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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2131

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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McAdams, S.J., Pine Bluff, Oct. 21 - Mrs. S.J. McAdams, aged 56 years, died at a local hospital last night after an illness of several weeks. She was a native Mississippian. She is survived by her husband and three sons, Curtis McAdams of Pine Bluff, Paschal McAdams of Double Wells, and Arthur McAdams of McClellan; also two daughters, Mrs Nannie Morris of Double Wells and Mrs. Lester Sphraler of Pine Bluff. The funeral was held this morning at 10 o'clock.

McAllister, Effie, Leslie, Feb. 25 - Effie McAllister, aged eight, child of Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister, died here yesterday morning.

McAllister, S.G., Kingsland, Sept. 9 - S.G. McAllister; aged 58, farmer and stockman, who lived 12 miles north of here, died Friday night from injuries received when he was gored by a steer about 10 days ago.

McBride, Alice, The body of Mrs. Alice McBride, aged 44, who died at 2:15 yesterday afternoon at the residence of her son, S E McBride, 4418 West Eleventh street, will be sent this morning by Healey & Roth to Gilford, Ark., for burial. Mrs. McBride is survived by her husband, E.C. McBride, of Mabelvale; six sons, two daughters, five brothers and two sisters.

McBride, Preston, Sheridan, Feb. 12 - Preston McBride, aged 91, died early today at his home in Washington township. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the Junet cemetery.

McCann, John B., Fort Smith. Veteran, who saw Jackson killed. John B McCann of Spiro, Okla aged 87, confederate veteran, died in a hospital here today

Mr. McCann served under General Stonewall Jackson in the Civil War and was present when Jackson was killed accidentally. He was the great grandson of William McCann, American officer who was killed at the Battle of Germantown in the Revolution.

A native of Wilmington, NC, Mr. McCann was engaged in cotton exporting until 1900, when he retired and moved to Oklahoma City. About 20 years ago hemoved to Spiro where he has lived since. He was the father of Mrs. Charles B Holt of Fort Smith

In addition to his daughter, Mr. McCann is survived by two sons, John and Win McCann, both of Spiro, Okla.

McCarley, T.A., Sheridan, Jan. 8 - Mrs. T.A. McCarley, aged 60, died at her home here today after a brief illness. The funeral service was held this afternoon. Mrs. McCarley leaves her husband and three sons.

McCarroll, Lou J., Mrs. Lou J. McCarroll died at her home here yesterday. She is survived by two sons, W.S. McCarroll and John McCarroll, and one daughter, Miss Ada McCarroll, all of Danville.

McCendon, Ida, Arkadelphia, Jan 29 - Mrs. Ida McCendon, aged 48, died at the family residence yesterday.

McClain, Hollie, Pine Bluff, Sept. 11 - Hollie McClain, aged nine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed McClain, died at the family home west of the city last night. The body was sent to Benton.

McClellan, John S., John S. McClelan, aged 55 of Wynne died at a Little Rock hospital at 4 p.m. yesterday. He is survived by his wife; a son, Leon S McClellan of Wynne; four daughters, Mrs. Maude White and Mrs.John Bennett of Phoebe, Miss, Mrs. Odie Wright of Lena Laura, Miss and Miss Nora O McClellan of Wynne. The body is held at the P.H.Ruebel & Co. chapel.

McClellan, Mrs.
Robert, Pocahontas, Feb. 21 - Mrs. Robert McClellan of Brockett, five miles north of Pocahontas, died at the family home Saturday of pneumonia.

McClendon, Curtis, d. 7/22/90 Little Rock; aged 46; Survived: Wife, Jacqulene McClendon; Stepdaughter, Robyn E. Walker, Father, C.C. McClendon Sr.; Interment: Rest Hills cemetery.

McClure, Mary, Rogers, Feb. 9 - Mrs. Mary McClure, aged 89, died here yesterday.

McClure, Nancy J., Pocahontas, July 17 - Mrs. Nancy J. McClure, mother of the Rev. I.B. McClure, pastor of the Methodist church here, died at the home of her son Sunday.; adg7/18/1917

McClurkin, J.W., Stephens, April 30 - Mrs. J.W. McClurkin, aged 30, died at her home here last night following an unsuccessful surgical operation. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Lester of Vernon, Tex. Mrs. McClurkin and an infant child will be buried in Stephens cemetery tomorrow.

McClurkin, Martha
Lee, Conway, Aug. 11 - Martha Lee, two year old daughter of Prof. and Mrs. J.I. McClurkin of this city, died yesterday afternoon.

McConnell, S.P., Mrs. S.P. McConnell of Booneville, aged 34, died at a local hospital at 7:40 last night. She is survived by her husband, Dr. S.P. McConnell. The body will be shipped to Booneville by P.H. Ruebel & Co. this morning for burial tomorrow.

McConnell, W.H., Clarksville, May 26 - W.H. McConnell Sr. died Thursday at the home of Mrs. Van Herring, his daughter, near Clarksville.

McCormack, Chester, Chester McCormack, stationed at Camp Pike, died at the base hospital yesterday morning. The body is at the parlors of Ruebel & Co. awaiting the arrival of relatives.

McCormack, Fannie, Pine Bluff, Feb 28 - Mrs. Fannie McCormack, aged 63, a resident of Pine Bluff for many years, died at her home here last night. She is survived by one son, J.N. Thompson, and one brother, J.B. Pierce, of Little Rock.

McCorvey, Daniel M., Haskell, Feb. 26 - Daniel Madison McCorvey, aged 59, county examiner for Saline county, died early yesterday of paralysis, after an illness of five days. He had been an educator in this county for 25 years. He was born in Monroesville, Ala., September 23, 1857, and came to Arkansas when a young man. In 1894 he married Miss Flora McCray, who survived him; also four daughters and two sons, including Miss Lydia McCorvey, Miss Flora McCorvey, Miss Dannie McCorvey and Miss Annie Maud McCorvey, Neil McCorvey and D.M. McCorvey Jr.

McCoy, Josie, Pine Bluff, July 9 - Mrs. Josie McCoy, aged 37, wife of J.A. McCoy, a planter of Dexter, died in a local hospital early this morning. Besides her husband, she is survived by four daughters, Beatrice, Thelma, Edna and Lyle; four sons, Beaure, Hill, Tom and Arthur; her mother, Mrs. E.E. King, and two sisters, Mrs. Effie Ramsey and Mrs. Lucy Casey. Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning from the home at Dexter.

McCrary, Loyle
Curtis, Loyle Curtis McCrary, aged three years and six months, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McCrary, died at the family residence at 1119 West Sixth street at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. McCrary is employed as a construction foreman at Camp Pike. The body will be sent to Byhalia, Miss, this morning by Healey & Roth for burial.

McCray, Mrs.
Bingham, The funeral of Mrs. Floyd Bingham McCray, aged 21, who died at her home 814 Valmar street, at 6 last night, will be held from the family residence at 10 Tuesday morning, the Rev. S.E. Ryan, pastor of the scott Street Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. McCray is survived by her husband, T.M. McCray, her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Darby, and two sisters, Mrs. Joe Wilson and Miss Hetta Bingham, all of 814 Valmar street.

Funeral services for Mrs. Floyd B. McCray, who died at the family residence, 814 Valmar street, Monday morning, were held at the residence at 10 yesterday morning. The Rev. S.E. Ryan officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

McCrory, M. L., Paragould, Jan 19 - M. L. McCrory, aged 65, died at his home in this city. He is survived by his wife, five sons and two daughters. The body was sent to his old home at Portageville, Mo for burial.

McDade, J.R., Stuttgart, Sept. 25 - J.R. McDade died at the Proctor hotel Sunday after 73 years. He came here about three years ago with his sister from Atlanta, Ga.

McDaniel, John, Paragould, Jan 10- John McDaniel, aged 63, died yesterday afternoon at his home near Paragould. He was a native of this county and was a well known farmer of the Goobertown community. Besides his wife, Mr. McDaniel is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Carl Berryhill and Miss Omah McDaniel, both of RFD No 1. and Mrs. Denton Woods of Rogers; a son, Granger McDaniel of near here; two sisters and two brothers.

McDermott, J.J., Blytheville, Dec 31, J. J. McDermott, aged 74, father of 16 living children, died at the family home at Clear Lake Sunday. He is survived by his wife, Mrs Maggie McDermott, 11 sons, Clarence, Walter, Dema, Arthur, Cliff, Bosey, Richard, Parvin, Guy, Willis and Mayo and five daughters, Mrs. Kathrina Hill, Mrs Elizabeth Potts, Mrs Ollie Bunn, Misses Lucille and Ruby McDermott.

McDonald, Cattie, Sheridan, May 23 - Mrs. Cattie McDonald, aged 26, wife of Ed McDonald of Bauxite, died at her home there yesterday. She was the daughter of J.G. Stephens, a local merchant.

McDonald, E.S., Mrs. E.S. McDonald, aged 60, died last night at 9:30 at the family home, 1601 West Twenty-second street. She is survived by her husband, E.S. McDonald, four daughters Mrs. H.N Ball of Batesville, Miss.....tering. Miss Attie and Miss Mary McDonald of Little Rock;...H.A. McDonald, Den...Ernest and Earl of Little Rock...Funeral arrangements have not been completed. Burial be be in Oakland cemetery.

McDonald, Jack, Pine Bluff, Feb. 1 - Jack E. McDonald, a cattle buyer, aged about 55, died yesterday in a hotel at MGehee, where he had been ill for the past 10 days with pneumonia. The body was sent to Texas for burial.

McDonald, Jean, Jean McDonald, aged two, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.S. McDonald, St. Clair Apartments, 500 East Sixth street, died last night at 6, Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 from the residence. She is survived by her parents and one sister, Helen Catherine McDonald. The pallbearers will be Tom Williams, A.W. Aylin, Frederick Booker and Carl Alston. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

McDonald, O.P., Texarkana, Jan 14 - O. P. McDonald, aged 70, a former resident of Texarkana, died yesterday afternoon at his home in Lake Charles, La., according to a telegram received here last night. He is survived by his wife, and daughter and five sons. The body will be brought here tomorrow for burial.

McDonald, P.P., Funeral services for P.P. McDonald, 37 years old, who died Tursday night of injuries sustained when struck by Iron Mountain passenger train No. 103, will be held at 2:30 this afternoon at the residence, 1305 McGowan street. The Rev. P.Q. Rorie, pastor of Hunter Memorial Methodist church, will officiate. The pallbearers will be: C.T. Coffman, Henry Hilliard, Dan Rewis, William Delaney, Arthur Johnson and J.D. Stewart. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Mr. McDOnald was a member of Forrest Camp No. 5, W.O.W. He is survived by his wife, one son, three sisters, Mrs. J.D. Jessup of Cedar Creek, N.C., Mrs. D.C. Butler of Parkton, N.C., Miss Reba McDonald of Lena, N.C.; four brothers, Walter of White Oaks, N.C., Eppie of Stedman, N.C., and Perry McDonald, of Greenville, Texas.

McDonaldson, G.S., Pine Bluff, March 19 - G.S> McDonaldson, aged 72, of Grant county, died Saturday at the home of Joe Deardon. He is survived by his wife, three sons and two daughters.;ag3/20/1917

McDowell, Mrs.
Edwin, Pine Bluff, May 24 - Mrs. Edwin McDowell of Sheridan, a sister of Dr. J.W. Stephens of this city, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Stephens of Sheridan, died at her home Tuesday afternoon.

McDowell, Emma, Piggott, Jan 18- Mrs. Emma McDowell, aged 75, died at the home of her son, Otto Peterson Wednesday from pneumonia.

McEwen, Annie, Pine Bluff, June 13 - Word was received here today of the death of Mrs. Annie McEwen, mother of Mrs. T.S. James and T.B. McEwen of this city, who died at her home in Baltimore, Md.

McFalls, Edward, Star City, Jan 1-Edward McFalls, 12 son of Mr. and Mrs. J K McFalls, died here Monday night after a short illness.

McFarland, J.W., Prescott, Feb. 14 - J.W. McFarland, aged 67, died at his home, near Emmet, yesterday. He is survived by his wife, three sons, J. R., W.E. and J.M. McFarland of Emmet, and three daughters, Mrs. Hattie McFarland of Mannie, La, Mrs. Louna Snell and Mrs. Mary Snell, both of Emmet, and one brother, Leander McFarland of Brownwood, Tex. Burial was at Emmet.

McFarlin, Dr.
D.B., Dr. D.B. McFarlin, formerly of Little Rock, died Thursday at his home in Tulsa, Okla, according to news received here yesterday by Mrs. E.V. Visart, 1821 Park avenue Dr. McFarlin was born in Scotland, and was educated in Edinburgh. He came to the United States when a young man, settling in Arkansas. When the Civil war broke out, Dr. McFarlin enlisted as a surgeon in the Confederate army. After the war he made his home in Little Rock. The body will be taken from Tulsa to DeWitt, Ark, for burial. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Avarilla McFarlin, and two daughters, Misses Bell and Bruce McFarlin, all of Tulsa.

McGarrah, Troy, Siloam Springs, Dec 31-Troy McGarrah, aged three, son of Mr and Mrs J T McGarrah, died recently at his home in Weddington neighborhood.

McGaughy, Robert D., Pine Bluff, March 8 - Robert D. McGaughy, aged 77, a resident of Jefferson county since 1859, died at his home here early this morning as the result of a stroke of apoplexy. He was born in Lawrence county, Alabama, May 19, 1839. He came to Arkansas as a young man and located near Altheimer. When the Civil war broke out he enlisted in Company E, Sixth Arkansas Infantry, and served until the surrender of the regiment at Greensboro, N.C., May 2, 1865. He was in the battles of Shiloh, Murfreesboro, Missionary Ridge, Chickamauga, the Georgia campaign, New Hope Church, Kenesaw Mountain, Resaca, Atlanta, Jonesboro and Perryville.

He returned to Arkansas, after the war, and continued farming near Altheimer until 1897, when he became connected with the McGaughy Hardware Company of this city, which had been organized several years earlier by his nephews, Horace C and Marshall McGaughy. He removed to Pine Bluff in 1900 and had since made his home in this city. He was a member of the Royal Arch Masons and Pine Bluff Lodge, F. & A.M. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and five sons. They are Mrs. John Hohman, Miss Ruby McGaughy, Earl, Hugh and Fay McGaughy of this city, Mrs. J.B.alder of Orlando, Fla., Ed McGaughy of McGehee and Harry McGaughy of Orlando, Fla. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at the home. The Masons will conduct the services at the grave.

McGee, John H., John H. McGee, aged 55, died yesterday afternoon at 3 at a local hospital. The body is at the undertaking parlors of P.H. Ruebel & Co., pending instructions from relatives. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Eliza McGee; two sisters, Mrs. W.H. Leaby and Mrs. J.R. Walton of Evansville, Ind., and two brothers, M.E. McGee of Atlanta, Ga., and J. P. McGee of Pine Bluff.

Pine Bluff, May 24 - Funeral services for John H. McGee of Little Rock, who died there Tuesday afternoon, was held from St. Joseph's Catholic church in Pine Bluff this morning by Father McElhone.

McGhee, Dr.
J.P., Morrilton, Feb. 10 - Dr. J.P. McGhee, aged 67, died here Monday. He was a native of Tennessee, but had lived here many years.

McGinnis, Warren
Brice, Warren Brice McGinnis, aged 50, died at his home, 1400 Brown street at 1:45 o'lock yesterday morning. Mr. McGinnis for the last 17 years had been employed as a salesman by the Kempner shoe store. He was a native of North Carolina. Surviving are two brothers, Dr. R. H. McGinnis of Jacksonville, Fla., and E. C. McGinnis of Raleigh, NC, and a sister, Mrs. W. N. Grier of Greenville, NC

Mr. McGinnis was known familiarly to Little Rock shoppers as "Mr. Mac." He had a wonderful memory, it is said and rarely had to ask his regular customers what size or what make shoe the wore.

The body will be removed from the Healey & Roth parlors at 9 o'clock this morning to the Associated Reform Presbyterian church, Twelfth and Valentine streets, where services will be conducted at 10 o'clock, in charge of the Rev. Thomas McDill. The body will be sent to Charlotte, NC this afternoon by Healey & Roth.

The body of Warren Brice McGinnis who died Wednesday at his home, 1400 Brown street, was sent to Charlotte, NC, early this morning by Healey & Roth.

McGlathery, Mrs.
Allie, Cotton Plant, May 19 - Mrs. Allie McGlathery, a resident of this city, and a native of Humboldt, Tenn., died at her home here Thursday. She is survived by three sisters in Texas and three children here, Don, Evelyn and Willie.

McGloflin, James, Cypert, July 5 - The body of James McGoflin, the soldier who was drowned in the Arkansas river at Little Rock Saturday, was buried in the local cemetery Tuesday with a service led by the Rev. J W Sims. Many were present. Among many floral offerings was one from Company F, of the First Regiment, A N G to which he belonged.

McGrath, Margaret, Mrs. Margaret McGrath, aged 82, died at the Ada Thompson home at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Funeral services will be held at the home at 3 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. J F Lawson. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.

McGregor, C.A., C.A. McGregor, 84 years old, died at a local hospital at 11:30 Sunday night. The body was sent to Conway last night by P.H. Ruebel & Co.

McGregor, C.W., Pine Bluff, Feb. 14 - C.W. McGregor, a native of Virgina, but a resident of Pine Bluff for 27 years, died at his home here after an illness of several years. For many years he was employed at the Cotton Belt railway shops. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Orville of St. Louis and Clifford of El Paso. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home of the Rev. E.R. Steel.

McGuffin, S.J., Batesville, July 10 - S.J. McGuffin, aged 85, died at the Arlington hotel here today after a short illness. He was a member of the local camp of the United Confederate Veterans.

McHenry, A., Bentonville, Sept. 9 - Mrs. A. McHenry, aged 84, died at her home here Sunday after a long illness. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the M.E. church by the Rev. T.W. Shipley. Mrs. McHenry had lived in Bentonville, 33 years. She is survived by one son, James A. McHenry; one daughter, Mrs. J.D. Bryan of Bentonville.

McIntosh, W.M., Leslie, March 4 - W. M. McIntosh, whose home is in Oakaloosa, Iowa, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. E J Dye, four miles north of here in the Sulphur Springs neighborhood Thursday of pneumonia. He was born in 1861.

McIver, Mrs.
Willis F., Poplar Bluff, Mo Jan 16- Mrs. Ina Vera McIver, 26, wife of Willie F McIver, well known local man, died at the family home here yesterday. She is survived by a daughter and her mother.

McKay, Malcomb
McNair, Funeral services for Malcomb McNair McKay, aged two, son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmb McKay, who died at the home of his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. J.M. Baker, 1612 West Twenty-third street, were held at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon in charge of the Rev. John Van Lear and the Rev. Hay Watson Smith. Pall bearers were: Active, Wallace Townsend, Allen Aycock, Herman Smart and Gilroy Cox; honorary A.M. Snodgrass and George G. Worthen. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

McKay, Martha, Funeral services for Mrs. Martha McKay, 70 years old, who died at a local hospital Thursday, were held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 4 yesterday afternoon. The Rev. S.E. Ryan officiated. Burial was at Oakland cemetery.

Mrs. Martha McKay, 70 years old died at a local hospital at 8:30 yesterday morning. Mrs. McKay was born in North Carolina. She is survived by her husband. James J. McKay of Little Rock. Funeral services were held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 4 yesterday afternoon. The Rev. S.E. Ryan officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

McKee, Mildred, Hamburg, Feb. 5 - Funeral services for Mildred McKee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee McKee, were held at the home Saturday by the Rev. S.C. Dean of the Methodist church.

McKenny, Mrs.
W.H., Hamburg, Feb. 13 - Mrs. W.H. McKenny died at the home of her mother, Mrs. R.J. Dennard, here Sunday morning. Burial was made in Antioch cemeter.

McKinley, William, Hartford, April 15 - William McKinley, aged 56, general manager of the Hartford Valley Coal Company, and president of the Hartford bank, died suddenly at his home here this morning while seated at the breakfast table.

He is survived by his wife and four children. The body will be taken to Pittsburg, Kan., for burial.

McKinney, Dr.
J.C., Dr. J.C. McKinney was lately shot and killed in Evansville, Ark, by a man named Fisher. The Weekly Press 2/18/1869

McKnight, J.W., Pine Bluff, Jan. 28 - J.W. McKnight, aged 72, a resident of Marshall, Tex, who came here to visit his daughter, Mrs. J.F. Jones, died early this morning at the home of J.F. Jones. He was a native of South Carolina, and a Confederate veteran. The funeral will be held here Monday afternoon.

McLaughlin, Mrs.
James, Ozark, March 25 - Mrs. James McLaughlin, aged 68, wife of the late James McLaughlin, former business man in this city, died at Alma this morning after a short illness. The body will be brought here for burial tomorrow. Mrs. McLaughlin leave no children.

McLemore, Frank M., Funeral services for Frank K McLemore, Confederate veteran, who died at the Confederate Home Monday afternoon, were held from the parlors of James Cook & Sons at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

McMahan, Capt.
Jesse T., Emerson, May 14 - Capt. Jesse T. McMahan, aged 87 died Sunday morning at the home of Capt. and Mrs. John D. Wood near Emerson. He was born in Greene county, Illinois, June 3, 1830. Leaving Illinois, at the age of 18 years, he came to Arkansas, locating in Camden early in 1850, and from that time was engaged in the steamboat business as pilot, owner, plying between Camden and New Orleans, until the outbreak of the Civil War. In 1861 he enlisted in the First Arkansas Infantry as orderly sergeant and in April, 1862, was made captain of his company in the same regiment.

He distinguised himself at the Battle of Shiloh, being left for dead on the battle field. He was found and removed 48 hours later, barely alive, and shot throught the face.

October, 29, 1863, Captain McMahan was married to Miss Sarah Jones. She died August 31, 1908, without children. The body was taken to Camden last night. Funeral services were held today in the Methodist church there.

McMillan, Harlan A., Cabot, Jan 1 - Harlan Atticus McMillan, Aged 73, resident of this ounty for the past 50 years, died at his home recently. He is survived by 11 children; Edgar McMillan of St. Joseph, Mo; Sam, Milwaukee, Wis; Alfred, Gurdon, Phe? Kern of St. Louis, Mo; and Pearl Ringgold of Burns, Mamie Thomason, Frand, John, G C and Garland McMilian, all of Cabot and one Brother, Mootrey McMillan of Pueblo, Col.

McMurray, Mrs.
T.J., Rogers, Feb. 9 - Mrs. T.J. McMurray, aged 69, died at the family home two and a half miles southeast of here yesterday. She is survived by her husband and several children.

McNair, Ed, Dearden, Jan 26 - Ed McNair, a negro brakeman on the Cotton Belt Lumber Company's log train was killed yesterday when he slipped on an ice covered car and fell underneath the train. The body was badly mangled.

McNally, J. W., J. W. McNally, aged 44, died at the family residence 4509 West Twenty-ninth street, at 2 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife: two children, Sallie and Buster McNally, all of Little Rock; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. McNally of Memphis, Tenn; a brother, George McNally of Los Angeles, Cal; and one sister, Mrs. Clara Hancock of Memphis. Mr. McNally was president of Local No. 424 Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers Union of America, president of Woodlawn Council Security Benefit Association, a member of the A.O.U.W., and also the K of P. Funeral services will be held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company chapel at 3 o'clock this afternoon; in charge of the Rev J O Jolmston. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be L. T. Brown, Harry Spencer, Albert DeMers, A. Dudek, George Fish and Vivian O Brack.

McNutt, Ella, Waldron, Feb. 7 - Mrs. Ella J. McNutt died at her home here Saturday afternoon.

McPike, James, The body of James Elmer McPike, aged 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. McPike of Hoxie, who died Sunday morning at a local hospital, was sent yesterday morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Hoxie.

McRae, Helen
Hayes, d. 12/10/1890 Hope; Aged 79; Survived: Sister, Mary Lillian Meek; Interment: Rose Hill cemetery in Hope.

McRae, Mrs.
R. G., Hope, Jan 6 - Mrs. R. G. McRae, aged 54, died recently at the Julia-Chester hospital here, following an operation for appendicitis. She was the wife of the president of the First National bank here. Beside her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Foster, and two brothers, Charles of Shreveport, La and Young Foster of Hope.

McVay, Acie
Benjamin, d. 12/10/90 Lonoke; Aged 76; Survived: Sons, Joe McVay, Felix McVay; Daughters, Willie Mae Munnerlyn, Barbara Vinson, Sue Skinner; Brothers, Gene McVay, Ed McVay; Interment: Buck cemetery near Newark.

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