Huge Marriages Search Engine!
Ragan, M., Hoxie, Feb. 26 - M. Ragan, aged 70, a stockman and farmer, and father of Frank Ragan, a Cook county (Ill.) commissioner died at his country home near Hoxie tonight of pneumonia.
Raets, J.F., J.F. Raets, aged 43, died yesterday morning at the family residence, 211 Main street, Argenta. He had been ill aout a month, and only a week ago returned from Denver Col. where he went for his health. He was a Rock Island conductor and a member of the Order of Railway Conductors. Survivng are his wife, one daughter, Miss Christine Raets, and one son, Fred Raets. Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 3 from the residence.
Raible, Stella M., d. 7/23/1890 Fort Smith.
ed 91; Preceded: Husband, John Raible; Survived: Sons, Gene Raible, William Raible; Daughters, Eleanor Whittaker, Betty Phipps; Brother, John Schneider; Sisters, Loretta Geels, Mary Borgerding; Interment: St. Meinrad's cemetery in Prairie View.
Rainey, J.H., Camden, March 7 - J.H. Rainey, aged 71, died here today at his home. He was born in Tennessee, but had been a resident of Camden for the past 40 years. He was a Federal soldier during the Civil war. He is survived by one son and two daughters, all of this city.
Ramsey, Julia, Provo, Oct. 8 - Mrs. Julia Ramsey, age 20, died here yesterday.
Randall, Anna, Searcy, Aug 7 - Mrs. Anna Rathbone Randall died here Saturday. She is survived by her husband; two daughters, Misses Eugenia and Mary Louise, and one son, Ralph Randall.
Randolph, Jamie
Sr., d. 12/11/1890 Little Rock.
ed 73; Survived: Wife, Velma Rines Randolph; Sons, Jackie Randolph, Jim Randolph; Daughters, Violet Munger, Carlyne Clements; Brothers, Bud Askew, Pat Askew; Interment: Forest Hills Memorial Park.
Raney, Rev.
H.T., McCrory, Fab. 5 - The Rev. H.T. Raney, aged 68, died at his home here early this morning, after an illness of but two days. He had been a resident here for 60 years, and was mayor for eight consecutive terms. For 20 years he was a pastor of the Methodist church. He is survived by his wife and two children, Mrs. E. B. Wood and Walter W. Raney. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon.
Raney, Lawrence, Rogers, Feb 28 - Lawrence Raney, aged 29, died Monday at the home of his parents.
Rankin, Barton, Morrilton, Jan 14- Barton Rankin, aged 37, lumberman and farmer of Jerusalem, about 25 miles northwest of Morrilton, died at his home about 5 this morning. He is survived by his widow, two sons and four daughters. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon by the Rev Marion Thompson.
Rankin, E.H., Houston, June 27 - E.H. Rankin Sr., aged 87, of Rankin township, died at his home Monday. He was the oldest resident of the township, where he was born, and which was named in his honor.
Rankin, Q.E., Perry, Jan 24 - Q.E.Rankin, one of the best known residents of Perry, killed himself in a room at the Lakeside hotel this morning. The body was found at 9 o'clock. He had probably been dead for an hour or more when found.
Rankin left no message, and the cause of hs act is not known. It is believed, however, that he was despondent because of ill health and the recent death of a brother.
Rankin, W.M., Funeral services for W.M. Rankin, aged 67, a merchant of Ola, who died at 9 o'clock last night at the family residence, will be held at 5 this afternoon at the residence, in charge of the Rev. G.C. Johnson and the Rev. W.E. Hall. Burial will be at Ola. Mr. Rankin is survived by two daughters, Mrs. McDonald of Los Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. H.B. George of Ola; two sons, Philip and George, of Nevada.
Rasberry, J.P., J.P. Rasberry, aged 61, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John L. Friedman, 512 Olive street, Argenta, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.. He is also survived by a son, W. C. Rasberry of Hoxie. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon from the residence, 512 Olive street. The Rev. E.F. Currie will officiate. Pallbearers will be as follows: Beauford Harris, R.F. Cook, Fred Nothwang, John Paulette, E.A. Curtis and J.F. Machin. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Ratteree, Earl, Pine Bluff, Jan 10 - Earl Ratteree, aged 35, died at the general hospital in Memphis Friday. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. E P Waldin, and one brother, G B Ratteree, both of this city.
Rauch, Dora A., Mrs. Dora A. Rauch, aged 63, died at 10:40 o'clock Saturday night at her residence on the Arch street pike. She is survived by her husband, Henry Rauch, two daughters, Emma Rauch and Mrs. M.F. Arnold of Little Rock, and two brothers, R.S. Parker of Little Rock and H.W. Parker of Fort Smith. Funeral services will be held by the Rev. Rogers of Mabelvale at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Primrose chapel.
Rauch, John, John Rauch, 68, died at the family residence, nine miles southwest of the city on the Arch street pike, at 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife, Lula Rauch; four sons, George, William, Frank and Thomas, all of Arch street pike; four daughters, Mrs. Lissie Geyer and Miss Lula Rauch, both of Arch street pike; Mrs. Mollie Christen and Mrs. Ella Warner, both of 1517 Commerce street; one stepson, Richard Sullivan of 1011 West Twentieth street, and two brothers, Henry and George Rauch, both of Arch street pike. Funeral services will be held from Primrose chapel at Granite Mountain Springs at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. H.H. McGuire will officiate. Mr. Rauch was born in Germany February 27, 1847. He united with the Lutheran church at the age of 14, but after coming to America became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, South.
Funeral services for John Rauch, who died at the family residence on Arch street pike Monday morning, were held from Primrose chapel, Granite Springs, at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Rev. H.H. McGuire officiated..
Raver, Minnie, Mrs. Minnie Raver, aged 73, died yesterday afternoon at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. G. Seamon, 2319 West Thirteenth street. She is survived by one son, Frank Raver, of Dallas, Tex., and three daughters, Mrs. E. Halbenstadt of New Orleans, La.; Mrs. Bertha Leetteg of Belleville, Ill., and Mrs. G. Seamon of Little Rock. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Rawes, Laconia, Pine Bluff, April 3 - Miss Laconia Rawes, niece of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Harper, died early today at the Harper home.
Rawls, Walter, Stuttgart, March 20 - Walter Rawls, for years a resident of Stuttgart, died at his home 15 miles east of here, Sunday morning.
Ray, A.E., Fordyce, Aug 19 - Mrs. A.E. Ray of Cleveland county died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.T. Sanders, Wednesday. She had been ill with paralysis only a short time.
Ray, Mary, Benton, June 12 - Mary Ray, 14 year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Ray, who live about four miles southeast of here, was drowned about 3 o'clock this afternoon in the Saline river while wading with a party of young girls. Late tonight a large number of people from the surrounding country were searching for the body and using dynamite without result.
Miss Ray stepped into a deep hole while wading, It is said. She could swim a short distance but was unable to return to shallow water. Her parents had told her that she might wade in a small creek, but the girls had gone to the river instead.
Raymond, J.O., McCrory, Jan. 27 - J.O. Raymond, aged 76, died at his home last night after a short illness. He was a Confederate veteran, a pioneer resident and had been engaged in the livery business for several years. Mrs. Raymond died last December.
Raymond, Tony J., Tony J. Raymond, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Raymond, died at the family residence, 1415 Wolfe street, at 11:45 Wednesday morning. Funeral services were held at 1:30 yesterday afternoon at the residence. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.
Rea, Emma, Van Buren, Jan 24 - Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Rea, aged 61, were held today. The pastors of every church attended the service, the city schools were dismissed and all business houses were closed during the funeral.
Rebstein, Jennie, Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Rebstein, aged 42, who died at 3 yesterday at a local hospital, will be held at 2 this afternoon from the Healey & Roth chapel. She is survived by her husband, John B Rebstein, a farmer on Rural Route No 3; five sons, John, Albert, Frank, Steve and Edward Rebestein; two daughters, Misses Elsie and Clara. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Record, Grandma, Yellville, Jan. 16 - Grandma Record, aged 82, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross Jenkins, here Sunday night.
Rector, Elias W., Hot Springs, Jan. 29 - Colonel Elias William Rector died this morning at his apartments in the new Fordyce building, following a brief illness from pneumonia.
Elias William Rector, son of Governor Henry M. Rector, Arkansas "War Governor," was born in Little Rock, June 11, 1849, at the home of his grandfather, William Field, where his mother was visiting her home being at Collegeville, Saline county. He was educated in Little Rock and at the University of Virginia, and was admitted to the bar at Hot Springs in 1874. He was a member of the legislature for several terms, and in his third term was speaker. He was twice a candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor.
Mr. Rector was married
November 11, 1875, to Miss Rosebud Alcorn, daughter of United States Senator, and Mrs. James Lusk Alcorn of Mississippi. His wife, through her mother, is descended from the Waltons of Virginia, through which family she traces descent from Baron Whiteford of Ayrshire, Scotland. Mr. Rector is survived by his widow and six children; Alcorn Rector of New York city, Miss Amelia Rector, who has been visiting in Cleveland, Ohio; James A. Rector of St. Louis, Mrs. Middleton Wooten of Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Veit A. Hain of Chicago and Harry Rector of this city. Mrs. Rector, J.A. Rector and Harry Rector were at the bedside when the end came.
The funeral arrangements will not be completed until out-of-town relatives have been heard from. Mrs. Ernestine Vaughan, a half sister, also survives.
Red, Thomas G., Thomas G. Red, aged 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Red of Mabelvale, died at the home of his uncle, T.L. Smith, 513 East Fourth street, at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his parents, three brothers and one sister. The funeral cortege will leave the chapel of Healey & Roth at 9 o'clock this morning. Burial will be at 3 o'clock this afternoon in Olive cemetery, 14 miles from Little Rock.
Reddick, J.W., Rogers, Jan 30- J.W. Reddick died Sunday of paralysis.
Redwine, Daughter, The daughter of Mr. B.D. Redwine, residing near Fort Smith, was recently burned to death.; The Weekly Press2/18/1869
Ree, John, Mulberry, Jan 29 - John Ree, aged 95, a retired Baptist preacher and well known in this section, died last night at his home five miles north of Mulberry. He could read eight different languages. He was a native of Tennessee.
Reed, Gertrude, The body of Mrs. Gertrude Reed, aged 26, who died at 6 a.m. yesterday at the residence of her sister Mrs. J.D. Pryor, 2108 West Seventh street, was sent yesterday afternoon by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Atkins. Mrs. Reed is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Minor of Atkins; one daughter five years old; three sisters, Mr. J.D. Pryor of Little Rock, Mrs. Ernest Keener of Atkins and Miss Rhea Minor of Atkins; and two brothers, Thurman and Orville Minor of Atkins.
Reed, I.N., Batesville, July 13 - I.N. Reed, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Batesville and north Arkansas, died at his home in this city Wednesday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis sustained last Friday. Mr. Reed was born in Cincinnati January 14, 1837. He came to Arkansas in the early sixties and had made Batesville his home since 1865. He was married
to Miss Emily S. Weaver in 1866, and had survived her less than a year.
Mr. Reed at the time of his death was the oldest surviving business man of the city and had been in past years one of the most prominent merchants of north Arkansas. He is survived by the following children; Mrs. John L. Hickerson of Minneapolis, Frank S. Reed of Greely, Colo., Mrs. Charles N. Ferrill, Mrs. Lyman F. Reeder, Miss Winnie Reed, Mrs. H.M. Kennerly and C.H. Reed of this city. He also left 12 grandchildren.
Reed, Will, Mena, Oct. 17 - Mrs. Will Reed, who retured to the home of her mother here a few days ago when her husband went to Camp Funston as a member of the National Army, died suddenly here this morning. Her husband is expected here for the funeral tomorrow.
Reese, C. G., C. G. Reese, aged 42, died at the family residence, 704 Magnolia street at 1:10 yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and one son, Vernon; a stepbrother, Claud Manning Tuckerman, all of North Little Rock, and a step-sister, Mrs. R. L. Holoford of Poplar Bluff, Mo. Mr. Reese was a member of Baring Cross Lodge No 56, W O W and of the Brotherhood of Railroad Carmen of America, local No 114. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence at 11:30 this afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Mann will be in charge. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be: Roy Cullen, Frank Neeley, Bert Williams, E. M. Merritt, Jim Long and Perry McNeil.
Reese, Mrs.
Richard, Rogers, Jan 23 - Mrs. Richard Reese, aged 79, died here Sunday.
Reid, Alice B., Leola, April 3 - Mrs. Alice B. Reid, 65, wife of the late W.H. Reid, died here yesterday. She is survived by three sons, Gannt, Thomas J. and P.C., and two daughters.
Reid, James I., Leola, April 21 - James I. Reid, 64, died here Monday.
Reinhardt, William, Pine Bluff, June 2 - William Reinhardt, a well-known resident of Pine Bluff, died last night at the home of his wife's father, W.S. Lancaster. Besides his wife, he is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Reinhardt, six sisters and a brother, all residents of Henderson, Ky.
Reinman, Paul
Albert, Funeral services for Paul Albert Reinman, aged 64, who died at 1 Saturday afternoon at the family residence, 1420 Bragg street, were held at 4 yesterday afternoon. The Rev. A.H. Poppe, pastor of the Lutheran church officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Reinman was born at Silesia, Germany, May 26, 1853. He had resided in Little Rock for 35 years. He had been retired from active life for about 17 years. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Alfred Reinman and H.E. Heinman; two daughters, Mrs. Elsie Kenney and Miss Emma Reinman.
Remmel, Harmon G., Harmon G. Remmel, aged 33, son of Mrs. David Hubbs of Herkimer, N.Y., died Thursday night at Silver City, N.M., following an illness of several years, according to a telegram received here yesterday by his uncle, H.L. Remmel. The body will be brought to Little Rock, his former home, for burial. It probably will arrive tomorrow morning. Mr. Remmel formerly was assistant manager of Crane & Co. of Little Rock. He left Little Rock for the West six years ago for the benefit of his health, spending the time at Tucson, Ariz., San Diego, Cal., and Silver City. Besides his mother he is survived by his uncle, H.L. Remmel, and one brother, A.C. Remmel, both of Little Rock. Because of illness his mother will be unable to attend the funeral services.
8/11/1917Funeral services for Harmon G. Remmel, who died Thursday at Silver City, N.M., will be conducted from the residence of his uncle, H.L. Remmel, 1622 Center street, at 4 tomorrow afternoon by the Rev. W.P. Whaley, pastor of Asbury Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be: E.M. Rowe, Robert M. Peek, Sidney C. Poage, J.A. Cinocehio, Robert W. Newell and Russell T. Clarkson.
Reno, Sarah, Funeral services for Mrs. Srah Reno, 80 years old, who died Tuesday morning at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. R.W. Rightsell, 615 West Sixteenth street, will be held at 11:45 this morning at the residence. The Rev. James R. Winchester will officiate. Burial will be at Hot Springs.
Renshaw, M.J., Harrisburg, Oct. 12 - Mrs. M.J. Renshaw, aged 74 years, died at her home in this city Wednesday.
Reutz, Fred
Jr., The body of Fred Reutz Jr., 26 years old, who died at 9 yesterday morning at a local hospital, was sent to Mabelvale yesterday afternoon by P.H. Ruebel & Co. FUneral services will be held at 1 tomorrow afternoon from the family residence there. The Rev. F.E. Taylor and the Rev. H.H.McGuire will officiate. Burial will be in Marrin cemetery. Mr. Reut is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reutz Sr.; three brothers, George, Anderson and Edward Reutz, and three sisters, Clara, Christine and Goldie Reutz, all of Mabelvale.
Funeral services for Fred Reutz Jr., 26 years old, who died Monday morning at a local hospital, will be held at the family residence at Mabelvale this afternoon. The body was sent to Mabelvale Monday afternoon by P.H.Ruebel and Co. Burial will be in Martin cemetery.
Revelle, J.W., Paragould, Sept. 8 - L.L. Vandervoort of the Vandervoort hotel here received a message yesterday announcing the death of his mother in law, Mrs. J.W. Revelle, at Kansas City. Mrs. Revelle was well known in this city. She spent part of each year here with her daughter.
Rew, Philip, Rogers, Jan. 17 - Philip Charles Rew, aged six months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rew, died Monday.
Reynolds, Bettie, Malvern, Jan 21, - Miss Hettie Reynolds, aged 34, died recently at the family residence at Anticoh. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Reynolds of Antioch; Six sisters, Mrs. Johnson Besson, Mrs. Wylie Burkes of Malvern, Mrs. Cub Smith of Donaldson and Mrs. Lewis Beason. Mrs. Lloyd White and Miss Rosie Reynolds of Antioch; two brothers, Newton Reynolds of Terminal Island, Cal, and Elbert Reynolds of Antioch.
Reynolds, Mrs. C., Pine Bluff, Jan 26 - Mrs. C. Reynolds, aged 70, died here today at the home of her son, H. C. Reynolds. She is survived by her son, H. C. Reynolds, and two daughters, Mrs. J W Johnson of Pine Bluff and Mrs. H H Hart of Fordyce.
Reynolds, Frank, Died the week of 1/4/1881. Frank W Reynolds, thirty-two years of age, consumption, following pneumonia.
Reynolds, Josephine L., Fort Smith, Jan 10 - Mrs. Josephine Louise Reynolds, aged 79, wife of the late Francis Reynolds, died at her home this morning after an illness of five years, resulting from an injury that resulted in a fractured hip. She had been a resident of Fort Smith since 1879. Mrs. Reynolds is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Reynolds Abbott; three sons,James E Reynolds and Charles F. Reynolds, all of Fort Smith, and Will T Reynolds, Van Buren; one sister, Miss Mary Kelley, who has made her home with Mrs. Reynolds for 23 years, and two grandchildren.
Rhodebush, Pauline, Heber Springs, March 5 - Pauline, the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodebush of this city, died last night as a result of having swallowed, or attempted to swallow, what is thought to be a marble or some other article which she pickup up on the floor. She only lived a short time after having swallowed the article.
Rhodes, Louisa M., Pine Bluff, Jan 24 - Mrs. Louisa M Rhodes, aged 75, wife of J. W. Rhodes, well known Cleveland county ..?..died yesterday at the family home near Rison. She is survived by her husband, a son and three daughters.
Riales, W.J., Alena, Feb. 24 - W.J. Riales, aged 57, formerly a resident of Polk county, died Wednesday at Sallisaw, Okla., of pneumonia. The body was brought here for burial.
Rianhard, L. L., Funeral servs for L.L. Rianhard, aged 69, who died yesterday at the family residence, 1511 Barber avenue, will be held at 3 this afternoon at the family residence in charge of the Rev. Sam H. Campbell. Mr. Rianhard is survived by his wife, two sons, A.D. Rianhard and Walter S. Rianhard, both of this city; and two daughters, Mrs. Persey Caswell of Dallas, Tex.; and Mrs. R. Rockew of Girardeau, Mo. The pallbearers will be Judge Lee Miles, Mayor Charles E. Taylor, Claude Ringo and C.E. Eyler. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Rice, Nannie, Conway, Jan 27 - Mrs. Nannie Rice, aged 68, widow of the late P. J. Rice, died at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. M. Carter, on Railroad avenue last night. She is survived by one daugher. Mrs. E. D. Harris of Fordyce; three granchildren and one brother, W. A. Galloway of Atkins.
Richards, W.G., The body of W.G. Richards, grocer, who died at the City hospital Tuesday night, shortly after he was struck by an automobile at Markham and Cross streets, was sent to Ferndale yesterday morning for burial.
Richardson, Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Allen, aged 91, died at her home at Huntsville Friday, according to word just receive here. She was one of the older inhabitants of Huntsville.
Richardson, Mrs.
Amos H., Mrs. Amos H. Richardson, aged 86, died at her home, 4800 West Thirty-first street, at 1 a.m. yesterday. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Hilda and Patricia; two sons, Haynes and Edward Richardson, all of Little Rock; two sisters, Mrs. A.C. Sissell of Toledo O. and Mrs. P. A. McGregor of Forrest City, and two brothers, E. E. and R. A. McSwain, both of Ansonville, N C. The body is held at the P. H. Ruebel & Co. parlors.
1/8/30; Funeral services for Mrs. Amos H. Richardson, who died Tuesday at her home, 4800 West Thirty-first street, will be held at the P. H. Ruebel & Co chapel at 2:30 p.m. today, in charge of the Rev. W. C. Martin. Burial will be in Pinecrest cemetery.
Richardson, S.C., Hamburg, Sept. 7 - Mrs. S.C. Richardson, aged 82 years, of Milo, died Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
Richardson, W.P., Fort Smith, Dec. 31 - Word has been received fro Los Angeles, Cal., of the death there of W. P. Richardson, former sheriff of Franklin county. He leaves a widow and five daughters, Miss Bonnie Richardson, Mrs. Robert Bernard, Mrs. Victor Allen, Mrs. Lester Greer, Mrs. Orell Baxter; eight brothers and sisters, Mrs. Sallie Spencer, Tacoma, Wash.; Henry Richardson, Muskogee, Okla.; T.B. Richardson, Cameron, Okla.; Mrs. W.A. Milton, Ozark; Maurice Richardson, Tacoma, Wash.; D.S. Richardson, T.D. Richardson and Mrs. D.L. Winters, Fort Smith.
Richter, Bessie
May, Bessie May Richter, aged 16, died at the family residence on the Twelfth street pike at 9'o'clock Saturday night. She is survived by her father, H.A. Richter; four brothers, Jess, Phillip, Andrew and Dave Richter, all of this city. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon at the Pilgrims Rest church. Burial was in the Pilgrim's Rest cemetery on the Twelfth street pike.
Richter, Martha, Gillett, Feb. 10 - Miss Martha Richter, eldest daughter of Herman Richter, died Thursday in a sanitariam, at Alberquerique, N.M. Funeral services will be held here Sunday.
Ridgeway, William, Buford July 16 - The death of William Ridgeway of Buford, who was buried Saturday in the Fairview cemetery, marks the passing of one of the oldest pioneers of Baxter county. He came to this county from Tennessee, where he was a young man, with David Crockett. He was a friend of Crockett's.
Riff, Louis, The body of Louis Riff, aged 63, a native of Austria, who died Tuesday at his home in DeWitt, will be brought to Argenta today and taken to the home of his brother, H.E. Riff, 100 East Washington street, where funeral services will be conducted at 11 this morning by Rabbie Louis Witt. Burial will be in the Jewish cemetery. The pallbearers will be L.L. Safferstone, A. Wexner, Louis Weintraub, Herman Rephan, L.H. Rephan and M. Scher. Mr. Riff is survived by his wife, three sons, two daughters, and one brother. He was a member of the Masonic Lodge.
Riggin, Mary
Lou, Leola, Jan 20 - Mary Lou Riggin, aged two, died Saturday at the home of her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Riggin. She is survived by her parents, two sisters, Lois and Lorine; two brothers, Orlin and Corvia, all of Leola.
Riggs, B.A., Rogers, Feb. 9 - B.A. Riggs, aged 79, a pioneer of Rogers, died Tuesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emma Fearenberg.
Riggs, C.N., Newport, June 18 - W.J. Norris, a saw filer employed in a sawmill at Algoa, 16 miles east of here, shot C.N. Riggs to death on the streets of Algoa Sunday afternoon.
Norris alleges that Riggs had been unduly intimate with his wife and says that after Riggs had refused to quit seeing Mrs. Norris alone, he took the law in his own hands. Riggs was shot five itmes with a .38 caliber revolver, all the shots taking effect. Death was instantaneous. Riggs was about 40 years old and married
. He was a successful merchant and planter.
Riley, George N., Word was received here yesterday of the death Tuesday of George N. Riley, aged 81, at his home in Pittsburgh, Pa. He was the father of Melville F. Riley, who at one time was superintendent of the Arkansas Water Company here. Besides this son who now lives at Hagerstown, Md., Mr. Riley is survived by another, Bert Riley of Pittsburgh.
Riley, Mrs.
Joseph, Mrs. Joseph Riley, near Aplin, April 28.
Riley, Mollie E., Mrs. Mollie E. Riley aged 34, died at the family residence, 2110 Spring Street, at 7:40 last night. She was born and raised in Arkansas. She is survived by three brothers, H.H., J.M. and H.E. Harding, all of this city; three sisters, Mrs. G. Price, Mrs. J.J. Hare and Miss Alma Harding, and one daughter. The body will be sent to Plainview, Ark., this afternoon by Healey & Roth.
Riley, Patrick H., Patrick H. Riley, aged 60, died at 8:30 Tuesday night at a local hospital. He was born in Iowa, and is survived by three children, two sons, Thomas and Maurice; one daughter, Marion, Newark, N.J. He was a member of St. Joseph's branch no. 104, Catholic Knights and Ladies of America, and of the National Union No. 676. Members of the orders attend the funeral in a body. Funeral services will be held at 9 this morning from St. Andrew's cathedral, Seventh and Louisiana streets. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. The pallbearers will be: G.S. Imbery, J.C. Imbery, J.B. Lensing, H.J. Teager, H.G. Young and Thomas McHugh.
Ringle, Floyd, Hamburg, Aug. 30 - Floyd Ringle, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Ringle, of Seattle, Wash., died Monday, while visiting their brother in law, Mr. Nickles, about two miles south of town.
Ripley, J.S., Black Rock, Oct. 3 = The body of J.S. Ripley, who died at Augusta last night, arrived here today and the funeral services were conducted this afternoon in charge of the local masonic lodge. He was district deputy of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas and Secretary of the Augusta lodge at the time of his death. He formerly lived here.
Rison, George
B. Sr., George B. Rison Sr., aged 64, for the past 10 years a deputy sheriff, died suddenly at a local hospital at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Rison had been ill for several weeks and yesterday was playing with his little granddaughter when he collapsed. Heart trouble was said to be the cause.
Mr. Rison was born in Perry county, Ark., and since 1909 had been a deptuy. He was known as one of the most fearless and dependable officers in the county.
Mr. Rison is survived by two sons, George B. and C. L. Rison, both of Little Rock; two daughters, Mrs. J. E. Davidson of Little Rock and Mrs. William Dwyer of Memphis, Tenn; two brothers, Richard Rison of Perryville, formerly a state senator, and A H Rison of Antlers, Okla; also two sisters, Mrs. Joe Belcher of Little Rock and Mrs. Augusta Timmons of Geridge, Ark. Funeral services will be announced later. The body is being held at the Healey & Roth parlors.
Funeral services for George B. Rison Sr., who died suddenly Thursday afternoon at a local hospital, will be held at the family residence, 2704 West Twenty-seventy street, at 10 o'clock this morning, in charge of the Rev. W. C. Davidson. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial park. Pallbearers will be; Active H B Chrisp, W. H. Mahoney, E. S. Spieler, W. L. High and Clifton Evans; honorary - W. G. Hutton, W. E. Taylor, Lee Miles, Hugh Nixon, W. A. McCallum and Ed Engstrom.
Rite, Francis, Mrs. Frances Ritz, aged 75, died at 11 yesterday morning at the family residence, 1715 Schaer avenue, Aergenta. She was a native of Germany. Surviving are two sons, Gus and Barney Ritz, both of Argenta. Funeral services will be conducted at 9 tomorrow morning at St. Edward's German Catholic church, Ninth and Sherman streets. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.
Ritter, Sarah, Rogers, Feb. 22 - Mrs. Sarah Ritter, aged 76, died Monday and was buried yesterday.
Riute, Lorena, Funeral services for Mrs. Lorena Riutz, aged 27, who died at 5 o'clock Monday afternoon at the family residence at Mabelvale, will be held at 10 o'clock this morning at the residence, in charge of the Rev. J.N. Taylor and the Rev. H.H. McGuire both of Little Rock. Burial will be in Martin cemetery. Mrs. Riutz was the wife of Fred Ruitz, who died on March 5 as a result of injuries received in January when a tree fell on him. She is survived by an infant son. The pallbearers will be: John Henderson, Jess Barker, William Kling, H. Wilson, Allen Dewhitt and Martin Hinkson.