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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2113

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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Earnest, T.P., The death is announced at Florence, Ala., of T.P. Earnest, aged 71, September 22. He is survived by two sons, F.W. of Lewisburg, Tenn., and A.G. Of Jackson, Tenn; three daughters, Mrs. A.A. Jackson of Florence, Ala., Mrs. Pearl Connelison of Little Rock and Mrs. M.L. Stevenson of Joplin, Mo. A.G. Earnest is in the training camp at Camp Gordon, Chambliss, Ga. Mrs. Pearl Cornelison was at the death bed of her father, and returned yesterday.

East, Alfreda, d. 7/22/1890 Little Rock; Aged 78; Survived: Sons, Louis East, John East; Daughter, Cleo East; Sister, Earline Wiley.

East, J.D., Hoxie, Jan 21 - J. D. East, a well know local business man, died here Thursday.

East, Nelle, Okolona, May 16 - Mrs. Nelle Steele East, wife of T.W. East, died here yesterday. She is survived by her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Steele of Arkadelphia; two brothers, Will and Harry Steele, and one sister, Ruth. The body was taken to Arkadelphia today for burial.

Eavers, Rosa
Theresa, Mrs. Rosa Theresa Eavers, aged 32, wife of J.C. Eavers, died yesterday morning at 1:30 at the family residence, 614 East Seventeenth street. Survivng are her husband, one son, her father, A. Benetz; four daughters, three brothers, J.A., A.F. and E.P. Benetz, 614 E. Seventeenth street; six sisters, Mrs. Frances Eaton of Little Rock; Mrs. Adolph Anthamatten and Mrs. J.C. Urbani of Conway; Mrs. Annie Maurs and the Misses Minnie and Clara Benets of Little Rock. She was a member of the Mothers' Society and of St. Joseph's Society of St. Edward's German Catholic church. She was a native of Little Rock. Funeral services will be conducted at 9 tomorrow morning from St. Edward's church, 815 Sherman street, by the Rev. P. Maurus Rohner. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. The pallbearers will be: Joe Gilmore, Joe Masmar, Joe Berg, Joe Jalter, Stephen Brfeil and Dave Kneasel.

Echlin, Albert, Conway, June 18 - News was received here yesterday of the death Saturday of Albert E. Echlin, aged 25, of San Diego, Cal. He was the son of Mrs. P.W. Echlin of this city. He is survived by four sisters, Misses Bess, Floy, Geneva and Florence Echlin, and three brothers, Chester, Creed and Robert Echlin, all of Conway.

Edington, Mollie, Stephens, Jan 23 - Mrs. Mollie Edington died at her home here Saturday morning following a long illness. She was buried Sunday afternoon at old Bethlehem church, about six miles south of Stephens.

Edmonson, Charles W., Paragould, Jan 24 - Charles W Edmonson, pioneer of the Marmaduke section, north of this city, died Sunday night. He had been a resident of this county for 48 years, serving as justice of the peace for many years. His wife, two daughters, Mrs. Dimpsey Eubanks and Mrs. Raleigh Gooch and two sons, Rufus and Edgar Edmonson.

Edrington, Charles F., Charles F Edrington, aged 57, of 513 Summit avenue, engineer on the Missouri Pacific railroad for the last 41 years, died at the residence of his daughter-in-law. Mrs. Hattie Edrington at Pocahontas, at 2:15 yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife, one daughter. Mrs. Claude Wilson, Little Rock; one son, Charles Edrington Jr., Kansas City; one sister, Mrs. Tom Mabrey, Kentucky; two brothers, S A Edrington, Idaho, and G G Edrington, Camden

Mr. Edrington came to Arkansas about 1880 and entered the employ of the Missouri Pacific railroad. He became a fireman in 1885 and in 1890 was promoted to engineer. His father, W L Edrington, died at the family residence here December 23 and Mr. Edrington accompanied the body to Pocahontas for burial. While there he contracted the illness that caused his death.

Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, pastor of the Highland Methodist church. The honorary pallbearers will be: E. H. Buck, Walter Mann, J M Whalen, Charles Seymour, Jeff Stout and Sidney Wilbanks. The active pallbearers will be; Jim Shelton, Gray Lannon, M B Rieff, W J Strohshall, J D Newcomb and George Emory. Burial will be in Roselawn cemetery.

Edwards, F.H., Ozark, Feb. 7 - F.H. Edwards, aged 75, for years a grocer at Altus, died Sunday at his home.

Edwards, Hyson S., Altus, Feb. 6 - Hyson S. Edwards, aged 69, who had been in business here 25 years, died at his home here Sunday night.

Edwards, Martha
Jane, Mrs Martha Jane Edwards, aged 68, died at 3:30 yesterday morning at her home at Cypress Junction. She is survived by her husband, E M Edwards. The body is being held by Healey & Roth pending funeral arrangements.
1/6/30 - Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Jane Edwards, wife of E M Edwards, who died Sunday at her home at Cypress Junction, will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 3 pm today, in charge of the Rev C E Chapler. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.;ag1/7/30

Edwards, Oba, Piggott, July 7 - Oba Edwards, 13 years old, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Edwards, died at the family home Friday morning of measles. The father is a well known farmer, residing about two miles east of here.

Edwards, R. L., Jonesboro, Jan 6 - R. L. Edwards, 65, former county judge, died last night at his home, 517 Krewson street. Funeral services will be held at 2 Tuesday afternoon in the Pine Log church. He is survived by his wife and four children.

Edwards, Robert, Searcy, Sept. 3- Robert Edwards died at Clear Water Friday.

Edwards, Sadie, Clarksville, Feb. 9 - Mrs. Sadie Edwards, who died last Sunday in Calfiornia, was buried today in the Shady Grove cemetery. She was formerly Miss Sadie Purdue of Clarksville.

Efird, J.W.A., Malvern, May 12 - J.W.A., Efird, one of Malvern's oldest residents, died Thursday.

Eichenberger, Mrs. A, Ozark, March 15 - Mrs. Alfred L Eichenberger died at her home early yesterday, after an illness of several months of tuberculosis. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Riley and Mrs. Brock; two sisters, Mrs. Elsey of Tulsa, Okla and Mrs. Hamlight of Muskogee, Okla., and one brother, Al Berry of Denning.

Eicherberger, Alfred, Ozark, Aug 13 - Alfred L. Eicherberger, aged 67 years, died at his home here yesterday. His wife died in March.

Elam, Dan, Ozark, Aug. 10 - Mrs. Dan Elam, aged 72, who lives two miles east of Ozark, died last night.

Elam, Josiah, Josiah Elam, aged 70, died at the Confederate Home at 6 last night. He was a member of Company B, Fifth Mississippi Cavalry, in the early part of the Civil war, and later was transferred to Company G, Second Mississippi Cavalry. Funeral services will be held at the Confederate Home at 10 this morning. The Rev. R.H. Templeton will officiate. Burial will be in the Confederate cemetery.

Funeral services for Josiah Elam, aged 70, Confederate veteran who died at the Confederate Home Tuesday afternoon, were held at the home at 2 yeterday afternoon. The Rev. R.B.Templeton officiated. Burial was in Confederate cemetery.

Elder, J.E., Pine Bluff, Feb. 9 - Mrs. J.E. Elder, aged 68, died of pneumonia this morning at the home of her daughter Mr. A.L. Rafferty. She had been a resident of this city for 12 years having come here from Jonesboro. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Rafferty and Miss Mamie Elder of this city and Mrs. C.H. Price of Douglas, Ariz. Funeral services will be held here tomorrow afternoon.

Elfrank, J. H., Newport, Jan 7 - J H Elfrank, pioneer and former furniture merchant of Newport, died Tuesday night. The body was sent to Cape Girardeau, Mo for burial.

Elkins, Chasie E., Mrs. Chasie Elizabeth Elkins died at the famiy home, 817 West Fifteenth street, at 2:15 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by four children, Mrs. A E Adams and Mrs. E E Hethcoot, both of Little Rock; Mrs. George McNatt and Mrs. Claude Berryhill, both of Alabama. The body will be sent to Huntsville, Ala., at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon by Healey & Roth.

Elkins, John W., Pine Bluff, Jan. 16 - John W. Elkins, aged 40, died early yesterday at his home here, after a brief illness of pneumonia. He came here three years ago from Sheridan, and had been employed at the Cotton Belt shops. He is survived by his widow and two sons and a brother, George Elkins, of Little Rock. The body was sent to Sheridan today for burial.

Elkins, Pat, Charleston, Jan 16- Pat Elkins, aged 21 son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Elkins, Living seven miles west of here, died recently after a brief illness.

Ellington, Mary, Mrs. Mary Ellington, 68 years old, wife of T.J. Ellington, died at the family residence, 2401 Scott street at 11:55 last night. She is survived by her husband and eight sons, G.W. of Paducah, Ky., E.W. of Owensboro, Ky., J.B. and E.P. of Spadra, Ark., B.W. of Clarksville, Ark., H.L. of Louisville, Ky., and C.E. and T.J. Jr. of Little Rock, and by one daughter, Mrs. Ella May Bardlow, of Little Rock. The funeral will be held at 4 p.m. today.

Elliott, B.F., Funeral services for B.F. Elliott, 61 years old, who died at 3:40 yesterday morning at a local hospital, will be held at the residence, 2421 West Sixteenth street, at 3 tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. J.H.Stark will officiate. The pallbearers will be: George F Lewis, F.F. Chastien, B.H. Sherwood and Al Cook. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.

Elliott, Clyde, Camden, March 17 - Clyde Elliott, aged 29, of this city, died in El Paso, Tex., today. His body will be brought home for burial, which will take place Tuesday afternoon from the home of his brother, A G Elliott.

Elliott, Leanna, The body of Mrs. Leanna Elliott, 42 years old, who died at a local hospital Friday, was sent to Camden yeterday morning by P.H.Ruebel & Co.

Mrs. Leanna Elliott, 42 years old, wife of Dr. W.P. Elliott, dentist at Camden, died at St. Vincent's infirmary at 5 yesterday afternoon. Besides her husban, she is survived by three sons, and one daughter. The body will be sent to Camden this morning by P H. Ruebel & Co. Funeral services will be held at Camden tomorrow afternoon.

Elliott, Mary, Conway, Feb. 16 - Miss Mary Elliott, aged 20, died here today from burns suffered this morning when she swooned and fell into the fire in an open fireplace in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Elliott. Several small brothers and sister who witnessed the tragedy pulled the young woman from the fireplace, after she had been badly burned. Her death occurred six hours later.

Ellis, Bertha, Mrs. Bertha Ellis, 23, died at the family residence, 1705 East Sixth street, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, W.A. Ellis, an infant son, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Major, one sister, Mrs. Dean Ellis, and one brother, Gilliam Major. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mrs. Ellis was a native of Tatumville, Saline county.

Ellis, Robert, Rogers, July 10 - Robert S. Ellis, aged 49, died at his home at Huntsville today, following an operation for appendicitis. He was born at Hindsville.

Ellison, J.H., Eureka Springs, Jan 4 - J H Ellison, aged about 72, died Sunday. He is survived by two daughters. ag1/5/1922

Elmore, Mrs.
H. E., Mrs. H. E. Elmore, aged 36 of Cabot, died at a hospital here at 9 a.m. yesterday. She is survived by her husband, four sons, Vernon, James, Edy and Harold Elmore, all of Cabot; three daughters, Pearl and Marie, both of Cabot and Caroline Elmore of Lonoke; a brother, H E Moore of North Little Rock, and five sisters, Mrs. Ida King, Mrs. Maggie Carlisle, Mrs. Taylor Harria and Mrs. Sam Carroll, all of Cabot, and Mrs. Pearl Parks of North Little Rock. The body is held at the P H Ruebel & Co. parlors.

- The body of Mrs. Minnie Elmore of Cabot, who died Wednesday at a hospital here, was taken overland to Mount Carmel cemetery yesterday noon by P H Ruebel & Co. Services were held at the chapel at 1 p.m. Burial was in Mount Carmel cemetery.

Elms, Marie T., d. 12/8/90 Little Rock; Aged 91; Interment: Calvary cemetery.

Elrod, G.M., Funeral services for G.M. Elrod, 67 years old, who died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W.V.Hammond, 2724 West Thirteenth street, Friday night, will be held at the residence at 3 this afternoon. The Rev. W.P. Whaley will officiate. Following the servies the body will be sent to Bryant by P.H. Ruebel & Co.

G.M. Elrod, 67 years old, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W.V. Hammond, 2724 West Thirteenth street, at 8:30 last night. He was born at Bryant February, 13, 1850. He was a member of Forrest Camp No. 5, W.O.W. He is survived by his wife, two sons, M.W. Elrod of Little Rock, and S.T. Elrod of New Orleans, La.; one daughter, Mrs. Hammond, and one brother, John Elrod of Bryant. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Elrod, Mrs.
John, Mena, April 4 - Word has reached here of the death of Mrs. John Elrod, who was taken to Hot Springs for treatment a week ago. She leaves her husband and a daughter, Mrs. Elrod Taylor. The body will probably be taken to her former home in Indiana for burial.

Beebe, April 5 - Mrs. John Elrod, 72 years old, of Mena, died here yesterday. She is survived by her husband, a son in Kansas City and a daughter in Mena. She was visiting the Rev. and Mrs. W.C. Carter when taken ill.

Elrod, Nancy, Benton, Jan. 31 - Mrs. Nancy Elrod, wife of N.H. Elrod, died here yesterday. Funeral serves were held at Belfast today by the Rev. W.M. Kelley. Besides her husband and several children, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.D.Lakey; two brothers, Oscar and Walte Lakey, of Benton, and two sisters, Mesdames Nora Atchinson of Haskell and Ellen Martha of Benton.

Emberton, H.M., Hope, Aug 2 - Mrs. Harriet M. Emberton, aged 69 years, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.H. F Garrett, Tuesday. She is survived by one daughter, Three grandchildren, two sisters and two brothers. The body was sent to Madisonville, Ky., for burial.

Emerson, A.J., Mammoth Spring, April 20 - A.J. Emerson, aged 78, a Federal veteran, died at his home here Wednesday night.

Emerson, James M., James M. Emerson, aged 77, died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at the Confederate Home, where he had been for the past year. Mr. Emerson was a member of Colonel Dawson's command, Nineteenth Arkansas Infantry, C.S.A., and was a resident of Lonoke county for 50 years. He removed to Pulaski county some time ago, and was admitted to the Confederate Home in 1916. He is survived by his wife, who was with him at the time of his death, and who also is an inmate of the home, and two daughters, Mrs. Tom Young of England and Mrs. J.H. Roe of Keo, who came to Little Rock yesterday. Funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Funeral services for James M. Emerson, 77 years old, who died at 11 Sunday morning at the Confederate Home, were held at the home at 3 yesterday afternoon. Burial was at the Confederate cemetery.

Emmett, Mrs.
Pallie, Paragould, Jan 18- Mrs. Pallie Emmett, aged 48, died at City hospital here Friday morning after a two weeks illness of pneumonia. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Cliffie Emmett Combs of Johnson, six miles north of here, and by six sons, Olin, Willie, Omer, Charles and Luther, all of Fayetteville, and Arlie of Green Forest.

Emmette, Mrs.
Pallie, Green Forest, Jan 19 - Mrs. Pallie Emmette, aged 49, died at her home in Fayetteville Friday. She formerly lived at Green Forest. Mrs. Emmette is sufvived by six sons, Olin, Willie, Omer, and Charles of Fayetteville. Orlis of Green Forest and a daughter, Mrs. H Green of Johnson.

Englander, Louis, Pine Bluff, Aug 11 - Louis Engler, aged 81, father of Mrs. H.B. Feinberg, died here today at the Feinberg home, where he had made his home for the past seven years. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon by Sol Klarberg. He formerly lived in Little Rock.

Enright, Rt. Rev.
Patrick, The body of the Rt. Rev. Mgr. Patrick Enright, aged 50, for 15 years rector of St. Andrew's Catholic cathedral in Little Rock, who died two hours after being stricken with apoplexy in St. Joseph's hospital at Hot Springs Tuesday night, will arrive here this morning on a Rock Island train and will be escorted to the cathedral by members of the Knights of Columbus and the clergy.

The body will lie in state at the cathedral until 10:30 o'clock tomorrow morning, when pontifical requiem mass will be celebrated by Bishop John B. Morris, assisted by many priests. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Members of the Knights of Columbus will be pallbearers.

Native of Ireland
Mgr. Enright was born in County Limerick, Ireland, April 28, 1867. He came to the United States in 1888, and after studying in the East was ordained to the priesthood August 15, 1891, at Mobile, Ala., by Bishop O'Sullivan. In 1892 he came to Arkansas and was assigned to the churches in Van Buren and Fayetteville.

Two years later he came to Little Rock and became rector of St. Andrew's cathedral. For about 15 years he was at the cathedral and during his service there was made vicar general of the diocese of Arkansas. Seven years ago he was transferred to Mount St. Mary's convent on Pulaski Heights as chaplain.

When the Rt. Rev. J.M. Lucy, who was pastor of St. Joseph's church at Pine Bluff for more than a quarter of a century, died in 1915, Mgr. Enright was sent to that church. While he was there he was made a domestic prelate or monsignor.

Ill for Two Months
Mgr. Enright had been ill with rheumatism for two months. For a time he was treated at St. Vincent's infirmary in Little Rock and then went to St. Joseph's hospital in Hot Springs. Tuesday afternoon he wnet riding and his condition seemed improved, but at 9 o'clock Tuesday night, he was stricken and died two hours later without regaining consciousness.

His brother, the Rev. Michael Enright, pastor of St. Edward's church at Texarkana, was at the bedside.

Besides the brother at Texarkana, Mgr. Enright is survived by four other brothers, three of whom live in Ohio, and the Rev. John Enright of St. John's N.F., and two sisters, on in Austrailia and the other in Ireland.

During services in Pine Bluff last year celebrating his silver anniversary in the priesthood, Mgr. Enright received a cablegram telling of the eath of his aged mother in Ireland.

Funeral services for the Rt. Rev. Patrick Enright, aged 50, rector for years of St. Andrew's cathedral, who died at Hot Springs Tuesday night, will be held at 10:30 this morning at St. Andrew's cathedral. The body was brought to Little Rock over the Rock Island yesterday and is lying in state at the cathedral. Pontifical mass will be celebrated by the Rt. Rev. John B. Morris, bishop of the diocese of Little Rock. He will be assisted by Dr. P.F.Horan of Fort Smith, who will preach the funeral sermon; the Very Rev. Eugene Weidel of Hot Springs, and the Rev. A. Demurger of Argenta, deacons of honor; the Rev. P.H. Boyle of Little Rock, decon of mass; the Rev. William Carroll of Hot Springs, sub deacon; Dr. W.H. Aretz of Little Rock College, mastter of ceremonies; the Rev. Herman Wernke of Little Rock, assistant master of ceremonies. The pallbearers will be: Judge E.J.Kerwin, J.Frank Franey and Jules T. Borreson of the Knights of Columbus Lodge No. 1153 at Pine Bluff; John H. Tuohey, William Rogoski and James A. Gray of Knights of Columbus Lodge No. 812, of Little Rock; John Kirspel and Joe Bujarski of the Catholic Knights of America Lodge No. 79, of Little Rock. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery.

Erwin, Lucy, Mrs. Lucy Erwin, 77 years old, died at the family residence, 200 Broadway, at 10:25 o'clock last night after an illness of about a year. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Mabel Thomas, Mrs. Minnie Reinhardt, Mrs. Annie Lee and Mrs. Pratt Cates; one son, A.L. Erwin of Des Arc; one brother, J.T. Bethell of Des Arc, and one sister, Mrs. Belle Walt of Little Rock. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy Erwin, 77 years old, who died at the family residence, 200 Broadway, Wednesday night, will be held at the residence at 2 this afternoon. The Rev. Hay Watson Smith and the Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. The pallbearers will be James R. Connor, H.C. Kolbe, Richard Mayo, Ad Hamberg, J.S. Barkman and Thomas L. Bond. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Erwin, Will, Newport, Ark, April 30 - Will Erwin, a son of Mrs. M.M. Erwin, died suddenly at his room in the Watson building early yesterday of hemorrhage. Saturday he was on the streets, seemingly in perfect health. He is survived by his mother, two brothers, C.M. Erwin and Dr. J.H. Erwin, and a sister, Miss Dovie Erwin, all of this city.

Estelle, Christine, Pine Bluff, Oct. 13 - Christine Estelle, aged seven years, dughter of Judge and Mrs. L.S. Estelle of Omaha, Neb. died last midnight at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shell, in this city, where she and her mother had been vising for the past 10 days. Judge Estelle arrived yesterday from Omaha.

Etherly, Emma, Mrs. Emma Etherly, aged 70, died at 1:30 yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Sulzer, in Palestine. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Sulzer, Mrs. W W Buford and Mrs. Charles Berry, the latter two of Little Rock. The body will be brought to Little Rock at 12:30 today and the funeral services will be held at 3 this afternoon at the P H Ruebel and Co. chapel, 112 East Sixth. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Etherly, who died Wednesday in Palestine, were held at 3 yesterday afternoon at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. chapel. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

Evans, Dr.
A.O., The Rev. A.O. Evans, D.D., aged about 60, financial agent for Henderson-Brown College of Arkadelphia, died yesterday at his home in Arkadelphia, following an illness of two days. Funeral services will be conducted Friday morning at 10.

The Rev. Mr. Evans was one of the best known Methodist ministers in Arkansas. He was a member of the Little Rock district of the North Arkansas conference, Methodist Episcopal church, South. He was pastor of Winfield Memorial church of Little Rock, which was built under his pastorate, two terms and of Asbury church.

He has lived in Arkadelphia about eight years, and has been presiding elder of the district and pastor of the Arkadelphia Methodist church.

Mrs. Clyde R. Croft, 601 East Sixteenth street, Little Rock, is a daughter of the Rev. Mr. Evans.

Arkadelphia, May 25 - Funeral services for the Rev. A.O. Evans, who died at his home here, Wednesday, were held today by the Rev. M.N. Waldrip of Hot Springs, the Rev. J.M. Workman, president of Henderson Brown College and other pastors.

Evans, George, Benton, March 28 - George Evans, 57 years old, unmarried , of Shaw, died Monday.

Evans, Hattie, Pending instrutions from relatives at Hachett, the body of Mrs. Hattie Evans, 26 years old, who died at 7:30 yesterday morning at a local hospital is being held at the P H Ruebel & Co. undertaking parlors. Mrs. Evans is survived by a sister, Mrs. J Roberts of Hachett.

The body of Mrs. Hattie Evans, 26 years old, who died at a local hospital Thursday morning was sent to Hackett yesterday morning by P H Ruebel & Co. for burial.

Evans, J.W., Bauxite, June 13 - J.W. Evans, aged 68, died here yesterday after several months illness. He was formerly of Jackson, Ala., but had lived here for about 12 years, being one of the oldest employes of the American Bauxite Company in time of service. He was buried at the Bryant cemetery today. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Fannie Arnold of this place.

Evans, Joseph, Dardanelle, April 20 - Joseph Evans, aged 83, died at his home at Blue Mountain Wednesday. He was for years prominently identified with navigation on the Mississippi. He served several terms as mayor of Dardanelle.

Evans, Lauretta, Eureka Springs, Jan 14 - Mrs. Lauretta Evans of lifty, Madison county, died at her home Monday and was buried here Wednesday. She is survived by three sons, Arch, Washington and Jessie Evans, all of Carroll county.

Evans, T.A., Arkadelphia, June 30 - Funeral services for T.A. Evans, aged 64, were held at Hart's Chapel cemetery Friday. Mr. Evans was a resident of Copeland Ridge and had lived in this county for many years.

Everett, Jimmy
Lynn, d. 11/13/98 Oxford; Aged 44; Survived: Armilda Everett, Stephanie Heidelberg, Danielle Brashears; Interment: Oxford cemetery; adg11/15/98

Ewton, John A., John A. Ewton, 39 of Russellville, died at a local hospital at 10 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife.

Ezell, B.M., Forrest City, Feb. 18 - B.M. Ezell, aged 71, a Confederate veteran who died in the State Hospital Friday, was buried here yesterday morning in the Forrest City cemetery. The Rev. J.R.G. White of the Baptist church officiated. Mr. Ezell had been in the hospital only a few weeks.

B.M. Ezell, 73 years old, died at a local hospital at 2:40 yesterday afternoon; The body is held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. parlors pending arrival of relatives.

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