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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2101

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

Huge Marriages Search Engine!

BadstenbnerAgnes D. Texarkana, Oct. 1 - Mmrs. Agnes D. Badstenbner, 70 year old widow of a Union soldier of the Civil War, was struck by the south bound Cottonbelt passenger train as it was pulling into the city at the College Hill crossing and instantly killed, at 10 o'clock this morning. Persons who witnessed the tragedy said she attempted to cross the tracks in front of the approaching train. She was hurled about 40 feet and was dead when the first person reached her. Her neck was broken.

She had lived in Texarkana for more than 30 y3ars. She is urvived by three daughters and three sons, all of whom are grown; also by one brother, John H. Spangenberg, a well known resident of Texarkana.

BagbyDavidPine Bluff, April 6 - David Bagby, a white farmer, 30 and unmarried , killed himself early yesterday morning in Grant county, near his home at Ico. He left his home early, with his gun and dog, and the body was discovered about noon in the woods. The dog had been shot to death and Bagby's body was naked. The top of his head had been blown off and the gun, with empty shells, was lying beside the body. Bagby is survived by his mother, one brother and other relatives. No cause of the act is known.

BaileyA.D.Newport, April 7 - A.D. Bailey, 65, farmer and retired business man, dropped dead this afternoon while working a garden at his residence here. He is survived by one son, Lawrence Bailey, and by three daughters, Mrs. Tom Hutson and the Misses Lucy and Frances Bailey, all of Newport.

BaileyGertrudeMrs. Gertrude Bailey, aged 28. 4401 West Twenty-ninth street died at a hospital here at 8:10 a.m.yesterday. She is survived by a brother, J T Bailey of Little Rock. Funeral services will be held at the Healey & Roth chapel at 2 p.m. today in charge of the Rev A M Rodgers. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

BaileyJames H.Conway Dec 31-James H Bailey aged 78, Former Faulkner County Clerk died at his home here late this afternoon, following a stroke of paralysis suffered last week. Mr. Bailey was a native of Georgia, but came to Greenbrier 45 years ago, coming to Conway in 1902. He engaged in the grocery business until he was elected county clerk in 1908. He served two terms. For the past several years he has been serving as an active justice of the peace.

Mr. Bailey is survived by his wife, by two daughters, Mrs. W F Whiddon of Fayetteville and Mrs. Bess Cox of Conway; two sons, I G Bailey of Conway and Fred E Bailey of Dallas, Tex; Four sisters, Mrs. Mattie Fuqua of Los Angeles, Cal, Mrs. Sallie Oliver of Conway, Mrs. Mamye Smallwood and Mrs. Lee Ward of Greenbrier; three brothers, Robert Bailey of West Texas, and R C Bailey of Louisiana

Funeral services will be held at the family home here at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.

BaileyMaryCabot, Sept 5 - Mrs. Mary Bailey, aged 36, wife of Dr. W.H. Bailey, died last night. She is survived by her husband and three children, and two brothers, J.C. Freeman and Ed Freeman of Goodland, Okla.

BainC.H.Bentonville, Jan. 14 - Dr. B.C. Bain has received news of the death of his father, C.H. Bain, aged 77, of Bristol, Vt. Mr. Bain spent several winters in Little Rock and is well known there.

BainesS.J.IGrenwood, Feb. 26 - Mrs. S.J.I Gaines, aged 90, daughter of former Congressman William Inge of Fayetteville, Tenn., and wife of Judge B.J.H. Gaines, who was county judge of Sebastian county from 1882 until 1888, died at the home of Dr. Harry Gaines of Warner, Okla., and was buried here today. Her relatives include Mrs. Duke of Fayetteville, Ark.; Dr. Harry Gaines and Tom W. Gaines of Oklahoma.

BaitIdaEureka Springs, Jan 19, - Mrs. Ida Bait, formerly of Eureka Springs, died Friday at Belvider, Ill, according to word recieved here.

LouBlytheville, Jan 14- Mrs. Anna Lou Baker, aged 27, died at her home at Clear Lake Saturday. She is survived by her husband, Sam Baker; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Craig; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Hancock and Mrs. Ella Via.

BakerCullenThe notorious Cullen Baker, to use the language of the press, is no more. He came to his death at the hands of his brother-in-law, it is said, a short times since in the County of Lafayette in this State.

That he was a deperate character, there can be no doubt. That he richly deserved death, if the half that is told be true, is likewise undeniable. Like Ishmael of old this hand seemed to have been raised against every one, as was every hand against himself.

We give Gov. Clayton joy and hope that he will now rest easy, as this raw-head and bloody-bones.; The Weekly Press2/4/1869

J.W.Texarkana, March 1 - Mrs. J W Baker, aged 40, die Tuesday night at the family home here. ag3/2/17

LeeMalvern, Jan 8- Mrs. Lee Baker died Sunday morning at her home in San Diego, Cal, after a lingering illness. She is survived by her husband, several sisters and a brother, and three stepchildren, Jim Quinn Baker, Fred Baker and Mrs. John Frazier, all of San Diego, Cal.

JaneMagnolia, Jan 20 - Mrs. Martha Jane Baker, aged 78, who was seriously burned Friday night when her clothes caught fire from a wood heating stove, died at 4:30 this afternoon. She is survived by two sons, Frank and Delton Baker, Calhoun, and one daughter, Mrs. John Derrick McNeil, all of Columbia county. She was the widow of a Civil war veteran.

BakerMaryJonesboro, July 9 - Mrs. Mary Baker, wife of Basil Baker of this city, died this morning. She was formerly Miss May Kinsworthy, sister of former Attorney General E.B. Kinsworthy, Dr. J.H. and Will Kinsworthy and Miss Pearl Kinsworthy.

BakerPearlMrs. Pearl Baker, 35 years old, died at a local hospital at noon yesterday. She is survived by her father, R.W. Cozart, of Lonoke; two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Beacham of Humphrey and Mrs. Bargre of Ward; one brother, S. L. Cozart of Austin. The body will be shipped by Owens & Ricks to Austin this morning, where burial will take place.

BaldaufFrank W.Frank W. Baldauf, aged 63 years, lumber buyer, died at the family residence, 2121 Cumberland street, at 5:45 yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife; five daughters, Misses Jeulia, Ruth, Gladys, Jewell and Inez; one son, Charles; one sister, Mrs. George W Barth of Texas. Funeral servies will be held at the residence at 10 tomorrow morning. The Rev. W.R.Harrison, pastor of the Highland Methodist church, will officiate. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Services at the grave will be in charge of Forest Camp No. 5, Woodmen of the World.

BaldingJamesFuneral services for James Balding, aged 75, a Confederate veteran, who died Monday night at the Confederate Home on Sweet Home pike, will be conducted from the Home at 1:30 this afternoon by the Rev. A.J. Ashburn, chaplain of the Home. Burial will be in the Confederate Veterans' cemetery.

BaldridgeVictoriaMrs. Victoria Baldridge, 54 years old, widow of the late John Baldridge, and a resident of Little Rock for 30 years, died at 11:45 last night at the family residence, 723 Broadway. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. E. Tucker of Bauxite; four sons, John of Pine Bluff, Will of Bauxite and Fred and Roy of Little Rock; five daughters, Mrs. R.E. Cook of Denver, Colo., and Misses May, Beulah, Nora and Blanch of Little Rock, and a sister, Mrs. Nora Halbert of Bauxite. Funeral arrangements have not been completed.

Funeral services for Mrs. Victoria Baldridge, who died Thursday night will be held at the residence, 723 Broadway, at 3 tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. Sam Campbell and the Rev. E.P. Alldredge will officiate. The pallbearers will be G.G. Woods, Max Mayer, S.C. Bossinger, W.G. McDaniel, Mayor Charles E. Taylor, E.A. Perrin, J.M. Collins, C.E. Smith, James Price and Fred Allen. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

BallewOthoSearcy, June 27 - Otho Bennett Ballew, aged 29, died Saturday at the home of A.B. Canfield.

BallounMartinDardenelle, Jan 23 - Martin Balloun, aged 71, a native of Bohemia, died at the house of his daughter, Mrs. Annie Wesley, two miles west of here, yesterday. He came to this country 40 years ago. He was for many years engaged in shoemaking here.

PeterThe Very Rev. Peter Bandini, 69 years old, pastor of St. Joseph's church, Tontitown, Ark., recognized by the Italian and United States government and by big corporations as an authority on colonization, died at St. Vincent's infirmary at 9 yesterday morning.

December 9 the Rev. Father Bandini suffered a stroke of paralysis at Tontitown, Washington county, the Italian colony which he founded, and was removed to the City hospital at Fayetteville. Later, at the insistance of Bishop John B. Morris of Little Rock, the priest was brought to St. Vincent's infirmary. A second stroke of paralysis caused his death.

The Rev. Dr. Titus Bandini, S.T.D., J.N.D., who teaches dogmatic theology at the Polish seminary at Orchard Lake, Mich., is a nephew and the only surviving relative. He was called to Little Rock when his uncle's condition became serious and was preparing to return when the fatal stroke occurred.

Founds Immigrant Aid Society.

The Rev. Father Bandini was born at Forli, Italy, and became a priest in early life. He came to the United States about 30 years ago. Seeing the needs of his people, who were coming to the United States in large numbers, he founded St. Raphael's Society in New York city to aid the immigrants materially and spiritually.

His work in this connection attracted the attention of Austin Coribin, a New York millionaire, who owned a large tract of land in southeast Arkansas. The priest was urged to establish a colony in this section.

He first established a colony of Italians at Sunny Side, Chicot county. The death of Mr. Coribin and the effect of the climatic conditions upon his health caused the Rev. Father Bandini to move some of the colonists at Tontitown.

Gets Medal From Italy

The Italian government presented him with a gold medal in rcognition of his work. The Medal was presented at the Universal Exhibition at Turin, Italy. Anthony Caminetti, general commissioner of the Immigration Bureau of the United States conferred his appreciation and thanks for the work of the priest.

Plans formulated by the Rev. Father Bandini before his illness will be used by the immigration societies in the United States in caring for the many immigrants expected to come to this country at the close of the European war.

Funeral Services This Morning

Funeral services will be held at 10 this morning at St. Andrew's cathedral. Bishop Morris will officiate, assisted by a large number of the clergy of this diocese. At 9:30 this morning the clergy members will recite the office of the dead

The body will remain in state at the cathedral until 8:45 o'clok tonight, when it will be sent to Tontitown for burial.

The Knights of Columbus, of which the Rev. Father Bandini was a member, Will have a detail of members on guard over the body today and will escort it to the station tonight. The Rev. Father Bandini was spiritual diretor of the C.K. of A., members of which also will pay tribute to his memory.

Funeral services for the Very Reverend Peter Bandini, pastor of St. Joseph's church, Tontitown, Washington county, who died at St. Vincent's infirmary at 9 Tuesday morning, were held at St. Andrew's cathedral at 10 yesterday mrning.

A solemn Pontificial Requiem Mass was said by the Rt. Rev. John B. Morris, D.D., assisted by the Rt. Rev. Monsignor, Thomas V. Tobin as arch priest; Fathers Herman H. Wernke as deacon, Thomas L. Keaney as subdeacon of mass; Very Rev. Matthew Saettele, O.S.B., and the Rev. A. Demurger as deacons of honor; the Rev. Harold Heagney as candle bearer; the Rev. Michael Norton as book bearer; the Very Rev. W.H. Aret, S.T.L., as master of ceremonies; the Rev. Peter Bartodziej, Rev. John Hoenderopp, S.V.D., and Rev. Alphonsus Mueller, O.S.B., as chanters after mass.

The Rt. Rev. Bishop Morris delivered the eulogy, paying tribute to Father Bandini as a long and faithful worker in the priesthood. The other clergymen present in the sanctuary were the Rt. Rv. Monsignor Enright, Very Rev. John E. Weihel, V. F; Fathers P.H. Boyle, J. Golloni, Edward P Garritz, Herbert J. Heagney, Otto Loeb, George H. McDermott, J.J. McGrath, Mourus Rohner, O.S.B., Henry J. Goebel, C.S., Peter Zell, C.S., and Joseph Schlotterrer.

The Knights of Columbus acted as guards of honor yesterday afternoon and also accompanied the body to the station, when it was sent to Tontitown at 8:45 last night.

The pallbearrers were: William Rogoski, P. Powers, Frank Holstege, T. Smith, William Flynn and Peter English. Burial will be at Tontitown at 11 this morning.

BanksA.B.F.A. Banks of 114 West Fourteenth street, receive notice yesterday of the death of his father, A.B. Banks, 94, of Springfield, Mo., on Thursday night. The elder Mr. Banks was the oldest Mason in Springfield.

BanksMamieThe body of Miss Mamie Banks, aged 17, who died at 1 yesterday afternoon at a local hospital, will be sent this morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Conway for burial. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. R.T. Markham of Conway.

BanzhofElmer A.Elmer A. Banzhof, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Banzhof of Carlisle, died at a local hospital at 5 yesterday afternoon. The body will be sent to Carlisle this morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co. for burial.

BargerKeyMorrilton, May 2 - Key Barger, 26 years, son of L.I. Barger of Knoxville, Ark., died this morning at Mercy hospital, Denver, Colo. For several years he was cashier of the Iron Mountain local freight office here. Three weeks ago, after an attack of typhoid fever he went to Denver to recuperate. A week ago he was found unconscious in his room, death resulting today from acute tuberculosis. Mr. Barger was a 32 degree Mason and a Shriner. Burial will be at Knoxville.

BargionElizabeth H.Mrs. Elizabeth Bargion, 64 years old, died at 2:30 yesterday morning at the local hospital. She is survived by her husband, W.P. Bargion, station agent for the Rock Island at Haskell; one son, J.N. Durkee of Weeletka, Okla., who arrived her last night for the funeral; one sister, Mrs. Overmeyer of Texas, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Charleton Martin of Waggoner,Okla. Funeral servics will be held at the James Cook & Son Company chapel at 11 this morning. The Rev. B.F.Cato will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.;ag1/31/17

G.W.Ozark, Feb. 12 - Mrs. G.W. Barham, wife of former County Judge Barham, died here this aftenoon. Funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Barham is survived by her husband, two daughters and two sons.

HenriettaFort Smith, Jan 11- Mrs. Henrietta Barham, aged 68 of Mena, died suddenly here today at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O F Wilcox. In addition to her daughter here, Mrs. Barham is survived by another daughter, Mrs. E Benjamin, De Queen, and four sons, Cecil and Carl Barham, Mena, Pierce of Wichita Falls, Tex. and Roy E Barham, Houston, Tex.

BarhamJ.H.Stamps, May 24 - Funeral services for Mrs. J.N. Barham, who died Tuesday, were held yesterday. The surviving members of the family are her husband, two sons, one daughter, one brother, T.L. Pirtie of Dallas, Tex., and two sisters, Mrs. John Cornelius of Hope and Mrs. J.L. Barham of Emmett.

BarkhausenJ.D.Judsonia, March 29 - J.D. Barkhausen, for many years a resident of Judsonia, died Wednesday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Wright.

BarnesHattie M.d. 12/10/90 Gassville.
ed 89; Survived: Son, Doyce Barnes; Sister, Shirley Strisburg; Interment: Old Galatia cemetery.

BarnesMary B.Mrs. Mary B Barnes, aged 79, died at a local hospital at 6 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by a son, W C Barnes of Bauxite; also by two daughters, Mrs. Mary Craig of Little Rock and Mrs. Stella Cole of Prattsville, Ark. The body will be taken overland to Bauxite at 9:30 o'clock this morning by the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company. Burial will be in the Shaw cemetery.

BarnesRettieMrs. Rettie Barnes, aged 67, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Ort Kimsey, 3116 Pulaski street, at 5 o'clock last night. She is survived by three sons, H W Barnes of Memphis and Lee and J A Barnes of Denison, Tex; One daughter, Mrs. Ort Kimsey; two brothers, John Miller of Denison, Tx, and Jim Miller of Hot Springs; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Brown of Little Rock, and Mrs. Willie Grantham of Denison, Tex. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

BarnettGeorgeEureka Springs, Aug. 11 - Ceorge Barnett died Thursday at his home near Grandview.

BarnettW.R.D.Delight, May 23 - W.R.D. Barnett, a Confederate veteran, aged 85, died at his home here Monday. He is survived by his wife, two sons and a daughter.

MyrtleHuntsville, Jan 24 - Miss Myrtle Barnett, aged 22 died Sunday at Clifty. She is survived by her parents and three brothers.

BarnettW.D.Hamburg, April 6 - W.D. Barnett, a grocer, died at his home here yesterday.

BarrettWilliamMorrilton, May 3 - William Stuart Barrett died last Thursday at his home in Tulsa, Okla. Burial was here, with funeral services conducted by the Rev. J.P. Robertson.

BarriclowW.S.Stuttgart, April 17 - W.S. Barriclow, aged 80, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. H.E. Downing, yesterday. He was born in Brighton, Iowa, and moved here 28 years ago. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. H.E. Downing and Mrs. H.E. Rhodes, both of this city, and one son.

BarterR.E.Paragould, June 2 - News was received here yesterday of the death at Nashville, Tenn., of Mrs. R.H. Barter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Graves of this city. The body will be brought here. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock;ag6/3/17

BassSarah E.Mrs. Sarah E. Bass, aged 61, died at the home of her son, M.T. Bass, 121 Riverside avenue, Argenta, at 3 yesterday morning. Mrs. Bass was born in Georgia. She is survived by her husband, David E. Bass; two sons, M.T. Bass of Argenta and Z.T. Bass of Pine Bluff; three daughters, Mrs. Edna Owens of Argenta, Mrs. Janie Howard of Pine Bluff and Mrs. Inez May of Little Rock. The body will be sent to Pine Bluff this morning by Healey & Roth for funeral services and burial.

BassT.C.Thornton, Sept. 20- Mrs. T.C. Bass, aged 75 years, died here yesterday.

BatesJohnHeber Springs, July 24 - Rather than to return to the army, John Bates, a young man whose home was near Quitman, is said to have committed suicide last night. It is said he told friends that he would rather die than return to army life after a stay at home on a leave of absence. Bates is said to have requested that he be buried in his army uniform, which he carefully cleaned and pressed before ending his life.

BatesRoseVan Buren, Jan 21 - Mrs. Rose Bates, aged 65, who had lived in Alma for many years, died at the home there Saturday night. She is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Sadie Adams, McCurtain, Okla; Mrs.Mary Young, Shamrock, Tex, Mrs. Anne Adams, Mrs. Grace Teague and Miss Josie Bates, all of Alms.

JaneTiny Jane Bates, 15 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bates, R.F.D No 3, died at the home at 5 yesterday morning. She is survived by two sisters and three brothers. Funeral services will be held at the residence at 2 this afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Pritchett will officiate. Burial will be in Dawson cemetery.

BattlesR.E.Rogers, Jan. 9 - R.E. Battles, aged 57, died at his home here Sunday. Burial was made at Tuck's chapel yesterday.

BauduyKeatingDr. Keating Bauduy, aged 71, died at 5:20 yesterday afternoon at the family residence, 1401 Cumberland street. He was a son of the late Dr. J.K. Bauduy of St. Louis, Mo., a noted alienist. Dr. Bauduy was associated with his father for several years, coming to Little Rock 10 years ago. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Survivng him are his widow, Mrs. Sadie Bauduy of Little Rock; his mother, Mrs. J.K. Bauduy of St. Louis; three sisters, Mrs Charles Schutze and Miss Maggie Bauduy of New York and Miss Bessie Bauduy of St. Louis, and one brother, Jerome Bauduy of New York.

BaughSalliePine Bluff, Feb. 5 - Mrs. Sallie Jane Baugh, aged 51, wife of F.P. Baugh, a farmer of Jefferson Springs, died at her home there Sunday Morning. Besides her husband, she is survived by four daughters, Mrs. G.A. Bradshaw of Yorktown, Misses Ada, Icie and Kate Baugh, and three sons, Vaso of Yorktown, Ed and Frank Baugh of Jefferson Springs.

BaylissSusiePine Bluff, Sept. 21 - Mrs. Susie Bayliss, aged 35 years, wife of W.T. Bayliss, died at her home here today.

BeanWilliamGreenwood, May 12 - After writing a note to his wife in which he declared he "could not stand that pain any longer." William Bean, deputy sheriff, stepped on the porch of his home today and shot himself through the brain, dying instantly.

He had been afflicted with stomach trouble for three years, and his health was failing fast, it is said. He served as chief deputy sheriff of the Greenwood district for 11 years.

BeardM.A.Pine Bluff, Sept. 3 - M.A. Beard, aged 81, died last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tony Hall. He was one of the oldest residents of Pine Bluff, and was a Confederate veteran. He is survived by nine children, Mrs. Tony Hall, Mrs. D. Preston, Mrs. J.E. Brown, Mrs. Fannie Ward of Pine Bluff; Mrs. R.L. Sheldon of Malvern, Ben Beard of Doylestown, John Beard of Gurdon and Freeman Beard of Malvern.

BeardThomas J.Magazine, July 21 - Thomas J. Beard, aged 62, died at his home at Diggs Thursday.

LutherOzark, Jan. 6 - Mrs. Luther Bearden, aged 25, died at her home near Webb City Thursday, She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Ford of Cecil, and a sister of Deputy Judge D.L. Ford. She leaves her husband and a two month old baby.

BeardsleyNellie M.Mrs. Nellie M Beardsley, aged 68, died at 12:05 yesterday afternnon at the family residence, 2105 West Eighteenth street. She is survived by one son, Joe Beardsley, of Little Rock Gas and Fuel Company, and two brothers, Dr. F. P Reed and Harry Reed of Weeping Waters, Neb. Funeral services will be held at 6:30 tonight at the Healey & Roth chapel. The Rev. Hay Watson Smith will officiate. The body will be sent to Weeping Water, Neb. for burial.

BeaveisW.L.News was received last night by Mrs. B.B. Beaveis, 220 Broadway, of the death of her son, W.L. Beaveis, editor of the Watonga Herald at Watonga, Okla., yesterday morning. Mr. Beaveis was the son of the late B.B. Beaveis, first secretary of state in Arkansas after reconstruction days. He was born at Benton and spent his boyhood there. Besides his mother he is survived by his wife; one daughter, Miss Bulah Beavis; three sisters, Mrs. Henry O. Vogler, Mrs. Perry Richardson and Miss Nora Beaveis, and two brothers, B.B. Beaveis Jr. and F.F. Beaveis, all of Little Rock. The body will be brought to Little Rock at noon Sunday over the Rock Island.

BeaversWalter L.The body of Walter L. Beavers will arrive in Little Rock at noon today over the Rock Island from Watonga, Okla., where he died Thursday. The body will be removed to the residence of his mother, Mrs. B.B. Beavers, 220 Broadway. Funeral services wil be held at the residence at 3 tomorrow afternoon. The Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. The pallbearers will be Lem Kirkpatrick, Charlie Shoemaker, Will Shoppach, Guy Williams, James Caldwell and Will McCray. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.

BeckLaura E.The body of Mrs. Laura E. Back of Gentry, aged 42, who died at a local hospital yesterday morning at 8, was shipped to Gentry by Ruebel & Co. at 8:45 last night for burial.

BeckWillie Morrilton, July 24 - Willie Beck, 14 year old adopted son of William McArthur, died here Saturday as the result of injuries suffered when he was thrown from a horse on July 6. The boy had been unconscious most of the time since the accident.

BeesonLillianMiss Lillian Beeson, aged 18, of Jacksonville, died at a local hospital at 2 yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her father, W.P. Beeson, three brothers, Carl and Doyle of Jacksonville, and Witt Beeson of Memphis; three sisters, Miss Blanche of Little Rock, Miss Carrie of Jacksonville and Mrs. Nora Moore of Gilbert. The body will be sent to Jacksonville by P.H. Ruebel and Company this morning.

BellGeorge G.Gilliham, March 25 - George G. Bell, aged 60 cashier of the Bank of Gilliham, died last night, following three days' illness of pneumonia. Mr. Bell had not fuly recovered from an attack of grippe, which he contracted several months ago. He was well known among Arkansas and Tennessee Bankers, having been cashier of several banks in both states. He was a native of Tennessee, and came to Arkansas about 15 years ago. He is survived by one son of Nashville, Tenn. The body is held awaiting his arrival. It probably will be sent to Nashville for burial.

BellW.S.Funeral services for W.S. Bell, 30 years old, who was killed Monday by an electric shock, were held at the residence, 123 Olive street, Argenta, at 2:30 yesterday afternoon. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

BellW.S.Funeral services for W. S. Bell, 39 years old, who died from the effect of an electric shock Monday morning will be held at the residence, 123 Olive street, Argenta, at 2 this afternoon. Burial will be at Oakland cemetery. Mr. Bell is survived by his wife, two children, his father, W.R. Bell; two brothers, J.N. and B.F. Bell, and two sisters, Misses Annie and Laura May Bell, all of Little Rock.

BellamyGeorge W.George W. Bellamy, aged 47 years, died at the family residence, 1209 College street, at 5:30 yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife and three children. The body will be sent to Cabot this morning by P.H.Ruebel & Co.

L. F.Pine Bluff Jan 17- Mrs. Jamie Castleberry Bellingrath, aged 61, wife of L F Bellingrath, president of the Coca-Cola Bottling Company of southeast and southwest Arkansas, died tonight at her home on South Cherry street from a sudden illness.

Mrs. Bellingrath was born in Castleberry, Ala, a town named for her ancestors. She moved to Pine Bluff 12 years ago with Mr. Bellingrath.

In addition to her husband, she is survived by a son, Ferd Bellingrath of Pine Bluff, and four daughters, Mrs. John Wulbern, Mrs. John Hutington of Denver, Col, Mrs. Will Nolan of San Antonio, Tex and Mrs. Dewoody Lyle of Pine Bluff. She also is survived by two brothers, Eli Castleberry of Evergreen, Ala and Will Castleberry of Castleberry, Ala.

BenchLuvena L.Coal Hill, Jan 10 - Mrs. Luvena L Bench, aged 67, of this place died last night. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Bass Duerre of Little Rock, Mrs. Burk Douglass and Mrs. Charles Cline of this place, and three brothers and one sister.

Addie B.Mrs. Addie B Bene, aged 83, of Roland, died at a hospital here at 10:30 last night. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Annie Allgood of Bowie, Tex. The body is being held at Healey & Roth's funeral parlors pending completion of funeral arrangements.
1/7/30; The body of Mrs. Addie Bene, who died Sunday at a hospital here, will be taken overland to Roland, Pulaski county, at 8 a.m. today by Healey & Roth.

BenedictP.E.Mrs. P.E. Benedict, 77, of Conway, died at a local hospital at 10:45 o'clock yesterday morning. She is survived by several nieces and nephews. The body was sent to Conway last night by P.H. Ruebel & Co., 112 East Sixth street, for funeral services and burial.

BenightThomas Jr.d. 7/22/90 Little Rock.
ed 42; Survived: Wife, Virginia Benight; Son, Chris Benight; Daughter, Larissa Benight; Father, Thomas W. Benight; Brothers, Joe Benight, Mark Benight; Sister, Kay Dickson; Interment: Pine Crest Memorial Park.

BenjaminWilliam SydneyWilliam Sydney Benjamin, aged 46, died at a local hospital at 7 o'clock yesterday morning. He is survived by hismother and one sister, both of Farmington, Ark. The body was sent to Farmington last night by Healey & Roth.

BennettL.H.L.H. Bennett, 45 years old, died at 3:30 yesterday afternoon at a local hospital. The body will be sent to Iola, Kan., this morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co.

The body of L.H. Bennett, who died Saturday afternoon in a local hospita, was sent to Iola, Kan., yesterday morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co.

Leo E.Fort Smith, May 31 - Dr. Leo E Bennett, 60 years old, former United States marshal of eastern Oklahoma also a former resident of Fort Smith, died at Mineral Wells, Tex., last night. Dr. Bennett founded the Indian Journal, a weekly Muskogee publication, and later founded the Muskogee Phoenix as a weekly publication. He became an Indian agent in 1889 and served four years. Dr. Bennett served as head of the Oklahoma Masonic fraternity, was grand high priest of the Arch Masons, grand recorder of the Knights Templar and grand chancellor of Oklahoma Pythians. He was also an Elk. He served one term as mayor of Muskogee.

BennettSallie Pine Bluff, July 31 - Mrs. Sallie Bennett, aged 68, died here today. She is survived by six daughters, who are: Mrs. E.L. Smith of Pine Bluff, Mrs. Don Phillips of Cornerstone, Mrs. Virgil Meroney of Cornerstone, Mrs. K.A. Smith of Hot Springs, Miss Letha Bennett and Miss Jeffie Bennett of Pine Bluff, and two sons, W.L. Barbre of Pine Bluff and J.T. Bennett of Warren. The body will be taken to Star City tomorrow for burial in Jones' cemetery.

BensonJ.CarlJ. Carl Benson of Malvern, aged 21, died last night at 7 at a local hospital. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Benson; one brother, Murl Benson and one sister, Miss Grace Benson, all of Malvern. The body will be sent this morning to Malvern by P.H. Ruebel & Co. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill cemetery, under auspices of the Modern Woodmen of the World, of which he was a member.

BensonM.F.Pine Bluff, March 28 - Funeral services for Mrs. M.F.Benson a former resident of Pine Bluff, who died Sunday at Mount Vernon, Mo., will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home of her daughter, Mrs. G.F.Branch. She is also survived by her husband, two sons, and two other daughters, Miss Irene Carroll of Pine Bluff, Mrs. W.H Kennedy, Glenn Carroll and Lloyd Carroll of Tuscon, Ariz.

BentleyDr. EdwinDr. Edin Bentley, 92 years old, a pioneer surgeon of Little Rock, died at 4 yesterday afternoon at his home 1200 McAlmont street, after an illness of eight weeks. He was closely identified with civic affairs in Little Rock during the greater part of the 30 years he resided in the city and was an active charity worker.

His illness dated from a fall in the yard at his home eight weeks ago. Despite his advanced age he had been active in his work to that time and carried on a part of his former practice.

Was Federal Army Surgeon

Dr. Bently served as a surgeon during the Civil war and received the rank of Lieutenant colonel in 1865 for meritorious service. He remained in army service until 1888, when he was retired from the service at Fort Brown, Tex. In 1878 he was stationed at the Little Rock barracks as post surgeon. He returned to Little Rock to live after being mustered out of service.

He was born in New London county, Conn. July 3, 1824. He entered the study of medicine and received diplomas from University Medical College of New York in 1849. In 1878 he recieved diplomas from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College of New York and the College of Physicians and Surgeons in the city of New York. He entered the federal army in 1861 as assistant surgeon to the Fourth Connecticut Infantry and advanced rapidly to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Following the war, he was successively stationed at Russell Barracks, D.C., Lincoln Barracks D.C., Camp Reynolds, Cal., Point San Jose, Cal., and in 1875 accompanied the Fourth Artillery to the Black Hills during the Modoc war.

Check Epidemic at New Orleans

In 1877 he checked an epidemic of smallpox at New Orleans and in 1878 was post surgeon at Little Rock. He also was medical director of the Department of Arkansas until 1884, when he was assigned to Fort Clark, Tex. He was transferred to Fort Brown, Tex., in 1886 and retired in 1888.

He was active in building up the medical department of the University of Arkansas for several years after its founding and was well known in medical work in the state.

His wife and a son, Dr. Carle Bentley, survive.

Funeral services will be held at 6 this evening at the family home. The body will be sent by P.H. Ruebel & Co. at 8 oclock tonight to Washington D.C. Burial will be made in the National cemetery at Arlington, Va.

BentleyJohn C.Cabot, Jan 20 - John C Bentley, aged 45, died at his home, three miles east of Cabot, early this morning. He is survived by his wife, two daughters and one brother, Robert Bentley.

MaryThe body of Sister Mary Berchmanns for 25 years a nurse at St. Vincent's infirmary, who died Monday at the sister's home, Tenth and Bishop streets will be sent to Nazareth Ky this afternoon by Healy & Roth. Nazareth is the location of the Mother home where Sister Berchmanns as Miss Mary Teaff entered the convent almost 40 years ago.

BerchtenAnnaTexarkana, Jan 4 - Mrs. Anna Burchten, aged 66, widow of the late Otto Berchten, died late last night night at a local hospital. She is survived by a brother, former Mayor John P Kline, and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Platz, both of Texarkana. Mrs. Berchten had lived in Texarkana since her girlhood. She is well known in the business world, having the past 20 years conducted a bakery and confectionery on the Texas side of the city.

BergMathildaMrs. Mathilda Berg, aged 58, wife of Joseph C Berg, died at the family residence, 1623 Grant avenue at 11:10 o'clock last night, after an extended illness. Besides her husband, she is survived by two daughters, Miss Clara Berg and Mrs. Charles Kleinschmidt; five sons, C J, Frank H, William F and John Berg, all of this city; Fred F Berg of Pittsburg, Kan; three sisters, Mrs. J R Comes of Morrilton and Mrs. J J Mahoney and Mrs. Max Duttlinger of Little Rock, and one brother, Frank Drees, also of this city. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. Mrs. Berg was born in Wastphaila, Germany, and emigrated to this country in 1880. She had been a resident of Little Rock since that year.

Funeral services for Mrs. Mathilda Berg, who died Friday night at the family residence, 1623 Bragg street, will be held at St. Edward's church, Ninth and Sherman streets, at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. In charge of the Rev Father Maurus. Burial will be in Calvary cemetery. Pall bearers will be; John Snyder, John Schmeiser. Lorenz Kleuser, Theodore Dehmer, Fred Krebs and J R Rinke. Besides her husband, Joseph C Berg, her children, sisters and brother, Mrs. Berg is survived by 11 grandchildren.

BergertHermanFuneral services for Herman Bergert, who died suddenly Sunday afternoon were held from the chapel of Healey & Roth, 719 Main street, at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Rev. J.D. Baker officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

BerryA.C.Charleston, April 3 - A.C. Berry, 65, died at his home here yesterday. He is survived by his wife and three children.

TurnerWarren, Jan 9- Cone Turner Berry, aged 34 of Warren died at his home Monday. He had been an employe of the Turner Jones grocery for many years. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Marline; one son, Cone Jr; his mother, Mrs. Minnie Berry of Bastrop, La and Andy of Portland, and two sisters, Mrs. G V Piper of Warren and Mrs. Van Gladden of Camden.

BerryEd L.Ed L. Berry, aged 53, 1503 Wolfe street, died at a local hospital at 11 o'clock yesterday morning. The body is held by P.H. Ruebel & Co. pending funeral arrangements. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Frances and Margruit; three sons, Lucian, William and Edgar, all of Little Rock. Also his mother, one sister, Mrs. Everson of Moline, Ill., and three brothers, Charles of Houston, Louis H. of Galveston and W.F. Berry of Louisiana.

BerryTomMulberry, July 7 - Tom Berry, aged 73, died at his home near here Thursday night. He was a pioneer of Pleasant Hill, and had lived in the house where he died for 50 years. He is survived by his wife and four sons, Cyrus, Jesse, Tom and Dick.

BerryW.F.Mena, Feb. 8 - Coroner C.L. Baker was called to Eagleton last night because of the death of W.F. Berry, 60 years old, who was living alone. It was decided death came from natural causes. The body was embalmed and sent to a son at Shawnee, Okla., for burial.

BeshearsS.H.Higden, July 19 - The Rev. S.H. Beshears, aged 56, pastor of the Christian church here, and a merchant, died at his home here today. He is survived by his wife and eight children.

BestCharlesNewport, June 9 - Charles Burrow Best, aged 80, a Confederate veteran, died at his home in East Newport yesterday. He is survived by his wife and six children, Robert Best of Alexander, Charles Best of Joplin, Mo., Berry Best, Jewel Best, Ira Best and Mrs. Don Ethridge, of Newport.

BestorMarthaEureka Springs, July 4 - Miss Martha Bestor of Eureka Springs died yesterday. The body was taken to Peoria last night for burial.

Bettis AusieThe body of Ausie Bettis, private of Company 4, 346th Infantry, stationed at Camp Pike, who died at the Camp Pike base hospital Monday, was sent to Donaldson, Ark., Monday night by P.H. Ruebel & Co.

BettisR.J.DeQueen, June 6 - R.J. Bettis, aged 67, of Chapel Hill, dropped dead last night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J.S. Smith. Apoplexy is said to have been the cause. He had been an educator of this county for many years, and was a prosperous farmer.

BeunstinV.D.Antoine, April 19 - V.D. Brunstin died at his residence here Sunday morning.

BevansJ.D.Dardanelle, March 22 - Mrs. J.D.Bevans, aged 38, died at the family home here yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, J. Dave Bevans, two daughters and three sons.

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