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Bradford, D.B., Heber Springs, April 18 - D.B. Bradford, age 74, ex-Confederate soldier and one of the wealthiest men in Cleburne county, died today. He is survived by several children, W.K. Bradford of Farmersville, Tex., T.S. and D.H. Bradford, Mrs. A.N. Hilger, Mrs. Allie Jackson, Mrs. J.A. Casey and Mrs. Minnie Reeves of this city. The funeral tomorrow will be conducted by the Rev. E.G. Wayland, pastor of the M.E. church, South.
Bradley, A. R., Morrilton, Jan 6 - Dr. A. R. Bradley, aged 65, physician of Morrilton and for 35 years a leading citizen of Conway county in business, style and educational affairs, died at his home, 309 West Church street, about 10 last night from injuries suffered in a fall at his home December 28
Dr. Bradley was president of the First National bank about a year before it consolidated with the Peoples Bank and Trust Company, and pledged his personal fortune, the savings of a lifetime to protect the depositors. He was a member of the City Council 15 years and was a candidate for re-election from the Third ward. He has been a member of the County Board of Education, and chairman of the board; with the enviable record of not having missed a meeting of the board during 10 years, and vice president of the Morrilton School Board. He was a member of the Morrilton Kiwanis Club and chairman of the Underprivileged Children Committee. H was a member of the Morrilton Lodge F & A M, the Grotto, and the Knights Templar, and a deacon in the First Baptist church.
He fell at his home December 28 as he started to his office. Internal injuries resulted, which were not considered serious at first.
Dr. Bradley was active in practice until his death. He was a graduate of the Memphis Hospital Medical College and took postgraduate work in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md, and Bellevue hospital, New York. Before coming to Morrilton about 20 years ago, Dr. Bradley was a physician in Plumerville several years. He was born in Van Buren county February 71, 1864. He was married
in 1898 to Miss Sallie Jones of Durant, Miss, who, with two daughters, Mrs. Arthur W La Vasque of Fort Smith and Mrs. Harold Vance, Shreveport, La. survived.
As a mark of respect the Morrilton City Council adjourned at its regular meeting tonight until Wednesday night. The Morrilton business houses and the public schools will be closed for the funeral services at the family residence at 2 tomorrow afternoon, by the Rev. E. L. Cole, pastor of the First Baptist church, assisted by the Rev V. C. Neal, pastor of the Atkins Baptist church, and former pastor of the Morrilton Baptist church, and Dr. S J Patterson, pastor of the Morrilton Presbyterian church. Burial will be in Elmwood cemetery.
Bradley, J.R., Stuttgart, April 16 - Mrs. J.R. Bradley of Fairmount, aged 76, died at the family home there Wednesday. Mrs. Bradley came to Arkansas four years ago from Carrollton, Ill. She is survived by her husband and an adopted daughter Mrs. V.E. Barnes of Humphrey.
Bradley, Leslie, Stuttgart, Dec 31. Leslie T. Bradley, aged 14, died in a Memphis hospital Monday morning of spinal menigitis. Hi is the son of Mr and Mrs Clarence D Bradley, formerly of Stuttgart.
Bradley, Sidney, Sidney Bradley, 13, son of Mayor and Mrs. Lawrence H. Bradley of Pulaski Heights, died at a local hospital at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his parents, four brothers and three daughters. Funeral services will be held from the family residence, 516 North Oak street, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. S.R. Twiddy will officiate. Six of his former schoolmates at the Pulaski Heights school will act as pallbearers; as follows: Ned Reid, Sterling Cockrill, William Clancey, Clifford Cook, Herbert Brown and Clark Brown. The pupils of the Pulaski Heights school will attend in a body. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Bradley, Thelma, Keo, Oct. 15 - Thelma, the 15-month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spence Bradley, died at the family home yesterday.
Bradley, W.O., Lewisville, March 27 - W.O.Bradley, aged 85, died yesterday at his home near Bradley. He was one of the pioneer residents of this county and a Confederate veteran. The town of Bradley wa named for him. He was buried today in Walnut Hill cemetery.
Bradshaw, Frank, Hardy, July 11 - Frank Bradshaw, a laborer at the quarry of the Greenvile Stone and Gravel Company at Williford, 10 miles east of this place, died at 8 oclock this morning from wounds received at the hands of Luck Braden, also a laborer at the quarry, in a difficulty late last night.
Both men came to this county from Oregon county, Mo. Braden had been boarding with Bradshaw and they quarreled over Braden's board bill. Braden struck Bradshaw with a stone on the head, knocking him unconscious. He died without regaining consciousness. He is survived by his wife and five children. Braden escaped, but was arrested by officers at Thayer, Mo., at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Bradshaw, Mary, Camden, June 9 - Mrs. Mary Bradshaw died Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hopkins.
Brady, H.H., Morrilton, Feb. 12 - H.H. Brady, formerly owner of the Speer hotel, in this city, died February 7 at his home in Navada, Mo., after several months illness. He was a pioneer shoe dealer of southern Missouri, having been connected with Nevada and St. Louis interests for many years.
Brady, J.D., d. 12/10/90 Conway.
ed 63; Survived: Sister, Mildred Holland; Interment: Naylor cemetery.
Brady, John, Pocahontas, May 24 - John Brady, aged 75, pioneer of Randolph County, died at his home south of Pocahontas Sunday.
Bragg, Emma, Mrs. Emma Bragg, aged 80, died at the family residence, 305 East Sixteenth street, at 3:50 o'clock yesterday morning. Mrs. Bragg had been a resident of Arkansas for 70 years and of Little Rock for the last 60 years. She was a widow of the late Richard Bragg a pioneer of Little Rock. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Isabella White and Miss Maria Bragg, and one son, T.Gay Bragg, all of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in charge of the Rev. John Van Lear. Pallbearers will be Gordon N. Peay, S.C. Bossinger, James V Johnson, William C. Bond, Dr. J.W. Markwell and F.L. McCarty. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery;AG10/10/1917
Bragg, Thomas
Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Bragg, aged 79, died at 9.a.m. yesterday at a Little Rock hospital. He is survived by three sons, W W Bragg of Benton, W N Bragg of Oklahoma City and Roy T Bragg of Little Rock; three daughters, Mrs. J R Scott and Mrs. F L Shrader of Little Rock and Mrs. J A Russell of Brookston, Tex., 15 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. The body is being held by P H Ruebel & Co. pending funeral arrangements.
Funeral services for Thomas Jefferson Bragg, who died Sunday at a hospital here, will be held at Asbury Methodist Church, Twelfth street and Schiller avenue, at 2:30 p.m. today in charge of the Rev. J L Dedman. Burial will be in Rosemont cemetery near Benton in charge of P H Ruebel and Co. Pallbearers will be: William Thompson, W P Martin, J S Martin, J M Mackeny, Lanno Storey and J B Cavin.
Branch, E.O., Pine Bluff, Sept. 11 - Mrs. E.O. Branch died yesterday afternoon at her home in this city. The body was sent to Double Wells.
Branch, Harry
Milvin, Harry Milvin Branch, aged three years and nine months, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Branch, died at the family residence, 1020 Palm street, Pulaski Heights, at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his parents, three brothers, Harold, William and James, and four sisters, Evelyn, Pearl, Mildred and Annie Carline. Funeral services will be conducted from the residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon in charge of the Rev. L.E.N. Hundley. Pallbearers chosen from his friends are: Dudley Dowell, Sidney Conelon, Edwin Watson and Charles Potter. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Brandon, Clara, Bentonville, Feb. 12 - After a week of suffering, Clara Brandon, living a few miles west of here, is dead as a result of being burned when her dress caught fire from an open fire. Her mother was also badly burned when she attempted to save the girl, and her recovery is considered doubtful.
Branom, Harriet, Paragould, March 2 - Mrs. Harriet Branom, wife of William Branom Sr., died at the family home in this city. She had lived here for the past 30 years. Two sons and a daughter survived.
Brawley, W.F., W.F. Brawley, 45, died at the family residence, 110 West Second street, Argenta, at 1:15 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife and Two sons, R.F. and Otto Brawley.
Bray, T.J., T.J. Bray, 48, of Dardanelle, died at a local hospital at 4 o'clock Saturday morning after a lingering illness. He is survived by his wife of Dardanelle, two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Nunalley of Fort Smith and Mrs. Gertrude White of Dardanelle, one brother, D.H. Bray, and his father, G.W. Bray, both of Dardanelle. The body was sent to Dardanelle by Healey & Roth, 719 Main street. Mr. Bray was a native of Kentucky and had lived for 17 years at Dardanelle, where he was a well known merchant. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Baptist church.
Brazeal, R.S., El Dorado, Feb. 9 - R.S. Brazeal, aged 74, died at his home near Caledonia last Saturday. He is survived by three sons and two daughters, Hosea and Aga Brazeal, and Mrs. A.A. Snyder of Caledonia, and Tobe Brazeal of Hilbank.
Breathwith, Amanda, Mrs. Amanda Foster Breathwith, aged 58, died at a local hospital at 3:10 yesterday afternoon. She was born and reared in Cleveland county and resided at Kingsland. She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Stanley Galbreath of Tennessee, and four sons, Hugh of Warren, Will of Soper, Okla., and Arthur and James Breathwith of Kingsland. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.
The body of Mrs. Amanda Breathwith, aged 58, who died at a local hospital Thursday, was sent to Rison yesterday by Healey & Roth for burial.
Breed, Luther, The body of Luther Breed, aged 33, who died at a local hospital yesterday morning, was sent to Hope at 5:30 yesterday afternoon by Healey & Roth for funeral and burial. Mr. Breed was a member of the Hope Lodge, Woodmen of the World. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. Rosie Breed; three brothers, Otis, Louis and Clifton Breed, of Hope; five sisters, Mrs. Floy Crumby and Mrs. Robert Wiley of Emmett, Mrs. Corrie Powell of New Orleans, Mrs. Oscar Allen and Mrs. Lobie Jones of Hope.
Breedon, C.S., C. S. Breedon, aged 78, Twenty-sixth and Maple streets, died at a hospital here at 7:30 last night. His is survived by a son, S W Breedon of Little Rock, and six daughters, Mrs. M D Harnett of Mullinsville, Kan; Mrs. A T Davis of Ketesville, Tex; Mrs. H J McCall, Mrs. K E Trya, Mrs. W H Howlett and Mrs. M C Ballou, all of Little Rock. The body is held at the Healey & Roth parlors.
1/11/30; Funeral services for C S Breedon, who died Friday at a hospital here, will be held at 2708 Maple street at 9 a.m. today, in charge of the Rev Ben M Bogard; The body will be taken overland to El Paso, White county, by Healey & Roth. Burial will be at 2 this afternoon.
Breier, Nathan, Sam Breier, who conducts a restaurant at 508 Center street, was notified last night of the death ofhis brother, Nathan Breier, 35 of Grand Bayou, La. Besides his brother, Sam, of this city, Mr. Breier is survived by two other brothers, who live in Texas. The body will be brought to Little Rock for burial. Mr. Breier was well known in this city. With his brother Sam he operated the Little Joe saloon and the American restaurant on East Markham street for a number of years. Later he conducted a restaurant in the rear of Topf & Wright's saloon in Argenta. He left there about four years ago for Grand Bayou.
Bremeyer, Margaret, Mrs. Margaret Bremeyer, aged 63, wife of N.N. Bremeyer, died at 11:30 Saturday night at the family residence, 1023 Parker avenue, Argenta, after an illness of two days. Funeral services will be conducted this morning at 8:30 from the residence. The pallbearers will be: Henry Herbert, Louis Hart, Max Pruniski, John Sullivan, Tom Smith and George Westfield. Surviving are her husband, one son, Harry J. Bremeyer; two daughters, Miss Anna Bremeyer, secretary of the State Graduate Nurses' Association, and Miss Nellie Bremeyer, all of Argenta, and two brothers and three sisters of Ohio.
Brenke, Frances B., Pine Bluff, Jn. 8 - Mrs. Frances V. Brenke, aged 32, wife of Frank H. Brenke, died at her home in this city early this morning after an extended illness. Her illness was complicated by shock two weeks ago, where her home was struck by lightening. She is survived by her husband, three children, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Franks of Rochester, N.Y. Her parents are expected to arrive here tomorrow.
Brewer, George, Funeral services for George W. Brewer, aged 84, who died Saturday afternoon at his home near Sweet Home, were conducted yesterday afternoon from the chapel of Healey & Roth, by the Rev. J.S. Murphy. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Brewer is survived by one son, W.M. Brewer of Little Rock.
Brewer, Mary, Texarkana, July 31 - Mrs. Mary M. Brewer, 78 years old, died today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.D. Clifton, after a long illness. She is survived by one daughter and three sons, Thomas A., former mayor of Texarkana, now living at Fernwood, Miss.; A.J. Brewer of Mooriageport, La., and George Brewer of Texarkana. Funeral services will be held tomorrow morning at the Beech Street Baptist church, after which the body will be sent to Magnolia, her former home, for burial.
Brewer, Mary
Frances, Mrs. Mary Frances Brewer, aged 73, died at 2 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 2500 Howard street. She is survived by her husband, G W Brewer, a son, W M Brewer, and a granddaughter, Willie May Brewer, all of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held at the family residence at 2 this afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Frances Brewer, who died Thursday afternoon, were held at 2 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 2300 Howard street. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.
Brian, W.S., News has been received here of the death of W.S. Brian, which occurred the early part of the week at his home, near Jackson, La. For many years he was a wholesale grain and lumber dealer here. Fifteen years ago he moved to Memphis and later to Louisana.
Bricker, Almina, Mrs. Almina Bricker, 79 years old, died at the family residence 1523 West Fifteenth street, at 12;20 yesterday morning. She was born at Darwin, Ind., and had lived in Little Rock nine years. She is survived by two sons, E.E. Bricker of Little Rock, and J.L. Bricker of Indianapolis, Ind.; two daughters, Mrs. Lilly Carey of Cutler, Inc., and Mrs. Nannie Spitler of Troy, Ind. and one sister, Mrs. Louie Banfill of Joplin, Mo. The body was sent to Troy, Ind., over the Iron Mountin by Healey & Rother last night.
Bridges, Alma, Magnolia, Jan 6 - Mrs. Alma Bridges, aged 45, died Tuesday at the family home near here. She is survived by her husband, James Bridges, four daughters, the Misses Lois, Ops, Pauline and Emmagene, and one son, Alvin.
Bridges, Leona, Mrs. Leona Bridges, aged 18, died at a local hospital at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, her father, John Stone, one brother, John Jr., five sisters, Mrs. L.H. Lamb, Mrs. Clyde Schmitt, Mrs. Ollie Cook, Mrs. Liddy Graham, all of Jacksonville, and Mrs. Emma Dolick of North Little Rock. The body was sent to Jacksonville yesterday afternoon by P.H. Ruebel Y Co. for burial.
Bridges, Peter M., Pine Bluff, Aug 6 - Peter M. Bridges died here tonight after a long illness. He is survived by his wife and three children, Mrs. W.A. Jackson of Camden, P.M. Bridges Jr. of Chicago and Eugene Bridges of Pine Bluff.
Bright, Garland P., Prescott, March 16 - Garland P Bright, aged 84, died at his home near Sutton yesterday. He is survived by seven children: W.G.Bright of Nashville; R.P. and H.C. Bright of Sutton; Mrs. Mary Bennett of Arkadelphia; Mrs. A. H Munn, Mrs. B.F. Snell and Miss Angie Bright of Sutton, Interment will be made in Harmony cemetery.
Bright, John H., John H. Bright, aged 19, died at the family residence on the Nineteenth street pike at 10 yesterday morning. Funeral services will be at Walnut Grove cemetery at 10 this morning.
Brightwell, Eunice, Miss Eunice Brightwell, 17 years old, died yesterday morning at a local hospital. The body was sent to Batesville yesterday afternoon for burial.
Brinkley, Levi, Ashdown, July- Levi Brinkley, aged 45, Cerr Gorde, died yesterday while being taken to a Texarkana hospital as the rsult of injuries received when he was kicked by a horse.
Brisco, Mary
Gard, Eureka Springs, Jan 9- Mrs. Mary Gard Brisco died Tuesday in Palmdale, Cal. The body is being sent here for burial. A brother and her mother live here. Her busband and several children also survive.
Brockway, N.A., Batesville, Sept. 24 - Mrs. N. A Brockway died at her home at Wideman Friday.
Broderick, Veat
Mae, d. 7/22/90 Clarksville.
ed 74; Survived: Daughter, Cecelia Johnsin; Sister, Emogene Timmons; Interment: Oakland cemetery.
Brodie, Jerome J., Jerome J. Brodie, aged 32, 118 Water street, an engineer in the employe of the Missouri Pacific railroad, died at noon yesterday at St. Vincent's infirmary. Mr. Brodie was a member of the B. of L.E.; the Albert Pike Consistory; the Al Amin temple; Magnolia Lodge No. 60, F.& A.M. and the Esther Chapter of the Eastern Star. He is survived by his wife, two brothers, Ben Brodie of Little Rock and Ed Brodie of Plainview, two sisters, Mrs. James Brizzolara and Mrs. William Jeffery, both of Little Rock. Funeral services will be announced later.
Brooks, Mrs. Emory, Hope, Jan. 31 - Mrs. Emory Stewart Brooks, aged 65, of Oil City, Pa., died at the home of her daughters, Mrs. A.B. Steen, here this afternoon of pneumonia. She was spending the winter with her daughter and two sisters, who live in Hope. Funeral services will be conducted at the home tomorrow afternoon by the Rev. R.W. Emerson. The body will be taken to Oil City for burial.
Brooks, G.R., Dardanelle, March 16 - G.R. Brooks, aged 65, of Reed's Ferry, Cardens Bottom, died here this morning.
Brooks, T.A., T.A. Brooks, aged 48, of Benton, died at a local hospital at 12:45 yesterday afternoon. The body was sent to Benton at 7:40 last night by James Cook & Sons Company for funeral and burial.
Brooks, W.A., Texarkana; Jan. 4 - W. A. Brooks, aged 56, died at his home near Fouke. He is survived by several children, one of whom J.S. Brooks, is circuit clerk of Miller County.
Brothers, Andrew M., Fort Smith Dec 31-Andrew M. Brothers, 57 merchant, died at his home in the Cavanaugh community last night. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Mollie Hamilton, Charleston, and Mrs. Bertie Webbing, Cavanaugh, and one son, Gordon Brothers of Ayo, Ari.