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Madison County, Indiana Marriage Listings

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Madison County, Indiana - Marriage Listings

GenLookups - Madison County, IN Marriage Listings - 1906-1915 - 2

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Date: Friday, 30 September 2016, at 1:18 p.m.

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

GROOM                    BIRTH DATE  BIRTH PLACE             BRIDE                       BIRTH DATE  BIRTH PLACE             APPL DATE   MARRIAGE DATE 

===== ========== =========== ===== ========== =========== ========= =============
Carlow, Herbert 9/17/1884 Madison, IN Ada Mathews 3/1887 Manville, IN 4/3/1908 Saturday, April 4, 1908
Carson, Joel C. 6/19/1881 Alabama Irene F. Wilson 9/9/1879 Madison, IN 12/15/1910 Thursday, December 15, 1910
Carver, David 2/20/1881 Kentucky Lizzie Boyer 2/14/1877 Madison, IN 8/22/1908 Saturday, August 22, 1908
Cheatham, Robert 1/13/1858 Madison, IN Mary A. Ditzler 5/30/1889 Trimble County, KY 9/16/1907 Tuesday, September 17, 1907
Cisco, John Calvin 11/12/1886 Madison, IN Stella Potter 10/19/1886 Madison, IN 10/19/1909 Wednesday, October 20, 1909
Cisco, Joseph R. 7/16/1873 Madison, IN Henrietta Khol NG Jefferson County, IN 2/6/1906 Tuesday, February 6, 1906
Clarkson, Frank 5/5/1894 Madison, IN May Earls 3/18/1894 Madison, In 1/1/1913 Wednesday, January 1, 1913
Clegg, Oliver A. 8/13/1890 Marion, IN Mary Cowan 9/9/1890 Madison, IN 4/12/1909 Monday, April 12, 1909
Clegg, William 5/9/1894 Madison, IN Lila Walker 2/12/1897 Gratz, KY 4/30/1915 Friday, April 30, 1915
Clements, John 4/9/1885 Madison, IN Bessie L. Laidley 12/27/1882 Point Pleasant, West VA 6/4/1906 Tuesday, June 5, 1906
Cole, Andrew 2/8/1892 Madison, IN Ora Taylor 5/1/1878 Carroll County, KY 12/7/1914 Monday, December 7, 1914
Cole, James 7/23/1885 Madison, IN Goldie Ritchie 4/5/1889 Spencer County, IN 5/3/1906 Thursday, May 3, 1906
Collins, John M. 11/15/1877 Shelbyville, IN Charlotte B. Grace 9/12/1882 Madison, IN 1/30/1907 Wednesday, January 30, 1907
Collins, William J. 6/4/1872 Madison, IN Elisabeth A. Gosman 12/10/1867 Boone County, KY 10/10/1910 Monday, October 10, 1910
Conaway, Harrison J. 9/22/1866 Madison, IN Pearl Sherman 6/6/1884 Jefferson County, IN 3/17/1906 Saturday, March 17, 1906
Conaway, Jesse T. 1/17/1891 Madison, IN Elizabeth H. Garriott 4/8/1895 Bullitt County, KY 10/24/1913 Sunday, October 26, 1913
Cooney, David 4/25/1875 Madison, IN Lillie Maud Maurer 5/7/1869 North Vernon, IN 12/31/1913 Wednesday, December 31, 1913
Cowan, John 2/27/1892 Madison, IN Frances Lovell 11/10/1895 Madison, IN 9/30/1913 Tuesday, September 30, 1913
Craig, Robert Joe 2/22/1885 Madison, IN Mary Elizabeth Young 5/24/1883 Hanover, IN 7/24/1913 Thursday, July 24, 1913
Crawford, Charles G. 4/1/1874 Ghent, KY Florence S. Winnefeld 7/4/1887 Madison, IN 1/30/1910 Monday, January 31, 1910
Crawford, William 11/26/1884 Madison, IN Marnie Walters 1/31/1886 Indiana 3/26/1907 Tuesday, March 26, 1907
Crozier, Elmer L. 10/17/1874 Madison, IN Hannah C,.Wadsworth 12/6/1880 Canaan, IN 9/22/1906 Sunday, September 23, 1906
Crozier, Guy C. 2/7/1880 Madison, IN Anna L. Hill 11/24/1881 Madison, IN 12/25/1910 Monday, December 26, 1910
Curolay, Charles E. 2/10/1890 Columbus, IN Marguerite Thomas 2/2/1895 Madison, IN 6/29/1912 Sunday, June 30, 1912
Curran, Walter 11/17/1875 Ripley County, IN Jessie Adams 1/22/1891 Madison, IN 1/22/1908 Wednesday, January 22, 1908
Curtis, Wylie R. 6/9/1888 Loda, IL Gertrude Allison 9/3/1888 Madison, IN 8/20/1912 Tuesday, August 20, 1912
Daily, George M. 7/2/1871 Jefferson County, IN Alice Kahn 7/29/1885 Madison, IN 6/1/1914 Sunday, June 7, 1914
Dalton, Edward T. 5/1/1858 Nashville, TN Nada I. Diffier 2/18/1879 Madison, IN 10/14/1907 Tuesday, October 15, 1907
Davidson, Charles Cravens3/15/1885 Evansville, IN Mildred Johnson 12/9/1890 Madison, IN 10/7/1913 Wednesday, October 8, 1913
Davis, George E 9/20/1884 Scott County, IN Mary E. Clarkson 8/3/1889 Madison, IN 6/26/1909 Saturday, June 26, 1909
Davis, Harry 8/2/1891 Meridian, MS Hattie Thompson 3/22/1891 Madison, IN 4/4/1914 Saturday, April 4, 1914
Davis, Henry 11/25/1884 Carroll County, KY Syliva Patterson 12/13/1881 Madison, IN 1/12/1907 Saturday, January 12, 1907
Davis, Howard Edward 4/3/1897 Madison, IN Helen Marguerite Graham 9/5/1897 Madison, IN 10/27/1915 Wednesday, October 27, 1915
Davis, Howard R. 7/21/1888 Hendricks County, IN Hazel D. Cooney 3/22/1890 Madison, IN 11/12/1910 Saturday, November 12, 1910
Davis, Ray 1/18/1894 Scott County, IN Flora Cordrey 2/6/1893 Madison, IN 2/1/1915 Monday, February 1, 1915
Davis, Thomas H. 8/17/1886 Madison, IN Stella Hutchings 9/26/1887 Madison, IN 10/26/1908 Tuesday, October 27, 1908
DeVar, Jake 7/29/1864 Kentucky Blanch McKinney 5/22/1886 Madison, IN 7/6/1907 Saturday, July 6, 1907
Devine, John 8/4/1884 Madison, IN Flossie Howard 8/31/1880 Rush County, IN 11/16/1912 Saturday, November 16, 1912
Dew, Albert F. 4/11/1889 Madison, IN Golda Hazel 4/17/1888 Madison, IN 7/27/1912 Saturday, July 27, 1912
Dew, Arthur J. 3/17/1891 Cincinnati, OH Jeanette Slater 12/17/1895 Madison, IN 12/22/1914 Tuesday, December 22, 1914
Dew, Frederick T. 11/29/1880 Madison, IN Dulcie Whitton 6/19/1888 McGregor, IN 1/17/1906 Wednesday, January 17, 1906
Dew, Thomas W. 8/8/1879 Madison, IN Anna B, Walters 1/15/1888 Henderson, KY 10/11/1906 Thursday, October 11, 1906
Dibler, Charles S. 4/4/1869 Jefferson County, IN Lila B. Pogue 9/16/1878 Madison, IN 9/16/1908 Thursday, October 29, 1908
Dierkes, Hubert 12/21/1882 Milton, KY Lena Winkel 10/29/1885 Madison, IN 4/28/1915 Wednesday, April 28, 1915
Dorosett, Joseph C. 9/28/1884 Trimble County, KY Marietta Phillips 5/19/1889 Madison, IN 2/6/1907 Wednesday, February 6, 1907
Douglas, Charles 4/17/1885 Madison, IN Mary Honaker 3/16/1886 Madison, IN 5/5/1906 Saturday, May 5, 1906
Douglas, Charles 5/17/1886 Madison, IN Cora Singer 3/2/1890 Ripley County, IN 1/24/1913 Friday, January 24, 1913
Dowell, Walter L. 3/27/1885 Carroll County, KY Nadine W. Claflin 7/24/1893 Madison, IN 8/31/1910 Wednesday, August 31, 1910
Downer, Alfred 4/7/1882 Sussex, England Goldia Leatherbury 4/4/1891 Madison, IN 6/21/1909 Monday, June 21, 1909
Drake, Earl 2/17/1891 Madison, IN Clara Dew 11/18/1888 Madison, IN 11/25/1912 Monday, November 25, 1912
Du Shane, Donald 6/5/1885 South Bend, IN Harriette S. McClelland 6/21/1885 Madison, IN 6/27/1907 Saturday, June 29, 1907
Duke, John 3/15/1891 Pennsylvania Flossie J. Selig 6/9/1891 Madison, IN 9/13/1911 Thursday, September 14, 1911
Eckert, Henry Dale 1/29/1891 Madison, IN Cecilia Grace Montz 7/27/1887 Madison, IN 10/9/1914 Saturday, October 10, 1914
Eckert, John A. 7/4/1880 Madison, IN Alma Belser 3/14/1887 Houseville, KY 2/10/1906 Saturday, February 10, 1906
Eckert, Robert Rea 3/1/1889 Madison, IN Martha F. Cofield 10/31/1894 Rising Sun, IN 4/15/1913 Wednesday, April 16, 1913
Einsel, Ward Miller 9/4/1887 Mishawaka, IN Marion Annie Schofield 6/3/1892 Madison, IN 10/28/1914 Wednesday, October 28, 1914
Evans, Hugh 1/12/1890 Madison, IN Mary Barar 6/25/1892 Madison, IN 6/24/1912 Tuesday, June 25, 1912
Evans, William 8/31/1881 Madison, IN Jane Ferguson 5/15/1887 Trimble County, KY 8/21/1907 Wednesday, August 21, 1907
Feider, Mathias A. 1/27/1888 Carroll County, KY Mabel Katherine Knoebel 4/6/1890 Madison, IN 1/27/1909 Thursday, January 28, 1909
Fields, Joseph 10/30.1889 Jefferson County, IN Laura M. Gray 10/2/1888 Madison, IN 7/2/1909 Saturday, July 3, 1909
Finnegan, Thomas 4/14/1887 Madison, IN Lena Camerer 5/17/1887 Ray County, TN 7/12/1907 Friday, July 12, 1907
Fisher, Edward 3/8/1891 New Cordin, IN Margaret Schmidt 5/5/1889 Madison, IN 8/24/1912 Monday, August 26, 1912
Flora, Erwin B. 7/3/1892 Madison, IN Lema Taylor 3/19/1893 Trimble County, KY 9/7/1914 Tuesday, September 8, 1914
Foltz, Ben F. 4/18/1884 Jefferson County, IN Anna M. Wiegaud 8/21/1884 Madison, IN 6/23/1913 Tuesday, June 24, 1913
Foltz, George F. 7/8/1882 Madison, IN Mary E. Niesse 6/23/1877 Madison, IN 10/29/1907 Wednesday, October 30, 1907
Forburger, Arnold D. 4/22/1888 Lincoln, NB Alice M. Hillabold 8/5/1889 Madison, IN 6/13/1911 Wednesday, June 14, 1911
Fout, Charles L. 10/10/1886 Kentucky Laura Keller 3/22/1893 Madison, IN 11/27/1912 Wednesday, November 27, 1912
Fout, William 4/21/1889 Huntington, WV Laura Selig 11/27/1889 Madison, IN 6/28/1911 Wednesday, June 28, 1911
French, Raleigh 3/27/1867 Madison, IN Bindie Cosby 3/25/1889 Jefferson County, IN 12/24/1907 Tuesday, December 24, 1907
Friedersdorff, Carl B. 11/26/1886 Madison, IN Berenice M. Knoebel 1/14/1893 Madison, IN 2/19/1913 Thursday, February 20, 1913
Frohman, Maurice 10/24/1889 Columbus, IN Bettie D. Miller 5/29/1882 Madison, IN 6/24/1907 Tuesday, June 25, 1907
Furnish, Clarence Everett 5/10/1890 Madison, IN Emma Augusta Hugeback 2/24/1891 Milton, KY 8/27/1914 Thursday, August 27, 1914
Furnish, Edward I. 6/28/1891 Madison, IN Doretta F. Kick 6/2/1894 Shelbyville, IN 9/16/1911 Sunday, September 17, 1911

Indiana, U.S., Birth Certificates, 1907-1944

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