Huge Marriages Search Engine!
Cady, H.G., Pine Bluff, Sept. 5 - News has been recieved of the death at St. Louis of H. G. Cady, a former resident and uncle of C.H. Cady of this city. He lived here until about 12 years ago and was engaged in the lumber business. He was about 75 years old. The body will be brought to Pine Bluff tomorrow.
Cagle, D.A., The body of Mrs. D.A. Cagle, who died at 10 yesterday morning at a local hospital, was sent at 5 yesterday afternoon by James Cook & Son to Gurdon. She is survived by her husband.
Cahn, Mrs.
Sol, Mrs. Sol Cahn, aged 40, died at Memphis, Tenn., at 3:45 yesterday afternoon, according to information received here. She is survived by he husband and several brothers and sisters living in Memphis and Greenville, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Cahn lived in Little Rock for many years. Burial will be in Greenville, Miss., Thursday afternoon.
Cain, Winnie, Leslie, June 23 - Mrs. Winnie B. Cain, aged 49, died at her home here Wednesday.
Caldwell, Thomas, Mammoth Spring, April 23 - Thomas Benton Caldwell, aged 77, a Confederate veteran, died yesterday at his home six miles west of here of pneumonia. Funeral services were held today at Salem.
Calk, John H., Funeral services for John H. Calk aged 54, planter, who died at 11:20 p.m. Thursday, at a local hospital will be held at the family residence 720 East Sixteenth street, at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. Roy Farr, Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial park, where the Forest Camp No 5, W. O. W. of which he was a member, will have charge of the services. Pallbearers will be: Tom Newland, Al Cook, C. M. Leard, and Walter Park. Mr. Calk is survived by his wife; four daughters, Mrs. David F. S. Evans, Mrs. H. C. Hudgens, and the Misses Gertie Mae and Gladys Calk, all of Little Rock; by four sons, Lloyd W and R H Calk; both of Little Rock William W of Tulsa, Okla and Claude A Calk of Oklahoma City, Okla; by three brothers, J W and G M Calk of North Little Rock; also by two sisters, Mrs. D Taylor and Mrs. Jane Elmo, both of Jacksonville.
Callicott, Hazel, Harrison Jan 2 Hazel Dorene Callicott, aged seven, died Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Iler Callicott. She is survived by her parents, two sisters, Patsy ruth and Helen Beth, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bower, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Callicott.
Calvert, J.N., Pine Bluff, May 23 - J. M. Calvert, aged 39, of near Randall died early this morning at the home of his father, T.M. Calvert. He is survived by his wife and four children; six brothers, H. K. Calvert of Pine Bluff, J. F. Calvert of England, J. W. Calvert of Tyler, Texas, W. F. Calvert of Randall and Frank Calvert of Dallas, Texas. Four Four sisters also survive. They are: Mrs. D. B. Stan......John Holdness, Mrs. Tom Floyd and Mrs. Tom Ross. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at Mount Zion cemetery.
Calvin, Joseph, Booneville, Feb. 13 - Joseph Calvin, aged 80, a resident of Booneville for 35 years, died here yesterday.
Calup, C. F., The body of C.F.Calup, aged 76, who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. F.White, of Jacksonville, Wednesday night, was sent to Peoria, Ill., last night by P. H. Ruebel & Co, for burial. Mr. Calup is survived by his wife, one son, F. E. Calup of Edelston, Ill., and one daughter, Mrs. White.
Cameron, A.J., Wesson, April 26 - A. J. Cameron, aged 76, died at his home near Three Creeks Tuesday. He was born in Alabama and came to Arkansas during his boyhood. He married
Miss Lizzie McNabb. Later Mrs. Cameron died and he married
Miss Dee Cottrell. He is survived by his wife and her three children, and by two children by his first marriage, Mrs. John McGoogn and Jim Cameron.
Cameron, Lizzie, Mrs. Lizzie Cameron, aged 69 died at a local hospital at 11:30 yesterday morning. She is survived by a son, G. W. Cameron of St. Louis, Mo, and one sister, Mrs. A Allen of Texarkana, Tex. The body is being held by the Cook Drummond Overman Company pending instructions from relatives.
Camp, Martha E., Pine Bluff, Sept. 26 - Mrs. Martha E. Camp, aged 65 years, died yesterday at her home about 12 miles south of Pine Bluff. Besides her husband she is survived by four sons and three daughters, John Will, Kelly and Emery Camp, and Mrs. Mattie Favin, Mrs. Essie Owens and Miss Ollie Camp.
Campbell, Alice
Louise, Bentonville, July 26 - Alice Louise, the 18 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Campbell of Little Rock, died tonight at Bella Vista, a summer resort near this city, following an illness of two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and several other members of the family were present. The body will be sent to Little Rock tomorrow.
Campbell, John E., Conway, APril 25 - A message has been recieved here today announcing the death at Fort Worth, Tex., Monday of John E. Campbell, brother of Attorney I.M. Campbell of Conway, and a native of this county. Mr. Campbell served as deputy circuit clerk of Faulkner county 15 years ago under Judge W. B. Wilson.
Canerday, John, Atkins, Jan. 12 - John Canerday died at his home near Appleton. He is survived by his wife and three children.
Canerday, James, Atkins, Jan. 27 - James S. Canerday, aged 71, died at his home here last night. He is survived by his wife and six children.
Caney, Mrs.
J.J., Wilmar, March 10 - Mrs. J.J. Caney died at her home here Thursday.
Canfield, Elmous, Mrs. Elmous Canfield, aged 56, died at 10:15 yesterday morning at a local hospital She is survived by her husband, of near Conway; two daughters and four sons, all of Little Rock, and two brothers. The body is at the Healey & Roth chapel. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Cannon, Avilee M., Mrs. Avilee Martha Reddick Cannon, aged 30 years, died at 8 yesterday morning at her home, 1416 Izard street. Brief funeral services were held at the family home at 7 last night under the auspices of Myra Enright Camp No. 7233, Royal Neighbors of America, of which the decedent was receiver. The Rev J. P. Earl conducted the services. The body was sent to Fort Smith last night by Healey & Roth. Funeral services will be held there Tuesday at 3 p.m. Mrs. Cannon is survived by her husband, W.H. Cannon; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Reddick of Fort Smith; five sisters and two brothers, Margaret, Elizabeth, Anna, Eva, Nellie, James and R.R. Reddick Jr., all of Fort Smith.
Cannon, Hazel, Hazel, 12 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Cannon 2522 Wright avenue, died at 11 yesterday morning at the family residence of measles. Funeral services will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 10 this morning. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Her brother, Tony Cannon, died from the same disease Wednesday.
Cannon, Tony, The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Cannon, 2522 Wright avenue, died at 7 yesterday morning at the family residence. Funeral services will be held at 11:30 this morning at Oakland cemetery.
Canon, Marion, Ozark, Jan 21 - Mrs. Marion Canon, aged 24, died yesterday, after several months' illness, at the home of her sister, Miss Frances Warner. The funeral was held at 2:30 o'clock today from the Methodist church, the Rev. W.J. Leroy officiating. Mrs. Canon leaves her husband, a three year old son, four sisters and six brothers.
Cantrell, Mrs.
Corrine, Mrs. G. M. D. Cantrell, widow of the late Dr. G. M. D. Cantrell, died at 12:30 this (Tuesday) morning at her home, 216 East Seventh street. She had been an invalid for the last two years.
Mrs. Cantrell had been a resident of Little Rock for more than 40 years. Her husband, who died about seven years ago, was a well-known Little Rock physician.
She is survived by her mother, Mrs. H.E. Smith of Americus, Ga.; by two nieces, Mrs. Margaret Lefevre, wife of Baron Lefevre of Paris, France, and Mrs. Parmly of New York and by a nephew, Clifton W. McAfee of Sallas, Tex.
James G. Cantrell, general agent of the Seabeard Air Line, a brother of the late Dr. Cantrell, will arrive this morning to take charge of funeral arrangements. Burial will be in the Cantrell family cemetery at Nashville, Tenn.
Funeral services for Mrs. Corrine Cantrell, widow of the late Dr. G.M. D. Cantrell, who died yesterday morning, will be conducted from the residence this afternoon by the Rev. C. P. Parker. The body will be sent to Nashville, Tenn., for burial in the family cemetery. James G.Cantrell of St. Louis, Mo., brother of the late Dr. Cantrell, will arrive this morning to accompany the body. The pallbearers will be: F.B.T. Hollenberg, Dr. Scott C. Runnels, W. W. Dickinson, Fred D. Watkins, Frank M. Jefferson, J. Rudy Smith, Dr. W. B. Hughes, H. W. Morrison, H. M. Bennett and A. C. Read.
Cantwell, V.F., Searcy, July 4 - Mrs. V.F. Cantwell died of pneumonia at her home here yesterday. She is survived by her husband, V.F. Cantwell, two daughters, Aldah and Bernice Cantwell, and a small son. Funeral services were held at the home today at 3 o'clock.
Caplon, Sarah, Sarah Caplon, seven month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Caplon, 415 West Seventh street, died at 10:30 o'clock Saturday night. She is survived by her parents and two brothers. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon from the family residence. Burial was in the Jewish cemetery. The Rev. S. Katzenellenbogen officiated.
Capps, Mary
Ellen, Mrs. Mary Ellen Capps, 64 years old, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Roger C. Gould 2507 West Thirteenth street, at 10 yesterday morning. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Decatur, Ill., and Mrs. R. C. Gould. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2:30 this afternoon. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Capps, Virginia C., Blytheville, Jan 18- Virginia Catherine Capps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Early Capps, died Thursday at the family residence near this city.
Caraway, John, Mount Pleasant, Jan 9- John Caraway, aged about 65, well known farmer, died at his home four miles west of here, yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Roe Johnson of Stelia; three sons, Jack, Dick and Ellis Caraway, all of Mount Pleasant; one sister, Mrs. Reubin Rogers of Cushman, and two brothers, Jim Caraway and Alvin Caraway of Jerk Water.
Carden, Mattie, Mrs. Mattie Carden, 54, died at a local hospital at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Julia Wilson of Fair Hope, Ala., and Miss Jessie Carden of 723 East Eighth street. Funeral services will be held from the chapel of Healey & Roth, 719 Main street, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Carl, T.R., Siloam Springs, Feb. 22 - T.R. Carl, 82 years old, pioneer of Siloam Springs, died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.D. Mitchell, near Bloomfield. He was one of the first settlers on the present site of this city before the war. Much of what is now the southern part of this city formerly belonged to him.
Carlin, Watkins
L.Jr., Watkins Lancaster Carlin Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Watkins L. Carlin, died at the family residence, 1102 1/2 Main street, at 6:15 p.m. yesterday. He was born February 20, 1915, in this city. Mr. Carlin is with the James Cook & Son Undertaking Co. The Rev. B.F. Caqto will conduct the services from the parlors of James Cook & Son at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Carlisle, Verna, Paragould, July 24 - Miss Verna Carlisle, aged 15, died at the home of her parents in South Paragould Sunday afternoon.
Carmon, Charles
Jr., Charles Franklin Carmon Jr., aged 16, died at 1 yesterday morning in a Little Rock hospital. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C F Carmon of Gillett. The body will be sent to Gillett at 8:45 this morning by Healey & Roth for burial.
Carner, Hallie
Hancel, Blytheville, Jan 12- Hallie Hancel Carner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Carner, died Saturday morning. He is survived by his parents and two brothers.
Caron, Souverain, Souverain Caron, aged 84, died early yesterday morning at the home of his son, Guy W. Caron, 2428 Schiller avenue. Funeral services will be conducted from the parlors of Healey & Roth at 11:30 this morning, by the Rev. John Van Lear. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The pallbearers will be: Gordon Campbell, Frank L. Mallory, A. C. Remmel, Wallace Townsend, W. H. Manville, A.M. Mosley, R. A. Cook and George McConnell. Mr. Caron is survived by his wife, four daughters, Mrs. Della Chamberlain of St. Louis, Mo., Mrs. Ella B. Coquard, Mrs. L. F. Hanson and Miss Ida Caron of Little Rock, and one son, Guy Caron, of Little Rock.
Carpenter, Ella
Hall, d. 10/28/98 Batesville.
ed 83; Preceded: Husband, Hayden Carpenter; Survived: Nephews, Thomas King, Randell Bone, David King; Niece, Melba Rider; Interment: Oaklawn cemetery; adg10/30/98
Carr, Newman, Newman Carr, aged 76 of Newport, died at 4 yesterday afternoon in a Little Rock hospital. He was a Union soldier in the Civil war. He is survived by a son, Lee Carr of Newport. Funeral arrangements will be announced later; Funeral services for Newman Barr of Newport, who died Friday at a Little Rock hospital, will be held at 2 tomorrow afternoon at the Owens and Co chapel in charge of the Rev J. F. Ross. Burial will be in National cemetery.
Carrington, Terrall, Prescott, March 8 - Terrall, the six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Carrington, died today.
Carroll, Irene J., News was received in Little Rock yesterday of the death Wednesday morning of Miss Irene J. Carroll, formerly of Little Rock, at her home in Baltimore, Md. The body will arrive in Little Rock at 1:20 tomorrow afternoon accompanied by two brothers, Casey and C.A. Carroll. Funeral services will be conducted at Mt. Holly cemetery by the Rt. Rev. J. Winchester. The pallbearers will be: W. S. Mitchell, H.M. Bennett, Walter O. Hall, A.C. Read, Conway Scott and John A. Johnson.
Carroll, John C., Chidester, June 11 - John C. Carroll, aged 74, a Federal veteran, died Saturday at the home of A.H. Ahlborn near here of heart disease.
Carroll, Martha E., Pine Bluff, Sept. 2 - Mrs. Martha Ellen Carroll, aged 63, mother of W. Ed Green of this city, died last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Green where she had made her home since the death in 1906 of her husband, the late W. J. Carroll of Camden. The body was sent this afternoon to Camden, where the funeral will be held. Mrs. Carroll was a native of Georgia and resided in Arkansas for the past 30 years. She and her husband lived at Conway for several years and later moved to Camden. Besides Mrs. Green, one other daughter, Mrs. J.Pat Pope of Vernon, Tex., survived.
Carroll, Mattie, Pine Bluff, Feb. 25 - Mrs. Mattie Frances Carroll, aged 76, died suddenly Friday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. G. Helton, in this city. She was playing with one of her grandchildren when she was suddenly stricken, and died before a physician arrived. Mrs. Carroll made her home here for many years, but recently returned from a visit to her daughters in California. She is survived by four daughters, Mrs. W.S. Helton and Mrs. Maggie Atkinson of this city, Mrs. Charles Brown of San Bernardino, Cal., and Mrs. Will Brown of Taft, Cal.; one son, Ben Carroll, and two brothers and a sister, Sam Seabrook, John Seabrook and Mrs. Hatie Chesnutt of Pine Bluff also survive.
Carroll, Melanie
Mary, In Pine Bluff, Ark., on the 11th, inst., Melanie Mary Carroll, wife of Col. David Carroll, aged 47 years.; The Weekly Press 2/18/1869
Carroll, Richard, Texarkana, Jan 24 - Richard Carroll, aged 81, died at his home on College Hill last night. He is survived by a niece. He came here from Pine Bluff about 15 years ago.
Carter, Emma T., Newport, Jan 28 - Mrs. Emma T Carter, aged 87, died at her home near Newport, Thursday. She was the widow of an ex-Confederate soldier. She is survived by two sons, R P and Frank Carter of this city and two daughters, Mrs. Connie Layton of Earle, and Mrs. W W Whybrew of Newport.
Carter, George, Dardanelle, July 24 - Mrs. George Carter, aged 44, died at the home here this morning. She had been an invalid for several years. She is survived by her husband and a grown son and daughter.
Carter, M.C., Pine Bluff, Aug. 11 - Funeral services for M.C. Carter, former resident of Pine Bluff, who died yesterday at Dallas, Tex., will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Carter lived in Pine Bluff for about 15 years, but left 18 months ago for Texas. He is survived by a wife and one child.
Carter, Philip, Rector, Jan 13 - Philip Carter, aged 70, died Friday at his home here.
Carter, Tom, Charleston, April 2 - Tom Carter, a young negro who had been working in the McLeod coal mine east of Charleston, was instantly killed Tuesday when a heavy stone fell on him. His head was crushed and neck broken.
Carver, Clara, Malvern, Feb. 15 - News of the death of Miss Clara Carver, aged 21, was received here yesterday. She died at her home near Gifford Wednesday night and burial was made in Francois cemetery today.
Casbeer, W. C., Harrisburg, April 5 - W.C. Casbeer, an old resident of this place, died in a hospital at Memphis and his body was brought here for burial yesterday.
Casey, J.R., Ozark, April 13 - J.R. Casey, aged 79, died at Webb City last night. He was a federal veteran of the Civil war.
Casey, W.M., Mena, June 9 - W.M. Casey, aged 55, died here Thursday night. He was Socialist candidate for county judge of Polk county last fall. He was a native of Madison county. He is survived by his wife and nine children.
Caster, Wynema, Van Buren, Jan 7- Wynema Castor, aged 16, died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Castor, at Vine Prairie, two miles west of Mulberry, recently. She is survived by her parents and several brothers and sisters.
Cathey, L., L. Cathey, 80 years old, died at the home of his grandson, O.A. Maxey, 209 East Ninth street, Argenta, at 6 o'clock last night. He is survived by one son, J T Cathey; two daughters, Mrs. A Posey and Mrs. Sadie Maxey, both of Kensett. The body will be sent by Owens & Ricks to Judsonia, where burial will take place Friday in the family cemetery.
Caulder, Mamie H., Miss Mamie H Caulder, aged 27, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T B Caulder, 1222 Harrison street, died at 8:30 o'clock last night at the family residence. She is survived by her parents and three brothers, Watson, Horace and Bruce B Caulder. Miss Caulder was a member of the Pulaski Heights Methodist church. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Funeral services for Miss Mamie H Caulder, who died at 10:30 p.m. Thursday, will be held at the family home, 1222 Harrison street, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. W T Thompson, assisted by the Rev B A Few. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Causby, A.H., Marked Tree, April 26 - A.H. Causby, aged about 60, superintendent of the Pierce mill and well known here, dropped dead in the boiler room of the mill a few minutes after going to work this morning. He had suffered for years with an affection of the heart.
Mr. Causby is survived by his second wife, who was Miss Birdie Atkins, their child, and two sons and a daughter by an earlier marriage.
Caver, George P., Waldron, June 13 - George P. Caver, aged 67, died here today. He was born in Alabama, but came here when a young man with two friends, one of whom, Judge J.M. Harvey, survived and was with him at the end. He was engaged in business in Waldron for about 30 years, retiring about five years ago. He is survived by his wife.
Cawthorn, H., H. Cawthorn, aged 52, of Alma died yesterday morning at a local hospital. He is survived by his widow and three sons. The body was sent last night to Alma for burial.
Cessar, John, Wesson, April 26 - John Cessar died at his home here Monday.
Chamberlan, G.B., Mena, Oct. 17 - G.B. Chamberlan, aged 73 years, a farmer and for 35 years a resident of Polk county, died last night at his home in the Rocky community.
Chambers, Chester A., The body of Chester A. Chambers, the Little Rock insurance adjuster who was killed near Harrison Monday, was sent to Hydro, Okla., yesterday afternoon by Healey & Roth. A delegation of local insurance men accompanied the body to the station.
Chambers, Matt R., According to information received here, Matt R Chambers, former resident of Little Rock, died yesterday at the home of his son, C C Chambers, Cleveland, O. Mr. Chambers was at one time with the local United States Land Office. Later he was transferred to Portland, Ore. He is survived by his wife and son. Burial will be at his old home, Lena, Ill.
Chaney, Joy
Lucile, Joy Lucile Chaney, seven month old baby of Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Chaney of Argenta, died at 9 yesterday morning at a local hospital. Funeral services will be held this morning at Owens & Co's undertaking parlors by the Rev. J.T. Wilcoxon, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Chapman, Brennie, Mammoth Spring, June 16 - Mrs. Brennie Ross Chapman, aged 28, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. P. Ross, died at her home here last night of peritonitis.
Chapman, W.T., The body of W. T. Chapman, aged 28, who died at a local hospital on March 26, will be sent to Atlanta, Tex., this morning by P. H. Ruebel & Co. parlors. The body will be accompanied by the widow, Mrs. Chapman, and a brother, L.A. Chapman.
Chapple, Jennie, Mrs. Jennie Chapple, aged 76, widow of the late James Chapple, died at 7 last night at the family residence, 618 Gaines street, after a long illness. Mrs. Chapple was one of the oldest residents of Pulaski county. She was born at Jacksonville, March 4, 1841. She was married
to James Chapple on May 29, 1864, and had lived in Little Rock since. The family lived on Gaines street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, for nearly 50 years. Mrs. Chapple was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris Reed. She is survived by three sons, James E. and H. Chapple of Little Rock and Earl W. Chapple of Huntington, N.Y.; two daughters, Miss Parma E. Chapple and Mrs. Fred W. Allsopp of Little Rock and eight grandhcildren. Funeral arrangements will be announced later, pending the arrival of E.W. Chapple from Hunting, NY.
Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Chapple, aged 76. widow of the late James Chapple, who died Monday night at the family residence, 618 Gaines street, will be held at 10 this morning at the residence in charge of the Rev. Hay Watson Smith. The pallbearers will be James B. Barkman, Harry Watson, James Allsopp, Harry Tricher, Dean Adams and T.T. Meyers. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery.
Chase, Susan, The body of Mrs. Susan Chase, 80 years old, who died at a local hospital Monday, was sent to Marion yesterday by James Cook & Son. Company.
Chatman, Charles, Harrisburg, July 28 - Mrs. Charles Chatman, died here Friday.
Chatman, J.B., The body of J.B.Chatman, aged 26, of Gurdon, who died Friday afternoon at a local hospital, is held at the P.H. Ruebel & Co. parlors, awaiting funeral arrangements.
Cheek, J.W., The body of J.W. Cheek, former resident of Little Rock, who died in Memphis at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning, arrived in Little Rock at 4:30 o'clock this morning. Mr. Cheek is survived by his wife, Mrs. Annie M. Cheek, and two daughters, Mrs. F.G. and Mrs. P.B. Barton, all of Memphis. Burial will be from the chapel of James Cook & Sons, 1012 Main street at 10:30 o'clock this morning. The Rev. J.L. Read will officiate. The pallbearers will be G.A.A. Deane, Judge Frank Smith and S.L. Kay, all of Little Rock, and C.T., C.A. and Lewis Barton, all of Memphis.
Chenoweth, Samuel A, Bentonville, Jan 3 Samuel A Chenoweth, aged 48, former assistant postmaster of Bentonville, died at his home at Okmulgee Wednesday morning after a long illness. He was born in Neosho, Mo and lived in Bentonville until he moved to Okmulgee five years ago to become assistant postmaster at Okmulgee. He is survived by his wife and one son, David Chenoweth.
Chesbroe, George
Sr., Heber Springs, Feb. 7 - George Chesbroe Sr., aged 76, a Federal veteran, died yesterday of heart trouble. He is survived by his wife, two sons, George Chesbroe Jr. and Jay Chesbroe of this city, three daughters, Mrs. Nina Overmeyer of Idaho, Mrs. Kate Armstrong of Topeka, Kan., and Mrs. Louise Adams of this city. Burial will be made here tomorrow.
Chichester, Alfred B., Alfred B. Chichester, aged 51, claim agent for the Little Rock Street Railway and Electric Company, died yesterday morning at 11 at St. Vincent's hospital, following a stoke of paralysis several weeks ago, caused by a nervous breakdown.
Mr. Chichester was born in Augusta, Ga., April 8, 1866, and came to Little Rock when a boy. He served as deputy sheriff under the late W. M. Kavanaugh and under C.C. Kavanaugh. For several years he was a city detective. He had been in the employe of the Little Rock Street Railway and Electric Company the past 10 years.
D.H. Cantrell, president of the company, said last night: "Mr. Chichester came to the service of our company 10 years ago, and since that I had been very closely associated with him. He was at all time loyal, industrious, conscientious and fair-minded. I regarded him as the mnost capable claim agent I have ever known. Not only do the officials of the company deeply regret his death, but every employe, to whom he was well known, will feel a personal loss. The offices of the company will remain closed during the funeral as a mark of respect."
Funeral services will be conducted this morning at 10, from the family residence, 2321 West Sixteenth street, by the Rev. R.D. Templeton, dean of Trinity cathedral. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Funeral services will be conducted this morning at 10, from the family residence, 2321 West Sixteenth street, by the Rev. R. D. Templeton, dean of Trinity cathedral. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
The pallbearers will be: Honorary: D.H. Cantrell, W. L. Hemingway, C.J. Griffith, G.B. Rose, W. W. Dickinson, A. Brizzolara, C. C. Kavanaugh, C. P. Perrie, J.R. Vinson, Judge W. F. Hemingway, Judge R.J. Lea, Judge Gay Fulk, Judge W.G. Hendrickes, Chancellor J. E. Martineau, Sheriff W.G. Hutton, Fire Chief Charles S. Hafer, Richard Eick, County Treasurer M. E. Akin, Gus Ginocchio and Gordon N. Peay. Active: James S. Pitcoci, E. S. Jones, Dan Quinn, W. J. Tharp, A.E. Smith, Elmer Scroggins, John A. Kaufman and Ed Engstrom.
Surviving Mr. Chichester are: His wife, one daughter, Miss Hilda Chichester; two sons, Alfred B. Jr. and John Arthur Chidester; his mother, Mrs. Anna Chichester; two sisters, Mrs. M. A. Treadway, 2219 Arch street, and Mrs. Susie Benedict, 118 East Twenty-fourth street, and one brother, Thomas W. Chichester, 210 West Twenty-fourth street.
Mr. Chichester was a member of Forest Camp No. 5, Woodmen of the World, and of Council No. 1, Order of American Firemen.
Chickelero, Mrs.
Ethro, Eudora, Jan 12- Mrs. Ora Chickelero, aged 21, died in the Lake Village infirmary this morning. She is survived by her husband, Ethro Chikelero, her father, E B Sledge, one child; three sisters, Mrs. Bertie Beasley, Mrs. W A Embree and Lucile Sledge. The body was brought from Lake Village this afternoon. Mrs. Chickelero was a well known social worker.
Christian, John, John Frederick Christian, five month old son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Christian, died last night at 7 at a local hospital. Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 3:30 from the chapel of P.H. Ruebel & Co.
Christian, Watson
Yeager, Watson Yeager Christian, aged 54, an employe of thie Memphis Power and Light Company, died in Memphis Thursday, according to a message received here. He moved to Memphis from Arkansas 15 years ago. He is survived by his wife, a sister, Mrs. F A Stanford, Little Rock; a brother, Bert Christian, and half-brother, J E Runnels of Little Rock; two daughters, Mrs. Augusta Bowers, Pocahontas, and Mrs. Joanna Janes, Little Rock, and one son, S H Christian, Little Rock.
Christien, S. K., S. K. Christien, aged 70 died at a hospital here at 12:30 p.m. yesterday. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. E L Salyers, Mrs. Herman Call and Miss Marie Turpin, all of Little Rock; a brother, William Christien of Camden, and one sister, Mrs. L Headlee of Princeton, Ind. Funeral services will be held at the P H Ruebel & Co chapel at 3 p.m. today in charge of the Rev J L Neely. Services at the grave will be in charge of Mabelvale Lodge No 353, Masons. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be; Gus Garrett, Ed Engstrom, George Davidson, Robert Sullivan, Charles Abrams and S C Stagg.
Christopher, Stephanie, Stephanie Regina Young "Step" Christopher, aged 30, died July 22, 1990 in North Little Rock. Survived Husband, Lorenzo Christopher; Son, Bernard Christopher, Daughters, Virginia Ann Young and Renna Christopher, Letrice Christopher, Kimili Christopher, Nikki Christopher; Parents, Isiah Young, Katheryn B. Young; Brothers, Quincey L. Young, Toney D. Young and Michael A. Young; Sisters, Kim Renair Young and Rhonda Michell Young; Grandmother, Bertha Gooden Barnes.
Chriswell, Louis, Fort Smith, June 2 - Louis Chriswell, aged 68, was run down and killed by an auto driven by W.O. Clark of this city today.
Chun, Mrs.
Frank, Pocahontas, Feb. 21 - Mrs. Frank Chun of Ravenden Springs died at her home Friday evening.
Churchill, Annie S., Mrs. Annie S. Churchill, 86 years old, widow of the late Gen. T.J. Churhill, major general in the Confederate Army and former Arkansas governor, died at 11:50 o'clock last night at the family residence, 107 East Eighth street, after an illness of several days from a stroke of paralysis.
She lived with her daughter, Mrs. M.M. Hankins; Mr. and Mrs. Hankins were at the bedside constantly and about 10 days ago the other daughters, Mrs. John F. Calef of Atlantic City and Mrs. E.G. Langhorne of South Orange, N.J., arrived. They were at the bedside when death came last night.
Mrs. Churchill was a daughter of Andrew H. Sevier, who was a senator from Arkansas before the Civil war. She obtained her education in Washington, D.C., where she spent most of her girlhood days. Among her many friends was Mrs. Dollie Madison, widow of President Madison.
Mrs. Churchill had lived in Little Rock since the Mexican war. She was married
to General Churchill at the old Johnson home, Seventh and Cumberland streets, where her grandfather, Benjamin Johnson, Arkansas' first federal judge, lived.
No funeral arrangements have been made.
Funeral services for Mrs. Annie S. Churchill, 80 years old, widow of the late Gen. T.J. Churchil, who died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M.M. Hankins, 107 East Eighth street Tuesday night, will be held at the residence at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Bishop James R. Winchester, assisted by the Rev. C.P. Parker, will officiate. The Pallbearers will be: Gordon N. Peay, W.F. Greene, W.B. Smith, W.S. Rawlins, Fay Hempstead and R.D. Fenton, Sr. Burial will be in Mount Holly cemetery.
Mrs. Annie S. Churchill was born March 12, 1830, on a plantation near Little Rock. Her father, Ambrose H. Sevier, was elected United States senator from Arkansas for the long term by the first state legislature in 1836. At the conclusion of the Mexican war he was appointed peace commissioner for the United States by President Polk. Mrs. Churchill's mother, Juliette Johnson Sevier, was the daughter of Judge Benjamin Johnson who was the first federal judge for the State of Arkansas and was territorial judge of the Supreme Court during the entire territorial period from 1819 to 1836.
Mrs. Churchill was a communiant of Christ Episcopal church. She was active in church and patriotic society work up to the time of her last illness.
Cichoski, Miss
Helen, Miss Helen Cichoski, aged 19, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cichoski, died at the family home, 816 Magnolia street, North Little Rock, at 1:30 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by her partents, a brother, Peter Cichoski; also by three sisters, Marie and Wanda, North Little Rock, and Mrs. Rosie Drew of Oklahoma. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
The pallbearers are as follows; Hugh Campbell, Ed Celaler, Felix Koseliny, Everett Wolfe, John Endleberger and Virgil Wolfe.
Funeral services for Miss Helen Chihoski, who died Wednesday at the family home, 816 Magnolia street, North Little Rock, will be held at St. Patrick's church., Seventh and Cypress streets, at 9 o'clock this morning. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Pallbearers will be: Hugh Campbel, Edward Celarier, Felix Koschilny, John Engelberger, Edward Wolfe and Virgil Wolfe.
Clark, Gracie, Bentonville, Jan. 11 - Miss Gracie Clark, aged 34, died at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. Clark near Post Oak, on Monday.
Clark, Marvin, Fort Smith, July 19 - Marvin Clark, aged 19, living three and a half miles from Van Buren, was drowned in Frog Bayou, while swimming today.
Young Clark was a member of a picnic Party celebrating the birthday of the young man's uncle, Grover Stephens of St. Louis. The boy's father, M.J. Clark, narrowly escaped death trying to rescue his son, who was seized with cramps. This is the second drowning in Frog bayou in the past two months.
Clark, W.D., Nashville, April 30 - W.D.Clark, died at his home near this city Thursday night, after an illness of several years of tuberculosis. He is survived by a wife and a large number of children. He was a man of most excellent character, and his death is a loss to the community.
Clark, Mrs.
W.H., Harrison, Feb. 1 - Mrs. W.H. Clrk, aged 69 died Tuesday at her home here of the grip. She had been a resident of Harrison for 14 years, having moved here from Cherokee, Kan. She was born at Almond, N.Y. She is survived by her husband, W.H. Clark, and three daughters, Mrs. Mary C. Waynes, of Piere City, Mo., Mrs. Ida Bardwell of Harrison, Mrs. Jennie Baker of Lake Charles, La.
Clarke, Charlie, Bentonville, Jan 12 - The body of Charlie Clarke, aged 44, who died Saturday night at his home at Radcliffe, Ia., was brought here yesterday for burial. Mr. Clarke was the son of the late C C Clarke, formerly a well known resident of Bentonville. Among the surviving relatives are a brother, Lee Clarke and Three sisters, Mrs. May Ristain of Fresno, Cal., Mrs. Edith Perkins of Rogers and Mrs. Burt Cole of Iowa.
Clay, J.L., Fort Smith, July 30 - J.L. Clay, aged 42, died of heart failure, while seated on the porch of his home talking to his wife today. Mrs. Clay supposed her husband had fallen asleep, but on investigation found he had expired. He was stricken last week en route to work and fell uncouscous on the street.
Clay, Triege, d. 12/6/90 Little Rock; Infant; Daughter of Kevin and Tregie Powell Clay; Survived: Brother, LaRoy Powell; Grandparents, Nimoi Powell, Jessie and Oradean Harris Glay; Interment: Rest Hills cemetery.
Clegg, B.F., Pine Bluff, April 24 - B.F. Clegg, aged 80, died at his home here last night. He is survived by his wife and five children, who include: Claud Clegg, Mrs. M.J. Mead, Mrs. Clem Farrar, Mrs. V.S. McClelland of Pine Bluff and Mrs. Ione Leaming of Little Rock. Mr. Clegg came to Pine Bluff years ago from Drew county.
Clem, Delilah, Malvern, May 21 - Mrs. Delilah Clem of Malvern died at the home of Dave Clem today. She would have been 92 years old in June. She had lived here 52 years. She is survived by four sons, David C. Clem, John M. Clem Sr., and J.T. Clem of Malvern, and Will Williams of Hickory, N.C.
Clements, Annie, The body of Mrs. Annie Clements, 33 years old, who died at a local hospital at 4 yesterday morning, was sent to England yesterday afternoon by P.H. Ruebel & Co. for burial.
Clements, G.R., G.R. Clements, aged 37, died at the family residence, 119 East Twenty-third street, at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. The body will be shipped this morning by Owens & Ricks to Pilgrim, for burial this afternoon.
Clements, Ila, Danville, April 19 - Miss Ila Clements, 35, was struck by lightning and instantly killed here this afternoon at 5:45 o'clock. There was an electrical storm but not a heavy one, and Miss Clements was standing in the back year of her home. Her sister in law, Mrs. Oscar Clements, was standing near and saw her fall. The lightning bolt struck no other persons or thing in the neighborhood. Miss Clements was one of the most earnest church workers in Yell county.
Cleveland, Infant, The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cleveland died at the family residence, 504 West Thirty-first street, yesterday. Funeral arrangements have not been decided on.
Clibourne, B.F., Conway, Aug 14 - B. Frank Clibourn, aged 51, died at his home here this morning at 3 o'clock from typhoid-pneumonia. He is survived by his wife and seven daughters, Mrs. Sherman Biggs, Mrs. Frank Van Horn, Mrs. Ed McCorley, Misses Mizzie, Coy, Mary Lew and Virl Clibourn, Mrs. Lucein of Martinville and Mrs. Leona Imvidson of Sherrill, and three brothers, Wash and Doyle Clibourn of this city and Walter Clibourn of Sherrill.
Clifton, H.A., Russellville, Feb. 3 - H.A. Clifton, commandant of Ben T. Embry Camp, No 977, U.C.V., died at his home here yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock and was laid to rest in Oakland cemetery this afternoon. Funeral services were conducted from the home by the Rev. W.T. Wilkinson.
Commander Clifton was born in Cherokee county, Ala., in 1844. He enlisted in John C. Breckinridge's brigade, Fifty-sixth Alabama regiment, Company D, in August, 1861, and served through the entire war betwee the states. He came to Pope county in 1870, and for the past 15 years had been engaged in business with his son, James A. Clifton. He had been at his place of business as usual yesterday. He went home about 4 o'clock and made no complaint of illness. While sitting at his fireside with his wife an hour later he complained of a pain in his side, leaned back in his chair, and died instantly.
Clifton, John H., John H. Clifton, aged 48, nephew of Capt. T.M. Clifton, 1423 Summit avenue, died at 10 p.m. last night at a local hospital. He was tie and timber inspector for the Missouri Pcific railroad. He was born in Eldorado, Kan., and is survived by four brothers: William and Richard, of Gasconade, Mo.; Roy, of St. Louis, and Carl, of Chamois, Mo.; two sisters,Mrs. Grace Stample and Mrs. J.B. Neff, of Glasgow, Mo., and one daughter, Gladys, also of Glasgow. Mr. Clifton was a Mason and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. The body is being held at Healey and Roth's parlors, and will be sent to Chamos and soon as the funeral arrangements have been completed.
Cline, Artie, Clarksville, Jan. 17 - Mrs. Artie Cline, aged 75, was buried in Sulphur Springs cemetery yesterday. She was one of the early settlers of Johnson county.
Cline, D. T., Lamar, Jan. 21 - D. T. Cline died here Wednesday. He is survived by his wife, four sons, Lucian and Kenneth of Little Rock, and Alf O and Merton of Lamar, and four daughters, Mrs. DWitt and Mrs. Lee Cazort of Lamar, Mrs. R W Gow of New Mexico and Mrs. Phil Goodner of Tulsa, Okla.
Clinton, W.W., W.W. Clinton, 37 of Dardanelle, died at a local hospital at 12:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife, two sons, Everett Clinton, two and Frank Clinton, four; hi mother, three brothers and five sisters. The body will be sent to Dardanelle this morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co., 112 East Sixth street, for burial.
Cloud, Alice, Okolona, Jan. 28 - Mrs. Alice Cloud, aged 58, wife of Charles S. Cloud, died Saturday following a short illness of pneumonia. She is survived by her husband, four daughters, Mrs. Daniel McElbannen, Mrs. Cannon Harris, Mrs. Lester Harris and Mrs. Chris Kirkham, and three sons, Lindsay, Charles and Edgar Cloud, all of Okolona.
Clute, D.M., Siloam Springs Feb. 3 - D.M. Clute, an aged resident of this city, died Tuesday at his home in Washington. The body arrived here last night and burial was made today.