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Bob will accept lookup requests for the following counties:
Belknap, Carroll, and Strafford Counties

1. Actual Vital Records from Alton, New Hampshire 1887-2002 containing birth, marriage and death information.
2. Albert E. Barnes, "Cemeteries in Alton, New Hampshire," The Foster Press, 1978.
3. Barton M. Griffin, "The History of Alton, New Hampshire," New Hampshire Publishing Company, 1965.
4. Bicentennial History Committee, "The History of Farmington, New Hampshire," The Foster Press, 1976.
5. Daniel Lancaster, "The History of Gilmanton, New Hampshire," Heritage Books, Inc., 2001.
6. Edwin P. Thompson, "William Thompson of Gilmanton, N.H. & Some of His Descendants," The Rumford Printing Co., 1904.
7. Ellen C. Jennings, "The History of New Durham, New Hampshire," The Country Press, 1987.
8. John Fipphen, "Cemetery Inscriptions Wolfeboro, New Hampshire," Heritage Books, Inc., 1993.
9. Richard P. Roberts, "Alton, New Hampshire Vital Records, 1890-1997," Heritage Books, Inc., 1997.
10. Richard P. Roberts, "Barnstead, New Hampshire Vital Records, 1887-2000," Heritage Books, Inc., 2000.
11. Richard P. Roberts, "Farmington, New Hampshire Vital Records, 1887-1938," Heritage Books, Inc., 2001.
12. Richard P. Roberts, "Vital Records of New Durham and Middleton, New Hampshire," Heritage Books, Inc., 1998.
13. Richard P. Roberts, "Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Vital Records 1887-1999," Heritage Books, Inc., 2001.
14. Jeremiah P. Jewett, M.D., "History of Barnstead From Its First Settlement In 1727 To 1872,"Marden & Rowell, Printers, 1872; Reprinted by Higginson Books, 2002

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