Stacks, Mary E., Miss Mary E. Stacks, 19 years old, died at the family residence, Eleventh and Cumberland Streets, at 2 yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Stacks of Little Rock, three sisters, Misses Lucy and Gladys of Little Rock. Mrs. Jack Richards of Kansas City, Mo.; four brothers, L.F. Stacks and Linton Stacks of Tennessee, W.C. Stacks of Natchez, Miss., and Daniel Stacks of Little Rock. The body is held at Healey & Roth's chapel, awaiting funeral arrangements.
The body of Miss Mary E. Stacks, who died at the family residence, Eleventh and Cumberland streets, Thursday afternoon, will be sent this afternoon to Natchez, Miss., for burial by Healey & Roth. .
Stacy, Carrie, Pocahontas, July 10 - Mrs. Carrie Stacy, aged about 48, formerly Miss Carrie Williamson, a resident of the Shannot neighborhood, died yesterday.
Stafford, John
Frank, d. 12/2/1890 Green Forest.
ed 69; Survived: Wife, Beth Davis Stafford; Sons, Scott Stafford, Michael Stafford, Stephen Stafford; Daughter, Lise Russ; Brothers, Clyde L Stafford, Eugene Stafford; Sister, Pauline McCormick; Interment: New Home cemetery.
Stainback, Emma, Mrs. Emma Stainback, member of a well-known Little Rock family, died at 6 o'clock yesterday morning at a local hospital, after an illness lasting several weeks. Mrs. Stainback was taken to the hospital October 8 and an operation was performed the following day. She improved steadily following the operation, but became worse on Wednesday and lapsed into a critical condition Thursday night.
Mrs. Stainback was the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R.L. Dodge, and was born in Little Rock. She achieved distinction as a singer. She was identified for many years with the religious, philanthropic and social life of Little Rock . She was a member of the First Presbyterian church and identified with all its societies, and was a leader in the Little Rock YWCA and many other organizations.
Mrs. Stainback is survived by one son, Earl D. Kidder, by a grandson, David Kidder Russell, and by four sisters, Mrs. W.G. Whipple, Mrs. D.L. Gray and Mrs.B.W. Green of Little Rock, and Mrs. Anna Staff of Indianapolis
Funeral services will be held from the family residence, 223 East Fourth street, at 3:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. The honorary pallbearers will be: Judge W.G. Hendricks, Robert L Rogers, J.C. Perry, Frank Jefferson, S.A. Norton, Frank Wittenberg, L.W. Robinson, Celsus C. Perrie, George B. Rose and J. Smith Speed. The active pallbearers will be W.G. Hutton, Robert M. BHutterfield, R.M. McKee, H.C. Angel, Will G. Akers and James V. Johnson.
Staley, Lucinda, Mrs. Lucinda Staley, aged 78, died at her home on the Sweet Home pike at 12:30 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Sarah Fresnell of St. Louis, Mo, and Mrs. Josie Turner of Tincennes, Ind. and five sons, James, John, Louis, Charles and Ernest Staley, all of Little Rock, by 25 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the Piney Grove cemetery in charge of the Rev. H Lawhon.
Standlee, Bradley, Berryville, Jan. 10-Joe Bradley Standlee, aged 45, died in a hospital at Osawatomie, Kan., yesterday. The body will be sent to Urbanette for burial. Mr. Standlee was a native of this section and lived here all his life until two years ago, when he moved with his family to Pittsburg, Kan. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Alice Standlee, and three children. Rex, Bradley and Thelma, all of Pittsburg, Kan; a stepson, Owen Standlee of Collinsville, Okla; his mother, Mrs. Jane Standlee, and two sisters, Miss Sallie Standlee and Miss Nell Standlee of the Urbanette community.
Stanfield, M.C., Rison, Feb. 12 - Mrs. M.C. Stanfield, aged 86, died at her home, near here Friday. She is survived by a son, Dr. M. F. Stanfield, county and circuit clerk, and a daughter, Mrs. L.V. Summerrow of Oklahoma.
Stanfield, Margaret, Pine Bluff, Feb. 12 - Mrs. Margaret Stanfield, aged 86, widow of the late Dr. A.C. Stanfield, died at her home at Rison Saturday. She had made her home near Rison for 70 years. She is survived by two children, Dr. M.F. Stanfield and Mrs. Virginia Cameron of Rison. She was an aunt of Mrs. W.B. Sorrells, Mrs. Ruth Scoggins, Mrs. Juliet Welsh, Mrs. George Dodd, Tucker Fletcher and Mrs. Gertrude Jones of this city.
Stanford, John, Huntsville, Jan 3 - John Stanford, aged 45, died Sunday at Whitener. He is survived by his wife and two sons. ag1/4/1922
Stanley, Jesse, Jesse Stanley, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J E Stanley, who live north of Argenta, died at 6 yesterday morning at a local hospital. Funeral services will be held at 2 this afternoon from the residence of the child's grandparents, 1600 East Fifteenth street, Argenta. Burial will be in Thomas cemetery.
Funeral services for Jesse Stanley, eight year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J E Stanley, will be held at 10 this morning at the home of his uncle, J.N.Friend, 1900 West Sixteenth street. The Rev. C.F. Hively will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Stanley, O.H., Beebe, March 20 - O.H. Stanley, aged 87, who lived in this county 32 years, died at his home here last night.
Stark, Sarah, Earle, March 29 - Mrs. Sarah Stark, aged 85, died last night at her home in New Earle.
Starkey, Ruth, Ruth Starkey, two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Starkey, died at the family home, 1521 Parker avenue, Baring Cross, shortly after midnight Sunday. The body was sent to Jacksonville yesterday morning by Owens & Ricks, undertakers. Burial took place yesterday afternoon.
Stearns, James, Hot Springs, Jan. 22 - James Stearns, aged 22 son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stearns, died at his home here this afternoon.
Steed, Claude, Prescott, Feb. 9 - Claude Steed of Morris, who suffered a fracture of the skull when a limb of a tree struck him last Friday, died here Wednesday. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mattie Steed and one sister. Burial was made today.
Steed, R.J., R.J. Steed, 62, former Little Rock resident, died at 8 o'clock last night at his residence in Brookspur, according to a telegram received by Mrs. M.L. Morton, 1505 Broadway. Mr. Steed resided here until five years ago. He is survived by his wife, three sons, John and George of Brookspur and Jenks of Little Rock, and three daughters, Misses Ellen, Fannie and Ruth, all of Brookspur. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon at Brynt.
Steensgaard, Edna, Edna Elizabeth Steensgaard, 8 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steensgaard, 421 Orange stret, Argenta, died yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the famiy residence. The funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock this afternoon by the Rev. W.S. Wilkinson, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Steiger, Henry, The body of Henry Steiger, who was killed by a Missouri Pacific train near the County hospital Aug. 17, was sent by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Fairmont, Neb. Mr. Steiger's brother accompanied the body.
Stempel, G.A., G.A. Stempel, aged 68, 416 North Laurel street, Pulaski Heights, died at a local hospital at 8:15 last night. He is survived by his wife and two sons, William Stempel of New Orleans, La, and Edmon Stempel of Little Rock. The body is being held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. parlors pending funeral arrangements.
Funeral services for G.A. Stempel, aged 68, who died at the family residence, 416 North Laurel street, Pulaski Heights, Wednesday night, will be held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. parlors at 3 this afternoon. The Rev. L.E.N. Hundley, pastor of the Pulaski Heights Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be: Honorary, Ben Griffin, George Bernard, J.W. Webb, Robert Scott, J.S. Massey and P.N. Rogers; active, C.D. Lewis, Joe Eiden, Gus Giger, W.H. Gill, J.M. Church and Robert Pipkin.
Stephens, Heather
Renee, d. 12/11/90 Little Rock.
ed 4 months; Survived: Mother, Debbie Stephens; Grandparents, Kathy Fawbush, Lee and Sharon Gregory; Great-grandmother, Corene Cutermuth; Great-great-grandmother, Ruby Gregory; Interment: Forest Hills cemetery.
Stephens, W.M., Mrs. W.M. Stephens, 53, died at the family residence, 3117 Asher avenue at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. C.R. Arnold of Millville, Mrs. J.R. Skeen and Misses Pauline and Averice Stephens, all of Little Rock; four sons, Grover, Claude, John and Virgil Stephens, all of Little Rock; two sisters, Mrs. Carter Johnson and Mrs. C.B. Barnett, both of Little Rock, and three brothers, A.A., and W.L. and C.F. O'Neal, all of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. E.P. Alldredge will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Stephens was a native of Bradley county and had been a resident of Little Rock for eight years. She was a member of the Immanuel Baptist church, Tenth and Bishop streets, and had been married
for 34 years. The pallbearers will be M. Crabb, W.S. Farmer, J.S. Martin and P.O. Evans.
Funeral servives for Mrs. W.M. Stephens, 53, who died Saturday afternoon, were held from the family residence, 3117 Ashe avenue, at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the Rev. E.P. Alldredge officiating. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Stephens resided in Little Rock eight years. She is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. C.R. Arnold of Millville, Mrs. J. Averice Stephens, all of Little Rock; four sons, Grover, Claude, John and Virgil Stephens, all of Little Rock; two sisters, Mrs. Carter Johnson and Mrs. C.R. Barnett, both of Little Rock, and three brothers, A.A., W.L. and C.F. O'Neal, all of Little Rock.
Stephenson, E.E.E.N., E.E.E.N. Stephenson, aged 83, a Confederate veteran, died early yesterday at the Confederate Home, at Sweet Home. Funeral services were conducted from the home at 3:30 yesterday afternoon by the Rev. A.J. Ashburn, chaplain of the institution. Burial was in the Confederate cemetery.
Sterling, H.R., H.R. Sterling, 62, justice of the peace and former member of the Arkansas legislature, died at a local hospital last night after an illness of several months. The funeral was held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence of H.S. Horner, Interment in Maple Hill cemetery. Justice Sterling is survived by one sister, Mrs. Alexander Ames of Starkville, Minn.; two nieces, Mrs. H.D. Moore and Mrs. S.W. Tappan of this city, and a sister in law, Mrs. H.S. Horner, also of this city.
Stevens, Florence, Paragould, April 1 - Mrs. Florence L. Stevens, Mother of Mr. M.P. Huddlestop, died at her home here yesterday afternoon of cancer. She had been a resident of this city for 21 years. She is survived by one daughter, one sister and one brother.
Stevens, J.R., Emerson, June 17 - J.R. Stevens, aged 31, died at the home of his brother, I.L. Stevens, here Friday after an illness of several months. He is survived by his father and several brothers and sisters. The funeral service was held today at Mt. Piagah, four miles south of here.
Stevens, John W., John W. Stevens, aged 64, died at 3 yesterday morning in a local hospital. Funeral services will be held at 3 this afternoon at the famiy residence, 2810 West Seventh street. The Rev. J.H. Reynolds will officiate, and burial will be in Oakland cemetery. He is survived by his wife and one son, James W. Stevens. He was a member of Mechanics Camp No. 95, Woodmen of the World.
Funeral services for John W Stevens, who died Thursday morning were held at 3 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 2810 West Seventh street. The Rev. J.H.Revnolls officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.
Stevens, R.E., Texarkana, Oct. 19 - R.E. ("Bob") Stevens, aged 43 years, a former merchant, died Wednesday afternoon.
Stevens, Robert L., Funeral services for Robert L. Stevens, 47 years old, who died at San Antonio, Texas., Tuesday, will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow from the residence of Mrs. Stevens' sister, Mrs. Ross Guinn, 816 Garland avenue. The Rev. J.P. Early, pastor of the First Baptist church, will officiate. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery.
Stevens, J.Y., El Dorado, April 13 - J.Y. Stevens, aged 57, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.V. Rogers, here Tuesday.
Stevenson, Sarah, Mrs. Sarah Stevenson, 77 years old, died at 12:45 yesterday afternoon at the residence of her niece, Miss Hazel Livengood, 1110 North street. Mrs. Stevenson was born at South Sebanango, Pa. She is survived by one son, M. G. Stevenson of Ashland, Kan. The body will be sent to Ashland by Healey & Roth.
The body of Mrs. Sarah Stevenson, 77 years old, who died at the home of her niece, Miss Hazel Livingood, 1110 North street, Wednesday afternoon, was sent to Ashland, Kan., yesterday afternoon by Healey & Roth for burial.
Steward, Rachel, The body of Mrs. Rachel Steward, who died Friday at her home, 808 Garland avenue, was sent to Yellville last night by Healey & Roth. Funeral services will be held there at 2
Stewart, Mrs.
A.P., Batesville, Jan 20 - Mrs. A.P. Stewart, aged 82, died at her home at Cave City Wednesday.
Stewart, Child, Arkadelphia - On Saturday last, the 1st instant, a four-year old son of Dr. J.C. Stewart, a druggist, residing fifteen miles east of this place, in Dallas county, was burnt to death, his clothes having caught from the flames as he stood too near the blazing fire in a room alone with a colored woman, having him in charge.
Stewart, Ira B., Batesville, June 20 - Ira B. Stewart died here last night. The body was taken to Wiseman for burial.
Stewart, Capt.
Sam, Van Buren, May 9 - Capt Sam Stewart, aged 75, a Confederate veteran, was found dead in his garden here today by Mrs. Stewart when she called him for lunch. He had been hoeing in the garden and had not complained of illness.
Captain Stewart, with two brothers, served during the four years of the Civil War. At the time of his surrender at Camden he was Captain of Company I, Ninth Missouri Infantry. He was born at Lancaster, Crawford County, in 1842, and came here 15 years ago. Funeral services will be under the auspices of Camp Stuart, V.C.V., tomorrow afternoon.
Stewart, Tom, Pine Bluff, Jan 4 - Tom Stewart, aged 51, died suddenly today in his office by the Shriners' Temple. He had been suffering for some time from high blood pressure, and it is believed that this was the cause of his death.
Mr. Stewart resigned his position as deputy tax collector Jan 1, after having held the position for 11 years, and opened an office in the Shriners' Temple as secretary of the Masonic Lodges of the city. During the morning he was very restless and told his stepson, Chauncey Olcott, his assistant, that he was not feeling well. Shortly after noon, Olcott left for home and Mr. Stewart told him to go to a drug store during the noon hour and get some medicine.
M L Case Tyler at the Temple, answered the telephone at 12:40 o'clock when Mrs. Stewart called for her husband and when he went to Stewart's office he found him crumpled upon the floor. A physician arriving shortly afterward pronounced him dead.
Mr. Stewart was well known in Masonic circles, having recently been elected recorder of Sahara Temple, Shriners; recorder of Lafayette Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, and secretary of Damascus Commandery No. 8, Knights Templars. He is survived by his wife and two stepsons. Chauncey and Gerald Olcott, the latter now engaged in business in Monroe; his father, J N Stewart; three sisters, Miss Ida Stewart of Van Buren, Mrs. L E Orr of Humboldt, Tenn, and Mrs. G M Cottrell of Fresno, Cal.
Stewart, W.R., Pine Bluff, Sept. 3 - Mrs. W.R. Stewart, aged 68 years, died at a local hospital today. She came here with her husband from Missouri about 26 years ago. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters and one son. They are: Mrs. T.W. Whittle of Columbia, Mo.; Mrs. W.S. Ballard and Harry T. Stewart of Pine Bluff, and Mrs. G.D. Wilcoxson of Portland, Ore. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon from the residence, conducted by the Rev. A. Homer Jordan.
Stiles, John N., John N. Stiles, aged 76, died at 4 yesterday morning at the family residence at Halstead, 14 miles from Little Rock. He is survived by his wife; three sons, T.G., J.N. and J.D. Stiles and two daughters, Mrs. Bettie Pritchard and Mrs. Adel Pritchard. Funeral services will be conducted at 4 this afternoon from the residence by the Rev. John Avery. Burial will be in Halstead cemetery.
Stillwell, T.S., Hamburg, April 17 - T.S. Stillwell, aged 76, father of Henry Stillwell, died at his home here Saturday night.
Hamburg, April 18 - Thomas Stillwell died Saturday night at the age of 77 years. He held the office of sheriff here for several years. Captain Stillwell was an officer in the Confederate army.
Stinnett, Claud, Mountain Home, March 4, - Claud Stinnett, a well known farmer living north of town, died yesterday of consumption. He was unmarried
Stinson, Virginia, Camden, May 21 - Mrs. Virginia Stinson, aged 23, died at her home here today. She was born in South Carolina in 1834, and came here with her parents in 1843. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. John McGaughey of Little Rock; a son, John Stinson of Camden, and a brother, A.B. McCollum of Waco, Tex.
Stockton, Lois C., Mrs. Lois C. Stockton of 1020 East Ninth street, wife of Charles C. Stockton, died yesterday at a local hospital. Surviving are her husband and one son, Charles W. Starr of Chicago, Ill. Funeral services will be conducted at 3 this afternoon from the parlors of James Cook & Son, by the Rev. Forney Hutchinson. The body will be sent to St. Louis, Mo., tonight for burial.
Stokes, Mrs.
John, Bentonville, May 26 - Mrs. John Stokes died at her home Tuesday. She is survived by her husband and six children, Walter of Fort Smith; Will of Wewoka, Okla.; Russell of Wewoka, Okla.; Hugh of Allen, Okla.; Mrs. C.H. Bone of Colorado, and Mrs. Will Brock of Bentonville.
Stone, Bertha G., Mrs. Bertha G. Stone of Butte Mont., died at 9:15 o'clock last night at the residence of her sister, Mrs. W.F. Tobey, 2324 Main street. Yesterday was Mrs. Stone's fifty second birthday. She was here on a visit. Mrs. Stone was born in Wabash county, Illinois, and was a member of the Presbyterian church. She is survived by two daughters, Bess Stone and Mrs. Donna Williams of Butte; one son Charles of Butte; four sisters, Mrs. W.F. Tobey of Little Rock, Mrs. Elizabeth Grayson and Mrs. Gilbert Peck of St. Francisville, Ill., and Mrs. C.E. Patton of Palestine, Ill.; and one brother, John H. Gould, of Orlando, Fla. Short funeral services will be held at 5 this afternoon at the residence of her sister, after which the body will be sent by Healey & Roth to Butte, Mont; adg8/2/917
Stone, Ezra, Ozark, April 4 - Ezra Stone, a shoemaker, died here this morning of pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and two little girls. No arrangements for the funeral have been made.
Stophel, Mrs.
E. W., Perry, Jan 16- Mrs. E W Stophel of Cherry Hill neighborhood, died recently at her home. She is survived by her husband and two daughters.
Storey, Alice, Texarkana, Jan 8 - News was received here last night of the death at Timpson, Tex of Mrs. Alice Storey, widow of the late D. Frank Storey former resident of Texarkana. The body will arrive here at noon tomorrow and the funeral services will be conducted by the Rev. W F Andrews of Longview. The Storeys were among the first settlers of Texarkana, coming here in 1875. Prior to his death, 30 years ago, Mr. Storey was one of the best known business men here. He also held several local offices, including city treasurer and member of the School Board.
Storey, Mrs.
Fred, Mountain View, March 13 - Mrs. Fred Sotrey, wife of a well known farmer, living near this place and bride of only five days, died this morning of paralysis.
Stovall, Aubrey, State Sanatorium, Jan 17- Aubrey Stovall, aged 35, died at his home here Wednesday night. He was in the employ of Dr. N E Armstrong in construction work. He is survived by his wife and two small sons.
Stovall, J.M., Morrilton, April 27 - J.M. Stovall, 71, a pioneer of Conway county, died at his home early this morning. He had been a resident of this county for more than 40 years. He came from Tennessee, his native state, and for years was engaged in truck farming. He was married
four times. His wife and four grandchildren survived. Funeral services were conducted at the residence this afternoon.
Stove, Nettie, The body of Miss Nettie Stove, aged 29, who died Sunday afternoon at a local hospital, was sent yesterday by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Farmington. She is survived by one brother, J.L. Stove of Farmington.
Stracener, Alphus, d. 7/23/90 Floyd.
ed 74; Survived: Wife, Orell Stracener; Son, Ron Stracener; Daughter, Linda Jenkins; Brothers, A.L. Stracener, James Stracener; Sisters, Norma Stacey, Elva Haggie, Melva Benton, Telitha Baker, Christene Barnett, Lorene Barnett, Velma Reed; Interment: Quattlebaum cemetery at Gravel Hill.
Steed, Thomas H., Benton, Jan. 10- Thomas H Steed, aged 74, former Little Rock merchant, died in a Little Rock hospital this morning. He was never married
. He is survived by 11 nieces and nephews; H J Steed, Mrs. Fannie May Steed, Ruth and Nell Steed, all of Little Rock, Mrs. Maud Steed and Mrs. DeWitt White of Bauxite; J M and J D Steed of Benton, Dr. C J Steed of Gurdon, Franklin W of Prescott, Ari, J F of Houston, Tex and George W Steed of Watsonville, Cal. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church of Bryant conducted by the Rev J E Waddell and the Rev. Mr. Simmons. Pallbearers are: Will Lasiter, Luther Brooks, John Quinn, Tom Rowland, Will Hogue, B J Lasiter, O R DeWeese and Mr. Harper.
Stratton, M. L., Fayetteville, Jan 6 - Mrs. M L Stratton, mother of the late Mrs. George T Lake of this place, is dead at the home of her daughter, Mrs. F S Springer, in Springfield, Mo., according to word just received here.
Strauss, E.M., Malvern, June 9 - E.M. Strauss of Malvern died at his home yesterday as the result of paralysis. Mr. Strauss was for many years manager of the Malvern Lumber Company. He was stricken Wednesday morning, while working in his garden. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Jack and Edwin, his father, Adelbert Strauss of St. Louis; five brothers, Percy, Clem, Albert, Harold and Cark; two sisters, Miss Perla Strauss of St. Louis and Mrs. Okley M. Leaming of Kansas City.
Strickland, Ann E., Beebe, Feb. 8 - Mrs. Ann E Strickland, 74 years old, died this morning at her home in this city.
Strong, Erskine T., The body of Erskine T. Strong, aged 35, who was killed Tuesday afternoon by a Missouri Pacific train, was taken to his residence 1014 Woodrow street yesterday by Healey & Roth. Mr. Strong was born in New Market, Ala. Mrs. Strong, who was in Birmingham at the time of the accident, arrived yesterday afternoon. Funeral arrangements were not complete awaiting the arrival of relatives. Mr. Strong is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Laura Williamson and Mrs. Fannie Coyle, both of Birmingham, also by three brothers, Joe and Lark Strong of Birmingham and Robert Strong of New Market. He was a member of Laundry Workers Union No. 36. Burial will take place in Little Rock.
Stroud, J.W., Rogers, May 16 - Mrs. J.W. Stroud, aged 60, of Cave Springs, died Saturday.
Stuart, Ed G., Hope, Feb. 17 - Ed G. Stuart, aged 37, died at his home in Columbus this morning, after several days' illness with appendicitis. He was a native of Columbus and had lived there all his lfe. He is survived by his wife and four children, his father, Dr. J.L. Stuart, who has resided in Colunbus since Arkansas was a territory, and six sisters, Mrs. Norman A. Beller and Mrs. Veda Walker of Little Rock, Mrs. Nannie White of Jonesboro, Mrs. George Park of Hope, Mrs. J.M. Johnson and Mrs. H.H. Orton of Ashdown. Funeral services will be held at the Stuart cemetery, Columbus, tomorrow afternoon.
Stuart, I.M., I.M. Stuart, 50 years old, died at a local hospital at 1 yesterday morning. The body was sent to Nashville at 5:50 yestereday afternoon by Healey & Roth for burial. Mr. Stuart is survived by his wife and one brother, M.L. Stuart, of Nashville.
Stuart, Dr.
J.M., MGehee, Jan 20 - Dr. J.M. Stuart, aged 40, died here Thursday noon of paralysis. He is survived by his wife and six chidren here, and three brothers in Mississippi.
Stuart, Ruth
McEnery, Ruth McEnery Stuart, author, who died Sunday in New York city, was the stepmother of Mrs. Nall Williams, 1722 Broadway, and the step-grandmother of Robert Williams of the Southern Trust Company and Oden Stuart Williams, formerly a member of the Gazette news staff, now in the training camp of the Officer's Reserve Corps at Fort Logan H. Roots.
She was born near New Orleans, La., and removed to Washington, Hempstead county, where she married
Alfred O. Stuart, father of Mrs. Williams. Mr. Stuart died in 1883, a few years after their marriage and Mrs. Stuart began writing for magazine. She wrote stories of Southern life, using negro dialect very successfully.
Stuckey, Frank, Sheridan, Jan. 13 - Frank Stuckey, aged 18, who died in Jefferson Barracks, Mo., where he has been since enlisting in the army two months ago, was buried here yesterday, the Rev. A.M. Robinson officiating. He is survived by his mother, a sister and eight brothers.
Studdard, Carrie
Inez, Pine Bluff, Jan. 18 - Miss Carrie Inez Studdard, 16 years old, died at her home here yesterday. She is survived by her stepfather and mother. Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Brown, and several brothers and sisters.
Studdard, Dave, Pine Bluff, Jan. 31 - Dave Studdard of Kedron died at his home there yesterday. He was a Confederate veteran and a native of Georgia. He is survived by three sons and three daughters. They are A.M. and J.D. Studdard of Kedron; G.B. Studdard of Pine Bluff; Mesdames Eliza Hobson, Lizzie Woods and Minerva Mitchell of Kedron.
Stuffy, Alice, Mrs. Alice Stuffy, aged 49, wife of J.W. Stuffy, died yesterday morning at the family residence, 1500 West Eighteenth street, Argenta. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sons, C.B. Stuffy and H.J. Stuffy; three daughters, Mrs. B.G. Houston and the Misses Kate and Alice Stuffy, all of Argenta; one sister, Mrs. J.H. Glover of Austin, and two brothers, C.R. Whorton of Pine Bluff and H.C. Whorton of Beaumont, Tex. Funeral services will be conducted at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the residence by the Rev. L.D. McClure of Pocahontas and the Rev. C.F. Hively of Argenta. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Stuffy was a member of Woodman Circle of Bearing Cross.
Stukey, C.C., C.C. Stukey, aged 49, died early yesterday morning at Clovis, N.M. He is survived by his wife, who has been with him at Clovis, and two brothers, Clarence and Clyde Stukey, both of Argenta. The body will be brought to Argenta Tuesday morning for burial. Mr. Stukey has been aresident of Argenta for more than 25 years. He was engaged in the grocery and meat market business in Little Rock and Argenta until the past few years, when his health forced him to retire.
Sturch, William W., Batesville, Sept. 24 - William W. Sturch, aged 78 years, was found dead in his field near his home at Salado yesterday. Death was due to heart failure.
Sudduth, T.E., Hon, March 29 - T.E.Sudduth, aged 78, one of the pioneer residents of western Arkansas, died here today. He was a Confederate soldier, having served throughout the war. He was a native of Alabama. He is survived by his wife, four daughters, two sons, 24 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. The daughters are: Mrs. Annie Condray, Mansfield; Mrs. J.R.Coffey and Mrs. Della Meredith of Hon, and Mrs. Sam T. Poe of Little Rock. The sons are: R.B.Sudduth and Dr. S.D.Sudduth of Hon. Sam T. Poe of Little Rock, a son-in-law, is here. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
Sullins, William S., Newport, Jan 28 - William S Sullins, aged 22, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Andrew Sullins of Grubbs, died Tuesday. He is survived by his wife, one child and his parents.
Sullivan, Florence, Texarkana, June 26 - Florence Sullivan, a 20 year old white girl, committed suicide by drinking carbolic acid yesterday at Fay Campbell's rooming house in Swampoodle. The Campbell establishment is in what was formerly the restricted quarter and was listed as a resort by the police. The girl is said to be a niece of the Campbell woman. Her father is dead, her mother is blind and penniless. She had been living at the place only a few weeks. She left no message.
Sullivan, George, George Sullivan, aged 72, formerly of Little Rock, died at his home in Houston, Texas, Saturday night. He is survived by his wife and a daughter, Mrs. Herbert Brooking of Houston, and four sons, Robert and Walter of Houston, R.M. Sullivan of Little Rock and S.F. Sullivan of Argenta. Burial will be at Houston.
Sullivan, John, John Sullivan, 65 years old and for 30 years a resident of Texarkana, was found dead early this morning at his home on Dudley avenue, College Hill. Death is attributed to heart failure. It is supposed the old man had started to the back yard when he was stricken and fell off the back porch. Apparently he had been dead only an hour or two when discovered. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and four sons, all grown.
Summerhill, Mollie E., Mrs. Mollie E. Summerhill, 73, mother of Mrs. C.E. Emerson of 311 West Second street, Argenta, died at the Baptist hospital in Muskogee, Okla., Sunday morning. The body arrived here yesterday and will be taken to England today for burial. She is survived by her daughter and six grandchildren.
Sumner, Mrs.
M. V., Mrs. Mary Viola Sumner, aged 46, died at the residence of her father, T M Adkins, 2703 West Twelfth street at 1 o'clock yesterday. She is survived by her husband, W D Sumner and one son, B F Wilkins, both of Jacksonville; her father, T M Adkins; two sisters, Mrs. J W McNair of Jacksonville, and Mrs. W E Wilson, 2705 West Twelfth street, and two brothers, T L Adkins and G R Adkins, both of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held at the residence of her father at 12:30 o'clock today, in charge of the Rev. W C Davidson, assisted by the Rev. W T Wilkinson. The remains will be removed overland to Cabot this afternoon to Bayou Meto township, near Jacksonville, in charge of Ruebel & Co. Pallbearers well be: K M Hall, M W Elrod, Walker Sanders, Judge W P Hammock, Hardin Dale and J F Scott.
Funeral services for Mrs. M V Summers, who died Monday at the home of her father, T M Adkins, 2703 West Twelfth street, were held at Jacksonville yesterday afternoon after which burial occurred in the Bayou Meto cemetery. The body was taken overland by P H Ruebel & Co.
Sumner, Matilda E., Magnolia, Dec 31. Columbia county's oldest citizen, Mrs Matilda Ellen Sumner, aged 99, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs E E Cupp, near Emerson, Sunday night. Funeral Services were held yesterday in Smyrna church, one of the oldest churches in the county, of which she was a member
Mrs Sumner's husband died 67 years ago, leaving her with 10 children, five of whom are living. The eldest is Mrs Sarah Elizabeth Turner of Gladwater, Tex, who is 83, Other children are, B F Sumner, 77, Mrs E E Cupp, Miss Ann Sumner, all fo Emerson, Mrs R A Warren of Walkerville, this county, who is 67 and the youngest of the five children.
Mrs Sumner was born in Georgia. She was married
in Alabama before she was 16. The Couple moved to Arkansas in 1856 and settled in the county, where they spent the remainder of their lives. She now has 102 living decendants to the fifth generation. During the late World War, Mrs Sumner spent her time knitting wool socks for soldiers, finishing 13 pairs which were sent to the soldiers on the front. ag1/1/1930
Supple, Mother
Bernard, Fort Smith Jan 19- Mother Mary Bernard Supple, aged 74, former mother superior at St. Anne's academy here and for nearly 60 years a teacher in the academy died in St. Edwards Mercy Hospital last night from a cerebral hemorrhage, suffered on January 2.
Mother Bernard was a member of the Supple family of County Kerry, Ireland. She is the last of her immediate family although she is survived by several nephews and nieces. One niece, Sister Mary Antoine, also of the Sisters of Mercy, St. Annes Academy, who has lived here for 24 years, was with her at her death.
The former mother superior was principal of the academy when the school was rebuilt in 1903 as the golden anniversary of the institution. She observed her 50th anniversary with the school the following year.
Sutterfield, Ellen, Marshall, June 23 - Mrs. Ellen Sutterfield, wife of Judge W.H. Sutterfield, died Thursday after a long illness. Besides her husband, she is survived by children: Hirum Sutterfield, Pangburn; Mrs. K. Fendley Campbell; Mrs. Will Franks of Marshall.
Sutton, C.B., C.B. Sutton, aged 37, a planter of Danville, Ark., died at a local hospital at 8 p.m. Friday. He is survived by his wife and six children, his mother and three brothers, B.O., W.L. and S.T. Sutton, all of Danville. The body will be sent to Danville by P.H. Ruebel & Co. today.
Swaffar, Joseph L., Heber Springs, March 29 - Joseph L. Swaffar, a farmer and rural mail carrier of Pearson, eight miles southwest of Heber Springs, died yesterday.
Swain, Anna, Fayetteville, April 19 - Word has received here today that Anna Swain, 15, daughter of Mrs. W.D. Murphy of Combs, this county, committed suicide yesterday. No reason for this act has been brought to light. The girl was living with her mother and step-father, W.D. Murphy.
Swepston, W. W., Memphis Tenn., Jan 14 - W W Swepston, 74 Crawfordsville, Ark., died at 2:30 this afternoon at the Baptist hospital. He was one of the largest operators in Crittenden county. He was sheriff twice, a member of the legislature and was honored in various ways by the people of his county. The funeral will take place in Crawfordsville Sunday afternoon. Survivng are three sons; John E Swepston, Memphis attorney; Tiere and Lee of Crawfordsville; also three daughters, Mrs. C H Neely, Mrs. T R Hare and Miss Willie Swepston.
Swiegood, Mrs.
Merrill, Van Buren, Jan 7 - Mrs. Ella Merrill Swicegood, aged 38, wife of F G Swicegood of Crane, Tex, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her mother, Mrs. S G Merrill in Van Buren, following an operation several weeks ago in a Fort Smith hospital. She is survived by her mother; her husband; two daughters by a former marriage, Mrs. Jack Straton of Crane, Tex, and Mrs. Ernest Spencer of Wewoka, Okla; two sisters, Mrs. George Sengel Jr. of Fort Smith and Mrs. Virgil Coleman of Van Buren, and three brothers, Charles Merrill and Leo Merrill of Fort Smith and Wesley Merrill of Houston, Tex.
Swindell, A.E., Eureka Springs, July 13 - A.E. Swindell of Indiana died at his cottage here Wednesday. The body has been sent to his home for burial.