Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2111
Posted By: Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.
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Dale, Harlie, Harlie Dale, aged 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dale of Toltec, Pulaski County, died at 12:30 yesterday afternoon at a local hospital. He is survived by his parents, five sisters and one brother. The body was sent to Toltec by Healey & Roth yesterday. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at Keo. 6/30/1917
Daniels, Allie, Dermott, June 22 - Mrs. Allie Jenkins Daniels, aged 57, wife of W.P. Daniels died suddenly at her home yesterday morning. At 9 o'clock she was apparently in good health, but when found in bed at 11 o'clock she was dead. She had been in ill health for several months. She is survived by her husband and a son, W.A. Daniels, a planter. Funeral services were held from the First Presbyterian church today by the Rev. W. A. Rolls. 6/23/1917
Daniels, Irma, d. 7/18/1890 Little Rock. ed 75; Interment: Fraternal cemetery. 7/24/1890
Daniels, Mattie, Centre Point, April 19 - Mrs. Mattie Daniels, aged 66, widow of the late Henry Daniels of Wallaceburg and a sister of Capt. John A. Hughes of this place, died at Gillham and was buried here yesterday. 4/20/1917
Darnell, J.E., Texarkana, Aug 16 - J.E. Darnell, 62 years old, of Houston, Tex., died last night while visiting at the home of his son, A.J. Darnell, here. 8/17/1917
Daroux, Frank, Pine Bluff, March 3 - Frank H Daroux, aged 36, who was stricken with paralysis several days ago, died at a local hospital early this morning. He is survived by his wife and one child, who have been visiting in El Dorado, Ill., and are expected to reach home tonight. He also leaves four brothers, A. J., G. W. and John Daroux of this city, and E. L. Daroux of New Mexico. His father, E. A. Daroux, also lives in Pine Bluff. The funeral will be held Sunday. 3/4/1917
Darr, Caroline and Cleveland, Atkins, Feb. 23 - Caroline and Cleveland Darr, infant twin children of Mr. and Mr. Ira Darr, died this week. 2/24/1917
Davenport, Callie, Mrs. Callie Davenport, 73, died at her residence, 1104 Marshall street, at 11:30 o'clock last night. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Julia Kerr, of Little Rock; two nieces, Mr. Ernest Lindsey of Little Rock and Mrs. J.M. Miller of San Francisco, and four nephews, Sam and T.J. Carpenter of Little Rock, M.F. Carpenter of Germania and Price Carpenter of Bauxite. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. 4/21/1915
Davidson, D., Jonesboro, Feb. 15 - D. Davidson, a negro, was killed at the Jonesboro brick plant this morning, when he fell from a shaft on which he was repairing a pulley. He suffered a fractured skull and a broken neck. 2/16/1917
Davidson, James A., Fayetteville, Jan 16 - James A Davidson, aged 46, died at his home in Springdale, according to word received here. He is survived by his wife, six children and two brothers., both of whom live at Oil Trough. 1/17/1922
Davis, A.W., Okolona, July 10 - A.W. Davis, aged 66, died suddenly Monday at the home of Oscar Osborne, near here. He was found in the yard, where he had fallen in an unconscious condition. He is survived by two children, Mack Davis and Mrs. Tracy Killingsworth of Okolona. 7/11/1917
Davis, Mrs. Andrew, Forrest City, May 5 - Mrs. Andrew Davis, a member of one of our oldest and most respected families, died Monday night of tuberculosis. 5/6/09
Davis, Clem, Clem Davis, aged 20 years, died in a local hospital yesterday morning at 10:30, following an illness of several days. The body is held at the undertaking establishmen of James Cook & Sons for instruction from relatives who live at Demosco, Ark. 9/11/1917
Davis, David H., David H. Davis, 28 years old, died at a local hospital at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Davis of Gillett, his wife, one son and two daughters, two brothers and nine sisters. The body has been shipped to Gillett by Healey & Roth. 2/23/1917
Davis, Eliza, Gillett, Feb. 24 - Funeral services for Mrs. Eliza Davis, aged 81, were held here today. She had lived here 35 years. 2/25/1917
Davis, Rev. F. P., The Rev. Frank P. Davis, aged 64, a Baptist minister for many years and formerly connected with the business department of the Gazette, died at his residence, 1524 West Thirteenth street at 11:50 last night after a lingering illness. He had been in poor health since last November. The Rev. Mr. Davis was born in Tipper county, Mississippi, and became a Baptist minister when a young man. He lived for several years in Saline and Grant counties before coming to Little Rock about 14 years ago. He was pastor of the Antioch Baptist church here for several years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Adeline Davis; five daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Corley, Mrs. Lula Evans, Mrs. Maggie Poe, Mrs. Joel Pautabaum and Mrs. Pearl Puller, all of Little Rock; two sons, William and Vaughn Davis, both of Little Rock; three brothers and one sister. Funeral arrangements will be made today. 4/8/17 Funeral services for the Rev. F.P. Davis, aged 64, who died at his home 1524 West Thirteenth street, Saturday night, will be held from the residence at 3 this afternoon. The Revs. E.P. Alldredge, J.T. Erly, J.A. Smith and Sam Campbell, Baptist ministers, will officiate. Honorary pallbearers will be Mayor Taylor, Fred W. Allsopp, T.M. Mehaffy, C.E. Smith, James Lawson and Louis Altheimer; active pallbearers will be E.W., Martineau, R.E. Buterl, E.D. Colon, J. F. Hammett, J.T. Scott and Robrt Whittaker. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. 4/9/1917
Davis, J.W., Funeral services for J.W. Davis, aged 67, who died at the Confederate Home, were held yesterday. Burial was in Oakland cemetery at 5:30 yesterday afternoon. Mr. Davis is survived by his wife and two sons. 9/7/1917
Davis, Jabez H., Harrisburg, March 13 - Jabez H Davis, aged 74, died at his farm, near here, Sunday. 3/14/1917
Davis, James, Fort Smith, Feb. 12 - James Davis, shot-firer in the Midland Six coal mine, who was injured in an explosion February 1, died in a local hospital today. The body will be taken to Midland, where the funeral will be held Wednesday. 2/13/1917
Davis, Jim, Walnut Ridge, Jan 25 - Jim Davis, an aged resident of Walnut Ridge, and who had been employed by the light company here for may years as section foreman, died here Monday. 1/26/1922
Davis, Lavinia Thalls, Funeral services for Mrs. Lavinia Thalls Davis, who died at the famly residence, 2022 Center street, yesterday morning, will be held at 3 this afternoon at the residence. The Rev. J.L. Read, pastor of the Central Presbyterian church, will officiate. The pallbearers will be: S.L. Dunham, J. Fletcher Hurley, E.. Johnson, Morris Bowers, H.G. Dale and S.L. Norton. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Davis is survived by three daughters, Mrs. J. Fletcher Hurley Jr. of Oklahoma City, Okla., Mrs. Henry G. Martin and Miss Ida Belle Davis, both of Little Rock; one niece, Mrs. Charles L. Doty of Little Rock. Mrs. Davis, a descendant of the Lanier family of southern France, came to Little Rock from Litchfield, Ill., in 1870. 4/1/1917
Davis, Louis L. Jr., Louis L. Davis Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis L Davis Sr., died at the family residence, 105 Pike avenue, at 2:30 yesterday afternoon. Besides the parents, two sisters, Hazel and Anna, survive. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 3 this afternoon. The Rev S E Ryan will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery. 3/4/1917
Davis, Lynn, Newport, Jan 24 - Lynn, the 6 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, who live in the Chastain addition, died suddenly yesterday evening. He was stricken with convulsions, from which he never recovered. 1/25/1917
Davis, Mary, El Dorado, Sept. 1 - Miss Mary Davis died here yesterday morning. 9/2/1917
Davis, Minnie, Mrs. Minnie Davis, aged 27, died at 11:30 yesterday morning at her home on Rural route No. 7; She was a native of Arkansas and is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.U. Mann on Route No. 7; her husband, A.L. Davis; three sons, three daughters, four brothers and five sisters. Funeral services will be held at 10 tomorrow morning from the residence, in charge of the Rev. J.W. Waddell. Burial will be in Ida Mission cemetery, 14 miles west of Little Rock. 7/7/1917
Davis, Dr. S.M., Warren, May 11 - Dr. S.M. Davis, aged 77, died here this week. He was born in Alabama February 14, 1840, and came here at the age of two years. He enlisted in the Confederate army in 1861 and after the war attended the Louisville (Ky) Medical College. After practicing medicine here for awhile, he went into a drug business, which continues today as S.M. Davis & Son. He is survived by his wife and three children, Aubert Davis, Mrs. Travis Scobed and Mrs. Claud Adams. 5/12/1917
Davis, Samuel, Ozark, March 17 - Samuel Davis, aged 74, a Federal veteran, dropped dead Thursday morning at the home of his brother, Dack Davis, two miles west of here. 3/18/1917
Davis, W.D., W. D Davis, aged 70, for many years a resident of Argenta, and veteran employe of the Missouri Pacific railroad, died at 6:30 a.m. yesterday at the family residence, 209 West Fourth street, Argenta. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. D.W. Sibeck of San Bernadino, Cal., and Mrs. Oscar Peckham of Little Rock. Mr. Davis was a member of the Magnolia Lodge, No. 60, F&AM; Baring Cross Lodge No. 30, A.O.U.W., and McPherson Post, G.A. R. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at the residence, in charge of the Rev. C.P. Parker of Christ Church. The service at the grave will be in charge of the A.O.U.W. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be Pleas Balton, J.W. McPherson, William Zwick, Oran Page, Joe Epple and Henry Meyers. 7/22/1917
Davis, William E., Batesville, July 30- William Emanuel Davis, aged 74 years, died at Red Stripe Saturday. 7/31/1917
Davis, Mrs. Zena, Fort Smith Jan 18 - Mrs. Kate Little Davis, member of a well known Fort Smith family died suddenly at her home in Muskogee, Okla, this morning. She was in Fort Smith a week ago to attend the funeral of her brother-in-law, the late J A Mowen. She is survived by her husband, Zena Davis, and two sisters, Mrs. Lawton Thrash of Macon, Ga and Mrs. F W Muler, Atlanta, Ga. 1/19/1930
Dawson, Bertha, Mrs. Bertha Dawson, 19 years old, died at a local hospital at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. C.E. Farris of Decatur, Ala.; two brothers, Richard Hamilton and W.D. Hamilton, also of Decatur. The body will be shipped to Deatur for burial by Owens & Ricks undertakers. 1/1/1917
Dawson, John D., Magnolia, Jan 14 - The body of John D Dawson, aged 35, World War veteran, who died in a Washington (D C) hospital Sunday, will arrive here tomorrow afternoon. He formerly lived here. His father was sheriff of Columbia county 30 years ago. He is survived by two brothers and four sisters. 1/15/1930
Dean, Hugh B., Texarkana, Mar 1 - Hugh B Dean, aaged 85, died Tuesday night at the home of his sister-in-law, Mrs. W H Dean. Captain Dean was one of the earliest settlers of Texarkana. He served several years as chief of Police on the Texas side of town. He was unmarried
. His brother, W H Dean was buried two weeks ago. 3/2/1917
Dean, J.J., Hamburg, Sept. 18 - J.J. Dean, aged about 69 years, an old resident of Ashley county, fell dead this morning at the home of his brothers, J.D. Dean, a merchant and planter of Portland. Besides his brother he is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Frank Havey of Portland and Mrs. Dewitt Smith of Dallas, Texas.; The body will be brought here and funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon. 9/19/1917
Dean, J.P., Benton, May 22 - J.P. Dean Sr., aged 47, a merchant here, died at his home last night of pneumonia. The body was sent today to Waldo, where funeral services will be held tomorrow. He is survived by his wife, one son, J.P. Dean Jr.; one daughter, Melba.; his father, W.C. Dean; three brothers, W.C. Dean Jr., Mack Dean and Luther Dean, and one sister, Miss Della Dean of Camden. 5/23/1917
Dean, Joel, San Antionio, Feb. 15 - Joel Dean, aged 35, manager of the Asherton and Gulf railroad, died suddenly at Asherton, Tex., yesterday. 2/16/1917
Dean, Mrs. Sophia, Texarkana, Jan 10 - Mrs. Sophia Dean, aged 80, widow of the late William H Dean, died Thursday afternoon following an extended illness. She was one of the city's oldest residents, having come here with her husband soon after the town was founded in 1874. She was the last surviving charter member of the First (Texas) Methodist church. Mrs. Dean is survived by three sons, Edward Dean of Houston, Hugh Dean of Kansas and Henry Dean of Dallas, and by one daughter, Miss Sophia Dean of Texarkana, one sister, Mrs. Mercier of Baton Rouge, La. 1/11/1930
Dean, Mrs. W.A., Waldo, Jan. 22 - Mrs. W.A. Dean, aged 78, died at the family home here at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Mrs. Dean is survived by her husband, four sons and a daughter, J.P. Dean, W.C. Dean, L.P.Dean, J.M.Dean and Miss Della Dean, all of Waldo. 1/23/1917
Dean, Capt. William H. Dean, Texarkana, Feb. 12 - Capt. William H. Dean, aged 76, died last night at his home after an illness of several months. He is survived by his wife, three sons and one daughter, who are Henry Dean, Dallas Tes; Hugh Dean, Joplin, Mo.; Edward Dean, Mena and Miss Sophie Dean, Texarkana. Captain Dean served throught the Civil war in an Alabama regiment, and was a charter member of the local Texarkana A. P. Hill Camp, U.C.V., of which organization he had been adjutant and commander. In compliance with his request, a large Confederate flag, carried by his company through the war, was wrapped about the body and buried with him this afternoon. Captain Dean lived at Jefferson, Tex. for several years after the war, moving to Texarkana in 1876. Hugh B. Dean, a brother, formerly chief of police on the Texas side of town, is near death with cancer. His condition today was reported very critical, and he is not expected to survive longer than a few days. 2/13/1917
Deans, Rueben, Rogers, Jan 23 - Rueben Deans, aged 79, whose home was five miles north of Rogers, died Saturday. He had lived in Benton county for 63 years. 1/24/1917
Deaton, Hannah, Benton, March 17 - Mrs. Hannah Deaton, aged 66, died at her home here last night. The funeral was held this afternoon with burial at Kentucky cemetery. The Rev. W.M. Kelly officiated. She is survived by one son, Will; two grandsons, Andy and Virgil Deaton; one sister, Mrs. Malissa Guest of Hot Springs, and one adopted daughter, Jewell Crawford. 3/18/1917
Deener, R.G., R.G. Deenor died last night at 11 o'clock at his residence, 203 Main Street, Argenta. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. W.T. Morgan and Susie Deener, and one son, W.R. Deener of Biscoe. Services will be held at the residence at 3 p.m. today by the Rev. Mr. Carl, pastor of the Baptist church, and the Rev. J.T. Wilcoxen, pastor of First Methodist church, after which the body will be snet to Hickory Plains for burial in the family cemetery, where the Rev. R.B. Bain will officiate. 10/2/1917
DeGrazier, Today Sr., Texarkana, April 19 - Today DeGrazier Sr., aged 56, died at his home here this afternoon. He was for 30 years one of Texarkana's best known business men. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon. 4/20/1917
Delaney, Eunice, Funeral services for Mrs. Eunice Delaney, aged 72, who died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H.J. Pullen, 3305 West Fifteenth street, at 5 yesterday morning, will be held at the residence at 3 this afternoon. The Rev. J.H. Reynolds will officiate. The pallbearers will be: Walter Cotton, Frank Wortsell, James Fewell, Jack Kirby, Frank Dyer and Walter Nolls. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Delaney is survived by her husband, Charles Delaney of Little Rock; three sons, Marion Delaney of Neelyville, Mo.; H.A. Delaney of Independence, Mo., and D.B. Delaney of Plat River, Mo., and one daughter, Mrs. Pullen. 4/20/1917
Deming, John A. Sr., John Albert Deming Sr, aged 50 322 East C Avenue, Park Hill, auditor for the Gus Blass Company, died at a hospital here at 10 a.m. yesterday following a short illness. Mr. Deming became ill Christmas eve, and later developed pneumonia and appendicitis. He had been in the employ of the Blass company 25 years, and was auditor for 10 years He is survived by his wife; three sons, John Albert Jr., Max H and Dan A Deming, and a daughter, Wanda Jean Deming, all of Little Rock: his mother, Mrs. Kate Connell of Corpus Christi, Tex; a brother, Ray Deming of Corpus Christi, and three sisters, Mrs. J H Sawyer of McAlester, Okla, Mrs. D C Harper of Little Rock and Mrs. Robert W Bouifilee of Corpus Christi Funeral services will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 3 p.m. today, in charge of the Rev John Van Lear. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be: Active Arthur Phillips, John C Thompson, J A Anderson, K I Davies, Cozy Quattlebaum of Pine Bluff and Louis Schneider. Honorary-Ike Kempner, Mike Murphy, Jesse Heiman, Noland Blass, Julian Blass, G V Dalrymple, Dr. J R Raines, Dr. H O Turrentine, Herbert Ehrenberg and Dan B Quinn. 1/5/1930
Dennis, Sim, Nashville, Jan 12 - Sim Dennis, aged 62, died at his home near here Tuesday after a lingering illness. Mr. Dennis was an early citizen of this community and was known throught this section. He is survived by his wife, one brother, John Dennis, and one sister, Mrs. J D Allison of Nashville. 1/13/1930
DeWees, James, Deming, N.M., De. 31 - Private James DeWees of Hope, Ark., died in the base hospital here today of pneumonia. He was a member of Company F, First Arkansas Infantry. 1/1/17 Hope, Jan. 3 - The body of Private James Duweese, Company F, Arkansas National Guard, stationed at Deming N.M., who succumbed to a complication of measles and pneumonia last Sunday, arrived here today. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. T.D. Scott this afternoon. The body was accompanied here by Corporal James Gentry, also a Hope boy. 1/4/1917
Dickinson, Charles, The body of Charles Dickinson, aged 54, who died at his residence, 110 Buckeye street, Argenta, Sunday morning was sent to Gurdon, Ark, Sunday night. He is survived by his wife and five children. 10/2/1917
Dickinson, Eugenia, Booneville, Feb. 5 - Eugenia Dickinson, three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dickinson, died at the family home near Booneville January 25. 2/6/1917
Dickinson, Imogene, Miss Imogene Dickinson died at 1:30 p.m. yesterday after a brief illness from pneumonia, following an operation. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 3:30 at the residence of her cousin, Moorhead Wright, 316 Clinton avenue, Pulaski Heights. Services will be conducted by the Rev. C Prentice Parker. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery. The pallbearers will be: J Curran Conway, Claibourne Conway, Celsus P Perrie, J F Loughborough, J F Ellington, Ashley Peay and James V Johnson. Miss Dickinson was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Putnam Dickinson of Des Arc, Ark., formerly of Little Rock. She is survived by her parents, one brother, Putnam Dickinson Jr. of Texarkana, Ark., formerly of Little Rock and one sister, Miss Annette Dickinson of Des Arc. Miss Dickinson was a member of one of the Pioneer families of Arkansas. Her mother was formerly Miss Elizabeth Moorhead Wright, a daughter of Moorhead Wright and Rebecca Fulton. Miss Dickinson's grandmother, formerly Miss Fulton, was a daughter of William S. Fulton, who came to Arkansas in 1829 as secretary of the territory of Arkansas under President Andrew Jackson. Senator Fulton later was the last territorial governor and the first senator from the new state. Miss Dickinson is a member of the fifth generation of her family, which has resided continuously in Arkansas. Her people were among the founders of Christ church, of which Miss Dickinson was a member and teacher in the Sunday school. She was an active worker in the Young Women's Christian Association. 3/13/1917
Dicus, Mary, Mrs. Mary S. Dicus, aged 26, died at her residence, 1524 West Twenty-fourth street, at 5:11 p.m. yesterday. She was born July 12, 1891, at Shamokin, Penn., and had lived in Little Rock for the last 13 years. She is survived by her husband, C.H. Dicus, two daughters, Rachel and Frances; one brother, William; her father, John R. Frazer, who is grand master workman of the A.O.U.W.; two sisters, the Misses Ethel and Nora Frazer, two brothers, Edward and John R. Jr., and one aunt, Miss Hanna Snyder. Mrs. Dicus was past master workman of the Capital Ccity Lodge No. 26, A.O.U.W., also a member of the Presbyterian church. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in charge of the Rev. Hay Watson Smith. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. 9/19/1917
Dicus, Sidney, Hardy, June 10 - Mrs Sidney A. Dicus, aged 73, wife of Joshua Dicus, died Tuesday and was buried Wednesday afternoon in the Highland cemetery, five miles south of here. Mrs. Dicus is survived by her husband, who is a few years her senior. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1916. 6/11/1917
Dietz, F.E., Pine Bluff, Aug 15 - F.E. Dietz, aged 32, died yesterday at the Cotten Belt hospital at Texarkana. The body will be sent to Decatur, Il., for burial after funeral services have been held at St. Joseph's Catholic church here tomorrow. 8/16/1917
Dill, Ozella, The body of Mrs. Ozella Dill, aged 28, who died Thursday afternoon at a local hospital, is being held at the undertaking establishment of P.H. Ruebel & Co., pending the arrival of relatives from Southport, Ark. 8/18/1917
Dillard, Sam, Funeral services for Sam Dilard, cotton buyer, who died suddenly Thursday night in the lobby of the Gleason hotel, will be held at the Healey & Rother chapel at 3:30 p.m. today in charge of the Rev W C Martin. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be Honorary-Pat Ring, M L Sacha, W E Floyd, George Clements, Joe Jung, A N Peters, L J Baer, John H Tuchey, C J Griffith, Ben D Schaad, H S Turner, R C Bright, C C Kavanaugh, W A Hicks, Mike F Forster, W E Taylor, John Atkins, August Probat, Grover T Owens, John F Boyle, Cloud N Rainwater, D C Harris and A S Brown. Active- Henry Topf, Chancellor Frank H Dodge, Judge John E Martineau, D K Hawthorne, R P Allen, W G Hutton, Sid Y West and Dan Smith. 1/18/1930
Dille, J.S., J.S. Dille, aged 76 father of Joseph Dille, North Little furniture dealer, died Monday night at his home in Villa Ridge, Ill; Funeral services will be held this afternoon. 1/22/1930
Dillon, Infant, The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Dillon, 1619 Schaer avenue, died yesterday afternoon at the family home. The body will be sent by Owens & Ricks to Antioch today. 2/8/1917
Divin, J.C., Rogers, Jan. 13 - J.C. Divin, aged 59, died at his home in Rogers Thursday. 1/15/1917
Dixon, Emma, Newport, June 19 - Mrs. Emma Dixon, aged 80, for 30 years a resident of this city, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grace Bandy, yesterday. 6/20/1917
Dobbs, C.F., Batesville, Aug 13 - C.F. Dobbs, aged 19 years was drowned Saturday afternoon in White River at Lock and Dam No. 3, about three miles above Batesville. He was sitting on the bank of the river fishing, became unbalanced and fell in the river. An effort was made by persons close by to save him. He is survived by his mother and one brother. 8/14/1917
Dobbs, James, d. 7/21/90 Little Rock; Interment: Pine Crest Memorial Park. 7/24/90
Dodd, Ellen, Mrs. Ellen Dodd, 32 years old, died at 3:15 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, R.F.D. No. 3, near Mablevale. She was born at Hot Springs. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.M. McKenzie of R.F.D. No. 7; her husband, Henry Dodd; one son, Harold; one sister, Mrs. Bessie Boatman, and two brothers, J.. and Harry McKenzie of R.F.N. No. 7. Mrs. Dodd was a member of Zion Hall Baptist church. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 3 this afternoon. The Rev. E.P. Alldredge, pastor of the Immanuel Baptist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Martin cemetery. 1/28/1917
Dodson, J.M., Rogers, Jan. 9 - J.M. Dodson, aged 78, a Confederate veteran, died at the home of his daughter in Lathrop, Van Buren county, Thursday, leaving his wife, two sons and a daughter. He moved from here recently to Morrilton. 1/10/1917
Dodson, William, Batesville, July 12 - William Dodson, aged 20, died at his home here yesterday of tuberculosis. 7/13/1917
Dollar, Martha, Martha Dollar, 45 years of age, at Leslie, April 27. 5/3/09
Donaldson, Palmer, Paragould, Oct. 5 - Palmer Donaldson, aged 26, died Wednesday night at the home of his mother in this city. 10/6/1917
Donnel, John G., Harrisburg, Oct. 7 - The body of Mrs. John G. Donneel, who died from injuries received when she was kicked by a horse several days ago, was interred in Pleasant Valley cemetery yesterday. 10/8/1917
Donohue, Mrs. Patrick, Mena, June 15 - Mrs. Patrick Donohue died here early this morning. She is survived by her husband, three sons and six daughters. 6/16/1917
Dooley, Ida, Mrs. Ida Dooley, aged 41, died at a local hospitl at 12:05 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She was born in Tennessee. She is survived by he husband, G.H. Dooley. The body is at the chapel of Healey & Roth until funeral arrangments are made. 10/13/1917
Doolin, Harry W., Harry William Doolin, 21 years old, hoseman of Company No. 2, Argenta Fire Department, died at the family residence, 602 Magnolia street, Argenta at 5:05 yesterday morning following an illness of several weeks of Bright's disease. Mr. Doolin was at the St. Vincent's infirmary for several days, but was removed to his home before he died. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H Doolin, and his grandmother. Funeral services will be held at 3 this afternoon at the residence. The Rev. J T Wilcoxen, pastor of the First Methodist church of Argenta, will officiate. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Members of the Argenta Fire Department will attend the funeral in a body. 3/2/17 Funeral services for Harry Doolin, who died Thursday, will be held from the family residence, 602 Magnolia street, Sunday afternoon. The Re. J T Wilcoxon, pastor of the First Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be L V House, August Daney, R C Eubanks, members of the Argenta Fire Department; and Frank Owens, John Hemphling and J Y Wortham. Members of the Big Rock Camp No. 2 Woodmen of the World, will meet at Brokke hall, Fifth and Main streets at 1:30 p.m. and attend the funeral in a body. 3/3/1917
Doremus, M.J., Batesville, Aug. 2 - Mrs. M.J. Doremus, aged 72, died yesterday at the home of her daughter here. 8/3/1917
Dorsey, Dr. L.J., Batesville, June 13 - Dr. L.J. Dorsey, aged 76, died at his home in West Batesville, Monday night. He is survived by his wife, two small children, and several grown children by a former marriage. 6/14/1917
Doss, John, Delight, Feb. 19 - John Doss, aged 61, died at his home here of pneumonia last night. He is survived by his father who is 89 years old, his wife, five daughters and a son. 2/20/1917
Doss, Lucy, Mrs. Lucy Doss, aged 70, died at a local hospital at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is survived by several children. The body is being held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company pending advice from Relatives. 1/7/1922
Doty, D.S., Heber Springs, March 13 - D. S. Doty, aged 58, died at the family home here Sunday night of pneumonia. 3/14/1917
Dougherty, John, The funeral of John Dougherty, aged 60, who died Saturday afternoon at a local hospital, was held at 4 yesterday afternoon from the chapel of James Cook & Son Co. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. The deceased is survived by a brother, B.F. Dougherty of Roe. 1/15/1917
Douglas, Joab Z., Bentonville, Feb. 14 - Joab Z Douglas died Sunday at his home, near Osage Mills. He is survived by his wife, a sister, Mrs. A.N. Keith of Bentonville and three daughters, Mrs. Naomi Whitesides, Mrs. Maud Holmes and Mrs. Bart Douglas. 2/15/1917
Douglas, Robert E., Robert E. Douglas, aged 69, for 35 years a resident of Little Rock, died suddenly yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Mary ....had been boarding for some time. Funeral services were held from the residence at 5 yesterday afternoon, the Rev. John Van Lear officiating. The body was sent to Paris, Texas, by P.H.Ruebel & Co. An escort of the local commandery of Knights Templar accompanied the body to the train, and the pallbearers were W.H.Miller, W.B. Smith, F. B. T Hollenberg, Merrick Moore, Walter Polk and Omer Feild. Mr. Douglas was born in Talladega, Ala., and went to Texas with his parents at an early age. The family moved to Little Rock in 1882, where Mr. Douglas lived until his death. He Married Miss Elizabeth Stark of Paris Texas, in 1880 and is survived by his wife, a son, Walter Douglas of Birmingham, Ala; Mrs. Gonoway Scott of Scotts, a niece; F.J. Walker of Los Angeles, Cal., and B.B.Ross of Auburn, Ala., nephews; and Osborne and Francis Walker of Little Rock, grand nephews. Mr. Douglas was a well known cotton buyer until two years ago, when his health began to fail. He had been ill for some time, but his death was unexpected. He was a member of Omer R. Weaver Camp, U.C.V. and various Masoni orders in Little Rock, and at one time was grand commander of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Arkansas. 3/26/1917
Downing, Belle, Pocahontas, April 27 - The body of Mrs. Bell Downing, 69, who died at Hoxie Monday was brought here for burial in the Masonic cemetery today. Services were held at the Methodist church by the Rev. W.F. Blevins, pastor of the church here. Mrs. Downing was the widow of the late Rev. W.A. Downing. She leaves four sons, A.J. of Pocahontas, T. Henry and John of Hoxie, W.D. of Lynn, Ark.; and four daughters, Mrs. Laura Kennedy of Hoxie, Mrs. Sallie Marshall of Portia, Mrs. Essie Fergueson of Noland and Mrs. Alice Bentley of Rockwood, Tex., one sister, Mrs. Pauline Dalton, Greenville, Mo., and one brother, Dr. W.L. White of Lawrence county, also survive. 4/28/1915
Doyle, Thomas, Thomas N. Doyle, aged 68, president and principal stockholder of the Doyle Kidd Dry Goods Company, died at the Arlington Hotel at Hot Springs about 8:35 o'clock last night. Mr. Doyle had been in failing health for about three months and two weeks ago went to Hot Springs to rest and recuperate. His condition became suddenly worse Sunday and Monday attending physicians notified relatives in Little Rock. Mrs. Doyle, his wife, Henry, Robert, and Thomas N. Doyle Jr., his sons, went to Hot Springs at once and were at the bedside last night. Warren Doyle of the Doyle-Kidd company, nephew of Mr. Doyle; James Blanks, another member of the firm, and Mrs. Joe T. Beal, a close friend of the family, also were at the bedside when death came. The body will be brought to Little Rock at 10:45 o'clock this morning on the Rock Island Railroad and removed to the residence, 2028 Broadway, by Healey & Roth. Funeral arrangements will then be completed. Mr. Doyle was born in North Carolina. He was reared on a farm near Somerville, Tenn. Later he went to Kentucky for two years and in 1881 removed to Morrilton, where he engaged in the general merchandise business. About 1897 Mr. Doyle came to Little Rock. He entered the grocery business with J.T. Beal. Later they increased the scope of their business, establishing the Beal-Doyle-Dry Goods Company. B.P. Kidd purchased Mr. Beal's interest in the firm, which later was known as the Doyle-Kidd Dry Goods Company. Mr. Doyle held controlling interest and became president of the firm. He was actively engaged in the business of the firm until his recent illness. He resided with his wife and three sons at 2023 Broadway. Beside his wife and sons, he is survived by several sisters. 5/9/17 Funeral services will be held at the residence by the Rev. John Van Lear, at 4 this afternoon. Pall bearers will be: Honorary - J.E. Skillern, J.N. Stegall, Charles C. Reid, H.S. Spivey, J.T. Beal, Gus Lyon, R.T. Compton of Plainview, W.B. Plunkett, Wood Rainwater of Morrilton and S.P. Davis; active - W.B. Smith, B.P. Kidd, J.T. Blank, M.B. Iseman, H.W. Clapham, Charles S. Thompson, Robert W. Irvin and Ross Gillespie. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. 5/10/1917
Drake, Charles, Blytheville, Jan 21 - Charles Drake, 50, died Monday Morning at an early hour after a long illness from heart disease. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Drake; two daughters, Misses Ruby and Goldie May Drake; two sons, Sammie Lee and Charles; three stepsons, Clarence, George and Millard Williams; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Addie Carner; his mother, Mrs. M J Drake; one brother, Marcus Drake, and three sisters, Mrs. Lilly Marshal and Mrs. Maude Taylor all of Cannelton, Ind, Mrs. Susie Marshall of Petersburg, Ind. 1/22/1930
Drake, Elijah, Bentonville, April 14 - Elijah Drake, 75, died at his home here last night from pneumonia. He had been for a number of years United States storekeeper in charge of the warehouse of the local distillery. The position was under the civil service. Mr. Drake is survived by three daughters, the Misses Amanda and Lutie of Bentonville and Mrs. Mode Hollinsworth of St. Joe, Mo., and three sons, S. Drake of Kansas City, U.L. and Dr. Lester Drake of St. Joe. 4/15/1915
Drake, James William, d. 12/11/90 Fordyce. ed 69; Survived: Son, Jim Drake; Interment: Oakland cemetery. 12/12/90
Drake, Rena May, Mrs. Rena May Drake, aged 30, died at a local hospital at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, C.O. Drake. Funeral services will be held from the family residence at 2416 East Sixteenth street at 10:30 o'clock tomorrow. 9/21/1917
Drake, Thomas, Judsonia, March 29 - Thomas B.Drake, aged 74, died at his home in Webster Grove, Mo., Monday. Burial was here. 3/30/1917
Dreher, Edna, Mrs. Edna Dreher, aged 23, died at the family residence on Route No. 4, near Sweet Home, at 8:30 yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, C.F. Dreher; two children, Lillian and Louis Dreher; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.T. SMith; three brothers, Aaron and George Smith of Granite Mountain, and Dewey Smith of Norfolk, Va.; one sister, Mrs. Helen Little of Granite Mountain. 5/1/17 Funeral services for Mrs. Edna Dreher, aged 23, who died at the family residence on Route No. 4, near Sweet Home. Monday were held at Primrose chapel at 4 yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Rogers of Mabelvale officiated. Burial was in Primrose cemetery. 5/2/1917
Driest, John, Poplar Bluff, Mo. Jan 18-John Driest, aged 60, died at the home of his sister. Mrs. Rufie Driest, yesterday after an illness of two months. He is survived by his wife, a son, his sister and three brothers. 1/19/1930
Drummond, H.G., Funeral services for H.G. Drummond, 63 years old, who died at his home at Newport at 4:30 yesterday morning, will be held at the residence at 2:30 this afternoon. Mr. Drummond was a brother of R.F. Drummond, vice president of P.H. Ruebel & Co. Little Rock undertakers. Mr. Drummond resided at Newport for 24 years and for a number of years conducted a retail grocery business. Since 1906 he had been engaged in the undertaking business. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Emma Gardner; two sisters, Mrs. W.F. Walker of Brinkley and Mrs. George A Finch, of Tennessee, and two brothers, A.B. Drummond of Newport and R.F. Drummond of Little Rock. 1/24/1917
DuBons, Ben Jr., Paragould, Jan 27 - Ben, 15-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben DuBons, died at the local hospital late Wednesday afternoon. 1/28/1922
Duckworth, Mrs. John, Rogers, Feb. 22 - The body of Mrs. John P. Duckworth, aged 32, who died at Lake View Ore., February 16, was brought here and burial was made today. Mrs. Duckworth was formerly Miss Clara Bowen. 2/23/1917
Duff, Mrs. F.H., Rogers, Feb. 14 - Mrs. F.H. Duff, aged 48, wife of F.H. Duff, a teacher in the Rogers High School, died yesterday. 2/14/1917
Duffy, John Gavan, Melbourne, March 8, Melbourne, March 8, via London - John Gavan Duffy, widely known barrister and publicist, is dead. 3/9/1917
Dugger, Thomas, Funeral services for Thomas Dugger, who dropped dead while at work at a Blacksmith shop at 915 Bishop street Friday afternoon, will be held from the family residence, 1118 Tuayer avenue, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The pallberers will be selected from Magnolia Camp, W.O.W., of which he was a member. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The Rev. F.D. Baars will officiate. 9/30/1917
Duke, Griffin, aged 58, of El Dorado, died at a hospital here at 9 last night. He is survived by his wife and a son, R Duke both of El Dorado. The body is held at the R F Drummond & Co parlors. 1/21/30; The body of Griffin Duke, who died Monday at a hospital here, will be sent to El Dorado this afternoon by R F Drummond & Co. 1/22/1930
Duke, J.C., Conway, July 19 - J.C. Duke, aged 55, a pioneer of Mayflower, died last night. 7/20/1917
Duke, James W., Prescott, May 5 - James W. Duke, a merchant of Laneburg, Ark., died last evening at 7 o'clock at his home in that place, after an illness of a week with appendicitis. Mr. Duke was 72 years of age at the time of his death and had been a citizen of this section for 40 years, coming here before Nevada county was created. He leaves 12 children, T.H.Duke, Jno. W. Duke, James M. Duke, of Prescott; P.E. Duke of Little Rock, Mrs. M J Shaw of Admiral, Tex., George Duke and Mrs. J.W.Ingram of Laneburg, Mrs. Doyle Westmoreland and Mrs. Halley Westmoreland of Cale, Mrs. Bishop Rhodes of Waldo, Mrs. W.M. Hart of Centerville and Mrs. D.Q.Bolls of Albany township. The funeral will be held this afternoon at Mt. Moriah. Rev. J.W. Erwin conducting the services. 5/6/09
Dull, Jack, Camden, Jan 6- Jack Dull, aged eight, son of Mr. and Mrs. T A Dull of Louann, died today following a brief illness. He is survived by his parents, one sister, Dorothy May, and one brother, Eugene. 1/8/1930
Dumas, Phoebe, Phoebe Dumas, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M Dumas, died at her home, 700 Center street, at 8:15 am Sunday. She is survived by her parents and two brothers, Robert and Odell Dumas, all of Little Rock. Funeral services were held at the P H Ruebel & Co. chapel Sunday afternoon in charge of the Rev J H Fuller. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. 1/7/1930
Duncan, Mrs. John, Ozark, April 29 - Mrs. John Duncan died Wednesday at her home six miles north of here of paralysis. She is survived by her husband and several children. 4/30/1917
Duncan, Laura, The body of Mrs. Laura Duncan, aged 36, of Texarkana, who died Saurday morning at a local hospital, was sent yesterday afternoon by Healey & Roth to Texarkana. She is survived by her husband, W.C. Duncan of Texarkana, and one brother, J.T. Smith of Garland City. 8/6/1917
Duncan, Ramsey, Blytheville, Jan 9- Ramsey Duncan, aged 58, lawyer of this city, died at his home Tuesday. He spent two months in a Memphis hospital and was brought home, believed much improved. He was an ordained minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He is survived by his wife, one son, Elliott of Lancaster, Penn, and three sisters, Mrs. Wilson Enochs and Mrs. Mary Gatton of Huntington, Tenn and Mrs. Day of Jackson, Tenn. 1/10/1930
Duncan, W.J., Pocahontas, April 13 - W.J. Duncan, aged 74, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jane Medlock, in Pocahontas Wednesday. He was a soldier in the Federal army during the Civil War. 4/14/1917
Duncan- Durham, Annie, Conway, March 13 - Mrs. Annie Duncan-Durham, aged 49 years, widow of the late W L Durham, died at her home here this morning. Funeral services will be held from the family residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow. Mrs. Durham was graduated from Hendrix College in 1891. Surviving her are one daughter, Miss Alma Durham; on on, Duncan Durham, and one brother, Judge W H Duncan, all of Conway. 3/14/1917
Dunford, Mrs. J.W., Russellville, Jan 19 - Mrs. J.W. Dunford, aged 73, died at her home in Dardanelle Tuesday, and was brought to her former home here for Interment in Oakland cemetery. She is survived by her husband and four children. Mrs. Julia Munday of Henrietta, Okla; R. L. Dunford of Ozark, W.E. Dunford of Hartford, and Tom J. Dunford of Dardanelle. 1/20/1917
Dunham, J.H., Mammoth Spring, March 7 - J.H. Dunham, aged about 74, a Federal veteran, who had been a farmer near here, died at his home Monday from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. 3/8/1917
Dunlop, Mrs. Frank, Fort Smith, April 26 - Mrs. Frank B. Dunlop, wife of the general manager of the Speer Hardware Company, wholesalers of this city, died today. 4/27/1917
Dunlap, R.D., Clarksville, April 16 - R.D. Dunlap, a Clarksville capitalist and a stockman of national reputation, died early this morning at his home here, aged 57. He had lived 41 years in Clarksville. He did much for the development of Clarksville and was interested in practically every enterprise of importance connected with the life and growth of the town and county. He is survived by his wife and four children; D. Ward Dunlap, Mrs. M.A. Scarborough, Robert Dunlap and Jefferson Dunlap; also his aged mother, Mrs. Jefferson Dunlap, and two sisters, Mrs. Ernest Fontaine and Miss Birdie Dunlap. Funeral services will be held at the home by the Rev. R.E. Robinson and the Rev. G.D. Crawford. 4/17/1917
Dunn, Chester, Conway, Feb. 12 - Chester Vernon Dunn, 11 year old son of Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Dunn, died sudenly of congestion this morning. 2/13/1917
Dunn, Frances, Conway, Jan 30 - Mrs. Frances Dunn, aged 69, wife of J A Dunn, died at her home three miles northeast of here Saturday night. 1/31/1922
Dunham, Cora L., Mrs. Cora N. Dunham, aged 23, died yesterday morning at 1:20 at a local hospital. Surviving is her husband. The body was sent last night by Healey & Roth to Muckley Switch. 6/15/1917
Durett, Joseph J., Funeral services for Joseph J. Durett, the Rock Island switchman who was killed Monday near Factoria, will be held from the family residence, 116 East Twenty-first street at 4 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. S.E. Ryan of the Scott Street M.E. church. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be from the switchmen's union, of which Mr. Durett was a member. 9/19/1917
Durham, Edwin, Conway, Jan 2 Edwin Durham, aged 24 died at the Faulkner county hospital at 10:30 tonight of Meningitis. He was the son of Charles E Durham, well known Conway real estate and insurance dealer and banker and Mrs. Durham. He was educated in the Conway public schools and in Hendrix College. Durham was married
about five years ago to Miss Neva Crum of Helena, graduate of Arkansas State Teachers College here and for the past few years they have been living in Helena where he was engaged in the machinery business. Durham had been suffering from the disease for several weeks and was brought to the hospital here from Helena a week ago. His condition steadily grew worse. As a last resort a blood transfusion was undergone by his younger brother Robert. Besides his parents and his wife, Durham is survived by one daughter, Patricia; two brothers, Frank Durham and Robert Durham of Tulsa and one sister, Mrs. D A Beard of Little Rock. 1/3/30 Funeral services will be held at the Durham home tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 by Dr. J W Workman, pastor of the First Methodist church, and burial will be at Oak Grove cemetery. Dr. Workman will be assisted by Dr. E F J Garrott, pastor of the First Baptist church. 1/4/1930
Durham, J.W., Blytheville, Jan 15- J W Durham, aged 77, resident of Blytheville for 26 years, died at El Paso, Tex, Monday following a week's illness for pneumonia. Coming to this town in 1901 from Fort Worth, Tex. Mr. Durham was associated with Hollipeter and Jontz in the first power and ice company for many years. He is survived by his wife; six sons, John of this city; Pompey and Allis Durham of El Paso, Will of San Antonio, and one daughter, Mrs. Fannie Mae Sherell, also of El Paso. 1/16/1930
Durham, R.L., Conway, June 21 - News was received here last night of the death yesterday of R.L. Furham, 40 years old, a merchant of Plumerville. Mr. Durham died suddenly while in his sotre. Two brothers of this city survive him, Nat and Will Durham. 6/22/1917
Durning, John L., Ozark, July 28 - John L. Durning aged, 60 years, died of cancer of the stomach, at his home in Boston township Wednesday. 7/29/1917
Dussau, Raymond, Raymond Dussau, 73, died at the family residence, 914 Welch street, at 8:45 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife, Mary Ann Dussau, two daughters; Mrs. C.E. Waters of Memphis and Miss Nell Dussau of Little Rock, and by four sons, Edward Dussau of Little Rock, Charles and William Dussau of Memphis, and George Dussau of Dallas, Tex. Funeral services will be held from St. Edwards's German church, Ninth and Sherman streets, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Mr. Dussau was born in France on January 11, 1842, an came to America at an early age. He settled in Little Rock and was one of the pioneer florists of the city. He had been ill several months. 4/18/1915
Dwyer, William T., William T. Dwyer, aged 55, died at 4:30 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 2517 Summit avenue. Mr. Dwyer was a native of Missouri. He is survived by his wife, three sons, W.R., J.H., and T.H., all of Little Rock; one sister, Mrs. Kate Franey, Nexico, La., and one brother, John Dwyer of Helena, Ark. Mr. Dwyer was a member of Lafayette Lodge, Kinghts, of Pythias of Pine Bluff. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. 8/27/17 Funeral services for William T. Dwyer, aged 55, who died Sunday afternoon at the family residence, 2517 Summit avenue, will be held at 3 this afternoon at the residence, in charge of the Rev. W.P. Whaley and the Knights of Pythias lodge. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be: P.F. King, J.T. Castle, Fred Rossner Jr., Tom Milam, Roy Cain and J.F. Hurley. 8/28/1917
Dyer, Anna, Mountain Home, Jan. 14 - Mrs. Anna Dyer, aged 79, died at her home Thursday night of pneumonia. She was buried Friday afternoon. Mrs. Dyer was the wife of Captain Dyer, a pioneer settler and lawyer of this section. She leaves three daughters and one son. 1/15/1917
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