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Obituary and Death Notice Archives

Early Yavapai County, Arizona Marriages

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GROOM                       BRIDE                               DATE       LOCATION
=====                       =====                               ====       ========
Abbott, Frank M             Ortiz, Guadelupe                   9/8/00      Jerome
Abbott, J.M.                Palm, Luuisa                       9/8/00      Jerome
Abrams, John                Elliott, Elizabeth A               7/6/10      Prescott
Abshire, James W            Hull, Laura                       6/16/98      Ash Fork
Acosta, Jose M              Valencia, Eloisa M                11/26/04     Jerome
Acuna, Manuel               Verdusco, Guadalupe               7/28/06      Jerome
Ainsworth, Geo. E.          Taylor, Edith                     12/18/09     Prescott
Aitken, Hedrick D           Tuttle, Mattie B                   1/5/93      Prescott
Aitken, John M              Weaver, Georgia M                 12/8/91      Prescott
Akard, John H               Holbrook, Ida Isbell              8/15/98      Prescott
Akers, James W              Browne, Nellie H                  6/29/98      Prescott
Albares, Ramon              Agilor, Lucia                     2/16/98      Congress
Albertson, Edward M         Thorne, Elizabeth C                7/2/98      Lynx Creek
Aldridge, Dan               Havens, Lillie                    1/28/98      Cottonwood
Alexander, Henry S          Murphy, Eliza E                    7/7/96      Prescott
Alexander, James R.         Padrick, Mamie                    9/20/11      Prescott
Alexander, John H           Showers, Grace H                  5/27/09      A.C.
Alexander, John T.          Willard, Francis, Edna            7/26/06      Cottonwood
Alexander, Wm. D.           Hall, Mary                        7/30/08      Prescott
Allen, Chas. M              Stone, Ella Susan                 12/28/02     Wagoner
Allen, J.T.                 Sparks, Lillie                    2/28/99      Jerome
Allen, W.E.                 Ferguson, Sadie                    1/5/96      Prescott
Allen, W.E.                 Nash, Grace                       12/25/94     Wmson Valley
Allison, O.E.               Donlevy, Kitty                    6/12/98      Jerome
Allred, Aaron               Rodgers, Laura                    2/18/04      Prescott
Allred, Ben                 Shaw, Mabel Willie                9/17/09      Prescott
Allred, Wm. P               Joyce, Mary                       7/28/97      Prescott
Allsup, Theo A              Carter, Annie, Mrs.               5/19/10      Mayer
Alrich, Henry A             Lewis, Mildred                    10/26/12     Prescott
Altorre, Frank              Real, Artemisa                    8/16/11      Jerome
Alvarado, Gregorio          Lucero, Juana                      1/1/90      Weaver
Alvarado, Juan              Cano, Rafeila                     7/16/10      Jerome
Alvarado, L.P.              Pellejero, Rebeca                 5/15/04      Octave
Alvares, Guadalupe          Cota, Maria B                      4/6/07      Jerome
Alwens, Max J.              Stahl, Morella                    3/30/99      Prescott
Amons, Alex. T.             Petery, Matilda                   5/18/10      Prescott
Anderson, A.M.              Neptune, Ida B.                   9/15/00      Prescott
Anderson, Bernard           Morrison, Hallie                  11/14/91     Prescott
Anderson, Charlie J         Declaybrook, Ella                 6/18/06      Prescott
Anderson, Geo. F            Woodruff, Mary Virginia           12/31/03     Prescott
Anderson, Harry             Subers, Lucy Anna                 6/16/02      Walker
Anderson, Harry W.          Goff, Hazel                        2/1/12      Prescott
Anderson, Isaac             Nelson, Mrs. Lucy                 5/16/00      Prescott
Anderson, Leroy             Gale, Margherite Iddings          7/11/04      Prescott
Anderson, Thomas            Moffett, Nora                      7/3/03      Prescott
Anderson, William Charles   Larson, Neva Ethel                5/24/07      Prescott
Andomo, Ramon               Molindo, Libroda                  9/18/00      Congress
Andrade, Ygnacio            Delgado, Manula                   12/31/99     Jerome
Andres, Fonseca             Astos, Juana                      11/6/11      Prescott
Andrew, James               Archembeau, Frances Anna          12/21/08     Prescott
Andrews, Frank E            Archibald, Madeline               6/17/92      Prescott
Andrews, Henry              Helsten, Emma                      7/9/06      Prescott
Andrews, Henry T            Hundley, Luella                   12/7/94      Prescott
Andrews, M.N.               Walker, Mrs. Ida                  8/26/12      Prescott
Angulo, Pablo               Ruiz, Luiz                        10/16/08     Congress
Angulo, Rudolfo             Ruiz, Erlinda                     10/17/10     Congress
Aplustill, Henry E          Mathewman, Edith Edna             11/5/07      Prescott
Appleby, James F            Vanderwalker, Lula M              8/22/09      Prescott
Aquire, Candelario          Murritti, Camelita                3/23/02      Congress
Aquire, Clemente            Cruz, Rosario                     7/13/10      Jerome
Arase, H.                   Baba, M.N.                        12/30/01     Prescott
Archambeau, Jos. L.         Jultz, Alice A                    12/30/01     Prescott
Archer, W.C.                Boulden, Lillian Reeta            11/23/04     Prescott
Armejo, Ambrose             chavez, Marcelena                 3/25/95      Prescott
Armitage, Ayton             Morley, Alice M                   3/31/02      Prescott
Armitage, Perry C           Sanford, Jessie                   3/18/02      Prescott
Armstrong, Roddie           Welch, Ella                       3/18/02      Prescott
Arnaz, Maclovio             Yancy, Mamie                      4/12/97      Prescott
Arnold, Alex                Waite, Edith                       8/9/01      Prescott
Arnold, Ernest W            Ommen, Ida                        10/15/05     Jerome
Arnold, Robert C.           Arnold, Amy E                     7/17/11      Prescott
Arnott, Lawrence E          Talbott, Rose Edna                 9/1/04      Prescott
Arrietta, Rafael            Brombila, Maria                   7/16/98      Jerome
Arriola, Jose               Ferra, Francisco                  5/26/99      Prescott
Arriola, Marcos             Ferra, Carmen                     6/21/99      Prescott
Arthur, O. Fred             White, Pearle, L                  9/28/10      Humboldt
Asche, Chas. James          Engle, Sarah Mabel                9/15/01      Prescott
Ashbaugh, G.T.              Higgins, Mattie                   3/21/04      Jerome
Atkin, Joseph S             Talmage, Grace                    8/13/96      Prescott
Atkins, Wm. Thos            Wallace, Myrtle May                6/8/05      Prescott
Attway, Edward Guy          Pulliam, Bessie                   9/29/07      Prescott
Augustine, Phillip G        Lane, Lulu                        4/20/92      Prescott
Austin, Allen M             Twanley, Ida J                    4/30/02      Prescott
Avery, George W             Schwartz, Lottie E                 4/6/07      Jerome
Averyt, Elbert C            Prtt, Rodejie Estella              2/5/03      Prescott
Axley, Terrence             Hawke, Myrtle                      9/9/10      Prescott
Azbill, Henry               Hollinshead, Eliza                12/12/12     Prescott
Azbill, W.J.                Helm, Lena                         6/5/07      Meyer
Back, Harry W               Hough, Maggie Merle                3/1/11      Pine
Bacon, Daniell, Chas.       McKerrow, Jennett                 3/22/93      Juniper Co.
Baehr, Rudolf               Weaver, J. Edith                   2/9/98      Prescott
Bailey, James D             Howell, Katherine F               11/26/09     Jerome
Baird, Claude               Clark, Sarah Helen                12/23/10     Ash Fork
Baird, L. Leroy             Hansen, Marie M                   12/19/12     Prescott
Balades, Vincente           Rodriguez, Ignacia                4/11/03      Jerome
Baldwin, Arthur C.          Miller, Lutan, A                   8/6/11      Prescott
Balencia, Salvador          Barilas, Pancha                    4/7/94      Jerome
Ball, Frederick R           Turner, Charlotte V               1/21/04      Prescott
Ball, Geo. H                Clift, Bertha E                    3/2/03      Prescott
Ball, Harry G.W.            Martin, Minnie                     1/4/94      Prescott
Ballenger, Edwin L          Besse, Isador                      3/4/05      Prescott
Ballis, Francisco           Vernal, Franca                    5/19/94      Jerome
Balzano, Frank              Luigia, Bissetti                  8/30/07      Prescott
Banks, Antonio              Balenzula, Hacinta                4/13/01      Octave
Barbaglia, Giovonni         Salza, Caterina                   11/30/06     Prescott
Barber, Albert              Pierce, Abbie J                    4/5/02      Prescott
Bard, Frank S               Chynoweth, Katherine               6/6/07      Congress
Bardshar, Henry P           DeKuhn, Sylvia, F                 6/24/03      Cherry Creek
Barello, P. Joe             Barello, Olympia                  8/12/09      Prescott
Bareras, Sebero             Yajardo, Maria                    8/15/10      Prescott
Barnard, Frank A            Lamkin, Mary                       3/4/09      Prescott
Barragan, Jesus             Padilla, Refugio                  7/14/10      Prescott
Barralli, Jacinto           Soza, Alvina L                    1/25/11      Octave
Barrett, Ed                 Nelson, Maria                     2/28/91      Prescott
Barrett, George             Watkins, Anna                     12/22/11     Jerome
Barrett, Knowlton           Jackson, Faustina                 3/19/91      Walnut Grove
Barrett, W.                 Young, Maggie                     8/13/92      Prescott
Barsanti, Guiseppi          Dandrea, Christina                1/25/94      Prescott
Barsurto, Antonio           Mallinedo, Eulalia                12/4/02      Congress
Bartel, Ed G.               Wilson, Jennie A                  6/15/87      Prescott
Barthalmew, Edw. L          Cadwell, Clara                     6/6/00      Congress
Barton, J.G.                Gireaux, Mossie                   2/16/96      Prescott
Barvoza, Teodora            Fabariz, Carmen                    5/1/09      Congress
Bass, Calvin, McCoy         DiMars, Dorella Andrina           4/25/00      Prescott
Bassett, Henry W            Whitehair, Minnie F               4/28/96      Prescott
Bate, Thomas H. Jr          Marks, Florence Mae               2/25/01      Prescott
Bates, Eli                  Wells, Ida                        11/25/96     Prescott
Bates, Wm. D                Wells, Rosa                        1/1/03      Meyer
Batkin, Frank C             Burnham, Alice                    3/21/11      Prescott
Batton, Chas. M             Finney, Maybelle                  6/26/01      Prescott
Beaconi, John               Gabarino, Dora                     8/1/98      Willow Creek
Beavers, H.H.               Greenwald, Amelia A                3/6/10      Prescott
Behring, Frank              Haney, Irine                      6/14/10      Prescott
Bell, Roy                   Laken, Eva M.                     7/31/11      Prescott
Bellah, A.J.                Wisler, Blanche                    8/1/94      Prescott
Bennett, Grant              Healty, Catherine C                9/7/10      Groom Creek
Bensch, Ernest              Geffert, Emma                     10/12/10     Prescott
Bentes, Chas.               Juarez, Domilita                  10/12/10     Humboldt
Benton, Edgar, S            Nash, Mattie Mrs.                 7/29/91      Prescott
Bermundez, Apollonis        Antiveros, Juliana                11/22/11     Meyer
Bernard, Louis              Flora, Saffo                      7/20/09      Poland, Az
Bertino, Lawrence           Oser, Emily                       5/18/12      Jerome
Beven, Fred E               Barclay, Nora                      6/3/11      Prescott
Bidwell, Edmund             Smith, Ruth O                     11/9/98      Prescott
Biggs, jOhn                 Lombard, Rachel R                 11/20/97     Cottonwood
Bigham, Chas.               Bristow, Maud                     2/17/98      Jerome
Billings, Fred              Dillon, Eliza                     7/19/10      Jerome
Bird, Antonio               Muse, Alice Emma                  6/24/89      Upper Verde
Bisjak, Anton               Branzaz, Sophia                    2/5/10      Prescott
Black, Harry                Zazeda, Bessie                     1/1/19      Ash Fork
Bliss, Edgar F              Taylor, Jose                      11/7/09      Big Bug
Bliss, Robt. R              Burlison, Eva A                   11/21/11     Prescott
Bower, Chris                Fraser, Nellie                    5/23/11      Prescott
Bowman, Edgar Lee           Allen, Laura Viola                5/24/11      Prescott
Bozarth, Orville D          Hite, Nancy Catherine             3/23/10      Prescott
Bradbury, John C            Adolphi, Lydia H                   1/6/09      Prescott
Bray, Geo.                  Hutchines, Pearle R               11/19/10     Prescott
Breit, Martin M             Boucher, Eva Gillie               5/15/09      Prescott
Brinkman, Edward            Rubidoux, Lena                    10/8/10      Ash Fork
Briody, Thos. F             Ream, Florence E                  2/24/12      Prescott
Bristow, Geo. O             Price, Ethel                      3/10/11      Camp Verde
Bristow, Tho. P.            Brooks, Harriett R                4/23/09      Camp Verde
Broches, Tom                Ferra, Maggie                     8/25/12      Prescott
Brown, Frank G              Davis, Mary A                     10/27/09     Prescott
Bruce, C. Arthur            Orme, N. Florence                 4/11/09      Prescott
Bryson, John L              Wallace, Janie                    10/16/09     Prescott
Buckley, Maury W            Shull, Marguerite E               8/31/12      Prescott
Bujan, Augustine            Gonzales, Josefa                  11/13/09     Jerome
Burleson, Joseph L          Lessard, Elva Violet               6/5/12      Prescott
Burt, Charles H             Rothwell, Lulu L                  11/18/09     Seilgman
Burton, Walter J            Mumford, Ruby                     9/19/09      Prescott
Bybee, Carl                 Burleson, Ellen                   6/16/09      Humboldt
Byers, Chas. S.             Knight, Ida                       8/16/12      Prescott
Byers, Elvin Earl           Holmes, Alma Ruth                 3/26/10      Phoenix
Davenport, L.O.             Farrell, Ellen Nora               11/4/11      Red Star
David, T.W.                 Murdock, Mary Jane                7/20/11      Camp Verde
Davis, Henry C.             Biquet, Jeanne                    3/16/10      Prescott
Davis, Wm.                  Martin, Bertha M                   9/3/10      Ash Fork
Dean, William               Menefee, Mattie H                 8/29/10      Prescott
DelBaca, Peter              Aquese, Chatilde Dell              7/1/10      Jerome
Deming, Paul H              Fredericks, Winifred C             9/7/12      Jerome
Denny, Clarence             Brown, Isabel                     12/22/09     Prescott
DeSilva, Emanuel            Shaw, Sarah M                     12/31/08     Prescott
Dickinson, Lee Roy          Duncan, Ellen Pearl               12/22/09     Prescott
Dickson, William D          Brink, Cora                        3/3/09      Kirkland
Dine, Willis                Arnett, Abbie                     1/19/12      Prescott
Drain, Thomas F             Haynes, Rubie E                   6/28/11      Seligman
Dunlap, Charles W           Fountroy, Matilda M               10/11/10     Prescott
Duran, Autinguies           Rubera, Mercedes                  9/17/10      Jerome
Dyer, Henry K               Riley, Bessie A                   3/29/12      Camp Verde
Eads, Grant                 Wright, Mrs. N.H.                 5/17/11      Prescott
Eads, Jean                  Fisher, Ethel                     7/12/11      Prescott
Earnhart, Milton L          Hodges, Nellie                     9/1/11      Prescott
Eckert, Clarence E          Lange, Sarah A                    6/29/12      Prescott
Ehle, Frank A               Hannum, Adelia A                  6/20/10      Prescott
Elkin, Willett E            Walker, Ollie M                   8/19/10      Prescott
Ellis, Frank                Nox, Olga                         1/16/11      Prescott
Ellison, Wm. P.             Lewton, Elsie Anna                4/27/12      Prescott
Emerson, C.Roger            Cave, Estella K                    6/7/10      Prescott
Enriques, Dolores           Anabisca, Dolores                 7/22/10      Jerome
Eyrich, John                Bessett, Ada                       5/4/12      Prescott
Feinsot, Phillip            Gitelsohn, Minnie                 12/2/08      Prescott
Fescura, Giovanni           Pistorio, Guiseppina               2/2/09      Jerome
Fierro, Reyes               Betters, Mrs. Ada                 12/12/09     Ash Fork
Fischass, Gotlieb           Boseger, Mary                      1/8/10      Jerome
Flores, Ramon C             Miranda, Maria                    4/24/09      Humboldt
Fondy, Richard              Fallon, Bessie                    7/10/90      Jerome
Ford, Richard, S            Miller, Mary K                    11/24/10     Jerome
Ford, Robert W              Clay, Ida May                     11/2/12      Prescott
Freeman, Ed                 Blumbert, Cecila                  1/15/09      Prescott
Funke, Theo                 Brown, Refugio                    12/27/09     Prescott
Furrey, Solomon O           Gerdes, May E                      7/3/11      Prescott
Fury, Robert A              Mize, Lola Bell                   11/13/10     Meyer
Gable, Lee S                Gable, Ella                        9/6/10      Prescott
Gadsby, Lyle H              Casey, Martha                     10/29/10     Prescott
Gage, Arthur E              Gunn, Gertrude Elizabeth           2/1/11      Congress
Garcia, Julio               Sarabia, Felicita                 8/17/09      Prescott
Garcia, Mariano             Enriquez, Loreto Miramon          4/18/09      Jerome
Garrett, Harry W            Atterway, Saler                   9/28/10      Prescott
Garside, Joseph W           Ricketts, Gertrude V              10/28/12     Humboldt
Gentry, Charles E           Lewis, A. Duke                    9/11/11      Prescott
George, Charles R           Gore, Pearl                       1/31/10      Prescott
Gerrish, Clifton L          Longerat, Mary L                  5/25/10      Thomsn Valley
Gibbons, Edward J           Winkler, Pauline                  12/10/10     Jerome
Gibson, George L            Jones, Marietta                   12/25/10     Tomsn Valley
Gibson, Julian C            Roberts, Louise M                 11/10/08     Hillside
Gibson, Van Robert          Weitzel, Katherine Ida             5/4/09      Prescott
Gill, John P                Snyder, Blanche Julia             6/23/11      Bumble Bee
Gilmore, Gordon G           Kearley, Anna May                 6/16/10      Prescott
Gonzalez, Daniel            Salva, Segunda                    5/11/11      Jerome
Goodwin, Harry W            Ford, Arizona                     6/20/11      Prescott
Grace, Joseph R             Jackson, Mrs. Clara A             4/17/09      Prescott
Graham, Sidney              Meagher, Nellie                   6/18/10      Prescott
Gray, William E             Mimms, Lutie                      11/6/09      Prescott
Greene, Chas. R.            Haisley, Mary O                    9/7/12      Prescott
Grenko, George              Recharich, Mary                   9/12/12      Jerome
Griffin, William H          Hinman, Fanny Adeline              3/8/11      Jerome
Griffith, Harry C.          Brooks, Georgie E                 2/10/10      Seligman
Grifith, Harry C.           Griffith, Georgie E               10/4/11      Ash Fork
Grimes, Chas. D.            Taylor, Dora Emaline              8/21/12      Cottonwood
Gronlund, Wm                Spencer, Alice L                  6/20/10      Ash Fork
Guetierres, Louis           Ottero, Angelita                  11/17/09     Cr. King
Gunn, William D             Livingston, May Fraser            6/29/10      Prescott
Gunnell, Walter B.          Godish, Bertha                     7/9/10      Prescott
Gutierrez, Jose             Rodiges, Livraba                  10/24/12     Prescott
Haddick, Roy                Clark, Pearl Olive                1/31/10      Jerome
Haecker, C.H.               Meyeer, Mrs. Viola                1/30/11      Prescott
Halbert, John               Litteral, Minnie M                11/23/11     Prescott
Halstead, Ambrose           Glenn,Hazel R                     10/3/12      Prescott
Hand, Francis B             Haskew, May                       10/22/09     Prescott
Hankey, John                Smith, Ida                         6/3/11      Prescott
Hanson, Lloyd               Woodmansee, Olive E                9/5/11      Prescott
Hanson, Robert M            Engen, Belle, Mrs.                 1/9/09      Prescott
Harris, Edward M            Gibson, Anne May                  11/27/12     Prescott
Harris, H.A.                Resnick, Martha                   10/28/12     Prescott
Harris, Wm. E.              Hutchins, Carrie, E               2/12/10      Prescott
Hart, Eugene P              Nail, Ella                         5/5/09      Jerome Junction
Haskins, Harry              Briggs, Mrs. A.E.                  3/4/11      Prescott
Hauser, Carlton             Bray, Mrs. Belle                  4/16/12      Ash Fork
Heath, Wm. D                Miller, Chloe                     11/19/12     Prescott
Heil, Fred J. Jr            Turner, Clara Katheryn            12/4/09      Prescott
Heisser, Charles P          Buckley,Olive I                    9/8/10      Prescott
Henderson, Robert J         Wilson, Stella                    2/17/12      Prescott
Herrera, Nazario            Ramirez, Leonor                   10/3/10      Congress
Hill, Wm. Andrew            Thomas, Mabel Ruth                4/30/12      Big Bug
Hiscox, Shepard             McFadden, Margaret                6/25/10      Prescott
Hoag, Charles C.            Wood, Cora                        12/24/08     Prescott
Holder, Ogden               Brink, Lizzie                     5/28/12      Prescott
Howard, William             McCullough, Clara                 10/4/10      Prescott
Howe, Ernest                Thomas, Edna                      4/17/11      Prescott
Hughart, Elmer              Sweat, Edelta                      9/1/10      Tacker's
Hull, George F.             Scott, Etta S                     9/29/12      Prescott
Humada, Francisco           Favarez, Elvira                   1/16/09      Congress
Hunter, James H             Hutchinson, Vinie                 6/22/12      Prescott
Hunter, Shadrach V          Hopkins, Mrs. Lucy                4/12/11      Prescott
Hussner, Alfred             Myers, Anna                        9/5/11      Prescott
Ione, Facundo               Estrella, Lupe                     4/5/09      Prescott
Irvine, Thomas R            Peters, Margaret                  2/13/09      Prescott
Jackson, H.T.               Kilmer, Blanche                   11/24/10     Prescott
Jackson, Jesse              Kinsey, Addie                     9/26/11      Jerome
Jacoby, Derrise             Moffett, Emma J                   9/20/09      Prescott
Jameson, James              Gomez, Isabel                     12/3/09      Congress
Johnson, D. Cannon          Hotchkiss, Dottie Day             4/14/12      Cornville
Johnson, James J            Hensley, Flora A                  11/28/12     Seligman
Jones, Henry Otis           Buiford, Edna May                 8/15/11      Prescott
Jordan, Fred W              Powell, Alice M                    3/2/10      Prescott
Joslin, Charles T.          Miller, Ada, M                    11/4/10      Prescott
Juleff, George F            Campbell, Alice Martin             1/2/09      Prescott
Keene, Ira Oscar            Harbeson, Edna                     7/4/09      Prescott
Kellar, John                Berganer, Kalfaiena               10/7/10      Ash Fork
Kennedy, James              Bell, Pearl E                     6/19/11      Jerome
Kentner, Everitt C.         Sodebury, Mrs. Ora J               4/7/10      Ash Fork
Kessler, Fred N             Cline, Clarie                     2/17/09      Prescott
Kiessling, Richard          Deaton, Bessie                    10/1/10      Prescott
Kizer, Carl W               Love, Georgia M                   9/17/10      Prescott
Kizer, John                 Mahoney, Lizzie                   10/25/11     Prescott
Kohl, Harry B               Smith, Anna Margaret               3/2/11      Prescott
Kohls, Albert W             Cumberland, Laura E               4/27/11      Prescott
Kronman, A                  Harmonson, Hannah                 6/26/12      Jerome
Krpau, Filip                Dogan, Lucia                      9/27/09      Jerome
Kukuruzovich, Anton         Margaretich, Kata                 7/19/01      Prescott
Kusmeier, Edwin             Echols, Mary L                    6/22/12      Prescott
Midrano, R.                 Tamori, Eledia                    7/16/10      Jerome
Miller, Bruce               Jones, Ina                        11/7/12      Prescott
Miller, Frank O.            Spiller, Belle                    3/21/10      Prescott
O'Connell, John             Sines, Lydia                      5/28/11      Prescott
O'Neal, Mark                Knight, Adaline                   6/14/12      Prescott
Orapeza, Simon M            Morales, Petra                    7/17/11      Jerome
Orr, J.W.                   Pool, Polly Ida                    7/1/09      Prescott
Ortega, Marcos              Scremento, Lus                    6/23/09      Seligman
Ortiz, Juan                 Miraman, Cleofas                  12/11/12     Jerome
Osborn, Stephen             Osborn, Alma                      10/16/10     Prescott
Osborne, Patrick H          Rybon, Grace                      5/15/09      Prescott
Otis, T.W.                  Otis, Anna P                      10/10/12     Prescott
Overhulse, C.E.             Paullani, Mary E                   6/3/12      Prescott
Palacio, Juan               Zosa, Casmira L                    7/6/10      Prescott
Palich, Ludwig              Kanzlarich, Dorka                 10/18/09     Jerome
Park, Alfred                Montgomery, Rose                  7/28/09      Prescott
Park, Ernest J.             Massey, Mae                       7/23/12      Prescott
Park, Thad W                Van Deren, Rosetta                7/20/12      Prescott
Parker, Charles L           Nelson, Nettie B                  4/19/09      Prescott
Parker, David E             Sloan, Lola M.                    6/22/10      Ash Fork
Parker, Frank N             Davis, Flossie M                  8/13/10      McCabe
Payne, Edwin C Jr           Mitchell, Laura                   6/21/10      Prescott
Payne, George M             Phillips, Gertrude                4/12/09      Prescott
Pemberton, Sam B            Postal, Alice E                   11/26/08     Prescott
Pemburton, Edward L         Baxter, Goldie                    12/5/10      Prescott
Pennington, R.G.            Devine, Carry M                   9/14/10      Prescott
Perez, Francisco            Vidano, Leopolda                  10/24/11     Humboldt
Perez, Hipoleto             Concepcion, Maria                 4/27/11      Prescott
Perez, Ventura              Navarro, Carmen                   11/16/08     Congress
Perpich, Luy                Kerparr, Luzia                     2/6/10      Jerome
Pietsch, Otto               Bosiger, Louise                   9/26/10      Prescott
Powell, Dudley R            Saunders, Rollie Dorot            12/21/10     Prescott
Preste, Earnest             Layral, Gabriell                  10/6/09      Congress
Price, Louie B.             Wiley, Ida june                   12/23/09     Prescott
Purtyman, Geo. S            Sessions, Edith                    9/2/11      Cherry
Radakovich, Nicholas        Sprahm, Helen                     2/26/12      Prescott
Ralston, Arch               Boren, Dena                        9/1/10      Camp Verde
Ralston, James T            Godec, Rose M                     4/23/10      Camp Verde
Ralston, John               Godec, Elma E                     11/27/12     Camp Verde
Ralston, Wm. E              Dickison, Arintha M               11/21/12     Camp Verde
Ranney, Jeremiah            Durbin, Iva                       10/2/10      Prescott
Rano, Charles G             Wideman, Addie                    4/14/10      Prescott
Read, Geo. W                Willis, Fannie S                  6/29/11      Prescott
Reed, Uriah, D              Smith, Mrs. Johnnie                8/2/12      Camp Verde
Rees, David                 Brown, Minerva                    10/13/10     Sedona
Reeves, Oliver              Allen, Ethel Virginia             10/6/09      Cherry
Reichard, Vance A           Reichard, Laura S                 10/26/08     Prescott
Reilly, William             Sines, Mamie                      11/11/08     Prescott
Ricca, John                 Ricca, Mary                       10/19/10     Prescott
Richetts, Roland C          Hinton, Louisa                    5/27/11      Prescott
Righton, John M             Ulmo, Georgie I                   6/19/12      Prescott
Rigoni, Calisto             Carillo, Isvael                   10/1/10      Jerome
Rivas, Juan                 Delgado, Emilia                   4/27/11      Prescott
Rivera, Cas.                Cordova, Dolores                  10/8/10      Jerome
Rivera, Pablo               Rodriguez, Martina                6/11/10      Walker
Robbins, Robert M           Hite, Virginia A                  10/12/10     Prescott
Roberts, Sidney R           George, Tracy Anna                 1/5/10      Hillside
Robinson, Frank L           Sparks, Mary                      11/19/08     Prescott
Rodenburg, Julius N         Woodmansee, Mamie                 5/15/10      Prescott
Rodgers, James Jr           Strohm, Bessie                    3/12/12      Prescott
Rodrigues, Felix            Garcia, Manuella                  3/14/09      Poland, Az
Rodriguez, Sixto B          Mesa, Myrtle                      11/16/12     Jerome
Rogers, A.H.                Cherry, Myrtle May                12/20/08     Camp Verde
Rogers, C.E.                Malone, Mrs. Ida M                8/31/12      Prescott
Rogers, E.A.                Gardinhire, Martha                 3/3/94      Prescott
Rogers, Hugh                Phillips, Mamie                    2/9/12      Prescott
Roggia, Lingia              Righetti, Teresa                  12/4/11      Prescott
Romero, Theadore            Lobio, Esperanza                  9/21/10      Walker
Rosales, J.E.               Villalovos, Arcadia               1/10/10      Ash Fork
Rosas, Manuell              Garnica, Carmen                   4/14/11      Humboldt
Rosas, Victorino            Millan, Luisa                      6/8/11      Prescott
Rothwell, Albert J          Johnson, Ollie                    6/17/11      Seligman
Rovorino, Lawrence          Biselli, Catterina                 6/2/12      Prescott
Rucker, August G            Rhodes, Dora                      6/11/11      Jerome Junction
Russell, David W            Herndon, Florence J               5/25/12      Prescott
Russell, William C          Farrell, Ethel                     3/9/10      Prescott
Ryan, Edward L              Phifer, Margarette                11/22/11     Jerome
Sadler, Harry               Koepke, Elsie M                   1/21/09      Jerome Junction
Sallings, Joseph A          Slater, Eva                       12/16/09     Seligman
Sanchez, Miguel             Reza, Maria                       11/22/12     Jerome
Sandretto, Domenico         Sandretto, Catariano              2/10/09      Poland, Az
Sandrg, Joe                 Coqua, Louisa                     6/16/10      Prescott
Savage, Bert L              Turnbull, Effie L                 12/24/08     Prescott
Schell, Joseph              Sullivan, Lucretia                 2/1/10      Camp Verde
Schillerstrom, Merl         Harkin, Evelyn M                  9/12/12      Prescott
Schroeder, Nicholas         Rokabe, Carrie                    11/25/11     Prescott
Schultz, Clyde Lee          Shott, Ola                        5/25/09      Prescott
Schwab, Jacob               Riddell, Myra                     10/28/12     Prescott
Scott, John R.              Delbridge, Janie                  12/3/10      Prescott
Seaton, Clarence H          Turner, Lillian C                 8/16/11      Mayer
See, Henry H                Casner, Ida B                     5/15/09      Prescott
Sehl, William               Knapp, Norma Rae                  11/30/12     Prescott
Sesmar, Fabricio            Plumridge, Mary                   9/29/09      Prescott
Sheffield, T.J.             Sanders, Alvina                   8/15/11      Prescott
Sheridin, Wm. F.            Bruce, Clara Emma                 11/4/08      Rutherford
Sianes, Bidal               Laras, Guadalupe                   6/4/10      Prescott
Simay, Andrew               Szabo, Lizzie                     6/21/10      Jerome
Simmons, Robert C.          Miller, Mary H                    12/24/11     Prescott
Simpson, John               Hamilton, Jessie                   7/3/12      Prescott
Simpson, Lon                Prince, Augusta                   10/3/12      Prescott
Sinclair, Robert C.         Burns, Elva                       7/20/11      Prescott
Sines, George H.            Willis, Della Gertrude            7/14/10      Jerome
Siqueiros, Jesus            Sares, Paula                      7/14/10      Jerome
Slevin, Wm. E               Avilla, Mary L                    6/20/10      Prescott
Smith, Albert               Chase, Elizabeth                  10/17/11     Prescott
Smith, Frank C              Ehle, Margaret May                8/15/10      Prescott
Smith, Herbert E            McKeen, Bessie C                   4/2/10      Prescott
Snow, Frank                 Creighton, Norma E                8/10/10      Iron Springs
Solorzano, Guadalupe        Granillo, Maria                   9/21/10      Prescott
Spear, Samuel               Baker, Edna M                     3/13/11      Prescott
Springer, Huston C.         Jones, Dorothy Margaret            8/2/09      Prescott
Sproule, Charles            Rood, Lora                        1/11/09      Prescott
Stewart, Harry A.           Wagner, Ella                      8/11/10      Prescott
Stockdale, Thos. W.         Champie, Emma                     6/15/11      Hot Springs
Stockstill, Chas. B.        Dempsey, Anna A                   6/27/11      Prescott
Storm, William B.           Stepan, Bonita A                  11/4/11      Prescott
Strohm, Henry               Nichols, Bettie                   4/20/10      Prescott
Stuthman, Henry D.          Hovey, Minnie                      4/2/11      Prescott
Subers, John Henry          Welch, Fronia Anna                12/31/11     Prescott
Sulivan, Jack               Riordan, Mary                     2/23/11      Jerome
Sullivan, Cornelius         Sullivan, Helen                   6/30/11      Jerome
Sullivan, Martin, L.        Peterson, Ruth                     2/8/11      Prescott
Swetnam, Chas. R.K.         Gossman, Wilhelmine M             2/16/10      Prescott
Tashquinth, Raymond         Ralavenka, Clara Kate             12/1/09      Prescott
Taylor, Charles E           Eldredge, Georgia                 12/2/12      Prescott
Taylor, George H            Chapman, Charlotte C              9/14/10      Prescott
Telles, Carlos              Ochoa, Luisa C                    6/30/09      Congress
Thall, George               Rogers, Glendora                   3/5/12      Prescott
Tharp, Barney G             Lapthorn, Bertha                   3/5/12      Prescott
Thom, D.C. Jr               Bevering, Nellie                   1/9/11      Prescott
Thomas, Ernest              Thomas, Martha Ann                8/21/11      Jerome
Thomas, Michael             Warren, Minnie                    7/19/09      Jerome
Thorbeck, Hugo              Fitzgerald, Catherine             6/11/11      Prescott
Thorne, George E            Mildreth, Minnie F.               8/11/12      Prescott
Thurman, J.S.               Allen, Ferndell J                 5/18/10      Prescott
Thurston, Edward E          Hart, Anna Nancy                  3/31/09      Oak Creek
Tindall, R.T.               Cook, Alice                       12/25/09     Prescott
Tisdale, Peter I            Rowley, Mary Elizabeth            12/25/09     Prescott
Tomlinson, Edward L         Thomas, Roma                      7/29/11      Prescott
Torres, Anontio             Vega, Veneana                     1/25/11      Weaver
Torres, Jesus               Hernandez, Carmen                 11/29/09     Puntenney
Torres, Salvador            Buchanck, Juana                   9/29/12      Jerome
Travis, Delus               Luvitt, Mattie                    5/17/11      Jerome
Tribby, Maurice L           Ford Florence                     2/15/09      Prescott
Valdovinos, Francisc        Garcia, Terese                    4/10/11      Prescott
Valerio, Joe                Sanita, Anna                      12/23/11     Prescott
Van Vranken R.C.            Silverthorn, Edith                 4/1/10      Prescott
Vasquez, Jose               Ramirez, Juana                    6/20/10      Congress
Vega, Francisco             Palomarez, Josefa                 12/16/08     Congress
Vega, Loreto G              Lopez, Carmen                     10/2/12      Prescott
Verdugo, Greg.              Miranda, Refugio                  12/23/09     Humboldt
Vihel, Steve I              Cockrell, Leona D                 11/7/11      Prescott
Villa, R.R.                 Madrid, Marie                     10/5/12      Jerome
Vincent, Henry C            Ehret, Ada J                      10/4/09      Prescott
Von Achen, Peter            Carmady, Hazel                    3/13/10      Prescott
Vyne, Garrett O             Woodword, Harriett C              5/18/11      Prescott
Wager, Elwood Roy           Vaglio, Mary Annie                9/20/09      Poland, Az
Walker, Charles A.          Hutchins, Bertha May               7/3/10      Prescott
Walker, D.J.                Triem, Emma M                      8/3/09      Prescott
Walker, James               Champie, Ida Gertrude             6/17/11      Prescott
Walker, Robert T            Board, Mary Eliz.                 5/22/12      Prescott
Wallace, Albert E           Clark, Teresa Marion              7/15/10      Prescott
Wallace, Arval M            Hubbel, Grace L                   1/20/11      Prescott
Ward, Humboldt              Agalard, Mary L                   6/11/10      Prescott
Warlop, Julius F            Nichols, Marie                    9/20/10      Prescott
Warren, David J             Stroud, Eleanor M                 6/28/10      Prescott
Washington, Wm. D           Foley, Mabelle H                  5/10/11      Ash Fork
West, A. Burt               Duhigg, Mary Francis              11/6/10      Mayer
Whaites, Joseph             Clanton, Florence                 10/28/12     Prescott
Wheeler, Ora G              Morris, Francis                   7/20/10      Prescott
Whipple, James L            Subers, Lucy A                    2/10/10      Prescott
Whitcomb, Edward, O         Coulson, Myrtle B                 5/11/09      Jerome
White, C. Walfred           McMackin, Alice                    7/1/09      Prescott
White, James T.             Durbin, Alice E                   10/9/12      Prescott
Wiley, J.D.                 Higgins, Catherine A              1/17/09      Prescott
Williams, Emmette C         Fulcher, Alicia C                  8/4/12      Prescott
Williams, Harry M           Mefford, Bianca E                  3/4/11      Prescott
Williams, Jack              Baker, Eliza Jane                 3/15/11      Seligman
Williams, John H            Ford, Carrie E                    11/1/10      Prescott
Williams, Ralph A           McWhirter, Anninta L               1/1/12      Jerome
Wills, Euclid, C            Champie, Mary Josephine           6/15/11      Hot Springs
Wilson, Earl B              Younger, Stella C                  4/6/09      Crn King
Wilson, Wm. B.              Douglas, Alma E                   7/10/11      Prescott
Wing, Arthur B              Stone, Margaret M                 7/20/11      Prescott
Wingfield, James H          Casmey, Ida M                     6/25/10      Prescott
Winn, Roy                   Morris, Ida                        9/2/11      Humboldt
Wirtz, Henry                Sharp, Marguerite                 6/14/10      Unknown
Woara, J. Wm                Armitage, Edith                   7/25/11      Prescott
Wolfe, Ray                  Lambertine, Caroline              12/16/11     Prescott
Wombacker, Louis C          Allen, Anna J                     4/27/09      Prescott
Woodling, George            McKray, Mabel                     11/16/08     Prescott
Woodruff, Wiley J           Tudder, Kate                       5/5/10      Prescott
Wreeman, Herbert H          Bellinger, Anna                   11/20/97     Prescott
Wykoff, Norman Fred         Radley J. Augusta                  9/1/09      Jerome
Young, Arthur               Wright, Mary S                    11/14/11     Prescott
Young, Frederick            Schanz, Dena                      6/20/09      Prescott
Young, J.B.                 Alexander, Grace                  2/10/11      Prescott
Young, James W              Gill, Myrtle B                    11/2/08      Middleton
Young, Robert E             Morrison Gratia S                 6/22/10      Prescott
Young, Roy Douglas          Morisy, Irene K                   12/21/10     Prescott
Young, William H            Hill, Versie J                    6/19/11      Prescott
Zepeda, Lamberta            Cortez, Carmen                     5/1/09      Congress
Zeppeda, Ale.               Ochba, Frankie                    9/20/09      Congress
Ziegler, August             Bianchi, Teresa                   5/12/10      Prescott

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