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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2116

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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Robbins, Evelyn, Ozan, Jan. 30 - Mrs. Evelyn Robins, 88 years old, died Saturday night at the residence of her son, Mayor A.J. Robins. Mrs. Robins is survived by three sons, W.H., A.J. and R.B. Robins, all of Ozan, and one daughter, Mrs. J.W. Taylor of Beeville, Tex.; also by several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Roberson, Fred B., Searcy, Jan. 26 - Fred B. Roberson, son of Mrs. J.T. Roberson, died in Little Rock last night of pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and two years old child, of Little Rock; his mother, three sisters, and one brother, all of Searcy. He will be buried in Little Rock.

Roberson, Fred F., Funeral services for Fred F. Roberson, 26 years old, who died at 2:25 yesterday morning at the family residence, 2809 West Fourteenth street, will be held at the residence at 3 this afternoon. The Rev. J.D. Hammons will officiate. The pallbearers will be R.M. Rose, S.W. Dick, G.R. Mann, Ben Achterberg, J.C. Bartrum and W.D. Swaim. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Mr. Roberson was a member of Little Rock Tent No. 4, Kinghts of Meccabees. He is survived by his wife, one child, his mother, Mrs. Minnie Roberson, of Searcy; two brothers Edward and Warden Roberson of Searcy; three sisters, Miss Irene Roberson of Helena. Miss Inez Roberson of Floyd, and Miss Eunice Robertson of Searcy.

Roberts, A.C., Searcy, May 17 - Mrs. A.C. Roberts, aged 67, died at her homme here Sunday night. She is survived by her husband and two nieces, the Misses Emma and Susia Brandon. Mrs. Roberts was born in Missouri, moving to White county in 1866, at the age of 16. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. John H. Dye, and burial was made in Gum Springs cemetery yesterday.

Roberts, B.F., Bentonville, Feb. 10 - B.F. Roberts, formerly of Hebron, Neb. died at his home near here Thursday of pneumonia.

Roberts, Edna
Mae, d. 12/9/1890 Bald Knob.
ed 87; Preceded: Husband, William Albert Roberts; Survived: Sons, Floyd Roberts, Troy and James R Roberts; Daughters, Louise Cradduck, Rosie English; Interment: Shadby Grove cemetery.

Roberts, F.R., Texarkana, Feb. 23 - F.R> Roberts, aged 35, died last night in a local sanitarium. He is survived by his wife and one brother, who is proprietor of the Roberts House here. His home was at Queen City, 30 miles south of here, where the body was sent this morning for burial.

Roberts, H. F., H. F. Roberts, aged 41 417 East Fourth Street, died at a hospital here at 8:15 a.m. yesterday. He is survived by his wife. Mr. Roberts had been an employee of the Arkansas Power and Light Company for several years. Funeral services will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 2 p.m. tomorrow in charge f the Rev H W Smith, Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be: Honorary- C J Griffith, Rex I Brown, R Co, A R Koonce, M Dilion and Fred Kramer. Active-Joe Sarlo, W B Evans, Harry S Bush, Frank H Beal, H D Boyles and C C Judd.
1/18/30; - Funeral services for H F Roberts, 417 East Fourth street, who died Friday at a hospital here, will be held at the Healey & Roth hapel at 2 p.m. today in charge of the Rev Hay Watson Smith. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial Park.

Roberts, Jennie, News of the death of Mrs. Jennie Roberts aged 60, wife of the late G.B. Roberts, at Monticello, yesterday morning, was received by her daughter, Mrs. E.R. Sawyer, 1917 Chestnut street, Pulaski Heights. The body will be brought to Little Rock this morning and removed to the Sawyer home by Healey & Roth. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery this afternoon. Mrs. Roberts lived in Little Rock until about three months ago. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Sawyer and Mrs. R.L. Barr of Monticello; two sons, H.K. and H.H. Roberts of Dallas, Tex.

Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Roberts, who died at Montiello Friday morning, were held at 11 yesterday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.R. Sawyer, Harrison and Q streets. The Rev. A.C. Graham officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

Roberts, Mary, Harrisburg, June 15 - Mrs. Mary Roberts of Greenfield, died Wednesday at a hospital in Paragould, and was brought here for burial yesterday.

Roberts, Sallie M., Funeral services for Mrs. Sallie M. Roberts, 45 years old, who died at the family residence, 2705 West Seventh street, at 2:30 yesterday morning, were held at the residence at 12:30 yesterday afternoon. The body was sent to Houston by Healey & Roth. Mrs. Roberts is survived by her husband, M.L. Roberts; one son, C.L. Roberts; one daughter, Miss Grace Roberts; one sister, Mrs. James Holiday of San Antonio, Tex., and one brother, R.E. Sutton of Levy.

Robertson, E. J., E. J. Robertson, aged 60, a retired merchant and planter of Grand Glaise, Ark., died at a local hospital at 8:30 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife and a son. Marshall Robertson, both of Grand Glaise. The body is being held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company awaiting the arrival of Relatives.

Robertson, Harriett W., Hope, Aug 3 = Mrs. Harriett W. Robertson, aged 65, died Wednesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R.L. Broach. For 27 years Mrs. Robertson was house matron at the Arkansas School for the Blind and at the time of her death was head matron of the school. Several weeks ago, while at the school, she was stricken with paralysis. She was the widow of the late Rev. O.C. Robertson. Burial will be at Willow, near Malvern.

Robertson, Juanita
Ford, d. 12/10/1890 Garfield.
ed 70; Survived: Husband, Dan Robertson; Interment: Ruddick cemetery.

Robins, William L., Conway, Feb. 7 - William L. Robins, aged 41, died of pneumonia. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon fro the family home by the Rev. H.E. Wheeler. Mr. Robins is survived by his wife, four sons, Hughey, Ben, Buford and Lewis; one daughter, Helen; his mother, Mrs. Rebecca Robins, and one sister, Miss Bennie Robins, all of Conway. He was born in Ashley county and had been a resident of this city 14 years.

Robinson, Mrs.
Catherine G., Huntsville, Jan 17 - Mrs. Catherine G Robinson, Aged 81, died at her home here Friday. She was a native of Tennessee, but came to this county, 30 years ago. She is survived by six children; Mrs. Mollie Bryant and James Robinson of Blackburn, Okla; John Robinson of Barstow, Neb; Mrs. Ellen Stansberry of Okete, Kan; Sallie Stensill of Lee Summit, Mo; and Mrs. G. W. R. Keck of Huntsville.

Robinson, H.C., Lake Village, Aug 6 - H.C. Robinson died yesterday after a short illness. He is survived by four children, three brothers and three sisters.

Robinson, Infant, Rector, Jan 28 - The eight-month-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Robinson died Thursday.

Robinson, James, James Robinson at Texarkana, April 29.

Robinson, James T., Stuttgart, Jan 14- James T Robinson, aged 69, died Saturday night. He is survived by his wife; two sons, Guy of Stuttgart and Herman of Cedar Rapids, Ia, and three daughters, Mrs. Harry Baldwin of Stuttgart, Mrs. William Todd of Toronto, Canada, and Mrs. Charles Merril of Cedar Falls, Ia. The body was shipped to Cedar Rapids, Ia., for burial.

Robinson, O.P., Dr. Oliver Pearce Robinson, 63 years old, retired physician, well-known business man and planter, died at 4:15 o'clock yesterday morning at the family residence, 823 Scott street, following a stroke of paralysis last Sunday morning while going to his plantation near Scott. It was the second severe stroke within a year. He never regained consciousness.

Funeral services will be held at the residence at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. C. P. Parker and the Rev. John Van Lear will officiate. The pallbearers will be; Active - M. H. Long, W.A. Hicks, J.R. ALexander, Gus Lyons, Dr. J.E. Hancock, Charles Rose. Honorary-W.E. Hemingway, E.B. Kinsworthy, Dr. L. P. Gibson, H.L. Remmel, Judge Joe Hill, W.W. Dickinson and Dr. Frank Vinsonhaler. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery.

Native of North CarolinaDr. Robinson was born at Fayetteville, N.C. October 26, 1853. He was a son of Dr. Benjamin W. Robinson. After obtaining his medical education he practiced at Fayetteville for several years. He came to Arkansas in 1880, locating on a plantation near Scott. He established a wide medical practice and was instrumental in bringing about many improvements and much development of the community.

Dr. Robinson was married in 1886 to Miss Laura Pemberton, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Pemberton, of near Scott, who had moved there from North Carolina.

Lived Here Since 1900

In 1900 he removed to Little Rock. He engaged in various busines enterprises. At the time of his death he was vice president of the German National bank and the Retail grocers' Ice Company, and president of the Arkansas Building and Loan Association and of the Charles F. Penzel Grocery Company. He was an associate member of the Little Rock Cotton Exchange. He also was a member of Christ Episcopal church.

Dr. Robinson is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Gordon H Campbell of Little Rock, two brothers, Dr. William Robinson and James Robinson and one sister, Mrs. David Williams of Texarkana. Ben R. Costin of Scott is a nephew.

Robinson, Richard, Richard Robinson, at Fort Smith, April 29.

Rockwell, A. J., Eureka Springs, Jan 8 - A.J. Rockwell died here Friday. He is survived by one brother, James Rockwell of Illinois.

Roddy, Rev.
Troy, Newburg, Jan 20 - The Rev. Troy Roddy, aged 27, died Tuesday night. He is survived by his wife, mother, six brothers, and two sisters.

Rodgers, J.R., Malvern, June 12 - J.R. Rodgers, aged 76, died at his home here this morning. He is survived by his wife and one brother, N.R. Rodgers, of Pine Bluff.

Roeder, J.W., Earle, July 10 - J.W. Roeder, aged about 70, a resident of this section for many years, died at his home here yesterday.

Rogers, Mrs.
Clyde, Clarksville, April 12 - Mrs. Clyde Rogers of this city died Thursday at Fort Worth, Tex., where she had gone to regain her health. Funeral services were held at the Presbyterian church yesterday. Mrs. Rogers is survived by her husband and two children.

Rogers, Ella, Benton, Sept. 3 - Mrs. Ella Rogers, mother of Mrs. Linthicum of Bauxite, died yesterday and the body was sent to Annapolis, Md., for burial.

Rogers, James, Havana, April 16 - James Rogers, aged 84, died at his home here early Saturday morning. He is survived by his wife and 15 married children. He came to Logan county from Chattanooga, Tenn., in 1849, and had lived in Havana about eight years.

Rogers, James H., James H. Rogers, aged 85, died at a local hospital at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by one son. The body was sent to Marmiduke by P.H. Ruebel & Co. last night.

Rogers, M.F., Malvern, Aug 4 - N.F. Rogers, aged 64, resident of Malvern for the past 10 years, died suddenly at his home Thursday. His death was due to organic heart trouble.

Rogers, Thomas, Ozark, Jan 23 - Thomas Rogers, aged 43, died at his home 14 miles north of here Monday. He is survived by a wife and seven chidren.

Roland, Hattie, Sheridan, March 21 - Mrs. Hattie Roland, 21 years old, died at her home two miles west of Sheridan, yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her husband and two children.

Roller, Eliza, Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza Roller, aged 72, who died at 3 yesterday afternoon at the family residence on Rural Route No. 7, will be held at 2:30 this afternoon from the residence. Burial will be in McDonald cemetery. Mrs. Roller is survived by one son, G.W. Roller; three daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Lawrence, Mrs. Emma Kaiser and Mrs. Etta Bright, all residing on Rural Route No. 7.

Roney, E.P., Hamburg, March 26 - E.P.Roney, a mail carrier here for the past 11 years, died at his home here yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife, one son and three daughters. The funeral was held this morning at Snyder by the Rev. S.C.Dean. The Masons assisted at the cemetery.

Rook, Mrs.
Carl, Gillett, Dec. 31 - Mrs. Carl Rook, aged 74, a pioneer, died here yesterday. Funeral services were held today at the German Lutheran church.

Rooks, Jack, was shot and killed during a raid on a crap game early Sunday morning.

Rooks, John W., Harrisburg, April 22 - John W. Rooks, former member of the Arkansas General Assembly, died at his residence here Tuesday night. Funeral services were conducted from a Methodist church this morning. The Rev. M.M. Smith of Paragould officiated. The body was taken to Jonesboro for burial this afternoon.

Roper, B.L., Texarkana, Aug 8 - Mrs. R.L. Roper, aged 18 years, died yesterday of heart trouble. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sisters, Misses Agatha and Addie Hudgins, of Fouke, Ark.

Rose, Johnnie, The body of Johnnie Rose, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rose, 2401 West Fifteenth street, who died Wednesday, was sent to Poplar Bluff., Mo.

Rose, Philander, Bentonville, Feb. 3 - Philander Rose, aged 74, died at his home in East Bentonville Tuesday. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Roseberry, Mrs.
J. H., Mrs. J. H. Roseberry, aged 50 of Malvern, collapsed at Capitol avenue and Main street shortly before 11 a.m. yesterday and died en route to General hospital in a P H Ruebel & Co. ambulance. Death, according to Dr. Samuel G Boyce, coroner, was due to heart disease. Mrs. Roseberry had been under the care of a physician for several weeks. The body is held at the Ruebel & Co. parlors.
1/12/30; - The body of Mrs. Jane Roseberry, who died suddenly here Saturday morning, was taken to Malvern yesterday morning by P H Ruebel & C0.

Rosel, Arcola, Arcola Rosel, 15 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.T. Rosel, 1300 Main street, Argenta, died at 8:40 last night at the family residence. Funeral services will be conducted from the home at 2:30 this afternoon by the Rev. J.T. Willcoxen, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Rosenberg, Joseph, The body of Joseph Rosenberg, aged 75, who died Wednesday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Herman Benham, at Memphis, was brought to Little Rock yesterday and removed to the Healey & Roth Parlors. Funeral services will be held at 11 this morning at the Jewish chapel in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Rosenberg is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Brannon. Until recently he resided in Little Rock. He was born in Germany. He formerly lived in Georgia and later came to Little Rock. The pallbearers will be: Dan Daniel, E. Epstein, Lazarus Ehrenberg, Leo P. Bott Sr., L.A. Samuels and F. Breier.

Ross, Jessie, Pine Bluff, April 11 - Mrs. Jessie Ross, aged 26, wife of John Ross, a farmer of Lincoln county, died at her home at Star City last night. She was a sister of Mrs. W.D. Ross of Pine Bluff.

Ross, Mary E., Pine Bluff, Sept. 5 - Mrs. Mary Etta Ross, wife of M.A. Ross, died at 2:30 Tuesday at a local hospital. Besides her husband she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Richardson; three children, three sisters and one brother.

Ross, Virginia, The body of Mrs. Virginia Ross, aged 49, who died Tuesday, was sent yesterday by James Cook & Son to Minturn.

Rosser, Ouida, Atkins, Feb. 9 - Miss Ouida Rosser, aged 18, died at her home in Russellville today. Funeral services will be held tomorrow.

Roth, Anna, Miss Anna Roth, 31 years old, of Palestine, died at a local hospital Tuesday night. The body was sent to Palestine yesterday by James Cook and Son Co. accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J.M. Shields.

Rounder, C. B., Pine Bluff, Jan 15- C. B. Rounder, president of the Drew Logging Company, died at his home here shortly after noon today. He had been in ill health for several months. Mr. Rounder came to Pine Bluff in 1922 from Brinkley, where he had moved a short time earlier from Indiana. He was Interested in many timber and lumber projects. He was a member of the Albert Pike consistory, Little Rock; the Masonic lodge at Brinkley and the Sahara temple of Shriners at Pine Bluff; and a member of the Elks lodge.

He is survived by his wife, one son, J R Rounder, his parents,Mr. and Mrs. J R Rounder of Pine Bluff, and a sister, Mrs. H S Campbel of River Forrest, Ill.

Row, Mary L., Marshall, Sept. 7 - Mrs. Mary L. Row, aged 56, died at her home Monday morning.

Rowan, Emma
, Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Georgia Rowan, aged 20, who died at 1 o'clock yesterday morning at the family residence, 1117 Woodrow street, will be held at 4 this afternoon from the residence, in charge of the Rev. A. E. Reynolds, assisted by the Rev. W.R. Harrison. Mrs. Rowan was born in Arkansas and is survived by her husband, Gilbert N. Rowan; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J G Polk, 1117 Woodrow street; two brothers, R G and H E Polk; five sisters Mesdames Edna Williams, C J Lee, F D Mann and J B Smith and Miss Lydia Polk. Mrs. Rowan's infant son, who died Sunday night will be placed in the casket with his mother. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The following young women will act as pallbearers: Misses Helen Hill, Clara Adams, Myrtle Hays, Ota Ward, Carrie Thomas and Mrs. Louis Blunt.

Rowland, Mrs.
Claud, El Dorado, March 16 - Mrs. Claud Rowland died Thursday night at her home here. She is survived by her husband ond one daughter, Claudine.

Rowlette, Mrs.
Mollie, Fort Smith, Jan 16- Mrs. Mollie Rowlette, aged 74, died in a hospital here late yesterday. She is survived by three daughters. Mrs. May Brown, Fort Smith, Mrs. Daisy Inglais, Jackson, Tenn, and Mrs. Bessie Wyatt, Kansas City, Kan; a son, P F Rowlette, Fort Smith, and a sister, Mrs. B Patton Bessemer, Ala.

Royster, H.N., Pine Bluff, March 20 - H.N. Royster, aged 64, a contractor, who had lived here 15 years, died at his home this morning. He was a native of Henderson, Ky., but had been a resident of Arkansas for the past 15 years, coming here from Rison, 15 years ago. The body was sent this afternoon to Rison for burial Wednesday morning. He is survived by his wife and three children.

Rozelle, Sallie, News was received here last night of the death in Dallas, Tex, yesterday afternoon of Mrs. Sallie Vaughan Rozelle, aged 70, member of a pioneer Pulaski county family. Ms. Rozelle was born near Little Rock and had lived here continuously up to about 15 years ago, when the family removed to Dallas. Mrs. Rozelle was a cousin of Dr.. Milton Vaughan, of Walter J. Terry and of ex-Congressman William Terry, all of this city. She is survived by her husband and by two sons and two daughters.

Rozelle, W.F., Rogers, Sept. 24 - W.F. Rozelle, aged 62 years, died at his home here Friday.

Rucker, Mrs.
Bruce, Bentonville, Dec. 31 - Mrs. Bruce Rucker died at her home at Hiwassee Wednesday. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B Edwards of Hiwasse, her husband and two small children.

Ruff, Henry, Dover, Jan 19 - Henry Ruff, who had been in Chicago for a number of years, died here January 9. The body was brought here for burial. He leaves his mother, brother and sister.

Dover, Jan 18 - Henry Ruff, 31 years old, son of Dr. and Mrs. D.P. Ruff, died in Chicago January 11, and the body was brought here for burial. He was employed in the office of the Rock Island railroad at Chicago.

Ruff, Sallie, Bentonville, Jan 28 - After making a brave fight for many years to avoid going to the county institution for the aged and helpless, it was the fate of Mrs. Sallie Huff, aged 74, to die in the Benton County Home this week after a residence of only a short time within its walls. Mrs. Huff came to Bentonville from New York some years ago with her husband, the late Peter Huff, and after his death refused a home in the New York Masonic Home because she preferred to support herself by household work in Bentonville. For many years she had been deaf and in frail health, and often dependent on friends and the local Masonic Lodge, but she kept up her fight for independence until it was impossible for her to live alone on account of her feebleness. She was persuaded to go to the County Home, where the comforts and attention she needed were provided.

Rumph, T.L., Camden, Aug 10 - T.L. Rumph, one of the oldest traveling men on the road, died here today. He traveled for Carleton Dry Goods Company of St. Louis for 35 years. He was born in Ouachita county 64 years ago. He is survived by several sisters, two brothers, all of Camden. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow by the Rev. Marion S. Monk.

Rush, Abner, Provo, Feb. 27 - Abner Rush, aged 22, died yesterday at his home here of the grip, and was buried this afternoon. He is survived by his father, J.P. Rush, three brothers, Harvey, Gus and Jethro, and four sisters, Betty, Ida, Elery and Hulda.

Rush, John H., Harrison, Sept. 21 - John H. Rush, aged 80, son of L.D. Rush, on whose farm the town of Harrison was built, died this week. He was a Confederate veteran.

Rush, Dr.
L.M., Texarkana, Feb. 18 - Dr. L.M. Rush, aged about 80, one of the best known men in northeast Texas, died yesterday at his home at Queen city, 20 miles south of here. The funeral took place at Queen City today. Dr. Rush served through the Civil war in the Confederate army, and was a member of Texarkana Camp, U.C.V. He formerly lived here. Fifteen years ago he moved to Queen City. He is survived by his wife and a daughter, Mrs. C.G.Brown of this city.

Rushing, William, Camden, May 4 - Former County Judge William N. Rushing, aged 69, a pioneer citizen of Ouachita county and a Confederate veteran, died at his home in Chidester Wednesday night. He was born in Ouachita county. Judge Rushing is survived by three sons, W.G. Rushing ana Dr. J.L. Rushing of Chidester and W.E. Rushing, county court clerk, of this city.

Russell, Asa C., News of the death of Asa C Russell, who died Saturday at Lowell, Mass., was received here yesterday. Mr. Russell was one of the promoters of the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Company and also of the Postal Telegraph and Cable Company of Texas. He was one of the owners of the beautiful suburbs of Oak Cliff. Mr. Russell is survived by two sons, Clinton P. Russell and Lester A. Russell of Dallas, Texas; two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Mather, wife of Capt. John Mather of the United States Artilery, and Miss Edith Russell of Lowell, Mass. Mrs. Clinton Russell is the daughter of Judge and Mrs. Charles C. Waters of this city.

Russell, D.C., Van Buren, Jan 14- D C Russell, aged 82, who moved to Crawford county 11 years ago from Ohio, died at the home, seven miles north of Alma, Saturday. He is survived by his wife; two daughters, Mrs. James A Cliff of Sernbank, O. and Miss Lida Russell of Fort Smith and four sons, Will Russell of Sernbank, O, Kirby Russell fo Rouston, Okla, and Frank Russell and Guy Russell of near Alma.

Russell, George, Ozark, May 24 - George W. Russell, one of Ozark's leading merchants, died today of tuberculosis. He is survived by his wife, three sons and an adopted daughter. He has served several years as alderman and a member of school board, and was a director of the People's bank. He was a member of the Odd Fellows.

Russell, Jennie
Louise, Jennie Louise Russell, three days old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Russell, died at the family residence 716 West Markham street, Monday afternoon. Funeral services were held from the residence at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon by the Rev. R.O. Rogers. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

Russell, W.R., Pocahontas, Jan. 12 - W.R. Russell, sheriff of Randolph county, died at his home here yesterday morning. He had just began a second term.

Sheriff Russell was about 60 years old. He previously had served two terms as sheriff, beginning the first 16 years ago. While out of office, he was employed in a mercantile store here. He is survived by his wife and several children.

Funeral services were held here today.

Ruth, Mrs.
Wesley, Funeral services for Mrs. Wesley Ruth will be held at the family residence 1416 West Thirty-third street, at the residence at 3 this afternoon by the Rev. Sam H Campbell. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Funeral services for Mrs. Wesley W. Ruth, 22 years old, who died at the family residence, 1416 West Twenty third street, at 7:20 yesterday morning, will be held at 3 tomorrow afternoon at the residence. The Rev. Sam H. Campbell will officiate. The pallbearers will be: Harry Stiewcl, J.G. Dickert, Morris Sowell, R. P. Westbrook, Tom Halliburton and J.N. Dillard. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Ruth is survived by her husband, one son, Wesley W. Jr.; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Funston, 1217 West Twenty-fourth street; four sisters, Misses Ronelle, Lela, Jessie and Frances Funston, of Little Rock; three brothers, Sergeant Lindsey Funston of the quartermaster's corps of the Second Arkansas Infantry, and Paul and Earl Funston of Little Rock.

Rutherford, Rev. W.M., Newport, Jan 24 - The Rev. W M Rutherford of Grand Glaize, aged 75, died at Denver, Col. last week. He was prominently known in this section.

Rutland, E.G., E.G. Rutland, aged 50, died at his home in Memphis yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife and daughter of Memphis and several brothers. Mrs. A.A. Rutland, 501 East Sixth street, is a sister-in-law. Mr. Rutland was well known in Little Rock, and for several years was a travelling representative of the Norton Berger Shoe Company. He was a member of the Elk's Club, The T.P.A., and the Arkansaw Travelers. S.A. Norton, president of the Norton-Berger Shoe company, left yesterday for Memphis to attend the funeral this afternoon.

Ryan, Glen
Patrick, Funeral services for Glen Patrick Ryan, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.P. Ryan, 703 Magnolia street, Argenta, who died at noon yesterday, will be held at 10 this norning at the residence, in charge of the Rev. F.D. Baara,. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Ryan, John, Paragould, Feb 28 - John Ryan a Greene county pioneer, died at his home in this city Monday night. He had lived in this county for 50 years. He served in the Confederate army.

Ryland, Jodia, Malvern, June 30 - Mrs. Jodia Ryland died at her home here last night. She had lived here for years and is survived by two sons, Elbert Alford and Cason Alford, both young buisnessmen of the city.

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