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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2109

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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Coates, Judge
James, Funeral services for Judge James Coates, who was fatally injured Saturday night when struck by an automobile at Third and Gaines streets, driven by W T McCoy 1518 State street were held at the family residence 822 West Third Street, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in charge of the Rev Ray Watson Smith. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

Cobb, Belina, England, Sept. 1 - Mrs. Belina Cobb died Friday night at her home, four miles from here. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. G.W. Scruggs of Keo, and one son, J.M. Cobb of England.

Cockrell, Bessie C., Mrs. Bessie C. Cockrell, aged 56, until recently a resident of Little Rock, died at Washington, D.C. Yesterday afternoon, according to word receivd in the city last night. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Nannie R. Sparks of New York and Mrs. Nettie W. Clark of Warrensburg, Mo.; two brothers, George E. and Charles F. Cunningham of Little Rock. Burial will be in Little Rock. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Funeral services for Mrs. Bessie C. Cockrell, aged 56, widow of the late John J. Cockrell, son of Senator Cockrell of Missouri, who died at her home in Washington, D.C., Monday, will be held at the residence of her brother, C. F. Cunningham, 319 North street, at 3 this afternoon. The body will arrive in Little Rock at 7:40 this morning. The Rev. C.P. Parker will officiate. The pall-bearers will be: Gordon N. Peay, John E. Coates, R.H. Thompson, Tom Donahur, R.W. Newell and M.G. Sullivan. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Coffey, Ellen, Fort Smith, June 12 - Mrs. Ellen Coffey, 75 years of age, of Fayetteville, died at the home of her son here, Frank M. Coffey, after an illness of three weeks. She leaves one daughter, Mrs. William Healy of Fayetteville, and three sons, G.W. Coffey of Fayetteville, Frank M. Coffey and Charles D. Coffey of this city.

Coffman, Beal, Harrison, Jan 3 - Funeral services were held yesterday for Beal Coffman, aged 51, who died at Bellefonte. He is survived by his son Hugh and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Coffman.

Coffman, J.B., Prairie View, March 27 - Funeral servies for J.B. Coffman, who was accidentally shot and killed by his brother at Picker, Okla., were held here yesterday under the auspices of the W.O.W.;ag3/28/1917

Coffman, R.S., Searcy, Oct. 18 - R.S. Coffman, aged 56 years, died here at 5 o'clock this moning, He is survived by his wife and three children, Asa Coffman and Mrs J.H. Marratts, Little Rock and Mrs. Vitah Sellers. He was postmaster at Searcy for 12 years. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon, conducted by Dr. John H. Dye assisted by the Rev. W.T. Thompson.

Cogan, Thomas J., Cincinnati, April 7 - Thomas J. Cogan, aged 62, an attorney of this city, and well known in the Elks and Eagles orders, died last night from pneumonia. He was a past grand worthy president of the Eagles, and was an active candidate for the office of grand exalted ruler of the Elks at the coming Elks convention in Baltimore next July.

Coger, M.B., Poughkeepsie, March 25 - M.B.Coger of Evening Shade, a settler of this county, died suddenly Friday morning. The children include C.L. Coger, editor of the Sharp County Record, Mrs. P.H.Wilkerson of Arlington, Texas, Minter Coger of Imboden and C.L. Coger of Evening Shade. The funeral was held under the direction of the Masons yesterday, and burial was in Evening Shade cemetery.

Cohen, Rebecca
Navra, Mrs. Rebecca Navra Cohen, 69 years old, a resident of Little Rock, for 62 years, died at the family residence, 1401 Cumberland street, at 6:30 last night of a complication of maladies.

Mrs. Cohen was born at Vicksburg, Miss, April 2, 1848, removing to Little Rock with her family in 1855. She was married to the late Bernard Cohen in 1865. At the time of his death, Mr. Cohen controlled a fleet of steamboats.

All the immediate relatives were at the bedside last night when the end came. Mrs. Cohen is survived by two sons, A.K.Cohen, manager of the shoe department of Gus Blass Company, and E.M. Cohen of Hot Springs, vice president of the Valley Planing Mill Company; five daughters, Mrs. K. Bauduy and Misses Annie, Emma, Flora L and Mabel Cohen, all of Little Rock; two brothers, E. Navra and I Navra, of Little Rock; two sisters, Mrs. H Ehrenberg and Miss Ida Navra, of Little Rock.

Funeral services will be held at 10 tomorrow morning at the Jewish chapel at Oakland cemetery. Rabbi Louis Witt will officiate. The following, all nephews of Mrs. Cohen, will serve as pallbearers: Mannie Ehrenberg, Morris Ehrenberg, Joe Navra, Charles Jacobson, Clifford McCowan and G.C.Moses. Burial will be in the Jewish section of Oakland cemetery.

Cole, A.W., Stuttgart, Sept 5 - A.W. Cole, aged 37, was struck by lightning and killed Monday while on his farm, 12 miles northwest of here. When caught in a storm, Mr. Cole and a brother took refuge under a tree, which was struck by lightning. The brother escaped uninjured. Mr. Cole operated a store at Fairmont, nine miles north. He is survived by his wife and four children, his father, mother and two brothers,.

Cole, Ella
May, Mrs. Ella May Cole, aged 55, of Russellville, died at a local hospital at 8 last night. She is survived by her husband, T.C. Cole, of Russellville; two daughters., Mrs. Nina Perkins of Memphis, and Miss Hallie Stiles of Detroit, Mich.; two sons, George Stiles of Roseville, al., and Everett Stiles of Russellville. The body will be sent to Jonesboro at 8:25 this morning by James Cook & Son Co. for burial.

Cole, Harvey, Camden, July 10 - Harvey Cole, aged 23, died at his home at Ogemaw Sunday.

Coleman, Edna, Fort Smith, Marh 10 - Edna Coleman, aged 15, died today from a revolver wound inflicted three weeks ago with suicidal intent. Six months ago she attempted to end her life with poison. No cause has been suggested for her act.

Coleman, Edward C., Edward C. Coleman, 54 years old, died at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his nieces, Mrs. J.M. McCray, Nineteenth street pike. He was formerly engaged in the dairy business and was a brother of the late Fred B. Coleman. No immediate relatives survive. The funeral services will be held at 10 Tuesday morning at the Healey & Roth chapel, 719 Main street, under the direction of Bayard-Damon Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Funeral services for Edward W. Coleman will be held at 10 this morning at the Healey & Roth chapel. The pallbearers will be P.V. Osson, J.M. Cohen, F. Rossner Jr., J.T. Hurley, A.W. Hallin and R.S. Floyd. Services will be conducted at the grave by Bayard Damon Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Coleman, Ina
Marrie, Ina Marrie Coleman, 23 Months old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman, 1524 Marions street, Argenta, died at 8:45 last night at the family residence. She is survived by her parents and one brother, George Jr. Funeral services will be held at 3 this afternoon from the residence, in charge of the Rev. C.F. Hively. Burial will be in Thomas' cemetery.

Coleman, Jake, Fort Smith, June 29 - While trying to swim across the Arkansas river near the Frisco railroad bridge, Jake Coleman, aged 18, was drowned in mid-stream yesterday morning. The body was recovered. It is believed he was stricken with cramps.

Coleman, L., Bentonville, Jan 6 - L Coleman, widely known over northwest Arkansas as owner and operator of Coleman's merry-go-round, died suddenly Tuesday. Mr. Coleman seemed in his usual health and had gone to the home of a neighbor when he was taken suddenly ill and died in a short time. He lived about five miles northeast of Bentonville on the Pea Ridge highway. He was 63, and is survived by two daughters. Funeral services were held Wednesday.

Collie, Harold, Malvern, Feb. 13 - Harold Collie, aged 15, died of pneumonia at the home of his father, Elbert Collie, near Reyburn.

Collings, Dr.
S.P., Hot Springs, March 16 - Dr. S. P Collings, for 30 years one of the leading physicians of this city, a thrity third degree Mason and at one time grand commander of the grand commandery, Nights Templar of Arkansas, died here this afternoon. Funeral services will be held here Sunday afternoon and the body will be sent to Indianapolis for burial.

Collins, Major, Conway, April 15 - Major Collins, an 11 year old negro boy of Mayflower, was shot and instantly killed yesterday near his home by Louis Stubbs, another negro, 14 years old.

Collins, Olmstead, Texarkana, Jan 27 - Olmstead Collins, aged 77, a resident of Texarkana for the past 20 years and brother of Ben Collins, widely known banker and lumberman, died early this morning. During his residence here he has made his home with his brother.

Collums, W.A., Hope, July 10 - William A. Collums, a farmer living near Hope, died Friday night. He is survived by his father, S.H. Collums, Mrs. Henry Hilliard of Hope, Mrs. Dee Hall of DeKalb, Texas, and Mrs. Beatrice Wells, of Cochie, Okla., sisters, and James and Mack Collums of Hope, brothers.

Collyer, Mary, Texarkana, July 24 - Mrs. Mary E. Collyer, 54 years old, died Sunday night at her home here. Death was caused by heart trouble. The body was sent to her old home at Montgomery, Mo.

Colquitt, Robbie Mae, Magnolia, Jan 28 - Robbie Mae Colquitt, 12-year-old daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Colquitt of this city, died at the home of her parents Thrusday night. She is survived by her parents and one brother, Charles.

Comstock, Thomas, Van Buren, May 2 - Word was received here today from Union township that Thomas Comstock, who years ago served Crawford county as a member of the legislature, died yesterday at his farm where he had lived a half century. He was a member of Joe Shelby's Brigade during the Civil war.

He was an eccentric character and in order to be assured of burial in a casket just like that of his wife, who was buried a few years ago, he bought one and had it hauled to his country home and carefully stored it away.

Cone, J. G., Brockwell, Jan 21 - J B Cone, aged 48 of Bandmill died at his home Saturday night. He is survived by his wife and two children; a stepmother, two brothers, Earl Cone of Newburg and Jim Cone of Searcy; four sisters, Mrs. Estella Goodwin of Camden, Fannie, Mary and Clare Cone of Texas.

Confarr, Eliza Bickmore, Bentonville, Jan 17 - Mrs. Eliza Bickmore Confarr, widow of the late William N Confarr, died at her home here Saturday Morning. Mrs. Confarr was born in Millgrove, Warren county, Ohio. She is survived by one son, Bert Confarr, of Bentonvile.

Conine, W. H., Bentonville, Jan 21 - W H Conine, aged 86, former postmaster of Bentonville, veteran of the Federal army and for many years a leader in the Republican party in this section, died early this morning after a long illness. He is survived by two sons, Hugh Conine of Gainesburg, Ill. and Bert Conine of Elkhart, Ind.

Conner, John L., Augusta, Jan. 14 - John L Conner aged 48, died at his home in Denver Colo., where he had lived for the past two and a half years. Interment was made in the Augusta cemetery this afternoon. He leave a wife and five children. He was an extensive rice and cotton planter, president of the Home Oil and Manufacturing Company and held other business offices. He was a member of the Methodist church. The children include Mrs. E.R. Rimmermeister of Wapoloneta, O.; E.E. Conner of Augusta, Clements, Edwin and Erin Conner. Mrs. Cora McDonald and Mrs. T.Ed. Conner are sisters.

Converse, Allen, Fayetteville, Oct. 10- Allen Converse, aged 33 years of Savoy, died at a hospital here last night.

Cook, Lera, Cabot, Jan 9 - Mrs. Lera Cook, aged 30 died this morning at her home a mile north of Cabot. She is survived by her husband, one child and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dock Peters of North Little Rock; three sisters, Mrs. Eva Cook, Ward; Mrs. Bertha Kindred and Gladys Peters and two brothers, Monroe and Claude Peters of North Little Rock.

Cook, Lola, Funeral services for Mrs. Lola Cook, aged 28, wife of A.C. Cook, 12330 Brown street, who died suddenly at 5:30 this morning at a local hospital were held at 9 last night at Healey & Roth's chapel, the Rev. W.M. Harrison, pastor of the Highland M.S. church officiating. The entire congregation was present, church having been adjouned for the purpose of holding memorial service for her. She is survived by her husband, a daughter, Hazel, her father, William Roberts of Donaldson; a sister, Miss Mollie Roberts of Noswell, N.M.; and two brothers, Dewey and James of Donaldson. The body will be sent at 7 this morning to Donaldson by Healey & Roth for burial in the Donaldson cemetery Tuesay.

Cook, Riley W., Riley Washington Cook, 73, died at 6:15 o'clock last night at the residence of his daughter, Miss Mollie Cook, 1110 Scott street. He is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Jennie Moody of Texarkana, Mrs. Hattie Herndon of Valliant, Tex., and Misses Drusilla and Mollie Cook of Little Rock, and two sons, Clayton and Gordon Cook. The body will be sent by Healey and Roth to Hope at 7:55 o'clock this morning. Burial will be at Hope Saturday. Mr. Cook was a Confederate veteran, having served as a member of Forrest's cavalry. He was a member of Winfield Lodge of Masons at Hope.

Cook, Thomas J., Thomas J. Cook.
ed 37 of Augusta, died at a hospital here at 2:30 p.m. yesterday. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Florence Marie; his parents, Mr and Mrs. George W Cook; two brothers, G D Cook and C C Cook, all of Augusta; six sisters. Mrs. D Tatty and Mrs. J M Baum, both of Little Rock; Mrs. J P Mattox of Hot Springs, Mrs. D D Blassengame and Mrs. W S Langhey of St. Louis, and Miss Lucille Cook of Augusta. The body is held at P H Ruebel & Co parlors.

Cooper, C.B., Funeral services for Dr. Gustavus B. Cooper, who died at his residence, 2423 West Twelfth street, Tuesday night, will be held from the residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. B.F. Cato will officiate. Pallbearers will be Dr. A.T. McMillan, Dr. W.H. Buckley, Dr. james Allen, Dr. J.F. Hammett, E.N. Tipton and George E. Cockmon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Cooper, Inez, Inez Cooper, aged 15, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Furnish, 1101 Appian Way, Pulaski Heights, died at a local hospital yesterday afternoon. She was born January 1, 1902 in Kansas City Mo. She is survived by he parents, three brothers and one sister. Funeral services will be held at the chaple of Healey & Roth this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Cooper, Jacob, Quinton, May 1 - Without regaining consciousness, Jacob Cooper, employed on a railroad section gang here, died today from the effects of a blow received on the head Saturday. The authorities are looking for a fellow employe, who has disappeared. No one saw Cooper injured. When found he was struggling on the ground with a gaping wound in the head.

Cooper, Levi R., d. 12/10/90 Prattsville.
ed 86; Interment: Philadelphia cemetery.

Cooper, Nancy, Bigelow, April 3 - Mrs. Nancy Cooper, wife of J.A. Cooper, died this morning of pellagra. The body was taken to Booneville this afternoon for burial.

Cooper, Sarah, Benton, April 30 - Mrs. Sarah Cooper died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Will Daniels, at Lonsdale, Friday. She is survived by 10 children, Mrs. Tom Ashcraft, Mrs. Izard James, Mrs. J.W. Dyer and Mrs. L.A. Smith, of near Benton; Mrs. WIll Daniels of Lonsdale; John Cooper of Hot Springs; Oscar Cooper of Little Rock; Arch, William and Arthur Cooper of Owensville.

Cope, Arthur
Martin, Arthur Martine Cope, 27 years old, died at 7 last night at the family residence, 317 West Twenty-third street. Mr. Cope was born at Pine Bluff. He is survived by his wife and one child; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Cope, of Keo; three brothers, J.A., Lester and Herman Cope, of Keo; four sisters, Miss Nona Cope of Keo, Mrs. Susie Smither of Pine Bluff, Mrs. Wood Varnell of Kingsland, Mrs. Lilly Hudgins of Keo, and Mrs. Maud Jones of Texas City, Tex. Mr. Cope was a membr of Forest Camp No. 5, W.O.W. Funeral arrangements havenot been made. The body is being held at the Healey & Roth parlors.

Copeland, J.G., Mountain Home, Aug 27 - Mrs. J.G. Copeland died Saturday.

Copp, Mrs.
J. E. A., Calico Rock, March 11 - Mrs. J E A Copp, who has been ill for several months, died at her home here today.

Copp, Leinad
Byrd, Pine Bluff, Aug 25 - Mrs. Leinad Byrd Copp, aged 24, wife of William D. Copp and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Byrd, died this morning at 5:30 o'clock at the home of her parents after an illness of several months. She had served as maid of honor and sponsor at two Confederate reunions. Besides her husband and parents, she is survived by one brother, R.L. Byrd Jr. Funeral services will be held from the residence tomorrow afternoon.

Corbitt, S.D., Malvern, Feb. 23 - S.D. Corbitt, aged 88, died here Wednesday at the home of his son, Charles Corbitt. He was one of the county's oldest and best known residents, having been here since 1863. He served for years in the Confederate army and was coroner of Hot Spring county for 20 years. He leaves eight children, 50 grandchildren, and 15 great-grandchildren.

Corcoran, J.M., J.M. Corcoran, aged 40, a Missouri Pacific switchman, died at a local hospital at 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning. The body was sent by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Paragould. His father and sister accompanied the body.

Paragould, Sept. 11 - Funeral services for Joe Corcoran, who died in Little Rock Saturday afternoon.

Corneo, Annie
Settle, Paragould, Jan 8 - Mrs. Belle Wall has just received a message from Phoenix, Ari, announcing the death of her cousin, Mrs. Louis Corneo, formerly Miss Annie Settle of this city.

Correthers, Robert S., Robert S. Correthers, 34, died at a local hospital at 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. He is survived by his mother and one sister, both Atkins. The body was sent to Atkins at 8:30 yesterday morning for burial.

Corson, Mrs.
Martha E., Fort Smith, Jan. 10- Mrs. Martha Elizabeth Corson, aged 67, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M B Falls, last night after a short illness. She is survived by her daughter; a son, B B Corson, El Dorado; a brother, Merritt Brooks, Hermitage; one sister, Mrs. Ann Splawn, Little Rock, and seven grandchildren.

Cothren, S.E., Texarkana, Oct. 9 - Mrs. Sarah E. Cothren, aged 84 years, and a resident of Texarkana for a quarter of a century, died Sunday night.

Cotton, Henry

Craig, G.E., Poughkeepsie, Aug 11 - Dr. G.E. Craig, aged 75, died at his home at Evening Shade Sunday. He was a veteran of the Civil war and was wounded during the battle of Gettysburg.

Craig, Ruth, Okoloma, March 1 - Miss Ruth Craig, aged 22, died yesterday afternoon at the family home at Antoine, of tuberculosis. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J C Craig; two sisters, Edith and Nettie Mildred; and three brothers, Claud, Jim and Odus Craig. The body was taken to Delight or burial today.

Antoine, March 2 - Miss Ruth Craig died at her home Wednesday afternoon. She is survived by her father, three brothers and two sisters.

Crandall, Stanley, Harrison, April 7 - Stanley Crandall, aged 54, died here Thursday of paralysis. He had edited the Harrison Republican during the 12 years he was a resident of Harrison. He is survived by his wife and five children, Clement and Jack, of Fort Smith; Ida, of Siloam Springs; Illa and Elis, of Harrison; and one sister, of Houston Tex. His brother, C.R. Crandall of Burke, Ia., died about the same time. Telegrams announcing the deaths to the families passed on the wire.

Crane, G., Prescott, March 3 - G. Crane, an aged farmer, living near here, was found dead in bed at an early hour this morning. Members of the family say he retired last night without complaining of illness. His death is said by doctors to be the result of old age.

Cranford, Bettie, Pine Bluff, Feb. 23 - Mrs. Bettie Matthews Cranford, aged 40, wife of W.M. Cranford, died last night in a local hospital. She had lived here for about 25 years. She was married to Mr. Cranford about a year ago. Besides her husband, she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. A.A. Harper and Mrs. Lucy Mayfield, and one brother, G.W. Matthews.

Crawford, Barbara, Funeral services for Barbara Crawford, two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Crawford, 2121 West Twenty-ninth street, who died Thursday, were conducted from the residence at 3:30 yesterday afternoon.

Crenshaw, Susan, Dermont, March 21 - Mrs. Susan Crenshaw, aged 67, wife of J.T.Crenshaw, died today. She is survived by two children, George Adams and Mrs. C.L. Edwards. A son, Will died at El Paso, Texas, two weeks ago. Funeral servies will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m. from the Methodist church.

Crenshaw, Y. A., Mulberry, Jan 4 - Y A Crenshaw, aged 78, died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mose House. He is survived by three daughters.

Creston, R.M., Funeral services for R.M. Creston, aged 51, who died Friday morning at a local hospital, will be held at 10 tomorrow morning at the Healey & Roth chapel. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mrs. J.P. Hewitt, and one son, Oscar Creston, of Little Rock. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Crevosier, Walter, Paragould, Jan 18-Walter Crevosier, aged 40, died Thursday at the home of his niece, Mrs. Lee Barton, of near here. He was a native of Missouri, but had lived near here the past six years. He is survived by his wife, a sister and a brother.

Crim, Thomas
Jefferson, The body of Thomas Jefferson Crim, aged 83, a retired planter of Ashley county, who died Wednesday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R C Malone at Sesser, Ill, arrived here yesterday morning and was taken to the Healey & Roth chapel, where the Rev. P Fletcher conducted Funeral services at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. General Forrest Camp United Daughters of the Confederacy, of which Mr. Crim was a member, had charge of the services at the grave. Nelson Crim, a son and Mrs. Malone were at the bedside when death came, and John J Crim, another son, of Dallas, Tex. was enroute. Besides the three children, Mr. Crim is survived by his wife, who with her two sons, accompanied the body to Little Rock. Mr. Crim moved to Little Rock 10 years ago and last fall moved to Sesser, Ill. He was a member of the Confederate Army and was with the troops that evacuated Little Rock, when the Federal army seized the capital city.

Crittenden, Jennie, The body of Mrs. Jennie Crittenden, 42 years old, who died at a local hospital Wednesday afternoon, was sent to Huntington Wednesday night by P H Ruebel & Co. for burial.

Critz, John M., John M. Critz, aged 79, a retired merchant and a Civil war veteran, died at the Little Rock Sanitarium at 8 a.m. yesterday after an illness of about three months. Born at Thompson Station, Tenn., Mr. Critz received his early education at Spring Hill Tenn. He enlisted as a private in the Confederate army at Thompson Station when the Civil war started and at the close of the war had risen to the rank of captain.

He came to Little Rock bout 32 years ago and owned a plantation near here for many years. He established the Critz & Son Grocery Company, now known as Critz Bros. Grocery Company, at Sixteenth and Gaines streets. He retired from business about five years ago.

He is survived by three sons, J.D. Critz, 2108 State street; W.M. Critz 2120 Center street, and J.M. Critz Jr., 220 Summit avenue; one daughter, Mrs. W.A. Pollard, 1700 George street, and several grandchildrn.

Funeral services will be held at the residene of his son, J.D. Critz, 2108 State street, at 3 this afternoon. The Rev. B.F. Cato will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

The Pallbearers will be: Honorary-Gen. Jonathan Kellogg, J.D. Wood, George Thronburgh, Theo Hartman, J.R. Gibbons, J.H. Shoppach and A.J. Snodgrass, members of Omer R. Weaver Camp, U.C.V; active-T.M. Cory, R.G. Pillow, H.G. Martin, G.D. Henderson, R.W.Irvine and Miles Scull.

Crocker, L.J., Augusta, June 23 - Capt. L.J. Crocker, one of the largest planters in Woodruff county, died at his home in Gregory early this morning. He was one of Gen. Morgan's lieutenants in the Civil War. He has been actively interested in many important enterprises and developments of his county. He was buried with Masonic honors at Augusta this afternoon.

Croco, Susanna, Paragould, Jan 21 - Mrs. Susanna Croco, aged 82, died Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George H Wilson. Mrs. Croco is survived by five daughters. Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. John Rust, both of this city; Mrs. Jack Pierce of Madison, Ill; Mrs. J W Yeargain of Lafe, and Mrs. John Bolandringham of Dallas, Tex and one son, Henry Croco of Fort Meyers, Fla.

Croom, Zella I., d. 11/29/98 Mountain Home.
ed 99; Survived: Son, Dr. Wayne Croom MD; Brother, Truman Crouch; Interment: Roselawn Memorial Park, Little Rock; adg12/1/98

Crosby, Hattie, Pochontas, Jan. 28-Mrs. Hattie S. Crosby, aged 66, who died here Friday, was buried in the Pocahontas Msonic cemetery yesterday. She was a daughter of Dolph Kibler, one of the first settlers of Randolph county. Her husband was Dr. G.W. Crosby of Tennessee. She leaves two sisters, Mrs. W.H. Waddle of Pocahontas and Mrs. Dr. Wyse of Cuba, and the following children; W.A. Crosby of Drennan, Tex.; J.T. Crosby of Hope, Mrs. William Argo and Mrs. Mary A. Witt of Pocahontas.

Cross, Jessie
Marie, d. 7/17/90 Denton, Tx.; Survived: Sons, W.B. Cross, A.W. Cross; Daughters, Julia Lick, Ivy Head, Ann Huff, Ida Thornton; Sister, Lamiza Luck; Interment: New Rosemont cemetery.

Crow, J. J.
Sr., Benton, Dec 31- J J Crow St aged 73, father of County Judge J J Crow, former sheriff, died last night at his home, 14 miles west of Benton. He operated the Crow filling station on the Hot Springs-Little Rock Highway.

Mr Crow is survived by two other sons, Ben of Little Rock and Mildred of Owensville, four daughters, Mrs. Frank Ault, Winter Park, Fla; Mrs. Tom Rowland, Mrs John Brown of Bryand and Mrs Walter B Higginbotham of Thornburg; One Sister, Mrs W A Boshears of Little Rock.

Funeral Services will be held at 11 tomorrow morning at Parom Church with Burial at the Fowler cemetery;ag1/1/30

Crow, John D., Helena, Jan 3, John D Crow, aged 54 died at the Baptist hospital in Memphis last night following an operation for tumor of the brain, from which Mr. Crow had been suffering for three weeks. Mr. Crow had been a member of the Phillips County Board of Education since its establishment in 1922 and was chairman of this body for the past five years. He also was president of the Bank of Elaine and died on the same day that institution was taken over by a liquidating agent. Funeral services will be held from the Elaine Baptist church Sunday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and five cildren, all of Elaine.

Crowell, G.T., Texarkana, Oct. 12 - G.T. Crowell, aged 61 years, a resident here since 1892, died last night at his home after a brief illness. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Walter Crowell, former constable of this township and Oscar Crowell.

Crowell, Marvin B., Bentonville, Feb. 4 - Marvin B. Crowell, traveling salesman, died suddenly at his home here today.

Crowley, Frank, Mulberry, Jan 14 - Frank Crowley, aged 67, died yesterday at his home at Center Point, near here. He is survived by his wife, one son and one daughter.

Crowley, Jack, Texarkana, June 27 - Jack Crowley, 71 years old, the oldest locamotive engineer in the employ of the Cotton Belt railway, died this afternoon.

Crowley was stricken with paralysis just as he was stepping into his cab to take out his regular run yesterday. He was taken to the company general hospital here, but failed to rally. The body will be taken to Pine Bluff tommorrow for burial. He was not married , and his only relative is a sister at Ottumwa, Iowa. He had been with the Cotton Belt since 1880, when its first trains were run between Texarkana and Tyler.

Crownover, Mabeck, Dardanelle, June 17 - Miss Mabeck Crownover, aged 25, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Crownover, died at her home here early this morning, after a long illness. She is survived by her mother and father, a sister, Mrs. George Goodier of Dardanelle,and a brother, Hayden Crownover of Los Angeles. The funeral will be held from the family home Monday afternoon, and burial will be in Brearley cemetery.

Croxton, Dora
Evelyn, Mrs. Dora Evelyn Croxton, 53, died at the family residence, 1202 West Twenty-sixth street, Argenta, at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, J.F. Croxton, one son, W.F. Croxton, of the United States navy, and by two daughters, Mrs. C.D. Morgan of Sulphur, Okla., and Mrs. Claude Church of Argenta. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. W.H. Love of Baring Cross will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be J.W. Bass, J.J. Kendrickes, J.M. Hart, A.H. Daughterty, C.P. Corman and Ira Nance.

Cruce, Mrs.
Delcia, Paragould, Jan 12- Mrs. Delica Cruse, aged 25, died in the local hospital Friday. She is survived by husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Linn and serveral brothers and sisters, all of Campbell.

Cuckler, Mary, Texarkana, Jan. 27 - Mrs.Mary Rogers Cuckler, aged 35, died suddenly of heart trouble at her home Friday night. She was a member of one of the oldest families of Texarkana and was a sister of former Chief of Police Foster Rogers. She is survived by four small daughters.

Cuffman, Dr.
J. H., Dr. J. H. Cuffman, aged 53, president of the Clark County bank at Gurdon, died at 10 last night at St. Luke's hospital, following an operation for appendicitis. Dr. Cuffman had suffered serveral attacks of appendicitis. Last Sunday he became seriously ill and was brought to St. Luke's hospital. His wife and other relatives were at the bedside when he died. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and one son. Dr. Cuffman owned and operated the Red Cross drug store at Gurdon. He also had a wide practice. The body is being held at the P.H.Ruebel & Co. parlors. It will probably be sent to Texarkana, where Dr. Cuffman had requested that he be buried.

Culp, Edna E., Mrs. Edna E. Culp, 32, died at the home of her sister in law, Mrs. C.A. Bosshardt, 1222 West Capitol avenue at 10:15 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, Charles M. Culp; two sons, Eugene and Odie; three daughters, Virginia, Ferol and Madolyn, all of Little Rock, and by one sister, Mrs. J.B. Sanders of Pine Bluff. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. J.M. Workman will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Cummins, Carrie E., Miss Carrie E. Cummins, aged 79, died at her home 1014 Arch Street, at 10 o'clock last night. She has been a resident of Little Rock for 25 years. She is survived by her sisters, Mrs. E.W. Rittenhouse, Misses Abby and Mary S. Whitcomb, and her niece, Mrs. A.H. Kilpatrick, of this city. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Funeral services for Miss Carrie E. Cummins, 79 years old, who died Thursday night at the family residence, 1614 Arch street, will be held at the residence at 1:15 this afternoon. The Rev. Hay Watson Smith will officiate. The pallbearers will be: E.G. Thompson, George B. Rose, Dr. S.U. King, Judge Frank Smith, J. S. Speed, and W. S. Holt. The body will be sent to Urbana, Ill., for burial. Miss Cummins is survived by four sisters, Misses Mary S. and Abby Whitcomb, Mrs. E. W. Rittenhouse and Mrs. A. Kilpatrick, all of Little Rock.

Cumpler, J. P., Magnolia, Jan 17 - Mrs. J. P. Crumpler, aged 87, died at her home at Altanta Sunday. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Elizabeth Madden, Mrs. Agnes Reed and Mrs. C. W. Jean.

Sheridan, June 21 - Mrs. Henry Cotton, aged 35, died at her home, near Erin yesterday.

Cotton, Lou, Forrest City, April 8 - News of the death of Mrs. Lou Cotton, aged 74, wife of John N. Cotton, at Woodstock, was received here this morning. The Cotton family lived in Forrest City for many years, and Mrs. Cotton's body will be returned here for Interment .

Cotton, Dr.
Z. R., Eureka Springs, Jan 9- Dr. Z R Cotton died Wednesday.

Cottrell, Rush, The body of Rush Cottrell, aged 22, a planter who died at 3 yesterday morning at a local hospital, will be sent to Shirley at 8:45 this morning by Healey & Roth. Mr. Cottrell is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Cottrell, of Shirley; one brother, John Cottrell, of Shirely, and one sister, Mrs. H.J.Hall, of Higden.

Couch, Ike, Brockwell, Jan 1-Ike Couch, aged 71, of Bandmill died at his home there yesterday. He is survived by his wife and 10 children.

Counce, Mrs.
Onnie, The body of Mrs. Onnie Counce, 48 years old, who died at a local hospital Wednesday, was sent to Paragould yesterday by Healey & Roth for burial. Services will be held there tomorrow morning. Mrs. Counce is survived by her husband, one son, R.E. Carr of Little Rock, switchman for the Iron Mountain, and five sisters.

Council, Capt.
J.H., Greenwood, Jan, 26 - Funeral services for Capt. G.H. Council, aged 90, a Confederate vateran, who died at his home in Witcherville, were held yesterday in Gilliam cemetery, the Masonic lodge having charge. Captain Council had spent most of his life in the community.

Council, Jack, Jack Council, aged 45, a barber, died at the Tuberculosis Sanatorium, at Booneville yesterday. The body will be brought to Little Rock at 11:55 this morning and taken to the Healey & Roth chapel, where services will be held at 4:30 this afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Council lived at Forrest City. He is survived by his wife.

Counts, James B., James B. Counts, 42 years old, died at the residence of his mother, Mrs. G.A. Counts, 913 Louisiana street, at 1:25 this (Tuesday) morning. He is survived by his wife and four small children; also by his mother, three brothers, George, Arthur and Ed, and by a sister, Mrs. H.B. Pollock. Mr. Counts lived at 619 East Fourteenth street, but when stricken with paralysis on Monday of last week at the Imperial laundry, where he was employed, he was taken to his mother's home. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mrs. J.B. Counts is the daughter of T.A. Wright of the Gazette.

Funeral services for James B. Counts of 619 East Thirteenth street, who died yesterday morning at the residence of his mother, Mrs. G.A. Counts, 915 Louisiana street, will be held from the latter address this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson will conduct the services. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery. The pallbearers will be J.M. See, Leo Pfeifer, Walter Kirst, Claude Ringo, Morris Farrell and Will G. Hutton. Mr. Counts was a member of West End Lodge No. 13, A.G.U.W.

Coursey, Tasha
Nicole, d. 12/8/90 Trumann.
ed 2; Daughter of Rodney Howard and Theresa Coursey; Survived: Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coursey, Deborah Howard; Great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard, Joseph Claro; Interment: New Hope cemetery near Jonesboro.

Cowan, J.S.R., Forrest City, Jan 17- J S R Cowan, who served as St. Francis county Judge from 1894 to 1898, died at his home in Memphis Wednesday afternoon. Burial was in Memphis today.

Mr. Cowan built the town of Hughes and owned many business buildings there. He served in the Confederate army during the Civil war.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Murie Cowan, and two daughters, Mrs. G L Bradey of Memphis and Mrs. T K Russell of Chicago, Ill.

Cowles, Fay, Miss Fay Cowles, 18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Cowles, 1921 Main street, Argenta, died at Albuquerque, N.M., Wednesday afternoon after an illness of two years. The body will arrive tonight. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Miss Cowles was a member of the Presbyterian church.

Cowles, J.L., Funeral services for J.L. Cowles, aged 53, a well know resident of Argenta, who died at 9:30 yesterday morning at the family residence, 1921 Main street, will be conducted at 3 this afternoon from the residence by the Rev. R.H. Viser. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Cowles had been an employe of the Union Seed and Fertilizer Company for the past 25 years, and was a deputy sheriff under Sheriff W. G. Hutton. He is survived by his wife, one daughter and two sons.

Cowling, Jefferson T., Ashdown, Sept. 14 - Judge Jefferson T. Cowling, aged 56, died at his home here this morning at 6:30 o'clock. He became suddenly ill while holding court at Nashville one day last week and was brought home on a special train to be placed under the care of the family physician. He appeared to be much improved yesterday, and after eating breakfast this morning told the nurse that he was feeling much better. He was stricken a few minutes later with an attack of the heart.

Funeral services will be held from the Baptist church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The services will be in charge of the Masons. He is survived by his wife and four daughters, Mrs. Grover Cobb, Misses Nell, Agnes and Bethal of this city.

He was elected judge of the Ninth judicial district in 1910, and was serving his second term. He has lived here since 1895.

Cox, A.P., Provo, Feb. 22 - A.P. Cox died at his home here Saturday night of pneumonia, leaving five children. Mrs. Cox died of the same disease just eight days before him.

Cox, Aris W., Helena, April 25 - A telegram to a member of the family at this place this morning announced the death of Mrs. Aris W. Cox, 25, in Jacksonville, Fla. Dr. Cox, with A. Johnson, father of Mrs. Cox, left Friday afternoon for Jacksonville, after receiving a telegram stating that Mrs. Cox had been poisoned by using a solution of mercury to remove freckles from her face. The body will arrive in this city Monday at noon and the funeral will probably take place Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Cox was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson and was married to Dr. A.W. Cox about three years ago. As a token of sympathy all the grocery stores of this city will be closed Monday, Mr. Johnson being a large stockholder in the Helena Wholesale Grocery Company.

Cox, Frank M., Pine Bluff, July 16 - Frank M Cox, a former resident of Pine Bluff and a Confederate veteran, died recently in the Masonic Home at Tuscumbia, Ala., according to a message received today by the County Pension Board. He is survived by a son, Frank Cox, Jr., and his widow, who lives in Little Rock.

Cox, Mrs.
Hiram, Memphis, Tenn, Jan 9 - Mrs. Hiram Cox, aged 70, one of the oldest residents of eastern Arkansas, died at Osceola today, according to word received here.

Cox, Horace
Wayne, Funeral services for Horace Wayne Cox, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M.S. Cox, 706 Parker avenue, Argenta, who died at 4 yesterday morning, will be held at the residence at 10 this morning. The Rev. J.T. Wilcoxen, pastor of the First Methodist church of Argenta, will officiate. The pallbearers will be: Misses Blanche Hart, Dorothy Grane, Morrie Pyles and Alma Moore. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Cox, Jane, Dardanelle, Sept. 6 - Mrs. Jane Cox, aged 72 years, died yesterday afternoon at her home, six miles southwest of Dardanelle. She is survived by 11 children. She had lived 31 years in the same house, in which hers was the second death that has ever occurred.

Cox, Jessie, Texarkana, April 2 - Mrs. Jessie Cox, who was hurt in the tornado which struck a part of Hempstead county last Thursday, died of her injuries in a hospital here today. The body was sent this aftenoon to Washington, where burial will take place tomorrow.

Cox, M.V., Bentonville, May 11 - Mrs. M.V. Cox, aged 75, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Callis of Centerton, Sunday.

Cox, Mary J., T.L. Cox of the Southwestern Supply Company received a telegram last night announcing the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary J Cox, 84 years old, at her home in Decatur, Tenn. She is survived by her husband, James Cox and two sons, T.L. and John F. of Allsopp & Chapple. Funeral arrangements were not announced.

Cox, Nancy E., Mrs. Nancy E. Cox, aged 58, died at 10:20 last night at a local hospital. She is survived by her son, Patrol Driver J.L. Steed of the Police Department, with whom she made her home, at 1922 Johnson street, and a daughter, Mrs. Lizzie Williams, Fourtenth and Cedar streets. Funeral services probably will be held Sunday.
8/11/1917Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy E. Cox, mother of Patrol Driver J.I. Steed, who died Friday night at the home of her son, 1922 Johnson street, will be conducted this afternoon at 4 from the undertaking establishment of James Cook & Son Company, by the Rev. Mr. Williams. The pallbearers will be: Everett thompson, Sam Campbell, George Moore, Mose Mitchell, W.C. Burns and Mike Haney, fellow officers of Mr. Steed. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

Coxon, Roy J., d. 7/23/90 Little Rock.
ed 86; Survived: Wife, Louise E. Coxon; Daughter, Judy Young; Interment: Pine Crest Memorial Park.

Craig, A.J., Texarkana, Aug. 31 - A.J. Craig, aged 68, a resident of Texarkana for 35 years, died last night at Hemphill, Tex., where he was visiting relatives. The body will be brought here and the funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon.

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