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Obituary and Death Notice Archives

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Ellen will accept lookup requests for the following locations and resources:
- Index to obituaries in the Rapid City Daily Journal 1974 to 2001.
- Index to obituaries, people and events  in the Black Hills Weekly Journal from 1878 to 1917.
- Mortuary Index for Behren's Mortuary in Rapid City, Pennington Co., SD, from 1878 to 1971.
- Index to Evergreen Mortuary in Hot Springs, Fall River, SD, from 1889 to 1934
- Index to deaths and burials in the State Soldiers Home in Hot Springs, Fall River Co., SD, from 1889 to the 1970's.  Still in use.
- Index to the burials in the Battle Mt Sanitarium National Cemetery in Hot Springs, Fall River Co., SD.
- Index to ground readings of nearly all of the cemeteries in Western SD from 1880's to 1970's.
- Index to burials in National Cemetery near Sturgis, SD, from beginning in 1951 to 1994.
- The 1941 WPA readings of several cemeteries, including Bear Butte in Sturgis, Mead Co., SD, Pine Slope in Belle Fourche, Butte Co., SD.
- Nearly all published County Histories of Western SD, most with every name indexes.
- Index to Mt View Cemetery in Rapid City, Pennington Co., SD.
- Ground readings of cemeteries not in the other indexes, including two in Lead Lawrence Co., SD, and Mt. Moriah, Lawrence Co., SD.
- Various compilied indexes to obituaries in the Rapid City  Journal, and the Gate City Guide in Rapid City, Pennington, SD, in the 1950's and 1960's. Incomplete.
- Index to birth records in Pennington Co., SD, from 1905 to 1920, no dates given only the number necessary to order the BC. Birth records after 1903 are closed.
- Index to deaths for the same place and dates.   Names but no dates. I also go to the court house and look at DC.
- City Directory's from 1918 incomplete to 1997, very few years are missing.

Please help with postage and copy fees.   Donations after searches are appreciated!

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Please allow ample time for Ellen's research!


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