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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2124

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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Padgett, Mrs.
T.M., Conway, March 4 - Mrs. T M Padgett, aged 47, died this norning at her home at Lollie, near here, following a long illness. She is survived by her husband and several children. Burial will be made in Carter cemetery tomorrow.

Padgett, William, The body of William Padgett, 37 years old, who died in a local hospital Wednesday night of injuries sustained in a logging camp near Ethel Saturday, was sent to DeWitt yesterday by Healey & Roth for funeral and burial.

Palmon, F.D., Hope, May 29 - Mrs. F.D. Palmon, aged 55, died here this afternoon. Funeral services will be held tomorrow from the family residence.

Parcell, W.H., W. H. Parcell, aged 74, died at a loca hospital at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, three sons, T A Garland and Chester Parcell and one daughter, Miss Augie Parcell, all of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company chapel at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. Otto Whittington. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery.

Park, W.C., Locksburg, Jan 29 - W C Park, aged 74, one of the best known residents of this section, died at his home here yesterday. He is survived by his wife and three sons. He was a member of the local Masonic lodge.

Parker, Mrs.
Alex, Dalark, April 14 - Mrs. Alex Parker died suddenly at the family residence, four miles east of here, at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Parker, Charles, Probably as a result of excessive heat, Private Charles Parker of St. Thomas, Ark., a member of Company B, died at the post hospital Thursday night. He is survived by his mother and father, who live at St. Thomas, and the body will be sent there for burial. Private Parker enlisted at Bald Knob and had been in the regiment only a short time.

Parker, L.F., Texarkana, Feb 19 - Mrs. L.F. Parker, aged 29 died last night in a local sanitarium. She is survived by her husband, who left this morning with the body for Buckner, where the funeral and burial will take place tomorrow.

Parker, Mary E., Funeral services for Mrs. Mary E. Parker, aged 83, who died at the family residence on Arch street pike at 4 yesterday morning will be held at the residence at 2:30 this afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Williams will officiate. Burial will be in Oaklawn cemetery. Mrs. Parker, who was born in Tennessee had been a resident of Little Rock since 1842. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Dora Rauch of Rural Route No. 4, and two sons, R.S. and H.W.Parker, who reside on the Arch street pike.

Parker, R.H., Nashville, Feb. 7 - R.H. Parker, 67 years old, died yesterday afternoon at his home here. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Nat Harrison and Mrs. Alex Skillern of Nashville, three sisters, Mrs. R.S> Sypert of Goley, Texas, Mrs. Hugh Hanun and Mrs. F.P. Holt of 1011 Rock street, Little Rock. The funeral and burial will take place here tomorrow.

Parker, Sallie
Lavinia, Funeral services for Mrs. Sallie Lavinia Parker, aged 45, who died at 2:25 yesterday morning at a local hospital, will be held at 4 this afternoon from Healey & Roth Chapel. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Her husband survived.

Parker, Mrs.
Sid, Harrisburg, March 22 - Mrs. Sid Parker died at her home at Hydrick, nine miles south of this city, last night.

Parkinson, G.W., Siloam Springs, Jan. 30 - George W. Parkinson, aged 73, died at his home two and a half miles from here, yesterday.

Parks, James, Ozark, June 28 - James Parks, aged 65, a farmer, who live five miles northeast of here, suddenly dropped dead yesterday while helping his wife milk. The body was taken to Clarksville for burial.

Parks, John, Mountain Home, July 26 - John Parks, a well known farmer living east of here, died Tuesday night of hernia.

Parks, John D., Lewisville, June 20 - John D. Parks, aged 41, died this morning after a long illness. He is survived by his wife and one brother, Tillman B. Parks and a sister, Mrs. Mamie Sherman of Oklahoma City.

Parks, Martha, Searcy, Jan. 17 - Mrs. Martha A. Parks, aged 70, died at Center Hill, 10 miles west of Searcy, Saturday. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. T.T. Trimble of Searcy. Mrs. Parks was born near Searcy and had lived in White county all her life. She is survived by four daughters, one of whom is Mrs. Gentry, lives here.

Parks, W.P., Lewisville, April 3 - W.P. Parks, aged 36, died yesterday at Reeder. He is survived by his wife and two small children; two brothers, Tillman B. Parks and John D. Parks, and a sister who lives in Oklahoma.

Parnell, J.M., J.M. Parnell, aged 68, died at a local hospital at 8 o'clock last night. The body will be sent this morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Warren Ark., his home, for burial.

Parnell, W.J., Leola, May 15 - W.J. Parnell died Sunday at his home near here. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Parrish, J.L., Fort Smith, June 12 - J.I. Parrish, aged 57, of Sugar Grove, died in St. John's hospital. He is survived by Mrs. Vivian Wilkins, Mrs. Inez Scott, Miss Clara Parrish of Sugar Grove, Mrs. Ana Harris of Kansas City, and Howard and Carl Parrish of Sugar Grove.

Parsel, Evelyn, d. 7/10/1890 Topeka, Kan.
ed 74; Preceded: Husband, A.J. Parsel Sr.; Survived: Son, A.J. Parsel Jr; Brother, Joseph Makoski; Sisters, Josephine Andrews, Katherine Makoski; Interment: Calvary cemetery.

Parsons, Ambrose B., Ambrose B. Parsons, private in the Sixth Battalion of the National Army, stationed at Camp Pike, died at the base hospital at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. The body is held by P.H. Ruebel & Co., awaiting instruction from his father, J.E. Parsons of West Point, Miss.

Partenberry, Mrs.
Jess, Poplar Bluff, Mo Dec 31. Mrs Matilda Partenberry aged 74, wife of Jess Partenberry, Qulin farmer died at the family home yesterday after a brief illness. She is survived by her husband, two sons and one daughter.

Pate, A.A., Rogers, Jan 30 - Mrs. A.A. Pate died here yesterday of pneumonia.

Pattee, Truman, Information was received by Fred Pattee from Morrison, La., yesterday of the death of his mother, Mrs. Truman Pattee, aged 82, at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. L.D. Diamond of Morrison, two sons, Martin Pattee of Morrison and Fred Pattee of Little Rock. She was born in Vermont. Mrs. Pattee is well known here. Burial will take place at Morrison at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Patterson, J.R., Batesville, Feb. 20 - Mrs. J.R. Patterson died at her home here at midnight Sunday night, leaving her husband and three children.

Patterson, Kenneth, Clarksville, Jan 13- Kenneth Patterson, 19-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W G Patterson of Shady Grove, three miles from here, died yesterday afternoon.

Paul, Fate, Harrison, July 11 - Fate Paul, who lived three miles east of Harrison, while returning from a visit to one of his neighbors, was almost instantly killed. The mule he was riding threw him and kicked him in the head. He was found a short time afterward by Mrs. Paul, but died before medical assistance could reach him. He was a son of William Paul and is survived by his wife and three children.

Paul, John R., John R. Paul, aged 61, died at 9 yesterday morning at the family residence 2322 Spring street. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. J.H. Caldwell of Harkdale and Misses Gladys and Alberta Paul of Little Rock. The Funeral probably will be held Sunday, but definite arrangements have not been completed.

Funeral services for John Isaac Paul, aged 61; who died Friday, will be held at the family residence 2322 Spring street, at 4 this afternoon. The Rev. S.E.Ryan will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Pauli, Clarence
John, Clarence John Pauli, eight years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P Puli, died at the family residence, 1123 West Tenth street, at 2:15 yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his parents, three sisters, Jeanette, Marie and Julis and two brothers, Augustus and Anthony. He was a student at U M Rose school. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Funeral services for Clarence J Pauli, aged eight, son of Mr. and Mrs. John P Pauli, who died at the family residence 1123 West Tenth street, at 2:15 Sunday afternoon, will be held at the St. Edward's German Catholic church, Ninth and Sherman streets, at 9:30 this morning. He attended the U.M.Rose school and the following schoolmates will act as pallbearers: Louis Simman, William Craig, Carl Hampel, Louis Miller, Lee Biehl and Harvey Bosshardt. The Rev. Father Morris Rohner will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Payne, Alfred, Died the week of 1/4/1881. Alfred Payne, fifty-nine years of age, heart disease.

Payne, Dr. J.B., Dr. J.B.Payne of Hot Springs died last midnight at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Owens, 608 Cypress street, Argenta. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Dr. Payne is survived by two sons and his daughter, Mrs. Owens.

Dr. Joseph B. Payne of Hot Springs, 83 years old, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Nannie Owens, 608 Cypress street, Argenta, shortly after midnight Monday. He is survived by two sons, Dr. Harry Payne of Sabinos, Mex., and Brodie Payne of Owensboro, Ky., and his daughter, with whom he has been making his home. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made, but it is probably that burial will be in Hot Springs.

Dr. Payne was a surgeon of the Nineteenth Regiment, Arkansas Infantry, during the civil war. He was the eldest son of Philip and Nancy (Thomas) Payne of Revolutionary ancestry and Scottish Irish origin, and was born in Wilkinson county, Georgia, December 22, 1833. He received his early education at Harrison Academy in his native state. He moved to Arkansas, locating at Magnolia in 1855. One year later, he was married to Martha Harper, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Harper. In the spring of 1861, he was appointed medical examiner for recruits by Gen. Earl Van Dorn. and served in this capacity until March 1862, when he enlisted as a private in the Nineteenth. After a short service as sergeant major of the regiment, he was appointed and commissioned as surgeon, April 13, 1862, at Fort Pillow. This was about the time that the Federal fleet began the bombardment of the fort, and Dr. Payne was under fire with his regiment for 13 days. When the fort became untenable, the regiment was ordered to Corinth, Miss., where Dr. Payne served during the siege by Halleck's army and the fighting at Farmington. After the evacuation of Corinth, he was ordered on duty in August, 1862, west of the Mississippi, where he remained during the remainder of the war, serving on post duty as surgeon.

A year later he removed to Anderson county, Texas where he practiced his profession until 1879. Since then he has been a resident of Hot Springs and active and successful as a physician and surgeon. He has been honored by his professional accosicates with the positions of vice president of the state and city medical societies in 1897, and was city physician of Hot Springs. He has been a member of the School Board and at the time of his death was president of the board.

Peaker, Thomas, Thomas Peaker, aged 96, died at the residence of his son, W.E. Peaker, 922 Battery street, at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by two sons, W.E. Peaker, at whose home he died, and Charles Peaker of Homer, La., and one daughter, Mrs. H.M. Peck of California. Mr. Peaker was born in Yorkshire, Eng.; in 1820, and came to America at the age of 19. Mr. Peaker has been making his home here for the last three years. Funeral services will be held from the parlors of Ruebel & Co. at 10 o'clock this morning. In charge of the Rev. Father P.H. Boyle. Pallbears will be: W.M. Long, John Liske, Louis Rossheart, Claude Grace, Jems Deadrick and J.C. Cole. The funeral will be private. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.

Pearman, Byron
Field, Byron Field Pearman of DeWitt, aged 26, died yesterday afternoon at a local hospital. He is survived by his wife, one son, James Pearman; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.F. Pearman; one sister, Miss Grace Pearman and one brother, Ray Pearman, all of DeWitt. The body is held by P.H. Ruebel & Co., pending funeral arrangements.

Pearson, Henry, Lamar, Feb. 13 - Henry Pearson, aged 39, died here yesterday of pneumonia.

Peay, Hooper, Died the week of 1/4/1881. Hooper Peay, two years of age, scarlet fever.

Pemberton, Ella
Marie, Ella Marie Pemberton, three-days-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C W Pemberton, died at the family home 2018 West Eleventh street, yesterday afternoon. Funeral services will be held at the home at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Pence, W.F.
Monroe, W.F. Monroe Pence, aged 65, died at 10 yesterday morning at his home near Baucum. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Richard M. and Rottaken Pence of Baucum; a half brother Godfrey Scruggs and half sister, Mrs. Sherman Williams, both of Little Rock. The body will be taken to Mrs. Williams residence, 1012 McGowan street this afternoon, and funeral services will be held at 10 tomorrow morning from St. Edward's cathedral, Ninth and Sherman streets, in charge of the Rev. Father Maurus Rohner. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.

Funeral services for W.F. Moore Pence, 65 years old, who died Sunday morning at his home near Baucum, will be held at 10 this morning from St. Edward's Catholic churc. Ninth and Sherman streets. The Rev. Father Morris Rohner will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetary. Pallbearers will be: W.N. Hanson, George W. Darwin, W.C. Adamson, Joe Cline, Charles G. Roberts and John McNemars.

Pendergrass, Lee, Helena, Jan. 31 - Lee Pendergrass, former sheriff of Phillips county, well known cotton factor, was found dead in bed about 9 o'clock this morning.

In the absence of his son, Dr. A.L. Pendergrass, who has been at Phoenix, Ariz., for several months, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. Wade, relatives, were occupying the Pendergrass residence, and Mr. Pendergrass was living with them. When he was called for breakfast this morning he did not answer and Mrs. Wade became uneasy. Neighbors who were summonded forced their way into Mr. Pendergrass' room and found him dead.

Beside Dr. A.L. Pendergrass, his only child, Mr. Pendergrass is survived by many relatives, among whom are Sheriff F.F. Kitchens and A.M. Wade, both of this city.

Penn, W. E., Eureka Springs, Sept. 27 - Mrs. W.E. Pnn, aged 84 years, widow of Major W.E. Penn, noted evangelist of the Baptist church, died here Tuesday. She had been a resident of Eureka Springs since 1887.

Peoples, Tobe, Arkadelphia, June 13 - Tobe Peoples, aged 62, of this city, who died suddenly from sunstroke near Alpine, was buried today at Copeland Ridge cemetery. He is survived by two children.

Percival, I.M., Mrs. I.M. Percival, a former resident of Little Rock, died Thursday at San Antonio, Tex. Burial will be at West Point, Ark., today.

Perkins, E.B., E.B. Perkins, aged 57, died at 6:20 yesterday morning in a local hospital. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Ray Perkins and John Perkins, both of Paragould; a daughter, Mrs. Allen of Fort Smith; and one brother, Joseph R. Perkins of St. Louis. The body will be sent to Brookhaven, Miss., this morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co., for burial.

Perkins, W.R., Gillett, Sept. 28 - W.R. Perkins, aged 67, died Wednesday. He came to Arkansas six years ago when he became owner of the local hotel.

Pernot, Harry C., Van Buren, Jan 22 - Funeral services for Harry C Pernot, aged 61, who died Sunday morning, was held from Trinity Episcopal church today. Mr. Pernot was postmaster here. He had served two terms as mayor and had been a member of the council. He also served as cief of the Fire Department and was twice elected justice of the peace for Van Buren township. He was one of the first to organize a company at the beginning of the Spanish-American war. He was a member of Van Buren Chapter No. 3, F and A. M., and had occupied every station in the lodge. He was a member of Jacques De Molay Commandery No. 3 of Fort Smith, and of the Knights of Pythias lodge, in which he attained the office of past grand chancellor of the grand lodge of Arkansas, and of other fraternal orders. Nearly every business house in the city closed during the funeral services. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Minnie Matthews, and one brother, S.A. Pernot, both of this city.

Perrin, Franklin, Batesville, Jan. 27 - Franklin Perrin died at his home here Friday morning after an illness of several months. He was a Confederate veteran and had been a resident of Batesville for 63 years.

Perrings, W.J., Pine Bluff, Jan. 9 - W. J. Perrings aged 54, died at his home here last night. He came to Pine Bluff about 30 years ago and opened a photograph gallery. For many years he was secretary of Jefferson lodge, I.O.O.F., and was also a member of Pine Bluff camp W.O.W. The body was sent to his old home at Jerseyville, Ill., for burial.

Perry, J.C., The body of J.C. Perry, aged 61, who died Wednesday night at a local hospital, is being held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. undertaking parlors, pending the arrival of relatives from Arkadelphia. Mr. Perry is survived by his wife and three sons, J.D., W.A. and W.M. Perry.

Perry, Mary H., Mrs. Mary H. Perry, aged 63, died at 7:30 yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A.M. Blount, 912 Washington street. Mrs. Perry was a native of Mississippi. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. A.M. Blount of Little Rock, Mrs. Etta Thompson of Cabot, Ark., and Mrs. Beatrice Pullum of Los Angeles, Cal.; one son, Ben Perry of Vinita, Okla. Mrs. Perry was a member of the Shiloh Methodist church. Funeral services will be held at 12 o'clock today at the residence and the body will be buried in Cato cemetery.

Perry, O.E., Pine Bluff, Aug 6 - Mrs. O.E. Perry died Sunday night at her home in this city.

Perry, Rosa
Mae, Rosa Mae Perry, aged 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Perry, died at 3:30 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 1911 Poplar street, Argenta. Besides her parents, she is survived by two brothers, William and Parker, both of Argenta. The body will be sent tomorrow morning by Owens & Co. to Cabot. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill cemetery.

Perry, Wade, Stephens, April 28 - Wade Perry, aged 17, died yesterday at the home of his brother in law, Dr. G.F. Sanders, of appendicitis. He was the sun of Judge W.A. Perry of Stephens.

Peters, M., Clarksville, Feb. 25 - M. Peters, aged 80 of this city, died Friday, leaving his wife and three children, George Peters of Smeadley, Mrs. Arthur Crowley of Ludwig, and Mrs. W. H. Hatfield, wife of the Rev. W.H. Hatfield, pastor of the M.E. church of Southwest City Mo. He was buried this afternoon at Springhill.

Peters, Mary M., Funeral services for Mary M Peters, seven year old daughter of E.H. Peters, 1406 Bishop street, who died at 6:30 yesterday morning, will be held at 9 this morning at the residence, in charge of the Rev. Father Marris Rhoner. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.

Peterson, W.M., Pine Bluff, April 8 - W.M. Peterson, a resident of Pine Bluff, for many years, died at his home here Saturday afternoon. The funeral was held this afternoon. He is survived by his widow and several children. For several years, he was employed as a gunsmith by J. L. Armifield.

Pettit, Ellen, Mrs. Ellen Pettie, 77, died at a local hospital at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The body is being held at the undertaking parlors of P.H. Ruebel & Co., 112 East Sixth street, awaiting advice from relatives at Arthur, Ill.

Pew, Mrs.
Ann, Fort Smith, Jan 12- Mrs. Harriet Ann Pew, aged 72, resident of Fort Smith for 15 years following a residence in Crawford county, died at her home late yesterday. She is survived by two sons, Charles R Pew, Muskogee, Okla., J B Pew, Tuscon, Ark; five daughters, Mrs. Ed Morrison, Venice, Cal, Mrs. Sam Welmer, Sapulps, Okla, Mrs. Neil Rockhold, Mrs. H E Cooke and Miss Brece Pew, all of Fort Smith, as well as several granchildren and great grandchildren.

Phelps, J.T., Conway, July 26 - Mrs. J.T. Phelps, aged 60, died at her home near Linda Wednesday night. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. Fay Kent of El Paso and two sons, Ruben C. and Joseph U. Phelps of Conway.

Philbeck, Mrs.
W.J., Fayetteville, Jan 17- Mrs. W J Philbeck, aged 82, died in Fort Worth, Tex, Thursday morning at the home ofher son. She was ill only a short time, following a paralytic stroke last Saturday. She is survived by three sons, John W of Fayetteville and Roy and Russell, both of Fort Worth.

Philips, Marx, Hamburg, March 13 - M. Phillips died at his home last night.

Hamburg, March 15 - Marx Philips died at the home of his wife's mother, Mrs. M.E. Watson, Monday night. Mr. Philips formerly edited the Crossett Observer, and was at one time foreman of the Hamburg Budget. He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Ouila Watson of Hamburg; one sister, Mrs. Hattie Guggenheim, of New Orleans, and two brothers.

Phillips, Mrs.
Anne, Green Forest, Jan 6- Mrs. Anne Phillips, aged 90, died recently hat her home in the Denver community. She had lived alone since the death of her husband 28 years ago.

Phillips, J.R., Hermitage, March 13 - Mrs. J R Phillips, aged about 60, died suddenly last night. She is survived by her husband and several sons and daughters; H E and Emmett of Hermitage, Gus and Morgan of Wisson, and Mrs. J C Cobb and Mrs. W P Bryant of Crossett. The body will be taken to Arkadelphia, her old home, for burial.

Arkadelphia, March 15 - The body of Mrs. J.R. Phillips, wife of the Rev. J.R. Phillips of Hermitage, Ark., was brought here last night. Burial was in Rose Hill cemetery today. Funeral services were conducted at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R D Briscoe, at 9 o'clok, the Rev. W R Richardson and the Rev. J.C. Wiliams conducting the ceremonies. Mrs. Phillips is survived by her husband and eight chidren. They are: Mrs. S.T.Cobb of Crossett, H. E Phillips of Hermitage, Morgan Phillips of Wesson, Gus Phillips of Wesson, Mrs. W.P.Bryant Jr. of Crossett, Emmett Phillips of Hermitage, John H Phillips and Mrs. R D Briscoe of Arkadelphia, all of whom were at the funeral.

Phillips, J.W., John W. Phillips of Hope, aged 72, a Confederate veteran, who was serving his third term as county treasurer of Hempstead county, died yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.A. Snodgrass, 814 West Third street. He was born in Franklin county, Alabama, April 17 1845. In 1850 he moved to Hempstead county with his parents. He was active in business and politics. He was a member of Company K, Twelfth Arkansas Infantry of Arkadelphia, during the Civil war. He was a member of the Masonic and Knights of Pythias Lodges at Hope. He was also a member of the Methodist church. He is survived by his wife, one son, O.W. Phillips; two daughters, Mrs. George C. Koonce and Mrs. Snodgrass, of Little Rock; three sisters, Mrs. W.L. Barton, of Amarillo, Tex., Mrs. Bama Grissom, of Hope, and Mrs. George Naborn, of Argenta, and one brother, J.M. Phillips, of Argenta. The body will be sent to Hope this morning by Healey & Roth. Funeral services will be held at the Hope Methodist church at 2 this afternoon, and burial will be in Cave Hill cemetery.

Phillips, L.D., Ash Flat, Feb. 20 - L.D. Phillips, aged 46, a merchant here for more than 30 years, died yesterday in a Memphis hospital, where he underwent an operation about a week ago. He is survived by his wife and nine children-four daughters and five sons.

Phillips, Lawrence
Allen, Fort Smith, Sept. 30 - Lawrence Allen Phillips, aged 28, foreman of mine No. 3 at Bokpshe, Okla. died in Sparks' Memorial hospital today from concussion of the brain, the result of being struck by a fall of coal late Tuesday. He was a member of one of the oldest and best known families at Huntington, where the funeral was held this afternoon from the First Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, five brothers and four sisters, of whom Miss Ruth Irene and Miss Gertrude Marlowe Phillips live in this city.

Phillips, Mark, Jonesboro, May 15 - Mark Phillips, sheriff of Craighead county, died suddenly last night of Bright's disease.

He had been feeling well, but just before retiring was stricken, and in less than 30 minutes he died. She is survived by his wife and two children, two brothers and one sister. He was a member of the Baptist church and the Elks lodge. Funeral services will be conducted at the First Baptist church tomorrow at 2 o'clock.

Phillips, Martha, Conway, Apri 12 - Mrs. Martha A. Phillips, 67, died Saturday afternoon. She had resided in Faulkner county about 40 years.

Phillips, Mary
Sue, Willow, Jan 6 - Mrs. Mary Sue Phillips, aged 52, died here this morning. She is survived by five sons and five daughters.

Phillips, Sarah, Conway, Feb. 16 - Mrs. Sarah Phillips, aged 72, wife of J.A. Phillips died of Pneumonia early today at her home three miles east of Conway. She is survived by her husband, one brother, five sons, County Agent John L. Phillips, W.L., George and Grover Phillips of Conway and Enos Phillips of Paluxi Tex., and three daughters, Mrs. James M. Cox and Mrs. C.M. Hancock of Conway, and Mrs. Rose Olsby of Monticello.

Phillips, Steven, Paragould, Jan 8- Steven Phillips, aged 74, died yesterday at the home of his son, R S Phillips, of near here, He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. George Cundriff of DuQuoin, Ill; four sons, D Phillips and Tom Philips of St. Louis, M W Philips of Piggott and R S Phillips of route six with whom he made his home, and two sisters, Mrs. Robert Garrison of Campbell, Mo and Mrs. Silas Pyles of Carmi, Ill.

Phillips, William J., William J Phillips, aged 50, died at a local hospital at 3 o'clock yesterday. Mr. Phillips was a native of Canada but moved to Little Rock in early childhood and since has made his home here. For many years he was an active member of the firm of Lamberson & Phillips, contractors and builders, and since his retirement some time ago, on account of ill health, he has lived at 2801 High street. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. W H Lamberson Jr.; one grandaughter, two brothers and two sisters. Funeral services will be announced later. ag1/3/22

Funeral services for William J Phillips, aged 50, who died at 3 p.m. Monday at a local hospital, will be held at 2:30 this afternoon at the family residence 2801 High street, in charge of the Rev. J O Johnston. The pallbearers will be: J F Luckett, Ed Wunderlich, C H Grant Jr., Will Bear, Walter Kirst and W H Labertson. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Phillips was a natvie of Canada. He moved to Little Rock in early childhood and has since made his home here. For many years he was an active member of the firm of Lambertson & Phillps, contractors and builders, but retired on account of ill health. He is survived by his wife and a daughter, Mrs. W H Lambertson Jr; a granddaughter, two brothers and two sisters.

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