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Madison County, Indiana Marriage Listings

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Madison County, Indiana - Marriage Listings

GenLookups - Madison County, IN Marriage Listings - 1936-1945 - 37

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Date: Friday, 30 September 2016, at 10:16 p.m.

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

GROOM                        BIRTHDATE    BIRTH PLACE            BRIDE                       BIRTHDATE     BIRTH PLACE              MARRIAGE DATE 

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Waddel, Ralph 1/1/1915 Jefferson County, IN Mary Mires 7/1/1920 Ripley County, IN Saturday, October 7, 1939
Waddle, James Gilbert 12/8/1924 Canaan, IN Frances Lucille Copeland 5/26/1927 Jefferson County, IN Friday, November 2, 1945
Waddle, William M. 8/29/1925 Jefferson County, IN Lucille Hatton 3/5/1926 Brown County, IN Saturday, February 10, 1945
Waggoner, Stanley 5/12/1921 Jennings County, IN Neva Morris 5/19/1919 Jennings County, IN Tuesday, April 15, 1941
Wainscott, Alva 11/17/1917 Jefferson County, IN Louise Keller 11/14/1919 Jefferson County, IN Friday, May 27, 1938
Wakefield, James 4/10/1909 Indianapolis, IN Frances M. Bentz 9/15/1915 Madison, IN Saturday, September 12, 1936
Wakefield, James D. 10/29/1916 Wabash, IN Ruth E. Badger 3/7/1918 Clay City, IN Saturday, November 14, 1942
Wakefield, Otis 10/1/1907 Marion County, IN Viola Wakefield NG Wirt, IN Saturday, March 8, 1941
Wakefield, Roscoe W. 5/7/1906 Switzerland County, IN Mary Opal Buchele 3/13/1919 Canaan, IN Monday, April 12, 1937
Walch, William P. 3/17/1911 Madison, IN Leah Carolyn Lytle 12/3/1917 Madison, IN Saturday, November 11, 1944
Wallace, Cecil 3/27/1916 Kentucky Bessie Raisor 7/5/1918 Kentucky Saturday, February 3, 1940
Wallis, Don R. 10/27/1911 Pennsylvania Mary Goode Garber 9/25/1911 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, June 17, 1939
Walp, Donald 7/6/1923 Brooksburg, IN Margueritte Wyne 2/17/1925 Deputy, IN Saturday, August 15, 1942
Walter, Allen Donat 11/4/1893 Ohio Mary Ethel Norris 8/20/1904 Kent, IN Friday, July 30, 1937
Walters, Harold E. 8/3/1913 Jefferson County, IN Bernice L. Chambers 3/13/1917 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, April 11, 1936
Ward, Bill 3/6/1913 Trimble County, KY Margaret K. Rogers 4/22/1909 Jefferson County, IN Wednesday, October 18, 1944
Ward, Charles 10/20/1917 Kentucky Julina Pender 12/18/1922 Jefferson County, IN Wednesday, December 20, 1939
Ward, Chester 10/4/1913 Trimble County, KY Willa May Underwood 9/19/1917 Trimble County, KY Saturday, May 15, 1937
Ward, Glenn Allen 6/16/1914 Trimble County, KY Viola Mae Lynch 6/20/1917 Trimble County, KY Monday, January 13, 1936
Ward, Glenn Marcee 6/12/1921 Ripley County, IN Vernia Hall 2/14/1924 Shelby County, IN Thursday, June 11, 1942
Ward, Harry Tom 10/22/1918 Kentucky Mary Agnes Brooks 1/20/1921 Jennings County, IN Saturday, March 9, 1940
Ward, Robert A. 10/11/1920 Pine, MI Laura May King 4/28/1918 Gratiat County, MI Tuesday, February 10, 1942
Ward, Samuel S. 6/26/1891 Trimble County, IN Anna Dean Mitchell 10/16/1909 Grant County, KY Saturday, August 2, 1941
Ward, William 5/6/1913 Bedford, KY Margaret K. Rogers 4/22/1909 Dupont, IN Saturday, April 25, 1942
Ward, William 3/6/1913 Bedford, KY Margaret Rogers 4/22/1900 Dupont, IN Saturday, April 24, 1943
Warfield, George 1/31/1876 Trimble County, KY Mattie August 7/6/1889 Oldham County, KY Wednesday, February 26, 1936
Warley, Gwendel C. 1/23/1921 Pekin, IN Geneva N. Nichols 3/4/1925 Monroe, KY Sunday, May 18, 1941
Warren, Richard Allen 5/3/1922 Madison, IN Leona Christina Monroe 3/7/1925 Lancaster, IN Friday, August 29, 1941
Warren, Theodore, Jr. 12/9/1924 Madison, IN Waunita June Bladen 5/9/1928 Madison, IN Saturday, November 4, 1944
Washburn, Paul M. 8/12/1915 Ohio Helen Scurlack 1/6/1915 Jackson, OH Friday, June 9, 1939
Watkins, Samuel 4/18/1917 Jefferson County, IN Geneva Woodward 9/28/1921 Clark County, IN Friday, September 6, 1940
Watson, Hugh A. 1/23/1912 Arkansas Dorothy J. Coppage 7/28/1918 Madison, IN Sunday, September 26, 1943
Watson, James A. 10/24/1914 Jefferson County, IN Lucille Humes 2/15/1918 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, April 12, 1941
Watson, Paul D. 1/26/1913 Jefferson County, IN Helen Kelley 10/5/1918 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, February 24, 1945
Wayman, Kenneth Raymond 3/22/1923 Brownstown, IN Helen Ida Whitman 8/12/1920 Tacoma, WA Wednesday, August 30, 1944
Webb, Kenneth 9/15/1897 Nashville, TN Mary Wainscott 7/27/1882 Trimble County, KY Friday, November 5, 1943
Weber, Harold T. 11/11/1911 Switzerland County, IN Alice Lynch 4/10/1923 Trimble County, KY Friday, January 29, 1943
Weber, Jack 8/5/1918 Madison, IN Mary Louise Storie 6/29/1924 Nation City, CA Friday, March 5, 1943
Webster, Burford 4/13/1910 Carroll County, KY Francis Nevill 4/11/1915 Turner Station, KY Saturday, June 5, 1937
Webster, Charles E. 7/28/1924 Dillsboro, IN Mary Robbins 1/17/1926 Milton, KY Thursday, July 19, 1945
Webster, Herman, Jr. 2/3/1916 Vigo County, IN Mary Kathleen Housefield 8/8/1918 Brooksburg, IN Saturday, November 8, 1941
Webster, James C. 3/24/1921 Carrollton, KY Anna Faye Demaree 9/19/1918 Ripley County, IN Saturday, November 1, 1941
Webster, Jay Vearn 7/21/1900 Vevay, IN Margaret Stewart 4/8/1890 Scott County, IN Wednesday, February 28, 1940
Wehner, Kenneth W. 7/9/1918 Jefferson County, IN Kathryn Ford 6/22/1922 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, March 2, 1940
Wehner, Leo Orville 9/8/1925 Jefferson County, IN Thelma Erline Burke 12/19/1925 Jefferson County, IN Tuesday, May 23, 1944
Wehner, Raymond 3/15/1920 Jefferson County, IN Mary E. Risk 11/9/1922 Johnson, IN Sunday, May 18, 1941
Weinstack, Albert 5/30/1921 Philadelphia, PA Dorothy Abernethy 10/5/1923 Frankfort, KY Sunday, May 30, 1943
Welborn, Edgar H. 8/8/1913 Evansville, IN Beryl L. Alsup 10/16/1917 Sanders, KY Saturday, August 8, 1936
Welch, Edgar Odell 1/23/1915 Trimble County, KY Helen Marie Holder 6/1/1916 Clark County, IN Saturday, June 27, 1936
Welch, Shirley 8/21/1883 Trimble County, KY Vinia Hawkins 12/12/1920 Franklin County, KY Tuesday, July 18, 1944
Wells, Harold D. 3/14/1923 Jefferson County, IN Frances M. Eaglin 12/6/1923 Jefferson County, IN Tuesday, September 30, 1941
Wells, Major 7/23/1927 Washington, D. C. Willa M. Prince 9/3/1926 Carrollton, KY Thursday, February 25, 1943
Wells, Ralph G. 9/24/1915 Newark, OH Ruth Ruffner 2/27/1916 Hebron, OH Saturday, June 6, 1942
Wentworth, James Calvin 12/12/1914 Jefferson County, IN Alta Burdine 6/11/1923 Paluski County, KY Sunday, November 5, 1939
Wentworth, James Calvin 12/12/1914 Madison, IN Lillian Pierson 6/1/1920 Aurora, IN Saturday, April 8, 1944
Werle, Howard, Jr. 11/17/1914 Cincinnati, OH Marjorie Rauckhorst 10/8/1915 Covington, KY Thursday, June 17, 1937
Wesner, William J. 7/15/1923 Linton, IN Jo Ann Kinger 8/27/1926 Louisville, KY Saturday, July 7, 1945
Westrick, Hubert 8/24/1915 Carroll County, KY Ethel Coghill 3/17/1915 Trimble County, KY Saturday, December 19, 1936
Westrick, J. J. 9/1/1870 New Barvaria, OH Mary F. Mitchell 12/7/1865 Jefferson County, IN Wednesday, December 6, 1939
Wettrick, George 3/16/1910 Jefferson County, IN Dorothy Moore 7/7/1910 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, August 14, 1937
Whaley, Russell E. 2/27/1905 Kentucky Catherine Holliday 11/6/1920 Kentucky Saturday, March 17, 1945
Wheeler, Elmo W. 11/7/1917 Bedford, KY Pauline Marie Richter 12/29/1924 Brooksburg, IN Tuesday, November 27, 1945
Wheeler, Francis A. 7/30/1914 Hamilton, OH Sadie C. Schmidt 5/20/1916 Dayton, OH Saturday, March 14, 1936
Whipker, Jesse A. 7/23/1906 Columbus, IN Frances Moore 1/7/1917 Vevay, IN Monday, December 25, 1939
Whitaker, George 9/9/1913 Carrollton, KY Josephine Smith 9/30/1914 Jefferson County, IN Thursday, April 9, 1942
Whitaker, John 10/2/1867 Kentucky Rosa Nellie Wood 12/18/1889 Madison, IN Friday, September 5, 1941
White, Clyde Ewing 6/21/1898 Indiana Jane Louise Hatchell 5/22/1921 Madison, IN Thursday, March 30, 1944
White, Ernest B. 3/12/1912 Brooklyn, NY Mary E. Crawford 6/3/1918 Madison, IN Sunday, February 9, 1941
White, George 11/8/1887 Boone County, IN Blanche I. Owens 9/23/1890 Boone County, IN Monday, May 18, 1942
White, James 12/2/1915 Union County, IN Alice Begley 6/29/1913 Leslie County, KY Saturday, September 12, 1942
White, Lamar R. 2/10/1912 Crothersville, IN Cleo E. Elles 2/19/1918 Correct, IN Saturday, January 25, 1936
White, N. Glenn 6/27/1907 Hartsville, IN Ruby Coffman 9/17/1921 Casey County, KY Sunday, March 16, 1941
White, Virgil E. 11/4/1922 Indianapolis, IN Lola Barker 11/17/1929 Columbus, IN Saturday, April 1, 1944
White, Willard 8/13/1902 Eaton, OH Emma Baesch 5/13/1902 Ohio Monday, June 28, 1937
Whitham, Herbert 3/29/1915 Switzerland County, IN Pearl McLaughlin 12/26/1910 Switzerland County, IN Saturday, May 8, 1937
Whitham, Leo Glenn 12/9/1923 Jefferson County, IN Velma Jean Konkle 3/26/1928 Brooksburg, IN Saturday, May 20, 1944
Whitham, Willis T. 5/7/1917 Jefferson County, IN Aldine E. Rogers 8/10/1921 Ripley County, IN Monday, February 24, 1941
Whitsitt, Gerald 7/15/1916 Scott County, IN Dorothy Robinson 10/4/1920 Peoria, IL Thursday, October 20, 1938

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

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