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Marengo County, Alabama Brides - Surnames Beginning with the letter "U"

Use the search engine below to locate marriages archived from all over the state of Alabama.

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BRIDE'S NAME                 GROOM'S NAME                   MARRIAGE DATE 
============                 ============                   =============
ULMER, Abbie C.              HARPER, John R.                20-Nov-01
ULMER, Ellen Josephine       YOUNGBLOOD, George Lester      12-Dec-06
UNDERWOOD, Berthany          PICKETT, Richard               July 11, 1843
UNDERWOOD, M. A. E.          BRYAN, Nathan                  May 8, 1849
UNREADABLE), Hannah          CINKHAUS, Nathaniel            June 8, 1832
UNREADABLE), Julia A.        LISENBE, Henry                 Dec 1835
UPDYKE, Sarah                GERRARD, John E.               Dec 26, 1866
USSERY, Willetta             GARDNER, S. W.                 Sept 12,1912

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