Huge Marriages Search Engine!
Moeller, Herman F., Herman F Moeller, aged 60 of Jerome, Drew county, vice president and general manager of the Jerome Hardwood Lumber Co., at Herome, died at a Little Rock hospital at 7 last night after an illness of a year.
Mr. Noeler was born at Saginaw Mich., and was educated in the public schools there for 20 years, from 1892 to 1912. He was general passenger agent for the Pere Marquette railroad with headquarters at Detroit.
During that time he inaugurated the dining car service on the Pere Marquette railroad and also originated the railroad mileage ticket system which since has been adopted by all other railroads. He was the first to put into use railroad car ferries on Lake Michigan. He also built Point Aux Barques, famous summer resort. Mr. Moeller was organizer of the Northern Michigan Develop Bureau.
He resigned from the railroad in 1912 to operate a factory at Detroit, and before he closed this enterprise in 1918, had manufactured and Marketed the first three-wheel farm tractor.
In 1918 he came to Arkansas and settled at Blissvile, where he, with William J Wickes and Otto Schupp, bought the Bliss-Cook Oak Co. The lumber mill was operated until 1920 when he and his associates rebuilt and remaned the little lumber town Jerome in honor of Mr. Moeller's only child. The town for may years was a showplace among sawmill towns
Mr. Moeller organized the Southeast Arkansas Development Association.
While a resident of Detroit in 1904, Mr. Moeller was selected by the Detroit Chamber of Commerce to entertain the Duke and Duchess of Manchester, who visited Detroit.
He was a member of the Shrine at Detroit, was a Scottish Rite Mason and also a member of the Ancient Landmark of Michigan.
Mr. Moeller is survived by his wife, Mrs. Maude Moeller, and a son, Jerome H Moeller, both of Jerome, and three sisters, Mrs. J. M. Rose of Benton Harbor, Mich., and Mrs. W. H. Martin and Mrs. Otto Schupp of Saginaw, Mich. The body is held at the Healey & Roth parlors.
- Funeral services for Herman F. Moeller, vice president and general manager of the Jerome Hardwood Lumber Company at Jerome, Drew county, who died Monday at a Little Rock hospital, will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow. The body will be placed in Oakland mausoleum. Pallbearers will be: Active- William Kaad, Conway; J. F. Loughborough, Little Rock; Carroll Brown and James G. Bennett, Dermott, Dr. W. E. Hutchinson, Dr. J. C. CUnningham and Dr. L. V. Parmley, Little Rock, and Lamar Williamson, Monticello. Honorary-Governor Parnell Adrian Williamson and J O Williamson, Monticello; Judge Turner Butler, Little Rock; Guy Lippard; Harlingen, Tex; Capt W R Black, Enid Okla; L. R. Chronister, Memphis; W. D. Edwards, John Dumphy, W. J. Chittenden, and James McGreor, Detroit.
Moffet, J.A., Havana, May 14 - Mrs. J.A. Moffet, aged 78, widow of the late Rev. Mr. Moffet of Dardanelle and mother of the local postmaster, died at her home here yesterday morning. She is survived by several children, including Mr. Moffet, here, Mrs. Carter of Dardanelle and the Rev. Will Moffett of Fayetteville.
Monghoff, George
Henry, George Henry Monghoff, aged 25, died at 9:15 last night at the home of his father, Charles Monghoff, 313 Locust street, Aregenta. He is survived by his father and a sister, Mrs. O. P. Moss, 313 Locust street. Mr. Monghoff was born and raised in Argenta. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Monk, Isaac, Died the week of 1/4/1881. Isaac Monk, seventy-two years of age, pneumonia.
Monroe, James, James Monroe, an aged negro who lives near Kerr, died yesterday morning at St. Vincent's infirmary from injuries sustained when he was struck by an automobile on the Lonoke pike Friday. The negro's skull was fractured and he died without regaining consciousness. The hospital authorities do not know whose machine struck Monroe.
Monroe spent the most of his time at a gate on the Lonoke pike, opening and shutting it for motorists. He was well known to many Little Rock automobilists.
Monteith, Mrs.
Charles, England, March 25 - Mrs. Charles Montieth died Thursday at El Paso, Texas. The funeral was held here today, and burial was in Mulberry cemetery. She leaves her husband, daughter, parents, two sisters and five brothers.
Montgomery, Mrs.
D.N., Bentonville, March 14 - Mrs. D. N. Montgomery, 82 years old, died at her home here this morning. She is survived by a brother, Dr. Z. Orto of Pine Bluff, and a nephew, T.A. Cowan, of Sweetwater, Tex.
Montgomery, James M., The body of James M. Montgomery, 66 years old, a planter near Presott, who died at 6 yesterday morning at a local hospital, was sent to Prescott at 5:20 yesterday afternoon by James Cook & Son Co. J.D. Montgomery of Hope, a son, was at the bedside when his father died.
Montgomery, Mary, Nashville, Jan. 11 - Mrs. Mary Montgomery, 61 years old, widow of the late John A. Montgomery, died at Bluff Springs Saturday.
Montgomery, Rosa, Mrs. Rosa Montgomery died at a local hospital at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The body is at the parlor of James Cook and Sons, awaiting the arrival of relatives.
9/19/1917; The body of Mrs. Rose Montgomery, wife of N.E. Montgomery, who died at a local hospital Friday morning, was sent to Atkins yesterday morning by James Cook & Sons.
Montgomery, W.J., Pocahontas, Jan 17 - W J Montgomery, aged 79, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C F Shannon here last week, and was buried in the Masonic cemetery here.
Montgomery, Walter F., Funeral services for Walter F. Montgomery, aged 15, who died at the family residence on Frazier pike at 10:15 Thursday night, were held at 4 yesterday afternoon at the residence the Rev. P.Q. Rorie officiated.
Moody, Mrs.
Mary, Camden, Jan 15- Mrs. Mary Moody, aged 79, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.H M Hysolt at Frenchport, 20 miles south of Camden, this morning. Beside Mrs. Hysolt she is survived by one son, O H Moody.
Moon, Mrs.
George W., Funeral services for Mrs. George W. Moon, 44 years old, wife of Mr. Moon, inspector for the Little Rock Railway and Electric Company, who died at 6:50 yesterday morning at the family residence, 1904 Park avenue, will be held at St. Andrew's cathedral at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Moon was born at Johnstown, Pa. She is survived by her husband, two sons, James E. and George R. Moon her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hogan, of Chattanooga, Tenn; sis sisters and two brothers, of Chattanooga. She was a member of Maple Grove Circle No. 2, W. O. W.
Funeral services for Mrs. George W. Moon, 44 years old, who died at the family residence, 1904 Park avenue Tuesday morning, will be held from St. Andrew's cathedral, Seventh and Louisiana streets at 9:30 this morning. The Rev. Father Wernke will officiate. The pallbearers will be B.B. McDanniels, Thomas M. Cory, Fred A Garrett, Joe P. Mitchell, Res L Brown and Maud Davis. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Moon, Minnie, Mrs. Minnie of DeWitt died at a local hospital at 9:30 o'clock Saturday night. The body was sent by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to DeWitt yesterday afternoon. The deceased is survived by her husband, Fred Moon, and her father, Z.T. Zornes, both of DeWitt. Burial will be in DeWitt today.
Mooney, George, George R. Mooney, aged 50, died at 10 yesterday morning at a local hospital. He is survived by his sister, Mrs. Sallie Wilson of Philadelphia. Mr. Mooney was a native of Pennsylvania and a member of Grand Aerie, F.O. Eagles. The body is at Healey & Roth chapel pending Mrs. Wilson's arrival.
Moore, A.J., Lamar, Sept. 1 - A.J. Moore, aged 87 years, died here today after a few day's illness.
Moore, Mrs.
Randolph, Mrs. David Randolph Moore, aged 55, died at 7:15 last night in a Little Rock hospital. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Helen Westbrook of Cincinnati; two sons, Harold Van Moore of Little Rock and Herman J Tuchey of Wichita, Kan, and one brother, the Rev. J P Anderson of Decatur, Ala. She is also survived by six grandchildren. The body is being held by Healey & Roth.
- Funeral services for Mrs. David Randolph Moore, who died Sunday at a hospital here, will be held at the family home, 2601 Summit avenue, at 2 p.m. today, in charge of the Rev A M Rodgers. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Moore, Mrs.
James, Conway, April 12 - Mrs. James Moore, aged 89, died this morning at the home of Judge and Mrs. John W. Holt. She was the oldest person in Conway. January 27 she and Mr. Moore celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage, with the distinction of being the only couple in Faulkner county ever attaining a diamond anniversary.
Moore, Janice, Janice Moore, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Moore of Fordyce, died at a local hospital early yesterday morning. The body was shipped by Owens & Co. Argenta, to Fordyce yesterday afternoon. Burial will take place to day.
Moore, John M., John M. Moore, aged 54, a machinist, died at 7:30 o'clock last night at the family residence, 1005 Barber avenue. He is survived by hsi wife, one son, Harry J. Moore; three daughters, Clare, Ruth and Thelma; one brother, Lindley Moore, of Sayre, Ohio, and one sister, Mrs. Charles Smith of Sayre, Okla. Mr. Moore was a member of Machinists' Union No. 325 and the Knights and Ladies of Security No. 1876 of Little Rock. The body was taken to the P.H. Ruebel & Co. parlors, where it will be held awaiting instructions from his brother.
Moore, Josephine, Sheridan, July 2 - Mrs. Josephine Moore, aged 65, died at her home in Sheridan this morning. She is survived by her son, B.B. Moore, a merchant of Sheridan, and three brothers, J.M. Posey of Sheridan. W.A. Posey of Dogwood, Randolph Posey of Arkadelphia, and three sisters, Mrs. Jake Webb of Howard county, Mrs. T.B. Morton of Fordyce and Mrs. W.C.C. Dorough of Sheridan.
Moore, Lloyd C., Lloyd C. Moore, seven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Moore, died Sunday night at the family residence, 2605 Center street. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Moore, Luther, Luther Moore, aged 18, died at a local hospital at 7 yesterday afternoon. The body is being held at the James Cook & Son Company undertaking parlors, awaiting instructions from relatives at Paris.
Moore, Lucy, Texarkana, March 22 - Mrs. Lucy Moore, 67 years old, widow of the late D.H.Moore and mother of Alderman Otto Moore of the Second ward, died yesterday.
Moore, Nannie, Mrs. Nannie B. Moore, 83, mother of Mrs. James P. Clarke, wife of United States Senator James P. Clarke, died at her residence, 3906 Prospect avenue, at 7:30 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. James P. Clarke; three grandchildren, Mrs. Robert M. Williams, Mrs. J.W. House Jr., and James P. Clarke Jr., and one greatgrandchild, Frances Marion Williams. The body was sent to Helena yesterday afternoon by P.H. Ruebel & Co., 112 East Sixth street; for burial. Funeral services will be held in Helena this morning. Senator and Mrs. Clarke acompanied the body. Mrs. Moore was a native of Kentucky and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Warren. She had been a resident of Little Rock for a number of years.
Moore, Thomas W., Bentonville, Jan. 3 - Thomas W Moore, aged 73, for many years a well known resident of Benton county, died at his home the Bedford Woods place, southwest of Bentonville, Monday morning after a long illness. Mr. Moore came from North Carolina to Benton county in his early manhood. He is survived by his wife, three sons, John A Moore of Huntington W. Va; Charles and Arley, both of Bentonville; five dughters, Mrs. Ethel L Conn of Muskogee, Okla; Mrs. Lena Hendrickson of Highfill; Mrs. Nannie Epperson of Muskogee; Mrs. Omie Castie of Fort Smith; and Mrs. Jennie Jackson of Muskogee; a brother, John A Moore of Osage Mills, and a sister, Mrs. M. C. Lewis of Kansas City. ag1/4/22
Moore, W.F., Malvern, May 22 - Mrs. W.F. Moore of Reyburn died at her home five miles north of here early this morning. She was the wife of Captain W.F. Moore. Funeral services will take place at the home tomorrow, and burial will be made in Oak Ridge cemetery.
Moore, Walter, Eureka Springs, July 19 - Word has been receive here of the death of Walter E. Moore at Dallas, Tex., July 17. Mr. Moore was for many years editor of the Eureka Springs Flashlight. He was a native of Kentucky, but had lived in Arkansas for more than 30 years.
Moose, J. Fletcher, Morrilton, Aug 8 - Funeral services for J. Fletcher Moose, who was killed Saturday at Holdenville, Okla., during the draft trouble, were conducted this afternoon from the First Methodist church, South, by the Rev. M.N. Waldrip of Hot Springs, assisted by the Rev. H.H. Watson, pastor of the church. A union chior sang. Most of the stores in Morrilton were closed out of respect to young Moose, and many persons from Little Rock, Conway and Russellville attended the funeral. High school classmates of Mr. Moose were the pallbearers. Besides his mother, Mrs. W.L. Moose, Mr. Moose is survived by three brothers, Capt. William Moose, Eighth Cavalry, U.S.A., stationed at Manila, P.I. and Clifton and Charles R. Moose of Morrilton, and four sisters, Mrs. Robert Ferguson of Chicago, Mrs. W.F. Rogers of Warren, Mrs. M.H. Dean and Miss Darden Moose of Morrilton.
Moose, William, Morrilton, June 26 - Mrs. W.L. Moose, widow of the late Attorney General W.L. Moose, has received a cablegram from Manila, P.I., telling of the death there yesterday of her daughter in law, Mrs. William Moose, wife of Capt William Moose, Eighth Cavalry, U.S.A., stationed at Manila. Death resulted from menigitis. Mrs. Moose was ill only a few days. With the only child, a boy of 18 months, Captain Moose is bring home his wife's body, via San Francisco, for Interment in Ossining, My., the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Larkin.
Morehead, Marvel
Dye, The body of Mrs. Marvel Dye Morehead.
ed 2? wife of Robert D. Morehead of Stuttgart, who died at 1:30 yesterday at a local hospital, was sent last night by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Stuttgart. Besides her husband, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David F. White of Tarkie, Mo; three brothers, Lelard, Foster and Olie White, all of Tarkie, Mo.
Morford, G.W., Bigelow, July 12 - George W. Morford, aged 54, died at his home here yesterday. He is survived by his wife, three sons, T.R., B.O. and E.R., of Bigelow; and two brothers, T.J. Morford of Farnum, Ill.,and J.W. Monford of Dennard.
Morgan, Andrew J., Clarkesville, April 27 - Funeral services for Andrew J. Morgan, 70 years old, of Ludwig, this county, were held yesterday. He is survived by his wife and 10 children; Andrew Robert of Clarksville, T.J. of Tulsa, Okla, Lee of Okmulgee, Okla, Mrs. Garland and Mrs. Harris of Clarksville, Mrs. Ed Martin of Rixey, Mrs. Lovie Morgan of Hanna, Okla., Mrs. Norma Martin of Okmulgee, Okla.; Mrs. Noah Gammill of Ludwig, and the Misses Vida and Jewell Morgan of Ludwig.
Morgan, J.B., Ozark, Feb. 18 - J.R. Morgan, aged 66, died at his home here Friday, of tuberculosis. The funeral was held yesterday with Rev. W.J. Leroy conducting services at the home. Burial was made at Nichols Chapel. Mr. Morgan leaves his wife and four children.
Morgan, James, Jonesboro, Sept. 1 - James Morgan, a well known farmer living on Cone Island, in the eastern part of the county, met instant death this afternoon while crossing the wagon bridge at Lake City. He was on the lead mule hitched to a heavily loaded wagon. The animal becmae frightened and Morgan was thrown off. His head struck the banister of the bridge and the loaded wagon passed over his body.
Morgan is survived by his wife and five children.
Morgan, Mrs.
John, Pine Bluff, Feb. 13 - Mrs. John Morgan, aged 37, died yesterday afternoon at her home in Dexter.
Morgan, Ray, Mrs. Ray Morgan, aged 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Brawell, 1413 West Capitol avenue, died Tuesday at Lehigh, Okla. She is survived by her husband, an infant son, Ray Morgan Jr.; her parents and one sister, Mrs. Elsie Barnun, of Little Rock. Mrs. Morgan left Little Rock two years ago. Funeral services will be held Tuesday.
Morris, Dan B., Blytheville, July 20- Dan B. Morris, Foreman of the Kelley Handle Company of this city, was instantly killed today when he was carried against a large revolving saw. His body was almost cut in two, His right shoulder was severed from his body, and the arm was twice cut in two.
Morris had just cautioned some of his men to be careful about the saw. After the machinery started he climbed upon the saw to make some adjustments in the electric wiring when he slipped and fell. The body was horribly mangled. Morris is survived by his widow and four children.
Morris, E. R., Harrisburg, March 9 - Mrs. E.R. Morris died at the home of her brother, Simon Jones yesterday. She and her husband arrived here just a week ago from Missouri and were moving to a farm they had purchased two miles north of town. She was ill when she arrived.
Morris, Mrs.
Martha E., Siloam Springs, Jan 14- Mrs. Martha E Morris, aged 77, died at the home of her son on South Madison street Saturday morning.
Morris, Mary
Jane, Fayetteville, Jan 30 - Mrs. Mary Jane Morris, aged 73 is death at her home in Morrow. She is survived by two daughters and one son. Mrs. Ernest Harrison. Mrs. Robert Simpson and James F Morris, all of Morrow; by one brother, J C White of Fayetteville and by two sisters. Mrs. W N Bush of Fayetteville and Mrs. Alice Evins of San Antonio, Tex.
Morris, Zack, Blytheville, Jan 8 - Zack Morris, aged 61, died recently in the Lone Oak settlement following an illness fro pneumonia. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mandy Morris, and four sons and one daughter.
Morrison, A.E., Batesville, Sept. 9 = Mrs. A.E. Morrison, an old resident of this county, died at the home of her niece, Mrs. George Lawrence, at McHue. She had been ill for some time. She is a sister of Mrs. D.E. White of this city.
Morrison, C.M., Claredon, Jan 11- C. C. Morrison, aged 84, a Union soldier for the four years of the Civil war, died at his home in Blackton recently. Mr. Morrison came to Arkansas soon after the war and had lived in Monroe county for many years.
Morrison, Dwight, Pea Ridge, Jan. 17 - Dwight Morrison, aged 62, died last night. He was the son of Dr. Addison Morrison, pioneer Presbyterian preacher and founder of Mount Vernon Academy in 1853.
Rogers, Jan. 18 - Dwight Morrison, aged 60 years, died January 16 at his home, two miles east of Pea Ridge.
Morrow, M. A., Paragould, Jan 7 - Mrs. Addie Morrow, wife of M A Morrow, died yesterday morning at her home at Standord, southwest of this city. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, aged five; three brothers, ex-County Judge Jason L Light, George G Light of the Paragould Trust Company and J W Light of Walcott. Three sisters also survive.
Morrow, Ray, Van Buren, May 24 - Ray Morrow, aged 50, a farmer living near here, shot and killed himself in his barn last night. His act is ascribed to illhealth, a poor crop prospect and inability to meet obligations. A note found in his pocket read, "I hate to leave this old world this way, but I can't go like I used to go, and I have made my last bad move. Take care of the girls and see that they get what belongs to them. I can't live in a place like this." Morrow was unmarried
Moseley, Mattie, Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Mosely, aged 32, who died at 10:45 yesterday morning at the family residence, 2110 West Thirty-fifth street, will be held at 3 this afternoon at the residence. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Moseley was born in Indiana and is survived by her husband, Norman Moseley; one daughter, Miss Martha Moseley, and one son, Kenneth Moseley. Mrs. Moseley was a member of Maple Grove No. 5, Woodmen Circle and also the Fraternal Aid Union.
Moses, George
Taylor, George Taylor Moses, the nine-year-old son of Roy Moses, died at the fmaily residence at 1912 Gaines street, at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his father and mother and one brother, Jack. The body will be sent by Owens & Co at 3:30 o'clock today to Hampton.
Moses, John H., Hope, Jan. 6 - John H. Moses, aged 50, died here this morning of heart disease. He was a native of this county and had been engaged in the transfer business about 12 years. He is survived by his father and mother, Henry and Caroline Moses, of Springhill; his wife, one son, Erva; five daughters, Lura, Della, Ora, Reba, and Vena; two sisters, Mrs. Jane Youeum of Guernsey, and Mrs. H.E. Foster, Idabel, Okla.; and four brothers, Starling, Jim, Billy and Tade Moses, all of this county. Funeral services will be held Monday.
Mosley, D.L., D.L. Mosley, 19, died of appendicitis at St. Vinent's infirmary at 10 o'clock Saturday nght. He is survived by his parents, four brothers and two sisters. Funeral services were held from the Methodist church at Perry at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Eli Myers officiated. Burial was in the Mosley private cemetery, near Perry.
Moss, Joe, Joe Moss, 49, died at a local hospital at 9 o'clock Wednesday night. The body is being held at the undertaking parlors of P.H. Ruebel & Co., 112 East Sixth street, awaiting advice from relative at Ola.
Moss, Victor H., Dermott, April 19 - Victor E. Moss, aged 48, died at his home here Monday. He is survived by his wife, one son, Howard, and one daughter, Mrs. Heiney McFadden of Walnut Lake.
Mossholder, Alonzo, Funeral services for Alonzo Mossholder, aged 54, who died at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon at the family residence, 1500 Schaer street, Argenta, will be held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon from the residence, in charge of the Rev. J.T. Willcoxen. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The A.O.U.W. will have charge of the services at the grave. Mr. Mossholder is survived by his wife, his mother,Mrs. B.A. Burks; three sons, W.F., C.H. and O.B., two daughters, Mrs. Maude Huffman and Mrs. Mattie McKenney.
Motley, John W., Marshall, Jan. 23 - John W Motley, aged 78, died here yesterday from Bright's disease. He is survived by his wife, four sons and two daughters.
Mouser, Frances, Prescott, June 30 - Mrs. Frances Mouser, aged 99 years and six months, died at her home near Mt. Moriah, in this county, yesterday. She is survived by one son, J. W. East, and two daughters, Mrs. Maggie Bennett and Mrs. Sarah Reese, all of this county. Mrs. Mouser was the oldest resident of the county.
Mowen, John
Albert, Fort Smith, Jan 6 - John Albert Mowen, 60 business man, died at his home here early yesterday. Mr. Mowen was a resident of Fort Smith 42 years. For several years he was traveling auditor for the Missouri Pacific railroad, with headquarters here, and in 1908 helped found the Mowen-Johnson Dry Goods Company here. He recently had been with the Glick laundry. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lulu Mowen; three daughters; Mrs. Cecil Stanton, and Misses Mildred and Grace Mowen, all of Fort Smith; two sisters, Mrs. E E Albright, Tulsa, and Mrs. R W Campbell, and Robert Mowen, Monroe, La.
Moyston, B.M., Pine Bluff, June 1 - Funeral services for Mrs. B.M. Moyston, who died Thursday morning at Hot Springs, were held this morning at Bellwood cemetery. Mrs. Moyston was a sister of C.Z. McLean of this city.
Mulley, J.W., Jonesboro, Sept. 11 - J.W. Mulley, aged 28 years, who was injured here yesterday afternoon when a block and tackle broke, died last night in a local hospital. He was superintending the construction of the cotten compress building, when the rope of the tackle broke, the heavy block falling on his head. His spine was broken. The body was sent to Laurel, Miss., his former home.
Mulligan, Clara M., Clara M. Mulligan, aged 16 months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Mulligan, 203 West Fifth steet, Argenta, died yesterday morning at the family residence. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence this morning at 10, by the Rev. J.T. Wilcoxen. Burial will be in Thomas cemetery. Surviving are her parents and two sisters.
Mullins, F.W., Texarkana, Sept. 5 - Following an illness of several months, F.W. Mullins, aged 67, president of the Texas Produce Company, died last night at his home here. He had spent the last three months at Battle Creek, Mich., and returned home last Sunday. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Frances, aged 12; one son, Eugene, 21; three sisters and two brothers. Funeral services will take place tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock from the home and will be conducted by the Rev. Dr. Boone of the Beech Street Baptist church.
Mullins, Mary, Pine Bluff, Feb. 13 - Mrs. Mary Ann Mullins, aged 60, wife of John Mullins, died at her home on the Dollarway about 12 miles west of Pine Bluff yesterday afternoon. She is survived by a sister and a brother, Mrs. J.D. Holley of this city, and Willis Holley.
Munns, John S., Conway, Jan 12 - John S Munns, aged 66, died of pneumonia at the home of George McClain, a half mile west of Conway, last night. Mr. Munns was proprietor of a local broom factory and was well known throughout the county. He was born October 18, 1858 in Jackson county, Tenn. and came with his parents to Arkansas in 1862, locating at Mt. Vernon. He is survived by four sons, Edgar and Aubrey of North Little Rock, Melton of Rosebud and Arthur of Conway; two daughters, Mrs. Ruby Graham of New York city and Mrs. Lois Dillaha of Greenbrier.
Murdaugh, Frank, Pine Bluff, March 16 - Frank J Murdaugh, aged 48, died last night at his home at Swan Lake, in the eastern part of the county. Besides his widow, who is a daughter of Captain and Mrs. W.F.Lindsay of Swan Lake, he is survived by four children. The body will be brought to Pine Bluff tomorrow morning, and funeral services will be conducted here with burial in Bellwood cemetery.
Murdock, David, Atkins, April 10 - David Murdock, at farmer living near Economy, died at his home this morning.
Murph, E.L., E.L. Murph, aged 63, 3915 West Tenth street, died at a local hospital at 7:45 last night. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Laura Murph; five daughters, Mrs. G.M. Starnes, Mrs. H.B. Stuart, Mrs. C.M. Garrett, Mrs. Frank Bolz and Miss Thelma Murph, all of Little Rock; two sons, Edward Murph of Little Rock and D.H. Murph of Dallas, Tex. Funeral services will be held at the Highland Methodist Episcopal church at 2:30 this afternoon. The Rev. W.R. Harrison assisted by the Rev. W.P. Whaley, will officiate. The pall bearers will be: I.M. Cartwright, James P. Blanks, R.R. McIntosh, J. Marks, John B. Pearson and M.E. Chamberlain. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.; 5/9/1917
Murphey, Meta, Mrs. Meta M. Murphey, 2119 Spring street, wife of E.D. Murphey, engineer of the Arkansas Acturial Bereau, died at 10 Thursday night at the Georgia Baptist Hospital, Atlanta Ga....Mrs. A.O. Murphey of Barnesville, Ga., and a granddaughter of the late Chief Justice T.J. Simmons of the Supreme Court of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Murphey came to Little Rock about four years ago. She is survived by her husband and an only daughter, Irene. Funeral services and Interment will be held at Barnesville, Ga.
Murphy, Dolly, Funeral services for Miss Dolly Murphy, aged 23, of Van Buren, who died Thursday night at a local hospital, were conducted at 5 yesterday afternoon from the chapel of P.H. Ruebel & Co. by the Rev. T.D. Browne, pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Miss Murphy is survived by her mother Mrs. Annie Murphy of Van Buren, and eight brothers and two sisters.
Murphy, Dr.
G.J., Booneville, June 10 - Dr. G.J. Murphy, aged 62, a resident of this place for 40 years, died at his home here yesterday. He is survived by his wife; one son, H.G. Murphy; and one daughter, Mrs. C.H. Carmichael. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J.H. O'Bryant and the Rev. W.T. Martin at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Burial was under the auspices of the Masonic lodge, at Oak Hill cemetery.
Murphy, George, Van Buren, Sept. 26 - George Murphy, aged 10, died here today from the effects of a wound in his ankle suffered about two weeks ago. It was caused by the slipping from his hand of a knife with which he was carving a watermelon. He suffered considerable loss of blood before the flow was stopped by home methods.
Murphy, William
Mason, Prairie Grove, Jan 9 - William Mason Murphy, aged 69, died at his home here Monday night. He is survived by his wife, by two sons, W J Murphy of Cabot and Everett M Murphy of Prairie Grove and by one daughter, Mrs. M. N. Hill, who lives near here.
Murray, N.A., Monticello, July 31 - N.A. Murray, aged 71 years, died at his home yesterday. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. J.M. Daniels of Wilmar, and Mrs. W.A. Coker of this city.
Murray, Roy, Poplar Bluff, Mo., Jan 14- Roy Murray, aged 57, former cashier of the Bank of Harviell, six miles south of here, died Sunday at the home of relatives in Heber Springs, Ark.
Murrell, Baby, Died the week of 1/4/1881. Murrell, sixteen months of age, scarlatina.
Murrell, Charlotte C., Funeral services for Mrs. Charlotte C. Murrell, 69 years old, who died at 3 yesterday morning at St. Vincent's infirmary, will be held at 3 this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. W.B. Ferguson, 808 Battery street. Mrs. Morrell resided at 1001 Cumberland street. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Julia Murrell, and a brother, J. Willis Cook, of New York City.
Murry, Minnie, Thornton, April 23 - Thornton, April 23 - Mrs. Minnie Murry, wife of B.A. Murry, died at her home here yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, a son, Benjamin Jr., and a daughter, Maurine. Interment was made at Bearden, her former home.
Murtha, Jack, El Paso, March 10 - Jack Guy Murtha, aged 27, died at the home of his mother here March 2 of pneumonia. He was a traveling salesman, employed by an El Paso firm. He was born in Little Rock. He leaves his mother, two sisters and a brother, who are Mrs. Rena Turcotte, Mrs. W. N. Carl and Frank Murtha.
Mustachia, Nick, Pine Bluff, Sept. 11 - Nick Mustachia, aged 64, resident of Pine Bluff for 30 years, died suddenly at his home today, of apoplexy.
Myers, Miss
Annie, Miss Annie Myers 510 East Capitol avenue, died at a hospital here at 3:30 p.m.yesterday. She is survived by a sister, Miss Nellie Myers. The body is held at the Healey & Roth parlors.
1/4/1930; Funeral services for Miss Annie Myers who died Friday at a hospital here will be held at St. Andrews' cathedral, Seventh and Louisiana streets, at 9 a.m. Tuesday, in charge of the Rev J. P. Ciforan. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery
Pallbearers will be: Active-Paul Tucker, A Philipanski, Mike Reilly, Fred Edda, H B Fitzhugh and Otis Kahn. Honorary-A Froug, Dr. W. H. Miller, Dr. Dowell Gann, Dr. E. O. Day, Walter A Isgrig, Joe Oavet and Winston Crenshaw.
Myhard, W.T., W.T.Myhard, aged 74, died at a local hospital at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. He is survived by one son of Monticello. The body is being held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. chapel awaiting instructions from the son.