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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2115

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

Huge Marriages Search Engine!

Fairchild, H., Stuttgart, Feb. 16 - H. Fairchild, aged 77, died at his home here yesterday of pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and 12 children, six sons and six daughters. The body was sent today to Danville, Ill., Mr. Fairchild's former home.

Fairmon, Seth, Funeral services for Seth Fairmon, 57 years old, who died at 1:30 yesterday morning at his home on the Little Rock-Jacksonville pike, will be held at 12 noon Sunday from the residence. Mr. Fairmon had been ill for about 20 months. He was born at Sheffield, Il., March 31, 1860. He lived near Argenta for the last 25 years. He is survived by his wife, seven children and three brothers.

Fallen, Mahala, Sulphur City, March 8 - Mrs. Mahala Fallen died at her home here last Wednesday.

Farley, Albert, Camden, June 9 - Albert Farley, son of Mrs. R.L. Boddie of this city, died Wednesday at Barham, La., from injuries received while helping to extinguish a fire at the Barham Lumber Company's plant. A falling smokestack struck him. He died within a few hours. The body was taken to Beaumont, Tex., for burial.

Farley, J.E., The funeral of J.E.Farley, an old citizen of Monticello, who died Friday, was held yesterday afternoon.

Farley, Jennie, Fordyce, Oct. 13 - Mrs. Jennie Emerson Farley, wife of S.C. Farley, died at the family home here Monday. She is survived by her husband, one daughter, Hester Elizabeth; one sister, Mrs. G.B. McClure of Detroit, Mich.

Farmer, Benjamin J., Benjamin J. Farmer, 78, died at the Confederate Home at 11:20 o'clock on Thursday night. Funeral services will be held from the home this morning. The Rev. A.C. Graham will officiate. Burial will be in the Confederate cemetery.

Farmer, Thomas, Mrs. Thomas Farmer, aged 57, died at the family residence, 1310 Louisiana street, at 5:05 yesterday afternoon. She was born in New York city, July 19, 1860, and had lived here for many years. She is survived by her husband, Thomas Farmer; three daughters, Mrs. Lottie Brookins, Mrs. Bessie Thomas and Mrs Hattie Walker; one brother, Capt. James Brown of Memphis, Tenn.; two grandsons, Robert and Garland Walker, and one granddaughter, Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Farrabee, Myrtis
Ray, The body of Mrs. Myrtis Ray Farrabee, 33 years old, who died at a local hospital at 7 Sunday Morning, will be sent to Benton at 7:45 this morning by Reubel & Co. for burial. Mrs. Farrabee is survived by her husband, C. E Farabee, formerly of Little Rock, but now in railroad work in Texas, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R W Ray of Alexander, and a brother, Robert L Ray of Little Rock.

The body of Mrs. Myrtis Ray Farrabee, 33 years old who died Sunday morning at a local hospital, was sent to Benton yesterday morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co.

Farrell, Turner
Dell, Funeral services for Mrs. Turner Dell Farrell, aged 24, wife of William S Farrell, who died at 2:30 yesterday morning at the family residence at Farrell, will be conducted at 10 o'clock this morning from the residence by the Rev. Mr. Nethcutt, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Redfield. The body will be brought overland by Healy & Roth to Little Rock for Burial in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Farrell is survived by her husband and two daughters, Mona Dell, Mary Elizabeth, and by an infant son. Pallbearers will be: Albert Achard, John F Jungkind, C. H. Watson, Palmer Danaher, J H Lee and Steve Smith.

Funeral services for Mrs. William S Farrell and infant daughter, who died at the family home, the mother on Tuesday and the infant yesterday morning were held separately yesterday at the home at Farrell. Mrs. Farrell died Tuesday morning and services for her were conducted at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, after which the body was brought to Little Rock by Healey & Roth. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers were; Alf Arhard, John F Jungkind, C H Watson, Palmer Danaher, J D Lee and Steve C Smith. Mrs. Farrell is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mona Dell and Betty Farrell; also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lock Harris of Farrell

Funeral services for the infant, who died shortly before noon yesterday were held at the home at 4 o'clock yesterday afteroon, after which the body was brought to Little Rock and buried beside the body of its mother;ag1/26/1922

Farris, James
Alexander, Alma, Jan 23 - James Alexander Farris, aged 83, died here this morning. He leaves 10 children, Levi, Nathan, George W, Jasper, Hugh, Mrs. Ida Coleman, Mrs. Callie Anderson, Mrs. Mattie Ray, Mrs. Cora Brooks, Mrs. Tressie Bell, Burial will be at Byars cemetery Tuesday.

Faucett, Amanda, Atkins, Feb. 23 - Mrs. Amanda C. Faucett died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dollie Marsh. She was one of the oldest residents of Pope county. She was born in Tennessee July 15, 1833, and married William F. Bell in 1850. After his death she married T.S. Faucett, September 14, 1865. She was a resident of this county for 58 years. She was the mother of 13 children, three of whom survive. They are: C. Bell, Mrs. Dollie Marsh and Dick Faucette. She also leaves 11 grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Sallie Correthers; four brothers, James, Thomas, David and John Tanner. Funeral services will be held at the Baptist church Sunday morning.

Faulkner, John
Franklin, Funeral services for John Franklin Faulkner, aged 54, who died at the family residence, 2222 East Ninth street at 5 yesterday morning, where held at the residence at 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Faulkner is survived by one son, M.J. Faulkner, and one sister, Mrs. Eva Wells, both of Little Rock.

Faulkner, T.E., T.E. Faulkner, aged 35, a resident of Argenta, died at 8 Thursday night at a local hospital. He is survived by his father and mother, of Sunset, Tex.; four brothers, Oliver of Sunset, Ernest of Kemp, Tex.,; P.M. of Dallas and M.F. of Wichita Falls, Tex.; two sisters, Alice of Wichita Falls and Beulah of Buena Vista, Cal. The body will be sent tonight to Sunset by Owens & Co.

Faust, Lula, Mrs. Lula Faust, aged 38, died at the family residence, 1403 West Fourth street, at 3 yesterday afternoon. She was born at Thompson, Pa. She is survived by her husband, Charles R Faust, engineer at the plant of the Arkansaw Water Company; one son, Robert Faust; two brothers, Robert and George Searles, 710 High street. Funeral services will be held at 4 this afternoon at the family residence. The Rev. B.F>Musser will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Faust, Rev. W.J., Lamar, Oct. 4 - The Rev. W.J. Faust, aged 76 years, died here yesterday from heart trouble. He was a Presbyterian minister for many years and also a veteran of the Confederate Army. He is survived by his wife and 14 children.

Fearing, Flora
Jane, Camden, Jan 18- Flora Jane Fearing, two, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fearing of near Camden, died today.

Felkins, Garland, d. 7/21/90 Clarksville.
ed 84; Survived: Son, Douglas Felkins; Daughters, Patsy Lee, Jeanette Doebele; Interment: Stillwell cemetery.

Felt, Elizabeth, Pea Ridge, Jan. 7 - Mrs. Elizabeth Felt, aged 70, died here Friday night. The body will be sent to Centralia, Kans., for burial.

Fergus, Dr.
J.A., Rogers, May 9 - Dr. J.A. Fergus died Monday night at the home of his mother in Elm Springs.

Ferguson, D.H., Clarksville, Jan. 17 - D.H. Ferguson, aged 65 of Ozone, died yesterday.

Ferguson, Jeff, Altus, May 21 - Mrs. Jeff D. Ferguson, died at her home here last Wednesday. She recently returned from Texas, where she went in hope of bettering her health. She is survived by her husband and three children.

Ferguson, Jocie
Sample, Mrs. Jocie Bess Sample Ferguson, wife of Charles E Ferguson, retired lumberman, died at 7:25 last night at her residence, 1515 Spring street. She had lived in Little Rock, 42 years. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Virginia Ferguson Williamson, and one sister, Mrs. W M Hayns, all of Little Rock, Funeral arrangements are in charge of P H Reubel & CO.
1/6/30; -Funeral services for Mrs. Josie Sample Ferguson, wife of Charles E Ferguson, who died Sunday at her home 1515 Spring street, will be held at the home at 11 am today in charge of the Rev J P Lowry and the Rev W C Martin. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be: S J Beauchamp Sr., H O Mitchell, J Merrick Moore, W E Overstreet, Wallace Townsend, J A Bowman, R E Wait and M C Hutton;ag1/7/1930

Ferguson, Mrs.
Lucy, Hope, Jan 20 - Mrs. Lucy Ferguson, aged 88, died here yesterday at the home of her son-in-law, E E Austin, county superintendent of education. Mrs. Ferguson was a native of Tennessee, having been born at Nashville and came to this section at the age of nine, where she has lived since. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. E E Austin of Hope and Mrs. C E Dildy of Austin, Tex; two sisters, Mrs. Ellin Sain and Mrs. Margurite Farly of Nashville, Ark.

Fertig, Robert S., Robert Simmons Fertig, aged 74, died at 7:05 yesterday evening at his family residence, 4405 West Eleventh street. He was born in Dolphin county, Pa. Mr. Fertig served in the Union army in the Civil war and was discharged at Santa Fe, N.M., in 1867. He has been making his home here for the last three years. He is survived by two sons, H.H. Fertig, 711 Maple street, Little Rock, and C.C. Fertig, Shawnee, Okla., and by four daughters, Mrs. C.W. Davies of Little Rock, Mrs. E.E. Speer of Bement, Ill.; Mrs. H.T. French of Portland, Ore., and Miss Viola Fertig of Little Rock. The body will be sent at 1:50 this afternoon from the Healey & Roth undertaking establishment to Shawnee, Okla.

Fetties, Emily, Funeral services for Mrs. Emily Fetties, 58 years old, who died at the family residence, 3722 West Eleventh street, Friday morning, will be held at 3 this afternoon from the residence. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.

Fewell, W.P., W. P. Fewell, 53 years old, of Benton, died at a local hospital at 1 yesterday afternoon. He is survived by two brothers, J.A. Fewell of Little Rock and B.F. Fewell of Searcy; two sisters, Mrs. Nellie Johnson and Mrs. Mattie Stokes of Searcy, Funeral services will be held from the P.H Ruebel & Co. chape at 3:30 this afternoon. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.

Fiazey, Joseph, News was received here yesterday of the death of Joseph Fiazey, aged 24, at Albuquerque, N.M., on July 4. He formerly was a resident of Little Rock, but left here eight years ago because of failing health. He is survived by his mother.

Field, Mrs.
Amos, Texarkana, Feb. 3 - A message announces the death at Omaha, Neb., of Mrs. Amos Field, formerly of Texarkana. She was about 60 years old, and leaves her husband and one son, Raymond Willis, of Omaha. The body will be brought here and the funeral will be held from the residence of Mrs. Lula Fortune Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Field was a sister of W.A. Williams of Kansas City, who formerly lived here.

Texarkana, Feb. 4 - The body of Mrs. Amos Field, who died in Omaha, Neb., Thursday, arrived here last night, and the funeral took place today, Interment being made in Rose Hill cemetery. The services were held at the home of Mrs. Lula Fortune. Mrs. Field, formerly Mrs. Willis, lived here for many years and was prominent in social circles. A brother, W.A. Williams, now of Kansas City, was then general manager of the Kansas City, Southern railway, with headquarters here. He accompanied the body here. Two other brothers, H.A. Williams of Longview, and C.E. Williams of Clarksville, Tex., also attended the funeral, as did her two sons, Raymond Willis of Omaha, and Herbert Willis of McDonoughville, La. Mrs. Field went to Omaha to live, after her marriage to Mr. Field, about 15 years ago.

Field, Joseph, Bentonville, March 21 - Joseph Fields of Liberty, Mo., died Saturday at his home, following a short illness with scarlet fever. Mr. Field is survived by his sister, Mrs. James M. Hobart of Bentonville, and two daughters, Misses Mary and Bess Field, who are well know in Bentonville.

Fields, James, Atkins, Feb. 8 - James Fields died last night.

Findley, Mrs. W.M., Mrs. W.M. Findley, 40 years old, sister of C.E. King, forman of the composing room of the Gazette, died at her home at Harrison at 1:30 yesterday morning, after an extended illness. The body will be sent to Bateville, the former home of the family, and at 10 tomorrow morning funeral services will be held. Burial will be at Batesville.

Finley, James
William, James William Finley, infant son of W.P. Finley, died at the family residence, 2505 Arkansas avenue, North Little Rock, at 11:40 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his father, two sisters, Mary M. and Ruth P., and one brother, Leo. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in Orkland cemetery.

Finley, R.L., Norfork, June 6 - The Rev. R.L. Finley, Baptist Minister, died here on Monday of tuberculosis.

Finley, Virginia, Hamburg, Aug. 12 - Mrs. Virginia Finley of Strong, mother of Dr. W.H. Lindsey of this city, died at her home Friday after an illness of two weeks.

Finne, Frank H/, Frank H. Finne died at his home, 519 West Seventh street, yesterday afternoon from a sickness of several months duration. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence. Rev. J.N.Jessup of the First Christian church officiating. The burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery.

Mr. Finne is survived by his widow and eight children, Mrs. N.S.Williamson, Charles, Robert, Ruby, Pearl, Frank Jr., Sadie and Leonora Finne.

He was born in Westphalia, Germany, May 7, 1848, and came with his parents to Memphis when a child. Mr. Finne was a resident of Little Rock since 1879. For 30 years he was employed by the Iron Mountain railroad and later by the Arkansas Cotton Oil Company. He joined the Little Rock Lodge No. 545, Kinghts of Honor, 20 years ago.

Finnegan, Marion, Pine Bluff, July 23- Mrs. Marion Finnegan, aged 82 years, died Sunday at the home of her niece, Mrs. W.C. Steele. Funeral services will be held tomorrow from St. Joseph's Catholic church at 9 o'clock.

Fisher, Ada
May, The body of Mrs. Ada May Fisher, aged 55, who died at Leavenworth Kan, Thursday, was brought to Little Rock last night and removed to the Healey & Roth undertaking parlors. Funeral services will be held at the Scott Street Methodist church, Fourteenth and Scott streets, at 2:30 this afternoon. The Rev. S.E. Ryan will officiate. Members of Fraternal Aid Union, of which Mrs. Fisher was a member, will attend in a body. Pallbearers will be: W.J.Cameron, G.Lymer, F.C. Streiblch, D.G. Edwards, R.S. Munzing and M.E.Akin. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Mrs. Ada May Fisher, 55 years old, died at Leavenworth, Kan., yesterday while visiting her daughter, Miss Alice Ishburn, according to a message received yesterday by relatives here. Mrs. Fisher resided at Twenty-sixth street and Summit avenue. She was born in Missouri and has made her home in Little Rock for 33 years. She is survived by her husband, Edward Fisher; one son, Charles Ishburn; two daughters, Mrs. M. Hoffman, 310 West Twenty-sixth street, and Miss Alice Ishburn; two brothers, Elmer Grand, 1111 West Fourth street, and William Grant, of Kingston, Okla. Mrs. Fisher was a member of Maple Grove Circle No. 2, W.O. W. Funeral services will be held at the Healey and Roth Chapel Sunday afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Funeral services for Mrs. Ada May Fisher, who died Thursday at Leavenworth, Kan., were held at 2:30 yesterday afternoon at the Healey & Roth chapel. The Rev. S.E. Ryan, pastor of the Scott street, officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

Fisher, J.W., J.W. Fisher, 41 years old, contractor at Pocahontas, who came to Little Rock recently to undergo treatment for heart trouble, died at the residence of T.L. Bond, 1700 Wright avenue, at 1 o'lock yesterday afternoon. Mr. Fisher is survived by two sisters, Mrs. T.L. Bond of Little Rock and Mrs. Helen Lucas of Pocahontas. The body will be sent to Pocahontas at 8 o'clock this morning by P.H.Ruebel & Co. for burial.

The body of J.W. Fisher, aged 41, who died at the residence of T.L. Bond, 1700 Wright avenue, Saturday, was sent to Pocahontas for burial yesterday by P.H.Ruebel & Co.

Fisher, Mollie, Pine Bluff, Sept. 26 - Mrs. Mollie Fisher, aged 65, died at her home here yesterday.

Fisher, Olga W., Funeral services for Mrs. Olga W. Fisher, aged 34, who died at the family residence, 1216 Main street, at 9:30 yesterday morning, will be held at 4 this afternoon at the Healey & Roth chapel. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Fisher is survived by her husband, J.H. Fisher; five sons, two daughters, her father, William Dorsett, one brother, Dugan Dorsett, of Fort Smith, and one sister, Mrs. Allie Wright of High Point, N.C.

Fitzhenry, Rose, Mrs. Rose Anne Fitzhenry, aged 91, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.A. Mattingly, 1502 Rock street, at 12 o'clock yesterday. The body will be sent to Morrilton this morning by Healey & Roth.

Fitzhugh, Elizabeth, Pine Bluff, June 24 - Mrs. Elizabeth Fitzhugh, aged 85, died at her home here yesterday after an illness of five weeks. With her husband, who was a prominent physician, she made her home in this city for many years, but later removed to McGehee, where she made her home with two of her children until a few months ago, when she retured to Pine Bluff. She is survived by three children: Charles H. Fitzhugh, Jim Fitzhugh and Miss Bessie Fitzhugh, all of this city.

Fitzhugh, Logan, Gillett, Jan. 13 - County Surveyor Logan Fitzhugh died here Thursday. The funeral service was held yesterday.

Fitzpatrick, F. W., Texarkana, Jan 27 - F. W. Fitzpatrick, aged 73, past grand master of the state of Texas and high priest of the Texas Masonic Council, died early this morning at the home of his sister here, Mrs. B A Lamar, who he has been visiting the last two months. He is survived by three daughters and three sons. His wife died six years ago. The body will be taken on the Cotton Belt train tomorrow morning to Mount Pleasant, the family home, where the funeral and Interment will be held.

Fitzpatrick, Thomas, The body of Thomas Fitzpatric, 60 years old, who died at a local hospital January 4 and which was held at the Healey & Roth undertaking parlors pending instructions from a brother, W Fitzpatrick, in Baltimore, Md. was buried in Oakland cemetery yesterday by Healey & Roth.

Flannery, Henry, Jonesboro, Sept. 18-A telegram was received today by Charles Klapp of this city from his sister, Mrs. Flannery of San Francisco, advising him of the sudden death of her husband, Henry Flannery, by Asphyxiation, at his home late last night. He formerly lived here, also in Memphis.

Flannigan, J.C., Poughkeepsie, March 10 - J.C.Flannigan, aged 83, a life long resident of the county and a Confederate veteran, died last week at his home here.

Fleener, A.W., The body of A.W. Fleener, 57 years old, who died at a local hospital Saturday, was sent to Oklahoma for burial yesterday. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and two sons.

Fleming, Susan, Eureka Springs, Jan 21 - Mrs. Susan E Fleming died recently. The body was taken to Palmyra, Ill for burial.

Fletcher, Frank M., Funeral services for Frank M. Flether, a former well known resident of Little Rock, were held yesterday afternoon at El Paso, Texas, where he died Sunday.

Mr. Fletcher was born in Little Rock 57 years ago, and resided here until ill health forced him to go West. His father was the late Louis Flether. He was president of the Fletcher Coffee and Spice Company, and for about 20 years was manager of the Penzel Grocery Company.

He went to Roswell, N.M., eight years ago for the benefit of his health. After remaining there two years he moved to El Paso, where he and his sons, Barron and Henry, bought the Acme laundry, which was operated under the management of the two sons. Mr. Fletcher retired from active business when he left Little Rock.

Besides the two sons and his iwfe, Mr. Fletcher is survived by a daughter, Mrs. J.B. Miller, and a grandson, John Fletcher Miller, 1500 Gaines street. He was a member of the Little Rock Lodge B.P.O Elks and of local Masonic lodges.;ag4/24/17

Frank M. Fletcher, aged 55, a former resident of Little Rock, died yesterday afternoon at El Paso, Tex., according to a messaged received last night by F.C. Scull, 2300 State street. Mr. Fletcher established the Fletcher Coffee and Spice Company in Little Rock many years ago, and also was president of the Central Grocery Company. He went to El Paso aoubt eight years ago for the benefit of his health. He and his sons, Barron and Henry Fletcher were engaged in the laundry business. His wife, the two sons and a daughter, Mrs. John Miller of Little Rock, survive. Announcement of funeral arrangements was not received here.

Fletcher, George S., George S. Fletcher, aged 22, a student for the priesthood for the diosese of Little Rock, died yesterday afternoon at the North American College, Rome, Italy, according to word received here last night. Mr. Fletcher was the son of Dr. Fletcher of Mena, an honor student of Little Rock College, from which he was graduated last June, and a well know athlete.

He was born in Paris, Ark., July 15, 1900, and attended school for many years at Little Rock College. Because of his unusual talents, he was sent to Rome last fall by Bishop Morris, to study for the priesthood. He was captain of the Little Rock College baseball team during his last year at school and a member of the American Legion post of Little Rock College.

He is survived by his parents; one sister and one brother, Father Fletcher of Little Rock College. He will be buried in the vault of the North American College in the Campo Verano cemetery, Rome.

Fletcher, Mary
Elizabeth, Fort Smith, Jan 16 - Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Fletcher, aged 76, died at the home of her son, Jess Fletcher, Arkoma, Okla, yesterday. She had lived in Pawpaw, Okla, until a year ago. Surviving are two sons, Jess Fletcher, Arkoma, Okla, N M Fletcher, Pawpaw, Okla, and a daughter, Miss Pearl Fletcher, Arkoma.

Flippin, Bessie, Yellville, Jan. 17 - Bessie Flippin 12 year old daughter of Sheriff and Mrs. A.G. Flippin, died Monday.

Floyd, A.R., Centre Point, June 25 - A.R. Floyd, aged 75, a Confederate veteran and a prominent farmer, died at his home near here today.

Floyd, C.S., Searcy, April 8 - C.S. Floyd, about 60, was a victim of heart failure this morning at 7:30 o'clock, and died within a few minutes. He was poundmaster and had finished some of his duties in rounding up stray stock when he died at the Morris wagon yard. He is survived by his wife and one son, Frank. Burial will be at Smyrna.

Floyd, John C, John C. Floyd, aged 70, of Fort Smith died at a local hospital at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon. The Body was sent to Fort Smith last night by James Cook & Soon. The body was accompanied by R.M. Floyd, a brother.

Floyd, L.T., L.T. Floyd, 50 year old, grocer at 811 West Twenty-second street, died at a local hospital at 6:35 a.m. yesterday. He is survived by one brother, J.M. Floyd of Siloam Springs, and one daughter. He was a member of Far West Lodge No. 1 I.O.O.F. The body is being held at the parlors of Healey & Roth, pendng funeral arrangements.

Funeral services for L.T. Floyd, 50 years old, grocer at 811 West Twenty-second street, who died at a local hospital Friday morning, will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 2:30 this afternoon. The services will be in charge of Far West Lodge No. 1 I.O.O.F. The pallbearers will be: Fred L Pardee, F.G. Bender, Dell J. Evans, C.M.Laird, W.O. Thompson and C.M.Walzer. Burial will be at the Odd Fellows' cemetery.

Fluckey, Francis M., Funeral services for Francis M. Fluckey, aged 59, who died yesterday morning after a long illness at the family residence, 401 West Fourth Street, were held yesterday afternoon at the resdience, in charge of the Rev. W.P. Whaley. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Fluckey is survived by his wife, one son, Otto Fluckey of South Bend, Ind., and one stepson, Orvile P. Brink of Little Rock.

Foley, Joe, Joe Foley, aged 31, levee foreman and former resident of Baring Cross, died yesterday in Chicago, according to a message received by Mr. and Mrs. George Hum, 918 Denison street. Mr. Foley and his wife were visiting his sister, Mrs. Ben Stanfield, at the time of his death. He was a member of Little Rock Council, Knights and Ladies of Security. His wife will arrive with the body tomorrow morning. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

The body of Joe Foley, who died last Friday in Chicago, arrived in Little Rock at 7:30 last night. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock this afternoon at P.H. Ruebel & Co.'s chapel, in charge of the Rev. Carl Fritsch. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Folsom, Agnes, Mrs. Agnes Folsom, aged 25, wife of D.E. Folsom, 13212 Willow street, Argenta, died at 5 yesterday afternoon. Besides her husband she is survived by her mother, Mrs. A.N. Ray of Lonoke and sisters, Nettie Ray of Lonoke and Mrs. Esther Hanley of England. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence at 3:30 this afternoon by the Rev. J.T. Willcoxen, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial will be in Thomas cemetery, Argenta.

Fondern, Roy, Deming, N.M., Feb. 4 - Private Roy Fondern of Company G, Second Infantry, Arkansas National Guard, died at the base hospital here today. Death was due to an attak of blood poisoning.

Fondern enlisted at Clarksville.

Fondren, J. T., Forrest City, Jan 9- J T Fondren, aged about 70, who has been vice president of the Bank of Eastern Arkansas for the past nine years, died at his home here today following a long Illness.

Mr. Fondren started with the bank in 1889 as bookkeeper

He is survived by three sons, James and Thomas Fondren of Forrest City, and Willie Fondren of Memphis; one daughter, Mrs. Beatty Thomas of Memphis. Guneral services will be held Saturday.

Forbes, Arch, Quitman, Jan 7 - Arch Forbes died at his home near Quitman.

Ford, B.F., Mrs. B.F. Ford, aged 71, died at her home, 1815 West Second street, at 8 last night. She is survived by two sons, F.H. Ford of Little Rock and O. Ford of Bald Knob, and two daughters, Mrs. W.H. White, 117 Rice street, and Mrs. D.D. Burns of Chicago, and six grandchildren.

Ford, W.J., Lewisville, Jan. 2 - W.J. Ford, aged 78, a Confederate Veteran, died at his home, three miles south of Lewisville, today.

Forrest, Norfleet, Conway, March 4 - Norfleet J Forrest, aged 64, died yesterday of Apoplexy at his home near Conway. The body was sent last night to Brownsville, Tenn. for burial. Mr. Forrest is survived by his widow and several chidren.

Forrest, Stewart, Piggott, July 18 - Word has just been received here of the death of Mrs. Stewart Forrest, 47 years old, in Idabell, Okla., where she resided. She and her husband formerly lived in this county.; adg7/19/1917

Forst, Lafayette, Lafayette Forst, aged 59, of 1209 Cumberland street, died at a local hospital at 7 last night. Mr. Forst was born in Kentucky. He is survived by three sisters, Mrs. S. Wormaer, Mrs. S. Ellenbogen and Miss Pauline Forst, of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held at the Jewish chapel in Oakland cemetery at 4 this afternoon. Rabbi Louis Witt will officiate.

Funeral services for Lafayette Forst, aged 59, 1209 Cumberland street, who died at a local hospital at 7 Thursday night, were held at 4 yesterday afternoon at the Jewish chapel in Oakland cemetery. Rabbi Louis Witt officiated. The pallbearers were Dave Lubin, Sam Goldstein, W. Wolfe, L. P. Bott Sr., S. Safferstone and Felix Gans. Mr. Forst is survived by three sisters and two brothers, Moses and Charles Forst, both of Chicago, Ill.

Fort, Josephine
Johnson, d. 12/15/98 Warren.
ed 90; Interment: Oakland cemetery; adg12/17/98

Fortson, J.J., Conway, Feb. 7 - J.J. Fortson of Cato, aged about 50, died Monday night of pneumonia. For many years he was a justice of the peace.

Foster, Daisy, Haskell, April 17 - Daisy Foster, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Foster, died yesterday.

Foster, H.D., Pine Bluff, May 6 - The funeral of H.D. Foster, a Cotton Belt Conductor who died as the result of injuries received at Camden, Friday afternoon, was held here this afternoon. He leaves his wife and six children, and his father, P.O. Foster, an engineer on the Cotton Belt. He was a member of the B.R.T. of this city.

Foster, Henry, Ozark, Jan 24 - Henry Foster, aged 51, died at his home here Monday. He was been a rural carrier here for several years.

Foster, Naomi, Pocahontas, Jan. 13 - Mrs. Naomi Foster, wife of the Rev. Julian Foster, and daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. G.D. McClure, died at the home of the Rev. Mr. McClure Wednesday morning.

Foster, Roy, Pine Bluff, May 4 - Roy Foster of Raydoll, Ark., died in this city yesterday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.A.Foster. He was 22 years old and was a most popular young man. Mr. Foster only recently returned from El Paso, Tex., where he spent several months for his health. The funeral services were conducted by Rev.C.C. Cline, pastor of the Christian church.

Fowler, James, Conway, May 25 - James, nine year old son of the Rev. and Mrs. Fowler of near here, died yesterday.

Fowlkes, Margaret, Heber Springs, Jan. 12 - Mrs. Margaret Fowlkes who lived eight miles southwest, at Pearson, did at the family home yesterday of cancer. She is survived by her husband, J.C. Fowlkes, and seven children, who are: Mrs. Callie Scruggs, Mrs. Daisy Bivens, Henry Fowlkes, Royd Fowlkes and Bessie Fowlkes, all of Pearson, Mrs. Dora Birdson of Shiloh, and Mrs. Claude Jones of this city. She also left two sisters and two brothers.

Fox, C. A., Blytheville, Jan 3 C A Fox, aged 48 died suddenly at his home here Monday following an attack of acute indigestion. Besides his wife, Mrs. Lizzie Fox, he is survived bytwo daughters, Miss Miram Fox and Mrs. Gladys Bough; one sister, Mrs. Sarah Clark of Newburg Mo and two brothers, Henry Fox of Downers Grove, Ill and J B Fox of Chicago.

Fox, Fred, Pine Bluff, March 18 - Fred Fox, aged 64, head of the Fox Bros. Hardware Company, and one of the most prominent residents of Pine Bluff, died at his home here this afternoon at 5 o'clock after a long illness. The funeral probably will be held tomorrow afternoon from the First Presbyterian church, of which he had been an elder for many years.

He was born in King and Queen county, Virginia, and came to Pine Bluff when he was 16 years old. Later he was joined by his brothers, Hugh, Lee and Will Fox, who survived. They founded the Fox Bros. Hardware Company, now one of the largest retail and wholesale hardware houses in the state. He was a nephew of the ate Herman Carleton of this city. He was a director in several banks of the city, a trustee of the Merrill Institue, and was for several years president of the YMCA. He retired from the City Council several years ago, after serving 20 years. Beside his three brothers, he is survived by his widow and four children, Mrs. Ollie Galbraith, Mrs. James McCammon, Miss Blanche Fox and Campbell Fox.

Fox, Mrs.
Herman, Bentonville, Feb. 17 - Mrs. Herman Fox of Kansas City, died suddenly in Aiken, S.C. Where she was visiting relatives. Mrs. Fox was the Daughter of Mr. and Mr. J.T. Carmen, and was well known here and at Siloam Springs.

Francis, R.B., R.B. Francis, aged 36, a retired farmer of Harrison, Ark., died at a local hospital at 4:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The body is being held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company parlors pending the completion of funeral arrangements.

The body of R B Francis, who died Wednesday at a local hospital, was sent to Bergman, Ark, yesterday afternoon by the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company.

Freece, Henry, Henry Freece, aged 63, died at 4 yesterday afternoon at a Little Rock hospital. The body is being held by Healey & Roth pending funeral arrangements.

Freeland, Infant, Pine Bluff, Aug 11 - Ouida Marie Freeland, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freeland of Blissville, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. McBurnett of this city last night.

Freeman, Mae, d. 12/10/90 N.Little Rock.
ed 86; Survived: Son, Ron "Bud" Freeman; Daughter, Patricia A Taylor; Sisters, Ruth Young, Elba Boswell, Flossie Grigsby; Interment: Traskwood cemetery.

Freeman, William
Edward, William Edward Freeman, a planter living near Alexander, died at his residence at 9 yesterday morning. He was born in Indiana and had lived near Alexander for several years. He is survived by four brothers, G.H. Freeman of Waukegan, Ill.; Orlando J. Freeman of Jacksonville, G.T. Freeman of Cabot and Juan Freeman of Corning; six sisters, Misses Celestia, Rena, and Grace Freeman, of Alexander; Mrs. Henry Daniels, Lexington, Okla; Mrs. James Hardcastle of Little Rock, and Mrs. Joe Alexander of Scott. The body will be taken to Bayou Meto cemetery near Jacksonville this morning by Healey and Roth. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m.

Freeze, A.J., Bentonville, June 19 - A.J. Freeze, aged 77, died suddenly at his home here Saturday. The body was taken to Carney, Kan., his former home for burial.

French, Annie, Miss Annie French, 28 years old. died at 5 o'clock yesterday morning in a local hospital. The body is being held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. parlors pending the copletion of funeral arrangements.

French, James
Winford, Fort Smith, Jan. 10- James Winford French, aged 19, furniture upholsterer, died at the home of his brother, Claud French, today. He is survived by three brothers, Claud, Fort Smith; T M Hackett, and Ed French, Aplin; three sisters, Mrs. Tom Blevans, Okfuskee, Okla, Mrs. H C Flannagan, Lavaca and Miss Elsie French, Aplin, and his father, W T French, Fort Smith.

Frey, Eugene, Kingsland, July 6 - Mrs. Eugene Frey died at her home at New Edinburgh Wednesday.

Frey, James A., James A. Frey, 83 years old, a retired furniture salesman, died at 9:45 o'clock last night at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Mack Dowden, 805 West Markham street. Mr. Frey had been ill for about a week. He was born in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, March 27, 1833. He removed to Little Rock in 1888. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. D.H. Park of Pasadena, Cal.; Mrs. Henry Pottebaum, 623 West Fourteenth street, and Mrs. Mack Dowden. Funeral services will be held at the residence of Mrs. Dowden at 3:30 this afternoon. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.

Funeral services for James A. Frey, who died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. Mack Dowden, 805 West Markham street, Thursday night, were held at the residence at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson officiated. Burial was at Oakland cemetery.

Friese, Henry, The body of Henry Friese of Paris, Logan county, who died Sunday at a hospital here will be sent to Subiaco this morning by Healey & Rother.

Fromhardt, Elizabeth, The body of Miss Elizabeth Fromhardt was sent to Springfiled, O., yesterday for burial. She was 48 years old and resided at the corner of Maple and Sixteenth streets, Argenta.

Frost, John, The body of John Frost, who died Saturday afternoon in a local hospital was sent to Waldron yesterday afternoon by James Cook & Sons for burial. He is survived by one brother, W.F. Frost, of Waldron.

Fry, Willie, The body of Willile Fry, aged 12, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Drew Fry of Cabot, who died at 4:30 p.m. yesterday at a local hospital, will be sent this morning by Healey & Roth to Cabot.

Fuller, Mary
Lillian, Funeral services for Mary Lillian Fuller, 11 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Fuller, 1716 West Sisteenth street, who died at 7 yesterday morning, will be held at the residence at 10 this morning. The Rev. E.P. Alldredge will officiate. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.

Funderburg, Doyle, Nashville, March 30 - Doyle Funderburg, 11 years old, son of Jim Funderburg of Buck Range, died Wednesday.

Furr, Alono W., Camden, Jan 14 - Alonzo W Furr, aged 50, died at his home in the Locust Bayou neighborhood Wednesday night. He was a life long resident of this section.

Futrall, T.A., Mariana, July 31 - T.A. Futrell, father of President John C. Futrall of the University of Arkansas, and one of the most widely known educators in the United States, died here today, after an illness of several weeks. He has been engaged in school work in Arkansas and Tennessee for more than 53 years, and at the time of his death was serving his fourth term as Lee county superintendent of schools.

Mr. Futrall had lived in Arkansas 33 years. He was superintendent of the Arkansas School for the Blind for several years and was one of the presidents of the Arkansas Teachers Association. At one time he was vice president of the National Educational Association. He was also superintendent of the Jonesboro schools for several years. In later years, he was a familiar figure at the annual reunions of the Confederate Veterans, and as a member of a North Carolina regiment, fought in almost every battle in which Lee's army was engaged, up till the time of surrender at Appomattox.

He is survived by seven children, the Misses Emmie and Alma Futrall and Edward Futrall of Marianna; Mrs. Paul Buston of Magnolia; Mrs. R.E. Montgomery of Jonesboro; Thomas E. Futrall of Ennis, Mont., and John C. Futrall, president of the University of Arkansas.

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