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Madison County, Indiana Marriage Listings

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Madison County, Indiana - Marriage Listings

GenLookups - Madison County, IN Marriage Listings - 1906-1915 - 3

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Date: Friday, 30 September 2016, at 1:22 p.m.

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

GROOM                    BIRTH DATE  BIRTH PLACE             BRIDE                       BIRTH DATE  BIRTH PLACE             APPL DATE   MARRIAGE DATE 

===== ========== =========== ===== ========== =========== ========= =============
Gabel, George Jacob 7/1/1867 Jefferson County, IN Henrietta Fagan 9/6/1869 Madison, IN 6/29/1914 Tuesday, June 30, 1914
Gill, Harry 6/19/1884 Indianapolis, IN Luella Blackard 5/29/1883 Madison, IN 12/12/1906 Thursday, December 13, 1906
Glass, William Robert 9/22/1882 Madison, IN Florence Friedersdorff 11/19/1888 Madison, IN 7/12/1908 Monday, July 13, 1908
Glauber, Albert 3/21/1874 Madison, IN Mabel Stottlebower 4/10/1888 Madison, IN 6/20/1914 Saturday, June 20, 1914
Goins, Garrett M. 3/4/1873 Trimble County, KY Bertha Dalhover 2/6/1881 Madison, IN 11/16/1912 Saturday, November 16, 1912
Gourley, Clarence 1//6/1856 Madison, IN Martha Roberts 8/15/1858 Switzerland County, IN 4/1/1909 Thursday, April 1, 1909
Gourley, Earl W. 7/20/1891 Madison, IN Goldie May Lockridge 9/5/1891 Jefferson County, IN 4/19/1913 Saturday, April 19, 1913
Gourley, Henry T. 4/22/1875 Madison, IN Lottie May Maiden 7/2/1880 Jefferson County, IN 4/11/1906 Wednesday, April 11, 1906
Grace, Charles Clifford 7/26/1875 Jefferson County, IN Ida May E. Kremer 3/23/1880 Madison, IN 11/22/1910 Wednesday, November 23, 1910
Graham, John W. 7/1/1884 Rising Sun, IN Agnes Johann 6/21/1896 Madison, IN 9/19/1914 Saturday, September 19, 1914
Green, Earl 1/9/1887 Kentucky Jane Carpenter 4/17/1889 Madison, IN 2/8/1908 Saturday, February 8, 1908
Green, Frederick 2/9/1887 Trimble County, KY Elizabeth Blanche Siegel 2/16/1890 Madison, IN 2/16/1914 Monday, February 16, 1914
Green, Harvey 2/17/1886 Trimble County, KY Carrie James 9/9/1892 Madison, IN 6/8/1910 Wednesday, June 8, 1910
Green, Martin R. 10/24/1881 Patriot, IN Helen Hennessy 8/19/1882 Madison, IN 10/24/1906 Thursday, October 25, 1906
Greiner, Walter Albert 9/24/1885 Madison, IN Jean Sommerville Graham 3/22/1886 Madison, IN 11/11/1914 Thursday, November 12, 1914
Griffin, Edward 11/24/1894 Indiana Mabel Thenes 2/22/1895 Madison, IN 2/22/1913 Saturday, February 22, 1913
Griffith, Clendening 11/30/1889 Jay County, IN Dorothy Mary Cutshaw 10/20/1890 Madison, IN 6/5/1911 Monday, June 5, 1911
Haak, George 12/27/1867 Madison, IN Grace Stepleton 1/19/1880 Switzerland County, IN 4/29/1911 Saturday, April 29, 1911
Hanna, William A. 3/31/1878 Jefferson County, IN Maud L. Francisco 9/30/1881 Madison, IN 11/11/1912 Tuesday, November 12, 1912
Hannesser, William 9/11/1881 Madison, IN Mabel Richey 2/19/1886 Canneton, IN 11/12/1906 Monday, November 12, 1906
Hargan, Harry N. 3/31/1863 Madison, IN Lydia E. Hargh 10/20/1874 Madison, IN 7/7/1908 Wednesday, July 8, 1908
Harmon, Fred 10/2/1886 Clark County, IN Anna Hoffman 12/18/1887 Madison, IN 12/18/1909 Saturday, December 18, 1909
Harper, Nicholas 10/1/1862 Talbot County, MD Florence Harper 4/25/1867 Madison, IN 12/26/1913 Saturday, December 27, 1913
Harr, Gilbert B. 2/5/1890 Madison, IN Mary Jeannett Hermin 12/26/1890 Madison, IN 8/28/1912 Wednesday, August 28, 1912
Harris, Archie 5/15/1881 Hanover, IN Mary Allen 11/6/1890 Madison, IN 7/9/1907 Tuesday, July 9, 1907
Harris, Harry 5/2/1888 Madison, IN Carrie Shelton 6/25/1888 Millton, KY 3/12/1914 Thursday, March 12, 1914
Harris, Richard S. M. 8/31/1886 Madison, IN Maary Dean 8/14/1889 Henry County, KY 12/29/1908 Tuesday, December 29, 1908
Heath, Cleve 4/21/1886 Jefferson County, IN Dorothy Brooke Lotz 8/31/1885 Madison, IN 8/21/1915 Saturday, August 21, 1915
Henry, George W. 11/17/1873 Virginia Lottie Boldin 2/18/1860 Madison, IN 8/3/1908 Wednesday, August 12, 1908
Henry, Robert J. 6/7/1882 Madison, IN Ada M. Cisco 3/18/1886 Madison, IN 4/28/1906 Monday, April 30, 1906
Henty, Charles A. 3/26/1877 Madison, IN Minnie A. Strasemeier 10/15/1884 Kentucky 11/18/1912 Monday, November 18, 1912
Herbig, Jacob 1/22/1876 Madison, IN Bertha Bennett 11/6/1884 Kent, IN 10/23/1913 Thursday, October 23, 1913
Herbst, Maurice Frederick1/20/1879 Madison, IN Ethel F. Laidley 5/3/1889 West Virginia 10/6/1910 Thursday, October 6, 1910
Hertz, Joseph John 6/30/1883 Madison, IN Anna Cisco 6/29/1887 Madison, IN 6/29/1908 Tuesday, June 30, 1908
Hertz, Peter 3/13/1843 Germany Barbara A. Schlereth 1/30/1851 Madison, IN 4/27/1909 Wednesday, April 28, 1909
Hill, Charles Thomas 11/19/1886 Madison, IN Mamie Caroline Chatham 5/3/1894 Carrollton, KY 8/5/1913 Tuesday, August 5, 1913
Hillabold, Harry Henry 7/17/1884 Jefferson County, IN Ida May Blackard 12/6/1882 Madison, IN 2/15/1910 Wednesday, February 16, 1910
Hitz, Frank J. 7/5/1874 Jefferson County, IN Bessie N. Stackhouse 11/19/1879 Madison, IN 3/15/1906 Thursday, March 15, 1906
Hitz, Howard S. 1/11/1893 Madison, IN Ellen G. Harper 3/23/1896 Madison, IN 9/5/1914 Saturday, September 5, 1914
Hitz, Norwood J. 12/15/1887 Madison, IN Edna Belser 3/12/1889 Madison, IN 7/31/1907 Thursday, August 1, 1907
Hoagland, Peter I. 1/6/1884 Madison, IN Emma L. Breitenbach 12/8/1882 Madison, IN 8/8/1912 Thursday, August 8, 1912
Hoffman, Charles J. 4/30/1864 Madison, IN Mabel Ethel McGeorge 7/24/1885 Madison, IN 11/24/1909 Friday, November 26, 1909
Hoffman, Ira Elmer 1/29/1882 Rochester, IN Florence Emilie Demaree 6/25/1896 Madison, IN 6/13/1915 Sunday, June 13, 1915
Hoffman, Matthew J. 12/12/1886 Jefferson County, IN Clara G. Hunger 8/25/1889 Madison, IN 10/2/1911 Tuesday, October 3, 1911
Hoffman, Nicholas H. 2/12/1879 Jefferson County, IN Mary Agnes Distel 12/25/1881 Madison, IN 2/6/1906 Wednesday, February 7, 1906
Hollcraft, John 5/12/1888 Vevay, IN Tillie Born 7/10/1884 Madison, IN 6/5/1909 Sunday, June 6, 1909
Holmes, Edward 12/14/1857 Madison, IN Louisa Kraut 2/12/1854 Madison, IN 1/3/1906 Wednesday, January 3, 1906
Holwager, John Oliver 6/25/1877 Wirt, IN Maud Hammond 5/6/1878 Madison, IN 10/26/1908 Monday, October 26, 1908
Hopkins, John C. 2/10/1872 Carroll County, KY Blanche Lynch 5/16/1885 Madison, IN 4/25/1913 Sunday, April 27, 1913
Horuff, Joseph A. 8/24/1866 Madison, IN Blanche Cisco 2/25/1885 Madison, IN 11/20/1911 Tuesday, November 21, 1911
Hubbard, Oliver C. 2/10/1869 Indianapolis, IN Cassie L. Hillabold 12/18/1865 Madison, IN 9/2/1908 Wednesday, September 2, 1908
Huber, Harry J. 11/11/1879 Madison, IN Ada M. Starling 2/7/1886 Madison, IN 5/23/1914 Saturday, May 23, 1914
Hugeback, Ben J. 2/14/1886 Kentucky Maggie Bott 6/22/1887 Madison, IN 4/26/1913 Saturday, April 26, 1913
Hulett, Benjamin 5/17/1885 Franklin County, KY Eleonora Winkel 6/21/1887 Madison, IN 10/26/1909 Wednesday, October 27, 1909
Humphrey, Richard 5/21/1890 Madison, IN Margaret Keckley 7/21/1892 Newport, KY 9/17/1910 Monday, September 19, 1910
Humphrey, Samuel 12/23/1886 Madison, IN May Corbin 5/3/1893 Madison, IN 2/26/1913 Wednesday, February 26, 1913
Humphreys, George Edgar 5/27/1875 Jefferson County, IN Eva Mae Alexander 4/2/1894 Madison, IN 9/9/1915 Thursday, September 9, 1915
Humphreys, Howard 1/22/1888 Kentucky Grace Humphreys 5/31/1883 Madison, IN 10/23/1906 Tuesday, October 23, 1906
Hutsell, Clyde 8/29/1884 Jefferson County, IN Blanche Wilson 3/21/1882 Madison, IN 1/1/1907 Tuesday, January 1, 1907
Hyatt, Ben C. 9/1/1884 Louisville, KY Margaret G. Johnson 5/15/1889 Madison, IN 4/29/1908 Wednesday, April 29, 1908
Hyden, Ollie 12/25/1892 Jefferson County, IN Mary Cooke 7/18/1898 Madison, IN 4/7/1915 Wednesday, April 7, 1915
James, Foster 4/17/1885 Louisville, KY Nora Slater 7/4/1890 Madison, IN 7/11/1908 Saturday, July 11, 1908
James, William 11/2/1888 Madison, IN Bessie Frazier 5/23/1891 Madison, IN 8/21/1908 Friday, August 21, 1908
James, William H. 11/2/1888 Madison, IN Ada Athey 5/5/1896 Madison, IN 1/4/1915 Monday, January 4, 1915
Jeff, Frank E. 11/7/1875 Madison, IN Mary Voelker 1/16/1875 Madison, IN 7/8/1907 Tuesday, July 9, 1907
Johnson, Lawrence R. 3/21/1889 Ripley County, IN Irene Maud Peak 5/8/1884 Madison, IN 2/1/1912 Thursday, February 1, 1912
Johnson, Melvin 5/28/1893 Hanover, IN Marie Davenport 3/2/1894 Madison, IN 11/18/1912 Tuesday, November 19, 1912
Jones, Edward 4/2/1891 Madison, IN Florence J. Bush 3/3/1891 North Madison, IN 10/18/1911 Wednesday, October 18, 1911
Jones, Elmer 5/6/1884 Decatur County, IN Kate Binkle 10/8/1883 Madison, IN 7/21/1906 Saturday, July 21, 1906
Jones, Roy D. 11/5/1887 Madison, IN Lidee Nillhoite 10/3/1888 Madison, IN 11/14/1908 Sunday, November 15, 1908
Jones, Ruby 8/20/1890 Madison, IN May Moore 4/20/1891 Henry County, KY 3/5/1912 Tuesday, March 5, 1912
Jones, Walter L. 10/25/1884 Versailles, IN Goldie Lohrig 10/9/1888 Madison, IN 10/22/1910 Sunday, October 23, 1910
Judd, William H. 11/10/1887 Jackson County, IN Nannie Mildred McCauley 9/21/1889 Madison, IN 8/24/1910 Wednesday, August 24, 1910

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

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