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Madison County, Indiana Marriage Listings

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Madison County, Indiana - Marriage Listings

GenLookups - Madison County, IN Marriage Listings - 1956-1965 - 19

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Date: Saturday, 1 October 2016, at 12:15 p.m.

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

GROOM                       BIRTHDATE    BIRTH PLACE             BRIDE                        BIRTHDATE  BIRTH PLACE               MARRIAGE DATE 

===== ========= =========== ===== ========= =========== =============
Kaiser, Robert Dale 11/14/1939 Madison, IN Betty Jean Hock 7/15/1945 Madison, IN Saturday, September 24, 1960
Kaitschuk, John Paul 12/31/1937 Randolph County, IL Janet Ann Nay 1/30/1941 Jefferson County, IN Friday, June 18, 1965
Karst, Jerald Matthew 9/28/1938 Indiana Mary Carol Stanner 5/16/1938 Indiana Saturday, June 7, 1958
Kaser, Richard L. 9/1/1935 Lima, OH Carol Jean Whitling 2/15/1938 Lima, OH Tuesday, September 4, 1956
Kauffman, Fred Paul 12/7/1898 Logan County, OH Susie Pauline Williams 1/21/1898 Champaign County, OH Tuesday, November 19, 1957
Kaufman, Gene Robert 2/25/1936 Huntington County, IN Johannah Clark Kunkler 11/28/1937 Hollywood, CA Friday, March 27, 1959
Kaufman, Howard S. 4/18/1931 Illinois Alice Marie Ritchie 5/3/1943 Indiana Friday, September 13, 1963
Keating, James Robertson 10/23/1938 Madison, IN Janet Ruth Wentworth 7/6/1943 Madison, IN Friday, August 31, 1962
Keeton, Harvey Lee 5/13/1931 Maggoffin County, KY Mary Ann Foley 7/4/1938 Jefferson County, IN Friday, May 10, 1963
Kellems, Ronald Dean 9/6/1935 Jefferson County, IN Rose Marene Shaw 4/25/1937 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, August 26, 1956
Keller, David Leland 5/23/1942 Indianapolis, IN Marsha Elaine Dowell 6/13/1944 Madison, IN Friday, June 8, 1962
Keller, William Clinton 3/13/1938 Jefferson County, IN Gwendolyn Gorman 12/3/1938 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, January 11, 1959
Kelley, Charles F. 3/15/1916 Madison, IN Margaret Lynn Jones 3/12/1917 Madison, IN Friday, July 18, 1958
Kelley, Delbert Shannon 9/16/1924 Hanover, IN Mattie Sweat 6/29/1928 Kentucky Thursday, December 17, 1959
Kelley, Franklin 2/5/1928 Lexington, KY Anna Bertha Barnes 7/27/1932 Maysville, KY Saturday, March 2, 1957
Kelley, Harold H. 3/11/1931 Scipio, IN Flora Elizabeth Aldridge 11/7/1919 Trimble County, KY Monday, September 10, 1956
Kelley, James E. 8/28/1917 Indianapolis, IN Violet E. Kelley 4/9/1926 Brook, IN Tuesday, November 24, 1959
Kelley, Len Don 5/2/1932 Madison, IN Sondra Kay Flint 11/22/1940 Madison, IN Friday, April 15, 1960
Kelly, James L., Jr. 2/1/1937 Bedford, KY Shirley Lou Holsclaw 10/24/1940 Scott County, IN Saturday, March 9, 1957
Kelly, John Harold 4/10/1934 Syracuse, OH Anna Kathryn Bennett 3/7/1939 Madison, IN Friday, March 29, 1957
Kelly, John P. 3/4/1903 Milwaukee, WI Kathryne M. Wooley 8/9/1913 Johnson County, IN Tuesday, April 14, 1959
Kemp, Paul Ray 1/24/1941 Crossett, AR Judith Christine Parker 3/25/1947 Orlando, FL Wednesday, October 13, 1965
Kendall, James Nelson 7/17/1936 Indiana Janet Lavonne Griffin 2/8/1934 Indiana Saturday, November 15, 1958
Kendall, William Dean 1/27/1939 Madison, IN Violet Nadine Vanosdol 11/27/1939 Jefferson County, IN Friday, September 18, 1959
Kennett, Robert LaVerne 11/18/1938 Dearborn County, IN Ellen Nevada Scorggins 3/27/1941 Madison, IN 5/9/1959 (Appl. Date)
Kent, Delmar Berdsial 1/31/1945 Jefferson County, IN Anitra Louise Hock 11/1/1946 Madison, IN 7/11/1963 (Appl. Date)
Kent, Raymond 3/1/1894 Middleport, OH Virginia D. Chaney 3/9/1917 Johnson County, KY Thursday, August 9, 1956
Kessler, Eldon Ray 9/28/1941 Jefferson County, IN Carolyn Cuthbert Davis 3/6/1942 Jefferson County, IN Wednesday, June 22, 1960
Kessler, Paul Gordon 2/28/1942 Madison, IN Sandra Joyce Kendall 3/7/1943 Covington, KY Saturday, April 20, 1963
Kessler, William Evan 12/30/1911 Indiana Jewell Agnes Miller 10/9/1920 Kentucky Saturday, February 1, 1958
Kessler, William Leland 1/7/1934 Jefferson County, IN Virginia M. Mahoney 6/24/1926 Oldham County, KY Friday, June 6, 1958
Kidd, John 6/11/1894 Indiana Anna E. Cooley 1/11/1905 Kentucky Tuesday, November 12, 1963
Kidwell, Harold 2/6/1923 Jefferson County, IN Charlotte Mae Hamilton 5/7/1934 Ripley County, IN Tuesday, March 12, 1957
Kidwell, James Grover 8/18/1934 Madison, IN Jean Glenn 1/10/1938 Carroll County, KY Sunday, April 15, 1956
Kidwell, Kenneth Eugene 3/23/1940 Madison, IN Evelyn Ruth Phillips 6/7/1943 Hanover, IN Friday, August 5, 1960
Kidwell, Richard C. 2/27/1935 Madison, IN Donna C. Leatherman 2/9/1938 North Madison, IN Tuesday, June 26, 1956
Kidwell, Robert Nelson 8/17/1938 Madison, IN Wanda Marilyn McCoy 5/14/1941 Benham, IN Saturday, February 20, 1960
Kimbrell, Harold Albert 12/11/1929 Grant County, KY Marjorie Ann Rose 10/21/1934 Jefferson County, IN Thursday, December 21, 1961
Kimmerling, Richard G. 9/19/1931 Madison County, IN Gloris Jean Hudson 3/14/1936 Sommerset, KY Monday, April 8, 1957
Kimsey, James Henry 2/24/1939 Crittden County, IL Diana Auxier 1/26/1939 Paynesville, KY Saturday, February 23, 1957
Kimsey, Oakley Wayne 10/18/1936 Crittenden County, KY Jerry Ellen Lawson 9/2/1937 Madison, IN Sunday, February 12, 1956
Kimsey, Oakley Wayne 10/18/1936 Kentucky Jane Gayle Royalty 11/30/1939 Kentucky Monday, June 9, 1958
Kindoll, David 12/3/1929 Carroll County, KY Susie Warman 12/9/1935 Clark County, IN Friday, June 14, 1957
King, Delbert Owen 9/1/1927 Indiana Kathleen Pearl Whitaker 1/14/1933 Kentucky Saturday, August 9, 1958
King, Franklin Roger 3/28/1914 New Jersey Beulah Marie Fuller 11/26/1942 Ohio Thursday, July 12, 1962
King, Kenneth Carol 11/2/1940 Clark County, IN Sherry Kay Perkins 2/11/1943 Carroll County, KY Monday, July 10, 1961
King, Marvin Gordon 12/5/1934 Missouri Mary Brooks 9/20/1940 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, February 2, 1957
King, Melvin Allen 4/21/1937 Woodford County, KY Patricia Ann Shields 2/25/1938 Anderson, IN Monday, August 6, 1956
King, Richard Paul 9/11/1921 Seymour, IN Norma Ruth Wettrick 9/29/1927 Dupont, IN Wednesday, July 4, 1962
Kinman, Harold Wayne 8/20/1945 Ghent, KY Pamela Jeanne Walker 11/30/1946 New Castle, IN Sunday, June 20, 1965
Kinnaird, Samuel Wallace 8/26/1931 Edmondton, KY Patricia M. Moore 12/24/1933 Jefferson County, IN Friday, November 2, 1956
Kinnard, Donald William 6/4/1944 Madison, IN Betty Sue Ray 5/18/1946 Oneda, KY Wednesday, February 24, 1965
Kinnard, Floyd J. 9/27/1905 Deputy, IN Stella Mae Kinnard 9/20/1909 Kentucky Saturday, March 2, 1963
Kirk, Carl Franklin 3/29/1918 Bedford, IN Robeta M. Davis 3/21/1929 Kentucky Friday, December 21, 1962
Kirouac, Raymond 8/13/1941 Fitchburg, MA Ethel Burton 11/26/1933 Trimble County, KY Monday, December 20, 1965
Kiser, Frank Oliver 2/5/1918 Madison, IN Ophia Maxine Wright 2/18/1916 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, March 1, 1958
Klein, Cedric Rice 11/29/1932 Madison, IN Delores Anna Marie Klein 12/9/1938 Indianapolis, IN Saturday, August 9, 1958
Kleopler, Arch L. 5/13/1891 Jefferson County, IN Leona Yunker 1/28/1905 Trimble County, KY Thursday, April 17, 1958
Klineline, Carroll G. 1/12/1936 Westport, KY Shirley Mae Watson 8/28/1937 Casey County, KY Wednesday, July 10, 1957
Kloss, Charles Arthur 11/30/1930 Madison, IN Carol A. Smith 8/15/1938 Madison, IN Saturday, October 27, 1962
Kloss, George F. 4/9/1923 Madison, IN Wanda S. Denton 4/8/1939 Orange County, IN Monday, December 24, 1956
Knapke, William Charles 3/17/1944 Cincinnati, OH Barbara J. Hough 11/22/1944 Indianapolis, IN Saturday, October 2, 1965
Knoebel, John Alois 7/5/1937 Madison, IN Diana Sue Kennedy 3/25/1937 Indiana Friday, May 30, 1958
Knoebel, Joseph Harold 7/5/1937 Jefferson County, IN Leeodda Hearn 3/15/1940 New Castle, KY Saturday, June 23, 1962
Knoebel, Ronald Henry 7/19/1939 Madison, IN Cheryl Ann Hurrel 2/24/1944 Louisville, KY Saturday, April 21, 1962
Knox, Michael Wayne 1/25/1942 Cincinnati, OH Barbara Ann Fowler 9/2/1942 Milan, IN Saturday, March 31, 1962
Koehler, Fred W. 9/5/1940 Madison, IN Grace L. Croxton 10/1/1944 Madison, IN Saturday, April 25, 1964
Koehler, James Bernard 12/22/1938 Madison, IN Louann Kern 9/25/1942 Madison, IN Saturday, June 30, 1962
Konkle, Carroll Ray 7/16/1945 Madison, IN Sharon Lee Tilley 11/25/1944 Carroll County, KY Saturday, September 23, 1961
Konkle, Lawrence V. 8/19/1933 Indiana Judy Ann Storm 6/3/1940 Indiana Saturday, July 8, 1961
Konkle, Roy Allen 10/6/1937 Jefferson County, IN Thelma Frances Jewell 10/28/1939 Jefferson County, IN Friday, June 12, 1959
Kramer, Ernest Edward 4/27/1938 Jefferson County, IN Joan Lucille Viles 9/6/1941 Jennings County, IN Sunday, June 8, 1958
Kramer, Kurt Eric 3/25/1937 New Haven, CT Patricia Jane Sullivan 7/6/1937 Madison, IN Wednesday, September 4, 1957
Krause, Clifford Daniel 5/8/1914 Hamilton, OH Ella Maria Osborne 11/29/1917 Hamilton, OH Friday, October 4, 1957
Kreeger, David Luck 2/5/1933 Austin, IN Daisy Yvonne Rutherford 3/29/1937 Clospint, KY Monday, December 21, 1959
Kretschmer, Robert John 12/17/1934 Elkhart, IN Macy Ann Kaclin 11/10/1937 Louisville, KY Saturday, August 29, 1959
Kroger, Ronald C. 8/10/1933 Jefferson County, IN Ora Jane Ginther 6/21/1936 Trimble County, KY Friday, November 23, 1956
Kronemier, John Tom 12/2/1929 Madison, IN Janice Kay Keating 6/2/1945 Madison, IN Saturday, October 5, 1963
Kruse, W. Henry 5/29/1894 Carroll County, KY Wilma E. Cripe 9/5/1888 Franklin County, IN Saturday, December 22, 1956
Kuntz, Roger Lee 9/16/1940 Madison, IN Doris Ann Willhoite 9/17/1943 Kentucky Monday, October 29, 1962
Kuppler, Larry West 3/1/1937 Smyrna Township, JeffersWanda Jean Kusler 2/8/1940 Madison, IN Saturday, November 24, 1962
Kuppler, Robert Alvin 3/5/1943 Jefferson County, IN Beverly Joan Rogers 8/6/1944 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, January 30, 1960

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

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