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Madison County, Indiana Marriage Listings

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Madison County, Indiana - Marriage Listings

GenLookups - Madison County, IN Marriage Listings - 1946-1955 - 25

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Date: Saturday, 1 October 2016, at 10:50 a.m.

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

GROOM                       BIRTHDATE   BIRTH PLACE            BRIDE                         BIRTHDATE    BIRTH PLACE              MARRIAGE DATE 

===== ========= =========== ===== ========= =========== =============
Lewis, Leland 3/2/1930 Ripley County, IN Agnes Burress 7/4/1932 Dearborn County, IN Friday, August 1, 1952
Lichlyter, James N. 10/25/1918 Jefferson County, IN Bessie Edith Ottinger 10/25/1922 Clark County, IN Saturday, June 1, 1946
Lichlyter, Leonard 1/24/1928 Madison, IN Betty Lou Henry 8/19/1930 Chelsea, IN Sunday, January 25, 1948
Lichlyter, Lloyd 5/13/1932 Madison, IN Roberta Potter 11/21/1934 Madison, IN Saturday, September 5, 1953
Lichlyter, Oliver 11/24/1921 Jefferson County, IN Nellie Sims 6/28/1930 Grayson County, KY Saturday, June 2, 1951
Lichlyter, Raymond 1/1/1921 Jefferson County, IN Martha Smith 3/30/1927 Jefferson County, IN Monday, October 28, 1946
Ligon, Keith 5/6/1932 Madison, IN Marguerite Lock 10/19/1933 Vevay, IN Saturday, August 15, 1953
Lilly, Charles B. 7/19/1930 Owen County, KY Joyce G. Kingkade 9/13/1933 Owen County, KY Sunday, February 1, 1953
Limbaugh, Manuel V. 5/28/1925 Brownwood, TX Mattie E. Raisor 3/24/1933 Gratz, KY Saturday, December 4, 1954
Lindenmayer, Louis 9/9/1913 Clark County, IN Ruby Miller 10/9/1926 Noblesville, IN Saturday, November 22, 1947
Lines, Melvin E. 8/3/1927 Indianapolis, IN Jo Ann Hoover Ramsey 5/8/1936 Jenkins, KY Monday, May 18, 1953
Lineweber, James 2/13/1923 Canaan, IN Rose Ann Metzger 3/20/1928 Madison, IN Thursday, October 11, 1951
Linne, Charles 4/16/1929 Indianapolis, IN Mary Beers 3/3/1937 Indianapolis, IN Wednesday, March 9, 1955
Liter, Gobel E. 10/26/1924 Trimble County, KY Lora Webster 12/2/1932 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, June 23, 1951
Liter, Harey H. 7/18/1922 Kentucky Ruth Evelyn Redmon 6/12/1927 Lawrenceburg, IN Saturday, February 16, 1946
Liter, Paul 2/11/1924 Trimble County, KY Opal Chadwell 5/17/1931 Rush County, IN Friday, December 24, 1954
Liter, William 6/1/1912 Jefferson County, IN Bonny VanWye 4/1/1928 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, October 26, 1946
Liter, William T. 12/29/1922 Kentucky Fauna M. Boggs 5/9/1922 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, February 24, 1946
Little, Charles 4/24/1928 Jefferson County, IN Delta Giesler 11/24/1929 Ripley County, IN Saturday, August 12, 1950
Little, Dan 3/29/1887 Breathitt County, KY Elizabeth Collins 10/19/1889 Breathet County, KY Saturday, December 6, 1947
Littrell, Fayette 2/14/1878 Tennessee Nora Wheeler 8/13/1884 Kentucky Wednesday, November 19, 1952
Littrell, Nathan 9/7/1925 Long Run, IN Wilma Jean Morris 11/17/1930 Vevay, IN Friday, November 19, 1948
Living, Thomas W. 8/6/1913 Ohio County, IN Mary Ellen Konkle 11/27/1925 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, July 28, 1951
Lock, Donald 7/10/1931 Brooksburg, IN Thelma Young 3/1/1938 Madison, IN Saturday, December 18, 1954
Lock, Lee Wright 12/28/1905 Switzerland County, IN Goldie Mae Parker 4/29/1905 Jefferson County, IN Friday, December 24, 1948
Lock, Lee Wright 12/28/1905 Jefferson County, IN Mae Southworth 2/25/1900 Switzerland County, IN Saturday, December 23, 1950
Lock, Raymond L. 11/29/1923 Jefferson County, IN Clara McClure 8/13/1928 Indianapolis, IN Monday, August 25, 1947
Lock, Robert Dewey 4/27/1934 Jefferson County, IN Nelda Ruth Miller 7/14/1934 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, September 19, 1953
Lock, William 12/15/1922 Aurora, IN Patty Ralston NG Madison, IN Tuesday, February 25, 1947
Lockhart, Carrol 12/15/1929 Arkansas Dorothy May Britton 9/2/1933 Disco, MI Saturday, November 10, 1951
Lockridge, Allen 4/7/1915 Jefferson County, IN Virginia Skirvin 6/9/1914 Switzerland County, IN Saturday, July 5, 1952
Lockridge, Bernard Owen 9/14/1936 Jefferson County, IN Shirley Mae Elston 6/15/1937 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, June 4, 1955
Lockridge, Morris 11/30/1926 Madison, IN Lola Robbins 3/5/1932 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, June 12, 1949
Lodge, Robert Knox 6/16/1912 Madison, IN Etta Belle Helton 5/29/1928 Madison, IN Saturday, April 15, 1950
Logsden, Frank 3/31/1923 Marion County, IN Marjorie Anderson 7/23/1933 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, August 5, 1950
Loh, Lester N. 2/24/1919 Madison, IN Mary Ella May Sandifar 1/21/1925 Madison, IN Sunday, February 24, 1946
Loh, Willard 6/20/1921 Jefferson County, IN Mary Wood 7/15/1924 Carroll County, KY Saturday, April 5, 1952
Lohrig, Ronald E. 3/20/1932 Madison, IN Marina Josephine Dattilo 3/15/1931 Madison, IN Monday, October 22, 1951
Lombard, Robert G. 8/31/1924 Indianapolis, IN Mary Eloise Wolf 11/8/1926 Cumberland, IN Saturday, March 30, 1946
Long, Charles R. 9/26/1886 Delaware County, IN Maude S. Maisel 12/6/1887 Greenville, OH Tuesday, September 23, 1952
Long, David 8/1/1932 Madison, IN Marcelene Hoffman 2/25/1933 Madison, IN Thursday, January 28, 1954
Long, George M. 3/6/1922 Clark County, IN Joan E. Hardy 8/5/1928 Jefferson County, IN Wednesday, August 21, 1946
Long, James Willis 3/23/1934 Russell Springs, KY Cleo Clayne Huff 2/14/1937 Harlan, KY Friday, July 22, 1955
Long, Jewell 10/2/1934 Trimble County, KY Georgia Ann Grose 3/22/1937 Trimble County, KY Sunday, June 21, 1953
Long, Raymond Kenneth 8/19/1931 Jefferson County, IN Doris Joy Winters 8/14/1931 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, May 26, 1951
Lonhard, Floyd C. 9/12/1927 Owen County, KY Marie Liford 12/16/1933 Kinkle, KY Friday, May 9, 1952
Loos, Charles D. 10/12/1925 Jefferson County, IN Martha L. Green 8/7/1908 Madison, IN Sunday, September 21, 1947
Loos, Gerald V. 10/13/1921 Madison, IN Mary Kasper 10/11/1925 Madison, IN Sunday, December 28, 1947
Lopez, Jesse T. 2/5/1921 Arizona Rita E. Sheets 11/19/1920 Madison, IN Saturday, June 1, 1946
Lorch, Allen 8/20/1919 Switzerland County, IN Hazel Hamilton Harlow 3/23/1913 Switzerland County, IN Friday, June 25, 1948
Lord, Lynn D. 7/3/1920 Scott County, IN Thelma Kilburn 9/16/1925 Booneville, KY Friday, June 21, 1946
Lory, Irvin Russell 9/2/1927 Madison, IN June Smith 3/19/1932 Bedford, KY Saturday, April 30, 1949
Lothridge, Robert J. 1/16/1902 Carrollton, KY Della M. Leap 10/1/1896 Scottsburg, IN Saturday, November 6, 1948
Love, Paul 7/14/1926 Lorain, OH Erma Virtue 3/10/1919 Lorain, OH Friday, July 27, 1951
Lovejoy, Edd L. 5/17/1930 Genesco, IL Laverne McCutcher 11/27/1923 Trimble County, KY Sunday, February 17, 1952
Lovell, Charles Manville 4/24/1914 Madison, IN Lois Marie Collins 10/17/1919 Clinton County, OH Wednesday, May 17, 1950
Lowe, Joe E. 5/2/1929 Silver Grove, KY Wanda Lois Richards 5/1/1930 Knoxville, TN Friday, January 30, 1953
Lowry, Benjamin, Jr. 1/25/1929 Jefferson County, IN Donetta Caldwell 1/17/1932 Owen County, KY Friday, January 12, 1951
Lozar, Alfred J., Jr. 1/5/1932 Chicago, IL Donna Waas 7/23/1932 Brooksburg, IN Saturday, August 14, 1954
Lube, Russell James 9/11/1931 Cleveland, OH Carole Jean Demko 2/22/1933 Cleveland, OH Saturday, August 8, 1953
Lucas, Hubert Richard, Jr. 8/12/1927 Sanders, KY Helen Marie Gans 8/9/1927 Madison, IN Sunday, November 5, 1950
Lucas, Walter 7/12/1931 Brooksburg, IN Betty Wilson 4/9/1932 Madison, IN Friday, September 16, 1955
Lucas, Webb, Jr. 5/13/1930 Owen County, KY Gladys Ramsey 7/12/1931 New Castle, KY Saturday, April 7, 1951
Lucas, Webb, Jr. 5/13/1931 Perry Park, KY Gladys Ann Lucas 7/12/1931 New Castle, KY Saturday, September 12, 1953
Lucas, Willie C. 5/27/1922 Frankfort, KY Ellen Virginnia Caswell 10/28/1924 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, February 8, 1947
Luedera, Edward G. 2/14/1923 Chicago, IL Julia Helen Demaree 3/21/1924 Johnson County, IN Wednesday, June 5, 1946
Lueders, John Carl 3/23/1931 Cincinnati, OH Elizabeth J. Monroe 8/11/1931 Jefferson County, IN Friday, June 3, 1955
Luellen, Thomas 2/26/1924 Kentucky Wilma Gay 11/14/1926 Lafayette, IN Saturday, May 15, 1948
Lusby, Bobby G. 1/14/1932 Hesler, KY Betty Carroll Hammonds 3/15/1937 Hesler, KY Saturday, August 22, 1953
Lusby, Paul B. 7/15/1912 Owen County, KY Loreen McBurnery 12/15/1913 Worthville, KY Wednesday, March 13, 1946
Lusher, William Foster 10/15/1929 Cleveland, OH Velma Lee Winfrey 9/19/1931 Newport, AR Friday, September 29, 1950
Luther, John 7/16/1912 Covington, KY Helen Van DeRyt 1/24/1917 Cincinnati, OH Tuesday, April 7, 1953
Luttrell, John Scott 8/29/1932 Owen County, KY Luerene Story 12/21/1922 Oklahoma Friday, November 6, 1953
Lutz, Charles O. 5/15/1925 Jennings County, IN Genieve Whitaker 1/19/1931 Switzerland County, IN Monday, April 21, 1952
Lutz, Robert Eugene 10/7/1932 Jefferson County, IN Barbara LaVelle Royce 2/10/1935 Madison, IN Sunday, April 18, 1954
Lydick, Robert 12/22/1925 DuBois, PA Sara Townsend 10/16/1931 Oxford, PA Tuesday, June 24, 1952
Lynn, Hamon W. 11/7/1917 Grant County, KY Ida Elizabeth Mingus 9/4/1926 Kentucky Saturday, March 5, 1955
Lynn, Stanley 9/16/1933 Liberty, KY Louise McGuffey 5/8/1933 Evona, KY Wednesday, December 24, 1952
Lyon, Gale Leon 9/9/1924 Jefferson County, IN Mary Margaret Vestile 12/3/1925 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, August 1, 1948
Lyon, Lowell Worth 6/30/1926 Switzerland County, IN Wilma M. Koons 3/26/1931 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, January 7, 1950
Lyon, William A. 4/26/1920 Madison, IN Thelma E. Holwager 4/22/1915 Madison, IN Saturday, January 31, 1948
Lyons, Andrew C. 7/21/1923 Canton, OH Eleanor Raskin 12/19/1922 Waterton, WI Saturday, February 25, 1950
Lyons, Don 5/22/1935 Louisville, KY Marilyn Schnabel 11/5/1936 Dover, NJ Sunday, June 20, 1954
Lyons, George 10/13/1925 Madison, IN Dolores Jean Underwood 3/20/1928 North Madison, IN Saturday, November 17, 1951

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

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