moree) 1/22/90
Coplan, Lela J. (Uitts) 3/29/90 Oakwood Cem.; Macomb, IL
Cox, Dorothy Helen (Rodgers) 10/9/90 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Craig, Jessie Gertrude (Gabbert) 11/26/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Crain, Gladys Marie (Danley) 11/30/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Crawford, Harold S. 2/16/90 Highland Cem.
Crawford, Robert 4/23/90 Pleasant Hill Cem.; Pleasant Hill,
Craycraft, (see Mayme Newmaster) 9/10/90
Crites, Russell L. 8/17/90 Highland Cem.
Crocker, Roxie Lenora 5/9/90 of Topeka, KS
Crocker, Roxie Lenora (Alcorn) 5/10/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Crocker, Roxie Lenora (Alcorn) 5/9/90 of Topeka, KS
Crocker, Roxie Lenora (Alcorn) 5/10/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Croyle, Hazel (Wetterau) 3/17/90 of Laguna Hills, CA
Crozier, Lester Calvin 6/11/90 of Bonner Springs, KS
Cruces, Refugio 3/31/90 of Ottawa, KS
Cruces, Refugio (Alonzo) 4/2/90 Highland Cem.
Crump, Joshua Allen 8/20/90
Crump, Joshua Allen 8/23/90 Highland Cem.
Cummings, Beulah M. (Imes) 1/30/90 Hope Cem.
Cunningham, Loren E. 8/24/90 Oak Lawn Mem'l; Olathe, KS
Cunningham, William M. Sr. 6/26/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Currant, Elva Myrtle 6/18/90 Washington Creek Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Danley, (see Gladys Crain) 11/30/90
DeBower, Bettymarie (Beebe) 9/28/90 Harlington Cem.; Waverly, IA
Deneve, Mary O. (Mealman) 12/31/90 Highland Cem.
Detwiler, Gladys Lorena (Anderson) 3/19/90 of Ottawa, KS
Detwiler, Gladys Lorena (Anderson) 3/20/90 Highland Cem.
Devin, Bron O. 7/27/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Devin, Bron O. 7/26/90 of Pomona
DeVore, (see Judith Peters) 7/3/90
DeWald, (see Dorothy Patterson) 11/5/90
DeWald, Vera Elizabeth 3/26/90 Highland Cem.
Dick, Edwin Glenn 12/24/90 Highland Cem.
Diestelhorst, (see Ethel Hopkins) 7/9/90
Dillon, Howard LaVerle "Dick" 1/22/90 Washington Creek Cem.; Douglas Co.
Dillon, Howard LaVerle "Dick" 1/23/90
Divonne, Bonnie Irene (Adkinson) 11/6/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Dixon, (see Flo Lathen) 1/18/90
Dixon, (see Madelin Franco) 12/27/90
Dorcas, Mabel Fern (LaRue) 6/29/90 Prairie View Cem.; Waverly, KS
Dorsey, Nellie Evelyn (Richardson) 6/29/90 Gardner Cem.; KS
Douglas, Mary J. (Willard) 1/9/90 Highland Cem.
Doyle, Martha "Billie" 12/14/90 Sunset Mem'l Gard.; Odessa, TX
Drake, (see Catheryn Smith) 11/15/90
Drake, Jay Franklin 6/1/90 of Lawrence, KS
Drumright, (see Bess Johnson) 3/27/90
Duffield, Robert S. 3/5/90 Elmdale Cem.; Osawatomie, KS
Duncan, Max A. 1/5/90 of Ottawa, KS
Durnford, George Adams 12/21/90 of Ottawa
Duvall, Dora Ellen (Caple) 4/7/90 of Olathe, KS
Duvall, Dora Ellen (Caple) 4/9/90 Central Cem.
Dwyer, Bernard 6/16/90 St. Columbine Cem.; Edgerton, KS
Dykes, Donald Wayne 3/19/90 of Wellsville, KS
Dykes, Donald Wayne 3/20/90 Wellsville Cem.
Ecord, Sharon L. 6/20/90 of Pomona
Ecord, Sharon Louise 6/21/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Edwards, Evelyn Muriel 7/11/90 Mt. Emblem Cem.; Elmhurst, IL
Efinger, (see Clara Fisher) 6/22/90
Eggers, (see Lula Anderson) 11/9/90
Eggleston, James M. 3/13/90 of Kansas City, KS
Elliott, (see Vera Twombley) 4/4/90
Emmons, Hazel L. (Tedrow) 4/3/90 Evergreen Mound Cem.
England, Blanche Ireland 3/9/90 Antioch Cem.
Engle, Stella L. (Zimmerman) 3/23/90 Valley Brook Cem.; Overbrook, KS
Epps, (see Oma Mitchell) 11/26/90
Erdwins, (see Jennie Reynolds) 9/6/90
Espinosa, Adrian 12/5/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Evans, (see Anna Murphy) 2/14/90
Evans, Ray 5/31/90
Evans, Ray 5/30/90 Elmdale Cem.; Osawatomie, KS
Eversmeyer, Susie E. (Kintigh) 4/5/90 Highland Cem.
Everson, Eula (Lucas) 9/21/90 Highland Cem.
Ewing, Smith F. 8/3/90 of Ottawa
Ewing, Smith F. 8/6/90 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Fairchild, (see Catherine Hill) 6/7/90
Fawl, Emma May (Schamle) 3/28/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Fawl, Emma May (Schamle) 3/27/90 of Pomona, KS
Felt, (see Enna Sutton) 1/22/90
Ferguson, Edward B. 10/2/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Ferguson, Edward B. 10/1/90 of Princeton
Fetters, (see Marie Pence) 11/15/90
Feuerborn, Margaret 8/8/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio
Field, (see Marjorie Sloan) 1/8/90
Finley, George Anderson Sr. 1/10/90 Asbury Cem.; Foley, MO
Fisher, (see Gertrude Pope) 3/6/90
Fisher, Clara R. (Efinger) 6/22/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Fitzgerald, (see Barbara Shuler) 10/3/90
Flaherty, Eugene W. "Red" 5/29/90 of Pomona, KS
Flaherty, Eugene W. "Red" 5/30/90 of Pomona, KS
Fleeman, (see Dorris Murray) 10/27/90
Fletcher, Clara Rosa (Smithdt) 7/17/90 Highland Cem.
Floyd, Byron Eugnee "Barney" 4/11/90 West Lawn Mem'l Gard.; Topeka, KS
Foltz, Robert L. 2/6/90 Princeton Cem.
Forbes, Ethel (Anderson) 10/12/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Fowler, (see Opal Beauchamp) 7/12/90
Franco, Madelin D. (Dixon) 12/27/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Franks, James Henry Jr. 7/20/90 of Wellsville
Franks, James Henry Jr. II 7/21/90 Highland Cem.
Fuqua, Gladys M. (Nitcher) 10/11/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Gabbert, (see Jessie Craig) 11/26/90
Gant, Peter Case 9/24/90 Highland Cem.
Garrett, Estle Samuel "Dink" 4/23/90 Rochester Cem.; Topeka, KS
Garrett, Frank Edward 12/19/90 Lyndon Cem.
Garrett, Robert 5/26/90 Oakland Cem.; Poteau, OK
Garrett, Robert Hugh 5/26/90 Oakland Cem.; Poteau, OK
Gaynor, (see Elizabeth Hill) 12/29/90
Gieringer, (see Helen Potter) 11/21/90
Gillette, Betty Lou (Hamilton) 7/11/90 of San Jose, CA
Gilmore, Stanley Eugene 7/10/90 Hope Cem.
Ginavan, (see Flora Milliman) 4/23/90
Gingerich, George Junior "Buck" 3/29/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Gish, Rose E. (Bedford) 8/16/90 Elmwood Cem.; Augusta, KS
Gish, Rose E. Bedford 8/15/90 of Baldwin, KS
Goddard, George Raymond 1/3/90 Wellsville Cem.
Gomez, Robert L. 1/29/90 San Fernando Cem.; San Antonio, TX
Gonzales, Helen Irene 5/25/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Gonzales, Helen Irene 6/5/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Gonzales, Helen Irene 5/25/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin City, KS
Good, Carl Franklin 1/30/90 Wellsville Cem.
Good, Eldon Levay 4/24/90 Wellsville Cem.
Good, Opal H. (Shaw) 4/5/90 Wellsville Cem.
Goodwin, (see Mabel Holloway) 4/17/90
Gray, Sina Ruth (Hunter) 3/14/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Tulsa, OK
Gray, Violet C. (Shotwell) 7/11/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Green, Margaret (McCall) 8/6/90 Richmond Cem.
Green, Vernon Lee 5/21/90 Highland Cem.
Green, Vernon Lee 5/21/90 Highland Cem.
Greenslade, Cleo 1/17/90 of Tarpon Springs, FL
Greer, Billy Lee 6/22/90 Oak Lawn Cem.; Olathe, KS
Greer, Pauline (McCaul) 7/27/90 Highland Cem.
Greer, Pauline (McGaul) 7/26/90 of Lenexa, KS
Gregg, Eunice L. "Billie" (Nelson) 8/9/90 of Ottawa
Gretencord, Frank 8/1/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio
Gretencord, Frank 8/2/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio
Griffitts, (see Esther Kelly) 12/27/90
Grigsby, Gladys J. (Severns) 9/26/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Grigsby, Gladys J. (Severns) 9/25/90 of Williamsburg
Grounds, Robert F. 5/21/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Grounds, Robert F. 5/21/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Groves, (see Helen Lennard) 6/4/90
Haffner, Eva Kathleen (Slane) 5/7/90 Highland Cem.
Haffner, Eva Kathleen (Slane) 5/7/90 Highland Cem.
Hale, (see Mabel Neely) 4/4/90
Hall, Mildred Naomi (Nicewander) 4/17/90 Prairie Home Cem.; Topeka, KS
Hamby, Glenn Sr. 12/26/90 of Grove, OK
Hamby, Glenn Sr. 12/24/90 Edna Cem.; KS
Hamilton, (see Betty Gillette) 7/11/90
Hamilton, Ruth E. 9/12/90 Valley Brook Cem.; Overbrook, KS
Hanes, Mary Jo (Wollam) 2/3/90 Palm Valley View Cem.; Las Vegas, N
Hanes, Mary Jo (Wollam) 2/2/90 of Las Vegas, NV
Hanlon, Vera J. (Reese) 9/19/90 Wellsville Cem.
Harrah, Herbert Arthur 4/16/90 Highland Cem.
Harrah, Herbert Arthur 4/14/90 of Ottawa, KS
Harrah, Hurbert A. 4/14/90 of Ottawa, KS
Harris, Giles Daniel 1/12/90 Highland Cem.
Harris, Giles Daniel 1/12/90 Highland Cem.
Harris, Lula B. (Bowman) 2/19/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Hart 1/2/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Harvey, Mary Lee 8/15/90
Hase, William A. 8/1/90 of Richmond
Hase, William A. 8/2/90 Princeton Cem.
Hausler, Kenneth E. 12/14/90 Wellsville Cem.
Hay, Pauline (Arnold) 1/31/90 Wellsville Cem.
Hay, Pauline (Arnold) 1/31/90 Wellsville Cem.
Hay, Rebie R. 1/3/90 Eskridge Cem.; KS
Hayes, Garlin Virginia 8/23/90 Wellsville Cem.
Head, (see Ruby Alexander) 2/5/90
Head, Glenn Edward "Digger" 3/26/90 Wellsville Cem.
Heidner, (see Ruth Bechtle) 12/3/90
Heimer, Anna Grace (Williams) 4/17/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Henning, Fred E. 3/14/90 of Ottawa, KS
Hepner, George Raymond 1/10/90 Worden Cem.; KS
Hermesmeyer, (see Nell Scheckel) 12/31/90
Herndon, (see Ruth Roulund) 6/20/90
Hesler, (see Jane Latham) 1/17/90
Hess, Randy D. 9/24/90 Highland Cem.
Hester, (see Goldie L. Tankersley) 5/26/90
Hester, (see Goldie Tankersley) 5/26/90
Hester, (see Goldie Tankersley) 5/25/90
Hester, (see Goldie Tankersley) 5/25/90
Hetzel, Gordon 12/20/90 Princeton Cem.
Hetzel, Gordon 12/19/90 Princeton Cem.
Hicks, Grace Rosebell "Rose" (Woods1/23/90 Pleasantview Cem.; Agricola, KS
Hicks, Grace Rosebell "Rose" (Woods1/22/90 of Williamsburg, KS
Hildebrandt, Henry Otto 8/28/90 Vassar Cem.; KS
Hill, Catherine "Katy" (Fairchild) 6/7/90 Wellsville Cem.
Hill, Elizabeth G. (Gaynor) 12/28/90 of Ottawa
Hill, Elizabeth G. (Gaynor) 12/29/90 of Ottawa
Hobbs, Clifford Roy 6/7/90 of Ottawa
Hobbs, Clifford Roy 6/8/90 Highland Cem.
Hoke, Gerald L. 12/4/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Holladay, Willard L. Sr. 11/6/90 Hubbell Hill Cem.; Tonganoxie, KS
Hollingsworth, (see Hazel Wiley) 12/6/90
Holloway, Mabel E. (Goodwin) 4/17/90 Sutton Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Holmes, Doris Louisa (White) 3/19/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Hopkins, Ethel A. (Diestelhorst) 7/9/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Howser, (see Edna Smith) 4/11/90
Hoyt, Elbert V. "Bud" 6/12/90 Highland Cem.
Hubbard, (see Grace Miller) 11/15/90
Huddlestun, Earl 11/14/90 Princeton Cem.
Huddlestun, Joseph Earl 11/13/90 of Ottawa
Hull, Shirley M. 12/22/90 El Paso Cem.; Derby, KS
Humphries, (see Mary Silvius) 12/21/90
Hunter, (see Sina Gray) 3/14/90
Hurtie, Audrien R. 3/27/90 White Rose Cem.; Reydon, OK
Hurtie, Audrien R. 3/26/90 of Cameron, MO
Hutchinson, (see Wilma Bryan) 8/8/90
Hutton, Rheva I. (Wright) 3/1/90 Wamego City Cem.; KS
Huyett, (see Fern Burgoon) 9/7/90
Ikenberry, Marion K. 9/7/90 ashes scattered in Colorado
Ikenberry, Sylvia Louisa (Mason) 3/26/90 Appanoose Cem.
Imes, (see Beulah Cummings) 1/30/90
Ireland, (see Blanche England) 3/9/90
Ireland, Harry 8/22/90 Oakwood Cem.; Parsons, KS
Irey, Effie (Schultze) 3/2/90 Melvern Cem.; KS
Jackson, (see Seba Strafuss) 7/2/90
Jacoby, Philip L. "Jake" 8/10/90 Wellsville Cem.
Jave-Cruz, Maria (Arellano) 8/20/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Jefferson, (see Edna Sutherland) 6/26/90
Jennings, (see Harrietta Papps) 6/30/90
Johnson, (see Brittani Cook) 6/27/90
Johnson, (see Hazel Liggett) 9/13/90
Johnson, (see Thelma Baldwin) 3/12/90
Johnson, Bess Lucille (Drumright) 3/26/90 of Ottawa, KS
Johnson, Bess Lucille (Drumright) 3/27/90 of Ottawa, KS
Johnson, Donna D. (Bartz) 11/26/90 Underwood Cem.; Williamstown, KS
Johnson, Mildred Grace (McKim) 1/10/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Johnson, Richard Emery 9/17/90 Lane Cem.
Jones, Arlon 10/8/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Jones, Jessie Irene (Riley) 5/19/90 Highland Cem.
Jones, Jessie Irene (Riley) 5/19/90 Highland Cem.
Jones, Jessie Irene (Riley) 5/18/90 Highland Cem.
Jones, Jessie R. 5/18/90 Highland Cem.
Jones, Rev. Ivan K. 1/16/90 Kirk Cem.; Allendale, MO
Jones, Ruth (Clark) 2/16/90 Union Cem; Centropolis, KS
Jones, Willis E. "Bill" 9/21/90 Greenlawn Cem.; Chanute, KS
Jordan, (see Marlene McCain) 2/2/90
Jordan, Mamie R. (Bearch) 9/19/90 Highland Cem.
Kaeckell, Eunice (Wilkinson) 10/13/90 of Paola, KS
Kaeckell, Eunice (Wilkinson) 10/15/90 Highland Cem.
Karns, Nellie M. (Carpenter) 10/19/90 Highland Cem.
Kasper, Leola 11/26/90 of Baldwin, KS
Kasper, Paul W.; Rev. 11/27/90 St Johns Cem.; Worden, KS
Kasper, Paul W.; Rev. 11/26/90 of Baldwin, KS
Katzer, (see Agnes Lickteig) 1/9/90
Katzer, Imelda; Sister 10/31/90 Convent Cem.; Paola, KS
Keene, Violet M. (Nutt) 1/29/90 Highland Cem.
Keith, Beulah I. (Armstrong) 10/8/90 Pleasant Hill Cem.
Kellerman, (see Eileen Canfield) 12/14/90
Kelley, (see Ethel Stephens) 9/17/90
Kelly, Esther Naomi (Griffitts) 12/27/90 Mount Hope Cem.; Topeka, KS
Kennedy, Lindsay Faith 6/14/90 Lane Cem.
Kersten, Louise A. (Miller) 10/25/90 Vassar Cem.; KS
Kingery, Lonzie Edward 2/26/90 Washington Creek Cem.; Douglas Co.
Kinsley, (see Mary Wray) 6/15/90
Kintigh, (see Susie Eversmeyer) 4/5/90
Kirk, (see Gladys Reid) 1/3/90
Klinger, (see Ruth Yost) 12/24/90
Knight, Rev. Charles P. 3/14/90 of Topeka, KS
Kountz, Avis Elaine (Caldwell) 9/17/90 Highland Cem.
Kuehn, Elnora Louise (Blair) 9/11/90 Edgerton Cem.; KS
Kueser, Celestine (Volz) 11/6/90 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
Kyle, Hallie Esther (Pearson) 4/6/90 Wellsville Cem.
Kyster, (see Karen Baker) 3/30/90
Kyster, (see Karen Baker) 3/30/90
Lambert, Russell Otis 2/6/90 Wellsville Cem.
Landreth, (see Mada Morrisey) 4/10/90
Lanning, Amanda Michelle 5/3/90 of Lawrence, KS
Lanning, Amanda Michelle 5/4/90 Highland Cem.
Lanning, Amanda Michelle 5/4/90 Highland Cem.
Lanning, Amanda Michelle 5/3/90 of Lawrence, KS
Lantz, (see Sarah Beller) 2/9/90
Larson, Marlin L. "Red" 11/19/90 of Kankakee, IL
LaRue, (see Mabel Dorcas) 6/29/90
Latham, Jane H. (Hesler) 1/17/90 Highland Cem.
Lathen, Flo (Dixon) 1/18/90 Wellsville Cem.
Latimer, William Paul 10/25/90 Highland Cem.
Lauver, (see Alta Sager) 3/19/90
Laws, Edith M. (Pear) 8/28/90 Highland Cem.
Laws, George D. 2/23/90 Pleasant View Cem.; Melvern, KS
Leach, (see Mabel Paine) 9/24/90
Lehecka, (see Emma Zabloudil) 9/27/90
Lennard, Helen Louise (Groves) 6/4/90 Highland Cem.
Lenzenman, (see Bernice Williams) 9/28/90
Leppala, Rosa May (Miller) 12/29/90 Prairie City Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Lewis, (see Essie Lindsey) 8/22/90
Lewis, Ben R. 3/9/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Lichtenberger, June (Nicholson) 1/19/90 McPherson City Cem.; KS
Lickteig, (see Regina Mersman) 8/30/90
Lickteig, Agnes Anna (Katzer) 1/9/90 St. John's Cem.; Greeley, KS
Liegerot, Hazel (Manville) 10/30/90 Roselawn Memorial Gardens
Liegerot, Hazel (Manville) 10/29/90 of Ottawa
Liggett, Hazel B. (Johnson) 9/13/90 Highland Cem.
Lightning, (see Ernest Rule) 2/1/90
Lindsey, Essie Luetta (Lewis) 8/22/90 Baldwin Cem.; KS
Lingo, Eva (Lybarger) 12/28/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
List, John Frederick Jr. 12/31/90 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
Loftus, Shirley J. (O'Connor) 9/29/90 Wellsville Cem.
Longren, Albin Norton 6/25/90 Mt. Hope Cem.; Topeka, KS
Lucas, (see Eula Everson) 9/21/90
Luckan, Paul Ernst 11/13/90 Forest Lawn Cem.; Omaha, NE
Lybarger, (see Eva Lingo) 12/28/90
MacArthur, Raymond 5/17/90 Richmond Cem.
MacArthur, Raymond 5/17/90 Richmond Cem.
Mack, (see Rheva Hutton) 3/1/90
Macy, (see Rosalie Peterson) 9/13/90
Madden, Harry 5/21/90 Wichita, KS
Madden, Harry 5/21/90 Wichita Cem.; KS
Maichel, Albert Weed 1/25/90 Holton Cem.
Maichel, Hyluard B. 11/20/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Majure, Betty Lou 5/16/90 Corinth Cem.; Prairie Village, KS
Majure, Betty Lou 5/16/90 Corinth Cem.; Prairie Village, KS
Manville, (see Hazel Liegerot) 10/29/90
Marconett, Henry "Hank" 9/7/90 IOOF Cem.; Brookston, IN
Marks, Mable (Carrell) 11/9/90 Greenwood Cem.
Martin, Dean E. 1/10/90 Princeton Cem.
Martin, John S. "Bud" 11/1/90 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Martin, John S. "Bud" 10/31/90 of Ottawa
Martin, Ralph R. 9/10/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Mason, (see Sylvia Ikenberry) 3/26/90
Mathias, John 3/7/90 Highland Cem.
Matthews, Loren David 10/15/90 of Ottawa
Maxey, Virgil L. 9/21/90 Orient Cem.; Harrisonville, MO
May, Lee Eugene "Gene" 12/29/90 of O'Fallon, IL
Maybell, Gerald "Jud" 3/30/90 of Kansas City, KS
Maybell, Gerald "Jud" 3/30/90 of Kansas City, KS
Mcauley, Glen Robert 8/23/90 Highland Cem.
McCain, Marlene (Jordan) 2/1/90 of Rantoul, KS
McCain, Marlene (Jordan) 2/2/90 Ruhamah Cem.
McCall, (see Margaret Green) 8/6/90
McCalla, Wesley Graham 8/13/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Lawrence, KS
McCaul, (see Pauline Greer) 7/27/90
McClellan, Myrtle O. 5/23/90 Highland Cem.
McClellan, Myrtle O. 5/23/90 Highland Cem.
McClendon, (see Alma Bryant) 2/15/90
McCrea, Fern (Love) 2/26/90 Highland Cem.
McCurdy, Clifford M. 3/28/90 Mount Hope Cem.
McGaul, (see Pauline Greer) 7/26/90
McIntosh, Ruth (Twining) 6/21/90 National Cem.; Springfield, MO
McKim, (see Mildred Johnson) 1/10/90
McNees, Glenn H. 12/18/90 of Mohave Valley, AZ
McTaggart, William Donald "Don" 4/18/90 Vinland Cem.; KS
Mealman, (see Mary Deneve) 12/31/90
Meeder, Archie 10/23/90 Clearfield Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Meeks, Carl H. 10/22/90 of Ottawa
Meeks, Carl H. 10/20/90 of Ottawa
Meisel, Lucky Lindy Leroy 7/3/90 Paola Cem.; KS
Meister, Oma Turner 1/8/90 Chapel Hills Mem. Gard.; Denver, CO
Merritt, Margaret 3/16/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Kansas City, KS
Mersmann, Regina T. (Lickteig) 8/30/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio
Metz, Grace Leone "Aunt Grace" 2/12/90 Highland cem.
Miles, (see Edna Punches) 5/11/90
Miles, (see Edna Punches) 5/11/90
Miller, (see Louise Kersten) 10/25/90
Miller, (see Rosa Leppala) 12/29/90
Miller, Gerald W. 9/27/90 Pleasant Valley Cem.; Paola, KS
Miller, Grace Elizabeth (Hubbard) 11/15/90 Highland Cem.
Milliman, Flora Jane (Ginavan) 4/23/90 Richmond Cem.
Mills, Bobby 3/7/90 of Pomona, KS
Mills, Bobby 3/8/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Minden, (see Evelyn Reekie) 1/13/90
Misel, (see Mary Trump) 9/27/90
Mitchell, Oma Louise (Epps) 11/26/90 Clearfield Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Moffitt, Virgil W. 12/5/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Monson, Clarence Earl 8/25/90 Forest Hill Cem.; Kansas City, MO
Monson, Clarence Earl 8/24/90 of Baldwin, KS
Montgomery, Mervin Ray 10/8/90 Jamestown Cem.; TX
Moody, (see Esther Christie) 10/29/90
Moore, Clinton L. 3/29/90 Resurrection Cem.; Lenexa, KS
Moore, Clinton L. 3/28/90 Resurrection Cem.; Lenexa, KS
Moore, Clinton L. 3/27/90 of Lenexa, KS
Moore, Helois 1/20/90 Mont Ida Cem.; Garnett, KS
Moore, Heloise 1/19/90 Mont Ida Cem.; Garnett, KS
Moore, Heloise 1/20/90 Mont Ida Cem.; KS
Moree, Mary Myrtle (Cooper) 1/22/90 Highland Cem.
Morgan, (see Ida Taylor) 2/26/90
Morgan, Carolyn Marie 7/5/90 of Ottawa
Morgan, Carolyn Marie (Youngman) 7/6/90 Highland Cem.
Morgan, Michael Lynn 1/19/90 Carbondale Cem.; KS
Morris, George T. 1/24/90 Circleville Cem.; Holton, KS
Morris, George T. 1/25/90 Circleville Cem.; Holton, KS
Morris, Louise Marie 6/4/90 Richmond Cem.
Morrisey, Mada Lou (Landreth) 4/9/90 of Ottawa, KS
Morrisey, Mada Lou (Landreth) 4/10/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Moser, (see Kathryn Chavez) 9/6/90
Mullen, Dan D. 12/22/90 Highland Cem.
Mullen, Dan D. 12/21/90 Highland Cem.
Mundell, Raymond Richard 3/24/90 Peoria Cem.
Murdock, Mona (Sweet) 8/13/90 of Philiomath, OR
Murphy, Anna Victoria (Evans) 2/7/90 of Ottawa, KS
Murphy, Anna Victoria (Evans) 2/14/90 Rolla City Cem.; Rolla, MO
Murray, Dorris C. (Fleeman) 10/26/90 of Ottawa
Murray, Dorris C. (Fleeman) 10/27/90 Highland Cem.
Myers, Lloyd 10/29/90 Jefferson Mem'l Cem.; Hoover, AL
Neely, Mabel C. (Hale) 4/4/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Neely, Mabel C. (Hale) 4/3/90 of Blue Springs, MO
Neiswender, Donald G. 5/16/90 Mt. Calvary Cem.; Topeka, KS
Neiswender, Donald G. 5/16/90 Mt. Calvary Cem.; Topeka, KS
Nelson, (see Eunice Gregg) 8/9/90
Nelson, (see Olive Rice) 1/19/90
Newmaster, Mayme Luc. (Craycraft) 9/10/90 Richmond Cem.
Nicewander, (see Mildred Hall) 4/17/90
Nichols, William A. "Andy" 11/5/90 Highland Cem.
Nicholson, (see June Lichtenberger)1/19/90
Nitcher, (see Gladys Fuqua) 10/11/90
Northway, Estel Otto 7/17/90 of Ottawa
Northway, Estel Otto 7/18/90 Highland Cem.
Nutt, (see Violet Keene) 1/29/90
O'Connor, (see Shirley Loftus) 9/29/90
Orton, Verna Mae (Yates) 6/25/90 Fairview Cem.; Cherryvale, KS
Osborn, (see Jeannine Smith) 4/25/90
Osborn, (see Jeannine Smith) 4/25/90
Osburn, William L. "Bill" 11/26/90
Osburn, William L. "Bill" 11/23/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Osler, Ray 10/22/90 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
Ott, Lawrence C. 6/26/90 of Santa Maria, CA
Ott, Lawrence C. 6/28/90 Santa Maria Cem.; CA
Paine, Mabel (Leach) 9/24/90 Highland Cem.
Painter, (see Roberta Bidleman) 1/5/90
Palmer, Charles H. 11/3/90 Richland Cem.; KS
Papps, Harrietta 6/29/90 of Grapevine, TX
Papps, Harrietta (Jennings) 6/30/90 Highland Cem.
Parks, Robert W. 4/9/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Patterson, Dorothy A. (DeWald) 11/5/90 Stanton Cem.; KS
Pear, (see Edith Laws) 8/28/90
Pearson, (see Hallie Kyle) 4/6/90
Pearson, Dupreeze E. 5/9/90 Wellsville Cem.
Pearson, Dupreeze E. 5/9/90 Wellsville Cem.
Pearson, Raymond A. 6/22/90 Union Cem.; Osage City, KS
Pederson, Tomalea 10/23/90 of Ottawa
Peel, Charles E. 8/23/90 Freeman Cem.; MO
Pegg, Lester A. 8/23/90 Dallas Cem.; OR
Pence, Marie A. (Fetters) 11/15/90 Wellsville Cem.
Pentz, Rev. Paul W. 1/29/90 Evergreen Cem.; Fort Scott, KS
Petefish, Arthur W. 7/9/90 of Ottawa
Petefish, Arthur Willard 7/10/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Peters, Judith Ann (DeVore) 7/3/90 Highland Cem.
Peterson, Eleanor (Colby) 6/23/90 Hope Cem.
Peterson, Rosalie (Macy) 9/12/90 of Kansas City, MO
Peterson, Rosalie (Macy) 9/13/90 Highland Cem.
Peterson, Violet A. (Russell) 2/13/90 Old Mission Cem.; Wichita, KS
Pinkston, Edwin O. "Mutt" 4/16/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Plummer, John Everett 10/18/90 DeSoto Cem.; KS
Pope, Gertrude (Fisher) 3/6/90 of Manhattan Beach, CA
Porter, Hazel Edith (Burnett) 1/30/90 Hope Cem.
Porter, Lanora Bessie (Potter) 4/16/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Potter, (see Lanora Porter) 4/16/90
Potter, Helen L. (Gieringer) 11/21/90 Walnut Creek Cem.
Potts, (see Blanche Stucker) 1/11/90
Price, Hattie May 2/22/90 of Alhambra, CA
Price, Hattie May 2/22/90 of Alhambra, CA
Prothe, (see Evelyn Reekie) 1/13/90
Provencal, Romeo Arthur 9/6/90 National Cem.; Leavenworth, KS
Provost, Laurence R. 11/30/90 Shawnee Cem.; KS
Pugh, William Verlin 9/7/90 Overbrook Cem.; Ks
Punches, Edna Dean (Miles) 5/11/90 Carbondale Cem.; KS
Punches, Edna Dean (Miles) 5/11/90 Carbondale Cem.; KS
Quinlan, Robert S. 7/11/90 of Ottawa
Radcliffe, (see Carol Weber) 8/16/90
Raley, George William 7/2/90 Rock Creek Cem.; Wellsville
Randel, Walter m. 3/19/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Rayle, Herschel Henry 1/26/90 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Redding, (see Mary Burke) 1/27/90
Reddington, (see Esther Biederman) 1/2/90
Reekie, Evelyn (Prothe) Minden 1/13/90 Miami Mem. Gard.; Paola, KS
Reekie, Wilbur H. "Sarge" 7/27/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Reese, (see Vera Hanlon) 9/19/90
Reid, Gladys Isabel (Kirk) 1/3/90 Wellsville Cem.
Reynolds, Jennie Anna (Erdwins) 9/6/90 Cedar Vale Cem.; Neosho Falls, KS
Rhodes, Bruce Charles 1/18/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Rice, Olive Mae (Nelson) 1/18/90 of Ottawa, KS
Rice, Olive Mae (Nelson) 1/19/90 Highland Cem.
Rich, Demarest L. "Dem" 1/22/90 West Bethany Cem.; Parsons, KS
Rich, John G. 4/27/90 of The Dalles, OR
Rich, Otis U. 1/30/90 of Orlando, FL
Richardson, (see Nellie Dorsey) 6/29/90
Richardson, Gene Marie 8/30/90 St. Patricks Cem.; Emerald
Riddle, Johnie C. II 7/18/90 Belle Plaine Cem.; Ks
Riley, (see Jessie Jones) 5/19/90
Riley, (see Jessie Jones) 5/19/90
Roberts, (see Eugenia West) 10/15/90
Robinson, Travis Eugene 11/5/90 Highland Cem.
Rocker, Marjorie N. (Slane) 1/4/90 Mount Calvary Cem.
Rocker, Marjorie N. (Slane) 1/3/90 of Pomona, KS
Rodgers, (see Beverly Altic) 1/27/90
Roulund, Ruth Ellen (Herndon) 6/20/90 Jo. Co. Mem'l Gardens; Ov. Pk., KS
Rule, Ernest W. (Lightning) 2/1/90 Lone Tree Cem.; KS
Russell, (see Violet Peterson) 2/13/90
Russell, Caspel L. "Cap" 9/24/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Rutter, Jack DeTar 12/26/90 Highland Cem.
Sager, Alta May (Lauver) 3/19/90 Roselawn Cem.; Long Beach, CA
Sandow, Royal T. 3/2/90 Grandview Mem'l Gard.; Champaign, I
Sargent, Mae F. 10/12/90 of Topeka, KS
Sargent, Mae Frances (Burnham) 10/15/90 Highland Cem.
Scates, Edward Nathaniel 3/19/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Scheckel, Nell Marie (Hermesmeyer) 12/31/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio
Schneider, (see Oda Strobel) 8/30/90
Schoneberg, May (Webb) 7/25/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Schowengerdt, Mary 7/9/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Schultze, (see Effie Irey) 3/2/90
Schulz, Ethel G. (Thompson) 9/28/90 of Rantoul
Schulz, Ethel Gladys (Thompson) 9/29/90 Ruhamah Cem.
Schweitzer, Alma Mary 10/13/90 Princeton Cem.
Schweitzer, Alma Mary 10/12/90 Princeton Cem.
Scott, (see Golda Sizemore) 1/5/90
Scott, Raymond 11/2/90 Wellsville Cem.
Seabolt, Vivian Loraine (Collins) 12/31/90 Highland Cem.
Sealey, John Charles 12/3/90 of Houston, TX
Sechrest, Nita Faye (Atchison) 12/28/90 Orient Cem.; Harrisonville, MO
Sellers, (see Eleanor Barlow) 6/20/90
Setter, Barbara Mary 1/23/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio, KS
Severs, (see Gladys Blakely) 4/13/90
Shade, Geneva R. 3/5/90 Highland Cem.
Shaffer, Harry H. 11/8/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Shaffer, Harry H. 11/7/90 of Princeton
Sharp, (see Nina West) 10/3/90
Shaw, (see Opal Good) 4/5/90
Shaw, (see Zelma Balero) 4/23/90
Shay, Donald Patrick 9/17/90 Mt. Calvary Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Shepard, Roy Lee 3/19/90 Scranton Cem.; KS
Shirley, Winona Mae (Branning) 8/18/90 Highland Cem.
Shotwell, (see Violet Gray) 7/11/90
Shuler, Barbara Jane (Fitzgerald) 10/3/90 Highland Cem.
Silvius, Mary "Maggie" (Humphries) 12/21/90 Wellsville Cem.
Silvius, Mary M. 12/20/90 of Wellsville
Simmons, Tilfred G. 6/5/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Simmons, Tilfred G. 6/4/90 of Ottawa
Sink, Claude J. 1/4/90 of Ottawa, KS
Sizemore, Golda M. (Bramble) 1/5/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Slane, (see Eva Haffner) 5/7/90
Slane, (see Eva Haffner0 5/7/90
Slane, (see Marjorie Rocker) 1/3/90
Slankard, George Winifred 1/15/90 Princeton Cem.
Sloan, Marjorie June (Field) 1/8/90 Wellsville Cem.
Smith, Catheryn M. "Kate" Drake) 11/15/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Smith, Clara Mae (Toreson) 12/27/90 Prairie City Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Smith, Dale 8/6/90 St. Patricks Cem.; Emerald
Smith, Edna May (Howser) 4/11/90 Pleasant Hill Cem.
Smith, Edna May (Howser) 4/10/90 of Ottawa, KS
Smith, Erma E. (Camp) 12/5/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Smith, Erma E. (Camp) 12/4/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Smith, Gerald Bosco 3/7/90 Greenwood Cem.
Smith, Ida Mae (Welch) 7/31/90 Highland Cem.
Smith, Ida Mae (Welch) 7/30/90 of Ottawa
Smith, Jeannine (Osborn) 4/25/90 Melvern Cem.; KS
Smith, Jeannine (Osborn) 4/25/90 Melvern Cem.; KS
Smith, Kirby Clayton 4/25/90 of Ottawa, KS
Smith, Kirby Clayton 4/25/90 of Ottawa, KS
Smith, Kirby Clayton 4/26/90 Highland Cem.
Smith, Kirby Clayton 4/26/90 Highland Cem.
Smith, Lyle V. 5/29/90 buried at Coffeyville, KS
Smith, Marvin G. "Buzz" 12/6/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Smith, Ralph R. 4/3/90 of Princeton, KS
Smith, Ralph R. 4/4/90 Princeton Cem.
Smith, Raymond Leroy "Smitty" 11/3/90 of Lawrence, KS
Smith, Raymond Leroy "Smitty" 11/5/90 Greenwood Cem.
Smithdt, (see Clara Fletcher) 7/17/90
Smithey, Erma (Cloon) 9/29/90 Highland Cem.
Smithey, Erma (Cloon) 9/28/90 of Ottawa
Somers, Spenser John 11/26/90 Lakewood Cem.; Minneapolis, MN
Southard, Charles Walter 4/18/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Taylorville, IL
Sparks, Lyle Dean 3/22/90 Highland Cem.
Sparks, Lyle Dean 3/21/90 of Ottawa, KS
Spears, Ruth Wyeth 1/17/90 Highland Cem.
Spears, Ruth Wyeth 1/15/90 of Bridgeport, CT
Spencer, Robert Joseph 11/13/90 Roselawn Memorial Gardens
Spielman, Flossie Ethel (Welch) 6/16/90 Burlingame Cem.; KS
Spry, (see Martha Doyle) 12/14/90
Staniec, Glen Edward 10/8/90 Overbrook Cem.; KS
Stanley, Henry Albert "Hank" 11/6/90 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Stansbury, William Frank 12/20/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Topeka, KS
Starbuck, George A. 5/8/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Starbuck, George A. 5/8/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Starkebaum, Arthur Harold "Starkey"9/19/90 Carbondale Cem.; KS
Steele, Lillian D. (Surman) 1/16/90 Oak Lawn Mem. Gard.; Olathe, KS
Stephens, Ethel K. (Kelley) 9/17/90 Highland Cem.
Stevens, Elery N. 9/12/90 Lane Cem.
Steward, Victor J. 10/1/90 Pleasant View Cem.; Agricola, KS
Steward, Victor J. 10/2/90 Pleasant View Cem.; Agricola, KS
Stitt, Clara M. 9/25/90 Highland Cem.
Stonequist, Hillier "Healey" 5/7/90 Wellsville Cem.
Stonequist, Hillier "Healey" E. 5/7/90 Wellsville Cem.
Stottlemire, Evelyn Irene (Aul) 3/12/90 Ruhamah Cem.
Stottlemire, Evelyn Irene (Aul) 3/13/90
Strafuss, Seba M. (Jackson) 7/2/90 St Johns Cem.
Strobel, Oda C. (Schneider) 8/29/90 of Richmond
Strobel, Oda C. (Schneider) 8/30/90 St. Boniface Cem.; Scipio, KS
Stucker, Blanche (Potts) 1/11/90 Highland Cem.
Stucker, Blanche (Potts) 1/10/90 of Ottawa, KS
Sturm, Bertha H. (Lawrenz) 12/14/90 Clearfield Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Surman, (see Lillian Steele) 1/16/90
Sutherland, Edna (Jefferson) 6/26/90 Mount Hope Cem.
Sutherland, Edna (Jefferson) 6/25/90
Sutton, Eldon A. 7/9/90 Greenwood Cem.; Oatville, KS
Sutton, Enna Peugh (Felt) 1/22/90 of Waverly, KS
Swangel, (see Hazel Swartz) 6/8/90
Swank, Roy Eugene 5/21/90 Highland Cem.
Swank, Roy Eugene 5/21/90 Highland Cem.
Swartz, Hazel (Swangel) 6/7/90 of Crofton, MD
Swartz, Hazel (Swangel) 6/8/90 Caplinger Mills Cem.; Cedar Co., MO
Sweet, (see Mona Murdock) 8/13/90
Sweezey, (see Helen Yingling) 8/27/90
Tankersley, Goldie L. (Hester) 5/25/90 of Rantoul, KS
Tankersley, Goldie L. (Hester) 5/26/90 Ruhamah Cem.
Tankersley, Goldie L. (Hester) 5/26/90 Ruhamah Cem.
Tankersley, Goldie L. (Hester) 5/25/90 of Rantoul, KS
Taylor, Ida M. (Morgan) 2/26/90 Peoria Cem.
Taylor, Roy Orval 10/4/90 Peoria Cem.
Tedrow, (see Hazel Emmons) 4/3/90
Thayer, (see Margie Buckles) 10/24/90
Thoele, Henry William 8/16/90 Lane Cem.
Thomas, Jacob Ryan 12/26/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Thompson, (see Ethel Schulz) 9/29/90
Thompson, (see Ethel Schulz) 9/28/90
Thompson, (see Merry Vallier) 7/17/90
Thornbrugh, Orvil Irwin "Beans" 1/4/90 Fort Rosecrane Cem.; CA
Thornton, Ras Berry 9/27/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Toreson, (see Clara Smith) 12/27/90
Tregemba, Hazel Estella (Bray) 7/2/90 Valley Brook Cem.; Overbrook, KS
True, Doris Mae (Branson) 8/28/90 of Lawrence, KS
True, Doris Mae (Branson) 8/29/90 Highland Cem.
True, Doris Mae (Branson) 8/30/90 Highland Cem.
Trump, Mary Lucille (Misel) 9/27/90 Highland Cem.
Turner, (see Oma Meister) 1/8/90
Twining, (see Ruth McIntosh) 6/21/90
Twombley, Vera Ruth (Elliott) 4/3/90 of Baldwin, KS
Twombley, Vera Ruth (Elliott) 4/4/90 Oakwood Cem.; Baldwin, KS
Uitts, (see Lela Coplan) 3/29/90
Unruh, Albert 2/15/90 Highland Cem.
Vail, Tracy M. Jr. 12/4/90 of San Francisco, CA
Vallier, Merry Jean (Thompson) 7/17/90 Princeton Cem.
Vandeventer, Lila Evelyn (Werts) 12/21/90 Deay Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
VanMeter, Glenn E. 6/7/90 Highland Cem.
Vining, Cecil H. 3/22/90 Richmond Cem.
Volz, (see Celestine Kueser) 11/6/90
Waddle, Floyd L. 1/30/90 Christian Cem.; Sedalia, MO
Wallgren, Larry 6/23/90 of Logan, KS
Walters, Vena Catherine (Wray) 11/19/90 Appanoose Cem.
Waltman, Samuel M. 4/27/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Ward, Reginald 6/11/90 Graceland Cem.; Burlington, KS
Watts, John S. 2/13/90 Union Cem.; Centropolis KS
Weaver, Clarence E. "Tex" 9/18/90 Richmond Cem.
Weaver, John William 11/26/90 Wellsville Cem.
Weaver, Margaret Cammarn 11/20/90 Liberal Cem.; KS
Webb, (see May Schoneberg) 7/25/90
Weber, Carol (Radcliffe) 8/16/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Weien, Warren G. 2/7/90 Highland Cem.
Weier, Walton Irving 4/18/90 Carbondale Cem.; KS
Weigand, Victor Truman 10/1/90 Highland Cem.
Weis, Marlin Frank 3/7/90 Osawatomie Cem.; KS
Welch, (see Flossie Spielman) 6/16/90
Welch, (see Ida Smith) 7/31/90
Welsh, Raymond Peter 3/5/90 Holy Angels Cem.; Garnett, KS
Welty, Marjorie (Wilson) 1/22/90 Highland Cem.
Werts, (see Lila Vandeventer) 12/21/90
West, Eugenia (Roberts) 10/15/90 Highland Cem.
West, Lewis 5/7/90 Dighton Memorial Cem.; KS
West, Lewis 5/7/90 Dighton Mem'l Cem.; KS
West, Nina Lee (Sharp) 10/3/90 Dighton Mem'l Cem.; KS
Westgate, Ellsworth Allen "Toby" 6/19/90 Flory Cem.; Douglas Co., KS
Wetterau, (see Hazel Croyle) 3/17/90
Wheeler, Charles R. 3/21/90 of Kansas City, KS
Whitcher, Lela M. 10/22/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
White, (see Doris Holmes) 3/19/90
Wigger, Emily Sue 6/20/90 Vassar Cem.; KS
Wiggins, Larry Lee 6/11/90 of Cedar Hill, TX
Wiggins, Larry Lee 6/8/90 Little Bethel Cem.; Duncanville, TX
Wiley, Hazel (Hollingsworth) 12/6/90 Oak Hill Cem.; Quenemo, KS
Wilkinson, (see Eunice Kaeckell) 10/15/90
Willard, (see Mary Douglas) 1/9/90
Willey, Esther Rebecca (Ashburn) 9/5/90 Garnett Cem.; KS
Williams, (see Anna Heimer) 4/17/90
Williams, Bernice M. (Lenzenman) 9/28/90 Waverly Cem.; KS
Williams, Glenn D. "Red" 5/22/90 St. Joseph's Cem.; Waverly, KS
Williams, Glenn D. "Red" 5/22/90 St. Joseph's Cem.; Waverly, KS
Williams, Harley R. 3/21/90 Hope Cem.
Williams, James Lucky "Sonny" 10/3/90 of Overland Park, KS
Williams, Margaret Martha 2/20/90 Welsh Cem.; Dawn, MO
Wilson, (see Marjorie Welty) 1/22/90
Wilson, Ralph Owen Sr. 1/16/90 Highland Cem.
Wismer, Jacob Lester 3/6/90 of Welda, KS
Wismer, Nettie M. 2/23/90 Mem'l Park Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Witham, L. A. "Bud" 10/11/90 Evergreen Mound Cem.
Wittman, Carl W. 2/21/90 Woodlawn Cem.
Wollam, (see Mary Hanes) 2/3/90
Wolter, Harold D. 12/24/90 Lane Cem.
Woodrum, Dimples Ellen (Bishop) 4/25/90 Highland Cem.
Woodrum, Dimples Ellen (Bishop) 4/25/90 Highland Cem.
Woodrum, Dimples Ellen (Bishop) 4/24/90 of Ottawa, KS
Woods, (see Grace Hicks) 1/23/90
Wray, (see Vena Walters) 11/19/90
Wray, Mary C. (Kinsley) 6/15/90 Pleasant Hill Cem.; Lawrence, KS
Wright, (see Rheva Hutton) 3/1/90
Yates, (see Verna Orton) 6/25/90
Ybarra, (see Tamara Burns) 8/24/90
Yelton, Elmer "Pyrl" 6/8/90 Pleasant Valley Cem.; Miami Co., KS
Yingling, Helen V. 8/25/90 Highland Cem.
Yingling, Helen V. (Sweezey) 8/27/90 Highland Cem.
Yohe, (see Beverly Bond) 4/4/90
Yost, Ruth Louise (Klinger) 12/24/90 Highland Cem.
Young, David Lee 2/5/90 Mt. Hope Cem.; Independence, KS
Young, William James 2/2/90 Shawnee Center Cem.; Wakarusa, KS
Youngman, (see Carolyn Morgan) 7/6/90
Youngman, Alvin Leroy "Buss" 6/7/90 of Ottawa
Youngman, Alvin Leroy "Buss" 6/9/90 Evergreen Mound Cem.
Zabloudil, Emma (Lehecka) 9/27/90 St. Anns Cem.; Lexington, NE
Zimmerman, (see Stella Engle) 3/23/90