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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2121

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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Hobbs, Missouri A., News was received by General Jonathan Kellogg from his son, William S Kellogg, at Richmond, Va., telling of the death early in the week of Mrs. Missouri A Hobbs, his wife's mother, who is well known in Little Rock from frequent visits here.

Hobbs, W. H.
Sr., Rogers, Feb. 22 - W. H. Hobbs Sr., aged 76, until two years ago a resident of Rogers, died at Kansas City, Mo., recently.

Hobdy, Sue, d. 7/18/1890 Water Valley, Miss.
ed 51; Survived: Husband, William T. Hobdy Jr.; Son, William T. Hobdy III; Daughters, Martha H. Bell, Susan H. Henkins; Brother, John A. Davis; Interment: Oak Hill cemetery.

Hockersmith, A. T., Benton, Jan 21 - A. T. Hockersmith, aged 27, manager of the Hockersmith Plumbing Copany of El Dorado, died in a Hot Springs hospital this morning. He was born and reared in Saline county, but had noved to El Dorado about 10 years ago, having formed his own plumbing company two years ago. Mr. Hockersmith was a member of the Masonic lodge here and the "Al Amid Shrine". He is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Faye Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Thomas of Benton, one son, Thomas Conrad; his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bibles of Malvern; two brothers, Rowland and Guerin, both of El Dorado. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Methodist church. conducted by the Rev. J. D. Hammonds of Hot Springs, and assisted by the Rev. T. M. Lee and the Rev. J. G. Cothern of Benton.

Hodge, Mrs.
Rosie, Bryant, Jan 13- Mrs. Rosie Hodge, aged 18, died last night at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dashney. She is survived by her husband; an infant son; by two sisters, Mrs. Florrie Lovell, Benton, and Mrs. Myrtle Harmon, Hot Springs; by two brothers, Lee Dashney, Stuart Okla and Ben Dashney, Poplar Bluff, Mo.

Hodges, C.C, Heber Springs, April 17 - C.C. Hodges, aged 66, a retired merchant, died at his home here last night. He is survived by his wife and seven children, who include A.A. Hodges, Ernest Hodges, Mrs. Annie Brown, Mrs. Leah Lacks, Mrs. T.J. Huson, Mrs. B.A. Bowden and Mrs. John Reichle.

Hodges, Junius D., Forrest City, Feb. 22 - Junius Daniel Hodges, aged 50, died at the family home here yesterday, after a long period of illness. Mr. Hodges is survived by his wife and a daughter.

Hodkins, Mary, Leola, May 12 - Mrs. Mary McConnell Hodkins, aged 86, died here Thursday at the home of J.H. Carver of paralysis. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. J.H. Carver, a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Wycoff, and a brother, Madison Hodkins, both of Rushville, Ind. The body was sent to Cicero, Ind., for burial.

Hodnett, Mamie, Thornton, Jan. 18 - Miss Mamie Hodnett, 18 years old, oldest daughter of P.F. Hodnett, died at her home this morning. She was one of the teachers in Thornton public school.

Hoffman, Arabella, Pine Bluff, Feb. 7 - Mrs. Arabella C. Hoffman, aged about 70, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at her home. She had been a resident of Pine Bluff about 45 years. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Walter Halsey of Memphis.

Hogan, Tac, Russellville, Jan 19 - Tac Hogan, aged 89, died Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W.V. Jones. Burial was at London. He was a Civil war veteran.

Hoggard, Mrs.
Hattie, Cabot, Jan 6 - Mrs. Hattie Hoggard, aged 49, died yesterday at her home in the Sylvania neighborhood. She is survived by her husband. Ed Hoggard, and five children; Espy, Marzie, and Oneil Hoggard and Mrs. Annie Smith, all of Ward. Lulu Feicher, Beebe; by one brother, Homer Brawley, Blytheville; four sisters, Mrs. Lilly Dicus and Phillis Reed of Ward; Minnie Purnell, Pettus, and Ester Thurmond, Blytheville.

Holcomb, Henry, Piggott, March 4 - Henry Holcomb, aged 84, of Pollard, Clay county, died Friday after an illness of several weeks and was buried yesterday in the New Hope cemetery near his home. He had lived in the same neighborhood since he was four years old, when his parents removed to this state from Tennessee. He leaves a large number of children, grandchildren and other relatives.

Holcomb, Sarah, Piggott, July 7 - Mrs. Sarah Holcomb, aged 73, died at the old Holcomb homestead near Pollard Thursday.She was the wife of Henry Holcomb, one of the best known pioneers of Clay county, who died only a few months ago. Mrs. Holcomb was born and lived here all her life. She was the mother of nine children, two of whom, Marshal F.J. Holcomb and Mrs. W.D. Templeton, live in this city.

Holimon, John H., Benton, Oct. 9 - Funeral services for John H. Holimon, aged 42, accidently killed on the railroad while on duty at Wagoner, Okla., Sunday was held at Detonti this afternoon. He is survived by his wife and three children, a brother here and one at Fort Smith, his mother, Mrs. Sam Young, at Detroit, and two sisters at Bauxite. The body was brought here today and a special car furnished by the Missouri Pacific brought a party of railroad employes to attend the funeral.

Holiman, Mrs.
Ras, Crossett, March 1 - Mrs. Ras Holiman died of pneumonia this week.

Holladay, Mrs.
Mattie, Arkadelphia, Jan 1 - Mrs. Mattie Holladay, mother of Miss Lois Holladay, librarian at Ouachita college here died at their apartments at the J H Crawford home this morning. The body was sent to Columbia, Ky. Her son, Dr. James H Holladay, member of the faculty of the University of Alabama, was here when his mother died, also her daughter, Miss Lois Holladay. She also is survived by three other hildren, Mrs. Conover and Thomas Holladay of Columbia, Ky and Will Holladay of Nioga, Ill.

Holland, James, James Harris Holland, 17 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Holland, 2508 Pike Avenue, Argenta, died at the family home at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. Burial will be at Gibson cemetery, north of Argenta, this morning.

Holland, Lutie, Pine Bluff, Jan. 31. - Mrs. Lutie Holland, aged 32, wife of F.C. Holland, real estate dealer, died at a local hospital this morning. Besides her husband, she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Nancy Allen of Pine Bluff; three brothers, Sherman and John Blagg of Louisiana and David Blagg of Missouri, and her mother, Mrs. Frances Blagg of Kilbourne, La. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon.

Holley, George M., Shirley, Jan 15- George M Holley, aged 67, died at his home here recently. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. G M Holley, three children, Elsa, Ben and Leroy Holley, all of Shirley.

Holliday, Andrew, Hope, Jan. 31 - Andrew Holliday, aged 20, died at the home of his brother here this afternnon after a short attack of pneumonia. He is survived by his father, J.E. Holliday of Learned, Miss; four brothers, A.J. of Hope, E.E. of Mississippi, W.H. of the United States army and Vernon of Wilson, La., and one sister, Mrs. Ashton of Joner, Ark. The body will be taken to the old homstead at Learned, Miss., for burial tomorrow.

Holmes, Mrs.
Hugh, Blytheville, Dec 31, Mrs. Bulah holmes 21, wife of Hugh Holmes, died at the family residence in Huffman following a long illness. She is survived by her husband, and one daughter, Peggy.

Holmes, Louise H., Mrs. Louise H. Holmes, 68 years old, died at the family residence, 1301 Maple street, at 1:45 yesterday afternoon after a long illness. She was born in Alabama. She is survived by her husband, J.M. Holmes, who has charge of the city pound pen at Thriteenth and Valentine streets; one daughter, Mrs. Hattie Brigham; four sons, John Holmes of Tull, Newton Holmes of Bauxite, and Luther and Mountie Holmes of Little Rock. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Holmes, Thurman

Conway, July 9 - Thurman Holman of Bellefont, in Boone county, was struck by lightning and instantly killed this morning near Saltillo, 12 miles southeast of here. His horse was also killed.

Homes was working in Faulkner county as dipping vat inspector under, Dr. J.A. McDonald, tick eradication supervisor for this county.

Holstin, Henry, Texarkana, Jan. 28 - Henry Holstin, a native Hawaiian, a member of a Hawaiian quartet, which appeared here Wednesday night, died of pneumonia in a local sanitarium this morning. He could speak no English. The members of the company left him here and continued their tour. Telegrams have been sent to California seeking directions as to the disposal of the body.

Holt, Amanda, Mount Ida, Jan 14- Mrs. Amanda Holt, aged 60, wife of J T M Holt, died Monday evening at the family home here. She was the mother of 11 children, eight sons and three daughters. She is survived by six sons, three daughters and ten grandchildren.

Holt, Florence, Mrs. Florence Holt, aged 23 of Hazen, died at a hospital here at 7:30 a.m. yesterday. She is survived by a son, Calvin Holt; her father, L D Hall, both of Hazen; three sisters, Mrs. Rosie Boyce and Miss Sybil Hall of Hazen and Mrs. Alice Harper of Detroit, Mich, and a brother, H J Hal of Hazen. She was a member of the Baptist church. The body was sent to Hazen yesterday by P H Ruebell & Co.

Holt, Lula, Conway, Jan 23 - Miss Lula Hoot, aged 24, daughter of Judge and Mrs. John W. Holt, died at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, following a short illness from pneumonia. Funeral services will be held tomorrow. Miss Holt is survived by her parents, one sister, Mrs. Joe D. Jones, and four brothers, Charles, Paul, Silas and Moore, all of Conway.

Holzheuer, Henry, Gillett, Jan 19 - Henry Holzheuer, aged 63, a pioneer settler, died here yesterday. The funeral was held today.

Hooks, Edna, Funeral services for Mrs. Edna E. Hooks, aged 46, who died at a local hospital Sunday afternoon, will be held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. chapel at 10 this morning. The Rev. E. P. Alldredg will officiate. The pall-bearers will be Charles McNutt, W. H. Tedford, J.S. Choate, E.E. Tedford, W.C. Beyers and J.C. Easley, Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Hoover, G.L., Conway, June 25 - Mrs. G.L. Hoover, wife of G.L. Hoover of near Conway, died Sunday.

Hopkins, L. W., L. W. ("Bud") Hopkins, aged 70, fell dead in the postoffice at Mayflower, his home, about 9 o'clock this morning. Mr. Hopkins lived at Mayflower, 10 miles south of here about six years. Previouse he lived east of Conway. He is survived by three sons and one daughter.

Hopkins, M.E., Paragould, May 26 - Mrs. M.E. Hopkins, aged 72, died at the home of her son, Dr. G.T. Hopkins, in this city Thursday night. She had lived here for the past 50 years. Two children, Dr. Hopkins of this city and Mrs. J.W. Kuykendall of Fort Smith, survive.

Horn, J.M.
Jr., J.M. Horn Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Horn, died at the family residence at 1017 State street at 6 yesterday afternoon. The body will be sent to Bryant by P.H. Ruebel & Co. this afternoon.

Horn, John D., Mammoth Spring, Jan 16- John D Horn, aged 59, died this morning at his home here. He is survived by his wife, three daughters, four brothers and four sisters. Funeral services will be held tomorrow.

Horn, Sam H., Danville, May 3 - Sam H Horn, proprieter of the Palace drug store, died here this morning at 3 o'clock.

Mr. Horn was about his place of business unti noon Saturday, when he was taken sick. He has been subject to some kind of cramping spells for some time to which it attributed the cause of his death.

Mr. Horn was the son of J.A. Horn, one of the principal merchants of Danville. He has a brother, Ulysses Horn, and a sister, Miss Ibble Horn, who resides in Little Rock; Mr. Horn was a member of the Knights of Pythias and Woodmen of the World.

Horseley, Jake, Ozark, Aug 30 - Jake Horseley, aged about 74 years, who was found seriously ill from malaria in his little hut on the railroad right of way, seven miles west of this city, died yesterday. Before moving to the hut he lived in a cave in the mountains near here.

He has a brother and a married daughter, but refused to disclose their whereabouts before his death, saying that "he didn't want them to know that he had gotten down in the world financially." The body was buried by the county in Highland cemetery.

Horseman, J.H., Rogers, Aug. 30 - J.H. Horseman, aged 66 years, was stricken with paralysis on a Frisco train near Fayetteville Tuesday night and died before Springdale was reached. The body was removed from the train and prepared for shipment to Owensville, Ky. His wife and son in-law were with him on the train when the paralytic stroke came. They had been on a visit to Texas.

Horton, Leola J., Funeral services for Mrs. Leola Josephine Horton, 64 years old, who died at the family residence, 4401 West Ninth street, at 11:45 yesterday morning, will be held at the residence at 10:30 this morning. The Rev. W.R. Harrison, pastor of the Highland Methodist Church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. J.O. Johnson. The body will be sent to Cato by Healey & Roth following the services. Mrs. Horton is survived by three sons, J.A., C.H. and J.E. Horton, all of Little Rock, and three daughters, Mrs. Vina Simmons of Whelen Springs, Mrs. Esther Barger, wife of Dr. Barger of Lamar and Mrs. Pearl Clay of Little Rock.

Hoskins, Mary, Bald Knob, July 28 - Mrs. Mary Jane Hoskins, died at her home near Bald Knob Wednesday. She is survived by her husband, Joseph Hoskins, three sons, Lewis N. of Judsonia, R. H. of Booneville and F.C. of Pine Bluff, one daughter, Mrs. R.C. Wilcox, her mother, Mrs. Sarah E. Steward, three brothers, J.R. and W.E. of Bald Knob, and L.J. Steward of Searcy.

Hough, W.F., Danville, Aug 28 - Mrs. W.F. Hough died last night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Baxter Gatlin. She is survived by her husband, one son, Levy J. Hough, and two daughters, Mrs. Baxter Garlin and Mrs. Ballenger of Plainview.

House, J.P., News was received in Little Rock yesterday by J.W. House Sr. of the death Saturday night of his brother, J.P. House, of Houston, Tex. Mr. House is survived also by his wife; two sons, John and Joe Emmet House; one daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Way, all of Houston. The body has been removed to Augusta, Ark, where funeral services and burial will be held. Archie House, a nephew, Miss Ina House, a niece, and J.W. House Sr. will go from Little Rock to attend the funeral.

House, Mattie, Searcy, Feb. 2 - Mrs. Mattie House, aged 74, died of pneumonia at her home here at 10 o'clock this morning. Funeral services will be held at West Point tomorrow.

Mrs. House was the stepmother of Judge Joseph W. House Sr. of Little Rock. She was also stepmother of Mrs. J.M. Percival of Weatherford, Tex.; and stepgrandmother of Robert T. Harville of Augusta. She was a sister of Mrs. Julia Turner of Searcy and S.A. McMillen of Argenta, and was the widow of the late A.B. House, formerly of West Point.

House, Willard, Paragould, June 17 - Willard, 20 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard House of this city, died yesterday. The funeral occurred this morning with the Rev. T.Y Ramsey officiating.

Housley, William F., Hot Springs, April 27 - William Franklin Houseley died at his home, 4 Hickory street, this morning at 9:30 o'clock after having been in failing health for several years.

Mr. Housley was born in Hamilton county, Tenn., December 22, 1841. At the outbreak of the Civil war, he enlisted in Company B, First Tennessee cavalry, and served throughout the war, first under the command of General John H. Morgan and after his death in battle at Greenville, Tenn., under General Joseph Wheeler, later of Spanish-American war fame.

At the close of the war, he came to Arkansas and settled at Cedar Glades. In 1875 he moved to Hot Springs, where he took an active part in the early politics of the city. He at one time served as sheriff and was postmaster under Cleveland's administration.

He is survived by one brother, E. T. Housley; two sons, George W. and James R. Housley, two daughters, Mrs. Hardy Hinton and Mrs. Ed. Hutton, all of this city, and one daughter, Mrs. J.S. Fulton of Oklahoma City, and 10 grandchildren.

Funeral services will be held from the home of Mrs. Hardy Hinton, 308 Hawthorne street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock and Interment will be made in Greenwood cemetery. The services will be conducted by the Rev. Dana Terry of the First Baptist Church.

Houw, Julia, Harrisburg, July 28 - Mrs. Julia Houw died at Shiloh Friday.

Howard, Addie, Clarksville, Oct. 7 - Miss Addie Howard, 15-year old daughter of Thomas Howard, living in the southern part of the city, drank carbolic acid this afternoon about 4 o'clock, dying before physicians could make an attempt to save her life. Despondency is said to be the cause. She attended church and Sunday school this morning and seemed to be in the best of spirits.

Howard, Alexander, Newport, Jan 12 - Alexander Howard, aged 62, pioneer resident of Jackson county, died at his home at Jacksonport Saturday. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Chester Robinson of Batesville.

Howard, Everett, Fulton, Feb. 24 - The body of Everett Howard, whose death occurred in Kansas City, Mo., last Thursday, arrived this morning. Burial was in the local cemetery this afternoon. Mr. Howard is survived by his wife and one child.

Howard, T.L., Lamar, Jan. 31 - T.L. Howard, aged 59, a resident here for many years died yesterday of pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and three children, who are Beaman and Lawrence Howard of Joplin, Mo., and Mrs. Sam Shrum of Flat Rock, Mo.

Howard, William O., The body of William O. Howard, aged 37, a barber, 521 Center street, who dropped dead Sunday night, will be sent to Seligman, Mo., at 8:45 this morning by Healey & Roth, for burial.

Howell, Jake, Texarkana, June 9 - Jake Howell, 14 year old son of C.M. Howell of Fort Worth, accidentally killed himself while hunting squirrels, 10 miles east of here, this afternoon.

The family is employed on the construction work of the Lost Prairie road, and the accident took place a short distance from their camp.

Hubbard, Cora, Miss Cora Hubbard, aged 30 of Marmaduke, Greene county, died at a hospital here at 4:30 p.m. yesterday. She is survived by two brothers. Charles Hubbard of Marmaduke and Frank M Hubbard of Piggott. The body is held at the R F Drummond & Co parlors.
1/21/30; The body of Miss Clara Hubbard who died Monday at a hospital here will be sent to Marmaduke. Green county, this morning by B F Drummond & CO; ad1/22/30

Hubbard, Mrs.
J.H., Ashdown, April 10 - Mrs. J.H. Hubbard, wife of the principal of the high school at Foreman, died this morning of pneumonia.

Hubbard, John, Hoxie, Jan 26 - John Hubbard, a farmer of near Cache river, died yesterday. His wife and three children survive. He was a brother-in-law of Tom McMillan of Hoxie.

Hubbard, Robert, Huntington, July 12 - Harrison Gentry, negro, shot and killed Robert Hubbard, negro, tonight, in a dispute that involved the membership of a negress in a fraternal order. Gentry fled and has not been caught.

Hubmann, Mrs.
Sr., Mrs. Adolf Hubmann Sr., aged 60, died suddenly at her home at Collegeville yesterday morning. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Rosa Besaneon, Mrs. Emma Druse and the Misses Frieda and Bertha Hubmann, all of Little Rock; three sons, Karl and John of Collegeville, and Adolf of Little Rock; a sister, Mrs. G Falsst; two brothers, George Frey of Fourche and Ben Fry of Benton, and 11 grandchildren; Funeral services will be held at 1 this afternoon at the home, in charge of the Rev G F Brick. Burial will be in Rose Garden cemetery at Wilhelm place.

Huchingson, S.A., Bigelow, April 16 - Mrs. S.A. Huchingson, aged 71, died Friday night at the home of her son, J.F. Huchingson, of Perryville.

Huckabay, Mrs.
John, Quitman, May 23 - Mrs. John Huckabay died at her home here Saturday.

Huddleston, J.F., Batesville, Aug 29 - James F. Huddleston, aged 72, a pioneer of this county, died at his home near Sharp yesterday.

Huddleston, Tom, Texarkana, Feb. 21 - Tom Huddleton, 20 years old, son of James F. Huddleston, died of pneumonia at the family home, 503 Olive street, early this morning.

Hudson, Charles, Pine Bluff, March 18 - Charles Hudson, aged 71, one of the best known residents of Jefferson county, died at his home at Dexter Saturday afternoon of heart disease. The funeral was held here this afternoon, with Interment in Bellwood cemetery.

Hughes, J.H., The body of the Rev. J.H. Hughes, aged 57, of Benton, who died Sunday at a local hospital, was sent yesterday morning by P.R. Ruebel & Co. to Benton, where funeral services were held yesterday afternoon.

Hughes, Rev. J.J., Glenwood, April 5 - The Rev. J.J. Hughes, 90 years old, farmer and preacher, who has lived near Glenwood for the last 46 years, died today. He was a Baptist minister here for 25 years. He is survived by his wife and 12 children. He was a native of Alabama and moved to this county about 1872.

Hughes, J.P., England, Feb. 18 - J.P. Hughes, aged 48, a resident of this locality for 25 years, died at his home on a farm near here yesterday, leaving his wife and four children.

Hughes, J. Pink, England, Feb. 17 - J. Pink Hughes, a farmer, living six miles southeast of here, died at his home this morning of malarial fever. He is survived by his wife and two daughters and two sons. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the home by the Rev. W.A. Crutchfield, assisted by the Rev. Roe Kelly of Pine Bluff, and burial will be made in Chichian cemetery.

Huie, R. W., Arkadelphia, Jan 29 - Mrs. R W Huie, one of the oldest residents of Arkadelphia, died at the family home here yesterday.

Hulsey, Edith, d. 12/11/90 Hot Springs.
ed 82; Survived: Sons, Walter Griffin, J.W. Griffin; Daughters, Stella Keen, Nettie Sherrock, Betty Easterwood, Deloris Meaux, Patsy and Ruby Hulsey; Sisters, Grace Ray; Interment: Shiloh cemetery in Garland County.

Hulsey, W.W., W.W. Hulsey, aged 23, of DeWitt, died at a local hospital at 1 yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, his father, the Rev. J.W. Hulsey of Mount Ida, and several brothers and sisters. The body is being held at the P.H.Ruebel & Co. parlors to await the arrival of the father.
3/23/17The body of W.W.Hulsey, aged 23, who died Thursady at a local hospital, was sent to DeWitt yesterday morning by P.H.Ruebel & Co. for burial.

Hunn, Grandma, Harrisburg, Jan. 14 - Grandma Hunn died at her home three miles north of here Friday. The body has been taken to Junction City, Ky., for burial by her sons, Dr. J.F. Hunn, George Hunn and Edward T. Hunn. Other children are; Mrs. W.J. Smith of Harrisburg, and a son in Kentucky.

Hunt, Elizabeth, Fayetteville, March 31 - Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Hunt, 45, wife of W.C. Hunt of Dardanelle, died at 2:15 o'clock this afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W.M. Briscoe. She is survived by her husband, W.C. Hunt, and four children, Mrs. J.C. Black, Mrs. W.M. Briscoe, and two sons, Ralph and Sidney. The body was sent to Dardanelle tonight.

Hunt, Minnie, Coal Hill, June 29 -Miss Minnie Hunt, daughter of the later J.D. Hunt and sister of Dr. W.R. Hunt died at the family home here Wednesday.

Hunt, Silas, Paragould, Jan 4 - Silas M Hunt, aged 27 died Wednesday in a St. Louis hospital after an operation for appendicitis. He was a native of this county, having lived in the Walcott section until four years ago. when he moved to St. Louis. He is survived by his wife and two children, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hunt of Walcott, a sister, Miss Gracie Hunt, and four brothers, Amon, Wayman, Virgil and a small brother, all of Walcott.

Hurley, Thomas W., Bentonville, July 16 - Dr. Thomas W. Hurley, aged 83, died yesterday at the home of his son, Dr. Charles E. Hurley. He was an assistant surgeon in the Confederate army and a former president of the Arkansas Medical Society. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Dr. Charles E. of Bentonville and A.W. of Pawhuska; and three daughters, Mrs. M.E. Richards of Los Angeles, Mrs. Eva Tucker of Joplin and Mrs. Joe S. Stevenson of Bentonville.

Hurst, G.W., Mammoth Spring, June 18 - G.W. Hurst, aged 85, a Confederate veteran, died yesterday at Hardy.

Hurst, George, Hardy, June 23 - George Washington Hurst, aged 81, died at his home in Hardy yesterday. He was born in Warren county, Tennessee, and his parents moved to Oregon county, Missouri, while he was only a few months old. He lived in Oregon county until after the Civil War, and moved to Fulton county, seven miles northwest of Hardy, where he lived for 43 years. He was a veteran of the Civil war, and fought on the Confederate side under General Price.

Hurst, J.H., Atkins, Feb. 23 - J.H. Hurst, aged about 60, died at his home near Jerusalam Wednesday.

Huston, Caroline, Bentonville, Jan. 6 - Mrs. Caroline Huston died Thursday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. Rife, near Council Grove.

Hyatt, Mrs., Conway, May 25 - Mrs. Hyatt, aged about 75, died yesterday at her home at Beryl.

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