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Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Arkansas Obituary and Death Notice Archive - Page 2099

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Date: Wednesday, 18 May 2022, at 7:51 p.m.

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George C.Texarkana, April 11 - Dr. George C. Abell, one of the best known physicians of the city, died suddenly today. He was stricken yesterday afternoon with cerebro-spinal meningitis, and all remedies failed. He had returned from New Orleans only a few days ago, and appeared to be in perfect health.
He was the owner of Abel's sanitarium, and was widely known as one of the leading physicians of this section. He was 55 years old and unmarried . He is survived by a sister, who was present when the end came.

Abercrombie H. L.H. L. Abercrombie, aged 82, died at the home of his son, J B Abercrombie, 4428 West Eight street, at 7:40 last night. He is survived by three sons, S F of Cortney, Tex, H L Jr. of Minneapolis, Minn, and J S Abercrombie; a daughter, Mrs. M E Hope of Santa Fe, NM. The body is held at the P H Ruebel & Co. parlors.
1/7/30 ; Funeral services for H L Abercrombie, who died Monday at the home of his son, J S Abercrombie, 4428 West Eighth street, will be held at the Baptist tabernacle, Tenth and Pine streets at 1 p.m. tomorrow in charge of the Rev A A Walker. Burial will be in Old China Grove cemetery, Saline County.
1/8/30; Funeral services for J L Abercrombie, who died Monday, will be held at the Baptist Tabernacle, Tenth and Pine streets, at 1 p.m. today, in charge of the Rev A A Walker. Burial will be in Old China Grove cemetery, in Saline county. Pallbearers will be: Active- C E Brown, L S Morgan, George D Jackson, Floyd C Jones, C E Hinkson and R E Cook. Honorary- T. M. Mchaffy, John W. Smith, Dr. George D. Thompson, J. W. Westbrook, William T Hammock, A O Northern, J S Utley, W R Donham, John L Carter, W L Lasater, Thomas E Maddox, H L White, C D Harris, H W Castler, Louis Mulen, Paul Grabiel, W H Laubach, Albert Sims and Brooks Hayes.

AbernatheyMarcusNewport, Jan 28 - Marcus, the 3 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Abernathy of this city, died Thursday afternoon.

AbrahamJ.H.Arkadelphia, June 23 - Mrs. James H. Abraham, aged 56, died at her home here early this morning. She was the widow of he late James H. Abraham, for 24 years sheriff of Clark county, and had been a resident of this section practically all her life. She is survived by five sons, Howard, Tom, Jim, Lucian, of this city, and Capt. John Abraham, of Company C, First Regiment, A.N.G; Mesdames U.G. Kaufman, and R.R. Hue of this city, and two brothers, Will Golden of Texas and John Golden of this city. Funeral services will be held at Rose Hill cemetery tomorrow. The Rev. J.C. Williams of Prescott will officiate.

AcreeA.J.Jonesboro, Sept. 2 - Mrs. A.J. Acree, who has been ill for more than a year, died at her home last night. She is survived by her husband and son, James Tom Acree, a student in the Annapolis military academy; also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Arington. The funeral will be held tomorrow at the First Christian church, the Rev. Gilbert Joos conducting the service.

AdamsDellaJacksonville, July 17 - Mrs. Della Adams, wife of Joe R Adams, died at her home here Sunday after a short illness. She is survived by her husband, seven children and two brothers, John Wade of Jacksonville and Howell Wade of Argenta; adg7/18/1917

AdamsEdwinCabot, April 9 - The funeral of Edwin Adams, 66, was held today at Mt. Carmel. He was one of the oldest and best known residents of Lonoke county, and had been in the drug business a long time. The funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. W.D. Orr of the Presbyterian church.

AdamsEunice Eunice Adams, four year old daughter of Mrs. T.H. Howard, who lives on the Sweet Home pike, died at 2:30 yesterday afternoon at the local hospital. The body is being held at James Cook & Son parlors pending funeral arrangements.

AdamsFrueMiss Frue Adams, 25 years old, died at a local hospital at 3:45 yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her father, J.N. Adams, and one sister, Miss Ruth Adams, both of Altus. The body will be sent to Altus at 8:45 this morning by James Cook & Son Co. and will be accompanied by the father. Funeral and burial will be at Altus.

BellThe body of Mrs. Rhoda Bell Adams, aged 52, who died at the family residence, 1425 West Capitol avenue, Sunday night, will be sent to White Oak this morning by Healey & Roth for funeral and burial. Mrs. Adams was born in Missouri. She is survived by two sons, C.B. and W.A. Adams of Little Rock, and one daughter, Miss Bertie Adams of Little Rock.

Adams W. H.Van Buren, Jan 11- W H Adams, aged 84, Confederate veteran of Mulberry, died at the home there yesterday. He had resided in and near Mulberry the last 40 years. He was a retired farmer, and owned large land holdings. He is survived by his wife; five daughters, Mrs. Jesse Remy, Mrs. R S Remy and Miss Margaret Adams of Mulberry; Mrs. Cora Waits of Seminole, Okla, and Mrs. Ida Baugh of Muskogee, Okla; a son, George Adams of Mulberry, Miss Veatrice Remy, deputy circuit clerk of Van Buren, is a granddaughter.
1/12/30; Mulberry, Jan 7- W H Adams, aged 84, Confederate veteran, died at his home here recently. He is survived by his wife, five daughters, Mrs. Cora Waits, Seminole, Okla; Mrs. Mamie Remy, Mrs. Ida Baugh, Mrs. R S Remy and Miss Margaret Adams, all of Mulberry; one son, George Adams of Mulberry.

AdkiresElizabethRogers, Jan. 17 - Mrs. Elizabeth Adkires, aged 68, died Monday.

AhartW.M.Newport, Jan. 16 - W.M. Ahart, aged 56, of Elmo, seven miles west, died early yesterday of heart disease.

AhernsLizzie Mrs. Lizzie Aherns, a former resident of Little Rock, died Monday in New York. She is survived by he husband, Fred Aherns; two nephews, Fred Riegler of Colorado Springs, Colo, and George Riegler; one niece, Mrs. William Steinkamp, of Little Rock. The body will be brought here for burial. Funeral arrangements will be announced tomorrow.
Funeral services for Mrs. Lizzie Ahrens, a former resident of Little Rock, who died Tuesday in New York, will be held at 4:30 this afternoon at the residence of William Steincamp, 1303 Arch street, in charge of the Rev. Carl Fritsch. The pallbearers will be: Carl Herman, Charles Ross, Henry Leiser, Fred Schmutz, Fred Reigler and J.Fred Reigler. Burial well be in Oakland cemetery.

Akin M. E. M. E. ("Gene") Akins, aged 63, former county treasurer, died suddenly at noon yesterday. Mr. Akin was stricken at his apartments 1012 Main street and hurried to the Research hospital where he died at 12:10 p.m. He was conscious until death.
Yesterday morning Mr. Akin attended a meeting of the stockholders of the Cook-Drummone-Overman Company, of which he was secretary and treasurer. He had turned over his books to his successor and seemed to be in good health, except for a headache. Immediately after leaving the meeting, Mr. Akin walked to his apartments upstairs, and a few minutes later collapsed. Mr. and Mrs. Akin were to leave for Hot Springs at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, where he intended to take a course of baths. He intended to go North later.
Mr. Akin was born in Connautville, Pa., and came to Little Rock 35 years ago, to engage in the mill business. He later sold musical instruments and entered the employ of the Peoples Savings bank in 1902. He remained there until 1916 and in 1917 became county treasurer, which office he held until January 1, 1920. Afterward, he became a stockholder of the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company and was elected secretary and treasurer of the firm.
Active in Fraternal Orders
He was active in fraternal orders and for 25 years was secretary of Forest Camp No 5, W O W which office he resigned about a year ago. He was a 32nd degree Mason, a Knight Templar, Shrner and a member of BPOE, No 29. Several years ago he was treasure of Al Amin Shrine Temple and at the time of his death was secretary of Camp Gerard, Arkansas Consistory No. 1. He was a member of the First Christian church.
He is survived by his wife; by two sisters, Mrs. C J Green of Hot Springs and Mrs. C P Battles of Girard, Pa; one nephew, H C Greenfield of Little Rock; a niece, Mrs. J H Williamson, and a nephew, Henry Richardson, both of Hot Springs.
The body will be held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman Company parlors until 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, when it will be removed to the First Christian church, Tenth and Louisiana streets. The Rev. Harry G Knowles will conduct the funeral services there. At the grave the services will be in charge of Western Star Lodge No. 2, F and A M. Pallbearers will be: Honary - W E Lenon, C S Hafer, A L Smith, Omer Throgmorton, B P Kidd, D R Fones, J S Poole and J A Comer: active-Fay Hempstead, Al Cook, R L Fletcher, R H Mills, Dr. G K Mason and Ed Engstrom.
Funeral services for M E ("Gene") Akin, who died suddenly at a local hospital Wednesday afternoon, will be held at the First Christian church, Tenth and Louisiana streets at 2 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. Harry G Knowles. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. The body is being held at the Cook-Drummond-Overman parlors from where it will be removed to the church shortly before the funeral hour.

AlexanderAlvinCamden, Jan 7- Alvin Alexander, aged 66, died at his home in Locust Bayou last night. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Will Walls of Smackover; four sons, Jack Alexander of Seminole, Okla, John Alexander, Louie Alexander, both of Locust Bayou, and L T Alexander of Louann.

Alexander Henry N.Henry Newton Alexander, aged 85 died yesterday afternoon at his home at Ashville, NC, According to word received here by his neice, Mrs Walter McCalls. He is survived by his wife and eight children. Two sons are residents of Arkansas. Walter N Alexander of Hope and Clyde Alexander of Kerr. C N and J R Aleander of Scott are his nephews.

AlexanderJ.B.Texarkana, April 7 - J.B. Alexander, 35, agent for the Cotton Belt at Eagle Mills, Ark., died at the company's general hospital here last night. He is survived by his wife. The body was sent this morning to Gilbert, La.

AlexanderJ.C.Searcy, July 12 - J.C. Alexander, aged 72, a pioneer of Banner township, died at Denmark Tuesday.

AlexanderJ.P.Pine Bluff, Oct. 21 - Mrs. Joe P. Alexander, aged 57, one of the most prominent women of this city, died at her home here this morning at 11 o'clock after having been an invalid for some time. She is a native of Tennessee but came to Arkansas many years ago. Before her marriage she was Miss Willie Aiker. She was married to Joe P. Alexander Oct. 22, 1879 and tomorrow will be the 38th anniversary of their marriage. Besides her husband, she is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Will Collier, Mrs. Henry Reynolds, Mrs. Will Rowell, Mrs. E.C. Strube, Miss Lucile Alexander, all of this city. She also leaves four sisters, Misses Eliza, Bettie, Jennie and Rose Aiken of this city. The funeral will be held tomorow afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Dr. J.I. Norris, pastor of the First presbyterian church, of which she was a member.

AlexanderSamCamden, Aug 2 - Sam Alexander, a former resident of Camden, died in Monroe, La., Tuesday. The body was brought here for burial this morning.

AlexanderThelmaMulberry, Aug 18 = Miss Thelma Alexander, aged 22 years, died at the home of her uncle Davidson Alexander, last night. She is survived by one brother, Byron, who is in the navy, but at present in the Fort Logan Sanitarium, Anamas, Colo.

Allbright Mrs. W. H.Harrisburg, March 8 - Mrs. W.H.Allbright died at the home of her son in law, C.R. French, here, Tuesday morning. Mr. French, the son in law, is a member of the legislature.

AllenMrs. AndrewForrest City, April 30 - Funeral services for Mrs. Andrew Allen, who died Saturday at her home in Jackson, Tenn., were held here this morning by the Rev. J.R.G. White. Mrs. Allen was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Fisher of Forrest City.

AllenJ. WalkerFuneral services for Mrs. J Walker Allen, who died Sunday at a local hospital, will be held at the P H Ruebel & Co., chapel at 10 o'clock this morning in charge of the Rev. Hay Watson Smith. Burial will be in Roselawn Memorial park. Pallbearers will be G W Tucker, Hogan Oliver, Tom Freeman, R L Whaley, J A Torrence and G H Speaker.

A. Jesse A. Allen, aged 33, proprietor of the lunch room in the state capitol died at the family residence 923 Louisiana street, at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He is survived by his wife; three sisters, Mrs. J T Lancaster of Meridian, Miss, Mrs. E L Henley, and Mrs. N B Sims, both of Little Rock. Funeral arrangements will be announced later.
Funeral services for Jesse A Allen who died Thursday at a local hospital will be held at the Healey & Rother parlors at 4 o'clock this afternoon, in charge of the Rev. F C Fletcher. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Pallbearers will be B. M. Peatson, J C Davis, Tony Fletcher, James Casaretto, Frank Bodkere and H B Hamilton.

AllenMark K.Services 7/24/90 Little Rock.
ed 71; Interment: National cemetery.

AllenSophronia C.Funeral services for Mrs. Sophronia Allen, aged 69, who died at 4 o'clock yesterday morning at a local hospital, will be held at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the family residence, at 1108 Barber avenue. The Rev. John Van Lear and the Rev. Forney Hutchinson will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Mrs. Allen was the widow of the late Robert Allen of Little Rock. She is survived by three sons, Robert Allen of Mobley, Mo., and Thomas and Dr. James Allen of Little Rock; one sister, Mrs.Mary Augspath of Little Rock; two brothers, C.R. Stewart of West Point and J.M. Stewart of Letona. The pallbearers will be: W.A. Isgrig, H.G. Leiser, S.C. Bossinger, J.E. Thornburgh, Dr. J.E. Taylor and J.W. Stansbury.

AllenW.S.Pine Bluff, April 6 - W.S. Allen died in southern California several days ago, according to news received here. The body was taken to New Bedford, Mass., for burial. Mr. Allen is survived by his wife, who was Miss Idee Tillar, and a 13 year old daughter. Mrs. Allen was the daughter of Major J.T.W. Tallar, once a resident of Pine Bluff and later of Little Rock.

AlleyJ.H.Forrest City, April 30 - J.H. Alley, aged 84, died at his home here last night. He was born near Huntsville, Ala. He is survived by his wife and four children. Dr. W.H. Alley, James L. Alley and Mrs. Pearl Vaccaro of Forrest City and Mrs. Eva Cherry of Dallas, Tex.

AllinderEmmaConway, April 12 - Mrs. Emma A. Allinder, aged 69, died this afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank E. Robins. She had been a resident of Conway about 30 years. Surviving are two sons, Thomas W. Allinder of Clarksville and J.Fred Allinder of Salt Lake City, Utah; and four daughters, Mrs. Frank E. Robins, Mrs. R.B. McCulloch and Mrs. S.E. Anderson of Conway, and Mrs. W.B. Young of Eufala, Okla.

AllisonJames E.James Edward Allison, 19 months old, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Allison, 620 Cypress street, Argenta died Saturday afternoon at Butlerville. Burial took place Sunday afternoon at Butlerville cemetery.

AlmondA. D.A. D. Almond, aged 83, died at the Arkansas Confederate Soldiers Home, Sweet Home, at 12:20 a.m. yesterday. He is survived by his wife. Funeral services will be held at the home at 10 a.m. today, in charge of the Rev. W P Kime. Burial will be in the National cemetery.

AlstonJames O.Morrilton, July 6 - Funeral services were conducted today for James O. Alston, who was killed in an automobile accident in Little Rock early Thursday morning, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Alston. Several years ago Bennett Alston, an older son, was killed under the wheels of a passenger train.

AltheimerBenoBeno Altheimer, aged 37, son of Louis Altheimer of Little Rock, died at his home in St. Louis yesterday, according to a message received here. The body was sent last night to Pine Bluff via Little Rock, and will be met here this morning by the father and other relatives and accompanied to Pine Bluff, where burial will take place. Funeral services will be held at 2 this afternoon at J.I. Holderness undertaking parlors at Pine Bluff. Rabbi Goldenstein will officiate and burial will be in the Jewish cemetery.
Mr. Altheimer was born in Pine Bluff. He received his primary education in a Catholic school and in Jordan's Academy. He was a member of the Jefferson Rifles, a military company, and at the beginning of the Spanish American war enlisted in the Second Arkansas Infantry. After muster-out, he entered the St. Louis Law School and graduated with honor. He practiced law in St. Louis.
Louis Altheimer, his father, was in Memphis as a member of the Reception Committee for former President W.H.Raft, who spoke here last night, and he returned to Little Rock. Both Mr. Taft and Governor Brough expressed their sympathy.
Beside his father, Ben Altheimer is survived by three brothers, Maurice L and Ulyssus Altheimer of Little Rock, and Eugene Altheimer of St. Louis, and three sisters, Mrs. F.C.Furth and Mrs. P.W.Haberman of New York and Mrs. Hortense Bloch of Munich, Germany.

AlveyJames L.Mena, Jan 4 - James L Alvey, aged 72, a well known resident of Mena, died yesterday. He owned considerable property in his vicinity. His wife and 10 children only three of whom live in Mena, survive: ag1/5/22

AmmonHenriettaWaldron, Jan 21 - Mrs. Henrietta J Ammon died at her home here Friday after a brief illness. She leaves two sons, who live in Texas.

AndersMary F.Funeral services for Mrs. Mary F. Anders, 79 years old, who died at the residence of her son, Thomas L. Anders, 1702 East Sixth street, Monday night, will be held at the residence at 10 this morning. The Rev. Sam Campbell, pastor of the Second Baptist church, will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Anders, who died Monday night at the residence of her son, Thomas L. Anders, 1702 East Sixth street, were held at the residence at 10 yesterday morning. The Rev. Sam Campbell officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

AndersonMrs. A. C.Newport, Dec. 31 - Mrs. A C Anderson, aged 80, mother of Roe Anderson building contractor at Tuckerman, died at the home of her son, Besides her son she is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Wood of Tuckerman. ag1/1/22

AndersonC.G.Hardy, April 4 - C.G. Anderson, a farmer living four miles north of this place, committed suicide this morning by blowing his head almost off with a shotgun. He was about 50 years old and leaves his wife and two children, a son and a daughter about grown. Financial conditions are thought to have been the cause of his action.

AndersonCharles T.Hope, July 11 - Charles T. Anderson, aged 7? years, a confederate veteran, died here this afternoon at 6 o'clock. He is survived by three sons, Thomas, Mae and Roy Anderson, by four daughters, Mrs. W.E. Porterfield, Mrs. R.W. Berry, Miss Josie Anderson of Hope; Mrs. J.L. Jamison of Warren; by a sister, Mrs. E.J. Greenbaw, of Patmos, and by four grandchildren.

AndersonMary J.Springdale, Jan 9- Mrs. Mary J Anderson, 80 died Tuesday morning at her home southeast of Springdale. She is survived by five sons and two daughters, three sisters and one brother.

AndersonOzieNashville, Jan 11 - Ozie, daughter of Tack and Nancy Anderson, negroes of Centre Point, fell into the fire Friday morning and was so badly burned that she died at 1 o'clock that night. Practically all of her clothing was burned off.

VirginiaWilmar, Feb. 22 - Mrs. Eliza Virginia Anderson, aged 61, wife of R.A. Anderson, died at her home here February 13. She is survived by her husband and six children and a sister, Mrs. Robert Wright of near Wilmar. Mrs. Anderson, formerly Miss Cornish, was a daughter of one of the pioneer families of Drew county.;ag2/23/17

Sidney Funeral services for Robert Sidney Anderson, aged 42, who died at 11 o'clock yesterday morning at St. Vincent's infirmary, will be held at 7 o'clock tonight at the family residence, 3110 Battery street, in charge of the Rev. Forney Hutchinson. At the close of the services the body will be sent by Healey & Roth to Fort Smith for burial. Mr. Anderson was born and reared at Fayetteville, and for the past 16 years has been a travelling salesman for Charles T. Abeles & Co. of Little Rock. Mr. Anderson was one of the best known commerical travelers on the rooad. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Mary Elizabeth; two sisters, Mrs. Milroy Nettleship of Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. Howard Day of Fayetteville; and four brothers, Hayden and Felix of Fort Smith, Joseph of Okalhoma and WIlliam of California. Mr. Anderson was a member of the B.P.O. E. of Fort Smith, a member of the United Commercial Travelers No. 167 of Little Rock, and also a member of the order of Hoo Hoo.; adg7/18/1917

Ann F.Mrs. Mary Ann Frances Andrews, 79 years old, died at the residence of her son, Thomas L. Andrews, 1702 East Sixth street, at 9 last night. She is survived by two sons, Thomas L. Andrews and William J. Andrews of Wheatley. Four grandchildren also survive. Funeral arrangements had not been complete last night.

AngelEmmaTexarkana, April 3 - Mrs. Emma Angel, 65, died last night at the home of her son in law, D.V. Perry, on Martha avenue. Her home was New Orleans, and she came here on a visit about a month ago and was stricken a few days after her arrival. The body will be taken to New Orleans.

Epsteind. 12/10/90 Lake Village.
ed 78; Survived: Sons, Sam Angel, Rodney Angel; Interment: Hebrew Union Jewish cemetery, Greenville, Ms.

AnthonySamNewport, Sept. 12 = "Uncle" Sam Anthony, aged 82 years, who lived south of the city, died at his home Monday.

AppleEllenBelleville, Jan. 18 - Mrs. Ellen Apple, 74 years old, died here yesterday with pneumonia. She is survived by eight children, 46 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. She died at the home of her son, George Apple.

ApplegateWalterRogers, April 26 - Walter Applegate, 28, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Applegate, died at the family home here this morning. Funeral services will be held at the Presbyterian church tomorrow, conducted by the Rev. J.H. Kirkpatrick.

ArcherCatherineCatherine Archer, aged six, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Archer, died yesterday morning at the residence of J.C. Millins, 2618 Arch street. The body was sent last night by P.H. Ruebel & Co. to Arkadelphia for burial.

ArcherElizabethBenton, June 25 - Mrs. Elizabeth A. Archer, aged 70, died at the home of her son, H.J. Archer, in this city Saturday. She was married in 1867 to Thomas Archer. She is survived by one son, J.H. Archer of Benton; two daughters, Mrs. W.E. Fisher and Mrs. B.E. Hinton, and two brohers, J.W. Spradlin of Okolona and J.B. Spradlin of Hollywood.

AringtonT.F.Jonesboro, Sept. 28 - The body of T.P. Arington, aged 65 years, who died in Memphis this morning, arrived here today at noon. The funeral will be held tomorrow.

ArmorRoger W.Bigelow, April 3 - Roger W. Armor, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Armor, died last night at 9 o'clock and was buried this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Vollman cemetery. The Rev. H.L. Wade, pastor of the Methodist church, held the funeral services. Besides the father and mother he leaves four brothers, the Rev. R.L. Armor of Bellefonte, Floyd, William and Earle; and two sisters, Mrs. E.H. Timmons of Little Rock and Mrs. G.V. Jackson of Bigelow.

ArmsM. H.Horation, Jan 5 - M. H. Arms, aged resident of this place, died Tuesday night. He had lived in Sevier county more than 20 years. Surviving him are his wife and several children. .

ArmstongE.D.Ash Flat, June 16 - R.D. Armstrong, aged 78, died at his home here yesterday morning. He is survived by his wife and two sons, J.D. Armstrong, a merchant, and Samson Armstrong, a farmer, both of Ash Flat.

ArmstrongMrs. R.A.Waldron, Feb. 3. - Mrs. R.A. Armstrong died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C.W. King.

AdaForeman, April 11 - Three deaths within four days in the family of F.B. Arnett of this place have occurred and the shock to the father and husband, himself in a very feeble condition, is almost more than he can withstand. Mrs. F.B. Arnett died last Wednesday. Yesterday at 3 p.m. the son, Will Arnett, died and at 7 p.m. the daughter Miss Ada Arnett, died. Mr. Arnett is the only surviving member of the family.
There was no contagious disease to account for this unusual visitation in one family in so short a time. The young woman died of pellagra. The young man had suffered from an abcess in the head, and it is said meningitis followed.

ArnoldJohn T.Camden, Jan 18- John T. Arnold, aged 42, died at his home on the Country Club road today. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery here tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Arnold was born near Camden and had been a lifelong resident of this city. He was part owner of a large office building here and has lumber and other interests. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J W Arnold, his wife and five children, Edwin, J T Jr, Rufus, Word and Milrene.

ArnoldMittieForrest City, Feb. 16 - Mrs. Mittie Arnold, agd 50, wife of R.F. Arnold, died at her home here last night.

ArnoldWallacePine Bluff, Jan 2 - Wallace Arnold, brother of Eugene C. Arnold of Pine Bluff, died today of apoplexy at Greenville, Miss. He is survived by two brothers, E. C. and Rufus Arnold of Pine Bluff, and two sisters, Mrs. Kate A. Baum and Miss Frances Arnold of Little Rock.

ArthurB.A.Conway, Aug. 29 - B.A. Arthur, aged 56, died this morning at 1:30 from tuberculosis. He was born in Ala., and moved to Wooster, Faulkner county, 37 years ago, where he lived until he moved to Conway. He served as sergeant at arms in the House of Representatives at Washington during the term of the Sixty-sixth Congress. He is survived by his wife and six children, Mrs. W.H.Hiett of Wooster, Mrs. S.J. Arthur of Conway, Mrs. W.E. Havens of Wooster and Misses Vena and Gula Arthur and Joseph Arthur of this city, three brothers, Joe. B. Arthur, Comanche, Tex., W.H. Arthur of Conway and Polk Arthur of Collinsville, Ala., and one sister, Mrs. Byrl Lewis of Comanche, Tex.

J.C.Bentonville, Jan. 1 - Mrs. J.C. Arthur, aged 70, died yesterday morning. She is survived by her husband, a son, Terry Arthur of Bentonville, and two grandsons, George Johnson of Bentonville and Arthur Johnson of Kansas City.

Ashbranner M.S.N.Blytheville, Jan 6- M S N Ashbranner, aged 73, died at his home east of this city yesterday following several weeks illness from pneumonia. He is survived by two sons, Arthur and Ernest, and two daughters, Mrs. Kate Odum and Mrs. Alice Duncan.

V.Mrs. Alice V. Askew, aged 45, died at 12:20 Sunday morning at the family residence, 221 West Tenth street, Argenta. Death resulted from blood poisoning in her left arm. She is survived by her husband, J.R. Askew, a son, J.T. Askew, and two daughters, Mildred and Doris Askew of Argenta; her mother, Mrs. M. Ursery of Mt. Vernon, and two sisters, Mrs. J.E. Gowdy of Little Rock and Mrs. J.A. Smith of Argenta. Funeral services will be held at 4 this afternoon at the residence. The Rev. W.M. Wright of Camden will officiate, assisted by Rev. A.J. Ashburn of Little Rock. The body will be sent to Searcy tomorrow morning by P.H. Ruebel & Co. for burial.

AskinsW.T.Funeral servies for Mrs. W.T. Askins, who died at the family residence, 501 Cedar street, Argenta, Monday night, were held at Owens & Ricks undertaking chapel, Argenta, at 3 yesterday afternoon. Services were conducted by the Rev. J.T. Wilcoxen, pastor of the First Methodist church. Burial was in Oakland.

AtkinsW.H.Chidester, Sept. 5 - Mrs. W.H. Atkins died at her home August 28. She is survived by six children: L.A. Atkins, Misses Willie and Blanche Atkins of this city; C.T. Atkins of Magnolia, S.F. Atkins of Malvern and Mrs. W.R.Kelley of Little Rock. Funeral services were conducted by the Rev. R.M. Canfield. Burial was in Bethesda cemetery, Tuesday.

AtkinsW.H.The body of W.H. Atkins, aged 76, who died at 6:30 yesterday morning at a local hospital, was sent yesterday afternoon by James Cook & Son to Star City. He is survived by one son, L.B. Atkins, of Star City.

AtkinsonBelleFordyce, June 15 - Mrs. Bele Atkinson, aged 66, died at her home here yesterday. She is survived by her husband, W.E. Atkinson; four sons, Polk of Vandalia, Ill.; New of St. Elmo, Ill.; Byron and Dr. Harry Atkinson of Fordyce, and one daughter, Mrs. W.E. Grady of Tulsa, Okla.

AtkinsonBessieMiss Bessie Atkinson, eight years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Atkinson, died at the family residence, 1908 Wolfe street, at 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. She is survived by her parents, two brothers, John and George Atkinson, and one sister, Franes Atkinson. Funeral services will be held from the residence at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Rev. Henry N. Hyde and the Rev. Sam Campbell will officiate. Burial will be in Oakland cemetery. Miss Atkinson was born in St. Louis September 3, 1906, and spent her whole life in Little Rock. She was a pupil at the Mitchell school.
Funeral services for Miss Bessie Atkinson, who died at the family residence, 1908 Wolfe street, at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, were held from the residence at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The Rev. Henry N. Hyde and the Rev. Sam H. Campbell officiated. Burial was in Oakland cemetery.

AtwoodKatherineMrs. Katherine Atwood, wife of J.R.Atwood, died at her home, 1120 East Washington avenue, Argenta, yesterday. She was 63 years old and born in Boone county, Kentucky. Her husband survives her. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock from Bugg's undertaking rooms.

AustinDaniel B.Funeral services for Daniel B Austin, East St. Louis, Ill, killed Tuesday morning when struck by a Missouri Pacific train near Cypress Junction, 16 miles southwest of Little Rock, were held at the P. H. Ruebel & Co. chapel at 4 p.m. yesterday in charge of the Rev J H Reynolds. Burial was in Oakland cemetery. Mr. Austin is survived by a brother. Fred G Austin of East St. Louis.

AustinGeorge W.Texarkana, Aug 8 = George W. Austin, 68 years old, died Tuesday night following a stroke of paralysis.

AustinH.P.Ozark, April 24 - H.P. Austin, 65, who resided near Lone Elm, 10 miles northwest of here, yesterday afternoon, with a neighbor, was looking over his crops. He appeared in good health, but as he went to climb over a fence, he fell dead. He is survived by his wife and four children.

LutherNorman, Jan 5 - Isaac Luther Awtrey, aged 76, well known attorney who has been a resident of Arkansas since 1866, died this afternoon at his home at Black Springs, two miles from Norman
Mr. Awtrey had been an attorney here for may years and at his death was deputy prosecuting attorney of Montgomery county and also attorney for the Missouri Pacific railroad here.
For many years, Mr. Awtrey taught school in Hot Springs and at Mount Ida. Although he didn ot attend school until he was 20 years old. Mr. Awtrey obtained a good education at St. John's College in Little Rock and at the public schools of Judsonia and the Arkadelphia High School which later became Ouachita College
Mr. Awtrey had severed as both clerk and county Judge of Montgomery county. In 1882 he married Miss Martha Ann Timms of Meridian Miss and moved to Black Springs in 1895
He is survived by six daughter, Mrs. Carmen Alexander; Mrs. George LaGosse of Clarksville, Mo; Mrs. Anna Blaine of Marble; Mrs. Virginia Irby of Monroe, Mich; Mrs. Oepo Highsmith of Glenwood; Mis May Awtrey of Little Rock; One sister, Mrs. J. Hamilton Vaught of Caddo Gap, and one brother, U P Awtrey of Texas
Funeral services will be held at 2 tomorrow afternoon at the home.

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