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MacGeorge, Walter W., Mena, Jan 17 - Walter W MacGeorge, assistant postmaster to Mena, died at his home yesterday following a long illness. He has been a resident of this section for a quarter century. His wife and four children survive.
Mack, James
Sr., d. 12/5/1890 Richmond, Ca.
aged 56; Interment: Rest In Peace Memorial Gardens.
MacKenzie, George
Rain, Funeral services for George Rain MacKenzie, aged 56, who died at a local hospital Monday afternoon, were held at the James Cook & Son Co. chapel yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Hay Watson Smith officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mr. MacKenzie was born in Scotland, coming to the United States about 1870. He went to the California and Colorado mining fields, where he was a mining director for several years. He came to Arkansas several years ago and became interestd in the bauxite industry. He was connected with the Republic Mining and Manufacturing Company.
Mackey, Alexander, Arkadelphia, Aug 6 - Mrs. Alexander Mackey, aged 60 years, died at her home in this city yesterday. She was born in Germany and came to this country when only 12 years of age. She is survived by three sons, Haris, Emil and George Mackey, of this city, and two daughters, Mrs. Oscar Brooks of Sikeston, Mo., and Mrs. Jas. Perryman of Little Rock, and two sisters and two brothers in Germany.
Mackey, Dora, Mrs. Dora Mackey, aged 34, died at 7:30 last night at the family residence 3123 West Fifth street, after an illness of several months. She is survived by her husband, J.M. Mackey, and three sons, Frank, aged 13; James, aged 11, and Roy, aged 8, and her father, Joe Godley, East Point, Ga. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 3 Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. W.R.Harrison officiating. The pall bearers will be: Honorary, H.S. Turner, Fred A. Isgrig, Leonard Biggs, and Judge G.W. Hendricks, Mayor Taylor and James W. Mchaffy; active, Fred Perkins, W.D. Smith, J.J. Ashmore, Ben Spires, J.C. Moyers and T.L. Adkins.
Maddy, George, Jonesboro July 13 - George L. Maddy of this city died suddenly at Albuquerque, N.M., last night as a result of tuberculosis. He left here last Monday night. He had been engaged in the manufacture of ice cream here for 10 years.
Magee, Dr.
L. F., Huttig, Feb. 21 - Dr. L.F. Magee, for the past six years physician here for the Union Sawmill Company, died last night at Mineral Wells, Tex., of Bright's disease. Funeral services will be at Texarkana, his former home, on Friday. He is survived by his wife and two children.
Magee, Ney, Texarkana, March 9 - Ney Magee, aged 30, justice of the peace in Sulphur township, died last night at his home at Black Diamond. He is survived by his wife and one child.
Mahaffey, Drew, Texarkana, March 2 - Miss Drew Mahaffey, aged 14, daughter of Judge J Q Mahaffey, died last night at San Antonio, where she had been for her health for several months. Death was due to heart trouble. The parents who were with her when she died, will bring the body here and funeral services will be held Sunday.
Mahan, Pleasant, Plasant Mahan, 72, for many years a resident of Little Rock and said to be one of the wealthiest of Little Rock negroes, was buried yesterday in the Fraternal cemetery, negro. He died last Wednesday. The funeral services were held at the First Baptist church, negro, Seventh and Gaines streets. More people are said to have attended the funeral than that of any other Little Rock negro and hundreds were unable to enter the church. Mahan had lived at Malvern for a year past, but was at the home of his son, George Mahan, at 1200 Water street, when he died.
Mahle, Mrs.
S.E., Stuttgart, Jan. 3 - Mrs. S.E. Mahle died here yesterday afternoon after a lingering illness. She leaves four sons, W.L., D.E., Fred W. and Frank, all of this city. Funeral services will be held from the residence tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in the Lone Tree cemetery.
Mahurian, Benjamin, Elder Benjamin Mahurian of Garfield, the oldest resident of that locality, was run down and killed at Joplin, Mo., Sunday. The body was sent home for burial.
Mahurin, C.M., Bentonville, April 25 - C.M. Mahurin, aged 62, died Saturday at his home south of Bentonville.
Major, Edward V., Edward V. Major died at his home 1905 West Sixth street, yesterday morning. He was found by members of the family dead in bed at 5:30 a.m. shortly after he had expired. Heart failure is the supposed cause. He was in Apparently good health on the day before.
The funeral will be held from the residence this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. E.E.Morris of the Presbyterian church U.S.A., will conduct the services at the house and the Woodmen of the World at the grave. The burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Mr. Major was 55 years old and was a harnessmaker in the employ of the Voss-Barbee Company. He is survived by his widow and three sons, Homer E., Leon and Robert F. Major, Homer E. Major is employed in the mailing room of the Gazette.
Major, Sarah, Mrs. Sarah Major, 70 years old, died at the family residence, 1504 Parker avenue, Argenta, at 9:30 yesterday morning. She was born in Tennessee. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dean Ellis, who resided with her, and one son, Gilliam Major, of Alexander. Funeral arrangements hav not been completed.;
The body of Mrs. Sarah C. Major, 70 years old, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Dean Ellis, 1504 Parker avenue, Argenta, Wednesday, was sent to Alexander yesterday morning by Healey & Roth.
Majors, Virginia, d. 7/21/90 Little Rock.
aged 96; Interment: Roselawn Memorial Park.
Makoski, Rose, Mrs. Rose Makoaki, wife of Alex Makoski, died yesterday at her home, 1702 Orange street, Argenta. She is survived by her husband; who is a contractor and carpenter, and two daughters. She was 37 years old and was born in Michigan. The body will be sent to Marche for burial.
Malley, Mrs. Ed, Pine Bluff, Jan 18 - Mrs. Ed Malley, aged 59 pioneer resident of this city, died here late today. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Miss Edwina A Malley, and two sons, Robert and Will all of Pine Bluff.
Mancini, Joe, Pine Bluff, May 21 - Joe Mancini, 50, a resident of New Gascony, died at a hospital here Sunday night. His body was sent to New Gascony today.
Maness, Winnie, Judsonia, Feb. 21 - Miss Winnie Maness, 13 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Maness was fatally burned yesterday afternoon and died at 12:20 this morning. She was filling a lantern at the family home, four miles north of here. Some of the oil fell on her dress and while lighting the lantern she accidentily ignited her oil soaked dress.
Mangum, J.R., J.R. Mangum, 83, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. J.L. Branning, 1918 West Seventh street, at 2 o'clock Thursday morning. He is survived by two nephews, the Rev. W.M. Wright of Camden and J.L. Wright of Little Rock, and two nieces, Mrs. Dora E. Branning and Mrs. Lena Battle, both of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. E.P. Alldredge will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Manker, J. A., Searcy, Jan 14 - Mrs. J A Manker, aged 54, died here Thursday. Mrs. Manker came to Searcy three years ago from Iowa. She is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mrs. William O Maxey of Mt. Vernon, Ill and Miss Florence Manker of Searcy.
Mann, Walter S., Walter S. Mann, aged 44, died at the family residence on the Nineteenth street pike at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Gladys and Mildred; three sons, Joseph, Guy and Emmett; his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mann, and one brother, J.L. Mann all of this city. Mr. Mann, who has been engaged in the dairy business for the past 20 years, was born and reared in Little Rock. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in charge of the Rev. E.P. Alldredge. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Manning, W.B., W.B. Manning, tax assessor of Poinsett county, died at his home at Harrisburg Monday, according to messages received here.
Marcadal, John, The body of John Marcadal, aged 48, was found dead in his room at 611 1/2 Washington avenue, Argenta, was sent yesterday afternoon by James Cook & Son to New Orleans for burial.
Marks, J.N., Kingsland, Sept. 29 - J.N. marks, aged 93, died this morning at his home, five miles south of town. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the Marks cemetery. He was believed to be the oldest resident of this county. He is survived by seven children, five sons and two daughters.
Marks, Lela, The body of Miss Lela Marks, aged 20, who died at the family residence 407 Cumberland street at 5:15 yesterday morning, will be sent to Ola this morning by Healey & Roth. Miss Marks is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.H.Marks of Ola.
The body of Miss Lela Marks, aged 20, who died at the family residence, 407 Cumberland street, Wednesday morning, was sent to Ola yesterday morning by Healey & Roth for Burial.
Marks, Mrs.
Q.D., Fordyce, Mrs. Q.D. Marks died at her home at Millville Sunday of pneumonia.
Marlar, J. D., Magnolia, Jan 5 - J D Marlar, aged 60, died Tuesday at his home five miles west of Magnolia.
Mars, S.E., Fayetteville, June 16 - Capt S.E. Mars, aged 64, for 30 years editor of the Fayetteville Democrat and a prominent resident of this section died here this afternoon at the home of his niece, Mrs. T.L. Hart. Four years ago he sustained three attacks of paralysis, and had been an invalid since. He bought the Fayetteville Democrat from former Secretary of State Elias B. Moore in 1881, and sold it to the present owners in 1913.
Funeral will be held tomorrow.
Marsh, Charles, The body of Charles Marsh, aged 40, who died at 5 yesterday afternoon at a local hospital, will be sent at 4 this afternoon by Healey & Roth to Natural Steps.. Mr. Marsh was a planter of Roland and was a native of Arkansas. He is survived by his wife and parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Marsh.
Marshall, Catherine
Agnes, - In this city August 7, Mrs. Catherine Agnes Marshall, aged 39 years, wife of John V Marshall.
The funeral will take place today at 5 p.m. across from the residence, corner of Fourth and Sherman streets, Dr. Buchanan officiating. Friends are invited to attend.
Marthaler, Carrie, The body of Mrs. Carrie Marthaler of Jonesboro, aged 26, who died at 10:35 yesterday morning at a local hospital, was sent last night by James Cook & Son to Pocahontas. She is survived by her husband, H.D. Marthaler of Jonesboro. Mr. Marthaler accompanied the body.
Martin, A.N., A.N. Martin, aged 40, died at 9 last night at a local hospital. He is survived by his wife and one daughter. The body is at the undertaking parlors of P.H. Ruebel & Co., awaiting instructions from relatives.
Martin, Clara D., Funeral services for Mrs. Clara D. Martin, wife of Henry G. Martin, 2004 Center street, who died at a local hospital Tuesday night, will be held at the residence at 10 this morning. The Rev. B.F. Cato will officiate. The pallbearers will be: B.P. Kidd, D.R. Fones, Clio Harper, G.D> Henderson, R.W. Irvin and L.P. Coleman. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Martin, Idelia, Mrs. Idelia Martin, wife of John H Martin of the Martin Arm Company, died at 10:10 o'clock last night at the family residence, 2107 Arch street, after a week's illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Martin was formerly Miss Idelia Paden. She was born in Boston and later resided with her family in St. Louis. She has resided in Little Rock 30 years. Besides her husband, Mrs. Martin is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Thomas Hickey and Miss Mary Paden and three brothers, all of St. Louis. Funeral arrangements have not been made.
Funeral services for Mrs. Idelia Martin, who died Sunday night at the family residence, 2197 Arch street, will be held at 9:30 this morning at St. Andrews' cathedral, Seventh and Louisiana streets, The Rev. Father Wernke will officiate. The active pallbearers will be W.W.Dickinson, C.C.Rose, G.H. Lyon, C.J.Griffith, J.R. Vinson and Joe Brown; honorary, Mayor Charles E Taylor, H L Remmel, F.E. Peters, W G Adamson, A B Poe and Gordon Peay.
Martin, Infant, Benton, March 28 - a two year old child of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Martin of Bauxite died Tuesday.
Martin, Rev.
J.W., Rogers, April 6 - The Rev. J.W. Martin, aged 87, died Wednesday. He was a minister of the Church of Christ for 47 years.
Martin, James
Norman, d. 12/10/90 Fairfield Bay.
aged 65; Survived: Elizabeth C Martin; Sons, Michael James Martin, Ralph Chester Martin, Patrick John Martin; Daughters, Mary Jo Quilling, Maureen K Otto, Susan Lou Sanders, Christi Ann Martin; Sisters, Marie Gilmartin, Virginia Davis; Interment: Woodland Memorial Park.
Martin, Mary, Bentonville, Jan 21 - Mrs. Mary Martin, aged 69, died Monday at the home of her son, Harry Martin. She is survived by her husband, Dr. C F Martin, retired veterinarian; one son, Harry Martin, and six grandchildren, all of Bentonvile.
Martin, Thomas
Jefferson, The body of Thomas Jefferson Martin, who died in Los Angeles Friday night following an operation for appendicitis, will be brought to Little Rock Thursday, and the funeral will be held from the residence of his mother, Mrs. J.J.Martin, 921 West Fourth street. Mr. Martin formerly lived in Little Rock, but had lived in Los Angeles for several years. He is survived by his wife and one child, his mother and four brothers, George C and Jared O. Martin of Morrilton, Allen O. of Mabelvale, and John B of Little Rock.
The body of Thomas J. Martin, who died in Los Angeles, Cal., Friday, will arrive in Little Rock at 2:30 tomorrow morning. Funeral services will be held at the residence of his mother, Mrs. J.J.Martin, 915 West Fourth street, at 10 tomorrow morning. The Rev. B.F. Cato will officiate. The pallbearers will be: Douglas Fleming, Ernest Smith, Orin Zeisler and Nelson Elliott. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.
Funeral services for Thomas J. Martin, who died Friday at Los Angeles, Cal., were held at the residence of his mother, Mrs. J.J.Martin, 915 West Fourth street, at 10 yesterday morning. The Rev. B.F. Cato officiated. Burial was at Mabelvale cemetery.
Martin, W.W., Johnsville, April 25 - W.W. Martin aged 71, who had lived in this community 60 years, was buried Sunday from Palestine church. He was a veteran of the Civil war.
Marx, Caroline, Texarkana, Jan 30 - Mrs. Caroline Marx, aged 82, local resident since 1883, died last night at the home of her daughter, Dr. Nettie Kilne. She is survived by four daughters, Mesdames Nettie Kline, Ray Eberson and B H Kuhl of Texarkana, and E A Sewab, New York, and by one son, Joseph of New York. The funeral was held this afternoon in charge of the Rev. Edwin Weary of St. James Episcopal church.
Mason, Sallie, Morrilton, April 27 - Mrs. Sallie Mason, for more than 50 years a resident of Morrilton, died at her home here early this mornng. She was a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Hersley, pioneers of Tennessee, and was married
to Daniel Mason in 1865. Three children and eight grandchildren survive. Clarence Mason of Little Rock, Miss Ines Mason of this city and D.W. Mason of Ohio, the children, were present at her bedside. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon.
Massamore, Robert, Fayetteville, Jan. 27 - Robert Massamore, aged 78, died Wednesday night here. Mr. Massamore was a Civil war Veteran, having served with the Union forces of Kentucky throughout the war. He is survived by his wife and several children and grandchildren.
Massie, M.L., M.L. Massie, 68 years old, died at a local hospital at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife, three sons, S.L. of Argenta, F.L. and J. W. of Memphis; one daughter, Mrs. J. W. Smith of Temple, Tex., and four brothers. The body will be sent by Owens & Ricks early this morning to McMinnville, Tenn., where Interment will take place in the family burial ground today. Mr. Massie was a member of the Argenta police force several years ago.
Massey, J.E., Funeral services for J. Edgar Massey, who died at 6:25 a.m. yesterday at the family residence, 2300 West Eighteenth street, will be held at 10:30 this morning at the residence of the Rev. W. P. Whaley. Mr. Massey is surived by his mother, Mrs. J.C. Massey, and four sisters, Mrs. Manda Maxwell, and Misses Myrtle, Grace and Ruth Massey, all of Little Rock. Mr. Massey was a member of the Western Star Lodge No. 2, F. and A.M. For several years Mr. Massey has been in the West. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be Al Beuse, Arch Campbell, George Beyerlain, Clark Vanderberg, Oscar Schaad and Chester Rogers.
Massey, Jesse, Pine Bluff, Jan. 13 - Jesse Massey, aged 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Massey of this city died at his home yesterday. Funeral services will be held Sunday. Besides his parents and a brother here, he is survived by three half-brothers, J.R. Massey of Luxora, W.B. Massey of Shreveport and Frank Massey of Eureka Springs.
Masters, C. R., The body of C. R. Masters, 1420 Welch street, a traveling salesman for the Pierce Oil Corporation, who died suddenly Tuesday night in a Cotton Plant hotel, arrived here at 8:30 o'clock last night and was removed to the P H Ruebel & Co. parlors. The body will be removed to his residence today, where it will remain until 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, when the Rev. C B Waller will conduct the funeral services. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Funeral services for C R Masters, who died Tuesday at Cotton Plant, will be held at the family residence, 1420 Welch street, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev C B Waller. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be : E J Hacon, H H Hunter, C A Buese of the Pierce Oil Corporation; A T Toors, J F Howell and G W Wammack, all members of the I O O F, of which Mr. Masters was a member. The offices of the Pierce Oil Corporation will be closed from 1 to 5 p.m.
Masters, Milton, Newport, Dec. 31 - Milton Masters, aged 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Masters of Tuckerman, died Tuesday. He was a member of the senior class of Tuckerman High School.
Mathews, Phoebe, Cotter, March 28 - Mrs. Phoebe Mathews, formerly a resident of this place, died at Bernice,Okla, yesterday.
Mathin, Lula B., The body of Mrs. Lula B. Mathin, aged 47, who died Monday at a local hospital, was sent yesterday afternoon by James Cook & Son to Stamps.
Mathis, Michael, Marshall, April 22 - Michael Mathis, 64, died at his home in Marshall last night.
Matthews, Catherine, Pine Bluff, June 18 - Miss Catherine Matthews, aged 82, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John H. Ezell, here Sunday. She had made her home with her daughter here for several years. Besides her daughter here she is survived by Mrs. Susanne Watson of Martin, Tenn., and W. A. Matthews of Hot Springs. Funeral services were held from the home of Mrs. Ezell this morning, and the body was snet to Gardner, Tenn., for Interment .
Matthews, G.L., Carthage, Feb. 17 - G.L. Matthews, aged 79 died at his home here yesterday of the grip. He is survived by two brothers and a sister. He was born in Webster county, Georgia. He served under Jackson and Longstreet in the Seventeenth Georgia regiment for four years. He was a Mason and a Presbyterian.
Fordyce, Feb. 23 - G.L. Matthews, aged 70, died at his home at Carthage today of the grip. He was born in Webster county, Georgia. He served under Jackson and Longstreet in the Seventeenth Georgia Regiment for four years. He was a Mason and a member of the Presbyterian church.
Matthews, John J., Atkins, April 8 - John J. Matthews, aged 52, died at his home here today. He had been a barber here for 21 years. He is survived by a wife, three married
daughters and three small children. Funeral services will be conducted at the city cemetery tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock by the Rev. J.M. Williams.
Matthews, Martha, Mrs. Martha Matthews, aged 79, died at her home, 2608 Elm street at 6 a.m. yesterday. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Frona Smith of Little Rock and Mrs. Nora Heimer of Oklahoma, and four sons, George of Maple, Tex. Zack of Houston, Tex and Monroe and Sam Matthews, both of Oklahoma. The body is held at the P H Ruebel & Co. parlors.
1/8/1930; Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Matthews, who died Tuesday at her home, 2603 Elm street, will be held at the P H Ruebel & Co. chapel at 10:30 a.m. today, in charge of the Rev O C Birdwell. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Mattingly, C.D., The body of C.D. Mattingly, 37, former resident of Little Rock, will arrive this afternoon from Oklhoma City, where he died at noon yesterday from injuries received in a motor car accident Easter Sunday. Mr. Mattingly is survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Mattingly, 301 Commerce street. Mr. Mattingly was a Little Rock resident several years. He went to Oklahoma to assume charge of the Universal Film Exchange. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Mauldin, M.C., Lockesburg, March 2 - Mrs. L C Mauldin died at her home here yesterday.
Maurel, Henry, Henry Maurel, 66, died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife. He was a native of New Orleans and was a resident of Little Rock five years. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Maxey, Mary, Piggott, July 18 - Mrs. Mary Maxey, aged 60, a widow, residing at Greenway in this county, died at her home Monday..
Maxey, Robert, Mammoth Spring, June 29 - News has reached here that Robert Maxey, former prosecuting attorney of this district, died in a Memphis hospital yesterday.
Maxon, R.J., Gentry, April 26 - R.J. Maxon, a Union veteran and five times mayor of Gentry, died Wednesday. He was twice wounded during the war and was twice discharged, but enlisted again. He had lived in Gentry 16 years.
May, Frank W., Rogers, May 28 - The funeral of Frank W.May, mayor of Rogers, was held yesterday at the Christian church, under the auspices of the Masonic order. Mr. Mays was 74 years old and was seeking his second term.
May, Mrs. Joseph, Conway, May 9 - Mrs. Joseph May, aged 62 years, died Monday Night at her home near here. 5/10/1917
May, Lorine, Lorine May, eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. C. May of Malvern, died at a local hospital at 11:00 p.m. Sunday. She is survived by her parents; two brothers; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. May of Delight and her grandmother, Mrs. C Wood of Blevins. The body was sent to Malvern yesterday morning by the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company. Funeral services will be held at Malvern today in charge of the Rev. W L Voyles. Burial will be in Malvern cemetery. 1/17/22 Malvern, Jan 17 - Funeral services for Miss Lorine May, 8 year old daughter of Prof. and Mrs. S. B. C. May of this city, who died at a Little Rock hospital Sunday Night, were held at the First Baptist church this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. M. L. Voyles. 1/18/1922
May, Mildred, Okolona, June 11 - Mildred, eight month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garland May, died this morning at the family home here of cholera infantum;ag6/12/1917
Mayer, Regina M., Mrs. Regna M. Mayer, aged 88, died at 12:30 yesterday morning at the residence of her son, G.F. Mayer, on the Arch street pike. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Primrose chapel. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Mary Mayer and five sons, Chris Mayer, of California; Carl, Fred, William and G.F. Mayer, all of Little Rock. 3/16/1917 Funeral services for Mrs. Regina M. Mayer, who died Thursday afternoon were held at 2 yesterday afternoon at Primrose chapel. Burial was in Pine Brove cemetery, six miles south of Little Rock. 3/17/1917
Mays, Clara, d. 12/11/98 Bearden. aged 84; Preceded: Husband, Elmer Mays; Survived: Sons, James Mays, Billy Joe Mays, Thomas J Mays; Daughters, Frances Jean Johnson, Virginia Dell Tolman; Sister, Mamie Stevenson; Interment: Salem cemetery. 12/12/90
Mazzone, Tressie, d. 7/22/90 N. Little Rock. aged 68; Interment: Wake cemetery (Baxter County). 7/24/90