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Madison County, Indiana Marriage Listings

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Madison County, Indiana - Marriage Listings

GenLookups - Madison County, IN Marriage Listings - 1936-1945 - 2

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Date: Friday, 30 September 2016, at 8:54 p.m.

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

GROOM                        BIRTHDATE    BIRTH PLACE            BRIDE                       BIRTHDATE     BIRTH PLACE              MARRIAGE DATE 

===== ========= =========== ===== ========= =========== =============
Backus, Benjamin L. 7/11/1921 Canaan, IN Mary Ellen Barnes 8/17/1924 Manville, IN Saturday, February 27, 1943
Backus, John Charles 10/6/1894 Madison, IN Pansy Marie Spry 12/12/1924 Madison, IN Thursday, August 30, 1945
Backus, Walter Elvin 2/2/1920 Jefferson County, IN Mary Helen Ackerman 12/2/1919 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, January 14, 1940
Baglan, Alfred 6/11/1920 Jefferson County, IN Catherine Petrakas 6/16/1920 Jefferson County, IN Thursday, August 14, 1941
Bagley, James 6/12/1916 Chicago, IL Mildred Amick 3/12/1916 Indiana Saturday, July 3, 1937
Baker, Arnold 12/6/1911 Madison, IN Lucille Brison 1/27/1932 Louisville, KY Monday, April 9, 1945
Baker, Cleo 8/19/1913 Rising Sun, IN Edith Love 8/6/1914 Tennessee Wednesday, October 12, 1938
Baker, Fred 10/22/1914 Lexington, IN Jeanette Barnes 12/18/1910 Marion County, IN Thursday, December 6, 1945
Baker, James E. 6/1/1920 Indianapolis, IN Bessie Wilson 4/1/1922 Jefferson County, IN Monday, September 19, 1938
Bakes, Albert G. 5/20/1919 Vevay, IN Lois Jean Campbell 7/13/1919 North Madison, IN Friday, January 14, 1938
Baldwin, Eugene 2/6/1921 Jennings County, IN Laura H. Roland 1/7/1924 Altoona, PA Wednesday, October 14, 1942
Balen, Marion 2/29/1889 Wayne County, KY Pauline Stearns 10/24/1920 Russell County, KY Friday, November 18, 1938
Bales, John E. 1/29/1908 Winchester, IN Jean W. Shepherd 9/22/1911 Jefferson County, IN Thursday, July 14, 1938
Ball, Maurice 9/29/1912 Trimble County, KY Eileen St. John 9/10/1916 Marion County, IN Saturday, July 23, 1938
Ballard, Harry 2/3/1893 Madison, IN Clara Hunter 2/17/1898 Jefferson County, IN Thursday, January 21, 1943
Ballard, Harry, Jr. 4/24/1911 Madison, IN Melvina McDowell 9/1/1916 Madison, IN Tuesday, June 30, 1936
Ballard, Howard 6/25/1905 Switzerland County, IN Lottie Reed 9/18/1905 Kentucky Thursday, March 2, 1939
Banadio, Benjamin B. 3/9/1914 Wisconsin Caroline Bradley McKay 6/18/1913 Madison, IN Thursday, February 4, 1943
Banta, Sanford 10/10/1918 Jefferson County, IN Ruby Siebenthal 7/16/1919 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, October 12, 1941
Barber, Norval L. 5/31/1913 Jefferson County, IN Roberta M. Breeck 6/27/1921 Indiana Saturday, March 21, 1942
Barnes, Everett L. 10/2/1895 Bedford, KY Nannie McMillin 12/15/1893 Kentucky Thursday, March 24, 1938
Barnes, Glenn E. 2/15/1921 Jefferson County, IN Helen Jump 8/14/1920 Switzerland County, IN Wednesday, October 24, 1945
Barnes, Kenneth 6/27/1916 Jefferson County, IN Mary Evelyn Little 10/4/1919 Jefferson County, IN Saturday, September 24, 1938
Barnes, Marvin Lee 11/2/1915 Trimble County, KY Zylphia N. Westrick 6/29/1917 Trimble County, KY Saturday, October 24, 1936
Baron, Joseph T. 2/26/1915 Detroit, MI Jeanette Abbott 6/30/1917 Lexington, KY Friday, July 13, 1945
Bates, Jack 1/21/1919 Frankfort, KY Edna Mae Orme 7/19/1921 New Albany, IN Saturday, February 22, 1941
Bates, James 5/31/1876 Buechel, KY Mattie Vaughan 7/7/1895 Kentucky Thursday, February 2, 1939
Bayliff, Laren 11/22/1911 Plainfield,IN Lola Cummins 7/1/1921 Paluski County, KY Saturday, August 30, 1941
Baylor, Delmar 4/13/1926 Jefferson County, IN Barbara Dean 7/19/1929 Clark County, IN Saturday, September 15, 1945
Bayne, Cleve 10/9/1922 Kentucky Annis Tanksley 7/7/1926 Bloomington, IN Saturday, December 9, 1944
Bayne, David 1/22/1920 Bedford, KY Mary Browning 9/1/1916 Vevay, IN Saturday, January 25, 1941
Bayne, John G. 6/28/1921 Milton, KY Mary Nancy Keith 3/30/1924 Rising Sun, IN Saturday, June 6, 1942
Bayne, Ray 3/5/1914 Trimble County, KY Ozella Alexander 1/11/1920 Trimble County, KY Wednesday, January 17, 1940
Beabaut, Forrest 10/2/1901 Madison, IN Faye Ackerman 9/8/1906 Chicago, IL Sunday, June 18, 1939
Beach, Robert 10/7/1910 Carroll County, KY Minnie B. McEntire 9/15/1923 Kentucky Friday, November 21, 1941
Beach, Walter D. 4/12/1919 Carroll County, KY Margaret Woodruff 2/5/1921 Carroll County, KY Saturday, July 14, 1945
Beachler, Charles A. 6/28/1913 Anderson, IN H. Elizabeth Hunt 8/5/1915 Kokomo, IN Sunday, November 8, 1936
Bear, Grover V. 6/5/1914 Dupont, IN Freda Phillips 10/18/1918 Dupont, IN Sunday, April 5, 1942
Bear, Leo 2/10/1917 Jefferson County, IN Hulda Decktrah 7/31/1920 Higginsville, MO Thursday, September 22, 1938
Bear, Paul 8/28/1908 Switzerland County, IN Irene Miller 6/27/1909 Dearborn County, IN Saturday, January 15, 1938
Bear. Mark W. 12/11/1894 Vevay, IN Francis Pearl Dansch 4/9/1914 Jennings County, IN Saturday, October 9, 1937
Beard, Leslie 8/18/1914 Eagle Station, KY Marie Carlton 10/22/1924 Carrollton, KY Saturday, June 12, 1943
Beard, William 9/9/1901 Portland, IN Edith Ellwanger 11/11/1900 Woodborne, IA Thursday, April 23, 1942
Beare, Robert 2/18/1905 Seymour, IN Mildred Daugherty 2/26/1909 Hanover, IN Saturday, February 26, 1938
Beasley, Harvey H. 12/12/1915 Johnson County, IN Eugenia Giuidan 6/6/1920 Jennings County, IN Saturday, July 16, 1938
Beatty, Paul 8/26/1911 Hanover, IN Jane B. Watson 3/27/1917 Brooksburg, IN Saturday, October 22, 1938
Beck, Arthur P. 12/17/1895 Arkansas Opal M. Grinstead 9/7/1900 Ripley County, IN Thursday, May 21, 1936
Becker, Robert L. 11/20/1894 Minnesota Gertrude Hagerty 11/25/1899 Minnesota Thursday, June 19, 1941
Becklam, Freddie 10/23/1917 Switzerland County, IN Ida Mae Williams 3/8/1922 Jefferson County, IN Tuesday, August 2, 1938
Beech, Gilbert 6/22/1917 Bethlehem, IN Lura Elam 6/14/1920 Kentucky Wednesday, July 13, 1938
Beech, John Lelly 7/9/1907 Madison, IN Dora L. Claghorn 5/10/1911 Madison, IN Friday, August 7, 1942
Behnke, Roy H. 2/24/1921 Chicago, IL Ruth Gretchen Zinszer 5/16/1922 Bethlehem, PA Saturday, June 3, 1944
Behringer, Fred H. 7/24/1915 Cincinnati, OH Norma J. Turner NG Bethlehem, IN Friday, May 28, 1943
Belcher, Thomas 7/23/1923 Breathitt County, KY Bury E. Daly 7/23/1907 Seymour, IN Saturday, November 24, 1945
Bell, Barrymore 8/18/1916 Bedford, KY Grace Mary Ogden 1/7/1918 Trimble County, KY Saturday, April 10, 1937
Bell, Harold N. 12/28/1920 Connersville, IN Jean G. McDonnell 4/5/1921 Ashland, KY Friday, September 4, 1942
Bell, Jesse L. 2/15/1882 Trimble County, KY Myrtle Shanks 1/22/1892 Martin County, IN Saturday, January 13, 1945
Bell, Raymond W. 7/13/1921 Trimble County, KY Bennie Frances Martin 12/11/1927 Trimble County, KY Friday, February 25, 1944
Bell, William 10/10/1906 Tennessee Claris Brinson 2/21/1913 Carroll County, IN Thursday, February 18, 1937
Bell, Woodrow 4/5/1921 Hanover, IN Mary Risk 12/17/1926 Jefferson County, IN Tuesday, July 24, 1945
Bellamy, Raymond 7/3/1925 Madison, IN Esther Louise Lockard 2/8/1928 Osgood, IN Monday, September 20, 1943
Bellis, Richard Doriven 1/1/1917 Jay County, IN Divetta Rosalie Frakes 3/22/1920 Portland, IN 6/9/1939 (Appl. Date)
Bellow, Frank C. 6/15/1918 Michigan Nora Y. Ford 12/20/1923 Versailles, IN Sunday, September 5, 1943
Belser, Charles 8/6/1925 Jefferson County, IN Barbara Jones 10/23/1926 Iowa Saturday, March 31, 1945
Benefiel, Paul Everett 3/25/1909 Jefferson County, IN Lydia Lorene Craigmyle 11/16/1919 Kent, IN Saturday, October 23, 1937
Benge, Robert 2/14/1914 London, KY Maysel Amos 1/12/1920 Lexington, IN Saturday, February 12, 1938
Benington, DeVon Leo 2/25/1924 Boone County, IN Lorraine Beck 1/29/1927 Boone County, IN Monday, October 22, 1945
Bennett, Ambrose M., Jr. 3/20/1917 Jefferson County, IN Edith Mae Johnson 8/9/1919 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, June 13, 1937
Bennett, Clyde William 1/17/1916 Jefferson County, IN Mary Hulda Chandler 2/9/1920 Jefferson County, IN Sunday, November 16, 1941
Bennett, George C. 1/7/1912 Jeffersonville, IN Dorothy P. Miller 6/14/1912 Crestwood, KY Friday, August 22, 1941
Bennett, Harland 10/16/1909 Muncie, IN Wilena Culbertson 8/11/1905 Vevay, IN Tuesday, May 22, 1945
Bennett, Harry Thomas 2/2/1924 Madison, IN Mary Stoner 12/25/1926 Madison, IN Friday, September 24, 1943
Bennett, Howard B. 5/10/1924 Newcastle, MD Amanda F. Gladden 9/17/1921 Clark County, IN Monday, August 13, 1945
Bennett, Leonard 10/11/1919 Aurora, IN Mildred Marie Jordan 1/23/1911 Dupont, IN Sunday, August 18, 1940
Bennett, Robert E. 4/22/1922 Knightstown, IN June Ashley 7/20/1925 Madison, IN Saturday, March 7, 1942
Bennett, Walter 9/11/1900 Switzerland County, IN Fern Gaines 12/30/1906 Scott County, IN Saturday, August 14, 1937
Bentz, Walter 10/29/1920 Jefferson County, IN Pauline Cregar 10/25/1924 Fayette County, IN Saturday, October 31, 1942
Bering, Cecil Wayne 3/31/1910 Rose Hill, IL Virginia F. Young 8/19/1917 Fort Wayne, IN Saturday, May 13, 1939

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

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